Auspicious days for cancer in October. October horoscope for woman of sign Cancer

In rainy October 2017, many Cancers will be ready to start some serious changes in their love life. The exact love horoscope for October for Cancers will tell you how these changes will be reflected on the feelings and relationships of the representatives of this zodiac sign.

Many lonely Cancers in the middle of autumn will feel the urge to make fateful changes in their lives. The success of such decisions will largely depend on how Cancers can take control of circumstances into their own hands. For those representatives of this constellation who tend to go with the flow and act according to the situation, the events taking place in October can turn into many unpleasant situations. Only competent thinking over their own actions and their consequences will help Cancers soon start a happy relationship.

In the heads of many married and married Cancers in October, there may be a need to make some changes in their family life. Everyday routine depresses most of the representatives of this zodiac sign, causing attempts to influence the situation. Sometimes they can manifest themselves in family Cancers, demanding attention and quarrels with a loved one. The love horoscope for October does not recommend Cancers to act in such radical ways, because the patience of their spouses may suddenly end and instead of the desired attention, representatives of this constellation will receive a break in relations.

Love horoscope for Cancer woman for October 2017

The willingness to find a mate in the middle of autumn will guide the actions of many free Cancer girls. Therefore, in October, many of them will intensively get to know and flirt with young people, devoting most of their time and attention to choosing their future life partner. Success in this business will not be with all single girls born under the constellation of Cancer. The stars during this period recommend that they be more careful in search of a loved one. Amorous Cancer girls can rush into the very first romantic relationship in October, as if into a pool with their heads, without noticing that their partner does not quite meet their requirements.

The desire to change something in his personal life will haunt many married women born under the constellation of Cancer in October 2017. Some of them, in their desires, can go far beyond what is permissible, causing spouses to feel jealousy and resentment. The astrological forecast for Cancer for October strongly advises married women belonging to this sign of the zodiac to soberly assess their capabilities. The trust of the other half after the especially vivid romantic adventures of Cancers on the side can be lost forever.

Love horoscope for Cancer man for October 2017

Single Cancer men will be very active in their efforts to build strong relationships in October. Many of them have a real opportunity to meet their chosen one this month. For those representatives of the constellation Cancer, who are ready to part with their freedom in the near future and get married, long-familiar girls can become a pleasant discovery. An accurate love horoscope advises Cancers at the beginning of any relationship to honestly talk about their intentions and plans for the near future, so as not to mislead interested girls and not have problems in the future.

The thirst for change can force some married Cancers in October 2017 to commit rash acts, which can lead to conflicts in the family. The stars advise men belonging to this sign of the zodiac, before committing spontaneous actions, to think about their other half and imagine themselves in her place. For some Cancer men in October, this will help avoid difficulties in communicating with their spouse. You can bring novelty into your relationship with your beloved woman without attracting outside attention. To do this, married Cancers will be enough to postpone their affairs for a while and spend the weekend alone with the closest person.

The Cancer horoscope for the whole month October 2017 from the professional astrologer of the Horoscope channel is already ready. Let's find out what awaits Cancer in October 2017. After all, October is not only school, study, work and rainy weather, but also walks in the park, rustling of fallen leaves, new meetings and acquaintances. And some representatives of the zodiac sign will have time to relax, fly to warm countries, make new acquaintances and business partners ...

Maybe this is all I'm talking about you? And, as you know, forewarned is forearmed. It is better to know about the positive and negative influences of the stars in advance. In order to correct your behavior and not miss something very important.

we hasten to present it to you.

Let's spend October listening to the advice of the astrologer and the stars. And our video horoscope from a professional astrologer will help you plan October 2017 correctly.

The horoscope will predict the main likely events in relationships and love, work, study and friendship. And we, in turn, will be able to adjust our plans and hopes for this month.

Let's find out together from our permanent astrologer Horoscope what awaits Cancer in October.

The zodiac horoscope for the whole month October 2017 will be interesting to everyone. Even if you don't believe in the predictions of the stars.

I hope that the information I heard from the horoscope will help us plan the whole month of October correctly. A horoscope from an astrologer will help in work, study, business. And bypassing quarrels, conflicts and misunderstandings in the family and the team, we will live October easily, cheerfully, without quarrels, conflicts and resentments.

Do not forget that the astrologer of the Horoscope channel has prepared a surprise for all subscribers this 2017. Now every month there will be two horoscopes - a general video horoscope for a month and a love horoscope for a month.

Cancer. General horoscope for October 2017

The name horoscope for October 2017 Cancer. Video

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October 2017 is a favorable month for all spheres of life. Cancer can calmly do work, study, build love relationships, knowing that everything will work out for him. This is a suitable period both for completing previously started cases and for new projects. If the thought suddenly comes to mind to change something in your life, it means that it is not without reason. The Cancer horoscope for October 2017 recommends taking immediate action. Any changes will be for the better.

The lion's share of time in mid-autumn will be taken away by family concerns: parents, children, close and distant relatives. In most cases, they will be pleasant. October is suitable for weddings, weddings, christenings. This is a great time to gather with family at the same table, even if there is no reason for this. Spending time together will give you many minutes of joy, charge you with vivacity, and faith in a cloudless future.

