Battle Pets. Beginner's guide

A small guide to battle pets. Description of passive bonuses, pros and cons of each type of pets. This small guide to battle pets will reveal some of the nuances of the combat system.


As soon as you reach the fifth level, you will have the opportunity to take the Learning the Basics quest, after which you will have access to battle pets. You can get the quest in any capital from the pet mentor.

Battle Pet Trainers:

  • Audrey Burnhep - Stormwind.
  • Varzok - Orgrimmar.
  • Narzak - Razor Hill (Durotar).
  • Markus Jensen - Goldshire (Elwynn Forest).
  • Nalin - Bloodhoof Village (Mulgore).
  • Valina - Dolanaar (Teldrassil).
  • Will Larsons - Lor Danel (Darkshore).
  • Grady Bannson - Kharanos (Dun Morogh).
  • Lane - Azure Watch (Azuremyst Isle).

With the Battle Pet Trainer, you will not only learn the ability to use pets, but you will also receive one racial pet. All pets that you tame will be available to all characters in the same account area. But no more than 500 pets per account.

Catching a pet is pretty easy. To do this, one of your pets must reach level 3, a total of 25 levels. Turn on combat pet tracking on the minimap. As soon as you track down the green foot icon, congratulations, you've found the first one. battle pet... It remains to right-click on it and start the battle. Now for the fun part, you start the fight. It is necessary to lower the health of the enemy pet below 35%, then the "Trap" ability will become active.

Pet types

There are ten types of pets in the game. Each of them has a passive bonus and various advantages and disadvantages to other types of pets. For more information on types and their weaknesses, see the table below.

Pet type: The Dragon- when the target's health drops below 25%, then during the next round the dragon deals 50% additional damage.
  • Pros: Deals increased damage to Magic pets, good protection against flying pets.
  • Cons: Deals reduced damage to Undead, poor defense from the Humanoids.
Pet type: Flying- the movement speed of flying creatures is increased by 50% while they have more than 50% health.
  • Pros: Deals increased damage to Aquatic pets, good protection from Animals.
  • Cons: Deals reduced damage to Dragons, poor protection against Magic pets.
Pet type: Animal- animals get rid of control effects faster.
  • Pros: good protection from Elementals, deals increased damage to Undead.
  • Cons: poor protection against Animals, deals reduced damage to Humanoids.
Pet type: Mechanism- once per battle, the pet comes back to life with 20% health.
  • Pros: good protection against Magic pets, deals increased damage to Animals.
  • Cons: extremely defenseless in battle with the Elementals.
Pet type: Animal- Deal 25% more damage if their health falls below half.
  • Pros: good protection against Humanoids, deals increased damage to Animals.
  • Cons: poor defense against Mechanisms, deals reduced damage to flying pets.
Pet type: Humanoid- If humanoids dealt damage this round, they restore 4% of their maximum health.
  • Pros: Deals good damage to Dragons and good protection from Critters.
  • Cons: Deals bad damage to Animals and poor defense against Undead.
Pet type: Undead- killed undead come back to life for one round.
  • Pros: Deals good damage to Humanoids and good defense against Dragons.
  • Cons: Deals bad damage to Aquatic pets, poor protection against Critters.
Pet type: Magical- pets of this type cannot take more than 50% damage in one attack.
  • Pros: Deals good damage to flying pets, good defense against aquatic pets.
  • Cons: deals bad damage to Mechanisms and weak defense against Dragons.
Pet type: Elemental- insensitive to all weather effects.
  • Pros: ideal in battle with Mechanisms, increased damage and increased defense.
  • Cons: weak defense against Aquatic pets, low damage to Animals.
Pet type: Water- The duration of damage over time effects for aquatic pets has been reduced.
  • Pros: good protection against Undead, deals good damage to Elementals.
  • Cons: Poor protection against flying pets, deals reduced damage to Magic pets.

The strength of a pet depends not only on its typical advantages, but also on its basic characteristics. Quality is one of the basic characteristics. In addition to quality, there is health, strength and speed. But it is the quality that determines how high the basic characteristics will be. It turns out that the higher the quality, the higher its strength, health and speed will be. It may seem that finding a "quality" pet is quite a tedious task. That's why I advise you to use the Pet Battle Quality Glow addon, which will determine the quality of the pet for you.

As you and your pet level up. You will meet entire teams of battle pets. In a battle with such a team, it will be possible to find out about the presence of two other pets at the very last moment. Therefore, it is so nice to start a fight with one, and as a result, fight with a team of two or even three pets. But who said that life in Azeroth is easy and beautiful.

Tip: before you rush into battle with a wild pet. I advise you to find out what type of creature belongs to. Pick a team of types with typical advantages and correct passive bonuses. You will have to choose abilities to your taste, since there are hundreds of combinations of abilities, passive bonuses and typical advantages. Therefore, it is difficult to find one universal strategy here.

Tips and tricks

  • A pet that has a high movement speed will start every round first. You can find out who will start the battle first by the golden window around the pet's portrait.
  • All battles are turn-based and the time is not limited, but many players do not know this, so it is worth using a psychological attack in a private chat. Let him move faster, time is running out !!!))
  • Some pets have their own buffs and debuffs that will continue even if you switch between pets.
  • You can change pets during a fight, but changing pets makes you vulnerable. Don't overuse it.
  • Living creatures are partially healed after a battle in which they took part.

Experienced Pet Tamers

As your experience in battles grows, you will have a greater chance of defeating the Great Pet Tamers. But first, you should try your hand at the "Experienced Pet Tamers"

Immediately after learning the skill of catching pets from a mentor, you will have access to a quest chain in which you need to fight several battles with several experienced tamers in different locations. Only after that, you can "pile" on the great tamer. Further, the task will be daily. Naturally, the main reward in such battles is blue, rare pets. For this, it is probably worth trying your hand at wonderful pet battles.

Throughout the game, faithful non-combat pets accompany your character on endless adventures. Probably, in your collection there are already more than a dozen collected companions in which you do not like, and you still continue to replenish your collection. Either way, you love your little animals, robots, birds and other pets ... and in Mists of Pandaria, they are presented to us in a completely new way - in the form of battle pets.

This guide focuses on battle pets in World of Warcraft.

Where to start?

There are a few requirements you need to meet before you can start leveling yourself as a Master of Battle Pet in WoW:

1. Your character's level must be above 5.
2. You must learn the Train Battle Pet spell, which will allow you to train and train your battle pets, fight with them, and hunt down other pets. The training costs 80 gold and applies to the entire account. Battle Pet Trainers Audrey Burnhep (Stormwind City, 69.25) and Warzok (Orgrimmar, 52.58) will help you train your Battle Pets.
3. You must have at least one combat companion to participate in the guards.


The interface for pets and mounts has changed dramatically in the Mists of Pandaria expansion. You can access it by clicking on the corresponding icon on the panel or by pressing the standard SHIFT + P key combination.

By clicking the mouse on the "Transport and pets" button or by pressing SHIFT + P, a window with your transport and pets will open.

If you go to the "Pet Atlas" tab, you will see a window where you can see how many pets you have collected, achievement points in pet battles, a special "Resurrection" button to revive and completely heal your pets, and more.

Forward to battle!

After familiarizing yourself with the interface and choosing the right companion, it's time to start learning. Starting a battle with another pet is nowhere easier: find a wild war animal or another player with a battle pet and start the battle. Let's take a closer look at this.

The easiest way to find your pet an opponent to spar is to turn on Track Pet in the Track menu next to the minimap.

If the pets are in the character's line of sight, the corresponding icons with the signature of each pet will appear on the minimap.

It remains only to get close to this pet. He will have the same icon above him, which was indicated on the minimap.

Make sure you have a companion activated and click on your chosen victim to initiate a fight.

We wish you good luck in your battles!

Recovering from lost battles

So you've finished your first fight. Surely, your pet is not quite ready for a new battle, he needs to recover and patch up his wounds. Of course, you can summon a new pet for another battle, but how then can you pump the previous one? You definitely need to heal your companion so that he is ready for new battles and improves his skills. You have several ways to restore your battle pet:

  • Spell "Resurrection" - resurrects and fully restores all your pets.
  • Approach any stall caretaker and resurrect your companions, paying a small amount for it.
  • Battle Pet Bandages - Found in the Pet Bag, which is a reward for completing certain quests, incl. daily.
  • Taming animals

    Once any of your battle pets has reached level 3, you have the opportunity to catch and tame the alien pet you are fighting with.

    As soon as your pet's opponent's health drops below 35%, you have a chance to tame it by throwing a trap. With each attempt, the chance of successful taming increases by 20%.

    After the end of the battle and displaying other related information, you will see the name of the captured pet and its quality: low, normal, unusual, rare.

    Characteristics of battle pets in WoW

    Hints for each of the characteristics quite easily explain what this or that characteristic is needed for.

    Health is perhaps the most important stat of your battle pet. During the battle, you must carefully monitor the health of your companion. If your pet's health drops to zero, then you will no longer be able to use this fighter until you revive him. After the battle, all pets that took part in the battle restore a small amount of health (if they are not dead, of course, and if they have not received a new level - with a new level, the pet's health is restored completely). We recommend that you visit the stall caretaker more often so that your pets are always cheerful and cheerful, so that they do not die in battle too often, otherwise they will not receive experience for further growth. There are also battle pets with health regeneration abilities.

    Strength determines the base damage of your battle pets' abilities in WoW. There are abilities that increase or decrease the damage dealt. The damage also depends on the type of attack and the type of defense of your battle pet.

    Speed ​​determines who attacks first each turn. Some of the abilities of pets can change the speed of both plus and minus. It is recommended to use pets at high speed to tame other companions in order to save time and avoid the death of your pet.

    Leveling battle pets in WoW

    Leveling up battle pets in WoW is quite simple, but it takes a lot of time. You just need to keep beating the enemy combat satellites until the experience indicator is full until you get a new level - then everything is new. Soon enough, your pet will already be able to handle all the living companions in the area - this means that it is time to change the pet leveling zone. The developers of the game made the pumping of pets in locations similar to pumping a character.

    At the moment, the battle pet can only be pumped up to level 25.

    Qualities of tamed pets

    There are 4 qualities of tameable pets that determine their power.


    As you can see, rare pets are significantly stronger than low quality pets, or even Uncommon pets if they are of the same tier. Therefore, it is best to look for battle pets of rare quality.

    Why do some pets do more damage than others? Battle pet types in WoW

    There are the following types of battle pets in WoW: aquatic, animal, beast, dragon, elemental, flying, humanoid, magic, mechanism, undead.

    A pet of each type can take both increased damage from other types of pets, and reduced damage from pets of the third type. Conversely, a pet of each type can deal both increased damage to another type of pets, and take increased damage from a third type of pets. Below is a table showing the strengths and weaknesses of battle pets: Aquatic, Animal, Critter, Dragon, Elemental, Flying, Humanoid, Magic, Mechanism, Undead.

