Little skin processes on the body. All types of skin growths

Papillomas and Kondylomas - These are benign formations on the skin. Their appearance causes human papilloma virus (HPV).

These growths spoil the appearance and undermine self-confidence. After all, they often occur in open places: face, neck, zone neckline. In addition, these growing are injured by clothing and are inflamed. But the most unpleasant when papillomas and conglishers appear on the genitals. They can not only spoil intimate life, but also to cause the development of a cancer.

The disease that is caused by papillomavirus is called papilomatosis. This disease is common among people who lead an active sex life. According to some data, 80% of adult women have its manifestation. 70% of them were infected with sexually. In men, external signs of illness are much less common - 1% has warts on genitalia, in 30-40% asymptomatic course of the disease.

There are two periods in a person in human life when the risk of becoming especially high. The first one comes to the beginning of a sexual life of 17-25 years, and the second on the peak of new partnerships is 35-40 years. Due to the peculiarities of the development of immunity, children and adolescents are very susceptible to this virus that are infected from parents.

More severe and fat people are more prone to the appearance of papillom. They have these neoplasms appear in the skin folds and on the face.

Not always infection with a virus leads to the appearance of papillom. The pathogen lives in skin cells and if the human immunity is strong, he successfully copes with this infection. But if the body's protective forces fall, there are Condylomas or papillomas on the skin.

Many are interested, what difflists papillomas and the condylomas. In fact, it is manifestations of different forms of one virus.

Condylomes - These are benign neoplasms that are caused by a human papilloma virus 6 and 11 types. Some scientists believe that Condylomes are rejected into cancer tumors. They are found in the field of genital organs and anus (rear pass), but sometimes they can appear around the mouth. Condylomes often appear as a rash consisting of a variety of elements. They have an unpleasant property to merge and reach large sizes. On the mucous membrane of the genital organs, they grow in the form of a cock ridge.

Condylomes have a red or dirty brown color, but the genitals are brighter. To the touch, they are softer and gentle than papillomas. The structure resembles a lot of villi, which have grown among themselves at the base.

Condylomes are more infectious and prone to re-appear after treatment. They are three varieties: Pointed Condylomes, flat and intraepithelials. These formations must be deleted. At the same time, doctors register all circularity cases.

Papillomas- These are benign neoplasms that are caused by less dangerous varieties of human papilloma virus, more often than 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10 types. The risk of developing an oncological tumor in this case is low, papillomas, rather a cosmetic defect than a serious problem. They are located on different areas of the skin: on the eyelids, in the mouth and on the lips, on the chest and neck, armpits. But maybe in the genitals.

Papillomas are brighter than Condylomes: Pink, White, Pearl or Light Brown. As a rule, they appear on one, do not merge among themselves. Rarely exceed size 1 cm high. The appearance of papillomes is also different - these are rounded, bug sovereign formations on the leg. They look like a cauliflower and tight to the touch.

Papillomas are better to treat and eventually can disappear over time. This occurs in 20% of cases.

So, summarize. Papillomas less dangerous form of manifestation papillomavirusa man. But Kondilov must be removed. But it is difficult to distinguish between papilloma on their own, because each person has its own characteristics. Therefore, in any case, consult a doctor for advice.

Papillomas skin

Causes of papillomes

Papilloma - rounded a benign swelling on a thin leg, which in shape resembles a papilla. But this is not the disease itself, but its consequences. Papillomas can be compared with mushrooms. Although we see them on the surface, but the mushroom dismissed its networks underground. So in the case of Papillomas, everything is just.

The cause of this infectious disease is a human papilloma virus (HPV). It hits the skin and begins to multiply in its surface layer - flat epithelium. The virus, like a mushroom, is imperceptibly sits in the skin thicker. But when immunity falls, and the pathogen is accumulated already enough, it changes the core cells of the epithelium. And because of this, they begin to produce "wrong" descendants. Mutating skin cells from the virus are actively growing and caused the appearance of papilloma.

Transmission paths and ways of infection

  1. Through sexual contact. The thin mucous membrane of the genital organs is very susceptible to the virus. If your partner has papillomas on genitalia, then the probability of infection is almost 100%. Reduce the risk can use a condom. But if the growing is located in an unprotected place (for example, the crotch), then the infection will occur in this case. It must be remembered that any kind of sexual contact and even kisses are dangerous with such a partner.
  2. From mother to child during childbirth. This happens when the future mother has Condylomes on internal or external genital organs. During childbirth, the child swallows the virus and he has papillomas on the larynx. This form of the disease is seriously treated.
  3. Through household subjects. Especially often infection occurs through towels, washcloths, razor machines, epilators. In this way, children from sick parents are infected.
  4. Infection in public places. Baths, swimming pools and locker rooms in gym can be dangerous. The virus left by a sick person on wet surfaces does not die. It causes infection if the infection fell on the injured skin. But the probability of this is not great.
  5. Autoinfection. This means that one papilloma may cause the appearance of a dozen neoplasms. Self-response occurs during shaving or epilation, when rubbed clothing.

Papilloma virus, types of papillom

Man's papilloma virus (HPV) is one of the most common on the planet. The causative agent itself is a dual DNA chain with genetic information surrounded by a protective protein shell. There is more than 100 of its varieties. Of these, 40 cause diseases in humans. Depending on the type of pathogen, the disease has different manifestations: warts, pointed, flat or intradermal papillomas and genital cancer.

After infection, the virus penetrates into the core of skin cells and begins to multiply there. So goes on about 3-12 months. This period is called incubation: the virus is already in the body, but there are still unnoticed external manifestations.

Then, if immunity is weakened, microscopic nipples consisting of several cells appear on the surface of the skin. Gradually, they increase and can grow up to 10 centimeters. If the immunity is strong, then papillomatosis or not manifests itself at all or does self-appealing, it can occur in young people up to 25 years, after childbirth or when chronic disease retreated.

There are several types of papillomavirus:

  1. Uncogeneous papillomaviruses (HPV 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 63).This group of viruses that do not cause rebirth in skin cells. HPV 1, 2, 4 and 63 types often become the cause of the sole and vulgar warts on the fingers of the hands. 3 and 10 cause flat warts that were previously considered a severe form of the disease. In fact, the body is thus trying to limit the spread of the virus. It seems to create around the affected cells "sarcophagus".
  2. Oncogenic papillomaviruses of low oncogenic risk (HPV 6, 11, 42, 43, 44). These types of virus can over time to cause a cancer tumor, but the risk of such a disease is not very high. The cells of the flat epithelium of the skin are mutated only if carcinogenic factors affect the body: smoking, poor ecology, long-term reception of hormonal contraceptives. Viruses 6 and 11 types are often caused by the development of a papilloma on the larynx and pointed wings in the genital organs.
  3. Oncogenic papillomavirus high oncogenic risk (HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and 68)Infection by these viruses often leads to cancer, especially cervical tumors and larynx. They also cause neoplasia - a precancerous state, which manifests itself in changing the structure of the uterine cells. The most dangerous HPV 16 in this group. This variety of virus causes 50% of cancer cases. 18 strain is also quite aggressive and often causes the appearance of the tumor of the cervix. 31 and 35 Type causes a bovenoid papular in men and in women who can cause pencil cancer and cervix. 51 and 56 Types of HPV are considered to be the least carcinogenic from the whole group, it is easier to treat and can be independently excreted from the body.
Forecast of the course of the disease

The most unfavorable forecast with 18 type of virus. The disease can go to cancer in 3-5 years, which quickly dismisses metastases to other organs. The tumor behaves aggressively and germinates deep into the genital organs. The forecast for infecting 16 type is somewhat better, but the probability of re-occurrence of the tumor after treatment is high.
Forecast at 31, 33, 35, 39, 52, 58, 59 types of virus unfavorable. 2-3 years after treatment, the disease reveals itself and often goes into a malignant form. When cancer caused by these varieties of the virus, high mortality rates.

