Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. P. Bazhov Silver hoof read with pictures Silver hoof story

(Explanation of individual words, concepts and expressions found in tales) Azov, Azov-mountain - in the Middle Urals, 70 kilometers to the south-west. from Sverdlovsk, height 564 meters. The mountain is covered with forest; on top of a large stone, from which the surroundings are clearly visible (25–30 kilometers). There is a cave in the mountain with a collapsed entrance. In the 17th century, here, past Azov, there was a “path” along which “transports of governors” from Turinsk to Ufa, through the Katai prison, passed. Azov mountains treasure.- A lot of “fugitives” went along the high road to Siberia, who, “having strayed into gangs”, became “free people”. These "free people" often attacked "voivodship transfers and merchant carts." In the tales about Azov-mountain, it was said that "free people" guarded the road from two peaks: Azov and Dumnaya Mountain, arranging a kind of trap here. They will let a convoy or a detachment pass one mountain and let them know with lights on another, so that they are preparing for an attack, and they themselves come in from the rear. The captured was formed in the cave of the Azov-mountain. There were tales of another version - about the "main wealth", which is located in the same Azov Mountain. The basis for the tales of this version was probably the fact that the first copper mines in this region (Polevskoy and Gumeshevsky) and deposits of white marble were discovered on the plain near Azov. Along the rivers flowing from Azov, they found the first gold placers in this area, and then they began to extract cuprous and sulfur pyrites here. Azovka girl, Azovka.- In all versions of the tales about the treasures of the Azov-mountain, the girl Azovka invariably appears - without a name and an indication of her nationality, only with an indefinite hint: "from not our people." In some tales, she is depicted as a monster of enormous growth and exorbitant strength. She guards the treasure very zealously: “ Better dogs good, and sensitive passion - will not let anyone close. In other tales, the girl Azovka is either the wife of the chieftain, or a hostage, chained, or a servant of a secret power. Aida, aida-ko - from Tatar. It was used in factory life quite often in various meanings: 1) come, come; 2) let's go, let's go; 3) go, go. “Come here”, “Well, come on, guys, go home!”, “Dumped the cart - and go home.” Artut - mercury. Artut-girl- mobile, fast. Ashat (Bashkir) - eat, take food. Badog - an old measure - half a sazhen (106 cm); was used as a running measure during construction work and was called the rule. "The dam has one tool - a plumb line and a rule." Badozhok - travel staff, stick. Baika is a lullaby with recitative. Balodka is a one-handed hammer. Bank - bank. Basque, richer - handsome, handsome; prettier, better. Bassenky, - oh- beautiful, - oh. Belmen - does not understand, does not speak. Bergal is a modification of the German bergauer (mining worker). The narrator used this word in the sense of a senior worker, to whom a group of teenagers-rollers obeyed. Bespelyukha is a slob, a slob, a dead man. Blaze - to seem, to imagine; enticed - it seemed, it seemed, it seemed. flare, flare- mine lamp. The richest is the richest, the richest. To chatter - to mutter, to speak indistinctly. Take the majority - take over, win, become the leader. Brothers-grabbers from the Shatalnaya volost - a proverb for thieving tramps (staggering around in different places and grabbing whatever comes to hand). Vaskina Gora - not far from the Kungur village, 35 kilometers from Sverdlovsk to the south-west. A gang, a gang - a group, an artel, a detachment. Zamok is a way of wrestling when the wrestlers, embracing each other, press the opponent's spine during the fight. Rise up - randomly, not on time to go to bed; go to bed, no matter what. There will be a penalty - you will have to answer in case of non-compliance. Winna was holding a barrel- under the pretext of free distribution of vodka to workers, vodka was sold duty-free. coil or flower – native copper in the form of knotted joints. Vitushka is a kind of kalach with ends woven in the middle. In lightness - easily, freely, without labor, safely. Burn - fight over something, work hard and for a long time. Sweat - secretly, secretly from everyone. Peddling - open development. Really - really, really. To expand - to raise, to make fuller, richer. Get out - cure, put on your feet. Galit - mock, torment with mockery. To roar - to make noise, to shout. To perish - to perish, to perish. Glyadeltse - a break in the mountain, a deep ravine, an eversion from a fallen tree - a place where you can see the stratification of rocks. Golbets - underground; a locker near the stove, where a move is made underground, is usually called golbchik. Golk - noise, hum, echo. Golyan is a swamp on the watershed between the rivers of the Isetskaya and Chusovskaya systems, which converge closely here. Chase - cook. The mountain is a copper mine (see Gumeshki). The city - without a name, always had in mind one - Yekaterinburg. The mountain shield is truly the Mountain Shield, to the south-west. from Yekaterinburg. In the past, it was a fortress built to protect the road to the Polevskoy plant from the attack of the Bashkirs. "Copper caravans" usually stopped in the Mountain Shield. Even in the nineties of the last century, field carters of iron and other cargo usually spent the night in the Mountain Shield. To some extent, it was also an echo of antiquity. Grabastenky - from grabbing, raking, seizing, taking away, robbing; robber, invader, thief. Edge - see factory edge. Gumeshki (from the old word "gumenets" - a low gentle hill) - Gumeshevsky mine. Copper Mountain, or simply Mountain - near the Polevskoy plant. One of the most fully described places with traces of ancient mining, the richest deposit of copper carbonate (malachite). Opened in 1702 by peasants-miners, two Humenets along the Polevaya River began to be developed later. One gumenets (Polevskoy mine), near which Gennin built a copper smelter in 1727, did not justify the hopes placed on it; the second (Gumeshevsky mine) brought fabulous profits to the owners of factories for over a hundred years. The size of these profits can be judged at least by such figures. The factory price of a pood of copper was 3 r. 50 kopecks, the state price at which copper was sold was 8 rubles, and there were years when copper smelting reached 48,000 poods. It is therefore understandable that such influential people at the royal court as the Stroganovs tried to "pull off the Gumeshki", and it is even more understandable what a terrible underground penal servitude this copper mountain of the Turchaninovs was for the workers. According to V. Shishko's Chronicle, malachite, copper azure, copper greens, copper pyrite, red copper ore, native copper in octahedron-shaped crystals, brochantite, folbortite, phosphorochalcite, chalcotrichite, and elites were mined in Gumeshki. Dacha, factory dacha- the territory that was in the use of the Sysert mining district (see. Sysert factories). girl for marriage- the age of the bride. Wonderful, wonderful- a lot, a lot. Diomede is dynamite. Kind - good, expensive, valuable. Beacons- learn with the help of signs, facial expressions. Sentinel - senior guard; controller. Valley - length; valley, into the valley- long, long. Top up - overcome; topped up accepted - began to overcome. Access - get, get, find. To reach - to find out, to find out, to explore. Dumnaya Gora - within the boundaries of the Polevskoy plant, with a rocky slope to the river. At the time of the narrator, this descent was partially visible, since slag dumps of copper-smelting and blast-furnace production were located on this side for a century. Yelan, elanka - a grassy clearing in the forest (probably from the Bashkir jalan - a clearing, a bare place). Elnichnaya is one of the rivers flowing into Polevskoy Pond. Capacitive - strong. Zhzhenopyatiki - the nickname of the workers of blooming production and, in general, hot workshops, where they usually walked in felted shoes with wooden blocks tied at the bottom. Liquid place - weak. Zhorky - one who eats and drinks a lot; in the tale - he drinks a lot of vodka. Buzzard is the name of small gold nuggets. It's embarrassing - embarrassing. Envy - envy; envy took - it became envious. factory edge- a line separating the territory of one factory district from another. Most often, the "line passed" along rivers and ridges, through the forest it was marked by a special clearing, in an open place - by boundary posts. Beyond our border - on the territory of another factory district, another owner. Zavoznya is a kind of outbuilding with a wide entrance so that carts, sledges, etc. can be brought there for storage. Zavse - all the time. For everything simply - simply. A task is a suggestion. Knowingly - knowingly, knowingly, knowing exactly. A gap is a fabric of a different color visible from cutouts or slits. Involuntarily - involuntarily, involuntarily. Zaplot - a fence made of poles or logs (single-cut), tightly laid between the pillars; dam - a pole removed from the fence or a single cut. The sleeve is a bracelet. Cufflink, cufflink - apron, apron. To ask - to roll up. Catch - catch, take by surprise. Intercede - act in place of someone. Titles will not remain- will not, and there will be no trace. To shine - to sparkle. Movement is an autumn holiday on September 27 (14). An earth cat is a mythical creature that lives in the earth. Sometimes "shows his fiery ears." Zmeevka is the daughter of Poloz. Mythical creature, one of the "secret powers". She was credited with the ability to pass through the stone, leaving behind a golden trace (gold in quartz). snake holiday- 25 (12) September. Knows - knows. Known, unknown- noticeable, imperceptible. Knowledge would - if you knew. Spool - an old measure of pharmaceutical weight - 4.1 grams. To stare - to look sharply, to look out. Zyuzelka, Zyuzelskoe swamp, Zyuzelsky mine- a river, one of the tributaries of the river Field, Chusovskoy system. Here, on a swampy lowland covered with forest, in the past there was the development of gold-bearing sands. At present, there is a large workers' settlement at the Zyuzelsk deposit with schools, a hospital, and a workers' club; connected by bus line with the Polevsk cryolite plant. To be twisted - to turn into scoundrels (varnaks), to deteriorate, to decompose. Get ready - get ready. Chosen - hired for a period of time under a contract. Invent - hire under an agreement (rent), contract. To be exhausted - to be exhausted from overwork, to lose strength, to become disabled. It's time to get out - to get tired to the limit. Emerald copper - dioptase. Whether this rare stone was found in the Gumeshevsky mine, there is no exact information. It is possible that the discovery of other varieties of this precious stone served as the basis for mentioning it. Cunning - Cunning. And that - in the sense of an affirmative adverb: so, yes. Treasury - this word is used not only in the sense of - state funds, but also as possessory in relation to individual workers. “First, the prospectors mined here, then they transferred it to the treasury” - they began to develop from the owner. How to find happiness- as you can. Kalym - ransom for the bride (among the Bashkirs). Kamenka - a sauna stove, with a pile of stones on top, water is splashed on them, "steam is supplied." Karnahar is one of the alterations of German technical names that existed back in the nineties. Probably from the Harmacher forge, which was used to refine copper. To the soul - to the soul, to the mind, to the liking. Whom I reach - everyone, everyone. Koltovchikha - Koltovskaya, one of the daughters of the first owner of the factories. This Koltovskaya at one time occupied the first place among the squandered heirs and in fact was the “chief lady”. Korobchishechko - a diminutive of boxes - wickerwork, a carriage of wicker wicker rods. Korolek - native copper crystals; probably, the name passed as a translation of the common word "kenih". “The grains, called kenikhs, should be weighed and recorded ... and at the end of the year, copper kenikhs should be declared in ober-berg-amt” (From Gennin’s instructions). Weave braids- to gossip. Kosh - a felt tent of a special device. Crazelites are chrysolites. Red - grape wine. Krasnogorka - Krasnogorsk mine near Mount Krasnaya, near Chusovaya, 15 kilometers from the Polevskoy plant. At the time of the narrator, it was an abandoned iron mine, now powerful developments are being carried out there. Fortress - fortress time, serfdom. Kritsa is a block melted in a special furnace (bloom furnace), which was first freed from slag by repeated forging under heavy water-acting hammers (bloom hammers), then under the same hammers it was formed into “plank” or “block” iron. screaming, screaming, screaming– a branch of the plant, where there were bloomery forges and water-acting hammers for forging blooms; crychna was also used in the sense - workers of the crying department. “Krychna quarreled with the mountain” - the workers of the krichna department argued with the miners. The screaming master - this word not only defined the profession, but also the athletic build and large physical strength. The loud apprentice was always synonymous with a young strong man, who was assigned to an experienced, but already old master who had lost his strength. Krylatovsko is one of the gold mines near the Kungur village. To what it says - where it leads, it goes. To squirm - mess around, fight. Laskobay is an affectionately speaking, outwardly friendly, sweet talker. It's flattering to take on oneself- love to dress up. Listvyanka - larch. Markov stone is a mountain of the form of a huge bare stone, located almost in the middle between the factories of the eastern and western group b. Sysert district. Mark - understand. Dead man - dead man; sometimes just passed out. "How many hours lay dead." The place is a place. Hinder - interfere. Almsgiving - almsgiving, collecting pieces, alms. There was a fashion - such was the custom, so used to it. Fashion output - fashion, dress up. Fraud - Fraud, fraud, deceit. Marble, Marble Factory- 40 kilometers to the south-west. from Yekaterinburg (the population of the village was engaged exclusively in stone-cutting, mainly processing marble, serpentine, jasper). To be wise - to invent the unusual, to fool someone, to put in a difficult position. Murzinka, Murzinskoye- a village (formerly a settlement, a fortress). One of the oldest in the Urals. Here for the first time in Russia in 1668-1669. the Tumashev brothers found "colored stones in the mountains, white crystals, raspberry fatis, and green yugas, and yellow tunpas." In terms of abundance and variety of precious stones, the Murzinskoye deposit is one of the most remarkable in the world. Aquamarines, amethysts, beryls, topazes, heavyweights, pink, crimson, black, green, brown tourmalines, sapphires, rubies and other varieties of corundum were mined here. Soft stone - talc. Navidyachu - before my eyes, quickly. Nadsada - anguish, damage to the body from excessive stress during work. Nazgal, Nazgal(from galitsya - to mock, to scoff) - to laugh, mockingly, with a mockery. On a crooked arshin - wrong, by the wrong measure. Breathing incense - close to death, will die soon. Nali - even. Namyatysh - strong, strong, dense, like tightly kneaded dough. The betrothed is the bride. They were famous - widely known. To instruct - to instruct, teach, monitor actions. Drag - find. Doesn't work for bread- not worth the work. To find - to resemble, to resemble. "He finds something on his father by his hair." Not so hot, nasty- simple, inexpensive, simple. Not long - soon. Unmarried - single, guy. “The unmarried people had a conversation - they slapped each other’s faces.” Unselfish - worthless, bad. Neminuku case - inevitable. Unwise - unwise, inferior, of little worth. Do not show - do not show. Not from a simple pore– no time, no time. Not good things live- no problem. Not on the nostril - not to their liking, unpleasant. Not sweet to drink- I didn’t manage to live calmly and satisfyingly, as it was: “something was not sweet for our sister-in-law, she left.” Didn't stand (guys)– did not survive, did not stay alive, died in childhood. Do not be remembered by those, the little head is calm- a proverb when something negative was remembered about the deceased. Wrong word - now, immediately, without objection. Not fading, without fading- without ceasing. Nokotok - nail. sniffer, earpiece- factory detective, spy. Nyazya is a river, a tributary of Ufa. Nyazi - forest-steppe, along the valley of the Nyazi river, towards the Nyazepetrovsky plant. This forest-steppe was often mentioned in the everyday life of the Polevskoy plant. Obalchik is an empty breed. To obahmurit - to seize attention, to amaze. Blowing - blowing, refreshing. To scald - to wish strongly, to aspire to something. Oberezny - bodyguard, closest servant. Break off - win, twist. Wallpaper - pieces of stone that break off, beat off during the initial rough processing, during chipping. To talk - to talk, to deceive. Armed - armed, with weapons. Reject - reject, recognize as worthless. Convert - put on a shawl, halter, subjugate, curb. Tell - tell. Arranged - arranged. Shoe is a noun. m. - shoes. Shoes, shoes- kind of leather shoes; cats. Eat - 1) poisonous plants that livestock eat; 2) what remains of the food is not eaten. "Eat a lot in the hay there." Angry - angry, angry. The fireman is a forest watchman, who was taken for the summer fire season (after the snow melted to a fresh grass stand, sometimes until the autumn rains). Fence - yard (the word "yard" was used only in the sense of a family, tax and quitrent group, but never in the sense of a place fenced off at the house). Odinova - once. One of his own - repeats what was said, stands his ground. To recover - to come to consciousness, to begin to recover. To cut - to cut a stone, to give it a basic shape. Omelyan Ivanovich- Pugachev Emelyan Ivanovich. Omega, or milestone - poisonous plant