Sharp rhinitis in an infant. Symptoms of acute and chronic rhinitis in children, treatment and disease prevention

Rubber in children, or as it is also called rhinitis, is a common phenomenon. Most often, it occurs in viral diseases, but also in babies, its appearance can occur in completely different reasons. So the more different is the rhinitis in the infants, for example, from a older child, and whether it is necessary to treat it?

Etiology and mechanism for the development of alert in an infant

Most often with such a problem as the appearance of a runny nose in a breast child, parents face the first months of his life. And often a major role in its development is not the disease, but the physiological features of the newborn body.

The inner surface of the nose is completely eliminated by a thin mucous membrane, under which there are many capillaries. This mucosa performs a very important function - it produces a mucus that holds particles of dust, dirt and pathogenic microorganisms in the nasal cavity, without allowing them to penetrate the body itself. And what they are more, the more this mucus is produced.

But when the child is in the womb, its mucous membranes do not face environmental impact and after birth they are just beginning to adapt to them. And it is precisely this period of adaptation often in the kids and is accompanied by the occurrence of a cold.

As a rule, physiological rhinitis in newborns is manifested by watery discharge from the nose, which have no smell and do not disturb the respiratory process.

The baby feels good, sleeping calmly and takes the chest. It is not necessary to treat such a runny nose. It takes place without any complications when the age of the baby reaches 10-11 weeks.

However, infants are observed not only physiological runny nose. They are the same as other children, are subject to various infections that, in addition to the discharge from the nose, are also manifested by other symptoms.

As mentioned above, the inner surface of the nose is eliminated by the mucous membrane, which is engaged in the development of mucus. As part of this mucus is Muzin, which gives it a viscosity. This substance also provides antiviral and antibacterial effect. And when pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the nasal cavity, it begins to be produced in large quantities, as a result of which the child appears the drum snot, scoring the nasal passages and leading the respiratory processes.

Such rhinitis in the newborn requires a special approach to treatment. In this case, it is necessary to correctly choose drug therapy, which will not only eliminate the main symptom - runny nose, but also warn the development of other pathologies.

After all, impaired nasal respiration can lead to hypoxia, that is, the deficiency of oxygen in the body. This state leads to a violation of the functionality of the cerebral cells, which can lead to a variety of consequences.

In addition, if you do not carry out a trip, which was not caused by physiological causes, it may cause a child in a child, sinusitis and other diseases of the respiratory system. But! Treatment should be carried out only after the exact cause of the hyperactivity of the nasal mucosa is revealed. And only the doctor can do it correctly.

Causes of the appearance and types of rhinitis in newborns

The reasons for the occurrence of a cold in a thoracic child. First of all, these are the physiological features of the children's body, as well as the conditions in which there is a baby. For example, the reason for the appearance of rhinitis can dry air indoors and its dustiness.

Often, the main provoking factor are allergens, in the role of which can be pollen plants, animal wool, powders, fabrics, of which bed linen are made, etc.

Also the cause of the appearance of rhinitis is the curvature of the partition or the congenital abnormal structure of the nose. And, of course, viruses and bacteria can provoke a runny nose that penetrate the children's body through the nasal cavity.

At the age of 5-12 months, snot may appear because of the penetration of foreign objects in the nasal pass, for example, small details of toys. In this case, the runny nose is a consequence of irritation of the mucous membrane of the nose.

Often, breast children are observed snot with strengths of blood, which, naturally, causes severe concern among the parents. But you should not panic. The reason for the appearance of snifts with strengths of blood speaks of the brittleness of the capillaries, which is normal for newborn children.

Important! It is necessary to understand that snot with strengths of blood and noseblement is completely two different concepts and they arise for various reasons. In case the baby has bleeding from the nose, it should be immediately shown to show a doctor.

Depending on the cause of the origin of rhinitis, it can be:

  • Physiological. Arises due to the physiological features of the nasopharynx;
  • Allergic. Appears as a result of the impact on the body of allergens;
  • Bacterial. Provoked by bacteria;
  • Viral. Arises against the background of viral infections.