Such unfavorable forecasts should alert a person if he discovered even a small grown on the skin. It is necessary to refer to a dermatologist or gynecologist, which can accurately diagnose.
Determine the type of human papilloma virus in laboratories. To do this, take a smear or scraping from the skin area where there are growths. Then in the laboratory determine the DNA of the virus. Types of papillomavirus differ among themselves the structure of the DNA chain sections. Recognize differences helps polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Symptoms and what do papillomas look like on the skin?

Papillomas on her face(Photo)

These benign growths are often located in places where the skin is the finest: near the eyes, around the nose and mouth. And in men on the chin in the shave zone. The growths can appear in one or groups. In appearance, this rounded grows similar to elongated nipples or cauliflower. Papillomas on the face are pink or brownish color.
First, a tiny elevation similar to a pimple appears on the surface of the skin. Gradually, it increases in size, grows up and to the sides. In the diameter of papilloma reaches up to 3 cm. The base is narrower, and the cap is rounded and buggy.

If female papillomas on the face causes mostly aesthetic problems, then men are increasingly harder. The growths are constantly traumatized during shaving, and this may cause serious inflammation.

Man infects with bodily contact with sick. It can be arms, sexual contact or, for example, through common towels. From the moment of infection, before the appearance of a papillom on his face can pass from 3 months to a year. Often, the growths are formed on the skin after suffering infections, strong stress, supercooling, during pregnancy, when immunity falls.

Papillomas on the skin of the neck and body (photo)

Papillomas may appear on any body site. Their location depends on the floor, the path of infection and the type of HPV. Some varieties of the virus cause the appearance of warts mainly on the genitals, others on the body. In men, papillomas most often appear armpits, on the sides of the body and on the neck. In women, they arise on the chest, under the breast, on the nipples and in the armpits. But the growths may occur on other parts of the body: on the abdomen, back, hips.

Papillomas on the body arise on average 3 months after infection. But the virus can nest in the skin and for several years, but to prove himself only after the fall of immune protection of the body.

While papilloma on the skin of the neck and body is small, it can be confused with goose skin. But gradually it grows and begins to bring a lot of inconvenience: clinging behind clothes, it is inflated, bleeding. In this case, it is impossible to postpone the visit to the doctor.

Papillomas on the skin of the hands (photo)

On the skin of the hands, vulgar papillomas or warts often appear, which are caused by the types of HPV 3 and 10. They are transmitted from a sick person to healthy and often grow in the place where there were small skin damage, especially the nails. From infection to the appearance of warts, it takes approximately 2-6 months.

Papillomas in their arms have their own characteristics. They are flatter and sit on a narrow leg, but right on the skin. These are small rounded formations of yellowish color with an uneven oroging surface. To the touch, they are dense and coarse. Neighboring elements are often merged and can hit a large surface. They are often on the fingers, palms, and in children and knees. This is due to the fact that the kids are crawling without clothes. In children, the warts appear more often than in adults, because their skin is more subtle and susceptible to the virus.

Papillomas on the skin Stop (photo)

These, benign formations on the soles are sometimes called sophisticated. They cause new pain and burning while walking and can bring a lot of problems.

The disease causes a human papilloma virus, and rather its types 1, 2 and 4. After 4-6 weeks after infection on the skin, smooth bright shishk appears. Gradually, it increases in size and yellow. Its surface becomes inhomogeneous, buggy or vile. The growth surrounds the protruding bezel. In 30% of cases, papillomas on the sole disappear independently. Self-intake mainly happens in young people with strong immunity.
Sometimes the plantar papillomas are confused with the corn, which appear from long squeezing footwear. But on the corn the skin drawing is preserved, and the surface of the plantar wart consists of separate rounded elements.

Removal by papilloma skin

Papillomas are removed when they spoil the appearance, they are often injured, they are inflicted or inclined to be reborn into the cancer tumor. The main method of treating papillomes is their removal. But in order for the Condylomes to never bothered you, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment:
  • Immunostimulating drugs to strengthen the protective forces of the body (Genferon, Imunofane).
  • Antiviral agents. They do not destroy the pathogen of the disease, but only restrain its growth (intron-A, leukinferon).
  • Citotoxic preparations. These drugs cause deaths of cells from which papillomas and condylomas are consisting of (indinol). They are used when rash is very common and striking lads and other internal organs. These drugs can cause serious side effects.
But the only effective means remains mechanical removal. Modern medicine offers several ways that can do it. Let's figure it out in their features.
  1. Surgical removal by papilloma.

    The operation is carried out if the size of papilloma is greater than 1 cm or there is a suspicion that cancer cells are present in the formation. Often the doctor is excised and some healthy tissues. This is necessary so that the increase does not appear again. After removal, seam is superimposed. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia and takes 10-15 minutes. In this case, the patient does not experience pain.
    In some cases, when papillomas has a thin leg, it is cut off by surgical scissors. Then the vessel that fell in blood is sealed (coagulate) with an electrocoagulator. The plot is treated with an antiseptic.

    The disadvantages of the method: a fairly extensive skin area is removed. Healing is long underway, scars and scars may appear after the operation.

  2. Calculation by papilloma liquid nitrogen.

    Another name of this method is cryodestruction, that is, the destruction of cold. After the tumor (papilloma) is surveyed and the analysis showed that it is benign and there are no changed cells in it, then you can proceed to operation.

    The doctor is touching papilloma with a cotton waller dipped in liquid nitrogen or a special nozzle. Nitrogen temperature -196 degrees. Exposure time is 5-20 seconds. The burden duration depends on the size of papilloma. Upon contact with liquid nitrogen, water in cells freezes, turns into ice, and its crystals destroy papillomas.

    The procedure is painless, but if the skin is very sensitive in this place, it is anesthetized with a zone of novocaine in a sore place. After treatment with nitrogen, skin whites, and gradually a small bubble filled with a transparent or pink liquid is formed in this place. The skin around blushes and swells. At this stage, a person may experience unpleasant sensations - burning and tingling. But they gradually pass.

