Cortiev body structure and functions. Touch systems

Spiral, or Cortiyev, the organ is located on a basilar plate of the sponachable snail labyrinth. This epithelial education repeats snail. Its area is expanding from the basal curl snail to apical. It consists of two groups of cells - sensephelial (hairs) and supporting. Each of these cell groups is divided into internal and external. These two groups shares the tunnel.

Internal sensing cells ( epithelioCyti Sensoria Internae.) have a bunny form with extended basal and twisted apical parts, lie in one row on supporting internal phalangeal epithelialocytes ( epithelioCyti Phalageae Internae.). Their total number in humans reaches 3500. There is a cuticular plate on the apical surface, on which there are from 30 to 60 short microvones - stereocylcy (the length of them in the basal curl of the snail is about 2 microns, and in the top 2-2.5 times). In the basal and apical parts of the cells there are accumulations of mitochondria, elements of a smooth and granular endoplasmic network, Aktin and myosin myophilaments. The outer surface of the basal half of the cell is covered with a network of afferent and efferent nerve endings.

Outdoor sexepithelial cells ( epithelioCyti Sensoria Externae.) have a cylindrical shape, lie in 3-4 rows on the instruments of supporting external phalangered epitheliocytes ( epithelioCyti Phalageae EXTERNAE.). The total number of external epithelial cells in humans can reach 12,000-20,000. They, like internal cells, have a cuticular plate with stereociles on their apical surface, which form a brush of several rows in the form of the letter V. Stereocal of external hairs cells with their vertices touches To the inner surface of the flower membrane. Stereociles contain numerous tightly packaged fibrils that have in their composition contractile proteins (actin and myozin), so that after tilt, they again take the original vertical position.

The cytoplasm of sensory epithelialocytes is rich in oxidative enzymes. Outdoor sensory epithelialocytes contain large glycogen stock, and their stereociles are rich in enzymes, including acetylcholineserase. The activity of enzymes and other chemical substances In short, sound exposure increases, and with long-term decreases.

Outdoor sensory epithelialocytes are much more sensitive to the sounds of greater intensity than internal. High sounds irritate only hair cells located in the lower curls of the snail, and low sounds - the hairs cells of the vertex of the snail.

During the sound effect on the drumpoint, its oscillations are transmitted to the hammer, anvil and rapidly, and further through the oval window on the perilimf, basilar and tectorical membranes. This movement strictly corresponds to the frequency and intensity of sounds. In this case, the rejection of stereocylcy and excitation of receptor cells occur. All this leads to the emergence of receptor potential (microphone effect). Afferent information on a rumor nerve is transmitted to the central parts of the auditory analyzer.

Supporting spiral organ epithelocytes, in contrast to the sensory, their bases are directly located on the baseal membrane. Tophibrals are detected in their cytoplasm. Domestic phalangeal epithelial cells undergoing internal sensitive cells are connected with dense and aluminum contacts. On the apicial surface there are thin fingerprints (phalanges). These processes of the vertices of receptor cells are separated from each other.

Outdoor phalange cells are also located on the basilar membrane. They occur in 3-4 rows in close proximity to the outer pillars. These cells have a prismatic form. The kernel is located in their basal part, surrounded by bundles of Tonophybrils. In the upper third, in the place of contact with the outer hair cells, in the outer phalangeal epithelialocytes there is a cupid pressure, which includes the base of the outer sensory cells. Only one narrow process of external supporting epitheliocytes reaches its thin vertex - the phalange to the upper surface of the spiral organ.

In the spiral body there are also so-called internal and external pillars epithelocytes ( epithelioCyti Pilaris Intemae et externae). In place of its contact, they converge at an acute angle to each other and form the right triangular canal - the tunnel filled with endolymph. The tunnel stretches on the spiral along the entire spiral body. The bases of the pillar cells are adjacent to each other and are located on the basement membrane. Through the tunnel there are non-ammous nerve fibers, which coming from the neurons of a spiral ganglium to touch cells.

63. Equilibrium body.

The vestibular part of the refigble labyrinth. This is the location of the equilibrium receptor. It consists of two bags - elliptical, or amateur (utriculus) and spherical, or round (sacculus) communicating with the help of a narrow channel and tested with three semicircular channels localizing in bone channels located in three mutually perpendicular directions. These channels in place of connecting them with an elliptic bag have extensions - ampoules. In the wall of the reconciliated labyrinth in the region of elliptical and spherical bags and ampoules there are areas containing sensitive (sensory) cells. In the bags, these areas are called stains, or maculas, respectively: a stain of an elliptical bag (Macula Utriculi) and a stain of a round bag (Macula Sacculi). In ampoules these sites are called scallops, or crista (crista ampullaris).

The wall of the vestibular part of the web-changing labyrinth consists of a single-layer flat epithelium, with the exception of the christ area of \u200b\u200bsemicircular channels and the macul, where it turns into a cubic and prismatic.

Spots of bags (macula). These stains are lined with epithelium located on the basal membrane and consisting of sensory and support cells. The surface of the epithelium is covered with a special pupils of the olhed membrane (Membrana Statoconiorum), which includes crystals, or stratoconia (Statoconia) consisting of calcium carbonate.

