Psychological jams. Stitching Type of Personality for Accentuation of Leongard Theory

We now turn to personalities with a jam, or paranoid accentuation. Many authors in their classifications allocated this accentuation (or psychopathy). We find her by K. Lyongard, D. Hapiro, Orthodox psychotherapist S.A. Belorusova (who correlates it with the passion of Srebolubia.), As well as in a known classification of PB. Gannushkin. A.E. Persia, describing the types of constitutional psychopathies and accentuations of character in adolescents, does not allocate this type for the reason that it is revealed after 30 years, in the period of complete social maturity. 247.

The traits of a person with a jam accentuation are much more pathological than any other. These people almost all of their actions and thoughts carry a fingerprint of deep spiritual disharmony. The manifestations of the paranoid style are highlighted quite a lot. These are all sorts of supreme hobbies, dominant and utasive ideas, pathological fears, CVRUULLANCE (passion for written complaints and denunciations), suspicion, delusional disorders (jealousy, greatness), up to hallucinations (more often with paranoid form of schizophrenia).

Naturally, there are people not with such visible deviations. They have personal anomalies can manifest themselves: rigidity is suspicious - dogmatism. And most often, speaking of jams, we remember their suspicion, since this trait sometimes determines all their inner appearance. At the heart of suspicion lies any fear: deception, marital treason, humiliation, diseases, loss, dysmorefophobia (dysmorphophobia - fear of physical disadvantage.).

Suspicious thinking always turns out to be rigid, inflexible. If the boss gets stuck on suspicion of his employees in deception, he will see a conspiracy at any situation in any situation. If a person has any physical disadvantage, a very painful state can develop on this soil - dysmorefophobia. "All around laugh at my long nose. When I go to the shopping market, everything is just looking at me, smile and groppy." Suspicious man "Looks at the world with a steady prejudice, constantly engaged in the search for confirmation of his suspicion." 248.No one denies that in the market, people talk and sometimes laugh. But suspicion and intense waiting for ridicule lead to improper interpretation of really existing facts.

"A relatively slow pace of mental activity brings closer to Pedantic(obsessive - avt.) With stunning personalities. But the latter, slowness concerns mainly jams on emotional experiences of a selfish nature, when personal interests and pride of this object are affected. "24

People of this type are pretty colorful both in secular and in church life. But if you look deeper and distinguish the main thing, something that defines their spiritual appearance, we notice such a feature as the long-term existence of all experiences (affects), especially sinful (by type of jams).

Any person may have anger, but the affect falls and the anger passes. The fear subsides, the attack of pride can change the repentance. The jams of resentment can live in the soul of infinitely long. A person recalls her circumstances, all the details, interpreting them in their favor. The feeling of resentment and thirst for ignition does not always go out and embodied in actions and words. It depends on the development of a person, its cultural and spiritual level. But the years may pass, and the feeling of resentment does not go out, and this is already called a chill. Sometimes these people look ridiculous when they begin to turn the past, call for the answer when no one remembers the circumstances of the event.

With such a cloudiness, their impressionability and syradiability are also quite large. Often they themselves complain that they are offended by trifles. And those who have no idea about spiritual life are not at all developed, sometimes they say: "Yes, I am, I am very touchy."

From the properties of the personality, they most developed a volitional beginning (we recall that, for example, the schizoids of hypertrophied mental sphere, and the exteroids are sensual). Even with the average level of intelligence, jams are able to seek promotion, unless they are expelled completely for frequent conflicts and failure. "Typical boss" - they usually say about such a person: the eaten, inseparable, volitional, with many ideas, all sweeping, incredulous.

Egoistic entrepreneurs and affects of stigma personalities are inherent in particular power. 250 When they affect their interests, they can remember the offense for a long time. Most often, they are very ambitious, demand from all the surrounding execution "debt". In parish life, such a person stands out by obsessive sticks to everyone and all with the desire to remake and correct them, to achieve justice. They will not have disassembled persons and circumstances, fighting "for the truth", to defend unfairly, in their opinion, offended.

In the church they own a decisive role in the struggle with all sorts of peripherals (ie, insignificant.) Phenomena of in-crip life. They are able to negotiate their victim from the community. Or, to see any case, for example, the organization of the Orthodox Library, can easily turn things into the tragedy, overradiating with everyone.

If they lack intelligence, they can become a "volitional center" of any sect headed by a schizoid personality, 251 or the "right hand" of the journey. It is paralyonial personalities that most often come to mind ultralow ideas like the fight against the domain of liquidasons in Russia or more compromised - the war with old women sowing on the closer "not by the Charter".

As you can see, these are typical volitional extroverts - their irrepressible energy is directed outside. Their main disadvantage is inability to look into their heart, unwillingness in all difficult and conflict situations in which they fall, take at least part of the guilt on themselves. They are firmly convinced that they were not like love, honor, attention, underestimated. And all that they do not have, they want to take from the outside, by force, instead of bringing up the skill of the adoption of the surrounding world in her heart. They are committed to the approval that "The kingdom of heaven is taken by"(Matt. 11, 12), but they are used incorrectly. (And of course, the words of the Savior are not remembered: "The kingdom of God inside you have"(Luke 17, 21)).

All their turbulent activities, of course, does not cause delight among others, their sternly "humble" or tactfully hesitate. However, with their degree sensitivity to insults, it is almost the same thing.

In this regard, they are convinced that they are poorly related to them, and it is precisely because of their belover.

- Ii say everything in my eyes, I don't chat like some, - with fervor proves to us a "battle with shadow" activist.

And what is it everything?What is his value? - We specify.

We are talking about our salvation! - The answer follows.

Yes, this is such a trump that there is nothing to cover, and we are silent. Due to the fact that it is difficult for them to communicate with people, as well as because of frequent ridicule over their inflexibility, suspicion is quickly formed in them. It is based on the overall lack of confidence in people. 252.

In all sources describing stinging personalities, a typical image of the jealous husband is specified. But in the practice of parish life, it may look like jealousy to the old man, the spiritual father, due to the fact that he "changes" to our jealousness with other parishioners. "What does he profess it for so long? And with this, how carefully talked! And I didn't look at me today!" Because of the inclination for affects, their mood fluctuates between intense disappointment and hope.

Such a person can poison the life of a whole arrival, the priest's argument is almost before heart attack.

On this occasion, one active fever is remembered, all possible means fought for a place next to the father. In jealousy, emotions reaches a special heat, and they develop immediately on both poles: love and hatred. 253 That's why our heroine crossed the shepherd with denunciations, intrigues, slander, putting it into difficult situations, if only he paid her a little attention. (Actually, such a kind of love is too reminded by the process of absorption and digestion of food (Wed. Reflections on the love of the Hero of Lewis "Letters of Balamut")).

Jealousy is not the only ultra-odd formation characteristic of paranoid type.

We ourselves had to closely communicate with several stunning personalities, including with one "deeply truthful", according to its own definition, special. Its paranoid mood poured into the brutal struggle for the "truth" with the administration of the institution in which she worked. She mescause countless complaints, enjoying them in writing and scattered at the highest and "competent" authorities. As evidence of the guilt of the accused, these volumes of the diploma contained a lot of quotes from the Bible, although secular organizations were sent to purely.

In everyday life, we often meet people of non-promotional, stubborn. Clinging for trifles, they do not want to make concessions, on the rapprochement of points of view, even if everything speaks against them. The last argument will be: "I so want - and that's it!" or "right I have!" In the Orthodox family, a husband with such features will never give way to the dispute, through the word quoting: "The wife and my husband will be crammed!"

Often these people tend to stick on fears. Fear is generally dominant in the minds of our contemporaries feeling.

Orthodox man brings up an open look at all that is happening. We are not able to reflect the phenomena around us and events objectively, as we look at them through the prism of our "I" (about the fact that our perception of the world is deeply personal, and the Marxist-Leninsky reflection theory is incorrect, see, for example, Diacon Andrei Kurayev at his book "Tradition. Dogmat. Rite".).

A stuck identity puts among themselves and the world's prism of his fears, and looks through it suspiciously and eaten. The Orthodox man should perceive the world through a prayer (repeated, thankful, spier, sloorny). "Life and prayer- one "- asserts Miter. Anthony (Bloom). 254 In fact, the jam personality worries not so much the fact itself, say, ridicule (as in the syndrome of dysmortophobia), how much uncertainty about the intense expectation: "If the two old women at the entrance really launder over my nose with a wart, then I can cope with it. I am angry with contempt, I will come up with such a revenge (and let it happen only in my head) that they will forever go away to mock me! But I am gnawing unknown: what are they shook at the moment? And it is especially disturbing me. "

In the book PRP. John Cassiana "On Pride" was drawn by a portrait of a man in which the said passion prevailed, as a result, judging by the description, he came into a paranoid state. When such a person is spoken by something about spiritual life, he, "Busy by his suspicions, catches, adapts not to what it would be necessary to take care of his deception, but the reasons for some reason, for some reason or other, or with the secret embarrassment of the heart, comes up, which can be objected to them." 255.Moreover, this listener "Suspect that everything is said against him."And because of this, it feels like, falls into anger, looking for ignition. It was the indomitable pride that pushes paranoid personalities to the forefront of life, including parish. It is pride forcing them to lead the protracted wars with the "objectionable", hiding behind the banner of the truth, or to make teachers for many (Wed 1 Tim. 1, 7; Iac. 3, 1).