    After the procedure, the doctor advises to process the skin by boring alcohol or a mortar solution 2 times a day for a week. Ointment cycloferon does not allow infection, increases local immunity and reduces the risk of re-appearing papilloma.

    Bubble in 3-4 days burst and turns into a crust that protects the wound from damage. Gradually, the top layer disappears and beneath it remains healthy, pink skin.

    The lack of the method: if the doctor slightly freeze the sick section of the skin, then the re-appearance of papilloma is possible. Too strong freezing damages healthy fabrics and causes the appearance of scars.

  3. Removal by papilloma laser.

    Before removal, analyzes to eliminate the presence of cancer cells. The place where the wart or papilloma is located, pain relieve with lidocaine. The patient is offered to put on safety glasses.

    A laser beam is directed to the neoplasm. For one papillae affect no longer a minute. The laser evaporates water in patients with cells, they sneeze and turn into a crust. After half an hour, the skin around blushes and swells, this is a normal reaction that will be held in a few days.

    The crust independently disappears in 5-7 days. In her place remains tender pink skin. Gradually, its color is aligned and there is no trace of papilloma on the site of the defect. For full healing, about 2 weeks will be required. During this period, you need to take the skin from direct sunlight. Otherwise, a dark brown spot will appear on the site of papilloma.

    Calculation by papilloma laser allows you to avoid infection with microorganisms and pour blood vessels. Therefore, bleeding during and after the operation does not occur.

    The crust that was formed on the site of papillomas, do not recommend wet and unpar 3 days. Also before full healing, it is impossible to apply decorative cosmetics. It will save from the appearance of scars. Processing this area with a solution of potassium permanganate or healing ointment with an antibiotic (Levomikol), on the recommendation of the doctor.
    With the help of a laser, papillomas are removed on their hands, legs, face and genital organs.

    The lack of the method: when removing large papilloma laser, scars may remain.

  4. Electrocoagulation by papillom.

    This is the removal of neoplasms using an electric current. Special apparatus The electrocoaguator allows you to dry the narrow base of papillomas or the entire wart. After that, the thief is easily separated from the skin. Bleeding from the wound does not occur because the vessels are sealed with current.

    Recovery will need 7-10 days. At this time, we recommend handling crusts with alcohol tincture of calendula 2 times a day. This will help avoid infection. After the crust is discharged under it, a thin pink skin is detected, which must be protected from injury and direct sunlight.

    The main advantage of this method is that the papilloma can be sent to research oncologist.
    Disadvantages of the method. If it is not enough to treat the site where Papilloma was located, then after a while she could grow again. Removal on sensitive sites (genitals) can be painful.

How to better remove papilloma on face and body?

Papillomas of the genital organs (Pointed Condylomes)

Causes of the appearance of papilloma of the genital organs (Condyl).

Papillomas of the genital organs or pointed condylomas are cone-shaped growths that appear on internal and external genital organs. They are a sign of a viral infection that is mainly transmitted.

Infection occurs during sexual contact with the patient, which has competitives on the skin. An intimate relationship with the carrier, which has no manifestations of the disease, but he highlights the virus. "Pick up" the pointed wings can, even if you used a condom. After all, this protection means covers not all areas.

All kinds of sexual contacts are dangerous: vaginal, oral and anal. Depending on the type of contact, the pointed condylomas may appear on the genitals, in the mouth, around the rear pass.

The causative agent of the disease is a human papilloma virus (HPV). It has about 100 varieties that cause different skin lesions. Finding on the skin of a healthy person, viruses penetrate her basal layer. Before entering the cage, the viruses remove the protein shell. Only DNA of the virus penetrates in the middle of the cell. If it is not embedded in the chromosoma of the core, then the disease does not show anyone. It happens in people with a strong immunity.

But if the body's defense weakens, the virus DNA is embedded in the kernel. The cage begins to change the itself and distribute the virus through the shell. Gradually, this site is thickened and grown in the form of a papilla over the skin surface. From this outflow, the virus applies to outward and can infect other people or move to healthy areas of the skin.

The virus does not penetrate into the blood, so they often appear in separate areas, and not throughout the body.

Papilloma virus, which causes pointed capital.

Some varieties of papillomavirus are more dangerous than others. They are called oncogenic. This means that the infection of such a pathogene increases the chance of developing a cancer tumor.

Oncogenic viruses are divided into two subgroups:

  • low oncogenic risks - here include HPV genotypes 6, 11, 42, 43, 44;
  • high oncogenic risk HPV - Genotypes HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and 68.
Oncogenic viruses behave very actively. They are worse than treat, longer remain in the body and rarely disappear on their own. If the infection occurred - it means, after 1-6 months, characteristic small tumors will grow on the skin. Most often they have a kind of cone or villion. Therefore, they are called pointed condylomas. But the most dangerous is that genoty 6, 11, 16 and 18 cause cervical cancer.

Symptoms and what do papillomas look in the genitals?

Papilers of the genitals are most often caused by 6 and 11 virus type. These growths are also called pointed condylomas.

Condylomes anal zone

These small growths can appear around the anus. They have a light pink or reddish brown color and small dimensions of 1-3 mm. Located with groups and can cover large areas, growing in the form of a rooster crest.

Condylomes cause itching, irritation and bleed after injury, for example, toilet paper.

Condylomes on sexual member

Men in men are growing in a sexual dick and scrotum. One of the most common areas of the defeat of Kondylomes is the corner of the penis and the bridle, less often the head. The appearance of pointed wings is easy to detect with external inspection. If you notice them better immediately consult a doctor urologist-andrologist.

The base is wider, and the tops are pointed. Fools are painless and soft to the touch. However, they can cause unpleasant sensations during intimate proximity.

At first there are one or more thighs of a tiny size. They grow and around them are formed new Condylomas. If you do not start the treatment in time, then rash can spread not only in the genital organ, but also in inguinal folds. This disease may cause penis cancer.

Condylomes in genitals in women

Condylomes in women may appear on large and small sexual lips, at the entrance to the vagina, inside it and on the cervix. Often they look like pearl and white wide villi with pointed riding. In their foundation, there is a clear liquid with an unpleasant smell. After their appearance, a woman experiences itching and discomfort, especially during sex. After sexual intercourse there may be a small discharge of blood from the vagina. This suggests that the Condylomes were injured.

If you discovered these small grows, you need to be examined at the gynecologist. In 2-5% of cases, pointed capital on the cervix can cause cancer. Therefore, it is worth visiting the doctor, even if the growing does not cause unpleasant sensations.

Condylomes in language

Pointed Condylomes in the language also may appear after sexual contact. These are small single elements or rather major growths. A person feels growing in the language, but does not pay attention, taking him for taste papilla.

Such pointed condylomas often appear in women on the mucous membrane, lips and on the skin around the mouth. It can significantly spoil appearance and cause a mass of complexes. Like other shapes, this requires comprehensive treatment.