Cicuta virosa. Omman is a deception. The weapon is a gun. "Like a gun shot" - straight. Braid - deceive. To braid - in the sense of quickly and with particular willingness to eat. Opupyshek - rounding, round protrusion. Weaken to give - condescendingly, tolerantly treat someone, weakly hold. The rest is the last time. Scree - the collapse of small stones with sand. Roll back - discard. To fade away - to move away, to come to a normal state. Departure hunting - I wanted to cure, correct. Put on your feet. Okha to catch - to be in a difficult position and, moreover, unexpectedly for yourself. Okhlestysh, ohlest, ohlestka, whipped, tail, hem, floors- a man of a dirty reputation, who is not ashamed of anything, insolent, offender. Hunting - want. Hunt to make fun - to achieve what you wanted, to cool down. Ohtimnechenki, ohtimne(from the interjection "ohti", expressing sadness, grief) - woe to me, it's hard. Not cool- without grief, without difficulty, calmly. “Life went to okhtimnechenki” - hard, difficult. “We didn’t live very well” - freely, without great difficulties. About what - why. “What not to do? “I will.” "What not to ask, if necessary." clear-cut, clear-cut- respectful, courteous, polite; impolite - impolite, impolite. Papora is a fern. Parun is a hot day after rain. Brocade - fabric with silver or gold thread. Perebutorivat - dig through the sand, earth, wash the sands; probably from the word "butara" - washing machine. Change clothes - change clothes. Peskozob - gudgeon. Petrovka - the second half of June and the first half of July, when in the old days there was the so-called "Petrov Post". Pehlo - a board planted across the niello, a kind of scraper for raking and disassembling washed sands. Pirovlya - a feast, a party. Food - thicker, stronger, more. Flux - an admixture to ore that facilitates smelting, flux. Plekha is a whore. Over time - over time, over a known period. To sneer - to mock, mock, mock. Serve - repeatedly give out a little. They began to run up- began to apply. Give in - go, leave. Under everything - under everything. Sod gold- what is found in the upper layers of sand - under the turf. Subdue, subdue- imperceptibly substitute, slip. A podletok is a teenager (mostly about girls aged 12 to 16). The armrest is a close servant, trusted, helper. Look for - look for a reason to accuse. The fire station - it is also a machine - is mentioned in the tales as a place where workers were tortured. Firefighters appear as executioners. wake up, wake up- behind the eyes, behind the eyes, in the absence of an interested person. To scratch - to beat, scratch, bleed, leave a mark. "Who scolded you like that?" More corpulent - more broad-shouldered, larger, healthier. Pokrov is an old holiday on October 14 (1). To ask - to interrogate, to beg. Field, Field- Polevsky plant, now cryolite, 60 kilometers to the south-west. from Yekaterinburg. It was built by Gennin as a state-owned copper smelter, in 1727 it was also an ironworks, with its own blast furnace. Since 1873, the conversion shops have been working on the ingots of the Seversky plant. Copper smelting continued until the end of the last century and was the main one for the Polevskoy plant. During the time when the tales were heard, the copper-smelting industry was dying, the rework shops also worked with great interruptions. In the first decade of the XX century. one of the first chemical plants in the Urals (sulphuric acid) was built here, which was redesigned and expanded under the Soviet regime. Now a large cryolite plant has been organized here, around which a socialist town has unfolded. Against the backdrop of construction, the old industrial settlement now seems like a miserable village. At the time of the narrator, there was no Chelyabinsk railway yet, and the plant was completely a dead corner. It was part of the Sysert mining district (see Sysert plants and Gumeshki). Poler to direct - to grind. Poloz is a big snake. Among naturalists, as far as is known, there is no complete agreement on the existence of the snake in the Urals, but among treasure hunters, the snake invariably appears as a keeper of gold. In Khmelinin's tales, as usual, human traits are assigned to the snake. Half a bottle is an old measure of liquid (0.75 liters). Help - help. It took revenge - it seemed, it seemed. To torment - to turn pale. Out of anger - out of ill will, out of malice, out of revenge. To moan - to observe, follow. Ponatorkat - lay tightly. Ponitok - outerwear made of homespun cloth (wool over linen). To be compelled - to have no more need for someone, not necessary. Get well soon- to live better. Retreat - recede, recede. Breaking - cutting bread into slices. Plant a goat - cool, "freeze" cast iron or copper. The mass hardened in the oven was called a goat. It was difficult to remove her. Often had to redo the furnace. Poskakukha is one of the operating owner's mines. Scrap - scrape, dig into the ground, dig. Word-for-word - obedient, who obeys "by word", without additional prodding, shouting. To advise - to consult with someone. "I got along well with him." Postryapenka - homemade holiday cookies. to argue- resist. Be quiet - be quiet. To denigrate - to condemn, to denigrate. Mail - why. To correct - to go, to keep the direction. Shelter - the general name of buildings for livestock (where cattle were driven). To threaten - to threaten, to threaten. Ordered to live long- a common proverb in the past when announcing someone's death. Orderly - a factory clerk. This name was kept by the factories in the nineties. The clerk is the representative of the owner at the plant, the main person; subsequently, such trusted people were called managers for individual factories, and managers for districts. Butt - donation, gift, contribution (to the church); sent to the example- sent for free as a gift. Prilik - visibility; for appearances - for visibility; for decency. Burn - quickly arrive. Baking - an increase; on the side of the bake - accidentally sticking, extraneous, alien. Solder - copper shavings, which were sometimes sold to inexperienced buyers for gold. Attach - 1) attach to a tree, metal; 2) hard, painful, hard to hit. To complain - to find fault. A parable is an unexpected incident, a hindrance, an unexpected misfortune. come on somebody to accuse someone, to blame. Bury - take cover, hide. It will be necessary - it will be necessary. Probygat - ventilate, freshen up. A fault is a mistake. Agile - strong (in the usual sense, it was almost never used in the factory dialect; other words were used for the concept of "agile": deployed, nimble). Wash - walk, walk. It was simple - free, easy, without delay. Furl, furl- scatter, squander; furyat - throw; furka - a kind of childish sling, slingshot. Wasteland is an open place in the middle of the forest. Push - quickly throw at someone, throw. Let it go - let it. Five-sazhen poles- Mentioned in the tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain", apparently, the malachite columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral. Radelets - from the word "to please" - who cared for them, tried for them. Difference is difference. Spread - something that can be used to arrange a fabric, insert, wedge, flap; in a figurative sense - help, increase, help. To try - to get, to get, to find. To interpret - to translate, explain. Rezuntsy are sedge-type plants. Remki, remier - rags, rags. Shake with straps - walk in bad clothes, in torn clothes, in tatters. Rob - work. The main word for this action. “Where did you rob?”, “Where to rob?”, “I left to rob.” They clapped their hands - they were surprised (from a gesture). Roared-zakalo - ferocious, exorbitantly strict, screamer (from growling and yawning - whipping, hitting). Ryabinovka is a river, a tributary of the Chusovaya. To bring down the people - to convene, to call. Supreme - habitual; not superfluous - not habitual, not in the custom. Sgoluba - bluish, pale blue. Seversky plant, Severn- one of the factories of the Sysert district. In the past, blast-furnace and open-hearth production (see Sysert plants). Severushka is a tributary of the Chusovaya; flows into the Chusovaya about three kilometers from the Seversky plant. Cyanosis, cyanosis - swamp gas. Say mercy- a proverb, in the sense - even surprising, one should be surprised. They shine through - shine through. To skimp - to frail, to be ill, to be ill. Skrykat - scrape, scratch (in the ground). Slan - or rather slan, flooring along roads in wetlands. Such a line did not allow getting bogged down in a swamp, but it was also impossible to ride on it. Sliche is a convenient case, had to go to hell- came up. Hear, hear, hear. Sweep the case - understand, guess. Smotnik, - tsa - gossip, - tsa. On finding - to come on time. Sleep do not know the case- don't even guess. to wiggle, to wiggle- to assist, to help, to do by the way, along the way. To conscience - to shame, reproach. Soyknut - cry out in fear, surprise (from the interjection "oh"). Juice is slag from copper-smelting and blast-furnace production. Solomirsky is the last owner of the factories. Sniff - move your foot. Sorochiny - the fortieth day after death. Calm - calm. to make a fuss- alarm, raise to one's feet, lead to a restless state. Sports - spoil. Correct - serviceable, prosperous; on the right - clothes, appearance. “Clothes are right”, that is, not bad. "They live well" - prosperously. “On the right, she’s not smart” - the clothes are bad. Go down - go down. Equip - equip. Old road. – P. A. Slovtsov in his “Historical Review of Siberia”, published in 1838, speaking about the routes of communication in the period from 1595 to 1662, wrote: “There was also a summer trail for riding, which ran from Turinsk, after from Tyumen through Katai prison on Ufa on the western side of the Urals with its intersection near the Azov Mountain. The name of the mountain near the Nyazepetrovsky plant - Kataisky Hill - should also be considered a monument to this ancient road. Old people. - Maybe because the Polevskoy plant was built on the site of ancient ore mines - “Chudsky” kapans, stories about “old people” were alive here. In these stories, the "old people" were portrayed in different ways. Some said that “old people” lived in the earth like moles, and then they covered themselves up when “other peoples” came to this region; others said that the "old people" took copper only from above, but did not know gold at all and lived by hunting and fishing. It was assumed that the layer of earth on which the "old people" lived was already so littered from above that it was necessary to "dig" up to this layer. “We dug to the ground where the old people lived - there is no gold. In the wrong place, apparently, they guessed it. Stenbukhar - that was the name of the workers at the crowd, where ore was crushed with pestles. These workers had to throw ore under the pestles all the time - thump into the barrier wall. Pillar-mountain - behind the Seversky plant, with a watchtower. Strametz, stramina- from the word "shame" (disgrace, dishonor); used in everyday life quite often in the sense of shameless, - tsa, dishonest, - aya. The words shame, shame were pronounced with an extended “t” - stram. Sturyat - hand over, sell (hurriedly). Sugon - chase; they went into the snow - rushed to catch up. To put on bags - to reach or bring the family to begging, to begging. Similarity is similarity. Shun - contact, grapple, engage with someone. Sysert factories- a group of five factories owned on the so-called possession right first by the Turchaninovs, then by the Solomirsky. This group was called the Sysert mountain district. There were three ironworks in the eastern part of the district: Sysertsky, the main plant of the district, Verkh-Sysertsky (Upper), Nizhne-Sysertsky (Ilyinsky) - all on the Sysert River of the Ob water system (through the Iset). In the western part of the district there were factories: Polevskoy and Seversky on the rivers of the Volga system (through the Chusovaya). "Zavodskaya dacha" - the territory of the district; was 239,707 acres; over 2600 sq. kilometers - 260,000 hectares. In addition to factory settlements, in the eastern part of the district there were villages: Kashina, Kosmakova (Kazarina), and villages: Abramovskoye, Averinskoye, Shchelkunskoye; in the western part: Kungurskoye, the village of Kosoy Brod and Poldnevskoye. In the past, they were inhabited either by serfs or Turchaninov's "obliged workers". After the fall of serfdom, many of the inhabitants of these villages were also engaged exclusively in factory work. The total population of factories and settlements located on the territory of the factory district slightly exceeded thirty-two thousand people, or twelve people per square meter. kilometer. arable land only among the rural population, and even then more outside the factory dacha. The inhabitants of factory settlements did not have plowing at all, and almost the entire “factory dacha” was occupied by forests, in which more than 2,400 acres of clear felling and 7,500 acres of selective felling were annually cut down. On the territory of the district, there were up to forty iron mines, eight owner-owned gold mines and mines, and over a hundred gold placers (no more than a third was developed); in addition, talc, refractory clay, lime, marble, and chrysolites were mined. Cuprous and sulphurous pyrites were not developed at the time of the narrator; they were considered an obalchik - an empty rock. At that time, one tract road to Chelyabinsk passed through the territory of the Sysert district; there was no railroad, and the western part of the county was especially remote. The distance between the eastern and western groups was about forty kilometers; the distance between Polevsky and Seversky is seven kilometers. The commonality of the factory economy was also reflected in the tales. Sysert is especially often mentioned as the main plant of the district, as well as Seversky and the village of Kosoy Brod - as the nearest ones. Such a misfortune - in the sense of much, very much. “Fussing, such trouble, bustling,” that is, very fussy. A secret merchant is a buyer of gold. Tamga is a sign, a brand. Solid - decisive, with character. Tersut, Tersut- the largest swamp b. Sysert factory dacha. Interpret, interpret- understand, know a lot about something. “In the sands, he speaks kindly,” he knows the golden sands. To pound - to repeat, repeat. Tones-bells - dancing, fun. Tue - wine. p. R. from the pronoun that; "In the same mountain, in the same pipe." Tulaem - crowd. Body - body. Turchaninov is the owner of the factory district. In the tales, the first owner usually appears - the "old master". By historical materials, he really was already an old man when he begged for factories. He was one of the merchants, was listed "in the rank of a land captain", but did not have a noble rank, and with it the right to buy peasants. This, however, did not prevent Turchaninov from populating the factories with “breds” from the northern regions. During the Pugachev uprising, Turchaninov managed to keep him in obedience with a system of deceit, threats, cruelties and promises. most workers and almost one of the Ural plant owners did not suffer material damage to the factories. Catherine II highly appreciated this resourcefulness of Turchaninov and wrote in her letter: “For such commendable and noble deeds, especially committed in 1773 and 1774, to raise him and his descendants to noble dignity with his children born and henceforth born Russian Empire". It is not surprising that this cunning, dexterous and cruel old man remained in the memory of the factory population. As for the rest of the Turchaninovs, the definition from the tale "The Malachite Box" apparently fits them: "In a word, the heir." Tuyas, tues, tuesok, tuesochek- birch bark. To persuade - to arrange, to do. Fertilize - become kind, affectionate (often feigned). To think - to think, to think. Uzhna - dinner; a stranger is a stranger - who lives at the expense of others. Fortified - strengthening; for strengthening - to be stronger. Washes up - close to insanity; is talking. Washed - squandered, drunk. Fall - quickly leave, gallop. Forewarn - warn. Urevo is a herd. Uroim, or Uraim(in Bashkir kotel) - a basin along the Nyaza River, where the Nyazepetrovsky plant is located. The villages that came close to this basin were also called Uraim. Installer - factory or redistribution; it was his responsibility to ensure that the products were produced in accordance with the established pattern, according to the charter. Outside, outside- aside, apart from others, on the outskirts. Utuga is a dense crowd. To vanquish - to drive away, to steal. Ukhaidakat - leave, destroy, kill, spend, lose. “Here in the forest uhaidakali” (killed); “the whole inheritance was uhaidakal” (lived, squandered, spent); “there, apparently, your motley uhaidakal” (lost his bag); “How many dishes were uhaidakali at the wedding!” (broken). Remove the chamfer - grind the edge. Pound - an old measure of weight, 400 gr. Khvatovshchina - pulling away in a hurry, at random, what turned up under the arm, what he managed to grab. Heznut - weaken, weaken. Hitnik - a robber, a thief, a predator. Host - host. Honor to ascribe- praise. honestly nobly- in a good way, as it should. Chirla - scrambled eggs, early ripener, quick thinker, fried eggs (from the sound that eggs are released into the pan). Whatever - at least, at least. Wonderful - barely, slightly noticeable. Shalyganit - idly stagger, hang out, mess around; in the tale - to evade work for the master. Shvarev Vanka - was the chief clerk of the Sysert factories during the peasant war led by Pugachev. Shibko - strongly, very much. Fly - a towel; piece of fabric along its entire width. Shmygalo is a fast, agile person. Snooping - looking for. Stacks - large stacks, building materials. Schegar - foreman. Shchelkunskaya road- Chelyabinsk tract. Names for the nearest village in the direction from Sysert to Chelyabinsk. Yaga - a fur coat made of dog skins with wool outward; the same fur coat made of deer, goat, foal skins was called doha. Yasak - give, tribute. Yashnik, yashnichek - barley bread (barley).