    Pet types /
    Advantages and disadvantages
    Effective against
    (deals 50% more damage)
    Not effective against
    (deals 33% less damage)
    Weak against
    (takes 50% more damage)
    Resistant to
    (takes 33% less damage)
    Water Elemental Magical Flying Undead
    Animal Animal Flying Mechanism Humanoid
    The Dragon Magical Undead Humanoid Flying
    Animal Undead Humanoid Animal Elemental
    Elemental Mechanism Animal Water Mechanism
    Flying Water The Dragon Magical Animal
    Humanoid The Dragon Animal Undead Animal
    Magical Flying Mechanism The Dragon Water
    Mechanism Animal Elemental Elemental Magical
    Undead Humanoid Water Animal The Dragon

    I have defeated the pet tamer, what next?

    Defeating experienced pet tamers on all continents will unlock daily pet battle missions on each continent. Defeating every tamer on every continent will earn you the Conquest of Azeroth achievement and the Tamer reward.


    Take part in Pokémon Pet Battles and have fun!

    If we missed something when writing a guide to battle pets in WoW, please let us know in the comments or through any of the contacts on the site.

    If everything is fine, click "Like" and tell your friends about our site. Good luck on the battlefields!

    Every hunter wants to know where he sits ... a rare pet, of course! If you consider yourself to be precisely those hunters who are eager to tame something more interesting than standard boars and wolves, then we can definitely help you with this. Fortunately, there are a lot of rare pets in World of Warcraft, and you can choose a companion for every taste. For convenience, the list of rare pets consists of sections, in each of which you will find rare pets of the corresponding family. And don't forget about the existence of TomTom and NPCScan add-ons - they can greatly simplify the search for any rare pet.

    Spirits of beasts

      Level 100-110 Bulvinkel can be found in Stormheim (74.0, 84.2 - if you can't fly in Legion locations, try using the Goblin Glider Build Kit to get close to this moose spirit);

      Myionix<Матриарх манапардов>/ Myonix Level 110 can be found in the Suramar location (40.8, 32.8);

      Level 110 Pashya can be found in the Suramar location (60.2, 40.8 / 62.0, 46.8 / 64.2, 48.0 / 62.6, 53.2 / 66.2, 53.6 - this cat is constantly in stealth, so you won't see it from afar);

      Level 22-62 Lightning Paw can be found in the Duskwood location (30.2, 41.6 / 24.2, 40.6 / 16.6, 54.6 / 16.6, 60.4 / 23.6, 76.6 - this chanterelle not only hides in the bushes, but is also in the stealth, which makes it harder to detect);

      Magria / Magria level 82-92 can be found in Mount Hyjal (this ghostly saber can be found in a narrow area from points 27.6, 51.4 to 41.2, 54.8. For a saber to appear at all, you may need to complete several story tasks of the location until it appears daily tasks. Also, this saber-toothed can inflict fatal damage on your character with one blow - to avoid this, you need to remove all equipment from the character before taming);

      Ankha / Ankha 82-92 level can be found in Mount Hyjal (this ghostly saber can be found in a narrow area from points 27.4, 51.0 to 41.8, 54.6. The method of taming Ankha is similar to the method of taming the previous saber);

      Level 66-82 Gondria can be found in the Zul Drak location (63.0, 43.0 / 69.8, 48.8 / 61.6, 62.6 / 67.8, 77.6 / 77.6, 70.0);

      Loke nahak<Супруг Хар"коа>/ Loque "nahak Level 68-82 can be found at Sholazar Basin (21.6, 70.6 / 31.0, 66.6 / 36.0, 30.0 / 58.6, 22.2 / 51.0, 81.6 / 66.6, 78.8 / 71.0, 71.6). This pet is considered one of the most elusive in the entire game, so equip yourself with at least the NPCScan addon when you go to catch it;

      Karoma<Дух волка>/ Karoma Level 86-92 can be found at Twilight Highlands (59.6, 44.0 / 54.0, 54.0 / 58.6, 63.6 / 65.6, 60.4 / 54.8, 75.4 / 49.6, 75.2);

      Skoll / Skoll level 69-82 can be found in the location The Storm Peaks (27.8, 50.8 / 30.2, 64.6 / 46.2, 64.8);

      Level 65-82 Arcturis can be found in Grizzly Hills (31.2, 55.4);

      Ban "Talos / Ban" thalos level 82-92 can be found in the Mount Hyjal location (27.0, 63.6 - this owl cannot be tamed just like that, because it flies around a tree not far from the specified point, and flies quite high. , first turn on the NPCScan addon, and when the owl appears, provoke it without killing it, after which it will be possible to catch it);

      Level 82-84 Ghostcrawler can be found in the Abyssal Depths location, which is located in the Vashj "ir location (this rare crab lives in the Desolate Reef, which is located around this point - 22.8, 73.2. Besides the crab, there is no one else there, so just arm yourself with the NPCScan addon and go in search).


    To tame this family of pets, you must buy or craft yourself using the Engineering Profession Mech Binding Imprinting Matrix. Gnomes and Goblins have this ability from the very beginning.

    Level 110-120 Sabertron can be found in Stormsong Valley (34.6, 32.4 - just go to the cave next to the indicated point). This pet is available in five colors at once - red, copper, gold, green and orange, but the red sabletron is not rare. Initially, none of the possible sabertrons is available for taming - first you need to kill the NPC Mechanic "Sabertron" in the cave of the sabertrons, but after that only the red sabertron is activated. To get a rare sabletron of a different color, you must wait for the start of the world quest associated with the sabletron cave - you can track its appearance on the location map. The color of the Sabertron, which activates after the death of the Engineer, is randomly selected when a World Quest appears in the game. The World Quest and other hunters looking to tame the Sabertron are not the only challenges you may face. All five Sabertrons are targets for the achievement Smash Them All! - this means that literally everyone will stop you from taming these rare mechanical cats;

    Level 5-110 Weaponized Rabbot can be found in the New Engineer City location in Dun Morogh (65.6, 26.8 - this mechanical war rabbit hops around a burnt tent near the indicated point. Newly created characters are often found in this place. gnomes who love to kill rare NPCs for experience and items);

    Optimo / Optimo level 12-62 can be found in the Loc Modan location (this mechanical strider runs around the cave, the entrance to which is located at this point - 71.6, 77.0).


      Level 100-110 Baconlisk can be found in Suramar (39.0, 29.4 / 24.8, 49.8 / 75.8, 50.2);

      Ironeye the Invincible Level 42-62 can be found in Thousand Needles (61.2, 67.6);

      Level 32-62 Hissperak can be found in Wasteland (43.8, 43.0 / 42.0, 47.0 / 52.0, 48.0 / 46.8, 53.4 / 43.6, 60.6);

      Scale Belly level 32-62 can be found in the Cape of Stranglethorn location (67.8, 25.6 - this basilisk is hiding in a cave, the entrance to it is slightly lower on the map);

      Level 42-62 Deatheye can be found in Blasted Lands (53.4, 26.4);

      Rockhide the Immovable level 85-92 can be found in Townlong Steppes (53.8, 73.6);

      Evil Eye / Hellgazer Level 42-62 can be found in Tanaris (40.8, 41.2).

    The bats

      Fangor / Fangor 3-22 levels can be found in the death knell location in Tirisfal Glades (61.4, 79.8);

      Ressan the Needler Level 3-22 can be found in Tirisfal Glades (53.6, 58.6);

      Level 12-62 Kree can be found in Silverpine Forest (61.6, 6.8);

      Rrakk / Rrakk level 42-62 can be found in the location Thousand Needles (90.8, 40.6);

      Level 73 Shadikith the Glider can be found in Servant's Rooms in the Karazhan raid dungeon (59.6, 28.7).

    The Bears

      Old Grizzlegut level 37-62 can be found in the location Feralas (59.2, 61.0 - this bear does not stand still, but wanders near the specified point);

      Bjornik / Little Bjorn level 17-62 can be found in the Hillsbrad Foothills location (35.0, 78.6);

      Arru<Ужас>/ Arru Level 100-110 can be found in the Highmountain location (48.8, 50.0 - this bear is associated with a world quest, so there will probably be other players nearby, which will significantly complicate taming);

      Ranja<Последний ледниковый медведь>/ Ranja 110-120 level can be found in the location of Tiragarde Sound (68.6, 63.4 - the desired bear is sleeping in a cave, and it is associated with a world quest, so it will not be easy to tame);

      Osca the Bloodied level 110-120 can be found in Stormsong Valley (42.0, 63.6 - this bear is the target of a world quest, which makes taming difficult);

      Ursol "lok / Ursol" lok level 17-62 can be found in the location Ashenvale (89.6, 46.6 / 92.8, 45.6);

      Half-Blood / Mongress Level 42-62 can be found in Felwood (46.8, 82.0 / 43.4, 75.8);

      Grizzled Ben 3-22 levels can be found in Elwynn Forest (28.6, 66.6);

      Level 42-110 Grimrot can be found in Felwood (38.2, 45.4);

      Big Samras Level 17-62 can be found in Hillsbrad Foothills (63.6, 52.6);

      An old crank / Ol "Muddle of level 32-110 roams throughout the Hinterlands, fully living up to its name. This bear can be revived at several points - 42.8, 59.4 / 43.8, 57.0 / 43.6, 55.0 / 47.0, 56.2 / 49.2, 57.2 / 52.4, 51.0 / 54.2, 45.4 / 63.0, 44.4 / 61.0, 50.4 / 62.0, 54.0 / 61.2, 53.6 / 68.2, 48.0 / 72.8, 50.4 / 64.8, 57.2 / 65.4, 58.4 / 69.8, 61.6.

      Chesun / Mange level 37-62 can be found in Western Plaguelands (66.6, 54.4);

      Hibernus the Sleeper 3-22 levels can be found in Tirisfal Glades (47.6, 70.2);

      Level 42-110 Grimrot can be found in Felwood (38.4, 44.8);

      Bjarn / Bjarn level 3-22 can be found in the Dun Morogh location (67.8, 58.6 - this bear wanders in the valley near the indicated point).


      Quirix / Quirix level 42-62 can be found in the Eastern Plaguelands location (23.6, 78.6 - this beetle is hiding in a crypt, the entrance to which is located next to the indicated point. In the same crypt, players often complete quests, so find Quirix in living is difficult enough);

      Roth-Salam Level 37-62 can be found in Dustwallow Marsh (50.2, 84.6);

      Silithid Harvester level 27-62 can be found in Southern Barrens (41.2, 67.0);

      Afis / Aphis level 37-62 can be found in the Western Plaguelands location (62.6, 36.0 - this beetle wanders in a cave, the entrance to which is located just below the map from the specified point);

      Phalanx / Phalanax level 27-62 can be found in Arathi Highlands (47.8, 82.2);

      Weevil / Weevil level 17-62 can be found in the location of Hillsbrad Foothills (45.6, 53.4 - this beetle will be waiting for you in the cave, the entrance to which is located next to the indicated point. Unless, of course, a random player will kill this beetle);

      Level 22-62 Khep-Re can be found in Stonetalon Mountains (74.6, 73.2).