The occurrence of rhinitis in an infant is always manifested by the separation of mucus from the nasal passages. Mussels can be scarce and abundant, have transparent, white, yellow or green. By its consistency, snot can be liquid like water, or drums.

At the same time, the overall symptoms are different and it depends, first of all, the cause of the occurrence of a runny nose. If this is a physiological runny nose, then the overall condition of the child remains satisfactory. It only has transparent snot and itching in a nose that provokes frequent sneezing.

In the case of an allergic rhino, there is also an emergence of water mucus from the nose. But in addition, there are also such symptoms as:

Important! Allergic runny nose is the most dangerous, since its appearance provokes the enemy of mucous membranes, which can spread to the upper heights of the respiratory system, causing attacks of choking! If the child will not be assisted in a timely manner, it can lead to a fatal outcome.

But bacterial and viral rhinitis is almost always accompanied by a general deterioration in the state of the child (he sleeps badly, eats, becomes irritable, etc.) and an increase in body temperature. At the same time, such a runny nose is often the cause of nasal and impairment of nasal respiration. Soclutions of infectious origin have a thick dying consistency, white, yellow or green.

How to diagnose?

Independently diagnose the runny nose in the baby is very easy. With his appearance, the child begins to breathe mouth and often grows his nose. From the nasal cavities, the mucus begins to stand out, in the color of which and the general condition of the child can determine the cause of its occurrence.

If the nozzles are transparent, liquid, like water, and at the same time no smell is depleted, then this indicates a physiological cold that does not require special treatment. If the mucus is drumming and has a yellow or white shade, complemented by a low temperature, this indicates the development of a viral infection, to eliminate which the use of antiviral drugs will need.

In the same case, if the infants appear thick green snot, depleting the reel odor and accompanied by high temperatures, this already indicates the development of a bacterial infection that requires immediate antibacterial therapy.

Allergic rhinitis is always manifested by redness and elevation of the eyelids, increased tearing and release of water mucus from the nose without odor.

Before starting the treatment of rhinitis in the baby, it is necessary to show his doctor. Only the specialist will be able to obtain the results of the tests and the individual inspection of a small patient, to determine the nature of the occurrence of a cold and assign treatment, which in this case will be as efficient as possible.

But besides this, parents need to comply with some rules that will help speed up the process of recovery of the kid:

How and what to treat?

Treatment of rhinitis in babies is carried out by medication. To facilitate the respiratory process, local droplets and sprays of the vasoconductive action are used (Nazol Bebi, Nazivin, etc.). Apply such drugs no more than 3 times a day, a course of 3-5 days.

Important! It is impossible to use vesseloring drugs for a long time, as they are dried and depleted to the mucous membrane, as well as provoke the development of drug rhinitis, which is characterized by addictive to medicines and get rid of it is very difficult.

Before using vasoconstrictor droplets or sprays, you must first clean the nasal passes from the mucus. To do this, use a children's aspirator, which is sold in all pharmacies, as well as a medicament pear with a rubber tip.

It is also necessary to wash the nasal passages. For this purpose, drugs such as Aquamaris, Akwalor Baby "Soft shower" and others are used.

In the event that the child has a runny nose against the background of viral infection, an additional reception of antiviral drugs is required. If rhinitis has a bacterial nature of origin - antibiotics.

Important! Antiviral drugs and antibiotics should be appointed only by a doctor.

These drugs have a lot of contraindications and possess side effects, and therefore they are selected individually, as well as their dosage, as well as the duration of reception.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis requires the use of antihistamine drugs. As a rule, babies are prescribed such as zoda and zyrtek in the form of droplets.

Important! Folk remedies for the treatment of infant children are strictly prohibited, since alternative medicine requires the use of various braveraging and informations from medicinal herbs, which can provoke the appearance of a strong allergic reaction in crumbs.

Conduct the treatment of a cold in an infant only if it was triggered by viruses, bacteria or allergens. Physiological rhinitis, as well as a runny nose, which arose as a result of dry air or dusting of the room, does not need special treatment.

In order for the treatment of a runny nose in kids to a year to the year, it is necessary to first establish the exact cause of its origin. And only a doctor can make it.

