Who treats Aphthozny Stomatitis. Acute aphtose stomatitis

Aphtose stomatitis is one of the many types of stomatitis. External signs of the disease are characterized by the presence of very painful ulcers (AFT), which is why the sick is experiencing significant discomfort.

Treatment of aphtheasic stomatitis depends largely on the reasons provoked by this ailment. The main reason for the occurrence of any kind of stomatitis is the reaction immune system On some stimuli - bacteria, viruses, microbes. As for specifically, the ancestry stomatitis, the medicine causes its occurrence of various kinds of infection and the preceding infectious diseases:

  • flu
  • diphtheria
  • herpes virus
  • l-shaped staphylococci
  • adenovirus

Related factors that are essentially the following:

  • First of all, it is weak immunity
  • Avitaminosis, in particular lack of vitamins A, B, C, as well as trace elements Selena, Zinc, Iron
  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Teeth and Gum Diseases - Pulpitis, Caries, Toothstone
  • Predisposition to allergies
  • Traumatic injuries of the inner oral area through biting, through scratching of a slotted tooth or sharp foods, through the reception too acidic, acute or hot food
  • Genetic heredity

Since the main cause of this species of stomatitis is infections against the background of a weakened immune system, it will naturally assume that the aphodic stomatitis in children is found quite often. This type of disease requires well-thought-out systematic treatment. It is impossible to expect that small yazens will be held by themselves. Incorrect diagnosis, and as a result, ineffective treatment and, moreover, the absence of treatment leads to chronic recurrent aphtheasic stomatitis, which often may be present in adults in age category 20-40 years.

Why at first symptoms of stomatitis need to contact the doctor?

The fact is that the Aphtose Stomatitis, having the same type of symptoms, but different reasons for their development, can have different consequences, by virtue of which distinguish several subspecies of this stomatitis, to understand which only the doctor can be diagnosed correctly. Do not forget that competent depends on the correct diagnostics treatment of aphthose stomatitis.

Types of aftenal stomatitis

Depending on the nature of the course of this disease, two types of thomatitis are distinguished:

  • Acute aphtose stomatitis caused viral infection.
  • Chronic recurrent ancestry stomatitis, whose name itself suggests that the disease is periodically repeated.

Symptoms of aphthose stomatitis

The symptoms of acute aphtheasic stomatitis at the initial stage are very similar to the symptoms of ordinary ARS. In general, the development of Aphtheasian Stomatitis passes several stages, for each of which are characterized by their own characteristics.

The initial stage is characterized sequentially:

  • general lethargy and ailment
  • loss of appetite
  • increase temperature
  • inflammation lymph nodes (cervical and occipital)

At the next stage, redness begins on the mucous membrane inside the oral cavity. The second stage in the active stage of its development is characterized by the formation of ulcers (AFT). AFTs are rounded ulcers, single or multiple pieces, very painful. The diameter of them can reach 5 mm. Often they are covered with a grayish or yellowish fibrous flask and have a bright red framing. If you do not start the treatment of aphtheasic stomatitis, then AFTS quickly apply to the internal areas of the cheeks, lips, sky and language. At the peak of its development, painful sensations from AFT are enhanced, the pain accompanies the patient when conversing and receiving food.

Subspecies of aphtose stomatitis

Based on the nature of the lesions of the mucous membrane in medicine, there are four subspecies of aphthous stomatitis:

  • Necrotic
  • Glandular
  • Scarette
  • Deforming

What subspecies of stomatitis develops in a patient can only determine the dentist. Sometimes for this purpose you need to take on the analysis of the smear in order to determine the causative agent of infection.

Aphtose stomatitis in children is often confused with herpes virus. In contrast to him aphtose ulcers In the initial stage, it looks like a small red dot, on the place of which it is formed first a bubble with a grayish-white head and a red rim. When it breaks through, an ulcer is formed. Ulcers can be a source of development of secondary bacterial or fungal infection. As part of general therapy, close attention should be paid to nutrition, excluding acidic food, such as citrus, tomatoes, apples from the diet.

Treatment of Aphtheasian Stomatitis in children and adults lies in the complex of events involving the local impact and general therapy, And the choice of certain drugs depends on the severity of the disease.

Treatment of aphthose stomatitis

Getting Started with the treatment of thomatitis, primarily it is required to ensure disinfection of the oral cavity. Disinfectants are a number of antiseptic solutions that should be treated with ulcers surface:

  • rf of hydrogen peroxide
  • pR Furatcilina
  • rr chlorhexidine
  • novocaine
  • lidocaine
  • hydrotisut
  • heparin

These drugs will help strengthen the patient's entire body.

If it is determined that the cause of the occurrence of thomatitis is a viral infection, then the doctor may assign antiviral drugs.

After the foci of the aphthous stomatitis was processed for several days and the process of healing of aphtose ulcers begins, then the use of such funds will help to speed up the recovery:

  • citral solution
  • preolis preparations
  • complex Vitamin C, group B and R

In the absence of treatment of aphtheasic stomatitis in children of ulcers (AFTs), they will gradually disappear independently after about a half or two weeks. In addition, the child all this period will disturb the pain, malaise, temperature, lack of appetite, the disease is imperceptible to you will acquire a permanent repetition stage, processing chronic recurrective thomatitis, which is completely almost uncollected.

Treatment of Aphtheasian Stomatitis in children

Quite often, the occurrence of such a type of stomatitis is provoked in children with sensitivity to a certain type of food, for example, to citrus. Provocate the disease can also chocolate, sugar, wheat and garlic.

