How is the erom massage. Erotic massage: how to do your man

Massage, perhaps, the best gift is close to muchus. During the massage, you will open new abilities, learn to relax partners, excite and give a part of yourself. The effect depends on your skills and skills. We offer a small tour to the world of art and enjoyment.

Create a sprinking atmosphere. Massage can be done in both the bathroom and in the bedroom. If it is bathroom, type the water with the addition of aromatic foam. Light candles, turn on soft rhythmic music. If the massage is in the room, follow the temperature. Soft muted light, pure bed, pleasant aroma, warm air - already have a pleasant rest. Start the massage in the bathroom. Offer a man to wash your head - he will like it. Discard the washcloth and massage your back with your hands. Avoid delicate zones. After the bathroom, move to the bedroom. Prepare massage oil. Fill the room incenses. Control the microclimate of the room: it should not be stuffy, cold and driving. Do not proceed to the process in a gloomy dark setting or unnecessarily lighting. Ideally, this evening is time - sunset or later than the time of day with candles. Erotic massage contributes not only to relax muscle tone, but also excitement. Accordingly, you need to manipulate the movements so as not to burn the parquet, and in the same hour, not "rearrange." Combine soft playful movements with more pronounced and intense - this will allow a man to hold on to the tone. If we are talking about erotic massage, then the hands are not the only tool. You can attract lips, spout, loose hair, ass, chest. Start massage from the legs. Drink each finger by changing the intensity. Take note: There are persistent faces that glue when women's sponges kiss and envelop thumbs. After the massage of the toes, proceed to the footsteps or palms. Remember, your movements should occur with increasing the intensity of pressure, that is, start the reception with your fingers, go to the palm and finish the reception of the brush hands. Do not stop: every moment any part of the body must have a close contact with the partner. Smoothly move to the back. Movement direct from the neck to the belt line with a smooth change of intensity. There is a reason to linger on the buttocks, if you pursue the purpose of erotic massage. Ask a man to change the position and turn over the back. Here movements should be asked for a slow pace, pay attention to the nipples. Contrary to stereotypes, men's nipples are the most powerful erogenous zone, however, as the area around the navel. You can make both circular movements with your finger and tongue. Avoid touching the genitals, regardless of what is the purpose of your massage. If the excitement is included in your plans, then attention should be paid to the crotch. Look affect, knead and drive the palm along the inside of the hip, deliberately ignoring touching the intimate authorities. Waiting for touch will cause a man's passion and the desire to master you. If you delicately pass these zones, then be prepared for the fact that the massage will go to a new level.

Make a variety in movement, despite what massage you do. Erotic elements are certainly welcome and contribute to the removal of both muscle and nervous voltage.

This is the so-called intimate massage compared to emotionality with love affairs. Massage for a beloved, as the author of the next article calls it, can be directed both to the removal of fatigue and the excitement. The whole thing here is in the difference of used massage techniques. But first things first…

Massage for your beloved. To heart through the body

The path to the heart of a man lies through his stomach. But is it just? Even if so, then the path of mood wanders at different points on the male body. And any woman is very useful to learn how to manage his mood, using different massage techniques. Namely - relaxing or invigorating, or even exciting - all this is an intimate massage. A pleasant bonus is that the process of making a massage to his beloved will affect the same way as he.

Massage for tide of energy

If he is tired and falls without strength, an intimate massage will help to return them, the basis of which is vibrating movements and unlock strikes. From the side, you can think: to whom it wants to be beaten! But in fact, such movements improve blood circulation and lead to muscle tone. And for these purposes there is no more efficient equipment than shocks.

Lay your beloved. Put the hand of hand so that they are perpendicular to his body. And move from the shoulders to the lower back by fast hitting movements. Boots circular and sharp, are made alternately ribs a little compressed fists. After give palms the shape of a cup and rhythmicly smooth your skin with both hands in turn.

There should be a place to create a vacuum between your palm and its skin. So you will reach the effect of skin pulling. If you make a massage to give it a cheerfulness, try alternating patting and tapping with squeezing and kneading.

But it is important to remember that if you want to achieve a tonic effect, a specific massage sequence should be observed. We begin with a massage of the back, go to the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis and the back surface of the hips, then massage the chest, feet and the front surface of the hips.

Massage to remove fatigue and relax

We all know that stress is the cause of many unpleasant surprises that our body can raise. For example, insomnia and strong tension. In such situations, massage can help.

In moments of strong mental excitement, the muscles are strained, and you can relax them with a massage. And when they relax, the brain is transmitted a signal that removes the nervous voltage.

In connection with this feature of an intimate massage for relaxation is the predominance of exceptionally soft and smooth movements. For example, rubbing and stroking.