Finding into difficult circumstances, we can all feel fear, uncertainty, confusion. Prayer harmonizes our relationship with the world, watering calm in the soul; Without it, spiritual growth is impossible. Fresh personality has a special attitude to prayer. Exteroid (vanity!) More interested in the question: what do I look on prayer from the side? The jam type considers numerous (ritual) repetition of the prayer with a protective mechanism from their fears. "Here's read 12 times" Our Father ", and I'll go for the exam." Attention is focused on what prayer and how many times read, and not on the sincerity and depth of a heart scream to God. The ritual helps calm down, feel like a solid soil, he plays the role of a rescue circle, as the rigid psyche of the paranoid personality is going to the bottom in any unusual conditions for it. And such a student will be confused, if it does not have time to mumble the number of prayers installed it, because it is afraid of no longer the exam, and surprises during his passing.

To any kind thing, such a person is carefully prepared, thinking on the details, and will definitely fulfill it if everything goes according to plan. But if circumstances suddenly change, he may simply do not take it to rebuild. Ideally, a person must learn to do good almost automatically, only only notice the need of help. Our permanent fluctuations and painful struggle ("do - not do") is nothing but an indicator of the consequences of the original sin and the convenience of our will to sin (see more detail, for example, chapter "Originarian Sin and its consequences" in the Book Metro . Makaria (Bulgakova) "Dogmatic theology.").

On the other hand, a believer always monuists the presence of the fishery of God, leading to salvation, and seeks to coordinate its actions with the will of the Lord. In the case of a staggering person, to make goodness to prevent unforeseen circumstances, it is easy to see hope not to God and the desire to fulfill his will, but on their own strength.

Between the mind of such a person and every event or thing becomes a dense wall of his inflexible will. It can be directed towards good, as it seems to the person himself, but she is straightforward. And, of course, there is not even a hint of listening to "Glasa Chest Think"(3 Tsar. 19, 12), hearing the will of God. As a result, the person comes on his wishes, causing pain around.

SVT. Faoofan Navnik, based on the teachings of the Afonovsky senior, indicates that "When spiritual affairs are subject to us, we immediately contain them and rush to them; Anyone is not like movable by the will of God, or not with myself a goal, to please God, but for the comfort and refuge, which is generated in us when we are looking for and looking for What the god kicked from us is: what is the charm that is hidden and utennaya, the higher in itself and spirituality, what is linful. " 257.

We all tend to confuse their desires with the will of God. However, stinging personalities are much more persistent in achieving the selected purposes and with great difficulty collapse from the outlined, sometimes incorrect path. They do not understand "What should not be content with the one to want to be designed to keep God, but it should still be desired by this, as when, why and for which he has a key"258 Sometimes it is difficult to apply to the circumstances. Therefore, they often experience disappointment and fear (frustration phenomenon) because the world is not as they imagined it. Suppose, prepared to go out to the big stage and something loudly scrub, our hero Suddenly falls into a small room. Flipping into a panic state, he does not have time to rebuild and begins to shout out loudly, as he programmed himself in advance.

Everything that is in man, all his mental qualities must be transformed, obeying "Unified to the Ness"(Luke 10, 42) - achieving salvation. If there is fear in the shower, then it should be fear to insult God. Anger should be righteous and first of all facing himself for violating the commandments.

The identity of the paranoid type in all circumstances is looking for confirmation of its strange suspicions. At the same time, obvious facts are ignored, but they are lifted up "Operating in the case" insignificant details.

In the words of the priest, tested for sermons, such people "Find a hint of ourselves, but, unlike an ordinary person, consider" hint "not as a call for correction, but as the desire of the confessor to cause pain, offense, wound. Trust in the pastry they are constantly threatened". 259 .

"This can also include the" elderly church people, painfully responding to the fact that "their place" in the temple is employed, for unwindiness (often seemingly) abbot or headlights, which is visiting the attempt to "survive"; someone else's bag put on "their place",- a hint that they have long been "it's time to get out of here." They are painful "notice" that they did not appreciate them, their good intentions were not supported, they were not listened, they did not understand ... But the characteristic difference in this category of Pasomes from others, manifesting reactions of resentment, is that the apparent infringement of their dignity causes They are not so much disorder, despondency, sadness, how much anger, anger, the desire of vengeance. As a practical advice in communicating with such as a shepherd and a regular person, you can strongly recommend do not delve deep into the words and reasoning of these patients when communicating with them.Walking to paranoid nonsense is not only meaningless, but also unsafe. "260

Interestingly, with all this, paranoid personalities do not fantasize and do not speculate the situation, but only pervertedly interpretative facts and details. By the way, in the search for details, they do not have equal. Estroid can "compose" a mischief and make everyone worry with him. Schizoid lives life in his invented world, but others may not suspect this Terra Incognita (unknown land (lat.)).

Stitching type is not inclined to fudge and fantasies. It only snatches individual fragments from the general mosaic of the world.

It is known that in the ancient world there were writers who constitute entire works from the rows of Homer's poems, arbitrarily snatching and rearring them. In fact, it is a psychology of sectarianism: to snatch from the Holy Scripture or church teaching, any fragment and accentuate it.

We give a life example.

Elderly woman, the seventh year is diligently attending classes in the spiritual school (while even preparing for the priestly studied one year.), He fell on the lecture on the history of the Russian Church to the new teacher. It immediately became noticeable that she somehow listens unusually carefully, writes literally all that was said, picking up to the trifles and in everything looking for heresy. Once, having heard something very unacceptable for himself, she could not stand and began the conflict with the "opponent", considering himself a wrestler for the purity of Orthodoxy. On this occasion, she wrote a report on the Inspector of the School and made a submission to the "culprnois", including in writing (a tendency to CVRUULANCTIVE! (CVRUULLANCE - here: the desire for written southeticity (characteristic of paranoid personalities).) No facts confirming the non-lawnity of the teacher , I could not find a complainant. Yes, and the leadership, unlike our complainant, for some reason did not consider the existence to the church in Russia and sect.

After the inspector, having understood in the situation, advised the teacher to not pay attention to it, she wrote a new complaint, this time the bishine (jam). It is worth noting that this "student" still stands on guarding the purity of Orthodox teaching in the spiritual school, conflict with many teachers, including those having a sacred san.

There is a typical feature of suspicious thinking - selectivity, focus of attention, accompanied by a significant volitional impulse. Indeed, the light of the spotlight always carries a large charge of directional energy. However, the objective information about what is happening in the impenetrable darkness only with the help of this beam is difficult to obtain: too much depends on what the beam is currently directed. Therefore, paranoid personalities are actually unable to classify and summarize the material, which is capable of obsessive-compulsive type.

One student of the same spiritual school, going to the teaching, immediately "noticed" in the closet among hundreds of various books "heretical", in his opinion, the publication ...

What to say, very unusual attentiveness!

Once in the situation of danger, the harmonious personality easily switches attention from the observation of the common picture to study small details. The data obtained by careful study are freely included in the overall context, forming a holistic picture of the phenomenon with all its features. After leaving a difficult situation, attention switches to other items. Exteroid in similar cases "Defocuses attention." 261.He will try to dissipate, "spread", dissolve in all and all that the blow of fate is not too cruel. The picture of the world is turned out to be blurred, without clear details (this can be compared with drawing watercolor, especially with the help of the "raw" technique.). For paranoid type, elevated activity is characterized, overly focused on selected fragments. Attention. Their model of knowledge of the world can be called a rigid-fragmentary. It sometimes compare with the consciousness of the overworked soldier standing in the post. Due to prolonged volitional overvoltage and uncertainment, it is able to open a shooting by shadows. And if, having come in Orthodoxy, such a person will not go through the deep change of itself, humility and repentance, then supported by the passions of the will will certainly send it to fighting ghosts (and this is already more like a schedule.).

Easy and clarity - indispensable qualities of spiritually mature man. "Where is simply, there angels from a hundred, and where is wise, there is not one",- spoke PRP. Amvrosy Optina. Losing simplicity, sticking personals distort the proportions of the world and at the same time lose the color and aroma inherent in it (if we previously compared the exteroid accentuation with impressionism in painting, then the paranoid vision of the world can be correlated with the art of still life: to portray animal or floral world, it needs to be disrupting or Kill and put on the dish.).

Any sinful passion is able to develop not only in the form of amplification, but also in the form of differentiation. Passion does not exist in the shower itself, there are always many passions, but one or two of them dominate, determining the inner world of man and his behavior. Differentiation - the occurrence of new, atypical accommodation of pathologically passionate reactions to internal and external circumstances. So, a frivolous and cheerful man, belonging to all the empty, is irrigated even over serious problems, one day can fall into the despondency and depression in the face of a difficult spiritual choice.

It is clearly manifested by a consistent deployment of alcoholism stages. The transition from the first to the second stage is characterized by a change in a picture of intoxication. If earlier, "adopting a dose", the man began to joke, fought, told a lot of jokes and himself laughed at them, then he was beginning to dominate the disturbing-dysforic states, angry, cruelty to the pet and even to family members. So fulfills the warning of the Savior about "Seven worst demons"(Matt. 12.43-45; LC. 11, 24-26).

A paranoid person less than other is subject to such differentiation by virtue of the already mentioned reasons: a powerful volitional principle, the extreme rigidity of egoistic affects and a significant severity of pathological traits of the person.

I.Schumuker in the book "Religion and Mental Health" notes that "Faith, giving meaning to existence, reduces existential alarm",and fundamentalism, dogmatism and authoritarianity may pose a threat to understanding absolute values. 262.

The ability to measure your jealousy about the vastness with a concrete situation, the Optina Elders considered art. They spoke: "Art is half of holiness."Seeing someone's errors from excessive "effort", PRP. Macarius Optina said: "Holy, yes inexperienced", "because there is no insistency, with inappropriate jealousy, it can often produce a stupid confusion of no less sin" 263

Glad to welcome you, dear blog readers! I recently found out about such a thing as a jam type of personality. In this question, I helped to figure out Alina Zhuravin. She is a professional psychologist, Gestalt therapist. I will not talk long, let's study together what it is.