Removal by papilloma genital organs

Preparation for removal

Before you choose a method for removing pointed kondil, the patient must pass a number of studies and pass some tests:
  • cytological research;
  • venault stroke or cervical canal;
  • laboratory study on the definition of antibodies to papillomavirus;
  • study on oncological diseases;
  • analyzes for infectious diseases that are transmitted by sexually.
According to the results of analyzes and degree of development, the doctor defines a method for removing neoplasms. Of course, the individual wishes of the patient are taken into account.

Before the procedure for removing the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs is anesthetized by 10% by lidocaine or contemporary contemporary.

When a papilloma appears on the genital organs (Pointed Condylomes), almost all experts recommend to remove them immediately. There are 6 effective methods for removing pointed wings.

Surgical removal

W.conditional is carried out with the help of surgical instruments under local anesthesia. This method is applied in extreme cases if the condyloma rose to large sizes or if it must be saved for the study. Requires high qualifications of the doctor and preliminary preparation of the patient. After removal, the doctor imposes seam, the skin heals in about a month.

Nitrogen ignition or cryodestruction

Impact on Condylomes with liquid nitrogen. A small drop of liquid nitrogen when hitting the root destroys its protein structure. After which Kondyloma disappears. In her place remains a wound, which after 1-2 weeks heals. The ignition procedure nitrogen does not take much time and does not require special preparation. Maybe under local anesthesia or without it. Without anesthesia, the patient feels pain comparable to the one that is present in the epilation of a deep bikini. The method is considered inexpensive and efficient. It is recommended to apply with point (single) manifestations of pointed kondil. If a lot is a lot, then multiple sessions will be required to delete. The method is accessible and widespread not only in private clinics, but also in many polyclinics. The disadvantage is the possibility of re-appearance of Condyloma, if the doctor has not fully fill it.

Laser removal

Impact on the ceiling focused laser beam is not more than 1 min. In this case, the drying of the growths. The procedure passes painless if the skin is pre-painted. The patient can feel painting and light discomfort. There remains dried crusts on the site, which in a few days disappear. Laser coagulation is recommended to use it with a large quantity of deep or spilled elements. This method is highly efficient, but relatively expensive. In addition, there is a possibility of the appearance of scars.


Impact on a pointed circular electric current. The doctor overtakes the leg, after which the thief disappears. Thanks to the use of electrical discharges, the vessels are sealed, which prevents the occurrence of bleeding. The patient is desirable to do superficial anesthesia. Paints occur with the cessation of actions of anesthesia. The recovery process will take about 1-2 weeks. The method is recommended to be applied in difficult cases or, if necessary, the study of the Condyloma.


Condylovery treatment with radio waves with the help of the Surgitron special apparatus. The mechanism of action is largely similar to the laser. Before the operation, the doctor makes superficial anesthesia with special painkillers sprays. This is the most modern method, its dignity is considered painlessness and rapid recovery. It also makes it possible for one session to remove all the conglishers even very large. The scars on the skin does not remain. But, unfortunately, the equipment is very expensive and there is far from all clinics.

Chemical destruction method

Medicinal preparations are used that contain organic acids and other chemicals. They are applied by the applicator only to the surface of Kondil and migrate them, destroying the cells of the growths. Most often use: Kondylin, Solkoderm, Solkovegin. The advantages of the method is its availability. No equipment needed for treatment.

When choosing a method, it all depends on the wishes of the patient and its financial security, as well as the capabilities of the clinic and the qualifications of the doctor.

During the recovery period, after removal it is necessary to maintain the purity of the genitals. Avoid overheating, rubbing and sweating on this site. The first two days doctors are not recommended to wet the wounds. 2 times a day, the site is treated with a cotton wand dipped in boron alcohol or hexicone. In the future, it is necessary to wash the genitals 2 times a day and each time after the intestinal emptying. The skin treatment with an antiseptic continues a few days after the disappearance of the crusts.

It is worth remembering that one local removal is not enough to get rid of Kondil - it is necessary to undergo a course of immunocorregging therapy.

How to better remove the root in the genitals?

  1. Removal of papilloma on sex member

    Almost in all cases, doctors recommend removing Condylomes on the sexual penis. After all, these neoplasms bring not only discomfort for the patient, but can also cause penis cancer. With sex contacts there is a high probability of infection of the HPV of the sexual partner.

    Many specialists consider the laser removal of the Condition in the most effective method.

    The removal procedure passes without anesthesia and does not cause special pain. The desired area is simply irrigated by an anesthetic spray. Plots from which the Condylomas were removed, to process with anti-inflammatory agents. The patient can not have sex until full recovery and wound healing.

    But the laser will be fully effective if papillomas have not achieved large sizes. Otherwise there is a risk of scarring. Large grows recommend to remove radio wave method.

  2. Removing papilloma on sex lips

    There is no fundamental difference, which method is carried out by the removal of single Condyl. This can be made by special surgical scissors, and then treat the skin with an antiseptic. If the doctor is qualified, then a good result is guaranteed. Numerous rashes are recommended to be removed by a laser or liquid nitrogen and an electrocoagulator is used.
  3. Removal of papilloma in the vagina

    Removal of deep internal organs requires special caution. Using surgical excision, causticing by chemical preparations, or laser coagulation. Liquid nitrogen remove Condylomes in the vagina will not be able, because you can burn a healthy mucous membrane, and it will heal for a long time.
  4. Removing papilloma cervix

    If the uterine cervices are caused by HPV 16,18, 31,33.35 and 39 types, then the appearance of a cancerium tumor for 5 years. Therefore, doctors unanimously insist on removing these growths. The removal procedure is carried out by a laser, a device for radio-wave therapy of Surgitron or migration to solidbin. Some doctors do not advise the use of liquid nitrogen on this site. Cryodestruction can lead to the fact that papilloma will decrease in height, but will grow in width.

Grafting from papilloma

Many world-famous medicine specialists consider the vaccination against papillomovirus the most efficient way to prevent cervical cancer. To date, more than 120 countries in the world included compulsory vaccinations from papilloma in the calendar. In Russia, vaccination is carried out at voluntary principles.

The basis of HPV vaccines are capsid proteins L1. They create virus-like structures (VLPs) that do not have a virus genetic material. That is, VLP is not infectious. They cannot cause a disease. Vaccines create the illusion that the body is already exposed to the virus. Immunity begins to produce protective bodies and thus prevent the development of real papillomatosis and condylomate.

We have the most popular with papilloma vaccines with us and abroad:

  • "Gardasil" of the Netherlands manufacturer Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V.
  • Cervarix of the Belgian company GlaxosmithKline Biologicals S.A.
Although both of these vaccines are designed to combat HPV, each has its own focus.
Vaccine Types of HPV Who do For what is applied
Gardasil 6, 11, 16, 18 - Girls and boys (9-17 years old)
- Young women (18-26 years old)
  1. Prevention of pointed dondlomes and pathologies of the cervical cervical channel.
Cervarix 16, 18 Girls and young women (10-25 years old)
  1. Prevention of the occurrence of cervical cancer.
  2. Protection against HPV infection, and developing by papillom, kondil and warts caused by other types of papillomomirus.