It is best to start with the legs, because it is on the feet there are a lot of active points. Take the tips of your fingers and pads in your hand and press. You need to press quite strongly and at the same time make circular movements. Such a massage is made by the thumbs. Start from the bottom of the fingers and move to the heel. The same movement repeat on the way from the ankle to the fingers of the legs. Remember and about the massage of each finger, it will just pull it out. At this moment, put on the nail of each finger and let go sharply.

perhaps fatigue and stress affect our neck - it is strongly tense. Therefore, it is useful not to forget about this zone during a relaxing massage. Position the index fingers on the side surface of the neck and push 3-4 times highly strongly. After putting 4 fingers on the neck of the back, the little finger should be on the hair growth line. Press alternately by each hand on this area. Once on the right, the other is left. But each press should be no longer three seconds, as there is a risk of damageing the vessels and nerves passing under the skin. Ask your beloved to close the eyes and relax the facial muscles in order for the brain to not get exciting pulses.

There is a separate technique of a relaxing massage for muscles passing along the spine. It is necessary to position the index and middle finger on two sides of the spine at the base and move along it to the neck of small trembling movements. This should be the completion of a relaxing massage.

Massage for excitement

If you know the secrets of an exciting intimate massage, then the sensations of the honeymoon will be guaranteed even after celebrating the Golden Wedding.

As well as a relaxing, the exciting massage implies only soft movements, besides, they are not bad to dilute with kisses.

Start with his hands and legs. It will strengthen blood circulation and remove fatigue. But remember that some men can "start" from the massage of the thumbs of the legs, for some they are an erogenous zone. Start with a mapleza. Gently pull it out, gently push the pillows of the fingers on the interfallated zone and go to the next finger. Pull and push again. Etc. Take the same technique to the fingers of his hands. After all, the palms have no less active points.

After the feet, move to the back. Practically weightless touch of the back of the palm is your first step. Raise from the lumbosacral section up to the seventh cervical vertebra, symmetrically pressed the palms along the spine on the back. But back go back differently. Also along the spine, but let's give the phalanges of the fingers. Do not divide the trapezoid shoulder muscle. For her, the technique of non-coal "protection" is suitable. After massaging his head with moving hair, like hair wash.

Then most interesting. Massage buttocks. Here are categorically prohibited by rubbing! Exceptionally affectionate tender strokes! Only palms touch the region from the lumbar-sacrive department to the buttocks. Fingers must be turned towards the shoulders. But here you need to do not sliding movements, but the kneading. That is, they touch and let go, concern below and let go again. Hands are symmetrical. So we enhance blood circulation in the pelvis area. And we know that this leads to sexual excitation.

After massage, his buttocks go to the stomach and chest. Breasts need to stroke, dropping everything lower. Zone just below the navel almost all men have an erogenous point. And if you touch her, then it will be ready for complete passion of the night.

And the best helper in the exciting massage will be massage oil, your love and fantasy!

Morning express massage

In order to in the morning he was vigorous and full of power, you can diversify breakfast with one simple "dish" - fast massage of ear-sinks. Drink forward ears with your fingers and press the head sinks to the head, then let go. Repeat so several times. After that, go to the next movement. Capture both umbrellas with hollows of a large and index finger. Pull down and let go. Such manipulation needs to be made 5-6 times. Next to put a thumb into the outdoor auditory and press the protrusion of the auricle. Slide it slightly and turn it in different directions about 20-30 seconds. Another reception is a cartilaginous protrusion behind the outdoor auditory pass. Hold it index and thumb and drive up and down.

The ears massage activates the dots in the ear shell and quickly activates the body's sleeping after night. Such a massage "Time" will drive all the drowsiness.

In love, as you know, all means are good. And if these tools give the pleasure of both partners, they must be adopted. If you ask women how often they make massage with their loved ones, it turns out that it does not occur to many such a way to apply a man. But skillful manipulations will help bring it to the right condition - when to relax, and when we build passion on the peak. Therefore it is very important to know how to make a massage guy.

Create a standing atmosphere

If you decide to make a massage of the prelude to sex, the situation must be appropriate: light aromatic sticks with the smell of sandalwood, jasmine, orange. These flavors have the effect of aphrodisiac, which means that you will help you to relax and come to excite. On the floor spread plaid or blanket - in bed will be very uncomfortable. Prepare a massage lotion or oil and a bath towel.

Start with a common massage

Heat the back of a young man, spread it with lotion and intend, not strongly pressed, the whole back area. When the cream gets dry, click the tailbone and, pressing my fingers, slowly move up along the spine. Fingers must put evenly on both sides of the vertebrae. Such point massage perfectly relieves pain because of the pinched nerves or if the guy had to do heavy physical labor.

Scroll through the neck and the back

Both hands, strengthening the press, how to disperse the occipital part and the top of the shoulders. Try to press not with your fingers (it is quite painful), and with the whole palm, as if the end of the dough. Relaxing this area of \u200b\u200bthe back will bring a great relief to the guy, he will have a feeling that the load from the shoulders fell. At this point, he will definitely want to turn over and enter you into the arms. Let me kiss you and persistently need to lie back on the stomach.