Acute rinith is an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the inner surfaces of the nose with characteristic symptoms of various levels of severity: discharge from the nose, difficulty breathing through the nose, tearing and sneezing. Most often, rhinitis is the harbinger of ARZ, which in turn is 70% of all childhood diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

According to medical statistics, the incidence of Orzi, in the first two years of the child's life, is kept at the level of four to nine episodes per year, which is the maximum indicator for preschoolers.

In addition to acute, rhinitis, may be chronic, and also divided into infectious and non-infectious.

Causes of acute rhinitis in children under 2 years old

Rinith has no own pathogens, but their role can play a large range of other viruses and microorganisms: pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria, respiratory adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, reforiruses, paragripping viruses and pandemic, seasonal, etc. Influenza, as well as viral-bacterial associations.

Rinith may arise at the initial stages of infectious diseases in children, such as measles, diphtheria, scarletin or rubella.

In some cases, rhinitis does not constantly accompanize the disease (pathogen). For example, it can be caused by "intestinal" viruses - entero or rotavirus.

The cause of acute rhinitis in a child can become a specific infectious disease, such as scleroma or tuberculosis. This also includes infectious processes received by the baby during the mother's birth, such as gonorrhea or syphilis.

With all the variety of causes of acute infectious nonsense, there are several reasons that contribute to the activation of infectious agents. This is primarily contact with patients and supercooling.

In addition to the infectious nature of acute rhinitis in children, the noncommunicable path of development of the disease is possible. In this case, the cause of the cold is irritating factors of mechanical and chemical origin. In the first case, it may be an injury of the nasal mucosa or foreign bodies, in second, caustic substances, such as smoke or gary.

If in adults and older children, infectious rhinitis is an isolated independent illness, then newborn, infants and children of the first years of life are not observed. The impossibility of a small child independently, as needed, to clean the nasal cavity from the mucous secretion leads to pathology, when the secreted secret is swallowed or flows down, thereby causing inflammation and irritation of these areas. It can be said that in children of early age, the flow of rhinitis is identical to the flow of rinopharygitis,

Another feature of the runny nose in children under 2 years old is the frequent distribution of the inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the trachea and larynx, therefore, compared with more adult children, the likelihood of complications in the form of bronchitis, otitis and even pneumonia.

Characteristic features of acute runny nose for younger children

A distinctive feature of the acute rhinitis of an infectious nature is the unexpected start of the disease and simultaneous, bilateral symptoms. Symptoms are immediately manifested: Rinorea (constant mucous membranes), sneezing or disruption through the nose, with each of these symptoms can be both leading and missing at all.

Depending on the individual reaction of the baby or the type of rhinitate pathogens, the runny nose can be accompanied by feverish manifestations. If the disease proceeds without complications, its duration rarely happens longer than 7-10 days. Already after the 5th day, inflammation acquires a bacterial nature, the discharge from the nose thicken, their color becomes mucous-purulent, breathing in a couple of days, the respiration is noticeably reduced, the number of discharge changes, and finally comes full recovery.

Diagnosing acute child rhinitis

The diagnosis is made on the basis of the inspection of the ENT-specialist and the collected data of allergological and epidemiological history. For a more in-depth diagnosis, the results of blood analysis, microbic and microbiological analysis of the secretion of the secret, and its cytomorphology may be in demand. Basically, an in-depth analysis is in demand when the rhinitis is protracted when it is the likelihood of its non-infectious nature (vasomotor or allergic).

Differentiated diagnosis is also carried out with adenoy, rhinosinusites (allergic and infectious) and one-sided localization of the disease (traumatic rhinitis or foreign body)

Treatment of acute rhinitis in young children

It is important, especially for young children, to stop symptoms in time and prevent the development of complications. The earlier the disease is diagnosed and the treatment has begun, the greater the chance of rapid success.

Existing treatments in modern medicine can be hypothetically divided in two ways, on the one hand to conservative and surgical treatment, on the other, on the local and general.

We will focus on conservative treatment, as the most interested in the wide parental public.