Initially, experts recommended vaccination only girls aged 9 to 17 years old. But recently in the US, Canada and in some countries, the EU began to instill adolescent boys. Thus, try to protect young people from penal cancer.

Vaccination passes intramuscularly in the form of injection in 3 stages: on a designated day, a month after the first vaccination and six months. Papill vaccinations have good tolerability.

Vaccines from HPV until recently had only positive feedback. Official data indicated that the effectiveness of the use of Cervarix and Gardasil ranges from 70 to 100%, both in the fight against HPV and pointed circularities and as preventing cervical cancer.

But in mid-2013, the German edition of Kopp-Verlag presents some information from the vaccine producers themselves. This data make it clear that the percentage of grafting efficiency from HPV is lower than expected. Studies on the effectiveness of vaccines from papillom are held so far.

Non-specific prophylaxis against Kondil and papillom

Prevention of contamination of human papilloma virus except vaccine includes other directions. All sexual contacts must be protected by a condom. This reduces the risk of infection by 70%.
If you think that infection could occur, then the internal and external genital organs can be treated with an antiviral agent epigent sex.

The disease may not express itself, even if the infection occurred. This option is possible if a person has a strong overall and local immunity. Then there is a chance that the virus in one year or two will independently leave the body. Strengthen protective forces of the body will help a healthy lifestyle and systematic hardening: a contrasting shower, swimming and walking in the fresh air.

Avoid hypothermia and situations when you can get infected with a domestic virus. For example, if one of the family members has conglisters on the body, then it is necessary to highlight it a separate towel and a washcloth. You can also use it with a razor machine. If the Condylomes are in the mouth or on the lips, then you should not drink with a person from one cup. This is especially true of children who have no immunity have yet formed, and they risk becoming hard.

And in conclusion Recall: be attentive to your health and do not tighten with treatment. After all, kondylomes and papillomas are inflaced and you risk passing them to loved ones.

The skin is the biggest human body. Skin cover protects the human body from environmental impacts. The epidermis prevents microbes, microorganisms in the body. Also skin tissues are in contact with chemical, physical, environmentally aggressive and other factors.

The structure of the skin has three main layers. The neoplasms appear on different layers. Therefore, the causes of formations are completely different reasons. Among the formed on the skin there may be melting-quality oncological tumors, neules and benign education.

Based on the statistical data, the largest number of formations that appeared on the skin are malignant, in the form of melanoma, basal cell and flat-belling cancer.

What is neoplasms?

Non-standard growth of skin cells is called neoplasms. As the main reason for the appearance of neoplasms, specialists call the impact of ultraviolet rays. The second cause of skin lesions are carcinogenic substances. For any new formation on the skin, it is necessary to follow and seek to see a doctor - oncologist. He will hold all the necessary diagnostic procedures. And he will recommend what further actions you will need to fulfill.

Classification of neoplasms

According to international standards, all neoplasms are divided into three types:

  • Benign.
  • Malignant.
  • Border (predrate).

Benign skin neoplasms

The characteristic features of benign formations is their slow growth. These neoplasms do not infect neighboring skin cells. Education is single and do not have additional lesions (metastasis). Benign neoplasms do not harm the human body, but nevertheless they have a property sometimes reborn into malignant.

Views of benign neoplasias:

  • Papilloma. Benign wart cracking of skin fabrics. The surface of papilloma without hairs, but nevertheless darous. It has a property to increase in size, but it takes a long period of time. The color of the neoplasm varies from brown to gray. The form papilloma is most often rounded, but can be completely any.
  • Seborine Bearding. Another name of this neoplasm is old papilloma. It looks like a clearly distinguished wart element. It has a color from brown to black. It manifests itself most often in people of old age, hence the second name. The places of their formation most often is the head, under the hair or skin sections that are hidden under the clothes. Seborrheal warts are formed in violation of the placement of cells of the skin of the basal layer.
  • Keratoacanta - This is cancer of the skin of the face and hands, but benign. A dense formation is formed on the dermis, the central part of which are horn masses. After the education grows up to three millimeters, it collapses itself, but a small scar is formed. Refroken this neoplasm in cancer is not capable. In any case, such rebirths have not yet found. The location of Keratoacantomas is most often put in Nesus. It is clear from the name that education consists of epidermis pigment cells. Pignet neutres of dark color, due to the high content of melanocytes. There is no definite place for their appearance, as there are neoplasms in completely unexpected and different places. Some of the notes that appeared are capable of turning into cancer. Most often reborn pigment nevys, which were formed on the soles of the legs, palms of the genital organs.
  • Dermatofibroma. Newly formed tumor on skin connective tissues. Visually looks like a single or multiple nodule pigmented growth.
  • Lipoma. It is formed in a fat layer of the skin. The defeat of epidermis tissues looks soft and noded. Maximum can grow up to ten centimeters. Basically, a single tumor is formed, but there were cases of multiple neoplasias, which are formed at unprotected areas of the skin. Formed after insect bites and various small injuries. Saturated color knots, in the future do not develop into larger formations.
  • Angioma. The neoplasm that is formed on the inner walls of the blood vessels and the lymphatic system. The skin looks like stains, which, when pressed, disappears. Angioma is quite difficult to diagnose in the initial stages, due to its location and view (visually tumor repeats the structure of the vessel). Neoplasia is formed both on the surface of the skin and in the internal organs.
  • Angoma, formed in a vessel, violates its work and, of course, is dangerous to overall human health. The resulting angioma on the face is a stain from pink to blue. The surface of the neoplasia is diverse (i.e. it may be even, and buggy). At the place of education, Angiom, they are subdivided:
    1. venosnocherminovna
    2. mixed
    3. arteriovenomous

Malignant neoplasms

Malignant tumors on human skin behave very aggressively. This is manifested in an accelerated increase in the size of formations, the formation of additional lesions of lesion, infecting the adjacent tissues of the dermis.

The most common types of malignant tumors are:

Border or precancerous skin states are neoplasias that are under rebirth in a malignant tumor.

Types of precancerous neoplasms:

Diagnosis of neoplasms

As soon as you found a new education on the body or face or a change in moles, you need to turn to the oncologist. A qualified specialist in appearance is able to determine the approximate diagnosis. And already with the help of biopsy is specified by the good - or malignancy of the neoplasm. Therefore, do not try to diagnose skin education yourself, and immediately contact a specialist.

Papillomavirus is a disease that does not represent the danger to human life, but at the same time the resulting inconvenience. Small "nipples" on the face and body look ugly and constantly injured. You cling to them, causing makeup, combing, fastening the blouse or bra - is it not easier to get rid of them? Moreover, it can be done independently, without resorting to the help of a doctor or cosmetologist. For example, using vinegar, tea tree essential oil or ointments based on clean region.