Diverse touch

If you have long nails, spend them along the whole back, not scratching. Take the sides, crowd the skin. It's time to racble your partner. Connect your teeth - breathe a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with a subcutaneous layer and bit slightly. The main thing, do not cause him pain, otherwise he will told again.

Foot massage

From the back proceed to the legs. Massage movements must be directed from the feet to the groin and buttocks, but not the opposite. All your movements should be smooth and gentle, but over time it is worth moving to more energetic actions. Use items with different textures to wake it up. Sensitivity: Integrate its erogenous zones with a cold peasant, rinse the pen, swipe a piece of silk. For a long time, even the most resistant man will not stand such gentle torture.

Be sure to use this way to delight your sweetheart. The relationship is simply necessary to bring something new.

Lay a partner on the stomach and ask to relax. Gently touch your ears, intersect them with your fingers, then the neck and launch your fingers in your hair, softer it from all sides. All fingers start moving from the edge of the hairproof to the top of the top. And so several times.

Head massage is very relaxing and delivers pleasant sensations.

Further, plunder with light movements on the back, buttocks and legs. Not for long. Just to establish contact with the body. And now, a small surprise. Deploy the clean light sheet and take it with her man. Sit at his legs, on the contrary, and start silently slowly pull the sheet, without stopping, and collecting it in your hands until the body is completely exposed. Sheet will slide through the body, delivering unusual sensations. They all have different. Some men really like, some do not notice anything special, such little. And yet, try.

When shifting the sheet reaches the buttocks, slow down even more. Usually, pleasant sensations are enhanced here. When the body is exposed to remove the sheet and proceed directly to the massage.

You can start it with hands. Every one separately. It is important to pay attention to the brushes. Each finger is being worked out separately, palm, and the outer part of the brush. Here, oils can not regret. When you work with your hand, it must be placed on my knee, and not to keep weight so that the hand is not strained.

Further stroking hands from the brushes up go back to the back. Pour yourself in the palm of a little oil (teaspoon) to warm it. Scroll through your hands and start the light stroking movements on the surface of the back. The amount of oil depends on your desire. If there are a lot of oils, then the hands are easy, without effort, slide on the body of the body and it is very nice. Then the massage is called oil.

In this case, you need to take care that you do not feel sorry for the sheet. From the back slowly go to the buttocks. They are better to iron with circular movements. After slowly stroking movements, go down the feet to the feet.

Erotic massage It differs from therapeutic in that there are mainly stroking movements in combination with minimal pressing, so it is easy to make it easily.

Foot is a very important place. I will share the secret, making the foot massage, you can tie a man to yourself. Our men are shy and massaging feet legs, you are honored. What is very important for a man. To make it convenient to massage it, ask menbend the leg in the lap so that the shin is located perpendicular to the bed surface, then the feet will be easily accessible and relaxed.

Add some oil and lung pressing movements to massate the heel, the pillows of the fingers and the fingers themselves. Each separately.

The legs are massaged separately, starting with the hips. First one, then another. After the foot massage, the leg carefully stacked on the bed - do not throw it.

Now in stroking movements with both hands, make collecting movements from the foot of the right leg and left shoulder at the same time to the cruster a couple of three times, and then from the feet of the left leg and the right shoulder to the crusher.

If everything is done gently and gently partner can fall asleep. Nothing wrong. Do not be offended. Enjoy him on the eye so that he turns on his back.

Pour into the palm of the oil, heat in hand and distribute along the top of the body with uniform stroking of each site, ranging from the chest. The chest is massaged by circular motions, it is possible in the form of eight, sometimes slightly assigger.

Next, the stomach and smoothly go to the legs, while by coming intimate parts of the body. It is possible to continue to iron along the outer surface of the thighs, going down to the legs to the feet, and from the feet along the inner surface to rise with gentle stroking to intimate authorities. Turn on fantasy and intuition. Be confident, calm and erotic. Who as you do not know how to delight your beloved.

It is important during the massage during the transition from one part of the body to another, do not interrupt contact with the body. You all should touch the partner with your hand or any other part of your body.

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Many have already appeared.

comments 9 on "Erotic massage to your beloved man."

A wonderful will be a gift for February 23 or another holiday. Thank you for the idea of \u200b\u200ba sheet.

It's time, it is time to practice excellent at least moving movements!

Accept the adding: It is very important to make moves both down and up, regulate the pressure.

And I also adore to make my husband massage with my body, massage my heels to massage legs, and not only, the side of the hand to smooth out the muscles of the back. It's still kaifno slowly drive near the spine and along the tummy smoky special cigar (for a point massage). And more pleasant, pebbles heat and drive around the body (the truth of the prince / king / God may be treated, but it will sleep like never).

Chedd, how nice! Thank you for a wonderful cauldron.