From the very name it is not difficult to guess about the main feature of such people, that is, the skill is long to linger on some event or feeling. It is also called affective-stagnant, and all because experiences, excavating in their intensity usually short-term, but not in this case. Thoughts are constantly scrolled in the head, which gives a new wave of feelings.

To be clearer, I will give an example: if a person with another type of character is angry and not to give the opportunity to show this anger, then whatever power it is, the next day it is definitely transformed into irritation or insult, regret, may be sad. But the jams, it is worth only to remember this situation, again feeling the same aggression, as if everything just happened.

Therefore, if you don't even hope to offend such a person, be sure he will definitely revenge, but it will not feel much relief. It will not be able to let go and forgive, so until the end of his days will remember this incident. This type of accentuation really does not like injustice, only in relation to yourself, therefore, if someone suffers from his pride or pride - not to avoid troubles.

It is also called vengeful and touchy

Because it is very vulnerable, despite all the power of the affects. And if objectively consider some kind of situation, any other person will not see the reasons for such reactions, but for an affective person they will be weighty. He is insatiable in terms of promotions, praise, the feeling of saturation in these topics is not experiencing.

More other types are inclined to the emergence of paranoia. Since the constant control of the behavior of other people in relation to itself leads to suspicion, which just over time threatens to grow into psychosis.

The jerful type is also inclined to jealousy, especially in pairs, where another partner allows itself coquetry and flirt. In this case, it will not be confidence in it, and all attempts to prove their loyalty will be useless.

Such people love clarity, so everyone is divided into "white" and "black", "good" and "bad" ... because of such splitting it is difficult for them to adapt to any changes. True, in their opinion, it can only be on one side, although in fact, if you look at the situation, it can be every participant in conflict. It is important to be able to hear the other and find a compromise, and not hard to prove your own.

What to do?

Help can be deep work on yourself, awareness of their difficulties and correction of types of reaction to any stimuli. That is, it is important to learn your fantasies and experience testing with reality, asking for the so-called offender, for what purpose he made some kind of act, and whether he really planned to hurt, damage.

The jam type is such a type of personality accentuation, which is characterized by excessive affect resistance.

In our life, everything is arranged so that heavily emotionally painted feelings will gradually go down. The reason for this: they were given will, they splashed out and discharged. At the stuck personality, the whole process goes differently. The effect of the affect seems to never end: it is worth only mentally back to the situation, and the emotional splash rages again. Although with new experiences or in incentive in stimuli (said affect) is not fueled and is not reinforced.

In principle, there are no features: personal resentments are most painfully perceived. But, as a feature, you can call egoistic affects. Real moral damage may be meager in this case.

From the side of the colleague or the environment will not even replace it. But, a person with such an accentuation will account for the happening of the vulnerament of his advantages and feelings of pride. And this will remember him for a long time. Therefore, people with a fascinating type of character accentuation can be considered to be ears and vengeful.

Also, they are often characterized as extremely touchy and, in connection with this, they may have problems communicating.

You can recall a vivid example when the lecturer did a report about the life of the famous poet on the literary evening. Naturally, new interesting facts and data about the personal life of the specified poet have opened. And some people, without restraining, slowly shared their impression of the newly heard. Literally after the fourth case of such a "distraction" from the hearing of his report, the lecturer abruptly slammed the book and said that "if his rich knowledge is not interesting to anyone, he is not going to lose his time."

Most of those present were simply amazed by such a reaction. A woman who led this evening and knew about his features, hardly stopped him and persuaded to complete the report.

The next time this lecturer was met by chance after a couple of weeks, completely at another meeting, and when he was asked about his affairs, the first thing he began to tell - "the most awful case of disrespect for him and a great poet, which he had the honor of report. And this was said to a young man who (from the point of view of physiology) was in the most active and working age. Note that additionally the topic of this lecture was not affected. Just such was a purely affective response to a sense of vulnerable pride.

Too good - also not good.

Alas, but the fucking features affect even if successful. The main and leading point is ambition. Therefore, when everything is obtained and consistent as it is impossible, feelings of arrogance and self-confidence can manifest. Incentives and gratitude to such people are always little or they are "not so" expressed.

I suspect you all!

Since ambition always makes a person move to the cherished goal of success, other personalities can be interference. And not always because open enemies.

Colleagues who claim the same place or also at the increase to a salaries and at the same time smile and stretch his hand in his greeting caused his misunderstanding. And thus develops another dominant feature - excessive suspicion.

In the case of a strip of failure or if we are still dealing with a paranoid type, suspicion can wear a simple shape.

In war, all means are good

Also, such a type of personality is characterized by stubbornness and such a concept as "I am always right." It has a very low suggestibility from the side, and if he can listen to someone, so it is clearly recognized as his head, from which financially dependent. However, often disagree even with him. But despite this, he is able to achieve a grandiose success.

First, it really has enviable persistence and health. Secondly, it is really demanding and ready to make maximum efforts to self-improvement. Thirdly, he is also ready to "tear three skins" from others, even colleagues that do not officially obey him. This often likes the employer.

Love and friendship

Facing the type of personality is hard to please, so he has an extremely limited close circle. And the slightest "spark", which you will not even notice, but which will forever strike out from this close circle. In principle, such a person is quite conflict. But, these conflicts are perceived by him as soon as the protection option. True, others are not always perceived by this, as the response is clearly not corresponding to the disadvantage or damage.

In the case of family relations, the most frequent phrase of such a person will be "wrong." Those we looked, did not do it, did not say that they did not file or did not file. In addition, due to the fact that it is easily vulnerable and injured, such an identity can be extremely jealous. And the jealousy does not go from the actual actions of the partner, but from the perception of them actions or even some "echoes" and "prerequisites".

Simply, as we already know, there is a progressive pride, with whom such a person has a problem. And not the real acts of the partner. Therefore, it's not easy to convince partner in your innocence. The stronger it is justified, the stronger is suspected. By the way, jealousy may occur not only at the level of personal relationships. Such a type of personality can be jealous of work on which, in his opinion, a partner is more interesting than with him. Or to success.

Although it is impossible to withdraw only one universal picture of his behavior. If, as we mentioned earlier, a person will be successful, it can be more tolerant to loved ones. In addition, his knowledge luggage cannot leave indifferent many people.

In the event that such a person remains not assessed and cannot be realized at all, it is capable of climbing for hours to complain, pollarping one and the same problem day after day, expressing not flattering reviews about others.

What to do with it?

How to get out of the stack of jams? If you are interested in this question, then this topic is not exactly about you! Sometimes you can meet on the reception of customers who themselves put such, or the diagnosis, or the label. At the same time, their story begins with a truly strong emotional shock, from which they cannot recover already (!) Two weeks. Therefore, I have a hurry to reassure such customers: your problems are really complex and should be solved on the reception at the psychologist. But, this is completely different and the stuck type is not related.

By the way, if your husband threw you with debts and two children, safely moved to young mistress. And you, having met him in a year, ready to beat him - Even it is not a jam! Because hungry children every day and payout every month are additional affective additives, and, as we remember from the text, the affect of the affect is kept without them.

What can people complain that people who really have such an accentuation? Of course, on misunderstanding and cruelty of the world. Psychological work in this case is possible. But she will be long and difficult.

First, the psychologist stands on the one hand not to fall out from the circle of confidence, on the other - not to turn into the ear to complaints, thirdly - to maintain a distance in order not to be drawn into the nearest circle. In this case, such a person can simply start replacing in his presentation a professional ability to listen and take his position, personal interest. After all, he constantly wants to find a person who understands and appreciating him.

Of course, the degree of severity of accentuation may be different. And, as we have already noted, such personals themselves may want to reduce their emotional reactions that they are depleted. Therefore, you can grae a little to teach a person that the whole world was not going to insult him. Thus, it will learn more adequate reaction.

But, if this accentuation dominates and pronounced, then the person will most likely be long staying in the therapy and will search for his place in life with its installations and disadvantages.

Although we all possess some disadvantages. Therefore, of course, I would not like to expose personalities with such an accentuation very much straight and negative. All of them are different and many of them can become expensive to our heart, simply with their peculiarity of perception.

Pathology - the lot of psychiatrists. Finding in the "Healthy" zone, awareness that you have only an accentuation of character, and not something more severe, always in itself is support. Nevertheless, there are problems in all, and the accentunts are also more often in their character.

There are 10 types of accentuation. Today I want to talk about the jam type.

The jam type is inclined to long-term experiences. He, if you conduct analogies with food, long and carefully chews everything that the life presents him. Feelings, like pleasant and not pleasant, leave a long trail in his psyche.

The stitching is incredulously. It is difficult for him to switch. There is no flexibility, but there is a huge ability to resist. In general, the situation of uncertainty is the strongest stress factor for the jam. This is the violation of plans. As a rule, relations are not included in the list of values \u200b\u200bof the jam, in general, with his relationships and people. The jams are supersaturated, which he stubbornly defends. This type for which it is more important to be right than is in good relationships.

The jams there are pronounced paranoid features. He can suspect others to be touchy and eloquent.

Hardy, efficient. Ambitious. Highly productive.

Typical chainsing problems can be:

Warm connections and confidence setting. Because of the problems with trust, the jam is hard to relax, it must control everything. And if this is complemented by a tendency to frightening fantasies, the world around can be perceived as too dangerous and too hostile.

Loneliness. Because not everyone will endure this level of control.

The inability to recognize stress, because the jams seek to do more than to feel and understand. When there is a lot of emotional stress, but it is not recognized, psychosomatic problems may begin: hypertension, headaches, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, problems in the intimate sphere.