    Predator birds

      A 110-120 level Talon / Talon can be found in Drustvar (32.2, 40.0 - this bird is the target for a rare world quest, so players will probably wander around, complicating taming);

      Level 110-120 Foxhollow Skyterror can be found in Tiragarde Sound (60.6, 22.0 - traditionally this bird is the target of a local quest, so it's not very easy to tame it);

      Rugach<Последний из команды>/ Fowlmouth 110-120 level can be found in the Tiragarde Sound location (90.2, 77.8 - yes, this is also the goal of a local quest, and in battle this bird shouts out pretty funny phrases. Alas, after taming it prefers to be silent);

      First mate Beak<Тропический ураган>/ First Mate Swainbeak 110-120 level can be found in the Vol'dun location (41.6, 24.6 - this bird itself is not the target of the local quest, but is located next to the target. It is quite easy to tame it if you timing correctly);

      Bonepicker Raven level 110-120 can be found in Drustvar location (55.2, 35.2 - this bird can appear at several points near the indicated one, but it is the target for two world quests at once, so it is not so easy to tame it );

      Heronis level 37-62 can be found in Dustwallow Marsh (40.2, 28.6);

      Tek "kog / Thek" talon level 103 can be found in Nagrand (Draenor) (49.6. 39.4 / 62.6, 22.8 - this bird flies in the area between the specified points, and the latest version of the NPCScan addon will be useful to find it);

      Level 37-62 Alit can be found in Western Plaguelands (31.6, 71.4);

      Peyrac / Quall level 22-62 can be found in Stonetalon Mountains (60.0, 63.4);

      Olm the Wise level 42-62 can be found in Felwood (54.6, 27.2 / 56.6, 23.6 / 57.6, 19.4 - the trick with this pet is that it is a feral druid of the Cenarion Circle. tame, then open your tab with reputation, find the Cenarion Circle and check the box next to "Hostility");

      Aotona / Aotona level 68-82 can be found in the location of Sholazar Basin (there are several points where this bird can appear - 42.0, 73.8 / 44.4, 69.8 / 41.2, 68.4 / 43.0, 52.4 / 46.8, 55.0 / 54.8, 51.8 / 57.6, 65.4 / 52.4, 72.8);

      Clekan / Cackle level 27-62 can be found in Arathi Highlands (22.2, 87.6);

      Level 17-62 Alitus can be found in Hillsbrad Foothills (46.8, 66.8).


      Level 102 Slogtusk the Corpse-Eater can be found in Frostfire Ridge (44.6, 15.2 - this boar is hiding in a cave, the entrance to which is located slightly higher on the map from the indicated point);

      Level 110-120 Gorged Boar can be found in Drustvar (28.0, 26.0 - as usual, a rare beast from the Battle for Azeroth is the objective of the World Quest);

      Level 102 Steelsnout can be found in Tanaan Jungle (65.6, 36.8);

      Crystalback level 42-62 can be found in Searing Gorge (66.0, 45.2);

      A level 42-62 Grunter can be found in Blasted Lands (55.2, 38.4);

      Finn's Gambit Level 12-62 can be found in Silverpine Forest (64.0, 46.6);

      Level 37-62 Scruff can be found in Dustwallow Marsh (29.6, 44.6);

      Swee level 27-62 can be found in Arathi Highlands (56.6, 56.6);

      Svizilla / Hogzilla level 42-62 can be found in the location Searing Gorge (22.2, 77.8 - this boar is hiding from hunters in a cave located next to the indicated point);

      Roots of Ryleev / Snoot the Rooter level 3-22 can be found in the Elwynn Forest location (69.6, 79.6 - this boar roams the pumpkin farm, where low-level players are often enough);

      Hamhide Level 37-62 can be found in Western Plaguelands (43.6, 35.8);

      Var / Varah level 42-62 can be found in Eastern Plaguelands (11.6, 28.0).

    Scavengers (vultures)

      Sarych / Vultros level 12-62 can be found in the Westfall location (49.0, 33.6 / 56.6, 35.8 / 49.6, 26.6 / 54.6, 24.6 / 57.6, 19.4);

      Level 3-22 Bonechewer can be found in Tirisfal Glades (32.6, 46.4);

      Ripwing / Ripwing level 27-62 can be found in Arathi Highlands (36.0, 62.0);

      Level 110-120 Bloodwing Bonepicker can be found in Vol'dun (56.0, 53.6 - this vulture is associated with a world quest);

      Level 42-62 Zaricotl can be found in Badlands (56.6, 44.0);

      Level 110-120 Gulliver can be found in Tiragarde Sound (57.8, 56.6 - this bird is not only the target of a world quest, but is also in a crowded place);

      Level 12-62 Corpsefeeder can be found in Silverpine Forest (49.2, 68.2);

      Level 22-62 Arae can be found in Stonetalon Mountains (49.4, 65.6);

      Deathbeak / Gorebeak level 98-110 can be found in the Val "of the ball (59.4, 77.0);

      Lord Condar / Lord Condar level 12-62 can be found in the Loc Modan location (this bird moves in a wide area between points 65.0, 76.2 / 76.0, 62.6 / 78.0, 76.0 - do not forget to arm yourself with the NPCScan addon);

      Level 42-62 Fene-mal can be found in Eastern Plaguelands (49.6, 43.2);

      Heress level 37-62 can be found in Western Plaguelands (34.8, 53.0);

      Emberwing level 42-62 can be found in Tanaris (44.6, 40.6 / 48.2, 45.6);

      Catal / Catal level 42-62 can be found in the Burning Steppes location (64.4, 53.0 - this bird may be near the specified point, and not only in it, but in any case it will be visible from afar);

      Favored of Isiset level 42-62 can be found in the Burning Steppes (75.4, 51.8);

      A level 42-62 Spiteflayer can be found in Blasted Lands (this bird flies at some distance from the ground around the road section near 64.0, 39.6 - the bird is quite noticeable, so just look in the air or in the NPCScan addon).


      Bahagar level 98-110 can be found in the Val "ball location (45.2, 88.0);

      A level 98-110 Sekhan can be found in the Thunder Totem location in Highmountain (36.2, 11.0 - this cat is wandering around the specified point, moreover, it is the target of a world quest from the Legion expansion);

      Tsavo "ka<Ночной призрак>/ Tsavo "ka Level 87-92 can be found in the Timeless Isle location (54.2, 42.8 - this cat is hiding in a small cave at the specified point);

      Savage Level 82-92 can be found in The Jade Forest (37, 64/36, 61/35, 58/36, 53/37, 49/36, 46/38, 43/40, 42/41, 39 / 41, 36/44, 38/46, 34/46, 30/48, 29/51, 31/54, 36/55, 38/57, 35/55, 32/56, 30/53, 28/53 , 25). Unlike other expansions, Mists of Pandaria has several pets designed specifically for hunters. Wildflower is one of them. To catch it, you need a Lighting Rocket (only hunters have it), because the beast will be in invisibility mode and will not just appear. The Flare Rocket ability should only be used if you found the tracks of the beast at any of the indicated points and went to the point where they break off. If, when using a rocket, an animal appeared in an illuminated area, then it can be tamed, but if not, then it is better to look for its tracks in another point;

      Sambas / Sambas 86-92 level can be found in the location Twilight Highlands (38.2, 53.0 / 42.6, 38.6 / 68.8, 25.8);

      The leader of the pack Humar The Pridelord level 12-62 can be found in the Northern Barrens location (67.4, 64.6);

      The Dark Prowler Level 17-62 can be found in Hillsbrad Foothills (33.0, 55.0);

      The Rake 3-22 levels can be found in the Mulgore location (50.6, 26.6 / 49.6, 22.8 / 51.8, 21.4 / 53.8, 19.2 / 55.6, 24.4);

      Sian-Rotam Level 42-62 can be found in Winter Springs (45.8, 17.6);

      Level 17-62 Araga can be found in Hillsbrad Foothills (44.2, 54.0);

      Broken Tooth Level 42-62 can be found in Badlands (22.6, 60.6);

      Iceclaw Level 42-62 can be found in Winterspring (52.0, 18.8);

      Dishu / Dishu level 12-62 can be found in the Northern Barrens location (45.2, 52.8 / 48.8, 51.8 / 45.4, 32.8);

      A level 64-82 Hawkbane can be found in the Terokkar Forest (76.2, 81.2 - you won't be able to reach this cat without a flying mount);

      Rak "Shiri" level 42-62 can be found in Winterspring (47.8, 18.8);

      Level 12-62 Shadowclaw can be found in Darkshore (41.6, 36.0);

      Duskstalker / Duskstalker 3-22 levels can be found in the Teldrassil location (this cat wanders at the edge of the location from point 52.2, 67.6 to point 59.6, 65.6. To get into the old, unburned version of Teldrassil, you need to contact Zidormi in the Dark coast - it will be marked on the map);

      Moiarsh / Tabbs level 42-62 can be found in Badlands (58.4, 60.6);

      Poguean<Дух огня>/ Pogeyan Level 27-62 can be found in Northern Stranglethorn (36.6, 29.6);

      Skarr / Skarr level 87-122 can be found in the Fiery Front (33.6, 52.6 / 37.4, 35.6 - to get to this cat, you have to jump over the stones over the abyss). To get to the Molten Front, get to Mount Hyjal and find point 27.3, 55.9 there;

      Cash / Kash of level 42-62 can be found in the Swamp of Sorrows location (79.6, 28.8 - it can be difficult to spot an absolutely green cat in a completely green location, moreover, it does not stand in one place, but wanders near the specified point);

      Feras / Feras level 22-62 can be found in the location Stonetalon Mountains (76.0, 91.2);

      Duskcoat level 42-62 can be found in Felwood (39.8, 31.4).


      Level 42-62 Norissis can be found in Winterspring (59.6, 24.0);

      Nuramoc / Nuramoc level 69-82 can be found in the Netherstorm location (this chimera can appear in one of three large areas in the location. Having appeared in one of the areas, the chimera begins to move from point 25.0, 80.2 to 45.0, 71.8 / from 53.6, 59.6 up to 67.6, 61.0 / from 34.4, 33.2 to 35.2, 19.6 - the easiest way is to use the NPCScan addon);

      The Razza Level 37-62 can be found in Feralas (84.5, 49.7);

      Ronak / Ronak level 42-62 can be found in Winterspring location (59.6, 42.8);

      Level 12-62 The Evalcharr can be found in Azshara (14.2, 50.6 / 15.0, 58.2);

      Prince lakma<Последний из химероков>/ Prince Lakma Level 37-62 can be found in two locations at once - Feralas (48.0, 76.6) and Silithus (22.0, 6.2). You can get to this chimera, which flies near the indicated points on the borders of two locations, only if you have a flying mount. If you cannot find the chimera in the territory of Silithus, then try to find Zidormi on the location map and switch to the old version of Silithus.

