Recipes for a multicooker from Belaya Tserkovskaya. Millions of people built around the world are the real result of the Belaya Tserkov diet

From the editorial board... Cooking from books is like playing roulette: you seem to do everything according to the instructions, but the end result does not coincide in any way with what you see in the picture. The taste of the dish sometimes also leaves much to be desired. Therefore, we decided from time to time to arrange culinary experiments to test cookbooks and share with you our achievements, failures and ideas, how else you can fantasize about this or that dish.

“Gastronomic recipes. Just about haute cuisine ”is the fourth book of one of the most popular bloggers in Russia, Nika Belotserkovskaya. The book includes recipes that have accumulated over the two years of the existence of the Nika Belotserkovskaya culinary school in Provence.

The book immediately caught my eye with its cheerfulness and lightness so much that I decided: dishes prepared according to the “recipes” from this wonderful collection will be displayed on the festive table in honor of my thirtieth birthday. I celebrated the anniversary in a small village in the Vladimir region, and I can honestly say that if you wish, gourmet cuisine can be prepared in the Russian outback. I had a simple gas stove, a brazier and a Russian stove for safety at my disposal.

Ingredients: 800 g white sweet onions, 300 g raw salmon, 6 slices of toast bread, 4 bay leaves, a bunch of lettuce greens, olive oil, sea salt, ground white pepper, if any - anchovy fillets (5 pcs.); for a creamy dressing: 100 ml of cream (33%), 100 ml (or any neutral), juice of half a lemon, 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard, sea salt.

Preparation... Cut the onion in half rings lengthwise, it will let the juice go better, and make a primitive onion out of it (if you have one already ready, then it's generally ideal - 5 minutes for everything). For 15 minutes simmer the onions in olive oil with bay leaves, stirring constantly. Add rinsed salt or oil and chopped small pieces... If not, add a little salt. We need the onion to caramelize well and the excess liquid evaporate. You can add a spoonful of sugar or honey if the onion is not too sweet. If you want - splash some white port, it will be wonderful. Put ready-made onions on toast bread (or whatever you like there). Cut raw salmon into thin slices. We spread it on the bow. Salt and pepper a little. White pepper is the thing. And in the oven under the grill for 5-7 minutes. Do not overdry - this is the main thing! Whisk in all the ingredients of the dressing except the oil. Then gradually pour in the oil, you get a very delicate emulsion. Season the salad with it. And in general, remember it - a wonderful thing for salads. Once again I ask - write it down, you will not regret it. If you want a lighter option, replace the cream with yogurt, great with a light sheep's. On plates salad, canapes, and that's it! Cold white (or pink) - strongly suggest!

On practice. Everything turned out to be even simpler than it was written. It only took me 25 minutes to cook the onion marmalade. Moreover, as luck would have it, there was no grill in the kitchen stove in the country. An ordinary grill and a grill for grilling kebabs helped me to get out of the situation. So that there are no traces of the grate on the canapé, I covered it with foil. I kept it over the coals only on the side where the fish was, the same 5-7 minutes. So I can safely recommend this dish as an “off-site” dish. The main thing is to take ready-made onion marmalade in a container with you to a picnic, and then - 10 minutes, and an unusual snack that you can eat right with your hands is ready.

Lightly salted salmon by Ivan Gillardi

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of thick salmon fillet, 1 kg of coarse sea salt, 500 g of sugar, 6 tablespoons of coarsely ground black pepper, a bunch of fresh dill; for variant c - 10-15 lemongrass pieces, 100 ml of olive oil.

Preparation... Fish fillets should be thick enough. Attention! The salt must be necessarily large, and the product must be either fresh, or very properly defrosted, without excess liquid. Otherwise, especially with fine or medium salt, an annoying oversalt will happen. Coarsely crush the peppercorns in a mortar or break with a "rolling-bottle", after wrapping it in a napkin. Finely chop the dill. We mix salt, sugar, pepper, dill. Put the salmon fillet directly on the bottom of a ceramic or plastic bowl, skin side down, and cover with the mixture. If the fillet is skinless, divide the mixture in half, half to the bottom, then fill the fillet with the remaining salt. We close it with foil and send it to the refrigerator overnight (12 hours). Do not overexpose! Important: if the fillet is thin or in doubt, check the fish in 8 hours. Take it out. We rinse well. Dry with a towel, again in a bowl, and again "dry up" for another 12 hours. For the version with lemongrass, everything is the same, only to salt and sugar instead of dill, pepper, add olive oil and lemon sorghum chopped in a blender. The impatient can be destroyed immediately, the patient can wait another 2-3 days, the fish ripens and noticeably changes its consistency, try it. Do you like very lightly salted? Reduce salting time. Do you want with lemon and without dill? Do not deny yourself anything, and so on.