Lack of mutual understanding with children, especially with small. The interaction of a stitching parent and child from two to five years, for example, fraught with moral injuries for both. The truth is stunned, and it will hardly explain to the child what and how it is right and what it should be arranged. The child in the crisis of three it is important to assert themselves, feel your right to any protest and any nonsense. In addition, there are things not about correctness and efficiency, but about heat and adoption, and here the jam may not be the necessary skills at all.

If you live with a jam:

Be predictable. Jump it. It is very difficult for him to cope with uncertainty.

Learn to defend your borders. Teach them stuck not to cross them. Otherwise, you will walk on String the remainder of life.

Have enough sources of self-support, because the jam may not be warm enough. But he / and may be an excellent specialist, family man, friend.

If you are stuck.

The jaming likely can get into psychosomatic reasons therapy, and then not himself, but towards the doctor. The reasons for this are in general distrust to everything that is associated with internal life and psychology. It is hard to talk about his life, it seems to exist only in activities, on the surface of his personality, not particularly peering into depth. Possible depression, anxiety disorders, as an option - a compulsively obsessive disorder.

As information, the confluence for the jam can be offered an exercise for a metaphorical image. It is very simple. Drop around and tell me what you are most similar in this interior. What your qualities are reflected in this choice. Do you like a lot of damn items? How comfortable to talk about yourself and your personal features? Is there something that you want to change in yourself?

How satisfied with your life and relationships?

What place in your life is the rest, relaxation, creativity?

What do you think about part of the person called "Inner Child"? What is he in your case?

Stirring or paranoid type of personality accentuation

One of the peculiarities of a paranoic, or stigma, type of personality accentuation is the pathological resistance of the affect, that is, spiritual excitement or passion, and if they reach a lot of power, then they take out the personality of the paranoid completely, and in this background, supersensable ideas are formed. Ultra-supersonal in the sense that such an idea for paranoid becomes the only idea that all others obeys, and this idea is entirely mastered by his feelings, thoughts, behavior.

Deep affects can be called different reasons. But mostly at the jam personality, they are caused by thoughts about the vulnerable, leaning proud, although in similar situations, normal personality would not pay attention to such minor facts.

Paranoik refers to the category of people of coarse and vengeal. Even fine resentment and small injections in their address he perceives very painfully and remembers for a long time. Anyone who is dealing with paranoid and incoming not as one wants, can become his personal enemy. In each little thing, paranoid finds the facts that exaggerate to huge sizes, and in each act can see insult to your address. In addition, it is sensitive, touching and easily vulnerable.

Self-confidence staggering personality easily goes to self-addiction. In their behavior, such people are arrogant. If the paranoid enters into combating someone, then often in this struggle it becomes the winner, because it is characterized by the ability to long-term volitional tension.

He is stubborn, persistent and consistent in his struggle. If he made a decision, then it will not stop in order to bring the case to the end. He is very cruel, does not pay attention to either midges of the rival himself, his relatives, nor even at the threat of higher and stronger people, because he is convinced of her rightness, and nothing can convince.

He does not listen and does not ask anyone's councils. In his struggle, he exists a lot of trembleness and great resourcefulness, attracts to his side by any means of mass of supporters, convincing them in justice and unconscious struggles, so often comes out the winner of the most hopeless situations due to perseverance, cunning, perseverance and even pettyness.

The next distinctive feature of a paranoid type man is suspicious. If the suspicion of normal people relates to a specific personality (for example, the revision to his wife) or the fact of reality, then the paranoid she is increasingly having an inclusive nature that arose from allegedly an unjust attitude towards him, and causes distrust to an increasingly wide range of relations in which acts paranoid.

In the daily life of people with a jam accentuation, you can often distinguish with the manifestations of jealousy. As you know, the sphere of love relationships is the most emotional, race and intimate. It is in this area that the fascinating person is most often manifested, which suffers with a jealous thought "true or wrong?", Which hesitates from the most joyful - "she is true only to me" - to the most gloomy: "She is a whore." All these oscillations are enhanced by ignorance, after all, love adventures are held in secret, and to judge that there was a betrayal or not, it is very difficult.

Another scope of manifestation of such personalities is litigation, when the emotional tension increases, it will fall, causing a feeling of victory, then defeats. But even in case of loss, when the facts are obvious, stuck out, to prove that everything is adjusted against them. And they restrain themselves, considering themselves right.

In such situations, ParanoIC manifests itself as a person who does not suffer from objections, non-political and stubborn. So, K. Leongard notes such a characteristic feature of a similar person as a solid fee. Of course, in order to achieve success, sticking personality must have such a feature as ambition. This feature is especially often manifested in young years and plays a clearly positive role. Such personalities in the youth achieve outstanding results.

Very close to group of paranoid personalities. Fanatics group. If you give a brief definition of this group, then we can say that these are people "one idea and one passion." Usually they devote all their lives to serving one case, one idea, not leaving the place of personal life or some other interests. In the process of serving this case, they do not feel pity, go to the end, consistently and persistently, without stopping in front of human grief and suffering.

Often rootless and cruelty are features leading to the goal. But the main feature of fanatics is an uncomplicable, iron will, which allows them to devote all his life to their idea and exercise it without fear and reproach. They cannot be convicted with evidence, no facts, no experience, nor pity, and resistance and persecution only temper them and convince in their right.

This makes them dangerous to society. It can be said that any leaders of pseudo-religious flows and sects, as well as leaders-revolutionaries, may well be patients of psychiatrists. Here it is appropriate to remember the case from the practice of the great Russian psychiatrist Bekhtereva. When he was asked who he looked at yesterday, he replied: "Sukhruk patient with classic paranoia." It was I.V. Stalin.

Many cases of religious fanaticism can be recalled, which ended with tragically collective self-discharges, suicides, self-absorption and otherramey.

So, summing up, it can be noted that the following features are seized:

1) At the first stages of acquaintances - a sense of duty, confidence, demand, principle, fearlessness, liberty, businesslikeness, ideological, perseverance, self-sacrifice;

2) leading to disadaptation, conflicts with a longer acquaintance - maliciousness, vitality, sample, suspicion, self-confidence, arrogance, dreaminess, and sometimes cruelty and heartlessness.

Types of character accentuation

Types of character accentuation are multiple types of characters in which individual traits moved into a pathological state. Some accentuated character features are often compensated for, but in problematic or critical situations, there may be violations of adequate behavior in the accentuated personality. Character accentuation (this term originates of its origin from Lat. (Accentus), which means - underscore) - are expressed in the form of "weak places" in the person's psyche and are characterized by selective vulnerability in relation to some impacts with increased stability to other influences.

The concept of "accentuation" for all the time of its existence was presented in the development of several typologies. The first of them was developed by Karl Leongard in 1968. The following classification has gained wider fame in 1977, which was developed by Andrei Evgenievich Persoido, based on the classification of psychopathies P. B. Gannushkin, made back in 1933.

Types of character accentuation can directly manifest themselves and are able to be hidden and disclosed only in emergency situations when the behavior of the individual becomes the most natural.

The identity of any type of character accentuation is more sensitive and pillars with the effects of the medium and, therefore, have a great tendency to violations of the psyche than other individuals. If any problemary, the alarming situation becomes too heavy to experience it with an accentuated person, the behavior of such an individual immediately changes dramatically and in the character dominated accentuated features.

The theory of accentuation of the character of Leongard received due attention because he proved its utility. Only the specificity of this theory and an attached questionnaire to establish a type of character accentuation was that they were limited to the age of the subjects. The questionnaire was calculated only on the character of adults. That is, children or even adolescents are not able to answer a number of questions, because they do not have the necessary life experience and have not been back in such situations to answer the questions posed. Consequently, this questionnaire could not truthfully determine the characteristic accentuation of character.

Understanding the need to determine the type of character accentuation in adolescents, the psychiatrist Andrei Persuko took up this. Persoid modified the questionnaire Leongard. He rewrote descriptions to the types of character accentuation, changed some types of types and introduced new ones.

A description of the types of personation accentuation personally expanded, guided by information on the expression of accentuation in children and adolescents and changes in manifestations as the personality and its adults are established. Thus, he created a questionnaire to the types of adolescent character accentuations.

A. Persuko argued that more appropriate would be to study the types of adolescent character accentuations, based on the fact that most accentuations are formed and manifests itself in this age period.

To better understand the types of accentuation of character examples, you need to bring from familiar episodes and persons. Most people know the most popular cartoon characters or characters from fairy tales, they are specifically depicted too emotional, active or vice versa passive. But the essence is that it is this expression of extreme options for character standards and attracts to yourself, such a person is interested in, someone penetrates her sympathy, and someone is just waiting for that it happens next. In life, you can meet exactly the same "heroes", only in other circumstances.

Types of character accentuation Examples. Alice from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" is a representative of a cycloid type of character accentuation, it has been observed with high and low activity, mood swings; Carlson is a vivid example of a demonstrative type of character accentuation, he likes to boast, has a high self-esteem, it is characterized by the lack of behavior and the desire to be the center of attention.

The fascinating type of character accentuation is characterized for super heroes that are in a state of constant struggle.

The hypertension type of character accentuation is observed at Masha (cartoon "Masha and the Bear"), it is immediate, active, undisciplined and noisy.

Types of accentuation of character in Leongard

Karl Leongard was the founder of the term "accentuation" in psychology. His theory of accentuated personalities was based on ideas about the presence of the main, expressive and additional features of the person. The main features, as usual, much less, but they are very expressive and represent the entire person. They are a rod personality and are determining in its development of adaptation and mental health. A very strong expression of the main features of the person is fought off on an integer personality, and with problematic or adverse circumstances, they can become a destructive factor for the personality.

K. Leongard believed that accentuated personal character traits should first be observed when communicating with other people.

Personality accentuation is determined by the style of communication. Leongard created a concept in which the basic types of character accentuations described. It is important to remember that the characteristic of the characteristics of the character in Leongard describes only the types of adult behavior. Karl Leongard described twelve types of accentuation. All of them for their origin have different localization.