An old man lived in our factory alone, nicknamed Kokovanya. Kokovani had no family left, and he came up with the idea of ​​taking an orphan as a child. I asked the neighbors - do they know anyone, and the neighbors say:

- Recently, the family of Grigory Potopaev was orphaned on Glinka. The clerk ordered the older girls to be taken to the master's needlework, but no one needs one girl in the sixth year. Here you take it.

- It's not convenient for me with a girl. Boy would be better. I would teach him my business, I would raise an accomplice. How about the girl? What am I going to teach her?

Then he thought and thought and said:

- I knew Grigory, and his wife too. Both were funny and smart. If a girl goes after her parents, she will not be sad in the hut. I'll take her. Will it just go?

Neighbors explain:

She has a bad life. The clerk gave the hut to Grigoriev to some goryuny and ordered for this to feed the orphan until she grows up. And he has a family of more than a dozen. They don't eat enough on their own. Here the hostess eats up the orphan, reproaches her with a piece. Even though she is small, she understands. It's a shame for her. How can one not go from such a life! Yes, and persuade, come on.

“And that’s true,” Kokovanya answers, “I’ll persuade you somehow.”

On a holiday, he came to those people with whom the orphan lived. He sees that the hut is full of people, big and small. On a golbchik, by the stove, a girl is sitting, and next to her is a brown cat. The girl is small, and the cat is small and so thin and skinned that rarely anyone will let her into the hut. The girl strokes this cat, and she purrs so loudly that you can hear it all over the hut.

Kokovanya looked at the girl and asked:

- Is this a gift from you Grigorieva?

The hostess replies:

- She is the best. Not only one, so I picked up a tattered cat somewhere. We can't drive away. She scratched all my guys, and even feed her!

Kokovanya and says:

- Unkind, apparently, your guys. She's purring.

Then he asks the orphan:

- Well, how, darling, will you come to live with me?

The girl was surprised

- You, grandfather, how did you know that my name is Darenka?

- Yes, - he answers, - it just happened. I didn’t think, I didn’t guess, I accidentally hit it.

– Who are you? the girl asks.

“I,” he says, “is like a hunter. In the summer I wash the sands, mine gold, and in the winter I run through the forests for a goat and I can’t see everything.

- Will you shoot him?

“No,” Kokovanya answers. - I shoot simple goats, but I won’t do this. I have to look at the hunt, in which place he stomps with his right front leg.

- What is it for you?

“But if you come to live with me, I’ll tell you everything,” Kokovanya answered.

The girl was curious about the goat to find out. And then he sees - the old man is cheerful and affectionate. She says:

- I'll go. Only you take this cat Murenka too. Look how good.

- About this, - answers Kokovanya, - what to say. You can’t take such a sonorous cat - you will remain a fool. Instead of a balalaika, she will be in our hut.

The owner hears their conversation. Radehonka is glad that Kokovanya is calling the orphan to her. I quickly began to collect Darenka's belongings. Afraid lest the old man change his mind.

The cat seems to understand the whole conversation too. It rubs at the feet and purrs:

- I guessed right. Correct.

So Kokovanya took the orphan to live with him.

He himself is big and bearded, and she is tiny and has a small nose with a button. They are walking down the street, and a skinned cat jumps after them.

So the grandfather Kokovanya, the orphan Darenka and the cat Murenka began to live together. They lived and lived, they didn’t make much good, but they didn’t cry for life, and everyone had a job.

Kokovanya left for work in the morning. Darenka cleaned up in the hut, cooked stew and cooked porridge, and the cat Murenka went hunting - she caught mice. By the evening they will gather, and they will have fun.

The old man was a master of telling fairy tales, Darenka loved to listen to those tales, and the cat Murenka lies and purrs:

- He speaks correctly. Correct.

Only after every fairy tale will Darenka remind you:

- Grandfather, tell me about the goat. What is he?

Kokovanya made excuses at first, then he said:

That goat is special. He has a silver hoof on his right front foot. In what place he stomps with this hoof - there an expensive stone will appear. Once he stomps - one stone, two stomps - two stones, and where he starts to beat with his foot - there is a pile of expensive stones.

He said this, and was not happy. From that time on, Darenka's only conversation was about this goat.

- Grandpa, is he big?

Kokovanya told her that the goat was not taller than the table, the legs were thin, and the head was light.

And Darenka asks again:

- Grandfather, does he have horns?

“Horns,” he answers, “he has excellent ones. Simple goats have two branches, and he has five branches.

- Grandfather, who does he eat?

“No one,” he answers, “does not eat. It feeds on grass and leaves. Well, hay also eats up in stacks in winter.

- Grandfather, what kind of fur does he have?

- In summer, - he answers, - brown, like our Murenka, and gray in winter.

- Grandfather, is he stuffy?

Kokovanya even got angry:

- How stuffy! There are such domestic goats, and a forest goat, he smells like a forest.

Kokovanya began to gather in the forest in the fall. He should have looked in which direction the goats graze more. Darenka and let's ask:

- Take me, grandfather, with you. Maybe I can even see that goat from afar.

Kokovanya and explains to her:

- You can't see it from a distance. All goats have horns in autumn. You can't figure out how many branches they have. In winter, it's a different matter. Simple goats go without horns, but this one, the Silver Hoof, always has horns, even in summer, even in winter. Then it can be recognized from afar.

This is what he answered. Darenka remained at home, but Kokovanya went into the woods.

Five days later, Kokovanya returned home, tells Darenka:

“Now there are a lot of goats grazing in Poldnevskaya side. I will go there in the winter.

- And how, - asks Darenka, - will you spend the night in the forest in winter?

- There, - he answers, - I have a winter booth near the mowing spoons. A good farce, with a hearth, with a window. It's good there.

Darenka asks again:

“Silver hoof is grazing in the same direction?”

- Who knows. Maybe he's there too.

Darenka is here and let's ask:

- Take me, grandfather, with you. I will sit in the booth. Maybe Silverhoof will come close, I'll see.

The old man waved his hands.

- What you! What you! Is it a good thing for a little girl to walk through the woods in winter! You have to ski, but you don't know how. Load it up in the snow. How will I be with you? You will still freeze!

Only Darenka does not lag behind:

- Take it, grandfather! I don't know much about skiing.

Kokovanya dissuaded, dissuaded, then he thought to himself:

“Bring it together? Once he visits, he will not be asked for another.

Here he says:

- Okay, I'll take it. Only, mind you, don’t roar in the forest and don’t ask to go home until the time.

As winter entered in full force, they began to gather in the forest. Kokovanya laid two sacks of breadcrumbs on a hand sledge, stocked him with hunting supplies and other things he needed. Darenka also tied a knot on herself. Patchwork took the doll to sew a dress, a ball of thread, a needle, and even a rope.

“Is it possible,” he thinks, “to catch the Silver Hoof with this rope?”

It’s a pity for Darenka to leave her cat, but what can you do. Stroking the cat goodbye, talking to her:

- We, Murenka, will go to the forest with my grandfather, and you sit at home, catch mice. As soon as we see the Silver Hoof, we will return. I'll tell you everything then.

The cat looks slyly, and purrs herself:

- I guessed it right. Correct.

Let Kokovanya and Darenka go. All neighbors marvel:

“The old man is out of his mind!” He took such a little girl into the woods in winter!

As Kokovanya and Darenka began to leave the factory, they heard that the little dogs were very worried about something. They raised such barking and squealing, as if they saw an animal on the streets. They looked around - and this is Murenka running in the middle of the street, fighting off the dogs. Murenka had recovered by that time. Big and healthy. Dogs don't even dare to approach her.

Darenka wanted to catch the cat and take it home, but where are you! Murenka ran to the forest, and to the pine tree. Go get it!

Darenka shouted, she could not lure the cat. What to do? Let's move on. They look - Murenka runs sideways. And so I got to the booth.

So there were three of them in the booth. Darenka boasts:

- It's more fun that way.

Kokovanya agrees:

- It's more fun, you know.

And the cat Murenka curled up in a ball by the stove and purrs loudly:

There were a lot of goats that winter. It's simple. Kokovanya dragged one or two to the booth every day. They accumulated skins, salted goat meat - they couldn’t be taken away on hand sleds. We should go to the factory for a horse, but how to leave Darenka with a cat in the forest! And Darenka got used to it in the forest. She says to the old man:

- Dedo, you should go to the factory for a horse. You have to take the corned beef home.

Kokovanya was even surprised:

- What a wise man you are, Darya Grigoryevna. How big judged. Just be afraid, come on, alone.

- What, - answers, - to be afraid. Our farce is strong, the wolves cannot achieve. And Murenka is with me. I'm not afraid. And you quickly turn around all the same!

Kokovanya left. Darenka remained with Murenka. During the day, it was customary to sit without Kokovani while he tracked the goats ... As it began to get dark, I became afraid. Just looking - Murenka lies calmly. Darenka and cheered up. She sat down by the window, looked in the direction of the slanting spoons and saw - some kind of lump was rolling through the forest. As it rolled closer, I saw it was a goat running. The legs are thin, the head is light, and on the horns there are five branches.

Darenka ran out to look, but no one was there. She turned back and said:

Apparently, I fell asleep. It seemed to me.

Murenka purrs:

- You speak correctly. Correct.

Darenka lay down next to the cat, and fell asleep until the morning.

Another day has passed. Kokovanya did not return. Darenka became bored, but did not cry. Stroking Murenka and saying:

- Do not be bored, Murenushka! Tomorrow grandfather will certainly come.

Murenka sings his song:

- You speak correctly. Correct.

Again Darenushka sat by the window and admired the stars. I wanted to go to bed, suddenly a clatter passed along the wall. Darenka was frightened, and there was a clatter along the other wall, then along the one where the window was, then where the door was, and there was a rattling from above. Not loudly, as if someone light and fast walks. Darenka thinks:

“Didn’t that goat yesterday come running?”

And before that she wanted to see that fear did not hold. She opened the door, looked, and the goat was here, quite close. He raised his right front leg - he would stomp, and on it a silver hoof glistens, and the goat's horns have five branches. Darenka does not know what to do, and beckons him like a home:

- Me-ka! Me-ka!

The goat laughed at that. Turned around and ran.

Darenushka came to the booth, tells Murenka:

I looked at the Silver Hoof. And I saw the horns, and I saw the hoof. I didn’t see only how that goat knocks out expensive stones with his foot. Another time, apparently, will show.

Murenka know your song sings:

- You speak correctly. Correct.

The third day has passed, but Kokovani is gone. Darenka was completely clouded. Tears were buried. I wanted to talk to Murenka, but she was not there. Then Darenushka was completely frightened, ran out of the booth to look for the cat.

The night is monthly, bright, far visible. Darenka looks - a cat is sitting close on a slanting spoon, and a goat is in front of her. He stands, raised his leg, and on it a silver hoof glistens.

Murenka shakes his head, and so does the goat. It's like they're talking. Then they began to run along the mowing spoons. The goat runs and runs, stops and starts to beat with a hoof. Murenka will run up, the goat will bounce further and beat with its hoof again. For a long time they ran along the mowing spoons. They were not visible. Then they returned to the booth itself.

End of introductory segment.