Conservative methods of treatment of rhinitis in children

Conservative methods include:

  1. Physical - Fresh air, a ventilated room, a lining gymnastics for kids, walking in the fresh air, refusal to parents from smoking, perfumes with a sharp odor and indoor flavors.
  2. Physiotherapeutic - acupuncture, reflexotherapy, laser therapy, phonophoresis, electrophoresis and inhalation.
  3. Drug - appliqués and instillation of medicinal chemical compounds on the nasal mucous membrane for:

a) reducing edema

b) evacuation of pathological content of nasal cavity

c) elimination of pathogens, allergens and pollutants

Since on the first two points it seems everything seems to be, we will stop more in the third.

Treatment of rhinitis in young children by medication drugs

Currently, there is a wide selection of drugs for the treatment of a runny nose - antibacterial preparations of topical action, mercolics, funds based on components of natural origin, homeopathic preparations, etc.

For young children, this choice is more narrowed. Traditionally, the children of this age are prescribed treatment with top decongentants. The duration of the reception of which is 3 days (by appointing a doctor to 5-7 or more days).

Topic decongestants

Topic decongestants are a large spectrum of drug drugs of various categories, which include selective alpha1-andredomimetics and sympathomimetics.

According to the principle of impact on the body, all groups are not much different. Their mainrapeutic property is the stimulation of alpha-adrenoreceptors. With a local application, they all reduce hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, facilitate breathing through the nose and reduce the level of secretory secretions.

The preparations in question are different, only the degree of expression of the action, which causes the amount (frequency) of side (undesirable) effects to which their influence on the CNS can be attributed, as: sleep disorders, increased excitability, headache, irritability, decline in appetite, tremor and etc.

The difference between selective alpha1 andreminimetics from other drugs of this type is that their influence on the central nervous system is less pronounced, they more selectively affect adenoreceptors.

Caution in the treatment of acute child rhinitis

Parents should not forget that the vesseloring effect of decongestants, with long-term use, is replaced by reactive hyperemia, which is expressed by the strengthening of blood flow in the mucous membrane and as a result - the resumption of increased mucus. There is also a danger of nasal oral atrophy and violation of the functionality of the cereal epithelium. The causes of such phenomena may not only be the exceeding the duration of the reception, but also a violation of the rate of reception, especially when it concerns the rapid organism of young children.

The prolonged use of decongestants can contribute to the development of atrophic processes, an allergic reaction and a paresa of nasal vessels. With the uncontrolled application, the influence of the medication on the child's body can carry a toxic nature or to develop a drug runny nose.

Preparations for the treatment of acute runny nose in breast children

For newborns and infants, the list allowed for the use of drugs (topical decongestants) is extremely limited. One of the permitted, successfully used in pediatrics, preparations for breast-age children is deryvin 0.05%. It is used for somatic treatment and shows much better results than physiological solutions.

But even the use of drugs showing excellent results in the treatment of acute rhinitis is accompanied by difficulties, if not approaching the problem is comprehensive. Not the ability of a child's early period of life independently get rid of the accumulated mucus in the nasal cavity, the impossibility of expectoration flowing along the pharynx of the secret, puts before the need to use special means for evacuation of mucus and elimination therapy.

In the context under consideration, it can be advised, in addition to the drug itself, the deryvin is 0.05%, the system is deryvin Baby. It consists of: a nasal aspirator with a set of nozzles and nasal drops in disposable bottles. Baby Ripples are designed for nasal irrigation and contain a sodium chloride isotonic solution that does not irritate the mucous membrane and is suitable for prolonged use.

Refrivine Baby Spray contains a sterile seawater solution that can be used from one year old. In acute riti, it is carried out from two to four irrigations for each nostril.

To remove the mucus, an aspirator for a nose is deryvin Baby. Its constructive features is leaving visual control, efficiently purification of the nasal cavity. A set of replaceable filter nozzles, prevent the transfer of infection and mucus reflux back.

According to the estimates of the parents used by the Complex of the Orivin Baby: 92% were satisfied with its action, 86% recognized the complex more efficient than other similar devices, and 78% noted the ease of use.