When diagnosing a thomatitis in children, special attention should be paid primarily to the baby's nutrition. Food should be gentle, soft and rich in vitamins and microelements. It is best to feed the child with natural products, including yogurts with alive bacteria.

  • Vitamin C is well promoted tissue healing. It is better to give it in a non-requesting version, for example, in the form of a food additive calcium ascorbate.
  • Children's multivitamins and microelements with a mandatory zinc content that enhance the immune system and accelerate the healing of the wound.
  • Children's probiotics, such as acidophilia or bifox firms the microflora of the child's oral area with useful bacteria, which will also contribute to the speedy recovery.

For the treatment of Afgotic stomatitis in children are suitable homeopathic drugs and funds folk Medicine. Here are some effective recipes:

In a quarter cup of water, a drop of 2 drops of mirrier + 3 drops of calendula or hydratistis. The solution must be processed (rinse) the oral cavity with an interval of 3 hours until complete cure.

Aromatherapy will also help in the form of an undiluted drop of mirra. Apply one smear right on the aphtose ulcery three times a day.

  • Well cashes the ulcers cut aloe leaf. If you have a lot of ulcers, you can even cheat Aloe leaflets three times a day.
  • Regular rinse with carrot, cabbage juice, half-diluted with water, will also remove inflammation.
  • A good effective means in the fight against the aphtheasic stomatitis, if you take on one tea spoon of honey, natural vegetable oil (Sunflower), Eggs protein, 1 ampoule of novocaine 0.5% - all stir up to homogeneous mass and resulting with ointment processing wounds.
  • Rinse in the infancy of the pharmacy chamomile with the addition of 4 g boric acid There will be peasant of ulcers and at the same time be an antiseptic agent. The grass of the chamomile is enough to take one dessert or tablespoon on a glass of boiling water and brewing, let it stand.
  • Exactly the same effect has a rinse with Nasty nettle in the same proportions.
Chronic recurrent ancestry stomatitis

The mechanism of the origin of chronic recurrent thomatitis is not fully detected. However, a clear relationship between the state of the human immune system and the disease is unequivocally traced. The causes of chronic aphtheasic stomatitis are very often considered:

  • Neriva-mental disorders and overvoltage
  • Allergic reactions can give a systematic resistant flash of aphtheasic stomatitis
  • Traumatic damage to the internal oral area often carry provoking factor
  • Regular use of toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate content for some patients is a persistent thomatitis.
  • Heredity - According to some studies, every third patient, suffering from chronic recurrent aphthose stomatitis, acquires this disease from its parents.
  • There is also a link to the chronic course of the disease with blood diseases and gastrointestinal diseases.
Clinical picture with necrotic form of stomatitis

This form of stomatitis is observed in persons with diseases of blood and severe forms of somatic diseases. AFTs are almost painless, but turning into ulcers, they do not pass within two weeks, or even months.

Clinical picture with pomegranular shape of stomatitis

The cause of the disease is in initially that the ducts are affected salivary glands. The glands cease to function normally, as a result of which an AFTs are formed next to them, which are very painful. In the treatment of aphtheasic stomatitis after 1 - 3 weeks, they pass. But provoking a new surgery of the disease may simple respiratory infection or supercooling.

Clinical picture with the scarce form of stomatitis

The disease of the salivary glands continues to progress, the pathological process penetrates the connecting tissues, the ulcers are formed not only next to the salivary glands, but also on the front palas, and in the shell of the oz. Ulcers can reach a diameter of 1.5 cm. The healing process is slow - up to 3 months and at the same time, the scars remain on the site of the ulce.

Clinical picture with the deforming form of stomatitis

The hardest form accompanied by deep destructive changes in the connecting tissues. In the process of treating the aphtheasic stomatitis of such a form, the deformation of a soft sky and a pavement.

Treatment of chronic recurrent aphthose stomatitis includes a complex of conventional activities of a local nature and general therapy.

Local treatment It is expressed in the processing of the oral area by conventional antiseptics. The pain syndrome is removed using a 5 or 10% glycerin mixture in combination with novocaina or lidocaine. You can also use.

Stomatitis is a common disease. Adults and children are sick. The mechanisms for the occurrence of illness were not fully studied. It is assumed that the cause of the disease can be:

  • low immune status;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • the presence of melted invasions;
  • complications of viral diseases;
  • injuries and rogues of the oral cavity;
  • the body's reaction to drug intervention;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • heredity;
  • insufficient or excess oral hygiene;
  • many other factors.

Stomatitis is the defeat of the mouth mucous membrane. The name of the disease occurred from the ancient Greek word "στόμα" - "mouth". Conditionally divided into several varieties:

  • allergic / pin;
  • aphtose / peptic;
  • vesicular / slavery;
  • herpetic / viral;
  • candadose / fungal;
  • catarrhal;
  • traumatic.

Each type of stomatitis is treated with appropriate medical drugs.

Aphtose Stomatitis: Causes, Symptoms, Symptoms

The name of the aphthous stomatitis occurred from the ancient Greek word "ἄφθη" - ulcer. Ulcerative / Aphthosal Stomatitis is characterized by the appearance of oral erosion lesions on the mucous membranes. The inner part of the cheeks, lips, gums, language and even the throat is covered with painful ulcers, which deliver tangible discomfort.

The surface of erosions is covered with fibrous wave of yellowish or grayish color, framed by a red color.