I gave me a familiar campaign on erotic massage. Thank you very much, I liked everything. Lingam Massage, Sexy Masseuse, Massage Technique Excellent, In general, all things. 8 911 21 007 55 Maya. As a gift idea for a gift.

I prefer when a massage your favorite man makes me, and not the opposite.

Women are lazy steel. Want to do them. Do not urvy and ordinary massage.

Beginning of a relaxing massage

To start a massage, you will need a means to rub skin. It will make your movements smooth and softer, and also will warm up the skin of the guy. It may be massage oil, gel, cream or lotion with a pleasant smell. Such training before the main massage will help relax all the muscles of the back, and the gentle fragrance will give more pleasure from the process.

After the spin of a young man is well breeded and lubricated with oil, it is necessary to give time to the remnants of the means to dry and drink into the skin. Massage itself must be started with the bottom of the back, namely from the tailbone. The first movement can be made easy thumbs from two sides from the spine, slowly moving from the wax to the neck. The point massage is well removing any pain and prepares the muscles to further movements.

Massage Basics for Men and Guy

Smoothly reaching the neck, it is necessary to stop and massage the muscles on the back of the head and shoulders. These areas can no longer be afraid and carefully kneaded with both hands. You will feel how the guy will begin to relax, the swelling will immediately disappear, and the muscles will shrink. This will contribute to the growth of muscles and will have a useful impact on health.

Hands all the time should be diverse. Not all the time massaging the same place. You can alternately pressed on every section of the back, pinch and mive the skin. After all, the back of the guys often widespread and you will be where to roast.

Side sections of the back can be riding. If the girl has good and long nails, then it is permissible to make the entire back of the back of a young man. Such "scratches" must be done, ranging from the cervical vertebrae and dropping slowly down to the lower back. You can also knead the neck with one hand, and another to spend the spine at this time, or knead the sides.

The main goal of such a massage is the initiation, which is achieved quite difficult if the thoughts of the men are busy with business negotiations that are appointed for tomorrow. Massage for men is relaxing and the beginning of the path to passion. You can, of course, use standard methods, for example, to file a man's favorite alcoholic drink or make a warm pleasant bath for him.

Massage for men after taking the bath must be carried out in the bedroom, the situation is better to think over in advance. The room should not be too hot or cold, and the light is desirable to make muffled. Making a massage for men is better at room candles - it will give the setting more sex.

On a note. And more: how to make an erotic massage a man to not fall asleep before the responsible moment? For this dinner should be easy, not included in oily and salty food.

The first thing you need to remember before making an erotic massage that this is not a treatment procedure, but a prelude before sex. The main thing is to be able to professionally press on certain erogenous points. In general, massage for men make it easier when the erochives are well a massaged. If you make a massage to my husband, then you have learned enough of his body and addiction. And this will facilitate preparations for the procedure. Therefore, before making an erotic massage, anticipating the night full of passions, try to equip everything so as to prepare your half to bliss.

Technics. Massage, male he or female, is overflowing emotions, bringing to excitation. You need to start erom massage on hand and feet brushes. Making a massage to her husband, i.e. A person with whom relationships you have trust, during the kneading you can lease or kiss these parts of the body. Alternate the intensity of touches: Soft replace a little aggressive. When you make a male hail massage, follow his reaction at the moments of excitement and entering the relax. Of course, all men are different - someone likes one, someone else. But if you make a massage to your husband, a list and sequence of actions you are well known. After the limbs, go to the thighs, buttocks. Ask a chief to go on your back and proceed to the gentle massage of the abdomen. But try not to hurt the genitals. Then gently go to the massage of the male erogenous zone - on the nipples.

Lingam massage - What does this concept mean

Lingam massage is a massage procedure affecting the penis, i.e. Complex comprising massage movements that improve and enhance sexual function. Lingam massage strengthens the reproductive system and awakens sexual energy. Orgasm is not the purpose of the massage, however, it often happens that it comes as a pleasant side effect. Lingam massage reveals the sensual, soft side of the massageable, gives it to survive the unusualness of pleasant sensations.

Massage for Two - Healing System

Massage for steam does not look like an erotic massage, although some confuse these concepts. Conduct it in the setting of pleasant music, flavors of plants. Thanks to this atmosphere, people plunge into pacification. Massage for steam eliminates stresses, relaxes. Due to the fact that the massage for two makes it possible to enjoy together, it contributes to their rapprochement.

The procedure itself is very pleasant. Massage for couples is also useful in such a situation when married passions fade away. However, it is possible to revive them if you try to massage for two. The procedure immerses both into the world of romance and harmony. If the spouses have a desire to ignite the flame of love, it is necessary to try to make a massage for couples.

Do you need a massage a young girl

A woman is a weakness of a man. The main task is to learn to settle it. However, the massage of the girl is pleasant not only for her, but also for a man. Over the years, everything is more difficult to attract the attention of girls, especially when a man for 30. Therefore, the ability to make a massage a young girl can help in this matter. Young people will also not prevent the massage to master the massage. Girl he will bring a lot of pleasure. If you are interested in, throw away your thoughts about obscenity. Each man should know how to make a massage a young girl. And it is very important, because if you correctly perform a massage to a girl, she just melts, hitting your strong courageous hands.