Makula elliptic bag is the place of perception of linear accelerations and earth attraction (the gravity receptor associated with the change in the tone of the muscles that determine the installation of the body). Pacula spherical bag, being also a gravity receptor, and vibration oscillations also perceives.

Cellulae Sensoriae Pilosae (Cellulae Sensoriae Pilosae) is directly addressed by their vertices, dyed hairs, in the cavity of the labyrinth. The base of the cell is in contact with afferent and efferent nervous endings. In structure, hairs cells are divided into two types. The cells of the first type (pear-shaped) differ in a rounded wide base to which the nervous ending forming the case in the form of a bowl around it is adjacent. The cells of the second type (columnar) have a prismatic form. To the base of the cell, point afferent and efferent nerve endings forming characteristic synapses are directly adjacent. On the outer surface of these cells there is a cuticle, from which 60-80 fixed hairs - stereocylted with a length of about 40 microns and one mobile cilia - cinylonium, having a structure of contractile cilia. A round spot of a person contains about 18,000 receptor cells, and oval - about 33,000. Kinzity is always polarly in relation to the stereocyl beam. When shifting stereocilia in the direction of the cell cage is excited, and if the movement is directed in the opposite direction, cell braking occurs. In the epithelium Maculus, different polarized cells are collected in 4 groups, due to which only a certain group of cells regulates the tone of certain muscles of the torso; Another cell group is inhibited at this time. The pulse obtained through afferent synapses is transmitted through the vestibular nerve into the corresponding parts of the vestibular analyzer.

Supporting epitheliocytes (epithelioCyti Sustentans), located between sensory, are distinguished by dark oval nuclei. They have a large amount of mitochondria. There are many thin cytoplasmic microwaves on their vertices.

Ampular scallops (crystys). They are in the form of transverse folds in each ampular expansion of the semicircular channel. An ampular scallop is lined with sensory hairs and supporting epitheliocytes. The apical part of these cells is surrounded by a gelatinous transparent dome (Cupula Gelatinosa), which has a bell form, devoid of cavity. Its length reaches 1 mm. Thin structure Hair cells and their innervation are similar to touch cells of bags. In the functionality of the gelatinous dome - the receptor of angular accelerations. When the head or accelerated rotation of the entire body, the dome easily changes its position. The deviation of the dome under the influence of the endolymph movement in the semicircular channels stimulates hairs cells. Their excitation causes a reflex response of the part of the skeletal muscles, which correct the position of the body and the movement of the eye muscles.

64. Immune system.

The immune system combines organs and tissues in which cell interaction occurs - immunocyteperforming the recognition feature of genetically alien substances (antigens) and carrying out specific reactions of protection.

Immunity - This is a way to protect the organism from all genetically alien - microbes, viruses, from other cells or genetically modified intrinsic cells.

The immune system ensures that the genetic integrity and constancy of the inner environment of the body performs the function of recognizing "their" and "alien". In the organism of an adult, it is presented:

· Red bone marrow - source of stem cells for immunocytes,

· Central organ of lymphocytopoede (thymus),

· Peripheral organs of lymphocytopoede (spleen, the lymph nodes, clusters of lymphoid fabric in organs),

· Blood lymphocytes and lymphs as well

· Populations of lymphocytes and plasmocytes penetrating all connecting iditial tissues.

All organs immune system Function as a whole due to neurohumoral regulation mechanisms, as well as permanent processes migration and recycling Cells on blood and lymphatic systems.

Main cells carrying out control and immunological protection in the body are lymphocytes, as well as plasma cells and macrophages.

Constantly moving lymphocytes carry out "Immune supervision". They are able to "recognize" other people's macromolecules of bacteria and cells of various tissues of multicellular organisms and carry out a specific protective reaction.

To understand the role of individual cells in immunological reactions, it is primarily necessary to define some concepts of immunity.

Many are interested in Cortis organ and its functions. To have at least a compressed idea of \u200b\u200bhim every person. Cortium organ is the peripheral part of the auditory. It is located in the course of evolution based on the side of the side line (namely their structures) and this part of the auditory analyzer developed.

It catches the vibration of the waves in the maze and then sends them to the hearing area of \u200b\u200bthe cortex of large hemispheres, as a result of which the perception of sounds occurs. Cortiev Authority performs an important function. It is in it that the initial formation of the analysis of all sorts of one body was first discovered by Alfonso Courtes - an Italian histologist.

Where is Cortiev Organ?

It is located in the snail progress, in which there is a perilimph, as well as endolymph, and is a bone maze similar to a spiral. The upper part is adjacent to the so-called vestibular staircase. It is referred to as a raisner membrane. BUT bottom partlocated near the drum staircase consists of the main membrane in contact with the bone spiral record.

Purpose and structure

Cortiev organ is on the main membrane, it is formed by outer, as well as internal hairs and support cells. As an example, you can bring pillars. Also here include Cells of Genzen, Claudius and Dates. Of them consists of cortis organ. There is a tunnel between which the axons in the nervous spiral node take place. They strive to respond to hair cells. The latter, in turn, lie in the recesses created by the bodies of supporting cells. On their surface, turned to the coating membrane, located from 30 to 60 unintended hairs. Supporting cells also carry out a trophic function. How exactly? They send nutrient elements to hairs cells. The role of the Cortiee organ is the transformation of the energy of sound vibrations into nervous excitement. For this, in fact, he is needed. This is what function is performed by Cortis organ. Histology allows you to get acquainted with its structure.