Papillomas call small downtown processes appearing on the skin of the human body. You will be surprised by learning that Papilloma is not only a benign education, but also the main symptom of Papillomavirus, which more than 75 percent of the inhabitants of the globe are sick. The security of the consequences of removing such a neoplary can be confirmed only by the doctor, it also selects the optimal method of deliverance from this cosmetic defect. However, if Papilloma appeared again in the same place as before - you can try alternative treatment methods.

What is papilloma and why does she appear?

Dosage processes from fat mass, called papillomas, usually do not exceed 5-15 millimeters in length. Usually they appear on the face, neck, back and arms. As a rule, they usually "jump out" by groups, and not a single way. Papilloma is a kind of benign tumor, the cause of which the virus becomes. Distinguish plantar, pointed and flat papillomas. Having appeared once, papillomas will return every time the immunity will give the slack. "

The virus nature of the disease determines the impossibility of complete cure. "The impetus" to the emergence of new processes can be ORVI, taking antibiotics, pregnancy, stress. Casting papilloma is quite painful - contact with clothes, washcloth or bones of a bra gives a lot of unpleasant sensations.

It cannot turn into a malignant papilloma tumor. Therefore, it can be deleted, without fearful health. However, try not to infect the wound and damage the skin around the process.

Homemade papillomal removal methods

Papillomavirus treatment must begin with improving immunity. If the root cause of education is unknown to you, it makes sense to consult with a physician and pass the overall blood test. It is possible that in the body there is a hidden infection or a chronic inflammatory process that has been inherited from a non-herded bronchitis or adnexite.

Eat foods containing vitamin C - grapefruits, lemons, bell peppers, lettuce leaves. Black tea replace the decoction of lingonberry leaves, souls or calendula. Take a vitamin and mineral complex with calcium, zinc and selenium every day.

Ancient way to get rid of papilloma - cavity. Egyptian doctors applied a charred head to the growths to provoke neoplasm fabric necrosis. Papilloma was covered with a crust and disappeared in a few days. On the skin after such a "treatment" there was a burn scar.

Modern varieties of caustion refers, first of all, cryodestruction. This is the destruction of papilloma with liquid nitrogen. At home, it can be replaced by cryogenic liquid. It is necessary to apply such a composition with a special applicator. The processurn turns, then disappears. During the migration, you will feel a strong, but tolerant burning.

At home, you can also use a lipis pencil. Silver nitrate included in its composition is perfectly coping with warts, papillomas and natopysh. Abundantly lubricate the formation of a pencil, and after a couple of days, only a pink spot will remain in its place.

Replace silver nitrate and liquid nitrogen will be able to lemon juice, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. True, the first time to remove the papilloma will not succeed. Wipe it 2-3 times a day with a cotton disk, moistened in the liquid. To enhance the effect, use concentrated acetic acid instead of conventional vinegar.

Essential oils are no less effective than a lipis pencil. Buy Eucalyptus, tea tree or lemon in the pharmacy. Please note that high-quality concentrated oil cannot cost 100-150 rubles. We carefully wet the papillary essential oil every night before bedtime.

Cleaner juice is sold on any pharmacy and it can also be used to remove papillom. You can also prepare my own ointment from Cellular. The dried grass was chill with chopping, mix with any hand or petroleum cream. Store ointment is allowed in the refrigerator within 2-3 months. Preparations of cleanliness can not be used on the skin of the face.

Clean the large bulb and fill it with 3 percent vinegar. Leave in a dark cool place for 5-6 days, then cut down inad. With the help of an elastic bandage, fix the whole of the bulbs on papilloma. Remove the bandage after 2-3 hours, rinse the skin area with cold water so that there is no irritation. In order to destroy the papillae will have to conduct a course of 10 similar procedures.

Most of the population is a carrier of human papilloma viruses (HPV). Almost every adult came across life with such a phenomenon as warts on the body. The disease is successfully eliminated by the achievements of medicine, everyone should know how to easily and quickly get rid of unpleasant growths.

Warts, Papillomas, Pointed Condylomes - Symptoms of papillomatosis caused by a virus of various genotypes, which are more than a hundred. Depending on the method of infection, the state of immunity of patient rash has a different appearance, location location.

Most of the warts on the body do not pose a danger to a person, from the point of view of oncology, do not carry the risk of rebirth in malignant education, are benign. There are a number of viruses with high oncogenesis, which, in the absence of adequate treatment, change the function of skin cells, which leads to the formation of pathological processes within the outflow. The proceeding process takes place for a long time, with regular medical examinations, prevention specialist will notice, will prevent the disease.

If there is a virus in the cells of the epidermis, the growth infection needs a long incubation period, lasts from three weeks to six months. With a weakened immunite, the incubation period is reduced, with the active state of the emulsion of the rash may not appear while the protective function of the body will not weaken. Immunodeficiency due to which the virus manifests itself in the form of warts is formed due to external, internal factors.

External factors

The external factors that contribute to the decrease in immunity and the growth of warts on the body include:

  • stressful situations, chronic fatigue, insufficient rest;
  • unbalanced nutrition with a predominance of carbohydrate, refined, high-calorie food, rich food;
  • low physical activity, sedentary lifestyle;
  • overweight;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse.

It is possible to pick up an infection with a household method when using common hygiene items: soap, towels, slippers in public baths, saunas. In public places: handrails, railings, door handles.

Internal factors

To the internal factors for the appearance of warts on the body provoking the state of immunodeficiency include:

  • hormonal violations in adolescents in transition, in future mothers during pregnancy;
  • digestion disorders due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • chronic infections, exacerbations, acute course of diseases;
  • halad attitude to hygienic procedures.

The carrier of the virus man with a strong immunity can be for a long time, not to have any rashes on the body.

You can get used by household, sexually. With sexual contact with the infection carrier, the probability of infection is more than 85%.


There are many varieties of viral growths that differ in external signs, the type of pathogen, symptomatology, the distribution site. Frequently found viral growths include:

  • ordinary warts - convex rounded formation up to 1 cm in diameter, tend to form groups, coloring ranges from corporal color to dark brown, rough surface, skin pattern is deformed;
  • flat / youth warts are located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle, have a light color, a group location, smooth, rounded form, slightly rise above the surface of healthy skin, have a bug stem, appear during a period of unstable hormonal background;
  • the soles are localized on the palms, feet, in the interdigital space, there are layers of dry, oroging skin, surface uneven, matte with black point inclusions. Present capillaries, the structure is inhomogeneous, crystalline, due to the influx of blood, the preservation of the sensitivity of the nerve ending when pressed the patient feels pain. With unqualified treatment, there is a possibility of spreading infection to healthy skin sections;
  • pointed Condylomes are formed when the virus is transmitted by sexually, they grow in the crotch area, the rear passage, on the mucous membranes of the inner walls of the vagina. The men are striking the penis head, the first signs of infection - the unpleasant feelings at the point of growth of Kondyloma, the swelling is increasing, the area around the growth can redden, atypical discharge appears, pain after sexual intercourse in women;
  • hanging warts - formation on the leg, through which the generation of growth occurs, the color of the defect fluctuates from corporal to dark brown. There are red, lesions are multiple with the trend of the association into one large spot, in appearance resembles a roasting comb, there are no painful sensations.