In order to make a massage a young girl, no massage equipment is required. It is necessary to have warm water, oil and a romantic massage place at hand. The main thing is to be able to make a massage to the girl correctly. Massion should be started with erogenous zones of legs and hands using the method of stroking and rubbing, the pace of movements and the strength used should be diverse. By making a massage to a girl, do not forget about the feline place (between the blades). Affectionately touching this point, you will call a streaming sexual reaction. But remember that women have erogenous points sometimes shift. This means that the moments that she liked a few days ago can now become unpleasant.

In general, learning how to perform a massage a young girl is not difficult, just need to master its foundations. But if you are ready to make a massage with a girl, create a romantic setting with candles, rose petals and aromatic oils.

Breast Massage - Youth and Elasticity Skin

Breast massage (video lessons you will find on the Internet) is useful in the postpartum period and during feeding. If you wish to bring your breasts in proper form, you need to make a breast massage. It is starting with mild movements, pressing fatty tissue to the chest, however, painful sensations should be avoided. The breast massage starts from the center (from the nipples) with consistent movements around, then out until the entire breast area is missing. Of course, it is more convenient to make a breast massage, whose videos will show the entire sequence, scarf. It will allow you to massate two chest at once, and pleasant sensations will be much more saturated.

The main thing, making breast massage, do not miss those signals that gives the body. They show that the allocation of hormones began. It can be seen by harmony of nipples and in fullness of the chest. This needs to finish the breast massage. Video materials will help accurate to observe all the nuances of this useful female procedure for the body. Remember that breast massage should also deliver pleasure.

This is a special type of massage contributing to the manifestation of sensitivity, excitation, detecting new erogenous zones. Special techniques of erotic massage perfectly stimulate the partner and open new nuances of intimate relationships.

What is his difference from the classic massage? Erotic massage of a man, like a woman, includes classic techniques:

  • kneading;
  • trituration
  • pressure;
  • vibration.

Top new are gentle touch to the partner's body with their body, hair, breasts, stroking with their hands.

The purpose of the massage is the excitation of a partner. When conducting a session of a professional masseuse, the rules of erotic massage a man forbade a touch of sexual organs.

How to make an erotic massage without contacting hands with genitalia? All the skill of the professional is precisely in the ability to bring a man to orgasm, using the techniques of erotic massage, gently stroking the body of the client, affecting erogenous zones, but at the same time, without touching the genitals. The salon procedure, as a rule, ends with the state of the full erotic relax. As for the eruption conducted in the bedroom, after it should be a regular ending in the form of a stormy sex.

How to prepare for massage

Before making an erotic massage, you need to create an appropriate atmosphere in the room. Ideal decorations for the procedure are twilight, candles (desirable aromatic) and relaxing music.

  • Erotic massage a man is better to spend after sharing a shower: warm water will remove the voltage and create an appropriate attitude. In fact, some teachings of erotic massage can be applied already at the stage of joint ablution, gentle strokes bringing a partner to easy excitement.
  • You should prepare a convenient place for massage. It is necessary to pay attention not only to make the massaged feel comfortable, but also on the convenience of a massage therapist.
  • Before the massage, it is impossible to eat tightly. This rule is subject not only to erotic massage for a girl or a guy, but also a classic massage method.
  • Before making an erotic massage, you need to crash nails shortly - it is unlikely that the touch of sharp marigolds will enjoy the man tuned to a romantic manner.
  • You should choose a suitable massage oil in advance. It should not have a sharp smell - otherwise you can spoil the whole effect. It is advisable to choose the smells that like a man. The optimal option is a neutral hypoallergenic agent.
  • The room should have a comfortable temperature: all the efforts will be in vain, if a man (girl) is trembling from the cold.
  • The best clothes for erotic massage is its absence, but the sexual dear laundry or shirt will become a good option.
  • How to massage your back, hips? How to make a massage of the buttocks? The girls who decided to make a favorite surprise in the form of an unforgettable massage session should be pre-familiarized with the subtleties of eruption techniques.