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Page 1 of 2

An old man lived in our factory alone, nicknamed Kokovanya.
Kokovani had no family left, and he came up with the idea of ​​taking an orphan as a child. I asked the neighbors if they knew anyone, and the neighbors said:
- Recently, the family of Grigory Potopaev was orphaned on Glinka. The clerk ordered the older girls to be taken to the master's needlework, but no one needs one girl in the sixth year. Here you take it.
- It's not good for me with a girl. Boy would be better. I would teach him my business, I would raise an accomplice. How about the girl? What am I going to teach her?
Then he thought and thought and said:
- I knew Grigory, and his wife too. Both were funny and smart. If a girl goes after her parents, she will not be sad in the hut. I'll take her. Will it just go?
Neighbors explain:
She has a bad life. The clerk gave the hut to Grigoriev to some goryuny and ordered for this to feed the orphan until she grows up. And he has a family of more than a dozen. They don't eat enough on their own. Here is the hostess and eats up the orphan, reproaches her with a piece. Even though she is small, she understands. It's a shame for her. How will not go from such a life! Yes, and persuade, come on.
- And that's true, - answers Kokovanya. - I'll get it somehow.
On a holiday, he came to those people with whom the orphan lived. He sees - the hut is full of people, big and small. A girl is sitting by the stove, and next to her is a brown cat. The girl is small, and the cat is small and so thin and skinned that rarely anyone will let her into the hut. The girl strokes this cat, and she purrs so loudly that you can hear it all over the hut. Kokovanya looked at the girl and asked:
- Is it Grigoriev's gift to you? The hostess replies:
- She's the best. Not only one, so I picked up a tattered cat somewhere. We can't drive away. She scratched all my guys, and even feed her!
Kokovanya and says:
- Unkind, apparently, your guys. She's purring.
Then he asks the orphan:
- Well, as a gift, will you come to live with me? The girl was surprised
- You, grandfather, how did you know that my name is Daryonka?
- Yes, - he answers, - it just happened. I didn’t think, I didn’t guess, I accidentally hit it.
- Who are you? - the girl asks.
- I, - says, - like a hunter. In the summer I wash the sands, mine gold, and in the winter I run through the forests for a goat, but I can’t see everything.
- Will you shoot him?
- No, - answers Kokovanya. - I shoot simple goats, but I won’t do this. I have to look at the hunt, in which place he stomps with his right front leg.
- What is it for you?
“But if you come to live with me, I’ll tell you everything. The girl was curious about the goat to find out. And then he sees - the old man is cheerful and affectionate. She says:
- I'll go. Only you take this cat, Muryonka, too. Look how good.
- About this, - answers Kokovanya, - what to say. Do not take such a sonorous cat - you will remain a fool. Instead of a balalaika, she will be in our hut.
The owner hears their conversation. I'm glad that Kokovanya is calling the orphan to her. I quickly began to collect Daryonka's belongings. Afraid lest the old man change his mind. The cat seems to understand the whole conversation too. It rubs at the feet and purrs: “R-correctly thought it up. Correct.”
So Kokovanya took the orphan to live with him. He himself is big and bearded, and she is tiny, and has a small nose with a button. They are walking down the street, and a skinned cat jumps after them.
So the grandfather Kokovanya, the orphan Darena and the cat Muryonka began to live together. They lived and lived, they didn’t make much good, but they didn’t cry for living, and everyone had a job. Kokovanya went to work in the morning, Daryonka cleaned up in the hut, cooked stew and porridge, and the cat Muryonka went hunting - she caught mice. By the evening they will gather, and they will have fun.
The old man was a master of fairy tales. Daryonka loved to listen to those tales, and the cat Muryonka lies and purrs:
“R-correctly speaking. Correct.”
Only after every fairy tale will Daryonka remind:
- Dedo, tell me about the goat. What is he?
Kokovanya made excuses at first, then he said:
- That goat is special. He has a silver hoof on his right front foot. Wherever he stomps with this hoof, an expensive stone will appear there. Once he stomps - one stone, two stomps - two stones, and where he starts to beat with his foot - there is a pile of expensive stones.
He said this, and was not happy. From that time on, Daryonka's only conversation was about this goat.
- Grandpa, is he big?
Kokovanya told her that the goat was not taller than the table, the legs were thin, and the head was light. And Daryonka asks again:
- Grandpa, does he have horns?
- Horns, - he answers, - he has excellent ones. Simple goats have two branches, and this one has five branches.
- Grandfather, who does he eat?
- Nobody, - answers, - does not eat. It feeds on grass and leaves. Well, hay also eats up in stacks in winter.
- Grandpa, what kind of fur does he have?
- In the summer, - he answers, - brown, like our Muryonka, and gray in winter.
- Grandpa, is he stuffy?
Kokovanya even got angry:
- How stuffy! There are such domestic goats, and a forest goat, it smells like a forest.
Kokovanya began to gather in the forest in the fall. He should have looked at which side of the goats grazes more. Daryonka and let's ask:
- Take me, grandfather, with you! Maybe I can even see that goat from afar.
Kokovanya and explains to her:
- You can't see it from afar. All goats have horns in autumn. You can't tell how many branches there are. In winter, it's a different matter. Simple goats go without horns in winter, and this one - Silver Hoof - always with horns, even in summer, even in winter. Then it can be recognized from afar.
This is what he answered. Daryonka remained at home, and Kokovanya went into the forest.
Five days later, Kokovanya returned home, tells Daryonka:
- Now in the Poldnevsky side a lot of goats graze. I will go there in the winter.
- And how, - asks Daryonka, - will you spend the night in the forest in the winter?
- There, - he answers, - I have a winter booth near the mowing spoons< покосный ложок – неглубокий, но широкий лесной овраг, где косят сено. – Ред.>placed. A good farce, with a hearth, with a window. It's good there.
Daryonka asks again:
- Dedo, is the Silver Hoof grazing in the same direction?
- Who knows. Maybe he's there too.
Daryonka is here and let's ask:
- Take me, grandfather, with you! I will sit in the booth. Maybe Silverhoof will come close - I'll take a look.
The old man waved his hands.
- What you! What you! Is it a good thing for a little girl to walk through the woods in winter! You have to ski, but you don't know how. Load it up in the snow. How will I be with you? Freeze more!
Only Daryonka does not lag behind:
- Take it, grandfather! I don't know much about skiing. Kokovanya dissuaded, dissuaded, then he thought to himself: “Is it possible to reduce? Once he visits, he will not be asked for another.
Here he says:
- All right, I'll take it. Only, mind you, don’t roar in the forest and don’t ask to go home until the time.
As winter entered in full force, they began to gather in the forest. Kokovanya laid two sacks of breadcrumbs on a hand sledge, stocked him with hunting supplies and other things he needed. Daryonka also tied a knot for herself. Patchwork took the doll to sew a dress, a ball of thread, a needle, and even a rope. “Is it possible,” he thinks, “to catch Silverhoof with this rope?”

It’s a pity for Daryonka to leave her cat, but what can you do! Stroking the cat goodbye, talking to her:
- We, Muryonka, will go to the forest with my grandfather, and you sit at home, catch mice. As soon as we see the Silver Hoof, we will return. I'll tell you everything then.
The cat looks slyly, and purrs herself: “P-ra-vil came up with it. Correct.”
Let Kokovanya and Daryonka go. All neighbors marvel:
- The old man is out of his mind! He took such a little girl into the woods in winter!
As Kokovanya and Daryonka began to leave the factory, they heard that the little dogs were very worried about something. They raised such barking and squealing, as if they saw an animal on the streets. They looked around - and this is Muryonka running in the middle of the street, fighting off the dogs. Muryonka had recovered by that time. Big and healthy. Dogs don't even dare to approach her.
Daryonka wanted to catch a cat and take it home, but where are you! Muryonka ran to the forest, and to the pine tree. Go get it!
Daryonka shouted, but she could not lure the cat. What to do? Let's move on. They look - Muryonka runs sideways. And so I got to the booth.

Tale of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov about an orphan girl, an old man named Kokovanya and a wonderful goat with a silver hoof that knocks out precious stones. The girl became an orphan and turned out to be of no use to anyone, and grandfather Kokovanya, out of the kindness of his soul, took the girl to his upbringing, and even her cat. Grandfather not only took Darenka to live with him, but also devoted as much time to her as possible, telling fairy tales and legends. Most of all, the girl loved to hear about the Silver Hoof, asking a lot of details about this goat. And in the winter, Darenka and her grandfather asked for a booth in the forest, he doubted, but agreed. The cat went with them. What was Darenka's surprise when she saw Silver Hoof with her own eyes: how he taps his foot, and how gems pouring in. The grandfather and the girl collected quite a few stones, Kokovanya wanted to look for them the next day, but the stones were covered with snow. And later people began to find chrysolites there. And Murenka disappeared. We will read and consider illustrations by Irina Nakhova.

P.P. Bazhov

silver hoof

An old man lived in our factory alone, nicknamed Kokovanya.

Kokovani had no family left, and he came up with the idea of ​​taking an orphan as a child. I asked the neighbors if they knew anyone, and the neighbors said:

Recently, the family of Grigory Potopaev was orphaned on Glinka. The clerk ordered the older girls to be taken to the master's needlework, but no one needs one girl in the sixth year. Here you take it.

It's not good for me with a girl. Boy would be better. I would teach him my business, I would raise an accomplice. How about the girl? What am I going to teach her?

Then he thought and thought and said:

- I knew Grigory, and his wife too. Both were funny and smart. If a girl goes after her parents, she will not be sad in the hut. I'll take her. Will it just go?

Neighbors explain: An old man lived in our factory alone, nicknamed Kokovanya. Kokovani had no family left, and he came up with the idea of ​​taking an orphan as a child.

She has a bad life. The clerk gave the hut to Grigoriev to some goryuny and ordered for this to feed the orphan until she grows up. And he has a family of more than a dozen. They don't eat enough on their own. Here is the hostess and eats up the orphan, reproaches her with a piece. Even though she is small, she understands. It's a shame for her. How will not go from such a life! Yes, and persuade, come on.

And that's true, - answers Kokovanya. - I'll get it somehow.

On a holiday, he came to those people with whom the orphan lived. He sees - the hut is full of people, big and small. A girl is sitting by the stove, and next to her is a brown cat. The girl is small, and the cat is small and so thin and skinned that rarely anyone will let her into the hut. The girl strokes this cat, and she purrs so loudly that you can hear it all over the hut. Kokovanya looked at the girl and asked:

Is it Grigoriev's gift to you? The hostess replies:

Kokovanya and the orphan go together - She is the one. Not only one, so I picked up a tattered cat somewhere. We can't drive away. She scratched all my guys, and even feed her!

Kokovanya and says:

Unkind, apparently, your guys. She's purring.

Then he asks the orphan:

Well, little gift, will you come to live with me? The girl was surprised

You, grandfather, how did you know that my name is Daryonka?

Yes, - he answers, - it just happened. I didn’t think, I didn’t guess, I accidentally hit it.

Who are you? - the girl asks.

I, - says, - like a hunter. In the summer I wash the sands, mine gold, and in the winter I run through the forests for a goat, but I can’t see everything.

Will you shoot him?

No, - answers Kokovanya. - I shoot simple goats, but I won’t do this. I see the hunt, in which place he stomps with his right front leg. cat

What is it for you?

But if you come to live with me, I'll tell you everything. The girl was curious about the goat to find out. And then he sees - the old man is cheerful and affectionate. She says:

- I'll go. Only you take this cat, Muryonka, too. Look how good.

About this, - answers Kokovanya, - what to say. Do not take such a sonorous cat - you will remain a fool. Instead of a balalaika, she will be in our hut.

The owner hears their conversation. I'm glad that Kokovanya is calling the orphan to her. I quickly began to collect Daryonka's belongings. Afraid lest the old man change his mind. The cat seems to understand the whole conversation too. It rubs at the feet and purrs: “R-correctly thought it up. That’s right.” That’s how grandfather Kokovanya, the orphan Darena and the cat Muryonka began to live together

So Kokovanya took the orphan to live with him. He himself is big and bearded, and she is tiny, and has a small nose with a button. They are walking down the street, and a skinned cat jumps after them.

So the grandfather Kokovanya, the orphan Darena and the cat Muryonka began to live together. They lived and lived, they didn’t make much good, but they didn’t cry for living, and everyone had a job. Kokovanya went to work in the morning, Daryonka cleaned up in the hut, cooked stew and porridge, and the cat Muryonka went hunting - she caught mice. By the evening they will gather, and they will have fun.

The old man was a master of fairy tales. Daryonka loved to listen to those tales, and the cat Muryonka lies and purrs:

“R-correctly speaking. Correct.”

Only after every fairy tale will Daryonka remind:

Dedo, tell me about the goat. What is he?

Kokovanya made excuses at first, then he said:

That goat is special. He has a silver hoof on his right front foot. Wherever he stomps with this hoof, an expensive stone will appear there. Once he stomps - one stone, two stomps - two stones, and where he starts to beat with his foot - there is a pile of expensive stones.

He said this, and was not happy. From that time on, Daryonka's only conversation was about this goat.

Grandpa, is he big?

Kokovanya told her that the goat was not taller than the table, the legs were thin, and the head was light. And Daryonka asks again:

- Grandpa, does he have horns?

The horns, - he answers, - are excellent. Simple goats have two branches, and this one has five branches.

Grandpa, who does he eat?

No one, - answers, - does not eat. It feeds on grass and leaves. Well, hay also eats up in stacks in winter.

Grandpa, what kind of fur does he have?

In summer, - he answers, - brown, like our Muryonka, and gray in winter.

Grandpa, is he stuffy?

Kokovanya even got angry:

What stuffy! There are such domestic goats, and a forest goat, it smells like a forest.

Daryon and the cat Muryonka In the autumn, Kokovan began to gather in the forest. He should have looked at which side of the goats grazes more. Daryonka and let's ask:

Take me, grandfather, with you! Maybe I can even see that goat from afar.

Kokovanya and explains to her:

You can't see it from a distance. All goats have horns in autumn. You can't tell how many branches there are. In winter, it's a different matter. Simple goats go without horns in winter, and this one - Silver Hoof - always with horns, even in summer, even in winter. Then it can be recognized from afar.

This is what he answered. Daryonka remained at home, and Kokovanya went into the forest.

Five days later, Kokovanya returned home, tells Daryonka:

Now in the Poldnevsky side a lot of goats graze. I will go there in the winter.

But how, - asks Daryonka, - will you spend the night in the forest in winter?

There, - he answers, - I have a winter booth near the mowing spoons< покосный ложок – неглубокий, но широкий лесной овраг, где косят сено. – Ред.>placed. A good farce, with a hearth, with a window. It's good there.

Daryonka asks again:

Dedo, is Silverhoof grazing in the same direction?

Who knows. Maybe he's there too.

Daryonka is here and let's ask:

Take me, grandfather, with you! I will sit in the booth. Maybe Silverhoof will come close - I'll take a look.

The old man waved his hands.

What you! What you! Is it a good thing for a little girl to walk through the woods in winter! You have to ski, but you don't know how. Load it up in the snow. How will I be with you? Freeze more!

Only Daryonka does not lag behind:

Take it, grandfather! I don't know much about skiing. Kokovanya dissuaded, dissuaded, then he thought to himself: “Is it possible to reduce? Once he visits, he will not be asked for another.

Here he says:

Okay, I'll take it. Only, mind you, don’t roar in the forest and don’t ask to go home until the time.