Summing up I want to note a few moments:

  1. The effectiveness of treatment will be the better the earlier to begin treatment
  2. It is very important to the right diagnosis by a specialist, because Little children are not able to voice symptoms
  3. Rubber in a child up to the year

    Snot in the infant

    Temperature in the infant

Different types of rhinitis in children arise as a result of various etiological factors. Most often, the runny nose appears as an independent disease of viral, bacterial or allergic origin. Also rhinitis can accompany various diseases, such as measles, influenza, paragripp, adenoviral infection, scarletin, pertussis.

Classification of rhinitis in children

There are several systematization of the runny nose depending on various factors.

Form rhinitis happens:

  • acute;

By type of process flow:

  • bred;
  • permanent (regular).

The etiology is distinguished by several forms of acute runny nose, the features of the symptoms of which are due to a variety and cause of the disease:

  • Infectious rhinitis - in children the most common view of a runny nose. It arises due to the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the body of the baby, in response to which the swelling of the mucous membrane develops, its redness and strengthening of the secretion of the mucus.
  • . Its occurrence is due to contact with an allergen. Such a runny nose can be observed for a long time, especially this is relevant for half aulinosis - a seasonal reaction of increased sensitivity on the flowering of trees or plants. In addition to the secretions from the nasal moves, the child is disturbed by sneezing, tearing, as well as swelling of soft tissues.
  • . A rather rare disease for childhood, which is manifested by short-term nasal mortgage at the entrance to a warm room from the street, in the morning after awakening or before falling asleep. Such a runny nose is associated with the features of the walls of the surface vessels.
  • Atrophic rhinitis. The main cause of the disease is the abuse, as a result of which the atrophy of glance producing mucus occurs.

Most often, when there is a speech about acute cold, the viral rhinitis is meant, which occupies the first place in the prevalence in children among his other varieties.

The reasons

The most frequent reasons for rhinitis in children can be considered such pathogens as:

  • Cockki - streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci. The bacterial nature of the discharge from the nose speaks of the development of purulent rhinitis in children.
  • Viruses are adenoviruses, influenza and paragrippa pathifiers, coke virus, as well as rinoviruses. Soclons with such rhinitis are usually transparent and viscous and pass 6-8 days after the start of the disease.

Prerequisites for the appearance of catarrhal rhinitis in children, as well as reasons leading to a decrease in the protective characteristics of the epithelial layer of the nasal cavity, may be enlarged, the ingress of foreign objects in the nose. Sometimes a tonsillitis can be caused for a runny nose, as well as a long-string sloppy dinner.

Interesting into the body of alien substances in children prone to allergies leads to the appearance of transparent watery snot. Usually, the allergic rhinitis is characterized by seasonality and a long process.

Symptoms of the disease

The process passes through three stages of development, which are characterized by manifestations and symptoms of the disease:

  • Reflex - The initial stage of the disease for which the nasal is characterized, sneezing and dryness of the mucous membrane. When examining the doctor detects a reddened epithelial layer, but there is still no abundant selection.
  • Catarova - Stage of rhinitis in children, when the clinic and signs are a cold pronounced. The child is concerned with viscous transparent snot, which are produced in large quantities. In case of inspection, hyperemia and membranes swells are determined.
  • Completion of the disease - At this stage, an anemia of acute symptoms occurs, and the process goes to the decline. Breathing is restored, and the mucus becomes less, it acquires or painting. This stage is important not to confuse with purulent rhinitis in children, since the symptoms are similar to.

Features of childhood disease

Special severity is distinguished by rhinitis in children up to a year, which is due to the narrowness of nasal moves and frequent not only by local, but also by common symptoms of the disease. The small width of the lumen of the nasal shells leads to the fact that even a slight swelling of the mucous membrane causes the overlap of the stroke and significantly worsens the nasal breathing.

The runny nose in infants leads to the "flying" breathing, when the baby breathes the air superficially. Snolls do not allow the child to fully suck the breast or eat from the bottle, make it difficult to sleep, and also change the recreation and wake mode, because the crumb is becoming a capricious and plaque.