Mastering Massage Technique

  1. Erotic massage a man should be started with classic techniques. They will help you quickly bring the partner to the state of relaxation.
  2. After that, it is possible to gradually give the massaging erotic orientation, introducing special elements in the form of light strokes, kneading, pressing, exciting touches to erogenous zones. At the same time, not only the skill of the hands is used, but also lips, chest, hair, ice cubes.
  3. In the intake of erotic massage includes an alternation of intensive impact with lighter touches. With this peculiar massage flirting, you can tease a man, masterfully bringing it to a light dizziness.
  4. 4. How to make an erotic back massage? Partner should be put on his back and sit on it from above. Massaging movements start from the neck and shoulders, in turn massaging hands from the most tips of the fingers, then drop to the bottom of the back and gently spread it before making a massage of the buttocks. Girls should know the important rule: movements should coincide with the direction of the Lymph movement, i.e. From the bottom up and from the periphery to the center. Light stroking should be alternating with intense pressure.
  5. When massageing the legs also need to adhere to the rules "from fingertips". Special attention should be paid to the inner surface of the hips: this is one of the most sensitive erogenous zones.
  6. How to make an erotic massage guy in the chest and abdomen? First, it is necessary to conveniently put it on your back. To stroke the body, starting with the neck area, gradually go to the nipples, the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, barely touch the genitals of the back of the hand or breasts, switch to the hips, caviar, reach the tips of the fingers, go back to the thighs, back to the nipples to touch the penis.
  7. Erotic massage testers are very exciting, aimed at massaging the foot while holding the ankle with another hand.
  8. How to make an erotic massage with hair and tips of marigolds? First you need to make circular movements with nails and strands, then move onto moves down and from side to the side. You can strengthen the exciting effect, changing the intensity of the pressure and the amplitude of the movements, similar to the receptions of manual massage.

Some subtleties

  • Erotic massage The man should be carried out only after rubbing his body and partner body with special moisturizing oil - this will provide a smooth slip during massing.
  • It is important not to tear up the hands from the surface of his body, constantly ironing, caress, engage in the game the chest, hair.
  • Do not forget about the coastard, follow his reaction and repeat those techniques of erotic massage, to which the partner's body responds especially violently.

Female Massage

Erotic massage for the girl according to the scheme is almost no different from the massage guy.

The main women's erogen zones are:

  • chest;
  • stomach;
  • hips;
  • buttocks;
  • boca;
  • hands;
  • page.

That is, an erotic massage for the girl in the back area should also cover the sides, waist, butorous muscles.

When massaged the inverse body surface, special attention should be paid to the lower part of the abdomen and chest.

How to make an erotic breast massage?

Since in women, this part of the body is characterized by increased sensitivity, it is necessary to be very careful to avoid unpleasant sensations. Erotic massage of the breast includes circular strokes, gentle grip of her lips. It is not necessary to lose sight of the orphanage: almost all women it is characterized by increased sensitivity.

How to make massage buttocks girls? It should be started with strokes towards the center with a gradual increase in pressure force. Then move to kneading and light patting. The final stage of the massage of the buttocks is their gentle circular stroking.

Erotic massage for the girl in the field of genitalia and, in particular, the famous point G. Movement here should be soft, rhythmic. Finding particularly sensitive areas, it is necessary to have an intensive impact on them.

Want to revive the fooling passion of the second half? Dreaming to realize your most hidden fantasies and be at the peak of sexual how to make a relaxing massage a man then this option for you!

Sexopathologists claim that an erotic massage will not only decorate an intimate setting, but also help to cope with many men's ailments. And how to make a relaxing massage a man will give your chosen one who influenced his elembo.

It is not necessary to be afraid that the first time does not work out so, intended. Train more often and over time you will probably become a real guru of erotic massage.

Private massage technique

  • The main condition for the implementation of this type of massage Full relaxes and liberation. Incount with the adoption of a warm bath. Aromatic candles, essential oils, exciting lace underwear - all this will create a romantic mood.
  • Help the partner to put out and suggest to lie down. The best just get on a flat surface, lying on the stomach.
  • You can apply a few drops of special massage oil to warm palms - almond fragrances, chocolate and strawberry fit perfectly.
  • Then you can move to a kind of prelude - let a man feel the nudity of your body, touching it by each bend.
  • Now you can connect your hands - with light caressing movements massaging the body of the partner from the stop to the neck.
  • As soon as you feel that a man is ready to add kisses to your decisive actions to strokes, special attention is paid to the back and buttocks.
  • Ask the lover to lie down on your back and play with how to make a relaxing massage a man - caress the neck, chest. Going down to the inside of the hip and groin.
  • Alternate kisses and stroking, not forgetting about the main erogenous points - the areas below the navel and the thighs. Feeling strong excitement of a man, control the highest peak of enjoying injecting movements.
  • To top off the private pleasure, lie on top and rhythmically navigate the body back-forward, it will lead your how to make a relaxing massage to a man in ecstasy and will be a continuation of an unforgettable night of love.

How to make a massage a man video

The best gift to a man - made with their own hands.

Such a surprise can arrange each. The video will clearly demonstrate what you need to do to wake a primitive passion and sensuality in a partner.

How to make a man's massage prostate

If the partner is ready for bold experiments, it is possible to deliver pleasure with the help of a prostate gland massage.
The procedure is sufficiently responsible, but simple, especially if the man is already relaxed and is configured to the desired way.

At your disposal should be:

  • warm room with muted light;
  • intimate lubricant or gel.