    Clefthoofs and Rhinoceros

      Bergruu level 101-103 can be found in Nagrand (Draenor) (61.0, 12.2 / 63.6, 19.6);

      Nakk the Thunderer level 101-103 can be found in Nagrand (Draenor) (50.2, 34.8 / 55.8, 35.2 / 60.2, 32.8 / 65.0, 20.2 / 62.8, 15.8);

      Level 100 Reassigned Warbeast can be found in Tanaan Jungle (39.0, 41.0);

      Bornak the Gorer Level 42-62 can be found in Winterspring (59.6, 17.4 / 62.4, 24.8);

      Level 42-62 Bruiser can be found in Winterspring (66.0, 41.8);

      Gal "dorak / Gal" dorak level 42-62 can be found in Winterspring location (35.6, 48.8);

      Level 60-82 Icehorn can be found in Borean Tundra (81.4, 31.4 / 85.8, 34.6 / 91.6, 32.6 / 88.6, 39.8 / 84.6, 46.8 / 80.6, 46.2).

    Core hounds

      Magmagan level 42-62 can be found in the Burning Steppes (28.8, 33.0);

      Chromus / Chromehound Level 59-62 can be found in the outer fortress of Blackrock Mountain. To find it, go to Blackrock Mountain from the direction of the Burning Steppes location or the Searing Gorge location. The sought-after pet will peacefully roam the circular path around the descent to the Blackrock Depths dungeon.


      The Level 110-120 Crushtacean can be found in Stormsong Valley (51.6, 55.4 - this crab is the target of a world quest, so be careful);

      Level 87-122 Karkin can be found in the Fiery Front (33.6, 52.2 / 37.6, 35.4). To get to the Molten Front, get to Mount Hyjal and find point 27.3, 55.9 there;

      Level 110-120 Hardshell Pincher can be found in Zuldazar (77.8, 11.6);

      Tsapchik / Crusty level 32-62 can be found in the Wasteland location (this crab walks underwater in a wide area between points 34.2, 24.4 and 39.6, 18.0 - it is not too noticeable, so you will need the NPCScan addon to catch it);

      Pincer / Vicemaul level 110-120 can be found in the Drustvar location (72.8, 60.6 - this potential pet is associated with a world quest, so there will almost always be a couple of players wandering around it);

      Jumbo Sandsnapper 110-120 level can be found in the Vol'dun location (37.6, 84.8 - this crab, which has its own air bubble, (after taming the bubble is not saved) is the goal of the world quest);

      Chateau Crawl / Maison the Portable level 110-120 can be found in Tiragarde Sound (58.6, 49.0 - like other pets from the Battle for Azeroth locations, this crab is the target of a world quest);

      Level 110-120 shon needles can be found in Stormsong Valley (38.6, 51.0 - this crab is also the target of the world quest);

      King Klacklatz<Король приливных низин>/ King Clickyclack 110-120 level can be found in the Vol'dun location (38.2, 41.2 - like several previous crabs, this one is the goal of a world quest);

      A huge spineclaw / Monstrous Spineclaw of level 87-92 can be found in the Timeless Isle location (this crab can be found almost anywhere on the coast of the Timeless Isle - to find it, in any case, you have to run along the coast, and it is better to immediately arm yourself with the NPCScan addon) ;

      The level 37-62 Hugeclaw can be found in Dustwallow Marsh (54.0, 43.8);

      Clickclaw<Злобный смертоносный краб>/ Pinchshank Level 110 can be found in the Suramar location (this crab, armed with a combat knife, is chilling on the coast outside the city - 66.6, 67.2);

      Level 17-62 Carcinak can be found in Hillsbrad Foothills (46.8, 76.0);

      Crabbs<Железный панцирь>/ Krubbs 110-120 level can be found in the Nazmir location (76.0, 36.6 - this crab, studded with naga tridents, is the target of a world quest);

      Tamed Coralback level 98-110 can be found in Highmountain location (44.4, 12.6 - the desired crab can wander a short distance from the specified point);

      Level 110 Tideclaw can be found in Suramar (18.6, 61.0);

      Tambano<Шипастый ужас>/ Tambano 110-120 level can be found in the Zuldazar location (77.6, 11.0 - this crab is the target of a world quest);

      Crab Jim / Barnacle Jim level 42-62 can be found in Thousand Needles (41.2, 36.4).


      Emerald Gander level 87-92 can be found in the Timeless Isle location (this crane can only be found around the Celestial Tournament Site - just use the NPCScan addon and run around the site. Well, or run around the site just like that);

      Level 83-92 Patrannache can be found in the Valley of the Four Winds (57.6, 70.0 / 21.6, 58.0 / 20.6, 47.8). Do not forget about the peculiarities of finding rare pets in the open world of Pandaria - at the indicated points you need to find footprints, go over them, and then use the Flare Rocket ability, which any hunter has to see the crane.


      Mahamba<Дух воды>/ Mahamba Level 27-62 can be found in Northern Stranglethorn (54.6, 29.0 / 54.2, 31.6);

      Gnaw / Chops level 27-62 can be found in Wetlands (56.8, 10.0 / 57.8, 6.8);

      Gosh Haldir<Хозяйка кладки>/ Gosh-Haldir Level 12-62 can be found in the Loc Modan location (54.0, 54.6 - this crocolisk wanders around the entire small hill around the specified point. The main difficulty in taming is that the crocolisk is often killed by low-level players while leveling);

      Craw the Ravager level 17-62 can be found in the Hillsbrad Foothills location (51.8, 87.2 - taming this crocolisk is extremely easy, since it lives in a place where no one ever goes);

      Level 37-62 Ripscale can be found in Dustwallow Marsh (37.8, 50.4 / 43.8, 50.0 / 42.2, 54.4 / 47.6, 54.6 / 49.2, 57.6);

      Ancient Jawbreaker 110-120 level can be found in Nazmir (67.8, 29.6 - this crocolisk is the target of the world quest);

      Level 66-82 Goretooth can be found in Nagrand (Outland) (41.4, 41.4 / 44.0, 47.0 / 75.8, 75.6 / 76.4, 78.4 / 76.0, 80.8);

      Level 50 Sewer Beast can be found in the Stormwind area (this albino crocolisk can be anywhere in the Stormwind canals between blocks).


      King Krush / Level 68-82 King Krush can be found in the location of Sholazar Basin (this devil can be in three areas, where it will wander from point 25.8, 48.8 to 37.4, 28.8 / from point 46.6, 41.6 to 52.6, 41.8 / from point 50.8, 80.0 to 66.8, 78.6. The NPCScan addon will be very useful when catching this pet);

      Slavermaw Level 42-62 can be found in Searing Gorge (57.8, 24.4);

      King Mosh / King Mosh level 42-62 can be found in the location of Un "Goro Crater (like his fellow king, this devil loves to walk, and he walks in a wide area between points 29.2, 47.4 and 39.8, 27.8 - do not forget to capture addon NPCScan with you).


      Chumaz / Plague 3-22 levels can be found in the location of Tirisfal Glades (57.8, 33.0 - this ghostly dog ​​is hiding in a building at the indicated point);

      Darkheart / Level 42-62 Bleakheart can be found in Eastern Plaguelands (71.8, 45.4);

      Fidonis / Fidonis level 42-62 can be found in the Felwood location (38.6, 52.8);

      Level 3-22 Zverr / Bayne can be found in Tirisfal Glades (46.0, 48.4);

      Verek / Verek level 52-61 can be found in the Blackrock Depths dungeon (60.6, 67.6);

      Rokad the Ravager level 73 can be found in Servant's Rooms, which are located in the Karazhan raid dungeon (59.6, 28.7);

      Level 42-62 Rexus can be found in Searing Gorge (41.0, 49.6);

      Lost Gilnean Wardog Level 12-62 can be found in Silverpine Forest (60.2, 41.4 - this dog runs through a small clearing at the indicated point. The easiest way to get to this clearing is with the help of a flying mount, since the pedestrian path on hidden);

      Level 27-62 Snuffles can be found in Arathi Highlands (26.2, 27.2 - this dog does not stand still, but never goes far from the specified point);

      Level 37-62 Tracker can be found in Western Plaguelands (62.6, 47.2);

      Arcanus / Arcanus level 42-62 can be found in Winterspring location (48.0, 59.6).


      The Sunwing Level 42-62 can be found in the Burning Steppes (9.4, 53.4);

      Manas / Manas level 42-62 can be found in Winterspring location (64.0, 80.0).


      A Level 98-110 Daggerbeak can be found in Azsuna (51.0, 31.6);

      Ghostclaw / Wraithtalon level 98-110 can be found in the Val "of the ball (66.8, 36.8 - this hippogriff flies at some distance above the ground, so look up if you want to catch it);

      Celestial stormtrooper<Непокорный>/ Skystormer Level 37-62 can be found in Feralas (53.6, 64.6);

      Level 12-62 Antilos can be found in Azshara (45.2, 27.2);

      Antilus the Soarer level 37-62 can be found in the Feralas location (this hippogryph soars above the ground in a wide area between points 54.6, 73.6 and 54.6, 65.0 - the NPCScan addon will greatly help in its detection);

      Pridelord Meowl level 98-110 can be found in Azsuna (56.0, 29.0);

      Roren<Мамаша совокотят>/ Rauren Level 110 can be found in the Suramar location (23.8, 25.6);

      Avalanche / Avalanche level 110-120 can be found in Drustvar (44.2, 87.4 - this majestic white griffin is the target of a world quest, so he is often killed);

      Level 110-120 Whirlwing can be found in Stormsong Valley (47.0, 41.4 - this griffin is the target of a World Quest);

      Sorrow Wing level 22-62 can be found in the Clawed Mountains location (50.2, 41.2);

      Level 22-62 Pridewing Patriarch can be found in Stonetalon Mountains (55.8, 44.8).


      Lopex / Lopex level 17-62 can be found in the Hillsbrad Foothills location (68.6, 56.0 - this fox is hiding right inside a hollow stump);

      A level 12-62 Silver Fox / Ashtail can be found in the Loc Modan location (this fox runs in a wide area between points 67.6, 41.0 / 74.4, 34.0 / 76.2, 43.6 - the NPCScan addon will be very useful when catching it);

      Level 3-22 Bushtail can be found in Elwynn Forest (83.4, 84.0).