As winter entered in full force, they began to gather in the forest. Kokovanya laid two sacks of breadcrumbs on a hand sledge, stocked him with hunting supplies and other things he needed. Daryonka also tied a knot for herself. Patchwork took the doll to sew a dress, a ball of thread, a needle, and even a rope. “Is it possible,” he thinks, “to catch the Silver Hoof with this rope?” Grandfather Kokovanya, orphan Daryon and cat Muryonka in a snowy forest

It’s a pity for Daryonka to leave her cat, but what can you do! Stroking the cat goodbye, talking to her:

Muryonka and I will go to the forest with my grandfather, but you sit at home and catch mice. As soon as we see the Silver Hoof, we will return. I'll tell you everything then.

The cat looks slyly, and purrs herself: “P-ra-vil came up with it. Correct.”

Let Kokovanya and Daryonka go. All neighbors marvel:

The old man is out of his mind! He took such a little girl into the woods in winter!

As Kokovanya and Daryonka began to leave the factory, they heard that the little dogs were very worried about something. They raised such barking and squealing, as if they saw an animal on the streets. They looked around - and this is Muryonka running in the middle of the street, fighting off the dogs. Muryonka had recovered by that time. Big and healthy. Dogs don't even dare to approach her.

Daryonka wanted to catch a cat and take it home, but where are you! Muryonka ran to the forest, and to the pine tree. Go get it!

Daryonka shouted, but she could not lure the cat. What to do? Let's move on. They look - Muryonka runs sideways. And so I got to the booth.

So there were three of them in the booth. Daryonka boasts:

It's more fun that way.

Kokovanya agrees:

Known to be more fun.

And the cat Muryonka curled up in a ball by the stove and purrs loudly: “You speak right. Correct.”

Daryon and the cat Muryonka at the window There were a lot of goats that winter. It's simple. Kokovanya dragged one or two to the booth every day. They accumulated skins, salted goat meat - they couldn’t be taken away on hand sleds. We ought to go to the factory for a horse, but how to leave Daryonka with a cat in the forest! And Daryonka got used to it in the forest. She says to the old man:

- Dedo, you should go to the factory for a horse. You have to take the corned beef home. Kokovanya was even surprised:

What a wise man you are, Darya Grigoryevna! How big judged. Just be afraid, come on, alone.

What, - answers, - to be afraid! Our farce is strong, the wolves cannot achieve. And Muryonka is with me. I'm not afraid. And you quickly turn around all the same!

Kokovanya left. There was Daryonka with Muryonka. During the day, it was customary to sit without Kokovani while he tracked the goats ... As it began to get dark, I became afraid. Just looking - Muryonka lies calmly. Daryonka and cheered up. She sat down by the window, looked in the direction of the slanting spoons and saw - some kind of lump was rolling from the forest. As I rolled closer, I saw - it was a goat running. The legs are thin, the head is light, and on the horns there are five branches. Daryonka ran out to look, but no one was there. She waited, she waited, she returned to the booth, and she says:

Apparently, I dozed off. It seemed to me. Muryonka purrs: “You speak right. Correct.”

Daryonka lay down next to the cat and fell asleep until the morning.

Another day has passed. Kokovanya did not return. Daryonka became bored, but did not cry. Stroking Muryonka and saying:

Do not be bored, Muryonushka! Tomorrow grandfather will certainly come.

Muryonka sings her song: “You speak right. Correct.”

Again Daryonushka sat at the window, admired the stars. I wanted to go to bed - suddenly a clatter passed along the wall. Daryonka was frightened, and there was a clatter along the other wall, then along the one where the window was, then - where the door was, and there was a rattling from above. Quietly, as if someone is light and fast walking.

Daryonka thinks: “Didn’t that goat, yesterday, come running?”

And before that she wanted to see that fear did not hold. She opened the door, looked, and the goat was here, quite close. He raised his right front leg - he stomps, and on it a silver hoof glistens, and the goat's horns have five branches.

Daryonka does not know what to do, and beckons him like a home:

- Me-ka! Me-ka!

The goat laughed at that! Turned around and ran.

Daryonushka came to the booth, tells Muryonka:

I looked at Silverhoof. And I saw the horns and saw the hoof. I didn’t see only how that goat stomps with his foot, knocks out expensive stones. Another time, apparently, will show.

Muryonka know your song sings: “You speak right. Correct.”

The third day has passed, and all Kokovani is gone. Daryonka was completely clouded. Tears dripped. I wanted to talk to Muryonka, but she was not there. Then Daryonushka was completely frightened, ran out of the booth to look for a cat.

The night is monthly, bright, far visible. Daryonka looks - a cat is sitting close on a slanting spoon, and a goat is in front of her. He stands, raised his leg, and on it a silver hoof glistens.

Muryonka shakes his head, and the goat too. It's like they're talking. Then they began to run along the mowing spoons.

The goat runs and runs, stops and starts to beat with a hoof. Muryonka will run up, the goat will bounce further and again beat with its hoof. For a long time they ran along the mowing spoons. They were not visible. Then again they returned to the booth itself. A silver hoof and a moray eel on the roof of the house

Then the goat jumped onto the roof and let's hit it with a silver hoof. Like sparks, pebbles fell from under the legs. Red, blue, green, turquoise - all sorts.

By this time, just Kokovanya returned. Can't recognize his booth. All of it has become like a heap of expensive stones. So it burns and shimmers with different lights. A goat stands at the top - and everything beats and beats with a silver hoof, and the stones roll and roll.

Suddenly Muryonka jumped there too! She stood next to the goat, meowed loudly, and neither Muryonka nor Silver Hoof was gone.

Kokovanya immediately piled up half a hat of stones, but Daryonka asked:

Do not touch, grandfather! We'll take another look at that tomorrow afternoon.

Kokovanya obeyed. Only in the morning, a lot of snow fell. All the stones fell asleep. Then they raked the snow, but found nothing. Well, that was enough for them, how much Kokovanya piled into his hat.

Everything would be fine, but Muryonka is a pity. She was never seen again, and Silverhoof didn't show up either. Amuse once - and will be.

And on those slanting spoons where the goat rode, people began to find pebbles. Green ones more. They are called chrysolites. Did you see?

The hero-narrator in this work is a simple person who knew the main characters - Darenka and Kokovanya very well. He worries about Darenka and treats Kokovana with respect. They are kind, intelligent, patient, hardworking, sympathetic, compassionate, affectionate people. The speech of the hero-narrator is peculiar, simple. This is what only a person who witnessed this story can tell. Perhaps Pavel Bazhov himself heard this story from the lips of a worker, and presented us with a work of art in which, like many of Bazhov's fairy tales, real world combined with fantastic. The fairy tale teaches kindness, generosity, generosity, compassion, faith in miracles.

An old man lived in our factory alone, nicknamed Kokovanya. Kokovani had no family left, and he came up with the idea of ​​taking an orphan as a child. I asked the neighbors - do they know anyone, and the neighbors say:

- Recently, the family of Grigory Potopaev was orphaned on Glinka. The clerk ordered the older girls to be taken to the master's needlework, but no one needs one girl in the sixth year. Here you take it.

- It's not convenient for me with a girl. Boy would be better. I would teach him my business, I would raise an accomplice. How about the girl? What am I going to teach her?

Then he thought and thought and said:

- I knew Grigory, and his wife too. Both were funny and smart. If a girl goes after her parents, she will not be sad in the hut. I'll take her. Will it just go?

Neighbors explain:

She has a bad life. The clerk gave the hut to Grigoriev to some goryuny and ordered for this to feed the orphan until she grows up. And he has a family of more than a dozen. They don't eat enough on their own. Here the hostess eats up the orphan, reproaches her with a piece. Even though she is small, she understands. It's a shame for her. How can one not go from such a life! Yes, and persuade, come on.

“And that’s true,” Kokovanya answers, “I’ll persuade you somehow.”

On a holiday, he came to those people with whom the orphan lived. He sees that the hut is full of people, big and small. On a golbchik, by the stove, a girl is sitting, and next to her is a brown cat. The girl is small, and the cat is small and so thin and skinned that rarely anyone will let her into the hut. The girl strokes this cat, and she purrs so loudly that you can hear it all over the hut.

Kokovanya looked at the girl and asked:

- Is this a gift from you Grigorieva?

The hostess replies:

- She is the best. Not only one, so I picked up a tattered cat somewhere. We can't drive away. She scratched all my guys, and even feed her!

Kokovanya and says:

- Unkind, apparently, your guys. She's purring.

Then he asks the orphan:

- Well, how, darling, will you come to live with me?

The girl was surprised

- You, grandfather, how did you know that my name is Darenka?

- Yes, - he answers, - it just happened. I didn’t think, I didn’t guess, I accidentally hit it.

– Who are you? the girl asks.

“I,” he says, “is like a hunter. In the summer I wash the sands, mine gold, and in the winter I run through the forests for a goat and I can’t see everything.

- Will you shoot him?

“No,” Kokovanya answers. - I shoot simple goats, but I won’t do this. I have to look at the hunt, in which place he stomps with his right front leg.

- What is it for you?

“But if you come to live with me, I’ll tell you everything,” Kokovanya answered.

The girl was curious about the goat to find out. And then he sees - the old man is cheerful and affectionate. She says:

- I'll go. Only you take this cat Murenka too. Look how good.

- About this, - answers Kokovanya, - what to say. You can’t take such a sonorous cat - you will remain a fool. Instead of a balalaika, she will be in our hut.

The owner hears their conversation. Radehonka is glad that Kokovanya is calling the orphan to her. I quickly began to collect Darenka's belongings. Afraid lest the old man change his mind.

The cat seems to understand the whole conversation too. It rubs at the feet and purrs:

- I guessed right. Correct.

So Kokovanya took the orphan to live with him.

He himself is big and bearded, and she is tiny and has a small nose with a button. They are walking down the street, and a skinned cat jumps after them.

So the grandfather Kokovanya, the orphan Darenka and the cat Murenka began to live together. They lived and lived, they didn’t make much good, but they didn’t cry for life, and everyone had a job.

Kokovanya left for work in the morning. Darenka cleaned up in the hut, cooked stew and cooked porridge, and the cat Murenka went hunting - she caught mice. By the evening they will gather, and they will have fun.

The old man was a master of telling fairy tales, Darenka loved to listen to those tales, and the cat Murenka lies and purrs:

- He speaks correctly. Correct.

Only after every fairy tale will Darenka remind you:

- Grandfather, tell me about the goat. What is he?

Kokovanya made excuses at first, then he said:

That goat is special. He has a silver hoof on his right front foot. In what place he stomps with this hoof - there an expensive stone will appear. Once he stomps - one stone, two stomps - two stones, and where he starts to beat with his foot - there is a pile of expensive stones.

He said this, and was not happy. From that time on, Darenka's only conversation was about this goat.

- Grandpa, is he big?

Kokovanya told her that the goat was not taller than the table, the legs were thin, and the head was light.

And Darenka asks again:

- Grandfather, does he have horns?

“Horns,” he answers, “he has excellent ones. Simple goats have two branches, and he has five branches.

- Grandfather, who does he eat?

“No one,” he answers, “does not eat. It feeds on grass and leaves. Well, hay also eats up in stacks in winter.

- Grandfather, what kind of fur does he have?

- In summer, - he answers, - brown, like our Murenka, and gray in winter.

- Grandfather, is he stuffy?

Kokovanya even got angry:

- How stuffy! There are such domestic goats, and a forest goat, he smells like a forest.

Kokovanya began to gather in the forest in the fall. He should have looked in which direction the goats graze more. Darenka and let's ask:

- Take me, grandfather, with you. Maybe I can even see that goat from afar.

Kokovanya and explains to her:

- You can't see it from a distance. All goats have horns in autumn. You can't figure out how many branches they have. In winter, it's a different matter. Simple goats go without horns, but this one, the Silver Hoof, always has horns, even in summer, even in winter. Then it can be recognized from afar.

This is what he answered. Darenka remained at home, but Kokovanya went into the woods.

Five days later, Kokovanya returned home, tells Darenka:

“Now there are a lot of goats grazing in Poldnevskaya side. I will go there in the winter.

- And how, - asks Darenka, - will you spend the night in the forest in winter?

- There, - he answers, - I have a winter booth near the mowing spoons. A good farce, with a hearth, with a window. It's good there.

Darenka asks again:

“Silver hoof is grazing in the same direction?”

- Who knows. Maybe he's there too.

Darenka is here and let's ask:

- Take me, grandfather, with you. I will sit in the booth. Maybe Silverhoof will come close, I'll see.

The old man waved his hands.

- What you! What you! Is it a good thing for a little girl to walk through the woods in winter! You have to ski, but you don't know how. Load it up in the snow. How will I be with you? You will still freeze!

Only Darenka does not lag behind:

- Take it, grandfather! I don't know much about skiing.

Kokovanya dissuaded, dissuaded, then he thought to himself:

“Bring it together? Once he visits, he will not be asked for another.

Here he says:

- Okay, I'll take it. Only, mind you, don’t roar in the forest and don’t ask to go home until the time.

As winter entered in full force, they began to gather in the forest. Kokovanya laid two sacks of breadcrumbs on a hand sledge, stocked him with hunting supplies and other things he needed. Darenka also tied a knot on herself. Patchwork took the doll to sew a dress, a ball of thread, a needle, and even a rope.

“Is it possible,” he thinks, “to catch the Silver Hoof with this rope?”

It’s a pity for Darenka to leave her cat, but what can you do. Stroking the cat goodbye, talking to her:

- We, Murenka, will go to the forest with my grandfather, and you sit at home, catch mice. As soon as we see the Silver Hoof, we will return. I'll tell you everything then.

The cat looks slyly, and purrs herself:

- I guessed it right. Correct.

Let Kokovanya and Darenka go. All neighbors marvel:

“The old man is out of his mind!” He took such a little girl into the woods in winter!

Explanation of individual words, concepts and expressions found in tales

Azov, Azov Mountain- in the Middle Urals, 70 kilometers to the south-west. from Sverdlovsk, height 564 meters. The mountain is covered with forest; on top of a large stone, from which the surroundings are clearly visible (25–30 kilometers). There is a cave in the mountain with a collapsed entrance. In the 17th century, here, past Azov, there was a “path” along which “transports of governors” from Turinsk to Ufa, through the Katai prison, passed.

Azov mountains treasure.- A lot of “fugitives” went along the high road to Siberia, who, “having strayed into gangs”, became “free people”. These "free people" often attacked "voivodship transfers and merchant carts." In the tales about Azov-mountain, it was said that "free people" guarded the road from two peaks: Azov and Dumnaya Mountain, arranging a kind of trap here. They will let a convoy or a detachment pass one mountain and let them know with lights on another, so that they are preparing for an attack, and they themselves come in from the rear. The captured was formed in the cave of the Azov-mountain.

There were tales of another version - about the "main wealth", which is located in the same Azov Mountain.