Each type of growth has its own distribution area. Ordinary warts are manifested on the limbs, grow in the rest of the body.

Due to autocaporiation, when the patient combines the skin, detects an infection to healthy skin.

Youth warts are localized on the face, often encountered on their hands. The soles grow on the brushes, soles. Pointed Condylomes - on the genitals, the area of \u200b\u200bgroin, hanging - are formed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpits, neck, the scalp, on the stomach, back, on the eyelids, the area around the eyes.

Why the wart on the body hurts itching

More often warts that cause itching, located on the body in the field of skin friction with clothing: collars on the neck, rubber bands from linen, belt from trousers, shoes, hand brushes. Injurge on the scalp is easily combed, if the thigh appeared on the face of men, it is injured with shaving accessories. High ultraviolet radiation can activate unwanted processes in the skin, the growth will begin to root.

Is the appearance of warts all over the body dangerously

If a person is growing on a body, such a state is not hazardous for the patient's life, but is a signal to reduce the body's protective forces, which may result in hazardous diseases. Hazard for health represent injuries. The wart on the back, in the hair, in armpits, is easily injured, which can cause the attachment of bacterial infection, bleeding. The integrity disorder contributes to the growth of growths into large areas, which is fraught with an increase in the costs of removing skin defects, a long rehabilitation period. Experts in the field of dermatology advise, regardless of why warts appear on any part of the body, they need to be removed, without waiting for the consequences of the disease. More often virus skin defects represent a cosmetic defect.

To which doctor to turn with multiple warts

The treatment of skin problems is engaged in a dermatologist. It is recommended to make an appointment after detection on the body of viral growths. Warts on the stomach, its lower part, on the genitals need to show the venereologist, gynecologist. There is a chance that together with the virus there has been infected with other dangerous sexual infections.

Therapy of getting rid of warts on the body consists of a complex:

  • correction of food habits, sleep and recreation, normalization of emotional background;
  • antiviral therapy to suppress the activity of the virus, its quantity;
  • elimination of background diseases that contribute to the development of immunodeficiency;
  • strengthening immunity with preventive measures, medicines;
  • removal of outlook by a laser, liquid nitrogen, a diathermoelectro-adhesive, radion and a scalpel when extensive growths appear.

Doctors are not recommended for removal of growths to use folk medicine or pharmaceutical preparations for use at home. They are uncomfortable in use, do not guarantee the result. Before you get rid of warts on the body, a specialist consultation is necessary to notice pathological processes, prevent complications in the form of recurrence of the disease, inflammation, scars, scars, enhancing a bacterial infection.

When the skin appearance appears on the body, there is always a chance that you are dealing with a wart.

A rare person did not come across them on the personal experience or experience of loved ones.

To approximately imagine what kind of thief, it is enough to know the types of warts.

  • All information on the site is familiarized and is not a guide to action!
  • Put an accurate diagnosis you may only a doctor!
  • I convincingly ask you not to engage in self-medication, but sign up for a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Their specific features will not be allowed to doubt the nature of the neoplasm.

Causes of appearance

The cause of the formation of warts is a papillomavirus infection.

She is one of the most common. Many are her carriers, although they may not suspect about it.

  • The smallest damage on the skin or mucous membranes contribute to the penetration of the virus inside.
  • Infection is happening with close physical contacts. It is not surprising that the most common transmission path is sexual.
  • It is not so rarely an infection and in everyday life, especially in gyms, pools, baths, when using the hygienic items of another person.
  • The virus is transmitted and from the mother's baby when it appears on the light passing through the generic path. Therefore, pregnant women should be in a timely manner and treat growths.

Photo: Most often infection occurs when sex contact

Risk factors

In the risk group for infection with the papilloma virus, those people who lead an erratic sex life bother themselves thorough hygiene.

Unfortunately, external signs do not always indicate the carrier of the virus.

Often an infected person himself does not suspect the presence of a virus in the body.

An important role in this belongs to the immune system.

Strong immunity does not give the virus to go to the active stage, and it is in a hidden form exactly until the body's defense is weakened.

Promote virus activation can:

  • infectious or inflammatory disease;
  • hormonal violation;
  • stress;
  • physical fatigue;
  • lack of basic vitamins or minerals;
  • unfavorable ecological situation;
  • harmful working conditions.

As a result, a person can detect the appearance of warts or papillom.


Types and Localization of Warts

What are the warts?

There are several varieties, they are determined by a specific subtype of the virus that has fallen into the body.

Each prefers certain sections of the human body.

Usually, the neoplasm refers to one of the following types:

  • vulgar, or. These are rounded growths resembling a rigid burner bubble. There are such growths usually in the hands of the fingers and the back of the brushes. They are met on tight skin knees. May over time, especially if they appeared in childhood;
  • flat. They are round or irregularly shaped specks, most often localized on the face, less often - on hand, shoulders. They are somewhat lifted over the rest of the skin and can cause discomfort. Usually, adolescents and young people tend to form such a type of warts, especially if their skin is injured, inflamed;
  • , or sophisticated. Food on the foot. Present round rigid seals, sometimes with visible papillas in the middle. When the top layer is exhausting, you can notice black dots. Deeply flapped skin layers over time begin to squeeze the nervous endings, as a result of which, when walking, a person experiences pain;
  • (acrohords). It has increased the elongated form, with an increase you can notice uneven, "torn" edge of this neoplasm. Such warts prefer plots of thin skin and the natural folds of the body, so found on the face, especially in the area and, on, under the breast and in (especially in fat people);
  • pointed Condylomes (warts). These are elastic elastic growths in the form of a cauliflower or a rooster crest. They are formed on mucous membranes, primarily genital organs. Might affect the bladder with ureters, located inside. Sometimes these growing are striking, the throat, appear on the voice ligaments or in the trachea, in the ducts of the mammary glands.
  • old warts (age-related kerats). These neoplasms, although they received such a name, but are not a consequence of the papilloma virus. These benign growns are associated with functional changes in skin cells under the influence of ultraviolet or due to heredity.

Warts are a common name for all manifestations of papillomavirus infection.

Types of warts are well defined by photo. But only a specialist puts the accurate diagnosis.


Effective treatment can be appointed only after diagnosing the growth and clarification of the diagnosis.

General principles

Impact on warts has its own nuances that need to be considered in order to achieve the best result. General principles of treatment are as follows:

  • man's papilloma virus is completely impossible. It will always be present in the body. Therefore, the purpose of treatment is to deactivate it and translate into the latent phase;
  • even after effective treatment, the probability of recurrence remains;
  • after applying different on the skin, scars or scars can remain. No method gives a 100% guarantee of their absence;

Photo: Scar after a neoplasm removal

  • sometimes warts can pass independently, in childhood it is observed more often. Other growths may not succumb to the most efficient effects;
  • given the previous point, it is not always advisable to immediately begin the treatment of warts. But with physical or psychological discomfort delivered by the growths, it is not necessary to wait;
  • treatment of growths should be started with the most soft and gentle products and only in the absence of effect, gradually move towards more aggressive;
  • before treatment, it is necessary to distinguish the neoplasm from similar (moles,), that is, to diagnose.