The eardrum catches the sound vibrations, which through the seeds located in the middle ear, fall into liquid media - endolymph, as well as perilimf. Their movements contribute to the fact that the cover membrane of the Cortiene organ is slightly removed from the hairs cells. What happens as a result? First bend hairs.

Then there are biopotentials that are perceived by a spiral ganglia (and more precisely, the process of its neurons). They are suitable for the lower part of all hairs cells. The structure of the Cortiene authority is of great interest to many researchers.

Another theory

There is also another opinion on this. According to him, the hairs of cells capturing sound signals are only sensitive antennas that are depolarized as a result of the impact of arriving waves. Endolymphatic acetylcholine plays a significant role. Depolarization launches a sequence of chemical transformations in hairs cells, namely in their cytoplasm. After that, a nervous impulse appears in contacting with them nervous endings. Sound vibrations have a different height. For each of them, a separate part of the Cortiene organ is intended. High frequencies provoke vibration on snail areas located closer to the base, and low - at the top. This is due to hydrodynamic phenomena in the snail. Cortiev Authority whose functions are now known to you, plays a significant role in all this process.

Why is this process so important?

Thanks to the above features, the brain may immediately respond to certain sound signals, rather than carrying out the help of the help of mathematics (by the way, it lacks computational capabilities for this) to sort the capture information on sources. It would be too difficult. It is easier to understand what Cortiev is a body than to imagine such a process.

How to get the necessary information?

To find out more information about the angular direction of the signal source, you need to pay attention to the polarization of sound harmonics. This is an important condition. It turns out that the ear allows you to take possession of polarization information. You can also learn about the amplitude of all the harmonics of sound signals. In the case of the brain and ear, among other things, information relating to the phase of harmonics, which means that the direction of vibration can be traced. What do I need to do? Just calculate the difference in the phases of sound from the left, as well as the right ear. Easy enough, is not it? Although, of course, it is easier to figure out what Cortiev is a body.

The feature of the added compression of audio information allows you to significantly reduce the time to analyze the information that were obtained. Snail is twisted, and due to this there is an opportunity to remove the spectrum, simultaneously combining the octaves.

Now you know that it is a corortius organ and which it has a structure. You are also aware of the functions performed. All this is very important and useful to know.

) The protrusion protrusion of the lower wall of the sniffing duct containing the receptor apparatus of the auditory analyzer.

Great Medical Dictionary. 2000 .

Watch what is "Organ Spiral" in other dictionaries:

    Located in the courtyard of the inner ear, the body that converts sound signals into the nerve impulses, then entering the brain through the nerve snail. (Cortis organ located on a basilar membrane formed by about 23,000 ... ... Medical terms

    Cortiev organ (Organ of Corti), spiral organ - (Spiral Organ) Located in the snail of the inner ear, the organ that converts sound signals into the nerve impulses, then entering the brain through the nerve of the snail. (Cortiev organ located on the basilar membrane formed by approximately ... Dictionary According to medicine

    See Cortiev Organ. Source: Medical Dictionary ... Medical terms

    See Spiral Organ ... Great Medical Dictionary

    - ... Wikipedia

    - (A. M. Corti) see organ spiral ... Great Medical Dictionary

    Cortiev Organ - (KBHIKER), named by the name of the Italian Histologist of Corti (Corti), for the first time described it in detail [Synonym Papilla Acustica Basilaris (G. Retzi US)], is an end device of the snail branch of the auditory nerve (RAM. ■ Cochlearis N ... Big medical encyclopedia

    - (named A. Korti), Spiral Organ (Organum Spirale), receptor part of the hearing system in mammals; Converts the energy of sound oscillations into nervous excitement. In the process of evolution, it is formed on the basis of vertebrate snail as the highest ... ... Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Peripheral part of the sound-by-penetrating device (receptor of the auditory analyzer (see Hearing analyzer)) In mammals of animals and humans. Open Italian histologist A. Korti (A. Corti; 1822 76). In the process of evolution arises ... ... Big soviet Encyclopedia

    - (s) (Organum, A, PNA; Organon, BNA, JNA; Greek. Organon weapon, organ) part of the body, which is an evolutionary setting complex of tissues, combined with a common function, structural organization and development. Accessor body (... ... ... Medical encyclopedia

The person's ear is responsible for several important features at once. It helps to perceive air fluctuations and translate them into sound, and also gives the brain information about the position in space and is responsible for saving the equilibrium. For each function, its department is answered, which is connected to the general system, but it is not necessary to be connected closely with it.

Where is Cortiev Organ?

In total, the ear is divided into three departments: outer (ear sink), internal and medium (vestibular apparatus). But even within each department there is its own division into subordganas.

So, in the transfer of neural information from the inner ear to the brain, a small cortiyev authority is responsible - the receptor, called so in honor of his researcher of Histologica A. Korti. He plays a crucial role in the auditory message of man, his absence would lead to the universal deafness of mankind.