      Bryk / Kickers level 110-120 can be found in Stormsong Valley (31.6, 61.6 - this goat is the target of the world quest);

      Level 84-92 Stompy can be found at Kun-Lai Summit (39.2, 54.8 / 43.0, 53.2 / 38.0, 49.0 / 39.8, 47.8 / 42.0, 45.6 / 45.3, 45.8 / 45.2, 47.6 / 44.8, 48.6 / 46.6 , 48.2 / 52.6, 54.8 / 51.6, 56.6 / 49.2, 58.2 / 50.8, 59.0 / 50.4, 58.6 / 51.6, 60.2). At the indicated points, you need to find traces, go over them, and then use the Lighting Rocket ability, which any hunter has, in order to see the desired goat.


      King Kooba level 110-120 can be found in Nazmir (53.2, 42.8 - this gorilla is the target of a world quest, and even sits in a very crowded place);

      Level 22-62 Goldenback can be found in Stonetalon Mountains (82.2, 79.2);

      Tsul Kalu<Дух земли>/ Tsul "Kalu Level 27-62 can be found in Northern Stranglethorn (47.8, 31.4);

      Ak "lok / Uhk" loc level 42-62 can be found at Un "Goro Crater (63.0, 18.6);

      Level 32-62 Kurmokk can be found in the Cape of Stranglethorn location (this gorilla walks in a straight line from 48.2, 57.8 to 58.6, 47.4).


      Level 103 Keravnos can be found in Tanaan Jungle (39.8, 82.0);

      Gesharahan / Gesharahan level 12-62 can be found in the Northern Steppes location (40.0, 74.6);

      Trigore the Lasher level 17 can be found in the Northern Barrens location (42.6, 64.0 - this hydra hides underground, in front of the entrance to the Wailing Cave dungeon. To find it, you need to climb into the Wailing Caverns through the entrance located in the Northern Barrens , and then go down to the lower level, but do not go into the dungeon - the desired hydra will sit in a reservoir nearby).


      A level 42-62 Galak Packhound hyena can be found in Thousand Needles (70.8, 49.4);

      Jaxx the Rabid level 42-62 can be found in the Burning Steppes (47.0, 24.2);

      Snort the Heckler Level 27-62 can be found in Southern Barrens (45.6, 43.6);

      Ravage level 42-62 can be found in Blasted Lands (49.8, 35.0);

      Level 42-62 Snark can be found in Eastern Plaguelands (39.8, 84.4);

      Drooling Mouth / Level 42-62 Slaverjaw can be found in Tanaris (40.2, 67.4);

      Gull / Giggler level 32-62 can be found in the Wasteland location (60.2, 24.0 / 58.0, 9.0);

      Level 110-120 Ashmane can be found in Vol'dun (54.6, 15.6 - this hyena is the target of the World Quest).


    • Level 110-120 Enraged Krolusk can be found in Vol'dun (61.8, 37.8 - this Krolusk is the target of a World Quest. It is also the only rare Krolusk that hunters can tame, so expect competition).


      Broodmother Razora level 110-120 can be found in Tiragarde Sound (83.6, 44.8). The Hunter Lizard family was only added in Battle for Azeroth, so all currently available rare lizards are World Quest objectives.

      Overstuffed Saurolisk 110-120 level can be found in Nazmir (62.4, 64.4);

      Scaleclaw Broodmother level 110-120 can be found in Vol'dun (44.6, 80.6);

      Level 110-120 Torraske the Eternal can be found in Zuldazar (46.8, 65.6).


    • Gib the Banana-Hoarder level 42-62 can be found in Swamp of Sorrows (17.8, 48.0).


      Thicket Level 42-62 can be found in Felwood (59.6, 6.8);

      Level 17-62 Dustwing can be found in Hillsbrad Foothills (28.8, 83.8).

    Nether Rays

      Level 42-62 Blackbog the Fang can be found in Felwood (34.8, 59.6);

      Level 42-62 Ornat can be found in the Burning Steppes (50.6, 60.6).


    • Level 87-92 Ironfur Steelhorn can be found in the Timeless Isle (this bull usually runs north and south of the Celestials Tournament Ground - it is easily spotted with the NPCScan addon).


      Oolong<Гранитный страж>/ Wulon Level 87-92 can be found in Vale of Eternal Blossoms (45.0, 76.2 - this quilen hides in underground halls, where it skillfully depicts a statue. The entrance to the halls is located at this point - 40.08, 77.23);

      Mogus / Portent level 87-92 can be found in Vale of Eternal Blossoms (from 13.6, 28.6 to 10.8, 37.0 / from 14.6, 38.4 to 14.8, 53.4 / from 17.0, 52.8 to 28.0, 60.0 / 30.6, 54.6 / 29.0, 37.4 / 50.2, 58.4 / 55.2, 60.0 / 61.0, 63.4 / from 63.2, 64.8 to 69.6, 54.0 / from 70.0, 22.0 to 76.8, 26.0 / 78.2, 25.4). At the indicated points and areas between the points, you need to find the traces of Mogus, go over them, and then use the Illuminating Rocket ability, which any hunter has in order to see the quilen.


      Zanxib<Обжора>/ Zanxib 110-120 level can be found in Nazmir (38.8, 71.6 - this lizard is the target of the world quest);

      Bajiata<Матриарх падальщиков>/ Bajiatha 110-120 level can be found in Nazmir (42.8, 60.6 - this lizard is also the target of the world quest);

      The Goreclaw level 102 can be found in the Tanaan Jungle location (34.6, 72.6 - this lizard is hiding in a cave, the entrance to which is located nearby, at points 36, 72);

      Vileclaw level 100-102 can be found in Nagrand (Draenor) (37.2, 39.0);

      Saurix level 27-62 can be found in Arathi Highlands (43.0, 34.4);

      Nychus / Nychus level 37-62 can be found in Dustwallow Marsh (34.6, 70.6);

      Ravasaur Matriarch Level 42-62 can be found in Un "Goro Crater" (61.0, 72.2 / 66.6, 67.0);

      Takk the Leaper 12-62 level can be found in the Northern Barrens location (63.4, 36.6 - be careful with him, as this lizard can really jump, and very far);

      Avis / Avis level 42-62 can be found in the Searing Gorge location (71.2, 17.8);

      Dart / Dart level 37-62 can be found in the Dustwallow Marsh location (this lizard roams in a small area between points 48.2, 14.2 and 47.4, 20.0);

      Razormaw Matriarch level 27-62 can be found in the Wetlands location (69.8, 29.2 - this lizard lives in a cave, the entrance to which is located a little south of the map from the specified point);

      Tenok / Tenok level 22-62 can be found in the location of the Clawed Mountains (44.4, 49.2 - this lizard sits in a cave, the entrance to which is located a little north of the map from the specified point. Next to the lizard there will be its mistress, who clearly does not deserve to have such a beautiful purple pet);

      Chupacabros / Chupacabros level 42-62 can be found in the Swamp of Sorrow location (27.8, 62.0 - this lizard is as green as the entire location, besides, it does not stand at the indicated point, but wanders next to it, so take a closer look on both sides).


      Broodlord Ixkor level 102 can be found in Tanaan Jungle (57.6, 67.2);

      Kalix / Kalixx level 42-62 can be found in Badlands (32.0, 35.6);

      Needletooth / Needlefang level 42-62 can be found in Badlands (50.8, 72.6);

      Karapax / Karapax level 42-62 can be found in the Silithus location (57.6, 14.8);

      Spinecrawl / Spinecrawl level 42-62 can be found in the Felwood location (60.6, 22.2 - this pet is hiding deep in a cave, the entrance to which is located at coordinates 55, 19);

      Venomspine Level 42-62 can be found in the Burning Steppes (5.8, 38.2);

      Azelisk / Azelisk level 42-62 can be found in the Burning Steppes location (72.8, 22.6);

      Strix the Barbed level 42-62 can be found in Thousand Needles (94.6, 81.6);

      A level 42-62 Deathstrike can be found in Badlands (70.2, 53.8).

    River monsters

      Kiboku<Сотрясатель Холмов>/ Kiboku 110-120 level can be found in the Zuldazar location (75.6, 36.0 - this river monster is the target of a world quest, plus it stumbles alongside the road, obviously running into trouble);

      Level 102 Magwia can be found in Tanaan Jungle (52.6, 65.0).


      Bristlespine Level 84-92 can be found at Kun-Lai Summit (45.2, 81.6 / 48.4, 85.2 / 53.0, 85.8 / 62.0, 84.6 / 64.4, 86.4 / 65.8, 85.2 / 65.4, 81.4 / 66.0, 79.0 / 73.2 , 70.8 / 74.0, 70.0). At the indicated points, you need to find the traces of Schetinoches, go over them, and then use the Illuminating Rocket ability, which any hunter has in order to see the desired pet;

      Quillrat Matriarch Level 110-120 can be found in Drustvar (66.6, 42.6 - this rodent, hiding in a small tent, is not only the target of the World Quest itself, but is also located near the areas of other world quests, which is significant increases the difficulty of catching).


      Thunderstomp / Thunderstomp level 27-62 can be found in the Southern Barrens location (49.8, 80.2 / 48.2, 74.6 / 46.4, 78.6 / 44.6, 77.4 / 46.4, 80.0);

      Graff / Gruff Level 42-62 can be found in the Crater Un "Goro" (32.0, 78.6);

      Arra "chea / Arra" chea level 3-22 can be found in the Mulgore location (this kodo walks around the Well of Frozen Hoof. It is easiest to find it on the following routes - from 48.0, 68.4 to 51.8, 68.4 / from 50.4, 66.6 to 52.4, 63.8 / from 54.8, 62.4 to 57.8, 69.0).