The following types were attributed to temperament, as a natural formation: hypertension, affective-labile, distortic, affective-exalted, alarming, emotional.

As a socially due to education, the following types are given to the character: a demonstrative, jam, pedantic, excitable.

The types of personal level were allocated as follows: extracerted, introverted.

The concepts of introversion and extroversion used by Leongard are closest to the ideas of Jung.

The demonstrative type of character accentuation has the following defining features: demonstration and artistry behavior, energy, mobility, feeling of feelings and emotions, the ability to quickly establish contacts in communication. Man is inclined to fantasy, pretending and poster. He is able to quickly displace unpleasant memories, it can be very easy to forget that he bothers or what he does not want to remember. Able to lie, looking straight in the eye and making an innocent face. Very often they believe, as such a person himself believes in what he says, and to make others believe it for him two minutes. He does not realize his lie and can deceive without remorse. It often lies to add the importance of his person to embellish some sides of their personality. He craves attention, even if he is talking bad about him, it pleases him, because they are talking about him. The demonstrative personality is very easily adapted to people and is prone to intrigue. Often people do not believe that they deceived such a person, because he is very skillfully, hides his true intentions.

The pedantic type of character accentuation is inertia and the rigidity of the processes of the psyche. Pedantic personalities are hard and long experienced by the injury to their psyche events. They rarely can be seen in conflict, but any violation of the order does not pass by their attention. Personality with a pedantic accentuation is always punctual, neat, clean and scrupulous, similar qualities they appreciate others. The pedantic man is sufficient, believes that it is better to spend more time at work, but to make it high quality and neatly. Pedantic person is guided by the rule "Seven times will die - once again." This type is inclined to formalism and doubts in the correctness of any task.

A fascinating type of character accentuation, which is also called affective-stagnation, has a tendency to delay affects. He "stuck" on the feelings embraced his feelings, thoughts, because of this he is too touching, even malicious. The owner of these characteristics is inclined to delay conflicts. In his behavior relative to others, very suspicious and malpamyen. In achieving personal goals, he is very persistent.

The excitable type of character accentuation is expressed in weak control, insufficient manageability of their own impulse and motivation. The excitable personalities are distinguished by increased impulsivity and the slowness of mental processes. This type is observed angry, intolerance and a tendency to conflict. Such individuals are very difficult to make contact with other people. People of this warehouse do not think about the future, they live in one real day, they are not at all studying and any work is very hard. Increased impulsivity can often lead to poor consequences, both for the most excited person and surrounding him. The identity of an excitable warehouse chooses his circle of communication very carefully, surrounding itself with the weakness so that they lead them.

The hyperthymic type of character accentuation differs from other increased activity, raised mood, severe gesticulation and facial expressions, high society with a constant desire to deviate from the conversation. The hypertension is very moving, prone to leadership, sociable, there is a lot everywhere. This is a feast man, in which company it would be hit, everywhere will make a lot of noise and will be in the spotlight. Hypertension people very rarely sick, they have a high life tone, healthy sleep and good appetite. They are inherent high self-esteem, sometimes they are overly fastenly relate to their duties, any framework or monotonous activities are very hardly transferred.

The distilie type of character accentuation is distinguished by seriousness, slowness, depression and weakness of volitional processes. Such individuals are characterized by pessimistic views on the future, low self-esteem. The contact is not bad, there are few people. The view of them is largely sullen, inhibited. Distimic personalities have an exacerbate sense of justice and very conscientious.

The affective-labile type of character accentuation is observed in people with a permanent change of hyperthymic and distortic types of accentuation, sometimes it happens unprecedented.

The exalted type of character accentuation is characterized by a high intensity of the rate of rapid reaction, their intensity. All reactions are accompanied by a rapid expression. If the exalted person shook the joyful news, he will come to an incredible delight, if the sad news, he will fall into despair. Such people have an increased tendency to altruism. They are very attached to loved ones, appreciate their friends. Always rejoice, if their loved ones are accompanied by luck. Prone to empathy. May come to an unimaginable delight from contemplating art creatures, nature.

Anxious type of character accentuation is manifested in low mood, fearlessness, self-satisfaction. Such personalities are difficult to come to contact, very oppressive. They pronounced a sense of debt, responsibility, they set up high moral and ethical requirements. Their behavior is timid, can not stand up for themselves, submissive and easily accept someone else's opinion.

The emotional type of character accentuation is highly sensitive, deep and strong experiences of emotions. This type is similar to the exalted, but its manifestations are not so stormy. This type is characterized by high emotionality, a tendency to empathy, responsiveness, impressiveness and gembrope. Such personalities rarely come into conflicts, all resentment is kept inside. Have an exacerbated sense of debt.

Extraverted type of accentuation of the character of peculiar to people with a focus on everything that occurs outside and all reactions are also aimed at external stimuli. For extracerted personalities, the impulsivity of actions is characterized, the search for new sensations, high sociability. They are very susceptible to someone else's influence, and their own judgments do not have the necessary resistance.

The introverted type of character accentuation is expressed in the fact that a person lives to more ideas than sensations or perceptions. External events do not particularly affect the introverted, but it can think a lot about these events. Such a person is in a fictional world with naughntazed ideas. Such personalities put forward a lot of ideas about the theme of religion, politics, philosophy problems. They are poorly, trying to keep the distance, communicate only if necessary, love calm and loneliness. He does not like to tell about themselves, all experiences and feelings are kept with them. Sad and indecisive.

Types of character accentuation

Characteristics of the types of character accentuation in person opens the types of teenage behavior.

Accentuations, expressed in adolescence, form a character and can later change slightly, but still the brightest features of a certain type of accentuation remain in personality for life.

The hypertension type of character accentuation is expressed in the high sociability of the person, its mobility, independence, a positive mood, which can change dramatically anger or anger if a person becomes unhappy behavior of others, or his behavior. In stressful situations, such personalities can still retain cheerfulness and optimism. Often such people have dating, because of which they fall into bad companies, which in their case can lead to asocial behavior.

The cycloid type of character accentuation is characterized by a cyclical of mood. The hypertension phase alternates with depressive. In the stay of the hypertension of the phase, a person does not tolerate monotony and monotony, painstaking work. He makes new ineffable dating. A depressive phase comes to replace this, apathy appears, irritability, the susceptibility is exacerbated. Under the influence of such depressive sensations, a person may be under the threat of suicide.

The labile type of character accentuation is manifested in the rapid changeability of mood and the entire emotional state. Even when there are no explicit reasons for great joy or severe sadness, a person switches between these strong emotions, changing all its state. Such experiences are very deep, a person may lose performance.

Asthenonevrotic type of character accentuation is expressed in the tendency of the personality to the hypochondria. Such a person is often irritable, constantly complains of his condition, quickly tires. Irritation can be so strong that they can shout for no reason, and then repent of it. Their self-esteem depends on the mood and influx of hypochondria. If the well-being is good - then the person feels more confident.

Sensitive type of character accentuation is expressed in high anxiety, gravity, closetness. Sensitive personalities are hard to establish new contacts, but with those people who know well they behave fun and ease. Often because of their experiences feeling inferiority, they have hypercompension. For example, if a person was previously too shy, he matured, he begins to behave too liberated.

The psychostenical type of character accentuation is manifested in the tendency of a person to obsessive states, in childhood they are subject to various fears and phobiam. Characterized by anxious diminity arising against the background of uncertainty and insecurity in their future. Affected to self-analysis. They all the time accompany some rituals, the same type of obsessive movements, thanks to this they feel much calmer.

The schizoid type of character accentuation is manifested in contradictory of feelings, thoughts and emotions. Schizoid is combined: closedness and talkativeness, coldness and sensitivity, inactivity and dedication, antipathy and affection and so on. The brightest features of this type are a low need for communication and avoiding others. Not the ability to empathy and the manifestation of attention is perceived as the coldness of a person. Such people will rapidly share something intimate with a stranger than with a close man.

The epileptoid type of character accentuation is manifested in a dysphoria - an angry-angry state. In such a state, the aggression, irritability and evil of a person accumulates and after some time splashes outwards with long flashes of anger. The epileptoid type of accentuation is characteristic of inertia in various aspects of vital activity - emotional sphere, movements, life values \u200b\u200band rules. Often such people are very jealous, to the greater their jealousy is unfounded. Try to live today's real day and what they have, do not like to build plans, fantasize or dream. Social adaptation is given by the epileptoid type of personality very hard.

The exteroid type of character accentuation is characterized by increased egocentrism, thirst for love, universal recognition and attention. Their behavior is demonstrative and talked, in order to get attention. It will be better for them if they will hate or negatively treat them than if they were indifferent or neutral. They approve any activity to your side. For exteroidal personalities, the most terrible is the ability to be unnoticed. Another important feature of this type of accentuation is the suggestibility aimed at underscounted by the advantages or admiration.

An unstable type of character accentuation is manifested in the impossibility of observing social and acceptable forms of behavior. Since childhood, they have reluctance to learn, they are hard to concentrate on the teaching, perform tasks or obey the elders. Becoming older, unstable personality begins to experience difficulties in establishing relations, difficulties in romantic relations are especially noted. It is difficult for them to establish deep emotional connections. They live hereby, one day without plans for the future and any desires or aspirations.

The conformal type of character accentuation is expressed in the desire to mix with others, do not differ. They easily, not thinking, accept someone else's point of view, are guided by common goals, adjust their desires for the desire of others, without thinking about personal needs. Very quickly tied to a close surrounding and try not to differ from others if there are general hobbies, interests or ideas, they also pick them up immediately. In his professional life, they are damnitative, try to do their work without showing activity.