The basis for the tales of this version was probably the fact that the first copper mines in this region (Polevskoy and Gumeshevsky) and deposits of white marble were discovered on the plain near Azov. Along the rivers flowing from Azov, they found the first gold placers in this area, and then they began to extract cuprous and sulfur pyrites here.

Azovka girl, Azovka.- In all versions of the tales about the treasures of the Azov-mountain, the girl Azovka invariably appears - without a name and an indication of her nationality, only with an indefinite hint: "from not our people."

In some tales, she is depicted as a monster of enormous growth and exorbitant strength. She guards the treasure very zealously: “Better than a good dog, and sensitive passion - she won’t let anyone close.” In other tales, the girl Azovka is either the wife of the chieftain, or a hostage, chained, or a servant of a secret power.

Ida, Ida-ko- from Tatar. It was used in factory life quite often in various meanings: 1) come, come; 2) let's go, let's go; 3) go, go. “Come here”, “Well, come on, guys, go home!”, “Dumped the cart - and go home.”

Artut - mercury. Artut-girl- mobile, fast.

Ashat(Bashkir) - eat, take food.

Badog- an old measure - half a sazhen (106 cm); was used as a running measure during construction work and was called the rule. "The dam has one tool - a plumb line and a rule."

Badozhok- travel staff, stick.

bike- lullaby, with recitative.

Balodka- one-handed hammer

Cans- bank.

Baskoy, more- beautiful, handsome; prettier, better.

Bassenky, - oh- beautiful, - oh.

Belmen- does not understand, does not speak.

Bergal- alteration of the German bergauer (mining worker). The narrator used this word in the sense of a senior worker, to whom a group of teenagers-rollers obeyed.

Bespeliukha- a slob, a slob, a slob.

tease- to appear, to seem; tempted- it seemed, it seemed, it seemed.

flare, flare- mine lamp.

rich- the richest, the richest.

chatter- to mutter, to speak indistinctly.

Most take- take over, win, become the leader.

Grasping Brothers from Shatalnaya volost - a proverb for designating thieving vagrants (staggering around in different places and grabbing whatever comes to hand).

Vaskin's mountain- not far from the Kungur village, 35 kilometers from Sverdlovsk to the south-west.

gang, gang- group, artel, detachment.

vzamok- a way of wrestling, when the wrestlers, embracing each other, press the opponent's spine during the fight.

toss up- chaotically, not on time to go to bed; go to bed, no matter what.

The charge will be- will have to answer in case of non-compliance.

Winna was holding a barrel- under the pretext of free distribution of vodka to workers, vodka was sold duty-free.

coil or flower– native copper in the form of knotted joints.

Vitushka- a kind of kalach with ends woven in the middle.

In lightness- easy, free, easy, safe.

get burned- to fight over something, to work hard and for a long time.

sweat- secretly, hidden from everyone.

peddling- open source developments.

Really- in fact, indeed.

inflate- raise, make fuller, richer.

go out- cure, put on your feet.

gales- mock, torment with mockery.

gamete- make noise, shout.

Ginut- die, die.

Glyadeltse- a break in a mountain, a deep gully, an eversion from a fallen tree - a place where you can see the stratification of rocks.

golbets- underground; a locker near the stove, where a move is made underground, is usually called golbchik.

golk- noise, buzz, reverberation.

Minnow- a swamp on the watershed between the rivers of the Iset and Chusovsky systems, which converge here closely.

chasing- Cook.

Mountain- copper mine (see Gumeshki).

City- without a name, only one was always meant - Yekaterinburg.

mountain shield- truly Mountain Shield, to the south-west. from Yekaterinburg. In the past, it was a fortress built to protect the road to the Polevskoy plant from the attack of the Bashkirs. "Copper caravans" usually stopped in the Mountain Shield. Even in the nineties of the last century, field carters of iron and other cargo usually spent the night in the Mountain Shield. To some extent, it was also an echo of antiquity.

Grabastenky- from grabbing, raking, seizing, taking away, robbing; robber, invader, thief.

edge- see factory edge.

Goomeshki(from the ancient word "gumenets" - a low gentle hill) - Gumeshevsky mine. Copper Mountain, or simply Mountain - near the Polevskoy plant. One of the most fully described places with traces of ancient mining, the richest deposit of copper carbonate (malachite). Opened in 1702 by peasants-miners, two Humenets along the Polevaya River began to be developed later. One gumenets (Polevskoy mine), near which Gennin built a copper smelter in 1727, did not justify the hopes placed on it; the second (Gumeshevsky mine) brought fabulous profits to the owners of factories for over a hundred years. The size of these profits can be judged at least by such figures. The factory price of a pood of copper was 3 r. 50 kopecks, the state price at which copper was sold was 8 rubles, and there were years when copper smelting reached 48,000 poods. It is therefore understandable that such influential people at the royal court as the Stroganovs tried to "pull off the Gumeshki", and it is even more understandable what a terrible underground penal servitude this copper mountain of the Turchaninovs was for the workers.

According to V. Shishko's Chronicle, malachite, copper azure, copper greens, copper pyrite, red copper ore, native copper in octahedron-shaped crystals, brochantite, folbortite, phosphorochalcite, chalcotrichite, and elites were mined in Gumeshki.

Dacha, factory dacha- the territory that was in the use of the Sysert mining district (see. Sysert factories).

girl for marriage- the age of the bride.

Wonderful, wonderful- a lot, a lot.

Diomede- dynamite.

Dobrenkoe- good, expensive, valuable.

Beacons- learn with the help of signs, facial expressions.

Patrol- senior guard; controller.

Valley- length; valley, into the valley- long, long.

Top up- overcome; refill took- began to overcome.

Access- get, get, find.

reach- to learn, to find out, to explore.

Dumnaya mountain- within the boundaries of the Polevskoy plant, with a rocky descent to the river. At the time of the narrator, this descent was partially visible, since slag dumps of copper-smelting and blast-furnace production were located on this side for a century.

Yelan, elanka- a grassy clearing in the forest (probably from the Bashkir jalan - a clearing, a bare place).

Yelnichnaya- one of the rivers flowing into the Polevskoy Pond.

succinctly- strongly.

zhzhzhenopyatiki- the nickname of the workers of the bloomery production and, in general, hot shops, where they usually walked in felted shoes with wooden blocks tied at the bottom.

liquid place- weak.

Zhorky- one who eats and drinks a lot; in the tale - he drinks a lot of vodka.

Beetle- the name of small nuggets of gold.

Zabedno- it's a shame.

envy- envy; envy took- became envious.

factory edge- a line separating the territory of one factory district from another. Most often, the "line passed" along rivers and ridges, through the forest it was marked by a special clearing, in an open place - by boundary posts. Beyond our border- on the territory of another factory district, another owner.

import- a kind of outbuilding with a wide entrance so that carts, sledges, etc., can be brought there for storage.

For all- constantly.

For anything simple- simply.

Zadelye- suggestion.

Knowingly knowingly, certainly, knowing exactly.

Zazorina- material of a different color visible from cutouts or slits.

Willy-nilly- involuntarily, involuntarily.

zaplot- a fence made of poles or logs (single-cut), tightly laid between the posts; dam- a pole or a single-cutting pole removed from the fence.

Zarukavye- bracelet.

Cufflink, cufflink- apron, apron.

Zaskat- roll up.

catch- catch, take by surprise.

intercede- act instead of someone.

Titles will not remain- will not, and there will be no trace.

to shine- sparkle.

earth cat- a mythical creature that lives in the earth. Sometimes "shows his fiery ears."

Zmeevka Poloz's daughter. Mythical creature, one of the "secret powers". She was credited with the ability to pass through the stone, leaving behind a golden trace (gold in quartz).

Known- knows.

Known, unknown- noticeable, imperceptible.

knowledge would- if you knew.

spool- an old measure of pharmaceutical weight - 4.1 grams.

dawn- look sharply, look out.

Zyuzelka, Zyuzelskoe swamp, Zyuzelsky mine- a river, one of the tributaries of the river Field, Chusovskoy system. Here, on a swampy lowland covered with forest, in the past there was the development of gold-bearing sands. At present, there is a large workers' settlement at the Zyuzelsk deposit with schools, a hospital, and a workers' club; connected by bus line with the Polevsk cryolite plant.

get messed up- turn into scoundrels (varnaks), deteriorate, decompose.

get ready- get ready.

contrived- hired for a period of time under the contract.

invent- hire under an agreement (rent), contract.

to be spoiled- get exhausted from overwork, lose strength, become disabled.

It's time to get out- to be tired to the limit.

Emerald copper- dioptase. Whether this rare stone was found in the Gumeshevsky mine, there is no exact information. It is possible that the discovery of other varieties of this precious stone served as the basis for mentioning it.

contrive- contrive.

And then- in the sense of an affirmative adverb: yes, yes.

Coffers- this word is used not only in the sense of - state funds, but also as possessory in relation to individual workers. “First, the prospectors mined here, then they transferred it to the treasury” - they began to develop from the owner.

How to find happiness- as you can.

Kalym- ransom for the bride (among the Bashkirs).

Kamenka- a bath stove, with a pile of stones on top, water is splashed on them, “steam is supplied”.

Karnahar- one of the alterations of German technical names that existed back in the nineties. Probably from the Harmacher forge, which was used to refine copper.

To the soul- to the liking, to the mind, to the liking.

Whom do I reach- everyone, everyone.

Koltovchiha– Koltovskaya, one of the daughters of the first owner of the factories. This Koltovskaya at one time occupied the first place among the squandered heirs and in fact was the “chief lady”.

Korobchishechko- diminutive of boxes - wickerwork, a carriage of wicker wicker rods.

Wren- native copper crystals; probably, the name passed as a translation of the common word "kenih". “The grains, called kenikhs, should be weighed and recorded ... and at the end of the year, copper kenikhs should be declared in ober-berg-amt” (From Gennin’s instructions).

Weave braids- to gossip.

Kosh- a felt tent of a special device.

Krazelites- chrysolites.

Red- grape wine.

Krasnogorka- The Krasnogorsk mine near Mount Krasnaya, near Chusovaya, about 15 kilometers from the Polevskoy plant. At the time of the narrator, it was an abandoned iron mine, now powerful developments are being carried out there.

Fortress- serfdom, serfdom.

Bloom- a block melted in a special furnace (scream forge), which was first freed from slag by repeated forging under heavy water-acting hammers (scream), then under the same hammers it was formed into “plank” or “block” iron.

screaming, screaming, screaming– a branch of the plant, where there were bloomery forges and water-acting hammers for forging blooms; crychna was also used in the sense - workers of the crying department. “Krychna quarreled with the mountain” - the workers of the krichna department argued with the miners.

Refiner- this word not only defined the profession, but also athletic build and great physical strength. The loud apprentice was always synonymous with a young strong man, who was assigned to an experienced, but already old master who had lost his strength.

Krylatovsko- one of the gold mines near the Kungur village.

What does it say- where it leads, goes.

squirm- mess around, fight.

Laskobay- affectionately speaking, outwardly friendly, sweet talker.

It's flattering to take on oneself- love to dress up.

Listvyanka- larch.

Markov stone- a mountain in the form of a huge bare stone, located almost in the middle between the plants of the eastern and western groups b. Sysert district.

Passionate- understand.

mortvyak- a dead man; sometimes just passed out. "How many hours lay dead."

Mesticko- a place.

interfere- hinders.

Milostina- almsgiving, collecting pieces, alms.

fashion was- such was the custom, so used to it.

Fashion output- dress up, dress up.

Fraud- Fraud, swindle, deceit.

Marble, Marble Factory- 40 kilometers to the south-west. from Yekaterinburg (the population of the village was engaged exclusively in stone-cutting, mainly processing marble, serpentine, jasper).

to be wise- invent something extraordinary, fool someone, put someone in a difficult position.

Murzinka, Murzinskoye- a village (formerly a settlement, a fortress). One of the oldest in the Urals. Here for the first time in Russia in 1668-1669. the Tumashev brothers found "colored stones in the mountains, white crystals, raspberry fatis, and green yugas, and yellow tunpas."

In terms of abundance and variety of precious stones, the Murzinskoye deposit is one of the most remarkable in the world.

Aquamarines, amethysts, beryls, topazes, heavyweights, pink, crimson, black, green, brown tourmalines, sapphires, rubies and other varieties of corundum were mined here.

soft stone- talc.

Navidyachu– in front of your eyes, quickly.

Nadsada- strain, damage to the body from excessive stress during work.

Nazgal, Nazgal(from galitsya - to mock, to scoff) - to laugh, mockingly, with a mockery.

On a crooked arshin- Wrong, in the wrong way.

Breathing incense- close to death, will die soon.

Nali- even.

namyatysh- strong, strong, dense, like a tightly kneaded dough.

Betrothed- bride.

were in glory- widely known.

Advance- instruct, teach, monitor actions.

to drag- to find.

Doesn't work for bread- not worth the work.

Find- to resemble, to resemble. "He finds something on his father by his hair."

Not so hot, nasty- simple, inexpensive, simple.

Not long- soon.

unmarried- single, man. “The unmarried people had a conversation - they slapped each other’s faces.”

unselfish- worthless, bad.

Neminuche business- inevitable.

Simple- unwise, poor, worthless.

Don't render- do not show.

Not from a simple pore– no time, no time.

Not good things live- no problem.

Not on the nostril- not to your liking, unpleasant.

Not sweet to drink- I didn’t manage to live calmly and satisfyingly, as it was: “something was not sweet for our sister-in-law, she left.”

Didn't stand (guys)– did not survive, did not stay alive, died in childhood.

Do not be remembered by those, the little head is calm- a proverb when something negative was remembered about the deceased.

Wrong word- now, immediately, without objection.

Not fading, without fading- without ceasing.

Nokotok- nail.

sniffer, earpiece- factory detective, spy.

Nyazya- a river, a tributary of Ufa.

Nyazi- forest-steppe, along the valley of the Nyazi river, towards the Nyazepetrovsky plant. This forest-steppe was often mentioned in the everyday life of the Polevskoy plant.

obalchik- empty breed.

frown- to seize attention, to amaze.

blowing- blows, refreshes.

scald- to wish strongly, to aspire to something.

Oberezny- bodyguard, closest servant.

Break off- win, twist.

wallpaper- pieces of stone that break off, are beaten off during the initial rough processing, during chipping.

to talk- to speak, to deceive.

armed armed, armed.

Crap- to reject, to declare worthless.

invert- put on a shawl, halter, subjugate, curb.

tell- tell.

built up- arranged.

Obui- noun m. - shoes.

Shoes, shoes- kind of leather shoes; cats.

go around- 1) poisonous plants that livestock eat; 2) what remains of the food is not eaten. "Eat a lot in the hay there."

get angry- get angry, get angry.

fireman- a forest watchman, who was taken for the summer fire season (after the snow melted to a fresh grass stand, sometimes until the autumn rains).