      Level 85-92 Madexx can be found in Uldum (44.6, 10.4 / 44.4, 21.8 / 47.6, 18.4 / 50.8, 20.2 / 54.4, 19.2). A peculiarity of this pet is its unusual ability to change color randomly after respawning at one of the indicated points. In total, Madex can be of five colors - dark red, blue, brown, green or red. If you want to get this pet of a certain color, then it is enough just to inspect the places of its revival from time to time;

      Scorpox / Scorpox level 110-120 can be found in the Vol "dun location (32.8, 65.6 - this scorpid is the target of the world quest);

      Tox / Toxx level 42-62 can be found in the Silithus location (42.8, 18.2 - this pet appears only in the old version of Silithus. To get there, you need to talk to Zidormi, who will be marked on the location map with an icon);

      Level 3-22 Death Flayer can be found in Durotar (this scorpid roams in a wide area between points 34.8, 43.8 and 39.6, 45.6);

      The Barbed Horror level 42-62 can be found in Thousand Needles (71.6, 95.0);

      Clack the Reaver level 42-62 can be found in Blasted Lands (47.6, 13.8);

      Level 42-62 Krellack can be found in the Silithus location (62.4, 18.6 / 67.6, 28.8 / 64.8, 39.4 / 69.8, 37.4 - like Tox, this scorpid is found only in the old version of Silithus, which can be reached with the help of Zidormi );

      Scorpox / Scorpoxx level 42-62 can be found in the Searing Gorge location (18.4, 38.8 - this scorpid is hiding in the depths of the cave, the entrance to which is located near the specified point);

      Venomclaw Level 42-62 can be found in Thousand Needles (81.8, 96.0);

      Blackshell the Impenetrable level 42-62 can be found in Badlands (72.2, 27.4);

      Cleaver / Snips of level 42-62 can be found in the Searing Gorge location (35.0, 52.0 - this scorpid is hiding in a small cave right at the specified point);

      Scorpitar / Scorpitar level 42-62 can be found in the Tanaris location (49.6, 58.6);

      Vile Sting Level 42-62 can be found in Thousand Needles (6.0, 42.0);

      Serkett level 42-62 can be found in Badlands (26.8, 38.0).


      Dugor / Arclight 110-120 level can be found in Drustvar location (29.2, 68.8 - this snake is the target of a world quest, moreover, it does not appear just like that. In order for it to appear in Drustvar, Alliance players need to complete a storyline quest chain in Falcon Settlement a hill to unlock World Quests in the vicinity of that village (Horde players will need to also unlock World Quests in that region by using War Campaign Quests);

      Level 110-120 Shiverscale the Toxic can be found in Tiragarde Sound (55.0, 32.6 - this snake is part of a world quest);

      Sandfang / Level 110-120 Sandfang can be found in Stormsong Valley (73.6, 60.6 - this serpent is quite expectedly part of a world quest);

      Acroniss / Acroniss level 42-62 can be found in the location Silithus (73.6, 16.0 - this flying magic kite is hiding in a cave, the entrance to which can be found near the indicated point. The kite appears only in the old version of Silithus, so do not forget to find it on map the Zidormi icon and ask her for help.The main difficulty in catching this pet is that it is located next to the goal of the task, besides, the location is cross-server - this means that in most cases Akronissa will be killed by players on pumping together for the purpose of the task. And there will be many of these players);

      Shineshide / Shimmerscale level 42-62 can be found in the Swamp of Sorrows location (55.6, 54.6 - this snake crawls only within the limits of the island located at the specified point);

      Blinkeye the Rattler Level 37-62 can be found in Dustwallow Marsh (51.6, 16.6).

    Shale spiders

      Jade Fang / Jadefang level 84-92 can be found in the Underdark location (61.2, 22.6 - this spider sits in a cave, a huge entrance to which is located next to the indicated point). Getting to this pet is not as easy as it might seem - first you will need to take the Underground Economy daily quest (61.2, 26.2) and get bombs to complete it, which knock the character back when they explode. Next, you need to run into the cave and find your future pet. After that, you need to turn your back to the spider and climb to the edge of the tunnel, which will be in front of you. After you stand on the edge of the tunnel, put the bomb that you received along with the task under the feet of the character. The explosion of the bomb should throw the character directly to the place where the desired spider stands - all that remains is to tame it. If you have any other ways to jump to the spider, then feel free to use them and do not be smart with bombs;

      Level 27-62 Glint can be found in Arathi Highlands (30.0, 61.6);

      Syntlex / Scintillex level 37-62 can be found in the Dustwallow Marsh location (55.8, 85.6 - this spider is hiding in a cave, the entrance to which is located behind Onyxia's Lair, very close to the indicated point);

      Crystalfang level 42-62 can be found in Searing Gorge (25.2, 73.2 - this spider lurks in the depths of Blackrock Mountain, although it is marked on the Searing Gorge map. To get to it, go down to the entrance to the Blackrock Depths dungeon and turn to the left - somewhere in this area the pet should be hiding).


      Nyaj / Nyaj level 42-62 can be found in the location Thousand Needles (44.6, 40.4);

      Haarka the Ravenous Level 42-62 can be found in Tanaris (56.6, 68.2). To get to this silithid, first find the entrance to the Yawning Abyss Hive closest to the indicated point. After that, go through the tunnels, turning right. The desired silithid will be in the first large room if you walked right from the entrance to the hive;

      Soriid the Devourer Level 42-62 can be found in Tanaris (35.0, 46.2). This silithid also lurks underground - just find the entrance to the Poison Hive and wander there. The tunnels are not as tangled as in the Yawning Abyss, so you will hardly have to look for a pet for a long time;

      Lapress / Lapress level 42-62 can be found in the Silithus location (58.6, 66.8 / 60.8, 68.8 / 55.4, 71.0 / 57.6, 76.0 / 65.6, 75.2);

      Krkk "ks / Krkk" kx level 42-62 can be found in Thousand Needles (70.0, 85.4);

      Tix / Tix level 42-62 can be found in the location Silithus (38.0, 85.8 - appears only in the old version of Silithus, so you need Zidormi's help) and in the location An "Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom (61.0, 6.4 - this location is displayed on the map if you enter Ahn'Qiraj without entering the raid of the same name);

      A level 42-62 Kaxx / Kaxx can be found in Thousand Needles (37.6, 56.0);

      Queen Zavas / Clutchmother Zavas level 42-62 can be found in the location of Un "Goro Crater (48.8, 85.6 - this silithid uterus is hiding in a hive, the entrance to which is located slightly north of the map from the specified point);

      Harakiss the Infestor level 42-62 can be found in the Tanaris location (50.6, 72.6 / 53.0, 70.6 / 56.6, 68.8 / 52.6, 65.6 / 55.8, 64.6);

      Manax / Manax 42-62 level can be found in the location Silithus (67.8, 66.8 - as usual, first we turn to Zidormi if you need to get to the old version of the location. The sought-after silithid is hiding in a dead end inside the hive, which is easier to get into through the entrance located at point 65.56, 73.19);

      Qu "rik / Qu" rik level 42-62 can be found in the Silithus location (54.4, 26.4 - if necessary, contact Zidormi. This silithid is also hiding in the hive - you need the southernmost entrance to Ashi's hive);

      Kvem / Qem level 42-62 can be found in the Silithus location (44.0, 17.2 - Zidormi will help you get to the old version of the location. Like the previous silithid, Kvem sits in the hive, but this time you need not the southern, but the northern entrance to Asha's hive);

      Bornix the Burrower level 42-62 can be found in the Silithus location (62.6, 89.4 - Zidormi, as always, will be marked with an icon on the location map if you need it. to catch, you need to go to the southernmost entrance to the Regal hive and go through the tunnels constantly to the south, where there will be a dead end with a rare silithid);

      Losage / Losaj level 42-62 can be found in the location Silithus (42.6, 56.6 - do not forget about Zidormi if you need to get into the old version of Silithus. This silithid, like his brothers, prefers to hide from curious hunters underground. Find him, however, it is not so difficult - for this you need to go to the eastern entrance to the Zora hive and move through the tunnels to the east until you come across a spacious room with the desired silithid);

      Ainamiss the Hive Queen level 42-62 can be found in Tanaris (33.0, 49.0 / 34.0, 45.8 / 35.0, 44.6 / 36.6, 42.6 / 36.8, 46.6).


      Level 3-22 Sri skulk can be found in Tirisfal Glades (84.6, 49.4);

      Krethis the Shadowspinner level 12-62 can be found in Silverpine Forest (36.4, 15.2 - this spider wanders in a wide area around the specified point, right in front of the mine called Twisting Darkness);

      Tarantis / Tarantis levels 3-22 can be found in Elwynn Forest (65.4, 64.2 / 66.6, 63.2);

      Crystal Fang / Level 62 Crystal Fang can be found in the Spider Labyrinth, which is located in the Blackrock Spire dungeon (55, 75 - you can get lost in this dungeon in no time, so remember your path carefully);

      Blood Widow / Leech Widow level 27-62 can be found in the Wetlands location (46.8, 63.6 - this spider is hiding deep in a cave, the entrance to which is located east of the map from the specified point);

      Hyakiss the Lurker Level 73 can be found in Servant's Rooms in the Karazhan raid dungeon (59.6, 28.7);

      Shadowstalker 3-22 levels can be found in the location of Tirisfal Glades (38.0, 52.0 - this spider is hiding in an extinguished fireplace inside the house at the specified point);

      Mother Fang / Mother Fang 3-22 levels can be found in the location Elwynn Forest (61.8, 47.8 - this spider lives in the very depths of the mine, captured by the kobolds. The entrance to the mine is located just south of the specified point);

      Naraxis / Naraxis level 22-62 can be found in the location Duskwood (86.4, 48.0);

      Paraliss / Paraliss level 37-62 can be found in Dustwallow Marsh (38.6, 74.6);

      Likk the Hunter level 42-62 can be found in Eastern Plaguelands (12.8, 71.2);

      Iriss the Widow level 22-62 can be found in Stonetalon Mountains (54.4, 74.8);

      Level 37-62 Ironweb can be found in Western Plaguelands (51.8, 69.6);

      Bilefang Mother level 110-120 can be found in Drustvar location (35.6, 32.6 - this spider is hiding in a mine, the entrance to which is located near the specified point. At the moment, this pet is very difficult to tame - it is a target as a local one, and the usual task, plus in the mine where the Bile Womb sits, there is a huge number of small aggressive spiders that will interfere with taming);

      Miasmiss / Miasmiss level 17-62 can be found in the Hillsbrad Foothills location (37.0, 68.2 - this spider is hiding in the depths of the Lapis Lazuli Mine, the entrance to which is located next to the specified point);

      Terror Spinner level 66-82 can be found in the Zul "Drak" location (53.2, 31.6 / 61.2, 36.6 / 72.0, 28.4 / 71.8, 23.8 / 82.0, 35.0 / 77.2, 42.8 / 74.6, 66.0);

      Crackles / Chatter level 17-62 can be found in the Redridge Mountains (37.8, 34.4 - this spider does not go far from the specified point, but she appears in an extremely crowded place - there are always players nearby who just walk by or perform tasks nearby);

      Level 17-62 Chitter can be found in Redridge Mountains (63.6, 66.0);

      Level 27-62 Zorn can be found in Arathi Highlands (21.6, 15.4) and in Hillsbrad Foothills (77.0, 60.0);

      Shanda the Spinner level 12-62 can be found in Loc Modan (61.6, 74.6);

      Level 17-62 Creepthess can be found in Hillsbrad Foothills (43.8, 74.4);

      Gretheer level 42-62 can be found in the Silithus location (36.2, 39.6 / 45.2, 51.6 / 52.2, 55.2 / 64.2, 58.2 - if you are in the Silithus version with the giant sword of Sargeras, then talk to Zidormi and move to the old version locations);

      Jungleweb Hunter 110-120 level can be found in Vol'dun location (60.6, 17.8 - this spider is the target of a world quest);

      Rekk "tilak / Rekk" tilac level 42-62 can be found in Searing Gorge (30.6, 71.2);

      Level 37-62 Darkmist Widow can be found in Dustwallow Marsh (33.6, 22.8);

      Weaver / Needle Level 42-62 can be found in Felwood (51.0, 34.2);

      Kirix / Kirix level 87-122 can be found in the Fiery Front (29.0, 73.0 / 26.6, 66.4 / 27.0, 62.0 / 28.0, 61.6 / 29.8, 55.2 / 31.2, 57.4 - this and all the following spiders hide among the scorched hills of the Fiery Front To get there, get to the Mount Hyjal location and find the portal at 27.3, 55.9);

      Solix / Solix level 87-122 can be found in the Fiery Front (60.6, 59.6);

      Mer "tilak<Дымящаяся Тьма>/ Deth "tilac Level 87-122 can be found in the Fiery Front (73.0, 58.0 / 69.4, 69.8 / 68.0, 71.4);

      Level 87-122 Skitterflame can be found in the Fiery Front (19.8, 49.0);

      Level 87-122 Anthriss can be found in the Fiery Front (52.6, 41.2 / 54.6, 41.8 / 54.8, 38.4).