Aphtose stomatitis. Causes of occurrence

  • Immune system failure

The mechanism for the formation of aphthous ulcers is not fully found. However, there is a steady link between the development of colds and infectious diseases With the reaction of protective functions of the body. The immune system is unable to recognize some saliva components. Lymphocytes are activated and the protection system attacks the chemical reagent as alien.

  • Costs of hygiene

Everyone knows that it is necessary to clean your teeth twice a day using toothpastes. The fumeary substance with a pleasant aroma contains sodium lauryl sulfate in its composition (NAC12H25SO4) or A-surfactant - a surfactant. This ingredient creates a light foam and at the same time dries the mucous membrane, making it more sensitive. The substance is poorly flashed, absorbed into the tissue and penetrates blood, contributing to the emergence and development of stomatitis.

  • Mechanical damage

Random oxidation of the tongue or the inner surface of the cheek, injuring the sky of solid food, the burn of the mouth of the mouth with hot drinks, very acidic or bitter products, in 40% of cases serves as a root cause of the alend.

  • Stress

High neuropsychic load contributes to the appearance of stomatitis.

  • Avitaminosis

The lack of vitamins and microelements in the body affects health. Stomatitis development promotes the shortage of group vitamins B and C, as well as a flaw folic acid, selenium, iron and zinc.

  • Hormonal background

The activation and remission of the thomatitis can affect pregnancy and menstrual cycle.

  • Heredity

In some cases, the patient is distinguished by congenital genetic predisposition to the chronic form of thomatitis.

  • Chronic systemic diseases

Blood Diseases and Target Problems affect the appearance of AFTS. After successful treatment The main disease, the aphtheasic stomatitis goes into a steady remission.

  • Bacterial infections

Aphtose Stomatitis can be by-manifestation diseases such as meningitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the kidneys or bladder.

  • Dental diseases

The reason for the appearance of ulcers can serve: caries, pulpitis, gum disease.

The treatment of stomatitis should be engaged in the doctor. Self-treatment is dangerous and can lead to the transition of the disease in chronic staging. Put an accurate diagnosis and choose a competent therapeutic strategy forces only by a qualified technician.

Ulcerative stomatitis is manifested in acute sight (as a consequence of other bacterial diseases) and chronic (recurrent, repeating again and again).

Chronic thomatitis is implemented in two subspecies:

  • scarce
  • deforming.

Picture of the disease, the first symptoms, development, consequences

The clinical picture of the emergence and development of the aphtheasic stomatitis is divided into 3 stages. Begin illness may begin as an ordinary cold. Primary symptoms are accompanied total weakness, decreased appetite and increasing temperature. Perhaps inflammation of cervical and occipital lymph nodes.

Then the mucous membranes of the oral cavity acquire a reddish hue.

At the last stage of the development of the disease, AFTs are formed.

In the absence of appropriate therapy, the number and size of ulcers increases. Sometimes they reach 5 mm in diameter, merge among themselves, cover the sky, gums and language. When taking food, conversation and even at rest, there is a pain.

Refusal to timely treatment or poor-quality conducting therapeutic procedures provoke recurrences. The disease becomes chronic.

If ulces in the mouth do not heal for two months, diagnose the scarning stomatitis.


  • non-healing ulcers on the side of the tongue, the inner side of the lips and cheeks, in the sky and throat;
  • "Creeping" ulcers when the lesion site is shifted, leaving the scars (on the site of the healing of ulcers remains a scar, and a new AFT arises nearby);
  • general weakness;
  • rotten smell of mouth;
  • temperature.

The deforming aphtheasic stomatitis in symptomatics largely coincides with the braking subspecies. After healing, the scars remain and the deformation of a soft sky, lips, possibly narrowing the oral gap.

The scarce and deforming species of stomatitis suffer only by half-plant patients. The disease is called the "Aphtomases of Setton". Often arises against leukemia.

Stomatitis therapy

How to treat Aphthosal Stomatitis? In each case, the decision takes the doctor. But there is a general treatment scheme that includes several stages:

  • anesthesia;
  • antiseptic treatment of ulcers;
  • medication treatment;
  • diet;
  • support for immune status;
  • hygiene.


Aphthosal stomatitis is accompanied by pain symptoms. The ulcers penetrate the whole thickness of the mucous membrane, making it difficult to eat food and drinks. In severe cases, pain worries the patient even at rest.

Local use of anesthetics is simply necessary. The means temporarily relieving pain include pills for resorption, such as hexoral TABS, anesthesine or Stopangin 2a. The pharmacological market offers comprehensive medical preparationscontaining painkillers in combination with therapeutic agent: Lidokhlor, Camistad, Lidocaine Asepta, Instillagel, etc.

For convenience, aerosol sprayers are used as Lidocaine Asepta.

To relieve pain in the oral cavity, any means containing lidocaine, novocaine, analgin, etc. will be suitable.

Removal pain sensations Allows the patient at least for a while to facilitate its state and fully eaten.

Antiseptic processing

After meals, it is necessary to clean and disinfect the oral cavity from the residues of food and the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. One of best ways is the rinsing of the mouth with risms of herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • calendula.

These and other herbs, as well as herbal fees, such as inhaphitol or the eucar are washed out of the wound and secluded meals from the mouth, dead fabrics. The inflammation is removed, soothes the mucous membrane, the pain is slightly removed.

Excellent antiseptices include:

  • chlorhexidine;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • fucylin.