Fence- courtyard (the word "yard" was used only in the sense of a family, tax and quitrent group, but never in the sense of a place fenced off at the house).

Odinova- once.

One of my own- repeats what was said, stands his ground.

get well- to come to consciousness, to begin to recover.

churn- trim the stone, give it the main shape.

Omelyan Ivanovich- Pugachev Emelyan Ivanovich.

Omega, or milestones- poisonous plant Cicuta virosa.

Omman- deception.

weapon- a gun. "Like a gun shot" - straight.

braid- deceive.

braid- in the sense of quickly and with special willingness to eat.

opyshek- rounding, round protrusion.

Weaken to give- condescendingly, tolerantly treat someone, weakly hold.

Remaining times- last time.

Scree- collapse of small stones with sand.

roll back- discard.

fade away- move away, return to normal.

Depart hunting I wanted to fix it, fix it. Put on your feet.

Okha catch- to find yourself in a difficult situation and, moreover, unexpectedly for yourself.

Okhlestysh, ohlest, ohlestka, whipped, tail, hem, floors- a man of a dirty reputation, who is not ashamed of anything, insolent, offender.

Hunting- I want to.

Hunt to shoot- achieve what you want, cool down. Ohtimnechenki, ohtimne(from the interjection "ohti", expressing sadness, grief) - woe to me, it's hard. Not cool- without grief, without difficulty, calmly. “Life went to okhtimnechenki” - hard, difficult. “We didn’t live very well” - freely, without great difficulties.

About what- why. “What not to do? “I will.” "What not to ask, if necessary."

clear-cut, clear-cut- respectful, courteous, polite; indiscriminate- impolite, rude.

Papora- fern.

Parun- hot day after rain.

Brocade- fabric with silver or gold thread.

rebottle- dig sand, earth, wash sands; probably from the word "butara" - washing machine.

Change your clothes- change clothes.

sandworm- minnow.

Petrovka- the second half of June and the first half of July, when in the old days there was the so-called "Petrov Post".

Pehlo- a board planted across the niello, a kind of scraper for raking and disassembling washed sands.

Pirovlya- feast, party.

food- thicker, stronger, more.

Flux- an admixture to the ore, facilitating smelting, flux.

Plekha- a whore.

By time over time, over a known interval.

spit out- mock, mock, mock.

Serve- repeatedly give out a little.

They began to run up- began to apply.

succumb- go, leave.

Under everything- for everything.

Sod gold- what is found in the upper layers of sand - under the turf.

Subdue, subdue- imperceptibly substitute, slip.

podletok- teenager (mainly about girls aged 12 to 16 years).

Armrest- a close servant, trusted, assistant.

look for- to look for a reason to accuse.

fire brigade- she is a car- in the tales it is mentioned as a place where the workers were tortured. Firefighters appear as executioners.

wake up, wake up- behind the eyes, behind the eyes, in the absence of an interested person.

scribble- beat, scratch, bleed, leave a mark. "Who scolded you like that?"

more corpulent- Shouldered, bigger, healthier.

shove- ask, ask.

Field, Field- Polevsky plant, now cryolite, 60 kilometers to the south-west. from Yekaterinburg. It was built by Gennin as a state-owned copper smelter, in 1727 it was also an ironworks, with its own blast furnace. Since 1873, the conversion shops have been working on the ingots of the Seversky plant. Copper smelting continued until the end of the last century and was the main one for the Polevskoy plant. During the time when the tales were heard, the copper-smelting industry was dying, the rework shops also worked with great interruptions. In the first decade of the XX century. one of the first chemical plants in the Urals (sulphuric acid) was built here, which was redesigned and expanded under the Soviet regime. Now a large cryolite plant has been organized here, around which a socialist town has unfolded. Against the backdrop of construction, the old industrial settlement now seems like a miserable village.

At the time of the narrator, there was no Chelyabinsk railway yet, and the plant was completely a dead corner. It was part of the Sysert mining district (see Sysert plants And Goomeshki).

Poler to bring- polish.

Poloz- big snake Among naturalists, as far as is known, there is no complete agreement on the existence of the snake in the Urals, but among treasure hunters, the snake invariably appears as a keeper of gold. In Khmelinin's tales, as usual, human traits are assigned to the snake.

half a bottle- an old measure of liquid (0.75 liters).

Help- to help.

took revenge- it seemed, it seemed.

torment- turn pale.

By heart- out of ill will, out of malice, out of revenge.

whine- observe, observe.

get smart- lay tightly.

Ponitok- Outerwear made of homespun cloth (wool over linen).

be compelled- not to have any more need for someone, not necessary.

Get well soon- to live better.

let go- retreat, withdraw.

destroy- cut the bread into slices.

plant a goat- cool, "freeze" cast iron or copper. The mass hardened in the oven was called a goat. It was difficult to remove her. Often had to redo the furnace.

jumping- one of the operating owner's mines.

squirt- scrape, dig into the ground, dig.

word-for-word- obedient, who obeys "by word", without additional prodding, shouting.

Give advice- to consult with someone. "I got along well with him."

postryapenka- homemade holiday cookies.

to argue- resist.

Keep quiet- be quiet.

to find fault- condemn, condemn.

mail- why.

edit- to lead, to keep the direction.

fit- the general name of buildings for livestock (where cattle were driven).

threaten- threaten, threaten

Ordered to live long- a common proverb in the past when announcing someone's death.

orderly- factory clerk. This name was kept by the factories in the nineties.

clerk– representative of the owner at the plant, the main person; subsequently, such trusted people were called managers for individual factories, and managers for districts.

Butt- donation, gift, contribution (to the church); sent to the example- sent for free as a gift.

prilik– visibility; for appearances– for visibility; for decency.

burn- arrive quickly.

Pripeka- increase; side soldering- accidentally sticking, extraneous, alien.

Solder- copper shavings, which were sometimes sold to inexperienced buyers for gold.

sit down- 1) attach to wood, metal; 2) hard, painful, hard to hit.

pounce- find fault.

Parable- an unexpected event, a hindrance, an unexpected misfortune.

come on somebody to accuse someone, to blame.

bury- hide, hide.

Wish- have to.

jogging- ventilate, freshen up.

Province- mistake.

Prompt- strong (in the usual sense, it was almost never used in the factory dialect; other words were used for the concept of "agile": deployed, nimble).

Wash out- walk, walk.

It was just– freely, easily, without delay.

Furl, furl- scatter, squander; furyat- throw; furka- a kind of childish sling, slingshot.

Wasteland- an open place in the middle of the forest.

push- quickly throw at someone, throw.

Let me go- let be.

Five-sazhen poles- Mentioned in the tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain", apparently, the malachite columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral.

Radelets- from the word "please" - who cared for them, tried for them.

Difference- difference.

Breakups- something with which you can arrange the fabric, insert, wedge, flap; in a figurative sense - help, increase, help.

do your best- get, get, find.

Distort- to translate, explain.

Rezuntsy- sedge type plants.

Remki, remier- rags, rags. shake with straps- walking around in bad clothes, in torn clothes, in tatters.

Rob- work. The main word for this action. “Where did you rob?”, “Where to rob?”, “I left to rob.”

Hands clapped- surprised (from a gesture).

growled- ferocious, exorbitantly strict, screamer (from growl And poke- whip, hit).

Ryabinovka- a river, a tributary of the Chusovaya.

bring down the people- call, call.

Supreme- habitual; not above- not customary, not in the habit of it.

Sgoluba- bluish, pale blue.

Seversky plant, Severn- one of the factories of the Sysert district. In the past, blast-furnace and open-hearth production (see Sysert plants).

Severushka– Chusovaya tributary; flows into the Chusovaya about three kilometers from the Seversky plant.

Blue, blue- swamp gas.

Say mercy- a proverb, in the sense - even surprising, one should be surprised.

Sweat through- illuminate.

sell out- to be sick, to be unwell, to be ill.

squint- scrape, scrape (in the ground).

Slane- or rather, stand, flooring along roads in wetlands. Such a line did not allow getting bogged down in a swamp, but it was also impossible to ride on it.

Slichie- convenient occasion had to go to hell- came up.

Hear, hear- hearing.

sweep the case- understand, guess.

Smotnik, - ca- gossip, - tsa.

On the move- arrive on time.

Sleep do not know the case- don't even guess.

to wiggle, to wiggle- to assist, to help, to do by the way, along the way.

Shame- to shame, reproach.

juggle- to cry out in fright, surprise (from the interjection "oh").

Juice- slag from copper smelting and blast furnace production.

Solomirsky- the last owner of the factories.

sniffle- move your foot.

Sorochiny fortieth day after death.

Calm- peace.

to make a fuss- alarm, raise to one's feet, lead to a restless state.

sport- spoil.

Helpful- serviceable, prosperous; on right- clothes, appearance. “Clothes are right”, that is, not bad. "They live well" - prosperously. “On the right, she’s not smart” - the clothes are bad.

go down- to go down.

dress up- equip.

Old road.– P. A. Slovtsov in his “Historical Review of Siberia”, published in 1838, speaking about the routes of communication in the period from 1595 to 1662, wrote: “There was also a summer trail for riding, which ran from Turinsk, after from Tyumen through Katai prison on Ufa on the western side of the Urals with its intersection near the Azov Mountain. The name of the mountain near the Nyazepetrovsky plant - Kataisky Hill - should also be considered a monument to this ancient road.

old people. - Maybe because the Polevskoy plant was built on the site of ancient ore mines - “Chudsky” kapans, stories about “old people” were alive here. In these stories, the "old people" were portrayed in different ways. Some said that “old people” lived in the earth like moles, and then they covered themselves up when “other peoples” came to this region; others said that the "old people" took copper only from above, but did not know gold at all and lived by hunting and fishing. It was assumed that the layer of earth on which the "old people" lived was already so littered from above that it was necessary to "dig" up to this layer. “We dug to the ground where the old people lived - there is no gold. In the wrong place, apparently, they guessed it.

Stenbuhar- that was the name of the workers at the crowd, where ore was crushed with pestles. These workers had to throw ore under the pestles all the time - thump into the barrier wall.

pillar mountain- behind the Seversky plant, with a watchtower.

Strametz, stramina- from the word "shame" (disgrace, dishonor); used in everyday life quite often in the sense of shameless, - tsa, dishonest, - aya. Words shame, shame pronounced with an extended “t” - stram.

travel- to hand over, to sell (hurriedly).

Sugon- chase; in let's go- rushed to catch up.

Bags to put on- to reach or bring the family to the collection of alms, to begging.

similarity- similarity.

Flinch- to contact, to grapple with, to deal with someone.

Sysert factories- a group of five factories owned on the so-called possession right first by the Turchaninovs, then by the Solomirsky. This group was called the Sysert mountain district.

There were three ironworks in the eastern part of the district: Sysertsky, the main plant of the district, Verkh-Sysertsky (Upper), Nizhne-Sysertsky (Ilyinsky) - all on the Sysert River of the Ob water system (through the Iset). In the western part of the district there were factories: Polevskoy and Seversky on the rivers of the Volga system (through the Chusovaya).

"Zavodskaya dacha" - the territory of the district; was 239,707 acres; over 2600 sq. kilometers - 260,000 hectares.

In addition to factory settlements, in the eastern part of the district there were villages: Kashina, Kosmakova (Kazarina), and villages: Abramovskoye, Averinskoye, Shchelkunskoye; in the western part: Kungurskoye, the village of Kosoy Brod and Poldnevskoye. In the past, they were inhabited either by serfs or Turchaninov's "obliged workers". After the fall of serfdom, many of the inhabitants of these villages were also engaged exclusively in factory work.

The total population of factories and settlements located on the territory of the factory district slightly exceeded thirty-two thousand people, or twelve people per square meter. kilometer. Arable land is only among the rural population, and even then more outside the factory dacha. The inhabitants of factory settlements did not have plowing at all, and almost the entire “factory dacha” was occupied by forests, in which more than 2,400 acres of clear felling and 7,500 acres of selective felling were annually cut down.

On the territory of the district, there were up to forty iron mines, eight owner-owned gold mines and mines, and over a hundred gold placers (no more than a third was developed); in addition, talc, refractory clay, lime, marble, and chrysolites were mined. Cuprous and sulphurous pyrites were not developed at the time of the narrator; they were considered an obalchik - an empty rock.

At that time, one tract road to Chelyabinsk passed through the territory of the Sysert district; there was no railroad, and the western part of the county was especially remote. The distance between the eastern and western groups was about forty kilometers; the distance between Polevsky and Seversky is seven kilometers.

The commonality of the factory economy was also reflected in the tales. Sysert is especially often mentioned as the main plant of the district, as well as Seversky and the village of Kosoy Brod - as the nearest ones.

Such trouble- I mean very much. “Fussing, such trouble, bustling,” that is, very fussy.

Secret merchant- Buyer of gold

Tamga- sign, mark.

solid- decisive, with character.

Tersut, Tersut- the largest swamp b. Sysert factory dacha.

Interpret, interpret- understand, know a lot about something. “In the sands, he speaks kindly,” he knows the golden sands.

pound- repeat, repeat.

Tonty-bells- dancing, fun.

Tue- wine. p. R. from the pronoun that;"In the same mountain, in the same pipe."

Tulaem- crowd.

Tulovo- torso.

Turchaninov- the owner of the factory district. In the tales, the first owner usually appears - the "old master". According to historical materials, he really was already an old man when he begged for factories. He was one of the merchants, was listed "in the rank of a land captain", but did not have a noble rank, and with it the right to buy peasants. This, however, did not prevent Turchaninov from populating the factories with “breds” from the northern regions.

During the Pugachev uprising, Turchaninov managed to keep most of the workers in obedience by a system of deceit, threats, cruelties and promises, and almost one of the Ural plant owners did not suffer material damage to the factories. Catherine II highly appreciated this resourcefulness of Turchaninov and wrote in her letter: “For such commendable and noble deeds, especially committed in 1773 and 1774, to raise him and descendants with his children and descendants to the noble dignity of the Russian Empire.”

It is not surprising that this cunning, dexterous and cruel old man remained in the memory of the factory population. As for the rest of the Turchaninovs, the definition from the tale "The Malachite Box" apparently fits them: "In a word, the heir."

Tuyas, tues, tuesok, tuesochek- birch bark.

to kill- arrange, make.

fertilize- to become kind, affectionate (often feigned).

think- invent, invent.

Uzhna- dinner; someone else's who live at the expense of others.

strengthened- strengthening; for strengthening- to be stronger.

Will be able to- close to insanity; is talking.

washed- squandered, drunk.

fall off- leave quickly, gallop away.

preempt- warn.

Urevo- herd.

Uroim, or Uraim(in Bashkir kotel) - a basin along the Nyaza River, where the Nyazepetrovsky plant is located. The villages that came close to this basin were also called Uraim.