On practice... Nika Belotserkovskaya, of course, did not reveal any special secrets and secrets about salting fish, but I still could not get past this recipe. For novice cooks who cook the first piece of salted salmon in their life, the best step by step instructions can not found. I salted the fish with pepper and dill, and the fish turned out great.

Rabbit in jelly by Gilles Angier

Ingredients: 1.2 kg rabbit, 4 carrots, 1 onion, leeks if desired, 10 pickled gherkins, 200 g canned peppers, a bunch of parsley, 2 sprigs of fresh tarragon, 15 sheets of gelatin, 2 pcs. cloves, sea salt, ground black pepper.

Preparation... Cook the broth. Stick the cloves into the onion, chop the rabbit into 3-4 pieces and fill it with cold (!) Water so as to cover it by 3 cm.Put the onion, leek, peeled carrots, salt and pepper a little and cook over low heat for 2 hours, removing the foam. The rabbit should be very soft. The broth is ready! We take out the carrots and cut into 1 cm cubes. Carefully separate the rabbit meat from the bones, disassemble into fibers. Throw out the onion and leek. Finely chop greens, gherkins, peppers. Mix everything carefully. Salt and pepper to taste. Moisten the mold slightly with water, lay out neatly with cling film and smooth with a kitchen towel (not with your hands). Very carefully - without tamping! - put the mass in the form. It should be very loose. V cold water soak the gelatin, when it swells, squeeze it well. Heat 1 liter of broth until very hot and dissolve gelatin in it. Salt and pepper generously - everything must be slightly oversalted and pepper, be sure! Low temperatures and gelatin in the finished product muffle the taste. If you doubt the quantity or quality of gelatin, cool 2-3 tablespoons of broth in a cup in advance in the refrigerator and see how it grabs. Let it cool to warm, carefully fill in the rabbit and vegetables, cover with foil and send it to the refrigerator at least overnight, or better for a day. Everything! If you want neat pieces, cut with a cold, very sharp knife. It can be kept in the refrigerator for a week.

On practice... With this dish, I got a little misfire: I didn't calculate the amount of gelatin and instead of a rabbit in jelly, I got a jellied rabbit. But I must say, very beautiful and tasty aspic! I served it on the table directly from the refrigerator and it did not have time to melt from the unexpected heat of May. The biggest challenge in preparing this dish is to disassemble the rabbit and cut the vegetables into small cubes. But with my mother-in-law, chatting and four hands, we did it in 15 minutes. By the way, try the dish while it is being prepared, for example, when the ingredients have already been sliced ​​but not yet filled with broth. You may want to season them with your favorite sauce and eat them immediately as a salad.

Moussaka by Guy Jedd

Ingredients: eggplant, champignons or other mushrooms, boiled or fried meat, onions, garlic, eggs, tomato paste, parsley, olive oil, sea salt, ground black pepper.

Preparation... Cut the eggplants into 1 cm rings, add salt and fry until golden brown in olive oil. Place on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Fry the chopped mushrooms. We turn the remains of any ready-made meat through a meat grinder. Mix the minced meat with mushrooms. Separately fry the chopped garlic and parsley, onion in half rings until transparent. Cool, stir in the minced meat, add a few tablespoons of tomato paste, egg, salt, pepper and stir. Line the bottom of a tall baking dish or saucepan with a layer of eggplant, minced meat on top, and repeat this several times. Place in the oven at 180 ° C for 25-30 minutes. Turn gently onto a dish and remove the mold. Serve hot, warm or even cold if the meat was not too fatty. Eggplant lovers will appreciate it.

The top is a photo from the book, the bottom is a photo of the author

On practice... I used boiled beef and a piece of chicken. That is, this is the very case when the meat is lean and the moussaka can be served cold. The women liked this option, but the men unanimously said that the dish was bland. But, despite this, I would add this dish to the list of must-haves, especially in the country. After the weekend, there is always a half-eaten kebab, and at the end of summer, mushrooms can be replaced with self-collected forest mushrooms. That is, it is economical, fast, and on Sunday you can clean up the fridge from leftovers.

Chicken braised in white nutmeg

Ingredients: 6 chicken legs or whole chicken, 500 g of mushrooms, 500 ml of dry or dry white nutmeg wine, 500 ml of heavy cream (33%), 250 g of small pearl onions, a bunch of parsley, 3 cloves of garlic, olive oil, sea salt, ground white pepper.