The aqueous solutions are perfectly purified and disinfected the oral cavity, the mucous membrane is beneficial. In simple cases, the antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity can fully cure the aphtheasic stomatitis.

In the treatment of Aphtheasian Stomatitis in children, it is not easy to implement a rinsing procedure. Rotokan comes to help parents. The complex agent has a pleasant taste and aroma, does not require brewing - they prepare it on the principle of "just add water". The concentrate is a mix of herbs extracts, which includes chamomile, mint, calendula, etc. Small amount of solution vegetable origin Dissolve in warm water and give to rinsing children.

Baby and nursery children do not know how to rinse their mouths. They process the oral cavity with a cotton or gauze tampon, abundantly moistened in a disinfectant solution.

Medicase treatment is carried out with the help of gels, balms and pastes. A viscous gel structure ensures maximum adhesion of the drug with slippery tissues of the mucous membrane. The gels remain tightly to ulcers, the gels remain on damaged surfaces, destroying the pathogenic bacteria at the cellular level, preventing the penetration of saliva into the lesion zone for 4-6 hours. Effectively treat stomatitis in tongue.

  • Salcossuril;
  • Metrogil Denta;
  • Instillael;
  • Camistad and others.

How and what to treat children?

So that therapeutic procedures are not caused by the baby negative and rejection, medications must be neutral or pleasant taste. Such drugs like: Holovaal, Actovegin or Balsam Shostakovsky are made by kids favorably.

Aphtose stomatitis provides comprehensive treatment. Two days after the start of the therapeutic course, ulcers are in the healing stage. And the period of restoration of tissues occurs.

Regeneration of mucous membranes occurs spontaneously as the patient recovers. But it is appropriate to provide effective help to the body. Well heals the fabric streptocid and Sea buckthorn oil. But the champion in restoring the mucous membranes is the butter oil.

You can lay in mouth tampons, soaked with oil or handle each wound separately with a cotton wand.

If Aphthosal Stomatitis - by-effect There is any other disease (inflammation of lungs or kidneys, problems with LCD, etc.), it is necessary to correct the underlying disease.

In cases where the problems of the oral mucosa are to use poor-quality toothpastes, it is enough to choose another hygienic means And the sores will pass by themselves.

Diet helps to increase the effectiveness of treatment. At the time of the disease, a number of products irritating the mucous membranes should be excluded from the diet: sharp, bitter, sharp, sweet, hot.

Immune status in the period of illness weakens. The vitamin and mineral complex will help strengthen the health of the patient.

In the course of treatment of aphtheasic stomatitis, compliance with hygienic requirements:

  • teeth cleaning;
  • rinsing oral cavity;
  • use of a personal set of dishes;
  • washing hands, etc.

All this contribute to the rapid overcoming of the ailment, reduces the risk of recurrence and the transition of aphthose stomatitis in chronic form.

How to cure the aphtose stomatitis by folk remedies?

Home recipes can provide effective assistance in the treatment of stomatitis. But before their use, you must consult with your doctor. Qualified specialist will give recommendations for use folk recipes In combination with the achievements of modern pharmacology.

Aphtose Stomatitis - serious disease And careless attitude towards the problem may result in serious consequences.

For the treatment of inflammation oral cavity Aloe is often used. The healing plant has long been prescribed on the windowsill in many homes. Aloe juice can be breeding with water and use for rinsing. Aloe leaves chew or lubricate the flesh of wounds in the oral cavity. It should be borne in mind that the healing force "Home Doctor" is gaining in 3 years. Young plants for therapy are useless.

"Zelenka" well disinfects and dries wounds. But for the processing of the oral cavity, children are not suitable due to the pain of the procedure.

The antiseptic properties of honey are known since ancient. If mixing honey with "green" - 1: 1, you can lubricate ulcers to a child in the mouth.

For rinsing of the oral cavity, using a diluted cabbage or carrot juice diluted with water.

Special caution should be taken in the treatment folk remedies Children.

The pediatrician after the inspection of the child decides, about who will lead the patient: a dentist, a otolaryngologist or a dermatologist. The attending physician appoints treatment, advises and gives recommendations.


Each doctor will say that any disease is easier to warn than to cure. Aphtose Stomatitis is a serious illness. Compliance with simple prophylaxions will help reduce the risk of ulcerative stomatitis or facilitate the course of the disease. Rinsing the oral cavity with clean water after each meal method will significantly reduce the risk of disease. To clean the teeth (2 times a day), it is desirable to choose high-quality toothpastes without sodium lauryl sulfate in the composition.

Children - special attention. It is necessary to teach your hands to wash your hands with soap before meal, wash fruits and vegetables before eating food. Breasts - sterilize bottles, nipples, pacifiers, wash with disinfecting solutions of toys.

These simple hygienic rules will help to avoid or alleviate the course of the disease.

Aphtose Stomatitis is a type of conventional inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, accompanied by the emergence of AFT, i.e. small ulcers white color With red border, which have a circle form or oval (can arise alone or manifest in large quantities). The main symptoms of the disease are the unpleasant sensations in the form of pain and burning, exacerbating during the treatment of food. The neoplasms are healing about ten days, without leaving behind the traces, only some types of illness can provoke scars.

Aphtose stomatitis in children and adults is striking the top pawn, tongue, lips and cheeks from the inside, often rash is striking tongue. Treatment of such a disease depends on the age of the patient, the state of immunity, the forms of the disease, the causes of the occurrence and is selected individually for each patient.