      Sporeggon Level 42-62 can be found in Eastern Plaguelands (39.4, 55.6).


      Star Horn / Level 100-110 Starbuck can be found in Stormheim (54.8, 30.0);

      Sythian the Swift 110-120 level can be found in Tiragarde Sound (67.0, 13.4 - this deer is the target of a world quest);

      Direhoof level 100-102 can be found in Nagrand (Draenor) (60.4, 38.6).


      Level 3-22 Mazzranache can be found in Mulgore (43.6, 41.0 / 42.4, 45.4 / small area 44.4, 47.4 to 47.6, 46.4);

      Dustflight the Cowardly level 22-62 can be found in Stonetalon Mountains (44.8, 55.8);

      Seawing / Seawing level 42-62 can be found in the Swamp of Sorrows location (this strider runs along the northeastern coast of the location from point 80.2, 16.2 to 90.6, 40.0);

      Level 12-62 Strider Clutchmother can be found in Darkshore (40.8, 48.6).


      Anax / Anax level 110 can be found in the Suramar location (33.8, 51.2 - to see this toad, you must complete the starting quest chain in Suramar);

      Level 110-120 Croaker can be found in Stormsong Valley (62.8, 33.6 - this toad is the target of a world quest);

      Bufo / Bufo level 87-92 can be found in the Timeless Isle location (this toad lives on the southeast coast of the island in the area from 67.2, 65.2 to 62.0, 77.6);

      Enormous Bullfrog level 33-61 can be found in the dungeon Labyrinth of Needlehides (this frog, which, oddly enough, is a toad, is an optional boss of the dungeon and lives near the final boss of the dungeon).


      The level 110 Mar "tura / Mar" tura can be found in Suramar (13.8, 52.4);

      Level 83-92 Bloodtooth can be found in Krasarang Wilds (14.8, 45.6 / 46.2, 62.6 / 54.2, 49.2 / 57.0, 47.0 / 56.4, 44.0). This turtle is one of the secret pets of Pandaria, so at the indicated points you need to find footprints, go over them, and then use the Flare Rocket ability, which any hunter has to see the turtle;

      Years / Goda level 93 can be found in the Isle of Thunder (53.6, 53.0);

      Kulett the Ornery level 110-120 can be found in Tiragarde Sound (48.2, 22.6 - this turtle is the target of a world quest);

      Great Turtle Furyshell level 87-92 can be found in the Timeless Isle location (this turtle lives along the western coast of the island - from points 20.8, 42.4 to 26.6, 71.8. The turtle's spawn area is quite large, so do not forget to take with you addon NPCScan);

      Calentius / Terrorpene level 82-92 can be found in Mount Hyjal (51.8, 72.2 / 56.0, 75.4 / 53.8, 82.0 / 52.2, 83.2);

      Level 12-62 Scalebeard can be found in Azshara (this turtle roams in a small area on the coast from 42.6, 46.4 to 43.6, 52.6);

      Terrapis / Terrapis levels 3-22 can be found in the Elwynn Forest location (this turtle wanders along the riverbank from points 50.6, 87.2 to 74.0, 84.8. Alas, Terrapis often falls prey to low-level players when leveling up);

      Ironback Level 32-62 can be found in The Hinterlands (80.6, 57.6);

      Evil Benji / Cranky Benj Level 17-62 can be found in the Hillsbrad Foothills location (this turtle roams strictly along the river from points 65.8, 36.4 to 56.4, 62.2).


      Zormus / Zormus level 42-62 can be found in the Badlands location (51.8, 34.2 - in the hills above the camp of archaeologists at the indicated point there is an entrance to a small crypt. It is in it that the pet is hiding);

      Level 100 Shadowthrash can be found in Tanaan Jungle (49.8, 61.6);

      Level 100-102 Aogexon can be found in Nagrand (Draenor) (51.6, 16.0);

      Vortex / Vorticus level 42-62 can be found in Badlands (23.2, 37.6);

      Gezan Level 42-62 can be found in Felwood (52.6, 31.8).


      Queen Tzxi "kik / Queen Tzxi" kik level 110-120 can be found in Nazmir (57.8, 67.4 - this wasp is the target of a world quest, but not the most common, so it is relatively easy to catch it);

      Hivemother Kraxi 110-120 level can be found in the location Vol "dun (53.6, 53.6 - this wasp is not only the target of the world quest, but also hides in an inconspicuous cave. The entrance to it is here - 53.9, 51.6) ;

      The level 110-120 Barbthorn Queen can be found in Drustvar (59.0, 17.6 - this bee, which for some reason is marked as a wasp, is the objective of the world quest);

      Zelganag / Xelganak level 100-102 can be found in Nagrand (Draenor) (41.6, 45.0);

      Blackthorne level 110-120 can be found in Tiragarde Sound (85.2, 73.4 - this wasp is the target of a world quest and loves to confuse players. If you do not find a wasp in the cave at the indicated point, then just try to climb the hill above this cave - the wasp will be there);

      Rex Ashil level 42-62 can be found in the Silithus location (52.0, 24.8 - this wasp of a unique gray-lilac color hides in the bowels of Asha's hive. To catch it, simply go down to the hive through the southern entrance and go around the tunnels - the wasp moves on them, but far from the specified point does not fly away. And to get into the old version of the location with whole hives, you need to talk to Zidormi);

      Mutilax / Mutilax level 37-62 can be found in Western Plaguelands (52.6, 27.6);

      Zora / Zora level 42-62 can be found in the Silithus location (33.8, 53.4 / 32.0, 55.8 - this wasp is hiding in Zora's hive, and to find it, you just need to go down into the hive and wander through the tunnels. If you need to get into the old version Silithus, then talk to Zidormi - you can find her by the icon on the location map);

      Boros / Boros level 27-62 can be found in Arathi Highlands (48.6, 35.2);

      Teromak / Teromak level 37-62 can be found in the Dustwallow Marsh location (42.0, 42.0);

      Orlix the Swamplord level 42-62 can be found in the Swamp of Sorrows location (17.8, 37.2 - this wasp flies over a small reservoir around the specified point);

      Ffexk the Dunestalker level 42-62 can be found in the Silithus location (33.0, 52.4 - as usual, this pet is found in the old version of Silithus, and you can get there by talking to Zidormi);

      Quirot / Qirot level 37-62 can be found in the location Feralas (73.6, 64.0 / 76.6, 61.4 - this wasp should be located before descending into the Hive of the Humming Abyss);

      Qin / Cyn level 42-62 can be found in Thousand Needles (55.2, 40.6);

      Cida level 42-62 can be found in Felwood (45.0, 31.8);

      Volux / Volux level 22-62 can be found in the location of Stonetalon Mountains (39.8, 46.2);

      Nix / Nix level 12-62 can be found in the location of Lok Modan (this wasp flies in the eastern central part of the dried lake Lok, approximately at this point - 57.4, 37.8. This wasp glows, and all other local wasps look about the same, not which are rare, so the NPCScan addon is useful for detecting a pet).

    Water Striders

      Level 82-92 Glimmer / Glimmer can be found in The Jade Forest (46.0, 72.6 / 50.6, 54.6 / 53.0, 51.2 / 53.4, 49.6 / 54.6, 48.8 / 56.0, 48.2 / 52.6, 42.8 / 53.6, 43.0 / 56.2, 41.4 /57.4, 40.8 / 57.0, 41.6). This strider is one of the secret pets of Pandaria, so at the indicated points you need to find footprints, go over them, and then use the Flare Rocket ability, which any hunter has to see the strider;

      A level 62-82 Marticar can be found in the Zangarmarsh location (this strider loves to walk, and he walks in three areas - from point 10.0, 52.4 to 18.2, 30.8 / from point 38.4, 35.8 to 50.8, 32.0 / from point 70.4, 37.2 to 78.2, 53.6). When you catch Martikar, you definitely need to arm yourself with the NPCScan addon, since the pet loves to dodge and is very similar in color to other striders in the location;

      Level 86-92 Hexapos can be found in Dread Wastes (30.0, 53.8 / 40.0, 52.6 / 42.8, 51.6 / 44.2, 53.6 / 50.0, 65.0 / 55.0, 66.6 / 56.6, 66.2 / 32.6, 23.4 / 34.2, 24.4 /42.0, 25.2 / 60.4, 22.2). This Strider is another secret pet for Pandaria. It goes without saying that to catch him, you need to use the usual method of catching pets of this type - at the indicated points you need to find tracks, walk along them, and then use the Flare Rocket ability, which any hunter has to see the strider.

    Winged snakes

      Arash-ethis / Arash-ethis level 37-62 can be found in the location Feralas (this serpent hovers above the ground in a circle. You can search for it in areas from points 39.4, 20.6 to 40.8, 24.6 or from points 37.4, 22.0 to 40.2, 24.6);

      Hayoc / Hayoc level 37-62 can be found in Dustwallow Marsh (48.6, 61.4);

      Azzira the Skyblade level 27-62 can be found in the Southern Barrens (this serpent moves in a wide area between points 42.2, 53.4 and 46.0, 58.6. Scarlet scales give out your future pet from afar, so just look around) ;

      Level 22-62 Sparkwing can be found in Stonetalon Mountains (58.8, 86.6);

      Quetzl / Quetzl level 42-62 can be found in Winterspring location (67.0, 83.6);

      Ionis / Ionis level 42-62 can be found in the Swamp of Sorrows location (40.0, 35.6 - this snake moves, but never moves far from the specified point);

      Level 42-62 Skyshadow can be found in Thousand Needles (94.2, 58.6);

      Anith level 37-62 can be found in Dustwallow Marsh (32.6, 30.8);

      Yukiko / Yukiko level 42-62 can be found in the Swamp of Sorrows location (69.6, 66.4);

      Chia / Chiaa level 42-62 can be found in the Burning Steppes (35.6, 27.8).