From the inside of the inner ear there are several subdomen responsible for transmitting signals and sound. One of the largest is an interflowed labyrinth or snail of the inner ear, a spiral shape. It is in him located Cortis organ. Medical directories describe the location like this: "is in a channel, spirally curled and filled with perilimph and endolymph". This canal bone. The sound analyzer is bordered on top of the expectation with a staircase, and below - with a drum staircase. Inside the course, the formation limits two membranes (respectively on top and bottom):

  • reisner Koppekka;
  • main refill.

The features of the location are made by the authority. Transportation transmitting signals from some departments to another. Special internal structural elements help perform features. An important role is also played by the outside environment of the Cortiyev authority - the snail of the inner ear and the snail duct, in which the receptor runs. They transmit all the arriving signals of the Cortiee region membrane.

The structure of the snail of the inner ear

The snail of the inner ear conducts neural signals to the cortis organ. It has a spiral shape with a drop of heights. The spiral makes 2.5 turns around the central point, its initial (point) size is 9 mm. When spinning snail rises at a height of 5 mm, and in general its length in the deployed form is 32 mm.

Spiral is not mild, it consists of a solid material, thanks to which the plate is called. In the fortress it is comparable to bone structures organism. Hardness is a necessary characteristic for snail, because otherwise she would distort the sound.

The beginning of the authority is the bone rod. From him, the spiral goes in the direction of deep into the labyrinth before the connection with the brain. The main valid elements are located inside the plate. It is written by the channels in which neurons are running for the message of the middle ear and brain departments, snelled nerve. The message occurs with the help of two types of liquids that fill the plate element.

The body is divided into two conventional parts. Its middle is the main membrane.

Top and Lower Channel structure

On the basis of its breaking, approximately the center of the system arises two subsection:

  • top Canal (Start of the Three Exterior);
  • lower channel (drum staircase).

Both cavities contain perilimph - fluid responsible for the transfer of vibrations. Cortiev organ is located in the upper channel attached to the basilar membrane. Perilimph nourishes it, and the snail brings all the necessary signals and vibrations.

The basis of the analyzer is a receptor and reference hairs. They are covered with a cavity from the support chain - support cells, which together make up the membrane. The membrane has a gust consistency and does not prescribe into the hairs, but only takes signals from them.

The hairs react to the flow of vibrations, on which the function of this part of the auditory apparatus is based. The system is "smart": if you wash your ear, they will be weaker to respond to oscillations, but the true vibrations are targeted stronger. This is due to the sensitivity of the inner ear, which only passes air fluctuations. To better understand the whole process of obtaining sound, you need to know the functions and the whole snail, and the auditory analyzer.

Functions of the Snail of the Inner Ear

Snail transmits nerve impulses and vibrations to the brain. Thanks to snitel fluctuations, air fluctuations are converted into certain sound elements. It performs the main function of the hearing aid.

The execution of its functions would be impossible without a cortis organ and its receptor-hairs cells. Passing through 3 bones of spirals, vibrations acquire the most weak character. The slightest oscillations catch the cilia of hairs cells inside the receptor. You can trace the path of oscillations with the help of tubes in the studied ear.

Cilia come into motion and changes in their position irritate the membrane of the jelly-like type, which is above them. The membrane converts the physical signal to the neural and transmits it with hairs cells that complete the process of sound conversion.

Hair cells are "connected" to the brain sound processing department, which filters minor noise and important external elements.

Briefly functional of the inner ear can be characterized as follows:

  • transformation of the physical signal to neural;
  • transmission of vibrations to the brain;
  • powered by their own subdomen;
  • initial filtering of sounds.

Cortis organ like a snail subsystem performs almost the same functions with the exception of nutritious and filtering.

Video: Cortiev Organ

The organ of hearing and equilibrium is represented by external, middle and inner ear.

The outdoor ear includes the ears of the sink, the outer hearing passage and the eardrum.

The basis own sink is an elastic cartilage covered with skin. The skin has roots of flush hair, greasy and sweat glands.

The wall of the outer auditory passage consists of elastic cartilage, which is a continuation of the cartilage of the auricle. The inner surface of the auditory pass is covered with thin skin, in which there are roots of bristle hair, CERNOINOX (sulfur) and sebaceous glands. The eardrum (Membrana Tympani) is a plate of oval shape consisting mainly of collagen and partially elastic fibers forming 2 layers. The outer layer consists of radially arranged, internal-circular fibers. There are fibroblasts between the fibers. Outside surface drumpatch covered with thin epidermis, internal thin mucous membrane, lined with single-layer flat epithelium. The handle of the hammer is attached to the inner surface, from which small arteries and nerves are transferred to the eardrum (branched drum string).

The middle ear is represented by the drum cavity (Cavum Tympani), the auditory pipe (TUBA Auditiva) and the bone system (hammer, anvil and rapidly).

The drum cavity is lined with a thin mucous membrane covered with a single-layer flat epithelium, which is passing into cubic and prismatic. Lateral wall drum cavity is a drummeal. On the medial wall there is an oval window (Foramen Ovale), closed with a thin connective tank, to which the base is attached, and the round window (Foramen Rotundum), closed with a thin membrane. Oval window separates the drum cavity from the vestibular staircase, round - from the drum staircase snail.