Cancer love horoscope for October 2017

The Cancer horoscope for October 2017 recommends achieving harmony with oneself, then the relationship with others will develop wonderfully. Finding compromises is important this month. It is unacceptable to impose your opinion on your loved ones and children. Cancer must learn to respect the right to freedom, personal space of every family member.

Before making a final decision, you should consult with your family. Asking the child's opinion, the parent allows him to feel like an adult, responsible person. In this case, from early childhood, the child will begin to respect himself, become more self-confident. This will benefit both the child and the parents.

Auspicious days for love in October 2017 for Cancer: October 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 October.

Cancer financial horoscope for October 2017

The first half of October will give Cancers a lot of worries. The work will crumble, as if from a cornucopia, and the forces for its implementation will evaporate at an enviable speed. There is no need to complain about fate, many people yearn to be useful, to make money, but they do not have such an opportunity. Cancers should appreciate what they have. If a situation does not suit you, you need to take steps to change it. In no case should you succumb to the autumn blues. In the second half of October, Cancers can safely take risky steps. This time will give a lot of creative ideas.

Auspicious days for money in October 2017 for Cancer: October 1, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 30.

Health horoscope for Cancer sign for October 2017

In October 2017, the immune system may malfunction. In this case, it is useful for Cancers to prevent seasonal diseases. It will not hurt to dress warmly, take care of the lower back and kidneys. The last decade of October is suitable for hardening. Cancers can visit the bathhouse, sauna. Gymnastics and massage will greatly benefit the body.

The horoscope for October 2017 predicts a month full of ambitions and desires. But the period is not easy, it can set traps for those who are naive. Creative impulses can be realized in a certain place and at a certain time, however, the more your plans are thought out, the more successful they will be. In other words, those with clear goals and strong motivation will succeed. This is why it makes sense to develop a strategy for the coming weeks.

On October 10, 2017, one of the important astrological events of the year takes place - Jupiter, the planet of good luck and abundance, changes its position and goes into Scorpio, where it will be until November of next year. Jupiter's transition to this hidden sign of the Zodiac marks the beginning of a period of solving complex mysteries of life, exploring the dark canyons of the subconscious. You can open unused resources hidden in the shadows. The magnetism and healing power of Jupiter in Scorpio stimulates the transformation process, through which you will achieve life-changing breakthrough and start new promising endeavors.

The Libra sign is very active throughout October 2017 thanks to the transits of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Planetary energies highlight Libra's symbolism: social connections, collaboration, art, relationships, love, marriage. This symbolism creates a special atmosphere of the autumn month. If there were previously quarrels and conflicts in love and marital relations, then there are good chances to resolve them, and lovers will come to an understanding again. Now words are no less important than actions, so do not skimp on declarations of love.

The signs of the elements of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) will give preference to bold projects in the implementation of which the principle of "here and now" matters. It should be expected that the result will be directly proportional to the effort expended, and the pursuit of justice will be the main driving factor.

The signs of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) know well what they want and are ready to go to great lengths to achieve their goal. You have the ability to understand the true essence of situations - this will be one of your advantages. You are unlikely to have problems and obstacles that are insurmountable at this stage.

Representatives of the air element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) can count on the support of heaven. In difficult situations, if any, circumstances will suddenly turn in your favor. However, it should be noted that heavenly patronage, which provides additional opportunities, imposes additional responsibilities. Remember to assess the likely consequences of your actions.

The horoscope promises success for the signs of the elements of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), including financially. Although planetary influences are ambiguous, you can win through hard work and perseverance. Remember to make an effort to achieve the desired results.


Cancer October 2017 Love Horoscope

Love, romance, relationships - everything promises to bring a lot of joy. On October 10, 2017, Jupiter enters the Cancer's house of love, where it will remain until November next year. Jupiter symbolizes good luck, prosperity, optimism and generosity, and its wholesome energies make you cheerful and confident. You will have new opportunities, thanks to which your personal life will become brighter and more intense.

Lonely Cancers can meet long-awaited love, and if there is already a loved one next to you, the relationship will become more harmonious. Another expression of Jupiter's influence is children. If you do not have children yet, you may be thinking about adding to the family.

The atmosphere of love becomes especially lively in the second half of the month, when Mercury joins Jupiter in the house of love. This is a good time for new acquaintances, communication, romantic trips.

The horoscope does not recommend that representatives of your sign be especially worried about missed opportunities. Indeed, you will have many promising chances, but among them you need to choose the best. Remember that someday you will be able to fulfill your dreams.

For family Cancers, the time is also favorable. Since October 14, 2017, Venus has been in the sector of the Cancer family, so the relationship with the spouse and family will be marked with warmth and mutual understanding. If there are any controversial issues, it will be easy for you to come to an agreement.

Cancer career and finance horoscope for October 2017

Your positive attitude contributes to professional success and career growth. In October 2017, you can lay the foundations for new business cooperation and mutually beneficial partnerships.