It is possible to fully cure the usual thomatitis, but not chronic its form - in this case will be considered a success in the therapy for a long period of retreat and changes in the intensity of symptoms. Treatment consists of a complex of funds - from medicinal substances Before the treatment with folk remedies in the household conditions (but in such ways only adults can be treated, and forbidden - children up to three years old). If it does not start treatment in time, the disease may adopt the form of chronic recurrent thomatitis.

Infected with data from illness only when healthy person Enjoy the same household objects as the patient.


Doctors have not fully managed to study the nature of such a disease, but accurately determine some factors that contribute to this was possible. So, the main causes of the aphtheasic stomatitis in children and adults are considered:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • various infectious processes occurring in the body;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • irrational food, due to which a person does not receive a sufficient number of vitamins and nutrients;
  • the impact of allergens;
  • long impact stressful situations;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • reception in the food of unmeed fruits and vegetables;
  • unintentional damage to the mucous membrane, for example, child during sleep or food;
  • consequences from the establishment of braces;
  • the oral burn of the mouth of burning food or chemicals;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy;
  • blood diseases;
  • changing climatic living conditions;
  • integration into the body of the child of infectious agents through dirty toys, objects or hands, which kids like it to put in the mouth.

Aphtose stomatitis in children is diagnosed much more often than in adults, in which the chronic form of the disease is mainly observed. Adults are most susceptible to her from twenty to forty years.


In addition to chronic thomatitis, the disease can be:

  • fibrinous - neoplasms on the mucosa take the gray shade. Independently pass in a few weeks. In chronic form, appear up to three times a year, and without proper treatment are formed on an ongoing basis;
  • necrotic - the main reason for the appearance - inflammatory or infectious diseases. For this type of disease, the death of the mucosal cells is characterized. AFTs do not deliver discomfort to a person, but over time increase in size, which makes it difficult to the process of healing, which can last for several months;
  • grandular - in which salivary glands are affected. The neoplasms are rather painful, and after therapy is high, the likelihood of recurrence;
  • scraching - manifested AFTS, increasing in size (can reach more than one centimeter), and after the elimination, they leave large, well-visible scars on the mucous membrane. Long healing, takes more three months old;
  • deforming - One of the greatest forms of illness. The ulcers are so great that they leave after themselves the big scars that can change the structure of the mucous membrane. The healing process is slow and long-term;
  • herpety - Most often affects the infants, they can be born with such a notch, infected from the mother who has no immunity to the virus. AFTs appear as small bubbles. The amount of them can reach thirty pieces. The mucule acquires a red shade and is very inflamed. W. little baby Deals may be accompanied by the heat and defeat of the shells of the eyes and skin cover;
  • recurrent aphthose stomatitis - It is often found in adults, children suffer very rarely. For AFT, it is characterized by merging among themselves, which is formed ulcers big sizecovered with white raid outlined in red contour (bother the patient when talking, laugh, absorbing food);
  • sharp - it arises mainly in children up to three years and often accompanies the illness characteristic of this age group -, etc. is accompanied by an increase in temperature and unpleasant odor from mouth;
  • mixed - The most common is chronic recurrent thomatitis. Diagnosed in children over four years and is accompanied by burning and intense poles. AFTs are very often recurrenced by delivering discomfort. The older the child becomes, the stronger the signs of illness will be expressed, and the amount of AFT will increase, as a result of which the healing will take longer each time.


As mentioned above, the symptoms of the disease are completely dependent on the form of aphtheasic stomatitis. So for acute form The course of the disease is typical:

  • strong headaches;
  • . When trying to try to try their child feels strong pain;
  • sharp increase in body temperature;
  • malware smell of mouth;
  • Rechanges diarrhea.

The symptoms of herpetic thomatitis are:

  • strong heat (characteristic of small children and infants);
  • the pain does not give rest to the child even at night;
  • it decreases or completely disappears the appetite, due to the increase in the intensity of unpleasant sensations during food or breastfeeding.

Chronic recurrent Aphthodes Stomatitis will be expressed by the following symptoms:

  • sleep violation;
  • strong irritability and the imperceptibility of the child;
  • decline in appetite;
  • inflammation of lymph nodes;
  • increased saliva separation;
  • attacks of vomiting;
  • the appearance of irritations in the corners of the mouth.

The greater the child will be, the stronger the signs will manifest.

In addition, absolutely any type of disease is accompanied by general weakness and malaise, as well as signs of concomitant disease. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and not used by folk remedies at home.


The diagnosis of thomatitis is carried out by a dentist, in the event of a child's disease - a children's dentist. The formulation of the final diagnosis will not be the difficulties of an experienced specialist, as the disease has only external manifestations for it. To determine the reason that caused the disease, the doctor can assign and.


Basically, the treatment of aphtheasic stomatitis is carried out in stationary conditions (both children and adult patients). The treatment of the disease consists of a whole complex of funds, which are selected individually for each patient, and depends on the severity of the shape of the form and the intensity of the manifestation of symptoms.

In most cases, stomatitis is treated with hydrogen peroxide, furacilin and chlorhexidine. In the presence of pain, a mixture of glycerin and lidocaine (or novocaine) is used. If an allergic factor takes place, then antiallergens are prescribed. In addition, the patient is prescribed by a vitamin complex, with a high content of group Vitamins B and C.