The co-owner of Trend Petersburg Nika Belotserkovskaya continues her active work, both online and in the publication of her culinary masterpieces. The girl had a talent for cooking even in her school years, at a time when Veronica went to the simplest school in St. Petersburg.

Take pleasure in making food

One of the most popular bloggers in the Internet space, publisher, creator of five culinary bestsellers, which have become the gastronomic bible for millions of women. Of course, the appeal will go further about Veronika Belotserkovskaya. A large number of ladies can cook doing it every day and with delight. So why is it that only a few, in particular Veronica, have achieved resounding success in making dinners for the whole family and dinner parties for friends? In who Nika is at the moment, the children of Nika Belotserkovskaya, more correctly, the third child, played a role. There are five children in the Belaya Tserkovsky family: two sons, already adults, the husband of Boris, a famous entrepreneur, from a previous marriage, one son of Veronica, also from the past alliance, and two joint ones. Ignoring so many children, Nick looks great and, in fact, under no circumstances allows himself to fall out of social life.

How the culinary blog came about

Being pregnant with her third son, being in France, as a kind of wife in settlements - her husband worked in Russia, she went crazy with boredom. She started a blog from her. At first, there were recipes, any unique because they were remade for the author, and at the same time nationwide, due to the fact that fans appeared instantly. They keep recipes from Belotserkovskaya in their heads. Veronica was finishing her first book with the working, and later the final title, Recipes, at a time when the youngest son was only one and a half years old. The book almost blew up the food industry. At the moment, the sixth is being prepared for release. In the span of eleven years, Belotserkovskaya did a lot. Moreover, as the super-popular blogger herself agrees, she does not bring up children at all. Well, there is no fanatical motherhood in this lady.

The socialite does not forget about her appearance... The basic recipe for good shape is found in the simplest female happiness. But along with this, Nika Belotserkovskaya tries not only to give a large number of time for children. Show them the world, but also feed them delicious and healthy food. Boris Belotserkovsky, husband, assists his wife in everything and constantly supports his wife in all her endeavors. Also, he communicates excellently with children from his first marriage with Yan Antonyshev. By the way, Nika herself took the name of her first husband and wore it for a couple of years before the divorce, after that she changed the name of the new husband of a famous entrepreneur.

Raising non-canonical complexity

A popular blogger says about her role as a mother: I am not a mother viper. The main thing is to adore them and not particularly poke them. And then what grows up will grow up. In my youth, no one studied me either, despite the fact that for the first eight years I was an excellent student.

Nika Belotserkovskaya tries to be an exemplary mother, but without fanaticism. By the way, she allows her to try all her recipes not only for her husband, but also for children.

Nika Belotserkovskaya, in fact, under no circumstances was seen in any scandal. She tries to correspond to an active life, and at the same time remain an ordinary lady. The blogger shows that she loves to invite guests into the house, but not to generate too large companies. Despite the fact that, in one of the interviews, Belotserkovskaya recalls the birthday of one of the children. He (Grisha) invited the whole class home, mommies came with the kids to look at me. And mummies are there oh-ho-ho. There was such a political moment, we were taken to this International school without waiting in line, in the last months of the year (they really really liked the child). And there is a waiting list of 300 children. Everyone, naturally, swelled wildly. And I had to give the Sweetest of the Sweetest. Here. Proceeding from this, pretentious catering was automatically ruled out. Everyone was swollen from my lunch. She shared recipes, talked about pies. Was fully rehabilitated.

Ban on individual topics

Nika Belotserkovskaya is a rather active person, any presentation of her books was quite noisy. But she does not like to say about the blogger's personal life. Especially about children, Veronica says little. Not because there is nothing. Belotserkovskaya is firmly convinced: they brag about children, show off those parents who, apart from childbirth, could not do anything in life. And suddenly a person has something to tell, demonstrate and brag about, then he leaves the children for himself. And neither journalists nor public conclusion enter this mini world, then there is no need to show off children, family. And without that, there is something to demonstrate to the world, than to feed.

Creator of cookbooks Recipes, Diets, About food. About wine. Provence, Gastronomic Recipes and Made in Italy. Gastronomic recipes have gained a well-deserved popularity due to the fact that she loves to travel and find out the subtleties of the recipe from the indigenous culinary specialists. By the way, in all her travels Belotserkovskaya tries to take children. Fans are surprised by the rather slender figure that the culinary specialist can boast of. She does not adhere to strict diets, tries to constantly eat healthy food.