Setter- zavteha or redistribution; it was his responsibility to ensure that the products were produced in accordance with the established pattern, according to the charter.

Outside, outside- aside, apart from others, on the outskirts.

Utuga- thick crowd.

Outfit- drive away, steal.

go away- leave, destroy, kill, spend, lose. “Here in the forest uhaidakali” (killed); “the whole inheritance was uhaidakal” (lived, squandered, spent); “there, apparently, your motley uhaidakal” (lost his bag); “How many dishes were uhaidakali at the wedding!” (broken).

Remove chamfer- sharpen the edge.

Lb- an old measure of weight, 400 gr.

Khvatovshchina- pulling away in a hurry, at random, what turned up under the arm, what he managed to grab.

Heznut- weaken, weaken.

hitnik- robber, thief, predator.

host- host.

Honor to ascribe- praise.

honestly nobly- in a good way, as it should.

Chirla- scrambled eggs, early maturing, quick thinker, fried eggs (from the sound that eggs are released into the pan).

What do you want- although, at least.

marvelous- barely noticeable.

to play pranks- to idly stagger, hang out, mess around; in the tale - to evade work for the master.

Shvarev Vanka- was the chief clerk of the Sysert factories during the peasant war led by Pugachev.

Shibko- strongly, very much.

Fly- towel; piece of fabric along its entire width.

Shmygalo- a fast, agile person.

snooping- search.

stacks– big feet, building materials.

Schegar- foreman.

Shchelkunskaya road- Chelyabinsk tract. Names for the nearest village in the direction from Sysert to Chelyabinsk.

Yaga- a fur coat made of dog skins with wool outside; the same fur coat made of deer, goat, foal skins was called doha.

Yasak- give, tribute.

Yashnik, yashnik- barley bread (barley).

- Russian writer, folklorist, journalist and collector of Ural legends. Not all adults know that Bazhov wrote more than 50 famous fairy tales, based on which films and cartoons were shot, theatrical performances were staged. In adolescence, every child gets acquainted with the writer's work, meeting on the pages of children's literature the mistress of the copper mountain, a galloping fire bug and two nimble lizards.

One of the most remarkable tales of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov is the story of the Silver Hoof. In this beautiful legend, the writer successfully combines pictures from real life ordinary people with fictional stories from peasant bylichki. The lines of his work are permeated with the magic and centuries-old wisdom of the simple Russian people. Tales teach kindness, diligence, humanity and faith in incredible miracles. And what heroes live in this amazing story, the reader will learn from a brief presentation:

Grandfather Kokovanya - an old hard worker, in the summer he earns a living by washing gold, and in the winter he hunts a forest animal. Sad grandfather alone, so he decided to take the orphan upbringing. He wanted to shelter the boy in order to teach him hunting, but fate sent him Darena. Kokovanya was imbued with pity and kindness for the orphan, warmed the girl, and fate endowed him with wealth, hitherto unseen and unheard of.

Daryonka , Daria Potopaeva - an orphan of 6 years old, was forced to live in poverty with strangers. A large family took over her house after the death of her parents, and she turned out to be an extra mouth and a burden for new uninvited owners. Grandfather Kokovanya took the orphan, sheltered her and told her about the magic goat - the silver hoof. The girl believed in a miracle and with all her heart wanted to see an unprecedented creation. Only a pure soul without malice and cunning could see the real embodiment of his childhood dream!

Murenka - Darenka's black cat, who loved to purr "You speak rightly, rightly ...". She was a talisman for her mistress, and as soon as the girl received the award, Murenka the cat disappeared.

- a magical goat that could knock out precious stones from the ground. People's poverty led to the fact that children from childhood dreamed of a real miracle. Darenka really wanted to see the kid, but not for the sake of profit, and nature sent her wealth that would provide for the girl and her grandfather until the end of their village life.

Bazhov is a great Russian storyteller. His stories are like gemstones that he writes about in his works. The tale of the Silver Hoof, through the image of a magical goat, tells the reader how the most incredible childhood dreams come true.

Illustrations for the Ural tale

A beautiful story about kindness and mercy is accompanied by painted pictures and works of Russian art. The story of good deeds and hard work of ordinary people is reflected in the Palekh lacquer miniature. Reading a book at night with bright realistic illustrations will help the children believe in a miracle and remember Bazhov's fairy tale for many, many years.

Kokovani had no family left, and he came up with the idea of ​​taking an orphan as a child. I asked the neighbors if they knew anyone, and the neighbors said:

Recently, the family of Grigory Potopaev was orphaned on Glinka. The clerk ordered the older girls to be taken to the master's needlework, but no one needs one girl in the sixth year. Here you take it.

It's not good for me with a girl. Boy would be better. I would teach him my business, I would raise an accomplice. How about the girl? What am I going to teach her?

Then he thought and thought and said:

I knew Grigory, and his wife too. Both were funny and smart. If a girl goes after her parents, she will not be sad in the hut. I'll take her. Will it just go?

Neighbors explain:

She has a bad life. The clerk gave the hut to Grigoriev to some goryuny and ordered for this to feed the orphan until she grows up.

And he has a family of more than a dozen. They don't eat enough on their own. Here is the hostess and eats up the orphan, reproaches her with a piece. Even though she is small, she understands. It's a shame for her. How will not go from such a life! Yes, and persuade, come on.

And that's true, - answers Kokovanya. - I'll get it somehow.

On a holiday, he came to those people with whom the orphan lived. He sees - the hut is full of people, big and small. A girl is sitting by the stove, and next to her is a brown cat. The girl is small, and the cat is small and so thin and skinned that rarely anyone will let her into the hut.

The girl strokes this cat, and she purrs so loudly that you can hear it all over the hut. Kokovanya looked at the girl and asked:

Is it Grigoriev's gift to you? The hostess replies:

She is the most. Not only one, so I picked up a tattered cat somewhere. We can't drive away. She scratched all my guys, and even feed her!

Kokovanya and says:

Then he asks the orphan:

Well, little gift, will you come to live with me? The girl was surprised

You, grandfather, how did you know that my name is Daryonka?

Yes, - he answers, - it just happened. I didn’t think, I didn’t guess, I accidentally hit it.

Who are you? - the girl asks.

I, - says, - like a hunter. In the summer I wash the sands, mine gold, and in the winter I run through the forests for a goat, but I can’t see everything.

Will you shoot him?

No, - answers Kokovanya. - I shoot simple goats, but I won’t do this. I have to look at the hunt, in which place he stomps with his right front leg.

What is it for you?

But if you come to live with me, I'll tell you everything. The girl was curious about the goat to find out. And then he sees - the old man is cheerful and affectionate. She says:

I'll go. Only you take this cat, Muryonka, too. Look how good.

About this, - answers Kokovanya, - what to say. Do not take such a sonorous cat - you will remain a fool. Instead of a balalaika, she will be in our hut.

The owner hears their conversation. I'm glad that Kokovanya is calling the orphan to her. I quickly began to collect Daryonka's belongings. Afraid lest the old man change his mind. The cat seems to understand the whole conversation too. It rubs at the feet and purrs: “R-correctly thought it up. Correct.”

So Kokovanya took the orphan to live with him. He himself is big and bearded, and she is tiny, and has a small nose with a button. They are walking down the street, and a skinned cat jumps after them.

So the grandfather Kokovanya, the orphan Darena and the cat Muryonka began to live together. They lived and lived, they didn’t make much good, but they didn’t cry for living, and everyone had a job. Kokovanya went to work in the morning, Daryonka cleaned up in the hut, cooked stew and porridge, and the cat Muryonka went hunting - she caught mice. By the evening they will gather, and they will have fun.

The old man was a master of fairy tales. Daryonka loved to listen to those tales, and the cat Muryonka lies and purrs:

“R-correctly speaking. Correct.”

Only after every fairy tale will Daryonka remind:

Dedo, tell me about the goat. What is he?

Kokovanya made excuses at first, then he said:

That goat is special. He has a silver hoof on his right front foot. Wherever he stomps with this hoof, an expensive stone will appear there. Once he stomps - one stone, two stomps - two stones, and where he starts to beat with his foot - there is a pile of expensive stones. He said this, and was not happy.

From that time on, Daryonka's only conversation was about this goat.

Grandpa, is he big?

Kokovanya told her that the goat was not taller than the table, the legs were thin, and the head was light. And Daryonka asks again:

Grandpa, does he have horns?

The horns, - he answers, - are excellent. Simple goats have two branches, and this one has five branches.

Grandpa, who does he eat?

No one, - answers, - does not eat. It feeds on grass and leaves. Well, hay also eats up in stacks in winter.

Grandpa, what kind of fur does he have?

In summer, - he answers, - brown, like our Muryonka, and gray in winter.

Kokovanya began to gather in the forest in the fall. He should have looked at which side of the goats grazes more. Daryonka and let's ask:

Take me, grandfather, with you! Maybe I can even see that goat from afar.

Kokovanya and explains to her:

You can't see it from a distance. All goats have horns in autumn. You can't tell how many branches there are. In winter, it's a different matter. Simple goats go without horns in winter, and this one - Silver Hoof - always with horns, even in summer, even in winter. Then it can be recognized from afar.

This is what he answered. Daryonka remained at home, and Kokovanya went into the forest.

Five days later, Kokovanya returned home, tells Daryonka:

Now in the Poldnevsky side a lot of goats graze. I will go there in the winter.

But how, - asks Daryonka, - will you spend the night in the forest in winter?

There, - he answers, - I have a winter booth near the mowing spoons. A good farce, with a hearth, with a window. It's good there.

Daryonka asks again:

Who knows. Maybe he's there too.

Daryonka is here and let's ask:

Take me, grandfather, with you! I will sit in the booth. Maybe Silverhoof will come close - I'll take a look.

The old man waved his hands.

What you! What you! Is it a good thing for a little girl to walk through the woods in winter! You have to ski, but you don't know how. Load it up in the snow. How will I be with you? Freeze more!

Only Daryonka does not lag behind:

Kokovanya dissuaded, dissuaded, then he thought to himself: “Is it possible to reduce? Once he visits, he will not be asked for another.

Here he says:

Okay, I'll take it. Only, mind you, don’t roar in the forest and don’t ask to go home until the time.

Kokovanya laid two sacks of breadcrumbs on a hand sledge, stocked him with hunting supplies and other things he needed. Daryonka also tied a knot for herself. Patchwork took the doll to sew a dress, a ball of thread, a needle, and even a rope. “Is it possible,” he thinks, “to catch Silverhoof with this rope?”

It’s a pity for Daryonka to leave her cat, but what can you do! Stroking the cat goodbye, talking to her:

Muryonka and I will go to the forest with my grandfather, but you sit at home and catch mice. As soon as we see the Silver Hoof, we will return. I'll tell you everything then.

The cat looks slyly, and purrs herself: “P-ra-vil came up with it. Correct.”

Let Kokovanya and Daryonka go. All neighbors marvel:

As Kokovanya and Daryonka began to leave the factory, they heard that the little dogs were very worried about something. They raised such barking and squealing, as if they saw an animal on the streets. They looked around - and this is Muryonka running in the middle of the street, fighting off the dogs. Muryonka had recovered by that time. Big and healthy. Dogs don't even dare to approach her.

Daryonka wanted to catch a cat and take it home, but where are you! Muryonka ran to the forest, and to the pine tree. Go get it!

Daryonka shouted, but she could not lure the cat. What to do? Let's move on. They look - Muryonka runs sideways. And so I got to the booth.

So there were three of them in the booth. Daryonka boasts:

It's more fun that way.

Kokovanya agrees:

Known to be more fun.

And the cat Muryonka curled up in a ball by the stove and purrs loudly: “You speak right. Correct.”

There were a lot of goats that winter. It's simple. Kokovanya dragged one or two to the booth every day. They accumulated skins, salted goat meat - they couldn’t be taken away on hand sleds. We ought to go to the factory for a horse, but how to leave Daryonka with a cat in the forest!

And Daryonka got used to it in the forest. She says to the old man:

Dedo, you should go to the factory for a horse. You have to take the corned beef home. Kokovanya was even surprised:

What a wise man you are, Darya Grigoryevna! How big judged. Just be afraid, come on, alone.

What, - answers, - to be afraid! Our farce is strong, the wolves cannot achieve. And Muryonka is with me. I'm not afraid. And you quickly turn around all the same!

Kokovanya left. There was Daryonka with Muryonka. During the day, it was customary to sit without Kokovani while he tracked the goats ... As it began to get dark, I became afraid.

Just looking - Muryonka lies calmly. Daryonka and cheered up. She sat down by the window, looked in the direction of the slanting spoons and saw - some kind of lump was rolling from the forest.

As I rolled closer, I saw - it was a goat running. The legs are thin, the head is light, and on the horns there are five branches.

Daryonka ran out to look, but no one was there. She waited, she waited, she returned to the booth, and she says:

Apparently, I dozed off. It seemed to me.

Muryonka purrs: “You speak right. Correct.”

Daryonka lay down next to the cat and fell asleep until the morning.

Another day has passed. Kokovanya did not return. Daryonka became bored, but did not cry. Stroking Muryonka and saying:

Do not be bored, Muryonushka! Tomorrow grandfather will certainly come.

Muryonka sings her song: “You speak right. Correct.”

Again Daryonushka sat at the window, admired the stars. I wanted to go to bed - suddenly a clatter passed along the wall. Daryonka was frightened, and there was a clatter along the other wall, then along the one where the window was, then - where the door was, and there was a rattling from above. Quietly, as if someone is light and fast walking.

Daryonka thinks: “Didn’t that goat, yesterday, come running?”

And before that she wanted to see that fear did not hold. She opened the door, looked, and the goat was here, quite close. He raised his right front leg - he stomps, and on it a silver hoof glistens, and the goat's horns have five branches.

Daryonka does not know what to do, and beckons him like a home:

Me-ka! Me-ka!

The goat laughed at that! Turned around and ran.

Daryonushka came to the booth, tells Muryonka:

I looked at Silverhoof. And I saw the horns and saw the hoof. I didn’t see only how that goat stomps with his foot, knocks out expensive stones. Another time, apparently, will show.

Muryonka know your song sings: “You speak right. Correct.”

The third day has passed, and all Kokovani is gone. Daryonka was completely clouded. Tears dripped. I wanted to talk to Muryonka, but she was not there. Then Daryonushka was completely frightened, ran out of the booth to look for a cat.

The night is monthly, bright, far visible. Daryonka looks - a cat is sitting close on a slanting spoon, and a goat is in front of her. He stands, raised his leg, and on it a silver hoof glistens.

Then they began to run along the mowing spoons.

The goat runs and runs, stops and starts to beat with a hoof.

For a long time they ran along the mowing spoons. They were not visible.

And let's hit it with a silver hoof.

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