      Level 110 Maia the White can be found in Suramar (24.6, 35.0);

      Longfang / Deepfang level 110-120 can be found in Stormsong Valley (53.0, 50.4 - this wolf is the target of a world quest);

      Nighthowl 3-22 levels can be found in Tirisfal Glades (42.8, 28.4 - this pet retains its transparency even after taming, so fans of transparent wolves can rejoice);

      Snort / Snort level 42-62 can be found in Eastern Plaguelands (57.6, 79.8);

      Snarler / Snarler level 37-62 can be found in the Feralas location (this wolf moves in a narrow area between points 74.6, 35.4 and 83.4, 38.8. Be sure to turn on the NPCScan addon if you go to catch this wolf, as it is not very noticeable);

      Level 17-62 Mist Howler can be found in Ashenvale (26.2, 15.4 / 25.2, 26.8);

      Lamepaw the Whimperer Level 3-22 can be found in Elwynn Forest (52.2, 62.4);

      Master of the Grove / Grovepaw level 42-62 can be found in Felwood (38.2, 72.8);

      Deathmaw level 42-62 can be found in the Burning Steppes (63.2, 32.2 / 73.6, 51.8);

      Old Cliff Jumper Level 32-62 can be found in The Hinterlands (13.6, 53.8);

      Vorog / Warg level 37-62 can be found in Western Plaguelands (58.0, 61.8);

      Level 12-62 Gorefang can be found in Silverpine Forest (60.2, 9.6 / 57.8, 16.2 / 56.2, 23.2);

      Level 42-62 Barnabus can be found in Badlands (40.4, 60.0);

      Gray / Timber Level 3-22 can be found in the New Tinkertown location in Dun Morogh (this light gray wolf roams in the northeastern part of Frozen Lake around 67.2, 37.4. It often falls prey to low-level gnomes who hunt for experience, so taming it is relatively difficult);

      Volkus / Lupos level 22-62 can be found in the Duskwood location (60.8, 20.6 / 65.6, 19.6 / 70.8, 22.2 / 70.6, 25.0);

      Death Howl Level 42-62 can be found in Felwood (48.2, 74.6 / 54.2, 84.4).


      The Deep Tunneler level 42-62 can be found in Winterspring location (50.6, 72.2 - this worm is hiding deep in a cave, the entrance to which is located east of the map from the specified point);

      Silkworm / Bombyx level 83-92 can be found in Krasarang Wilds (small area from point 31.0, 43.6 to 32.6, 48.0). This worm is another secret pet of Pandaria. To catch him, at the indicated points you need to find traces, go over them, and then use the Illuminating Rocket ability, which any hunter has, and only after that it will be possible to see the Silkworm. The tracks of this pet look quite unusual - these are small green bushes, which are called "Strongly chewed cotton wool";

      Gnath / Gnath level 12-62 can be found in the location Silverpine Forest (50.0, 29.6 / 49.4, 29.4 - this worm sits in the water under the bridge);

      Spirocula level 42-62 can be found in Eastern Plaguelands (74.2, 58.8);

      Dilennaa level 42-62 can be found in the Felwood location (42.2, 48.2 - this cunning worm lurks right under the water next to the defiled lake shore);

      Chordix / Chordix level 17-62 can be found in the Hillsbrad Foothills location (56.2, 54.6);

      Level 37-62 Oozeworm can be found in Dustwallow Marsh (37.0, 62.6);

      Parasius / Parasitus level 37-62 can be found in the Western Plaguelands location (62.0, 73.6 - this worm is another lover of underwater swimming, so dive deeper if you want to catch it);

      Level 42-62 Grubthor can be found in the Silithus location (34.6, 72.8 / 41.2, 64.8 / 50.2, 63.8 / 49.2, 72.6 - this pet is found only in the old version of Silithus, and to get there, you just need
      talk to Zidormi, who is marked with a special icon on the location map).

    If you are looking for a pet from this long list, check out our offer on capturing rare hunter pets.

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    In this Battle Pet Guide, I tried to collect information regarding the new "Battle Pet System" in WOW. This system will act as a secondary profession and will be available to all players. If before the release you have several pets of the same type on different characters within the same account, they will be combined into one pet. In total, you can have up to 500 pets, 3 varieties of one pet. Winning a pet battle can provide the player with a certain amount of experience (similar to the gathering profession). In order to start training your pet, you need to visit the Battle Pet Trainer, he is in any capital.


    Battle Pets, like items, can be of different qualities (simple, rare, etc.). The quality of a pet is determined randomly when a pet appears on the map. The higher the quality of the pet, the greater the increase in characteristics it will receive when increasing the level.

    Pets have four characteristics: health, attack, defense, and speed. It is the speed that determines the order of the pets' moves. The higher the speed, the higher the probability of starting the move first. The abilities of pets will open as you gain levels, and you can also learn unique abilities from the trainer. Most of the pets can be sold at the auction, a special section has been created for this. To sell a pet, you must put it in a cage. When sold, the level of the pet is preserved.

    Pet Fights:

    • You can track pets using the mini-map. They will appear on the mini-map in the form of a small green paw print:

    • The same symbol will be displayed above the pet if you see it on the ground. You can only challenge and train a pet marked with this icon:
    • In order to call a pet to battle, you must right-click on it. If, after calling your pet to battle, you see an error about the impossibility of conducting a battle in a given area, just move away to a more open space and try again. As soon as you have successfully entered a battle with a pet, your screen will change to the pet battle screen, which will display all the necessary information about the battle: the health of your pet and the enemy pet, the ability of the pet, etc.
    • Your team can have a maximum of three pets.
    • In total, 6 abilities are available in one battle for the entire team of pets. One pet can use up to three abilities per battle.
    • The turn time in battle is not limited.
    • During the battle, you can change the pet, but it will cost you one turn.
    • To catch a pet, the enemy pet must have no more than 35% health. If this condition is met, use the Trap ability. Each subsequent use of the "Trap" increases the chance of a successful capture. You can catch up to three pets of the same type.
    • There are two ways to summon the pets of another player to battle: 1. Right-click on the player and select the appropriate menu item; 2. Press “Shift + P”, select the “Pet Atlas” tab and click on the “Battle Search” button. The system will automatically select the most equal opponent for you. Players can disable the ability to summon them to a Pet Battle.
    • For each battle, your pets will receive experience, and not only the surviving pets, but also those of them who took an active part in the battle, gain experience. As the levels of pets increase, you will find yourself in more difficult battles.

    Pet families:

    Each pet belongs to one of 10 families (the translation of the family names is preliminary). Each family has a passive bonus, as well as an increase / decrease in damage for one of the other families:

    • Aquatic: increased damage to Elementals, decreased by Magic pets.
    • Beasts: increased damage against Creatures, decreased against Birds.
    • Creatures: increased damage against Undead, decreased against Humanoids.
    • Dragons: increased damage to Magic pets reduced by Undead.
    • Elementals: Increased Damage to Mechanical pets reduced in Creatures.
    • Birds: increased damage against Aquatic pets, decreased against Dragons.
    • Humanoids: increased damage against Dragons, decreased by Beast.
    • Magic: increased damage to Birds, decreased by Mechanical pets.
    • Mechanical: increased damage against Beasts, decreased against Elementals.
    • Undead: increased damage against Humanoids, decreased against Aquatic pets.

    Passive abilities of each of the families:

    • Aquatic: The duration of negative effects that last over time is reduced.
    • Beasts: Deal 25% more damage when below 50% health.
    • Creatures: Freed from crowd control effects faster.
    • Dragons: Deals 50% more damage to targets below 25% health.
    • Elementals: Ignore all weather effects.
    • Birds: Move 50% faster when they are above 50% health.
    • Humanoids: Regenerate 2% of their maximum health on each attack.
    • Magical: Magical pets cannot be dealt damage equal to more than 50% of the pet's health with a single attack.
    • Mechanical: Bounces back to life with 25% health once per battle.
    • Undead: Resurrect for one round upon death.

    WOW 5.0 Pet Battle Video Guide Mists of Pandaria

    Video creator: TheHa11owed
    P.S. If you find any inaccuracies in the Guide or want to add any information - write in the comments.

    P.S.S. Do not forget to rate the material, repost in social. networking is welcome.

    Players who are just entering the lands of the World of Warcraft universe, almost from the very beginning, are haunted by one question: why the game needs allied animals or. In fact, from the point of view of a beginner, "loyal friends" really seem to be a kind of superfluous attribute, a means of showing one's worth, well-being, social status, level of wealth, and so on. Almost all newcomers are sure that pets are "show-offs" with which the rich "majors" are trying to embody their unrealized ambitions in the virtual space.

    I'll feed the homeless dog at the entrance ...

    This point of view certainly has a right to exist. Not only that, most newcomers to the WoW Universe are hoping that they will certainly achieve incredible success without investing a cent in the game! It is from this very moment that subconscious cunning begins. After all, World of Warcraft is not an absolutely free game, which means that the user has already paid some money for the right to participate in this incredible adventure! If you do not take into account the pirated versions and numerous "gray" server schemes, where, sooner or later, money will be required from the user! But that's not the point. We're talking about pets now.

    The vast universe of WoW is literally filled with "sharks of imperialism" who know the game inside and out! And the gameplay, in addition to mechanically completing quests and following linear plot structures, implies the need to use ingenuity and cunning. Therefore, a gamer who initially refuses vague and vague prospects associated with raising pets, having reached a more or less serious level of character development (40+, and especially 50+), is forced to bite his elbows. The balance of the game is built in such a way that developing exclusively combat or magical characteristics, sooner or later you can come to a complete dead end. In WoW, not everything is decided by the most pumped "tanks" or "magicians of spells".

    Why tame pets in World War II?

    Representatives of almost any race are strongly advised not to forget about the waste of precious resources on skills associated with finding a common language with numerous animals. In the future, this will, in particular, allow:

    • Increase your movement speed. both on the global map and on a specific location
    • Get into some closed locations
    • Have support in battles. We are, of course, talking about PvP, although pets sometimes provide invaluable help in quest tasks.
    • Receive additional loot without risking the life and health of your own character.
    • Dig out some special quests

    These are just the main arguments in favor of pumping the "taming" skills. Yes, undoubtedly, the execution of some tasks looks quite tedious and monotonous. But, as a rule, it becomes quite problematic to manage at sufficiently high levels of character development - it is long, costly, and sometimes completely inappropriate!

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