An important role in the treatment is played by physiotherapy - electrophoresis and laser therapy. If you do not conduct treatment, AFTs in adults and children will be held independently in a few weeks, only this will attract the formation of chronic recurrent aphtheasic stomatitis.

In addition, the treatment of aphtheasic stomatitis is possible independently at home. Such therapy means include recipes from:

  • chamomile - rinse a decoction will take pain and inflammation;
  • lopaja seeds, of which you need to cook ointment;
  • mint, chamomile, fennel. Such infusion may well replace antibiotics;
  • oak bark;
  • mints, chamomile, paprika and alcohol make a solution that the neoplasms on the mucous membrane are migrated daily;
  • juice cabbage diluted with water;
  • aloe and parsley leaves, whose chewing prevents the proliferation of infection;
  • carrot Fresh, but not take inside, but rinse.

It must be remembered that the treatment of stomatitis in adults and children should not consist only of therapy at home, and before using such means, it is necessary to consult with the doctor. In no case cannot be carried out by the treatment of aphtheasic stomatitis in children under three years of popular techniques.


Preventive Aphtose Stomatitis activities include:

  • proper oral hygiene. Adults should help to carry out this procedure by a child or attend to it;
  • make sure that the baby always was washed;
  • to eat only clean products;
  • timely treatment of infection and inflammatory diseases;
  • strengthening immunity and rationalization of nutrition (use a lot of vitamins);
  • refuse tobacocuriating and consumption of alcohol-containing drinks. Adults need to protect the child from tobacco smoke and refrain from smoking in the room where it is located;
  • carry out the prevention of ARVI and at home;
  • regular visit of the dentist (every three months).

Whether everything is correct in the article with medical point vision?

Answer only if you have confirmed medical knowledge

Aphtose Stomatitis is one of the frequent inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, which, in various data, suffer from 10 to 40% of children and adults. of different ages. Characteristic sign This form of stomatitis is the presence of AFT-ulcery defects on the mucous membrane. These painful, gradually healing wounds may arise anywhere in the oral cavity. Ulcers can be solid or multiple.

Forms of the disease

Acute aphtose stomatitis.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, in which its surface layer suffers and the erosion of tissues are formed. The appearance of AFT is accompanied by burning and sharp pain, increasing during the meal, an increase in lymph nodes, in some cases - increased temperature. Aphtose ulcers are completely healing after 7-10 days.

Chronic thomatitis.

With weak general and local immunity, as well as the presence of various systemic diseases, stomatitis can go into a chronic shape and manifest itself from time to time.

A characteristic feature of the exacerbation is the formation of an ulcers with a white and yellow rode and swelling of the mucous membrane. The disease flows sluggishly, symptoms periodically appear and disappear.

Causes of the disease

Injuries of the oral cavity.

Provice the disease can burn hot food or drinks and scratches of oral cavity with rigid food. Many patients themselves noted the relationship between the injury and the appearance of an ulcer. Chronic thomatitis sometimes develops after biting tissues from the inside of the cheek or damage to the mucous membrane by sharp edges of the teeth or elements of prostheses.


The appearance of aphtheasic stomatitis can be associated with allergies to certain products. Most often, the disease develops after eating wheat dishes and other cereals that contain a lot of gluten.

Tomatoes, apples, pineapples, citrus fruits, strawberries, figs, chocolate, seafood, cheeses and various spices can also provoke the appearance of aphtose ulcers in the mouth.

Genetic predisposition.

The predisposition to the development of chronic form of the disease can be inherited. Approximately the third of the patients, one or both parents also suffered from aphthous stomatitis.

Lack of vitamins.

Many patients with chronic thomatitis have a lack of vitamins and minerals due to unbalanced nutrition. The shortage of vitamins of group B, vitamin C, folic acid, zinc, iron and selenium negatively affects the state of the oral cavity and creates favorable conditions For the appearance of ulcers.

Systemic somatic diseases.

In patients with the aftose form of stomatitis in the process of comprehensive examination, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are often detected and blood system, Immunodeficiency. As a rule, after the successful treatment of the underlying disease, the signs of the aphthose stomatitis completely disappear.

Prevention of the disease

Regular oral hygiene.

The use of dental threads twice a day or each time after meals will help remove food residues from the mouth and reduce the number of microbes that irritate the mucous membrane and increasing the risk of stomatitis. Clean the space between the teeth must be careful not to scratch the gums: it can lead to the emergence of new ulcers.

Replacing toothpaste.

Aphtose Stomatitis can occur in people who use toothpastes with sodium lauryl sulfate. This foaming component dries the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, which leads to a decrease in local immunity and increases the risk of developing the disease.

Change diet.

For the prevention of diseases, people prone to the relapses of the aphtheasic postitis, it is recommended to limit the use of products that can irritate the oral mucous membrane (milk, coffee, cheese, tomatoes, sour fruits, chocolate, etc.). It is necessary to exclude salted and sharp dishes from the everyday menu, which also negatively act on soft fabrics In the oral cavity. In order not to scratch the mucous membrane, it is necessary with caution there are solid cookies, crackers, chips and other hard food.

Treatment of aphthose stomatitis

In the absence of timely therapy, the ancestry stomatitis can flow into a chronic form. We include a decrease in painful sensations and discomfort, healing of the lesion area, reducing the number and frequency of the occurrence of ulcers. The course usually includes local and general therapy, while the selection of drugs should be carried out only by the doctor. Medicinal products Appointed with the symptoms and severity of the disease.

Local therapy.