In addition to the described types of accentuation of the character, personally additionally allocates mixed accentuation, since the accentuation in pure form is observed not so often. Separate accentuations that the most expressive are connected to each other, while others cannot be simultaneously characterized by one person.

Stuffing personality

Suspiciousness, incredulusity, syradiability. Perseverance, stubbornness, vanity, desire for leadership. The transition from lifting to despair, the duration of the same emotions.

Stuffing personality

A brief description of. Persistent, stubborn, opposed changes, it is difficult to switch to another situation in the process of activity. Interests are constant and unilateral. He has increased self and selflessness, dissatisfied with insufficient recognition of Ero merit. She strives to be the leader, surpass others. Advanced to injustice valid and imaginary. Incredulous. The same emotions are worried for a long time.

The basis of the jam, paranoid, type of personality accentuation is the pathological resistance of the affect.

Feelings capable of causing strong reactions usually go down after the reactions "give will": anger from an angry person goes out if you can punish the one who angry or offended it; Fear of fearful passes, if you eliminate the source of fear. In cases where the adequate reaction did not take place, the affect cement is much slower, but still, if an individual mentally addresses to other topics, then the affect is normal after a while passes. Even if an angry person could not respond to an unpleasant situation, neither the word nor the case, then it is not eliminated that the next day he will not feel strong irritation against the offender; A fearful person who failed to get away from the inspiring situation, still feels herself after a while liberated from fear. At the stuffing person, the picture is different: the effect of the affect is stopped much slower, and it is worth only to return to the thought of what happened, as they immediately come to life and accompanying the stress of emotions. The affect of such a person holds a very long time, although no new experiences are activated.

As mentioned, the pathological aftereffects are fraught primarily with egoistic affects, since they are inherent in particular force. That is why the fascination of the affect is most brightly manifested when the personal interests of the accentuated person affect the personal interests of the accentuated personality. The affect in these cases turns out to be a response to the vulnerable pride, on the lubricated pride, as well as on various forms of suppression, although objectively moral damage may be insignificant. Insulting personal interests, as a rule, is never forgotten by stitching personalities, so they are often characterized as malicious or vengeful people. In addition, they are called sensitive, painfully offended, insecure people. The insults in such cases primarily concern the pride, the spheres of pride, honor.

However, the damage caused by the interests of another plan, for example, the thirst for material benefits, passion to acquirement, is also painful perceived by people who are distinguished by excessive affect resistance. The feeling of perturbation of public injustice at the personality of a jam type is observed in a weaker extent than affects at the level of egoistic motives. And if there are sometimes social fighters for civil justice among representatives of this type, then only to the extent that these people are defended at the same time in relation to themselves; By generalization, they only try to give more weight to their personal claims.

Damage features are affected not only when damage to an accentuated personality, but also in the case of its success. Here we often observe the manifestations of arrogance, arrogance. Ambolism is particularly characteristic, a bright feature in individuals with excessive affect resistance: ambition is accompanied by self-confidence, and incentives for people always happens to such people.

Since interference with egoistic purposefulness comes from the surrounding people, then with a high degree of jams, i.e. The personalities of a paranoid type, such a characteristic feature is observed as suspicious. A person is painful sensitive, constantly suffering from an imaginary "bad relationship" to himself, in the same way loses confidence in people, like a person, whose distrust of which is objectively reasonable. After all, suspicion is quite reasonable, for example, with a jealous of which is really deceived. But while justified suspicion does not go further of this case, the suspicion of a stitching person is increasing, since painful suspicion is generated by non-defined external circumstances, but is rooted in the psyche of the very person. Therefore, suspicion as a property of the psyche can only be said if there is a general mood of distrust that extends to any areas and relationships.

The repetition of several of the same type of cases can serve as an impetus to the beginning of paranoid development, but to explain the last only by the summation of such cases would be incorrect.

If some face constantly feels like a target for insults, let's say, on the part of your boss, then, on the one hand, the hatred of this person will constantly grow, and on the other, the reactions to the systematically acting irritant will appear, i.e. A gradual weakening of the affect will occur. Such a result is usually observed in cases where it is impossible to join the fight against the offender, but there are no paranoid development such situations.

The permanent increase of the affect is caused by the appearance of the long-term alternation and failures described above. Imagine that it is possible to properly reverse the insanity, but this success will be only partial, as soon after him will again be followed by a new feud from the offender. Such a continuous change of satisfaction and new lesions and leads to the occurrence of paranoid affect. Such a development may occur - with the premises described - even in persons who are not distinguished by the jams of affects. Often it is common in everyday life, say, in the "struggle" daughter-in-law with mother-in-law possible development of the reactions of typically paranoid. At the same time, the affect itself is immeasurably stronger than caused his occasion.

The danger is especially great when the affects with a tendency for resistance are involved in the "swaying". In this case, the push in the opposite direction does not give sufficient reduction of the force of the affect.

Affects that reach great strength and discovering the tendency to jam are gradually increasingly absorb the patient's thoughts, which leads to ultra-subject or even delusional, paranoid ideas.

Outside the field of psychiatry of this kind of development of almost delusional order, we observe primarily in connection with jealousy. In the field of erotica, more than in all others, a person constantly fluctuates between hope and fears, which is why the affect is increasing. It is aggravated by the fact that love manifestations are usually held in secret, so to judge whether there is cheating or not, it is difficult. Add to this that flirty women are often specially teased by a partner with a dual behavior so that he is tormented by jealousy, for love is known with jealousy.

With such a change of feelings, suffering from thought about the possible infidelity beloved reaches apogee, but he immediately opposes the exciting sensation of happiness associated with the hope that maybe she is still true. In another work ("Monatschr. F. Kriminologie", 1966, S.92) I described in detail this process, which leads to the "love performed by hatred." Jealousy can cover not only a man, but also a woman. True, the jealousy of women usually does not reach so dangerous finals as in men, since the latter perceive the fact that they are "betrayed", not only erotically. They have much more than women suffer pride.

In addition to the erotic sphere of a person, orders can also "tease parties". They ruthlessly exhaust sutuaga, which as if swinging, then rising to the top, then rapidly falling down. Ultimately, the affect reaches the highest point and is so mastered by thoughts that there is no longer a place for prudence. The whole "way" litigation is littered with strong affects, and the person is constantly in the power of contradictory conclusions: he is in despair, which will lose the process, then full of hope, which will still win. Even if the case does not reach such extremes, a paranoidly configured person can simply resume, considering himself right, although the facts indicate the opposite. In such cases, we are dealing with an individual inconspicuous, not tolerating any objections, stubbornly insisting on their own. The prevailing features of inconsistency are often manifested in people and in everyday life. In the expansive-paranoid development of the disease in the foreground also costs the affect. For a person who set a large goal and which is constantly "tenting" between success and fiasco, the goal itself begins to host magical attractiveness, not tolerant objective critical assessment. In the course of the development of such psychosis, a person, for example, can entail himself with a major inventor, although nothing objectively testifies. Since such rainbow sensations detect a tendency to resistance, for a person is generally willingly immersed in optimistic dreams, the expansive path of development of the accentuation should be expected more often than the percellane (prosecution). However, during the translate of rainbow senses, the activity required to continuously maintain the described drops and takeoffs is sharply reduced, and their shift is the main mechanism of pathological development.

The ideas arising from paranoid development often do not carry a delusional nature, but they should be attributed to the ultra-supersonal (the name is proposed by the Wernik), i.e., fully mastered human thinking. For example, a person to such an extent can be captured by thoughts about its inferiority, which appeared on him on the soil of jealousy, or their idea of \u200b\u200bthe grand achievements that all other interests and goals do not exist. In this behavior, such a characteristic feature is revealed as the solid fee of a paranoid personality.

At the accentuated personalities of the anankastic type, for example, the thoughts about their gravitant ailment or an obsessive idea that something important was missed - in fact, the same utasive ideas, although their psychiatrists are never called them. The similarity of paranoid and greenlandic development is even more striking in cases where fear will potentially potentially. Fear can underlie both anankascular and paranoid development. With oscillations between hope to recover and fear to die in greater or least masters and stigma. As a result, the Picture of Hypochondriac Development proceeds from accentuated personalities and the pedantic, and a jam type is approximately the same, although the latter has much less frequently.

The jam type of personality is interesting because he equally pays for the possibilities of both positive and negative development of character. As you know, a person can only achieve respect and authority if he achieves positive results in something, standing out against the background of others. Therefore, any ambition seeks to achieve high indicators in any form of activity.

Hysteria, however, can do without it, they are often satisfied with themselves without a visible reason. Explanation Simple: By displacing hysterics, it can be subjectively to demonstrate that prestige, which is objective not at all possess.

Paranoral personality, not possessing a leaning to self-sustain, should win the real recognition of other people in order to have reason to be proud of themselves. Thus, ambition can become an important driving force on the way to excellent labor or creative indicators. But ambiguous factor may also be a negative factor, for example, when the ambition of unceremoniously suppresses and pens out his colleague, which sees a competitor. In such cases, the ambition is usually encountered on the public protest, and the output can be double: either it will be formed and will try again to achieve recognition of self-dedication in labor, or the second feature of such a person will win - its suspicion, hostility.

Causes of the occurrence and clinical examples of a demonstrative type of personality

A demonstrative or stitching type of personality is one of the accentuations of the character, which is characterized by egocentrism, thirst for recognition, the desire to be in the center of universal attention. The demonstrative personality is prone to posterity, the commission of actions designed for the work of the external effect. Psychiatry and psychology can consider such brightly pronounced character accentuation as a personality disorder requiring psychotherapeutic correction.