The auditory pipe connects the drum cavity with the nasopharynk. Its diameter is 1-2 mm, lined with a mucous membrane covered with multi-row epithelium, among whose cells there are glass-shaped exocrinocytes. In its own plate of the mucous membrane there are small mucous glands. Value hearing pipe It is to equilibrate the pressure in the drum cavity with atmospheric pressure.

Hearing bones are connected with each other with the help of joints, the base of the plenty is attached to the bundle closing the oval window.

Interior Ear

The inner ear is represented by a bone labyrinth, inside of which is a membered labyrinth. The labyrinth is divided into a snipple part, in which the hearing body is located (spiral organ), and the vestibular part, where the equilibrium is located (sensitive spots and sensitive scallops).

The development of the inner ear in the embryonic period begins with the formation of an auditory placode in Etoderma near the emerging oblong brain. Plakodes are poured into the mesenchym. Winning is separated from the skin ectoderma and convert into auditory bubbles lined with multi-row epithelium and filled with liquid.

The medial wall of the auditory bubble is in contact with the auditory ganglia. In the process of developing auditory ganglia and the auditory bubble, they are divided into vestibular and cochlearic (sniffy) parts. The cochlear part of the bubble includes the future sponame channel of the snail and the round pouch, which is then separated from the snippening part with a hawk and is part of the vestibular apparatus.

From the ulit part of the auditory bubble begins the growth of the connecting snail channel, which is introduced into the forming bone canal. 2 spaces are formed between the snail channel and the wall of the bone canal: the vestibular and drum staircase filled with perilimph. In the process of growth, the bone canal makes 2.5 turnover of the bone axle victim. A membrane channel repeats its move.

Simultaneously with the formation of the snail, the vestibular apparatus is developing. In the process of its development, a webbed pouch is formed, the uteros and three semicircular channels, extended in the place where they are attached to the treasure. These extensions are called ampoules of semicircular channels. Outside of the refilled labyrinth of the vestibular apparatus, a bone labyrinth is formed.

Cochlearic (Ulitkova) part of the inner ear is represented by the bone canal of the snail, inside of which is the membrane channel. The bone snail canal makes 2.5 turns around the bone axle (Modeolus), its length is 3.5 cm. From the bone axis into the bone snail channel at all of its length, the spiral bone record Lamina Spiralis Ossea). In the thicker of the spiral bone plate there is a spiral nervous gangle, consisting of secondaryly sensing bipolar neurons.

The spiral bone plate is covered with a thickened periostellite, which is called a leb, or a spiral scallop (crista spiralis), lined with single-layer flat epithelium secreting liquid. In a spiral scallop there are 2 lips. The lip facing the vestibular staircase is called vestibular (Labium vestibularis), toward the drum ladder-drum lip (Labium Tympanicus). There is a central groove between her lips (Sulcus Centralis) lined with large epitheliocytes.

The recharge maze repeats the stroke of the bone maze, its length is also about 3.5 cm. On the cross section, the sponate channel snail has a triangular shape. The sharp corner of the triangle is facing a spiral scallop, the base is the dust. Upper the Upper Snail Channel Wall is called a raisner, or a vestibular membrane (Membrana Vestibularis), lateral wall represented by a vascular strip (Stria Vascularis), which lies on a spiral bundle (Ligamentum Spiralis), lower wall It is called a basilar membrane (Membrana Basilaris), or a spiral membrane (Membrana Spiralis).

Between the vestibular membrane and the wall of the bone snail, there is a vestibular snail staircase (Scala Vestibularis), between the spiral membrane and the wall of the bone canal snap-drum staircase (Scala Timpani). Both stairs are filled with perilimph.

The vestibular membrane is a thin connective tissue plate consisting of collagen fibers, immersed

in amorphous matrix. The outer surface of this membrane is covered with endothelium, internal single-layer flat epithelium. The inner edge of the vestibular membrane is attached to a spiral scallop, external, to a spiral bundle.

The vascular strip consists of low wide light-epithelial cells and high dark epithelial cells rich in mitochondria. Capillaries pass between epitheliocytes. The function of the vascular strip is the secretion of the endolymph that fills the sponden snail channel.

The spiral membrane is represented by a connective tissue plate consisting of collagen fibers immersed in amorphous matrix. Collagen fibers consist of thin fibrils with a diameter of about 30 nm. These fibrils are interconnected by even more subtle fibrils. Collagen fibers play the role of strings. Their length at the base of the snail is 105 μm, at the vertex - 505 μm. Short strings react to high sound, long - low sound.

The outer surface of the spiral plate is covered with endothelium, the basal membrane, on which the epithelocytes of the spiral organ is located. The outer edge of the spiral membrane is attached to a spiral bundle, the internal drum lip of the limb. Epithelium, lining the inner surface of the webbed channel of the snail (single-layer flat epithelium of the vestibular membrane, vascular strip and epithelialocytes of the spiral organ), develops from a multi-rowed hearing bubble epithelium, which itself develops from the ectithelma. Consequently, the epithelium, lining the inner surface of the walls of the reconciliated labyrinth, is developing from the ectoderma.