With great care, enter the index finger into the anal hole to the partner - for smooth entry, it is better for the finger to be in a condom.

Immersing it for 3-5 cm, you will feel the rounded seal - the prostate gland. We stroke the prostate with gentle movements, then they can be changed to pressing circular. At this point, the man should strengthen the erection. The main thing is not to overdo it, the excessive intensity of the massage can cause pain.

How to do back massage man

  • A positive configuration is required. Do not start the case if you are unhappy or upset with something.
  • Calm music and essential oils are perfect for relaxation.
  • Hands how to make a relaxing massage a man slide smoothly and gently.

Spin massage technique

Here are some simple and efficient massage techniques.

  1. Light surface movements scroll the skin of the back. Do not hurry, the purpose of such rubbing is to improve blood circulation. Honey also does not follow, all actions should take no more than 10 minutes.
  2. The essence of the point massage consists in pressing the fingertips to the area from the tailbone to the neck. Movements must be fast, circular.
  3. "Walkers" are carried out by the palms on the muscles, bypassing the bone. Evidence how to make a relaxing massage a man is fast, spring, which contributes to a good blood outflow.
  4. Vibration is performed by shaking movements, first continuous, then intermittently.

How to make a relaxing massage a man

High-quality massage begins not with the right position of hands, but from the desired internal mood.

Especially if it concerns the relaxing massage of the shoulders, neck and back of a man. This simple technique will help relieve fatigue.

We begin, as always, with light strokes and rubbing throughout the body (each movement is repeated from 5-10 times).

Such actions have a soothing effect. Next, bend widespread fingers and moving in this way on the surface of the skin below up.
Moving movements move from legs to the buttocks and back. It is necessary to massage point movements without breaking.

How do Thai massage male

Many mistakenly compare how to make a relaxing massage a male massage with sexual services, it is wrong, because the real Thai massage is a whole art based on the teaching of Taoism, and includes meditation and various appeal techniques inside.

The purpose of such a self-knowledge is to achieve bliss, but not sexual, but bliss relaxation.

Thai massage techniques can be mastered independently, including erotic elements in it.

  1. The technique "Awakening the Dragon" is to lightly massage with pillows of fingers and caressing the language of the region of the paha, without touching the penis.
  2. Massage naked breasts. To do it, you need to make a relaxing massage a man to drive hardened nipples on the body of a man.
  3. "Waterfall from the hair" will have to one by the way for the owners of the magnificent hair. The partner should be led along the naked skin of the partner without avoiding the erogenous zones.

How to make a massage stop man

Stop is considered the center of male sensuality. Armed with some knowledge and completely distinguished by the will of fantasy, you can deliver a man incomparable with any pleasure.

Avoiding tickling with gentle circular motions you need to walk all over the foot - from the fingers to the heel, and you can use a special wooden brush.

From the impact of pressing movements, the skin color will become bright pink - it means blood circulation intensified.
For a sedative effect, you can slightly pinch the foot, the muscular voltage will weaken, and your favorite will feel ease in the whole body.

The ending chord will be facial fingertips - starting with a large, massive finger at the base, moving above to the nail.
How to make a relaxing massage a man's palm with massage oil and repeat the procedure.

Are there people who do not like massage? Well, theoretically, of course, the dinosaur can be found, but practically they didn't come across. Of course, massage Massage Matn. Not everyone can make a professional massage, with editing joints, and it is not always necessary. But everyone can learn to make a relaxing massage to her man. An excellent gift for Valentine's Day and a guaranteed portion of happiness in the evening of a difficult day, is not true?

Massage happiness in the field

Massage shoulders, a nape, heads - this is the ability to let go of adversity and anxiety, relax and quickly restore forces. Master the simplest variations of the massage is not so difficult. You can start on your own, and if there is interest, continue to master the science of "causing happiness" with your beloved.

In this case, it will be about a massage that will help to relieve fatigue, headache, quickly come into yourself after stress. And if at the time of the conflict, when your turn came to "shoot with words", you will make a massage in our turn instead of your turn ... The conflict clearly comes to no, and for you in your eyes your friend will consolidate the glory of the girl with a magnificent character. And the luxurious scandal is not in the bill!

Gold Rules Relaxing Massage

A good massage begins at all with the right arrangement of hands, but with your internal setting. How to make a male massage so that he remember it for a long time? And most importantly, wished to repeat countless times? First-invilitory grads of the main postulate of the right massage. Of course, if you just come to your own (or not to your own way, suddenly you wanted to lose weight) a man and get there my shoulders - it will be good and pleasant in any case. But there is also a difference between "nice" and "amazing, unforgettable," as there is a difference between chups-chups on a stick and a square of an elite collection chocolate. This is how to make a relaxing massage so that he is not a "chup-cheups", but an exclusive, and talk.