Photo: Before starting treatment, it is necessary to diagnose

The appearance of warts on any sites, even on the genital organs, should not cause panic.

It is reasonable to approach the situation, discussing the tactics of treatment with a doctor.


Medical treatment includes the use of local or systemic drugs.

They are divided into groups depending on the effect produced:

  • immunostimulating and antiviral drugs. From this group of medicines, it is preferable to start the treatment, since they activate their own body forces to combat infection. These include, Panavir, acyclovir, oxolin ointment, ointment of Vishnevsky, Riodeoksol, imiquimod, etc. Increasingly, such drugs begin to consider as an independent way to treat warts;

Photo: Application of pharmacy for removal of growths

  • necrotizing means. These are drugs that cause the fracturing of warts, having a toxic effect on it. They produce an ignition effect. These include, Kondylin, Podophylline, Vaintte, et al.;
  • keratolithic means. Soften the dense texture of the growth, contribute to its exfoliation from the skin. This is a salicyl ointment, a pencil Vettner, Collomak ,. They are well suited to remove warts on their feet;
  • preparations with cryotherapy effect. This is. The principle of their action is similar to the removal of liquid nitrogen in clinics, but both means are adapted for home use, have a safer composition and applicators for accurate application. Apply them only for removal and plantar growths.

In medical institution

Clinics offer radical ways to combat warts:

  • - freezing with liquid nitrogen. Low temperature instantly stops the processes of vital activity in wart cells, after a few days it disappears. The method is suitable for small formations and is not always effective due to the complexity in adjusting the depth of impact;

  • electro-generation - Impact on high temperature growth with help. The wart turns into a dry crust, but there is a chance of damage to the surrounding tissues, which is why the healing period will be longer and the scar may form;
  • radio wave removal -, which increases intracellular pressure and leads to the death of thin cells. The method does not cause damage to the surrounding tissues, and also protects against infection and bleeding;
  • laser method - The direction of the laser on the wart contributes to the evaporation of its cells. The method provides a very accurate effect, the absence of complications and the minimum risk of the appearance of the scar;
  • exciration - Surgical removal of the outflow of the scalpel. It is injured by the adjacent fabrics, the infection is not excluded, the scar remains at the site of the operation. The method applies according to the indications if they do not exist, then prefer to use a different methodology.

For each type of growth, the most appropriate way is the specific way. Therefore, when choosing listen to the recommendations of the doctor.

Video: "How to get rid of warts, kondil and papillom"

Folk remedies

In the treatment of warts apply and.

Sometimes they effectively and painlessly eliminate the skin from the growths:

  • cleanpole juice is very well killed warts. It is necessary to lubricate the thief to them, avoiding getting into healthy skin. The procedure is performed for 1 time every other day;
  • You can prepare the future, drying the plant and apply in the form of compresses from its bravery. You can independently can make the tincture of this plant, it can be lubricated the warts daily, but not more than 1 time per day;

Photo: Fresh Cleanpole Juice Applied for Flood Magnification

  • the juice of the dandelion is also effective, but less aggressive than Clephele juice. Therefore, it is possible to lubricate the growing grows up to 3x every day;
  • juice and onions have antiviral and migration properties. They can be used in the form of appliqués from crushed raw materials, or simply lubricate the fresh cut of the wart 2-3 times a day;

Photo: Removal of garlic casket

  • the tincture of wormwood or its strong decoction (3 tbsp. Spoons on a glass of boiling water) produces toxic effect on wart. They can lubricate the thief daily;
  • to drain the wart is capable of usual chalk. Grind it into powder, pour on the thief and secure the plaster. Go so all day, change the dressing for the night;
  • cold procedures can be applied for children. Apply a piece of ice to the growth until it melts. It is better if you freeze the decoction of a series or cleanliness. This will give an additional effect;
  • vinegar is able to completely remove the neoplasm for one application, if the essence is dropped on it. You can use both table and apple, only one should observe all precautions;
  • jewel juice mix with fine salt and impose on the thief, you can leave for the night.

People's pharmacy is rich in recipes from warts.

We only indicated a small part.

It is impossible to underestimate the properties of therapeutic plants and other components of the composition. Therefore, cooked mixes, decoctions and tinctures are better not to concern in unprotected hands.

Use cotton sticks, plastic or wooden spatulas.


The human papilloma virus is included in the international classification of diseases, which contains a description of diseases and other health problems in a convenient for use worldwide.

Once at 10 years, this document is reviewed and updated, at the moment the health has been used in health from the 10th revision.

On the ICD-10 warts are included in different classes of diseases, it is possible to find them according to the corresponding codes:

  • simple warts - B07;
  • anogenital warts - A63.0;
  • large papillomas - D1;
  • papillomas cervix - D0;
  • bladder papillomas - 3.

Dyashes Lie

Warts are caused by viral infection and they can, of course, can be infected.

Photo: Infection of HPV can occur upon contact with the skin of the virus carrier

To do this, you need direct contact "Leather to the skin" or the use of objects of personal hygiene of an infected person.

According to statistics, most of the world's population is infected with this virus, the data speak for themselves.

  • Often there is infection in everyday life. Especially frequent cases of the occurrence of vulgar and plantar growths.
  • On the fingers and in the footsteps, in most cases, warts are formed after driving barefoot in public shower, pools, saunas. Water softens the skin, making it more accessible to infection penetration.

With unprotected sexual acts and from Mother to the baby, the virus is transmitted with a probability of 100%.


Man's papilloma virus is very unpredictable.

Warts may disappear independently for 2 years, may not be changed or progress.

Even successful treatment does not guarantee the lack of recurrence in the future.

Therefore, if you have already dealt with warts, always be alert.

When you need to consult a doctor

Sometimes self-treatment can cause harm.

Carefully inspect your thief and consult a doctor if:

  • it is located in the intimate area;
  • is he , ;
  • if over the past month he changed his signs (color, size, surface structure);
  • it is unsuccessfully located, hurts for clothes or rubs off shoes;
  • the amount of warts increases;
  • you are not sure that this is the wart.

In these cases, careful diagnosis of the neoplasm is needed.


Despite the prevalence of warts, the prevention of their appearance is not difficult:

  • careful personal hygiene;
  • only the individual use of objects of hygiene and cosmetics;
  • timely processing of even small cuts and cracks by antiseptic;
  • sex hygiene, the use of barrier prevention methods, restriction of the number of sexual partners;
  • caring for health and condition of immunity;
  • full food and rest.
The types of warts are several, but the reason they have one - the papilloma virus.

In order to prevent its development, you should always carefully monitor your health and do not even let small problems on samonek.

Some infections can take advantage of the body's short weakness and start their activities.

Video: "Types of warts (papillom)"

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