The spiral body lies on the basement membrane. It includes internal and outdoor hazel (seensorius) cells (EpithelioCytus Sensorius Pilosus Internum et externum), supporting internal and external cells (EpithelioCytus Sustentans Internum et externum) and pole support cells (EpithelioCytus Sustentans Pilaris) internal and external.

Internal and external pillars (cells-poles) are located in one row and limit the inner tunnel (CUNICULUS INTERNUM) filled with endolymph. Tunnel is the center of the spiral organ. The cells of the spiral organ located between the tunnel and the vascular strip are called external, between the tunnel and the limb - internal.

Internal hair cells (EpithelioCytus Pilosus Sensorius Internum) are located in one row, have a pear shape. Their amount is about 3500. The rounded base of hairs cells lies on the internal supporting (phalan-talk) cells. Round cores are located in the basal part of the cells. In the cytoplasm there are organelles general meaning and actin and mosic filaments. On the apical surface of the inner hairs cells there is a cuticle, from which about 60 fixed cilia (sterioculium) is departed with a length of 2-5 microns.

External Hair Cells (EpithelioCytus Pilosus Sensorius Externum) are located in 3-5 rows. Their number is 12,000-200,000. They have a prismatic shape, their bases lie on external supporting (phalang) cells. Round cores are located in the middle of the cells. In the cytoplasm there are ribosomes, EPS, mitochondria. The apical surface of the cells is covered with a cuticle, from which fixed cilia (hairs) is departed, located in the form of the letter V. On the citolem of hairs there are cholinoreceptor proteins and acetylcholineserase enzyme. In the hairs there are contractile actin and mosic filaments, thanks to which the hairs are straightened, after their contact with the coating membrane.

Internal supportive (phalangies) cells have a prismatic shape, their base is lying on the basement membrane, on their apical surface there is a clipping (instrument), in which the bases of the internal hairs (sensory) cells are located. In the cytoplasm of internal phalange cells, there are general organelles, tone, round core is located in their center.

From the apical surface of the internal phalange cells, a tireless process (phalanx), which separates internal haightened cells is separated from each other.

Outdoor supporting cells (EpithelioCytus Sustentans Externum) are divided into phalangies, external border (deuteris cells) and external supporting (Claudius cells).

The outer phalangeal cells (epithelioocytus phalangeus externum) have a prismatic form, lie in their basal end in the basal membrane, on the apicial surface there is a clipping, in which the base of the outer hairs cell is located, their round kernels are located in the central part of the cell. In the cytoplasm contains organelles of general meaning, tonophylants. A long process (phalanx) separating outdoor haighte-friendly cells is departed from the apical surface.

External border supporting cells (Sustentocytus Limitans Externum) have a prismatic form, lie in their basal end in the basal membrane. These cells are shorter than external phalangies. On their apical surface there are microvilles. The kernels are located in the central part of the cells. In the cytoplasm, in addition to the organization of the general meaning, there are tonophylants and inclusions of glycogen, which indicates their trophic function.

External supporting cells (Sustentocytus externum) have a cubic shape and switch to a vascular strip.

Pillar internal and outer cells (EpithelioCytus Pilaris Internum et externum) limit the inner tunnel. These cells lie on the basal membrane with its extensive basis. Round kernels are located in their basal end, the apical ends of internal pillar cells are connected to the apical ends of the outer, as a result of which the inner triangular tunnel is formed.

The coating membrane (Membrana Tectoria) is a connective tissue plate consisting of radially directed collagen fibers immersed in amorphous matrix. The inner edge of the coating membrane is attached to a spiral scallop, the outdoor hang over the spiral organ at all its length (3.5 cm). When hesitation of the spiral organ of hairs (Stereocilly), hairs cells touch the coating membrane, which contributes to the occurrence of a sound pulse.

The path of the sound wave to the hair cells and the sound impulse to the cortical end of the auditory analyzer. Sound wave Through the outer hearing pass reaches the eardrum and leads it in motion. The oscillatory movements from the drummeal through the bone system are transmitted to the oval perilimph of the vestibular staircase to the top of the snail, where there is a transition from the vestibular staircase into the drum staircase (Helicatrema) of the perilimph of the drum staircase.

A spiral membrane is stretched over the drum staircase, which is also exposed to oscillatory movements. If the sound is high, the spiral membrane fluctuates at the base of the snail low, its vertices. Together with the spiral membrane hesitates the spiral organ and its hairsdown cells.

During the oscillatory movements, the cholinoreceptors of the sterioculia are captured by acetylcholine, located in the endolymph of the webbed canal. This leads to a change in the permeability of the cytolemma of hairs cells and an auditory impulse occurs. At this time, acetylcholinesterase destroys the captured acetylcholine receptors.

The hearing impulse from the hairs (sensitive) cell through the synaps is transmitted to the dendrites of the secondary feeling of the nervous cell, the body of which is located in a spiral ganglia. Acids of bipolar neurons of a spiral ganglium go in two directions: part to the rear (dorsal) vestibular cooler nuclei, part, to the front (ventral) vestibular cholearic nuclear.