First of all, it is necessary to handle antiseptic and / or antibacterial agents The oral cavity and the ulcers themselves. Various dental ointments, gels, sprays, resolveing \u200b\u200btablets with antimicrobial effects can also be used.

The basis of treatment is a regular rinsing of the oral cavity special antiseptic solutions and heralds of medicinal herbs (as a doctor's appointment). Electro and phonoforesis, laser therapy can be assigned as physiotherapy.

General therapy.

Depending on the causes and symptoms of the disease, with antiallergic, antipyretic and other means for improvement general status patient. If the development of thomatitis is provoked by viral infection, antiviral therapy may be assigned to therapy. If the disease is accompanied by neurological disorders, sedatives are shown.

Power correction.

Treatment of aphtheasic stomatitis provides for the correction of nutrition. It is necessary to observe a special diet at which the consumption of hot, acute and acidic food should be maximally limited, capable of irritating the oral mucous membrane. It should also be excluded by coarse food in order to re-injury the healing ulcers. It is recommended to diversify the ration with products rich with vitamins C and P, which contribute to the acceleration of the healing of the mucous membrane.

Maintain immunity.

Strengthening the protective forces of the body is an important stage in the treatment of aphtheasic stomatitis. To maintain the immunity, the doctor may assign the reception of vitamins (usually these are complexes with an emphasis on vitamins C and group B), as well as prescribe immunomodulating and immunostimulating drugs.

Gel Metrogil Denta ® for the treatment of aphtheasic stomatitis.

Dental gel Metrogil Denta ® not only helps to eliminate the symptoms of the aphtheasic stomatitis, but also struggles with inflammation, which almost always complicates treatment. The antimicrobial and antiseptic components of the drug (metronidazole and chlorhexidine) destroy pathogenic bacteria that excrete toxins that make the mucous membrane more loose and vulnerable.

Adults from 18 years old for the treatment of Aphtheasian Stomatitis It is necessary to use the gel of the Denta ® Gel 2 times a day. The composition is applied by a thin layer on the affected sections of the mucous membrane. After the procedure, you should refrain from eating and drinking for half an hour. To achieve the maximum effect, gel should not be flush. Local treatment of ulcerative stomatitis is carried out on average 7-10 days.


inflammatory process The mucous membrane of the oral cavity, accompanied by a violation of the surface layer of the mucous membrane and the formation of AFT (erosion). The formation of AFC is accompanied by a sharp pain, burning in the mouth, especially during the meal, an increase in lymph nodes, sometimes - increasing the temperature. Aphties are healing without a trace after 7-10 days. With the weakening of immunity and the presence of concomitant diseases, the ancestry stomatitis may proceed with relapses.

Chronic Aphtheasic Stomatitis is chronic inflammatory disease oral mucosa. Characteristic clinical manifestation Such stomatitis is the emergence of an AFT with a white-yellow fibrous flask against the background of the overall hyperemia of the mucous membrane. The disease is tested with periodic remissions and exacerbations.

Causes and mechanism for the development of aphtheasic stomatitis

The pathogenesis of AFT formation during chronic thomatite is not fully found out, but all patients have a persistent connection between the progression of the disease and the reaction of the immune system. To date, the generally accepted theory of EFC formation on the mucous membrane of the PTA is considered the theory in which the human immune system cannot identify the molecules of the substance present in the saliva. This causes the activation of lymphocytes, since the immune system does not recognize the chemical agent, attacks it as alien. As a result, apwise ulcers are formed; inferiority of the immune system and constant presence chemical substances Promotes the chronicization of the process and the aphtheasic stomatitis takes a long sluggish course.

In patients who use the oral care products containing sodium lauryl sulfate, the aphthous stomatitis was diagnosed more often. The probable cause is considered a foam component of sodium lauryl sulfate, which has a drying effect, which can negatively affect the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. And in the future, when the upper layer is damaged, the lower layers are becoming more sensitive to stimulus, especially substances with high acidity.

The dependence between the occurrence of thomatitis and cavity care products containing sodium lauryl sulfate, confirm the results of the study, when patients suffering from chronic thomatitis, they began to use other toothpastes, noted that the manifestations either sweat significantly, or complete clinical recovery occurs . With long-generated ulcers, recovery was not observed, but in 81% of cases, their pain decreased.

Mechanical damage to the oral cavity are also a provoking factor, since the patients themselves say the relationship between the mouth injury and the beginning of the disease. Chronic thomatitis can begin after the oxidation of the tissues of the oral cavity, after damage to the mucous membrane by the sharp edge of the tooth or solid food. Approximately 40% of patients with chronic thomatitis confirm the presence of injury before the start of the disease.

Neriva-mental overvoltages themselves are rarely caused by chronic thomatitis, but the appearance of AFT during exacerbations often coincides with the periods of increased psychological stress. Most patients with chronic thomatitis have various disorders in nutrition and nutritional deficiency. The lack of vitamin C, the vitamins of the group B, iron, zinc, folic acid and the selenium negatively affects the state of the oral mucosa, which contributes to the emergence of AFT.

Allergic reaction to food products May cause an outbreak of aphtose stomatitis, so patients are recommended to keep a diary, so that it was easier to find out Allergen, which caused the appearance of AFT. Among the products that are the most likely allergens, celebrate cereal with high gluten protein content: wheat, rye, barley, buckwheat. Citrus fruits, pineapples, apples, tomatoes, figs, strawberries, chocolate, seafood, spices, as well as dairy cheeses and nutritional supplements are the main reasons for the appearance of aphtose rash in the oral cavity.