For the first time, the theory of accentuated personalities was proposed by K. Leongard in 1968, subsequently, other scientists and psychologists continued to study this issue, offering new methods of diagnosing accentuations and their detailed characteristics. The methodology for identifying accentuated character traits developed by Leongard includes a number of issues on the answers to which it can be concluded about the type of patient's personality. The revised and augmented test was also proposed by another psychologist A. Pershko. Both questionnaires were widely distributed in modern psychology, and although the names of the identity types in them vary, the general characteristics remained unchanged. Thus, the jam personality on Leongard corresponds to the personality of a paranoid or paranoid type in person, the demonstrative type is equal to the exteroid, pedantic to asthenic, etc.

Main manifestations

Accentuations are an extreme expression of a normal personality, which causes a predisposition to the emergence of various psychosomatic pathologies. Considering the features of the identity of the demonstrative type, it can be noted that there are other accentuations in many ways similar in their manifestations. To summarize them, we can talk about such a concept as an antisocial person, to which in one way or another include:

  • Demonstrative personality. It has a constant desire to be in the spotlight, a tendency to fantasy, eccentricity. Feelings for such people are often superficial, deepen depth, but it does not prevent them from a pretty easy to converge with others. Among individuals with a demonstrative warehouse of the nature, creative personalities are dominated, easily changing their interests and hobbies;
  • Pedantic personality. Here, the main feature is punctuality, imperidity, increased anxiety. Often, such people are characteristic of altruistic manifestations, principle, purposefulness;
  • Stitching personality. For such individuals, focusing on any mono idea, authoritarianism, a tendency to the formation of crazy ideas, have a sufficiently high self-esteem;
  • Excitable type of personality. Such people, perhaps, can more than attribute to antisocial personalities, as they are characterized by sudden outbreaks of aggression, anger, the tendency to unpredictable often inadequate actions that he themselves explain the wrong behavior of others.

The antisocial warehouse of character may be a personality disorder that makes up the so-called "edge" group, approaching psychosis and affective disorders. The antisocil personality, as a separate type of accentuation, is characterized by a tendency to immoral and even criminal actions, rejection of generally accepted norms and rules. Such people literally oppose the public moral morality. The identity of a similar warehouse can be called conflict, as any events and acts of others are perceived by her exclusively in a negative key.

The demonstrative or jam type of personality is interesting in that it is equally present both positive and negative moments. Thus, in favorable conditions, a person is positive, and under the influence of various negative factors - negative. The advantage of such a warehouse of character, undoubtedly, is that the person is trying to surpass others by any ways, and therefore achieves really high results in various spheres of his life.

With the predominance of hysterical traits, the person, on the contrary, may experience extremely complacency without visible to the reasons. The paranoid personality, as a rule, do not have such a self-absorption ability, and therefore they have to seek recognition of the surrounding acts and achievements. However, such ambition often turns into a negative feature. A similar feature has an antisocial personality, which for any public protest responds to aggression and hostility.

Possible reasons

Antisocial personality, as well as other types of personality, usually begins to form at childhood. Scientists managed to find out that a certain role in this process belongs to heredity, as well as methods of upbringing that were adopted in the family. Often too tough, authoritarian education with increased demands for the child contributes to the formation of an excitable, demonstrative or conflict personality. No less detrimental to the child's psyche may tell conflicting upbringing, when the parents themselves cannot find a common language among themselves and adhere to various approaches of education.

The establishment of the reasons resulting in the formation of one or another character accentuation is important for effective correction. Psychotherapeutic impact is not always necessary, but only in cases where certain traits of character are so pronounced that they interfere with the individual to interact in society normally. We should not forget that the predominance of demonstrative or other features can contribute to the development of certain psychopathological conditions.

Clinical examples

In order to consider in more detail how the demonstrative accentuation can lead to the formation of a positive or negative nature, it is possible to consider real examples that occurred in the clinical practice of psychologists and psychotherapists.

So, consider the example of Mr. B., born in the early 20th century in a rich bourgeois family. His mother was distinguished calm, a quiet temper, his father was the owner of a large enterprise and was considered a fair, purposeful person. B. He himself was distinguished by ambiguity peculiar to all demonstrative personalities, very sharply reacted to any criticism or low estimates. He graduated with honors and quickly moved through a career ladder, standing out by his erudition and energeticness. It is worth noting that this person did not simply presented high demands for others, but also served as an example for imitation. Throughout life, and especially after the First World War, B. had to start everything from scratch more than once, but the difficulties just gave him even greater decisiveness, and he did not have the highest posts thanks to the dating, but at the expense of his own achievements.

Thus, to the mature age, the accentuated character B. played him exclusively on his hand, but in the elderly the negative sides were also manifested. At the age of sixty, having lost the authority, he began to show hostility towards higher superiors and younger employees, sharply feel injustice towards himself. Now the features of the fucking demonstrative personality encourage him only to a fruitless confrontation with the bosses and more successful colleagues.

As another example, you can consider the musician, who since childhood did not show much interest in their studies, but was interested in playing the violin. Thanks to his ambition, this man built a brilliant career, although he constantly had a clash with leaders and never agreed to go even for minimal concessions. All this forced a talented musician to constantly change the job. As a result of such emotional overloads at the age of fifty years, he developed professional neurosis. This suggests that ambition in this case, even in the most successful years, it could not always compensate for sensitivity and excitability.

Both examined were not mentally ill, although both had signs of beginning psychopathology.

Diagnostics and correction

Demonstrative, pedantic, excitable or other accentuated personality can be detected using special tests and questionnaires. Treatment is usually carried out using psychotherapeutic techniques that are selected individually. The main purpose of the therapeutic course becomes the patient's training to use its characteristics for the benefit, control their own behavior and emotions. A systematic conversations can be conducted with a patient who form a clear idea that the best and most reliable way to attract attention and recognition of others is socially useful.

It is important to understand that a person with a demonstrative type of character who has not developed a single useful, interesting skill, can turn into an antisocial, exteroidal personality. It is possible to prevent this, identifying such accentuations from children's and adolescent age and conducting appropriate corrective work with predisposed personalities.

Character accentuation

Accentuation of personality character

Accentuations (from Lat. Accentus - Emphasis, underscore) - Extreme options for the norm, in which certain character traits are hypertrophy and manifest themselves in the form of "weaknesses" in the psyche of the individual - selectively vulnerability in relation to some of the effects with good and even increased resistance to other impacts . Separate accentuated character traits are usually enough compensation. However, in difficult situations, a person with an accentuated character may have a violation of behavior. Character accentuation, its "weak points" can be apparent and hidden, manifested in extreme situations. Persons with personal accentuations more pillars with environmental influences are more susceptible to mental injury. And if the unfavorable situation is hitting the "weak point", then all the behavior of such persons is sharply modified - begin to dominate the features of the accentuation (Fig. 95).

Types of accentuated personalities are not defined completely. They are described by K. Leongard and A. E. Pershy. However, these authors give an overly fractional classification of accentuations. We allocate only four types of accentuated personalities: excitable, affective, unstable, disturbing (Table 12).

Fig. 95. Structure of character

Unlike psychopathy, character accentuation does not cause common social dezadaption of the person.

Intensively manifested in adolescence, character accentuation over time can be compensated, and under adverse conditions - to develop and transform to the "edges" of psychopathy.

Types of character accentuations

The main types of character accentuation include:

Sometimes an accentuation borders with various types of psychopathies, therefore, when it is characteristic, psychopathological schemes and terms are used. Psychodiagnostics of types and degree of severity of accentuations are carried out using the "Pato-kharacteriological diagnostic questionnaire" (developed by A. E. Persoid and N. Ya. Ivanov) and the MMPI personal questionnaire (the scales of which include zones of accentuated and pathological manifestations of character).

Character accentuation by A. person

In terms of the level of manifestation of character, the characters are divided into medium (normal), expressed (accentuated) and leaving the framework of the norm (psychopathy).

Central, or core, personality relationships are the attitude of the person to others (collective) and the identity relation to work. The existence of central, rod relations and properties caused by them in the nature structure is important practical importance in human education.

It is impossible to overcome certain disadvantages of character (for example, rudeness and falsehood) and bring up individual positive properties (for example, politeness and truthfulness), ignoring the central, stem ratios of the personality, namely, the attitude towards people. In other words, it is impossible to form only a certain property, it is possible to educate only a whole system of interconnected properties, while paying focus on the formation of central, stem personal relationships, namely, relations to others and work.

The integrity of character, however, is non-absolute. This is due to the fact. What is central, the rod relationship is not always entirely determined by the rest. In addition, the degree of integrity of the nature is individually independent. There are people with a more holistic and less holistic or contradictory character. At the same time, it should be noted that when the quantitative severity of one or another character line reaches the limit values \u200b\u200band turns out to be the boundary of the norm, the gas appears called the character accentuation.

Character accentuation is the extreme options for the norm as a result of the enhancement of individual features. The accentuation of the character with very unfavorable circumstances can lead to pathological violations and changes in the behavior of the person, to psychopathy, but to identify it with the pathology is illegal. The properties of the character are not determined by non-biological patterns (hereditary factors), and public (social factors).

The physiological basis of character is the alloy of the type of type of nervous nervous activity and complex stable systems of temporary ties, developed as a result of individual life experience. In this alloy, temporary ties system play a more important role, since the type of nervous system can form all socially foam qualities of the person. But, firstly, the relationship systems are formed differently from representatives of different types of nervous system and, secondly, these relationship systems appear peculiar depending on the types. For example, the determination of character can be brought up by a strong representative, exciting the type of nervous system, and from a representative of a weak type. But it will be raised and manifest themselves differently depending on the type.

Attempts to build typology of characters have been repeatedly undertaken throughout the history of psychology.

All typologies of human characters proceeded and proceed from a number of general ideas.

The main ones are as follows:

  • the character of a person is formed pretty early in ontogenesis and throughout his rest shows itself as more or less stable;
  • those combinations of personal traits that are included in the character of a person are not random. They form clearly distinguishable types, allowing to identify and build typology of characters.