In Eastern tradition, massage is a deep transonic technique for two. And the one who makes the massage, for this period turns into a deity. There is nothing more important - for the time of massage. The human body to whom you make a massage - sacred. And the correct attitude of the massage therapist is gratitude. You trusted this body. It is necessary to say that gratitude from the massable will follow by itself, regardless of whether it is prescribed in treatises.

How to make a massage? With reverence. If we talk about the technical side, do you make a massage shoulder, back massage or erotic massage, you need to start with bringing yourself to the appropriate condition. The easiest way to imagine that the wave envelops you, which takes with you all the alarms, tension distracting thoughts. Remove from the hands of the decoration, shake the brushes, smile and proceed to the sacrament.

Very important stage - the establishment of bodily contact. Mildly and gradually bring your hands to the body of the one who wants to make a massage. The first touch should be tactful and careful. Even if each other's bodies have already studied along and across, still start massage delicately.

A high-quality relaxing massage requires compliance with the principle of continuity. That is, touching the body of your favorite (or future beloved, massage is a delicate matter), you should no longer interrupt contact until the end of the massage. That is, of course, if you break the body contact at some point, everything will remain alive. But! With a good massage, the object that is happy with completely relaxes and is trusted by a massage. Interrupting contact, you, as it were, "throw" a partner entrusted to you. No need.

How to make a relaxing massage man

Since in this case we consider the massage of the shoulders, the shoulder zone, neck, the nape (after all, it can be done, even when the "accountant, a cute your accountant" sits for the preparation of the report to the tax), then it is better to immediately put hands on the shoulders a man.

For a simple massage, it is enough to use such techniques as stroking, rubbing, a premium. Each movement from 5 times to 10 times. To relax and prepare a man, start with strokes. On both sides of the shoulder along the neck, you swallow the skin to the ears, then on the same trajectory back. Having completed the next smoothing movement in the "Top" position, we raise my fingers and, as it were, "taking" a favorite head: from the line of hair growth to the top of the top. If you connect your imagination and imagine that at the same time "reveals" the macushkin of his beloved and filled with light is very good. However, if you are an ideological opponent of such methods - well, hoping with physical impact. Relaxing massage works without visualization of a massage therapist. The main thing is to be given to the process.

The next stage: from the top of the "run" with fingers to the base of the neck. Carefully pull the neck from two sides of the spine, about the level of the blades. If your "ward" can be distributed, then it is possible below. Actually, then you can generally much more, but now we are about the option that applies even in the interruption in the office. Paging make lighter - descending, and more tangible - when rising to the bottom of the neck.

Do not forget - for a second you do not lose physical contact!

Now it's time for rubbing. Tightly pressing the palms opened along different sides of the spine, make rubbing movements - along the same trajectory, according to which it has just been twisted. Then the same movements relaxing the massage shoulders: rub the shoulder line - neck. The movements are quite intense, but at the same time soft. We are still here on how to make a massage that brings pleasant sensations, and not about the edit of osteopathic ...

It's time for the most active movements: the cable of the shoulder zone. How would you get the palm of the plot, knead him and let go. And so you act with the whole shoulder area, for what you are dimensionless thanks, and your man - the tide of the strength is provided.

Correct conclusion of a relaxing massage

Perhaps, after that, you can come to the final stage. If at first your movements were aimed at warming up, that is, the "degree of activity" increased, now on the contrary - gradually reduce the intensity of touches. After the kneading massage, the relaxing massage is well continued by rubbing again, but already quieter, soft, the touch is easier. The same thing is along the spine.

Now remember stroking. And if, starting massage, we raised energy, then it is better to "put it" to complete it on the body, that is, movement down with a little more pressing power than moves up.

From the crown - light strokes with open palms to the forehead, to the back of the head, to the ears. The same thing in the shoulder zone: from the upper vertebrae to the shoulders, and the same along the spine. Finishing and lungs - this does not mean "quickly fold." On the contrary, let the massage shoulder be particularly calm, massage movements from the top - light and warm, and the slip of your hands along the spine is careful and loving.

And you did not forget what the right attitude of the massage therapist to massagered? Now you know how to make a male massage practically in the field. At the end, let your hands very gently and carefully, with gratitude, gradually, remove from his back.

Now you can approach not from the rear and take grateful speeches and kisses, as well as enjoy the blissful expression of his face! Try to present as a gift for Valentine's Day or February 23 such a relaxing massage to your beloved. You will see, he will be delighted with massage, and you are from his response, instantaneous and delayed: after all, March 8 is not far off.

Cosmetics for relaxing massage

  • Nutritional Emulsion for Massage Emulsion, Gehwol (Germany)
  • Massage Honey for Body ENJOY GOLD MASSAGE HONEY, ATTIRANCE (Latvia)
  • Almond massage oil Massage Oil Almonds, Attirance (Latvia)
  • Aromamaslo for massage Aromatic Massage Oil, Gigi (Israel)
  • Argan Relaxing Oil Argaline Huile Relaxante Lavande, Argaline (Morocco)
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