The vestibular cholearic kernels combine two cores in themselves: vestibular and cochlear (auditory). In auditory, or cochlear nuclei, the second neurons of the auditory path are laid. In the event that the axon of the bipolar neuron (1st neuron of the auditory path) of a spiral ganglia goes to the front auditory nuclei, then the hearing impulse on the axon of the neuron (2nd neuron of the auditory path) is sent to the third neuron of the auditory path laid down in the top olive nuclei And the kernels of the trapezoid body. The axons of third neurons move to the opposite loop, which includes the impulse to the medial crankshafts and the Lower Bugrarahmia, where the 4th neurons are laid. The axons of 4 neurons are sent to the temporal willow, where the cortical end of the auditory analyzer is located.

In the event that Akson of the 1st Neuron enters the rear hearing nuclei of the oblong brain, where the 2nd neuron is laid, the axon of the 2nd neuron is sent to the side loop, which carries the pulse to the 3rd neuron in the core side loop. Akson of the 3rd neuron composed of the same side loop carries the impulse to the medial crankshaft and the Lower Bugrarama of Thoroughly, from which 4 neurons are sent to the temporal winding of the cerebral cortex.

The vestibular apparatus is represented by a round bag (Sacculus), an elliptic bag, or a pulp (UTRICULUS) and three semicircular channels located in three mutually perpendicular planes. In the place where the semicircular channels are attached to the fall, these channels are expanding. Extensions are called ampoules. Sensitive spots (Macula), in ampoules of semicircular canvas ampularis (CRISTA AMPULARIS) are located in the treasury and circular bag.

There is a ductus utriculo-saccularis between the treasury and the round bag (DUCTUS ENDOLIMFATICUS), ending with the thickening adjacent to solid brain sheath. Therefore, with inflammation of the inner ear, a solid brain shell can be amazed.

Sensitive stains of amateur and round bag. Match and bag are seduced with a single-layer flat epithelium. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe spots of the epithelium acquires a cubic and prismatic form. Spots cells lie on the basement membrane. They distinguish supporting (suentocytus) and hair, or sensorius pilosus (epithelioocytus sensorius pilosus). On the surface of the spots, there is a thick otolite membrane (Membrana Statoconiorum), consisting of a jelly-like substance, which includes calcium carbonate crystals. Hair cells are divided into cells I and type II cells.

The type I cells are located between the supporting cells, have a pear shape, the round core is located in their basal end, the cytoplasm contains mitochondria, an endoplasmic network, ribosomes. Numerous nerve fibers are suitable for the basal end, which shake the cage in the form of a bowl. Up to 80 hairs are departed from the apical end of the cells, about 40 μm long. One of these hairs is movable (Kincille), the rest of fixed (stereociles). Mobile hairs can not be located between stereocylters. It is always located polar in relation to stereociles. Kincilia and stereociles are introduced into the parent membrane.

Type II cells have a cylindrical shape, a few nerve fibers are suitable for their basal ends, which form point synapses on these cells. The internal structure of the type I type I is similar to the structure of type II cells.

Sustentocytes of stains lie on the basal membrane and perform supporting and trophic functions.

Functions of sensitive fifths of amateur and round bag: 1) perceive changes in linear acceleration; 2) gravity (body position in space); 3) The stain of the fusion perceives the vibration oscillations.

The mechanism of perception of linear acceleration and gravity. In the perception of acceleration and gravity takes part ometerite membrane. When a linear acceleration changes, the ololyt membrane due to its massiveness and inertness continues to move when slowing down the acceleration and for some time remains on the spot when it is increased, i.e. It shifts several micrometers in one or the other side. When displaced the membrane, the hairs of sensory cells are leaning. If stereociles bend in the direction of the cinylony, then an excitement arises in the cage, if the cinestial is braking.

Hair (sensory) cells in a stain are located in groups in such a way that when the otolite membrane is displaced, in any direction, an excitement arises in some cells, in other braking.

Gravity is perceived in the same way. With the slope of the head or body, along with the head of the hedged membrane, the stains in mind their mass is shifted down (to the center of gravity of the Earth) and causes the slope of hairs.

Ampular scallops are located in ampoules of semicircular channels. The connecting semicircular channels and their ampoules are seduced with a single-layer flat epithelium, which in the scallop area acquires a prismatic form. Scallops in ampoules are located in the form of folds covered with prismatic epithelium. Scallops epithelocytes are divided into supporting and hair cells I and II types (pear and cylindrical). The cilia of hairs (sensory) cells are embedded in a yoke dome, covering scallops. The height of the dome reaches 1 mm.

The function of ampular scallops: perceive the change in the angular acceleration. When the angular acceleration change (slowing, acceleration, the termination of rotation) is deviated to the dome in one or the other side. As a result, the hairs are leaked and in some sensory cells there are brakes, other exciting pulses, which are transmitted to skeletal and ooo muscles.