Most of the people in accordance with this typology can be divided into groups.

One of the curious classifications of character belongs to the well-known domestic scientist A.E. Persian. This classification is built on the basis of observations of adolescents.

The accentuation of character, in person, is an excessive increase in certain character traits (Fig. 6), in which no deviations beyond the norms in the psychology and human behavior are observed, bordering pathology. Such accentuations as temporary states of psyche are most often observed in adolescent and early youth. Explains this factor by the author of the classification so: " Under the action of psychogenic factors addressed to "the place of least resistance can occur temporary violations of adaptation, deviations in behavior." When adulting a child, the characteristics of his character, manifested in childhood, remain quite pronounced, lose their sharpness, but with age they can again appear clearly (especially if the disease arises).

In today's psychology, there are from 10 to 14 types (typologies) of character.

They can be defined as harmonious and disharmonious.

Harmonious types of character are characterized by a sufficient development of the main characteristics of the character without selection, separation, without exaggeration in the development of some other features.

Disharmonious manifest themselves from identifying different character traits and obtained the name accented or accentuated.

In 20-50% of people, some character traits are so poisoned that there is a "skew" of character - as a result, the interaction with people is worse, difficulties and conflicts appear.

The severity of the accentuation can be rachtic: from a light, noticeable immediate surrounding, to extreme options, when it is necessary to think, there are no diseases - psychopathy. Psychopathy is a painful deformity of the nature (while maintaining human intelligence), as a result of which relationships with the surrounding people are dramatically violated. But, in contrast to psychopathy, the character accentuation manifests itself is inconvenient, over the years they can completely smooth down, approach the norm. Character accentuation is most often found in adolescents and young men (50-80%), since it is these periods of life that the most critical for the formation of the nature, manifestation of uniqueness, individuality. The accentuations can then be smoothed or, on the contrary, intensify, dismantle in neurosis or psychopathy.

Fig. 6. Scheme of accentuation of character on E. Filatova and A.E. Testicle

You can consider twelve disharmonious (accentuated) types of character (according to the typology of K. Leongard) and describe their positive and negative qualities that can be reflected in human professional activities - we need it to confirm the foundation of the identity differentiation in the aspect of the characterological properties of a person.

Hyperthymic type

It features almost always a good mood, high life tone, splashing energy, irrepressible activity. She strives for leadership, adventures. It is necessary to relate to its unreasonable optimism and the revaluation of its capabilities. Features, attractive for interlocutors: Energy, thirst for activity, initiative, feeling new, optimism.

For the people around them, it is unacceptable: frivolity, a tendency to immoral actions, a frivolous attitude to the duties entrusted to him, irritability in a circle of loved ones.

The conflict is possible in monotonous work, loneliness, under conditions of tough discipline, constant morals. This leads to the fact that this person has anger. Such a person manifests itself well in the work associated with constant communication. These are organizational activities, the service of life, sports, theater. It is characteristically changing professions and work for him.

Distimical type

The opposite of the first type: Serious. pessimist. Constantly reduced mood, sadness, closedness, laxity. These people are with noisy societies, they don't agree with colleagues. Conflicts are rare, more often are in them the passive side. They highly appreciate those people who are friends with them and tend to obey them.

The surrounding their seriousness, high morality, conscientiousness and justice. But such features like passivity, pessimism, sadness, slowdiness of thinking, "separation from the team," repel those who surround from dating and friendship with them.

Conflicts are observed in situations that require violent activities. On these people, the change of the usual lifestyle has a negative impact. They cope well with work, which does not require a wide range of communication. Under adverse conditions, a tendency towards neurotic depression. This accentuation occurs most often in persons of the melancholic temperament.

Cycloid Type

Character accentuation is manifested in cyclically changing periods of lifting and downtime. During the recovery period, they show themselves as people with a hyperthymic accentuation, during the recession period - with a distiliac. During the recession, exacerbately perceive the trouble. These frequent shifts of the mental state tire of a person, make his behavior unpredictable, contradictory, prone to the change of profession, place of work, interests.

Excitable type

This type of people has an increased irritability, a tendency to aggression, incontinence, disgusting, the focus, but is possible flattering, helpfulness, a tendency to rudeness and obscene branches or silence, slowness in conversation. They are actively and often conflicted, do not avoid quarrels with the bosses, non-advocate in the team, in the family are despotic and cruel. Outside the attacks of anger, these people are conscientious, neat and show love for children.

The surrounding does not like their irritability, hot temper, inadequate flashes of rage and anger with hand-drawing, cruelty, weakened control over the deposit. Physical labor, athletic sports are well affected on these people. They need to develop excerpt, self-control. Due to failure, they often change place of work.

Stuck type

People with such a type of accentuation "stuck" in their feelings, thoughts. They cannot forget the offense and "raise the scores" with their offenders. They have a service and household disadvantage, a tendency to protracted squabbles. In conflict, most often happen to be active and clearly define the day of themselves a circle of friends and enemies. Show authority.

Interlocutors like their desire to achieve high indicators in any case, manifestation of high demands, thirst for justice, principle, strong, sustainable views. But at the same time, these people have features that repel others: suspiciousness, suspicion, vitality, self-addiction, jealousness, ambition.

The conflict is possible with prudence of proud, unfair offense, obstacles to achieving ambitious purposes.

Pedantic Type

These people have pronounced "zealousness" in the form of the experience of details, in service they are able to torture formal requirements, exhaust home excessive accuracy.

For others, they are attractive in good faith, accuracy. seriousness, reliability in affairs and feelings. But such people have a number of repulsive character traits: formalism, "hooks", "fusey", the desire to transfer decision-making on others.

Conflicts are possible in the situation of personal responsibility for an important thing, with the underestimation of their merit. They are prone to obsession, psychstore.

For these people, professions are preferred not related to the "paper work". They are not inclined to change the place of work.

Alarm type

People of this type of accentuation are distinguished by a reduced mood, timidity, fearfulness, insecurity. They are constantly afraid of themselves, their loved ones, have long experienced failure and doubt the correctness of their actions. Conflicts rarely take and play a passive role.

Conflicts are possible in situations of fear, threats, ridicule, unfair accusations.

Surrounding their friendliness, self-criticism and operational. But childhood, constancy serve sometimes target for jokes.

In such people can not be managers, to make responsible solutions, since they are infinite experiences, weighing.

Emotive type

The person of this type of character is excessively sensitive, too, too, and deeply worries the slightest troubles. It is sensitive to comments, failures, so he most often has a sad mood. He prefers a narrow circle of friends and loved ones, who would understand him with a half-clow.

Conflicts rarely enters and plays a passive role in them. Resenting does not splash out, but prefers to keep them in themselves. The surrounding I like his compassion, pity, the expression of joy about other people's luck. It is very executive and has a high sense of duty.

Such a person is usually a good family man. But extreme sensitivity, tears repel from him around him.

Conflicts with a close man, death or illness he perceives tragically. He is contraindicated by injustice, rudeness, stay surrounded by rude people. It reaches the most significant results in the field of art, medicine, education of children, care for animals and plants.

Demonstrative type

This person seeks to be the center of attention and achieves his goals at any cost: tears, fainting, scandals, diseases, boasting, outfits, unusual hobbies, lie. He easily forgets about his non-resident auction. He has high adaptability to people.

This person is attractive to those surrounding perseverance, perseverance, focus, acting, the ability to captivate others, as well as its originality. He has features that people repulse from him, these features contribute to conflict: egoism, the unbridle of actions, deceit, boasting, tendency to intrigue, lean from work. Conflict with such a person occurs when his interests are infringed, the underestimation of merit, overthrowing from the "pedestal." These situations cause him hysterical reactions.

Exalted type

People with such a type of accentuation have a very volatile mood, liftingness, increased distractions for external events. Their emotions are pronounced and find their reflection in love.

These features like altruism, artistic taste, artistic talent, the brightness of feelings and affection for friends, like interlocutors. But excessive impressionability, pattering, panicity, exposure to despair are not their best features. Failures and gradual events are perceived tragically, such people have a tendency to neurotic depression.

Their existence environment is the field of art, artistic sports, professions associated with the proximity of nature.

Introvert type

People of this type of accentuation are characterized by small sociability, closedness. They are located aside from all and come into communicating with other people only but necessary, most often immersed in themselves and their thoughts. They are characterized by an increased vulnerability, but they say nothing to themselves and do not share their experiences. Even their loved ones are cold and restrained. Their behavior and logic often do not understand others.

These people love loneliness and prefer to be in privacy, not in a noisy company. Conflicts are rare, only when trying to invade their inner world.

They are legible in choosing a spouse and are engaged in search of their ideal.

They have strongly expressed emotional coldness and weak attachment to loved ones.

The people around them like restraint, powerfulness, aimedity of actions, the presence of solid beliefs and principle. But the persistent settling of its unrealistic interests, views and the presence of its point of view, sharply different from the opinion of the majority, repel people from them.

Such people are preferable to work that does not require a large circle of communication. They are prone to theoretical sciences, philosophical reflections, collecting, chess, fiction, music.

Conformal type

People of this type have high sociability, wordhatotes to chatty. Usually they do not have its own opinions and do not seek to stand out from the crowd.

These people are not organized and strive to submit to others. In communicating with friends and in the family, leadership is inferior to others. Surrounding in these people like their willingness to listen to the other, the extension. But at the same time, these are people "without a king in the head," are subject to someone else's influence. They do not think about their actions and have a big passion for entertainment. Conflicts are possible in a situation forced loneliness, uncontrolled.

These people have an easy adaptability to a new job and perfectly cope with their official duties when the tasks and rules of behavior are clearly defined.

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