Hello friends!
Finally Friday! This week has been extremely difficult for me! I often had a headache because of the changeable weather and thunderstorms that began, the client at work let all the dogs down on me and called me different bad words. In general, I am more than anyone glad that the work week is almost over and I will relax all weekend, doing my favorite things!
One of my favorite things to do is to sit down with a cup of aromatic tea and look at my favorite cookbooks. About them, in fact, will be discussed. Today I want to talk about the famous Recipes and Diets of Nika Belotserkovskaya or better known in LJ as belonika ... Everyone treats this author differently, but I really love to cook according to her recipes, and reading and considering books is no less pleasure.

These are the two very first books that I acquired from everything published by her by that time. What I like most is that the recipes are unusual and not hackneyed, and almost everything can be prepared from products that can be found here. And, of course, I want to say that the proportions here are excellent, everything turns out as in the picture! For me, this is one of the most important criteria for judging cookbooks and recipes.

As with many cookbooks, there is a section at the beginning about the kitchen utensils you need to cook. She has collected everything that has received recognition in the world of culinary art. But if he seeks to imitate the author in the kitchen inventory, then you need to be prepared for impressive spending. I treat it this way - there should always be something worth striving for! In the meantime, I'm pretty good at what I have in stock, since all the recipes allow it:

Another of the sections of the book Recipes is a section on preparations for meeting guests and ideas for treating them, so to speak about preparing a much larger amount of food than for an ordinary family. Including dishes for children's parties. In general, I found this information interesting and useful for myself. In other books, I have not yet seen this:

One of the first courses I cooked was pate. We love homemade pates very much, you can arrange a quick, tasty and rather hearty snack. Men are usually delighted.

Separately, I would like to say about the wonderful photographs that fill the books. They amaze with their colors, subjects and their picturesqueness. The author has a real talent for photography. It is a pleasure to look at the pictures:

Today, in the very near future, I have the preparation of cheesecake. I haven't cooked it yet, I want to be the first to try Belonica's recipe:

Then I want to move on to the story about Diet. The book is amazing. Shows how tasty you can lose weight! Indeed, it is possible and even necessary. At the beginning of the book, there is an article with a huge charge of positive attitude towards the upcoming weight loss, motivation and all the necessary initial data. Lots of explanations and advice without going into boring theory.

Huge variety of diet snacks and breakfast ideas:

I found a lot of interesting dishes and combinations for myself, like, for example, beetroot soup with orange. It turns out just awesomely tasty (adjusted for the fact that I am madly in love with beets) and fresh, for the summer the very thing:

Well, for the fact that in the book with dietary recipes there is a section "Desserts", you can just smile from ear to ear. They are delicious and varied, but what else is needed to raise the mood of a losing weight person?

Of course, the Diets could not do without wonderful photos, you can look at the pictures for hours, as in childhood:

At the end of the book, you can find a monthly cooking schedule by week. Thus, it turns out that the book is directly the author's diet with all instructions for use. And do not forget that a very tasty diet:

In general, summing up my small review, I want to say that these are some of my favorite books. They are colorful, mouth-watering and not run-of-the-mill. And the simplicity with which everything is presented and the absence of complicated culinary techniques make the book simply ideal for people with at different levels preparation. I am ready to recommend these books as a great gift for myself and my friends!

Have a nice weekend, friends! Relax and gain strength! :)

P.S. By the way, the cup in the photo is a gift from my beloved friend Svetochka on March 8th. This is a person who always gives amazing, very needed gifts. Cup self made and has already become my favorite! Thank you so much, Svetochka! : - ***

You can write that Nika Belotserkovskaya is a blogger, publisher, businesswoman, a famous party girl, but all these are rather clichés that do not reveal her true role and status.

It would be more correct to say that Nika is the wife of a millionaire, a brave, bright, full of ideas woman who has turned her luxurious lifestyle into an object of imitation, to which one wants to strive or at least dream of such.

Nika herself in last years increasingly calls himself a culinary specialist. Her books "Recipes" and "Diets" became a real event on the Russian publishing market, breaking sales records and leaving venerable authors who have been writing about cooking for many years in complete confusion.

Nika Belotserkovskaya was never a professional in cooking and before the release of the first book, she never appeared in any culinary show, but it was Belotserkovskaya's recipes that Russian readers liked.

The secret is that Nika offered women not just recipes, but a way of life, a new philosophy. She showed that even without a millionaire husband, you can cook Michelin-starred dishes at home, serve food in an exquisite, modern way, and most importantly, give your loved ones the best. If Yulia Vysotskaya's slogan was "We eat at home", then for Belotserkovskaya's books, the motto was, perhaps, "We eat at home as in the best restaurants in the world."