Ways of nervous pulses from the vestibular apparatus. From the sensory (hairs) cells through the synaps pulse is transmitted to the dendrite of the secondary sensory neuron laid in the vestibular nervous ganglia (1st neuron). Aksows of some 1 neurons pass transit through the vestibular cores of the oblong brain and are sent to the cerebellar. Most of The axons of 1 neurons are sent to the vestibular nuclei and ends with synapses on their neurons (2nd neurons). The axons of 2 neurons are sent to the bark of the brain, where the central end of the analyzer is located. At the same time, the axons of these neurons are sent to the spinal cord (TRACTUS Vestibulospinalis), the cerebellum (TRACTUS VESTIBULOCELEBELLARIS) in the form of lying fibers, reticular formation (Tractus vestibuloreticularis) and to other brain centers.

In addition to afferent fibers (dendrites of secondary neurons of spiral and vestibular gangliyev), efferent nerve fibers are suitable for the spiral organ and spots and scallops, which are axon neurons of the node olive olive core. In the aggregate, afferent and efferent nerve fibers form nervous plexuses at the base of the outer hairs of the spiral organ (outer spiral nervous plexus), at the base of the internal hairs cells (inner spiral nervous plexus).

It should be noted that the outer hairs cells commenced predominantly efferent nerve fibers, to the internal afferent. Similarly, afferent and efferent nerve fibers form nervous plexuses in the stains of a round pouch and trees and in ampular scallops.

The blood supply to the inner ear is carried out by the branch of the upper cerebral artery, which is divided into cochlear and vestibular.

The vestibular artery is heavily suited the vestibular apparatus (stains of the flower and round bag, semicircular channels and scallops).

Cochlear (Ulitkova) Artery provides blood spiral gangliy and the inner part of the spiral membrane.

The outflow of venous blood from the inner ear is carried out through the venous plexus of the snail, the venous plexus of the flower and a round bag and the venous plexus of semicircular channels. There are no vessels in the spiral organ. Lymphatic vessels in inner ear No missing.

The age changes in old age are characterized by an ossification in the field of attachment of the shirling to the bond of the oval window, the death of the part of the spiral body cells, which perceive sound oscillations and transform them into the nervous impulse, which leads to a decrease in hearing. Oaken in the region of bonds of the oval window, which causes the sideways, can be corrected using a hearing aid. The destruction of the sensory cells of the spiral organ or the defeat of the rumor conductive ways of correction is not amenable.

Organ taste

The taste of taste is represented by taste buds (Caliculus Gustatorius), located in the thickness of the multilayer flat epithelium of mushroom, grave, and in children there are also leaf-shaped puffs. In order to exception, taste kidneys can be localized in the epithelium of the lips, the palas, the nastestrian. In total, the taste apparatus includes about 2000 taste kidneys.

The development of taste kidneys in the embryonic period begins with the fact that the terminal of the language of the language of the language is suitable for the epithelium of the language of the tongue. Under the inducing influence of these terminals, the differentiation of epithelial cells into taste, supporting and basal cells of flavoring kidney begins.

Flagic kidney has an ellipsoid form. The entrance to the kidney opens with taste sometimes (Pora Gustatoria), which ends with a flavor (FOVEA Gustatoria). At the bottom of the taste, there is an electron transmission mass, which includes a significant amount of phosphatases, receptor proteins and mucoproteins. This mass is an adsorbent where tasteings are adsorbed.

The composition of the flavor kidney includes about 50 cells, including 5 varieties: 1) flavoring light narrow, 2) flavoring light prismatic, 3) dark support, 4) basal and 5) peripheral, or perighemical (gemma-kidney).

Flavoring cells (epithelioocytus gustatorius), or sensitive (sensory) cells have an elongated shape, their basal end lies on the Bazal Membrane separating the kidney from connective tissue. On the apical end of the cells there are microvilles, in the cytlemma of which the receptor proteins are mounted. Receptor squirrels on the tip of the tongue perceive the sweet, closer to the root-bitter. The nucleus of taste cells have an oval shape, in the cytoplasm contains mitochondria, smooth EPS. Nervous fibers that end them with synapses are suitable for taste cells.

Supporting cells (Sustentocytus) have an elongated shape, an oval kernel located in the central part of the cell, the Golges complex, mitochondria, granular and smooth EPS. Their basal end lies in the basal membrane. Functions: Isolate taste cells from each other, participate in the secretion of glycoproteins.

Basal epitheliocytes (epithelioocytus Basalis) are short, have a conical shape, a wide end lie on the baseal membrane, have the ability to mitotic division. Function: regenerator, during their account there is an update of the epithelocytes of flavoring kidney for 10 days.

Peripheral or perigmal cells (epithelioocytus perigemalis) are located along the periphery of flavoring kidney, have a sickle form. Supporting function: separated the cells of flavoring kidney from the multilayer epithelium of the papillas of the language.

Perception and path of the taste impulse. Receptor proteins are captured by flavoring molecules, which leads to a change in the permeability of the cell cytlemma and the occurrence of the pulse, which is transmitted through the synaps to the dendrite of the neuron, laid in the ganglion of the vagus language inheritant or facial nerve (1st neuron) Akson of the 1st Neuron transmits the impulse to the 2nd neuron, laid in the single path kernel, whose axon is sent to salivary glares, muscles of the tongue and the facial muscles of the face. A part of the axons of 2 neurons is sent to the visual grouse, where the 3rd neuron is laid, whose axon is directed to the 4th neuron laid in the post-central overhang of the cerebral cortex (cortical end of the taste analyzer).

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