In women, the frequency of rash is associated with menstrual cycleMany of them are watching clinical recovery, or remission during pregnancy. However, the relationship between pregnancy and remissions of the aphthose stomatitis has not yet been studied.

The genetic predisposition in the development of thomatitis confirms the facts that the third part of patients have one or both parents also suffered from chronic thomatitis. Single-mounted twins in 91% of cases suffer from aphtheasic stomatitis, whereas bilayers only in 57% are also confirmed by the genetic conditionality of chronic thomatitis. Detected in the contents of AFT bacterial and viral agents.

Often, with full examination, patients with apwise stomatitis detect systemic diseases of blood, gastrointestinal tract and immunodeficiency. The relationship between them and the formation of AFT confirms the fact that after the correction of the underlying disease, a clinical recovery from the aphtheasic stomatitis or persistent remission occurs. Long-term intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antiarrhythmic and hypotensive drugs as side effect Causes the development of chronic thomatitis.

Symptoms of aphthose stomatitis

In the fibrinous form of the thomatitis, primary blood microcirculation disorders in the epithelial layer are published. As a result of these changes, single thoughts covered with a fibrous flask appear. After 1-2 weeks of AFTU epithelizes. The rashes are localized mainly on the mucous membrane of the lips, side surfaces of the language and in the field of transitional folds. At the first stage of the disease, recurrences are marked 1-3 times a year. As progressing, the flow of stomatitis becomes permanent. At the same time, if at the beginning of the recurrences are provoked by exacerbations of systemic pathology or injury of the mucous membrane, as a minor stress progressing is enough to appear AFT.

In the necrotic form of the aphtheasic stomatitis, the primary destruction of the epithelium occurs, with the ulceration of the mouth mucous membrane cause dystrophic disorders that proceed against the background of necrosis and necrobiosis epithelial tissue. Non-necrose Stomatitis is diagnosed in persons with severe somatic diseases and blood diseases. The emerging AFTS is almost painless, over time they turn into ulcers, whose epithelization period from 2 weeks to a month.

Grandular Aphthodes Stomatitis develops due to the primary damage to the ducts of small salivary glands. This causes the hypofunction of glands and provokes the appearance of AFT, which are localized next to salivary glands. AFTs are painful and epithelized after 1-3 weeks, provoke their further appearance can be supercooling, respiratory diseases and aggravation in the foci of chronic infection.

With the brassing aphtheasic stomatitis, the acids of small salivary glands are affected, a layer is involved in the pathological process. connective tissueOver time, rash elements are observed both in the location of the salivary glands and on the mucous membrane of the zea and the front palas. They suffer mainly people of young age. The primary element is AFTs, but they are quickly transformed into deep painful ulcers, reaching one and a half centimeters in diameter. A rare stomatitis is not associated with somatic diseases, and in the pathogenesis there is genetic insufficiency of the secretory apparatus. The epithelization process of ulcers is long, up to 3 months, after healing, well-noticeable scars remain.

The deforming form of aphthous stomatitis is considered the hardest, since destructive changes in the connective tissue are deep, and ulcers are persistent. Ulcers epithelized slowly, the healing process leads to the deformation of the soft sky, the front palas and lips. If ulcers are localized in the angles of the mouth, then the microstom may form during healing.

Diagnosis of aphthose stomatitis

Diagnose chronic thomatitis by a dentist on the basis of clinical picture and patient survey, sometimes resort to laboratory diagnostics. Differentiation must be carried out with recurrent herpetic stomatitis, with ulcerative-necrotic stomatitis and with ulcerations of the oral mucosa with specific lesions and decubital ulcers.

Treatment of aphthose stomatitis

The purpose of treatment is either persistent remission, or clinical or complete recovery. Complex medical events Includes general and local therapy, the choice of drugs depends on the severity of manifestation and dominance of individual symptoms.

Local treatment consists in treating the oral cavity by hydrogen peroxide, nitrofural and chlorhexidine. If there is a pain syndrome, then AFTS is treated with 5-10% glycerol suspension with lidocaine or novocaina. If there is an allergic component in the pathogenesis of stomatitis, the place is used a mixture containing trasilol, heparin, novocaine and hydrocortisone.

During exacerbations, enzymes are used - trypsin, chymotrypsin and RNase. Citral, vitamin C and P solutions, preparations with calanchoe juice and propolis accelerate the epithelization process. The use of corticosteroid ointments can interrupt further development AFT and speed up the process of recovery.

Inside shows the reception of antihistamine preparations - Clemestine, Loratadine, Fexofenadine; and desensitizing drugs - Hyphenadin and histamine with immunoglobulin. If the organism sensitization is revealed to a specific microbial agent, then specific desensitization is used. According to the indications, antiviral drugs and an antheat-chemical vaccine are prescribed.

The whole patient is recommended to undergo a course of vitaminotherapy with increased content Vitamins of groups B and C. show immunomodulators and immunoprotectors. If available neurological disordersApply sedatives and tranquilizers. Recommended to include B. therapeutic complex Phonophoresis, electrophoresis and laser therapy. During treatment and during remissions it is necessary to observe a hypoallergenic diet with the exception of coarse, traumatic food.

With a timely manner, the treatment and observance of the prescribed regime can be achieved by a persistent and long-term remission, although complete recovery from chronic thomatitis is extremely rarely observed.

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