Connections and the ability to connect are essential to work and business. Mars, ruler of Cancer's career house, is in the house of communications, emphasizing the importance of information and communication. Your work schedule will be filled with meetings, negotiations, trips. Perhaps you will sign up for a training course, training, or speak to an audience with a report, speech.

Of course, finances grab your attention, and you will be glad to see that your work is appreciated and well rewarded. In addition, relatives can provide material support. The period is not bad financially, however, the stars warn against adventures with money. Do not fall for the "mirage" of funds received from financial speculation and dubious transactions.


This month it may seem like it is not easy to find inner balance when there is so much hustle and bustle in everyday life. To feel calmer, try meditation or other spiritual practices. While there are no major threats to Cancer health in October 2017, you should stay away from the frills and temptations.

Don't take loved ones for granted. Thank them for their contribution to all the good that you have!

a lion

Leo October 2017 Love Horoscope

The month does not portend excitement and anxiety because of love. October 2017 is a time of development and stabilization, especially for marital unions and long-standing love couples. If you already have a relationship, things will move towards strengthening the bond. Shared interests, social or financial, are the driving force. This trend is emphasized by the presence of Venus - the planet of love and partnership, in the house of Leo's money.

On October 10, 2017, Jupiter, known as the planet of fortune, moves into the sector of the Leo family, where it will remain until November next year. Jupiter's influence is beneficial for everything related to the family. There will be more harmony and mutual understanding with your spouse and family. Issues related to renovation, major purchases, real estate acquisition, moving to another city or even abroad can be successfully resolved.

If you are single and looking for love, your chances of success increase. Pay attention to the second half of the month. During this period, Venus is in the house of Leo's communications, promising romantic opportunities and new acquaintances. Love stories that began at this time have every chance of developing into a long-term relationship. In addition, Saturn supports you, which will help strengthen relationships, give you wisdom and responsibility, which is also important for finding happiness in love.

Leo's career and finance horoscope for October 2017

The middle of autumn will be a successful period for career and finance. Creativity and enterprise remain your strengths, giving you an edge in a competitive environment.

The Sun and Mercury in the third house of Leo speak of travel and meetings, negotiations, communication, intellectual development, as well as success in matters related to agility or mobility. The work of those representatives of your sign who works in the field of sales, transport, speaks in public, writes articles and other materials will be more active.

Venus is located in the house of money of your sign until October 14, 2017 and Mars until October 23. Expect financial issues to intensify. In a positive case, the dynamism of Mars will be expressed in the emergence of new ideas, the adoption of energetic measures to increase income. However, under the influence of the impulsive energy of Mars, you may be tempted to take risks. Restrain such impulses so that they do not lead to losses.


Health issues cannot be ignored, as the period is potentially risky. Pluto in your home of health forms tense aspects with other planets, troubles are possible. If you feel signs of any medical conditions, do not postpone a visit to the doctor. The stars advise you to lead a healthy lifestyle, then you will feel good all month.

Defend Your Opinion, But Do It Through Diplomacy


Virgo October 2017 Love Horoscope

In the middle of autumn, an interesting period begins, which will bring various events. Charming Venus and passionate Mars, both planets related to love, are located in Virgo, so significant events in your personal life are possible.

Sometimes everything happens in your head, and this is the problem. Your analytical and rational mind pays attention to detail, takes into account all the small flaws and inconsistencies, and this often kills romance. Over the past few years, Neptune, located in the house of Virgo's partner, has been trying to charm you, to show things more attractive. Hopefully, the combined influence of Neptune, Venus and Mars will distract you from the temptation to analyze something over and over again.

In October 2017, the stars are encouraging love initiatives. You have the gift to win over to your side with the power of personal charm, to bribe people with a bewitching smile. You become seductive, it will not be difficult to captivate the subject of your interest, seduce and conquer. In addition, Mars energizes you, you feel more longing. Use this time to reach your cherished goal in love.

14 October 2017 Venus moves to Virgo's money house. You will notice that monetary interests interfere with love relationships, and romance recedes into the background. Together with your significant other, you will make financial plans for the future, discuss major purchases. For many, this position of the planet means profit through a spouse or lover.

Virgo career and finance horoscope for October 2017

Throughout the month, you are active and adventurous. Mars in Virgo gives a lot of energy, so your efficiency increases.

October 2017 promises to be a generous month. Allocation of funds and other financial interests are among your priorities. It is possible to conclude profitable contracts and conduct successful transactions.

Circumstances are especially favorable for those who are sociable and easily establish contacts. The position of the Sun and Mercury in the Virgo house of money means financial benefits through connections with other people.

On October 10, 2017, the planet of fortune Jupiter moves to the Virgo's house of communications, where it will remain until November of next year. This is a good period for pupils and students. Jupiter encourages you to study, expand knowledge in your professional field. All this will help in moving up the career ladder. Your sign has a tendency to change places, a desire to travel and explore new places.


With Mars in your sign, you have an abundance of vitality. However, this does not mean that health does not need to be paid attention to. There is a risk of injury and accidents due to negligence, so be careful. The stars are advised to lead a balanced lifestyle, set aside enough time for relaxation and avoid excesses. Spend more time with people you like to feel optimistic.

Review your financial goals and set new benchmarks

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