Recently, in her famous blog, Nika published useful tips for losing weight, as well as the schedule of your own, proven diet for the week:

Nika advises to reduce the amount of oil in dishes to a minimum. If possible, you only need to steam or bake food in the oven. The lack of oil can be compensated for with sauces. If you fry cutlets for your loved ones, you should set aside some minced meat and cook a separate portion in a double boiler. Big role in her diet, Nika devotes to vegetable soups. She loves them very much and admits that she can sit on only one minestrone (Italian vegetable soup) for a week.

Nika Belotserkovskaya's diet for a week

Monday and Tuesday - baked or boiled vegetables only

Breakfast: Low-fat yogurt, fruit, coffee
Lunch: Steamed chicken cutlets with some sauce, apple
Dinner: Vegetable soup

Breakfast: Oatmeal on the water with a spoonful of honey and a small handful of almonds, coffee
Lunch: Salmon with salad, apple
Dinner: Steamed vegetables

Breakfast: Croutons with tuna paste, herbal tea
Lunch: Durum wheat pasta with tomato sauce, apple
Dinner: Vegetable soup

Breakfast: Yogurt with muesli, fruit, coffee
Lunch: Baked pepper salad, apple
Dinner: Steamed vegetables

Breakfast: Salmon croutons and pasta, egg, fruit, coffee
Lunch: Rabbit stewed in tomato juice with vegetables or cereals, apple
Dinner: Steamed vegetables

And also, Nika advises:

Every morning on an empty stomach, a glass of warm water with lemon (if you have the slightest doubt whether this is suitable for your stomach, consult your doctor)
- The intervals between meals are ideally 5 hours (from the end to the beginning of the meal), but this if possible. If not, it's okay. Do everything as in the Intermediate Broth Diets!
- Last appointment at least 4 hours before bedtime. Ideally no later than 19.00
- Physical activity - walk at least 40 minutes a day at a brisk pace
- Forget alcohol! If you really get bored - once a week on Saturday or Friday evening you can have a glass of red wine with a little low-fat cheese in a festive atmosphere (if you deserve it), gee.
- Drink as much as possible mineral water, not less than 2 liters per day.

Holiday Recipe: Minced Meat Roll
... We have chosen the most beautiful recipe - meatloaf with egg from Sylvia Baracca. It looks very festive and will surely impress the imagination of your men. Meatloaf for the men's holiday For some reason, this recipe seems very Russian to me. The photo just asks for my mother's cookbook. It is ideal for a family holiday - for example, February 23rd, if you honor your men on this day. Meat trims and not-so-good meat can be turned into minced meat, ennobled with various ingredients and baked. Since minced meat has a strong tendency to dry out, it is added ...

Ginger can be added anywhere

Whole grain crisps and tartlets with unusual fillings

Cooked pork! Such yummy turned out! My husband liked the most important thing!

27.01.2014 16:28:50

Great recipe! I didn't cook poultry before, after cooking the attitude towards them changed. Now this yummy appears quite often on the table of our family!

08.11.2013 20:40:24

What other New Year's baked goods to come up with? The gingerbread dough is already in the fridge, but I want something else New Year's with lingonberries and pine nuts :) well, or cranberries and almonds ...

have you read Belonika's address to Elladkin? After all, what kind of fool you have to be, to put it mildly, to bite the hand that feeds like that? One such post may be enough to cross out with such great difficulty (I believe that it was not easy for Ella) her built career and return the girl to the door trade.

Have you read Ella's answer?
I think everything is not so simple there. Belonika is not an ordinary girl.
A public showdown is disgusting. Why is she doing this?

19.10.2011 22:22:29

Kindergarten - pants with straps. I thought that only teenagers had this kind of showdown. :)))))

19.10.2011 17:07:18

Good day! I decided to make Easter cake according to Belonika's recipe, because it seemed to me less time consuming than other recipes found in the conference. I'm afraid the kid won't let me bake a "long" cake. I wanted to start making - and immediately grabbing - how much yeast should I put? Both dry and fresh yeast are available. here is the recipe [link-1]

how fast you are :-) I read it yesterday, got interested. Of course, I would like to have anchovies, capers, and -and-something- I-never-happen :-)) but for my own sake I can’t be so perverted like this :-) but your version suits me. need to try.

21.03.2011 22:02:02

There is also an option with figs and basil. Those. olives, anchovies, olive oil, (pine nuts optional) and all this on toasted Borodino bread.

21.03.2011 16:06:17
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