Rinith in children over 3 years is characterized by rapid development. The disease begins with the appearance of a feeling of ticking in the nose, after which there is a foreigner. After 1-2 days after the start of the process, the runny nose takes a catarrhal form for which the abundant allocation of mucus is characterized. Rinith in children can have a different nature - symptoms determine the treatment.


Pediatrician is engaged in the primary identification of children's rhinitis. If you find a cold, it may sometimes be necessary to consult an otorinolaryngologist, especially when the process has an atypical or protracted flow.

The diagnosis of rhinitis in children is carried out on the basis of symptoms and results of the survey of a small patient:

  • Visual inspection - study of the exterior coverings of the nose.
  • Instrumental research - Rososcopy. With the help of a frontal reflector, the doctor inspects the mucous membrane and evaluates its condition, draws attention to the nasal partition and cartilage structures.
  • Laboratory study - on the basis of the results of the general analysis of blood and urine, it is possible to identify signs of inflammation.
  • Radiography - in some situations it may be necessary to perform images of the incomplete sinuses.

Special attention should be paid to the diagnosis and treatment of purulent rhinitis in children, since the timeliness of the disease depends on how quickly the recovery will come and there will be complications.

Methods of treatment of rhinitis in children

With the appearance of discharge from the nose, parents are wondering how to treat rhinitis in children, especially if the baby is not still the year. First of all, you should seek advice to the pediatrician, after which, following its instructions, begin treatment of rhinitis in children.

Under the acute stage, the cold is usually held symptomatic therapy, which is as follows:

  • The toilet of the nasal cavity is to remove the mucus from the nose using cotton turtling or.
  • Irrigation - instillation of isotonic solutions that allow rinse moves from unnecessary crusts and mucus.
  • The use of medications according to indications is vasoconstrictor or antiviral drops, antiseptic solutions.

Regarding the treatment of rhinitis in children, Dr. Komarovsky, who is popular with many young and experienced mothers, indicates the need to use various drugs.

In the treatment of children's runny nose:

  • Moisturizing drops - Solutions containing sterile water from the sea or ocean are close at the concentration of salts to the blood plasma. Such drops from rhinitis in children make it possible to wash the nose from snot, as well as moisturize the mucous membrane. They do not cause addiction and absolutely harmless even for newborns. Read more about the preparation
  • Vaconishing drops . At their basis, adrenomimetics substances that affect the state of the vascular wall. For the most part, such drops are not intended to treat rhinitis in children up to a year. However, there are several means containing the minimum concentration of oxymethasoline, which are allowed to use the first month of life in the kids. For example, 0.01%. The use of such drugs should be under the strict control of the doctor, as the excess of the allowable dosage is able to cause atrophy of the mucous and addictive.
  • Anti-plow drugs . If rhinitis develops against the background of ARVI or other viral disease, doctors recommend using drugs with interferons, especially if there are symptoms such as hyperthermia, heat, lubrication in the body and deterioration of the overall state. For early children's age, the optimal use of medicines in the form of rectal candles (genferon) or nasal droplets (interferon).

To assign drugs with an allergic rhine, you need to contact an otorinolaryngologist and an allergist for samples. After detection of allergen, it should be limited to contacts with it, as well as apply drugs appointed by the doctor.

Folk remedies

To the treatment of rhinitis in children, folk remedies should be approached with caution. The optimal option is considered to combine home treatment with medical appointments. You can choose vegetative preparations to combat a runny nose only if the child has no allergies.

Methods for the treatment of nasal congestion at home a lot.

Consider the most popular and efficient funds from rhinitis for children:

  • Divided in equal amounts, beetooth juice with water can be buried in nose even infant children.
  • Aloe or Kalanchoe juice should be dripped to each nostril 2-3 times a day.
  • Inhalation of nasal shells using medicinal herbs.
  • Nose lubrication with peach bone oil to prevent dryness mucous membrane.
  • At a concentration of 5 grams per 100 ml.


Most of the occurrence of the occurrence of a cold is associated with a viral infection, so the main prevention of rhinitis in children is aimed at preventing colds.

To do this, you need to follow the following rules:

  • Take the baby for a walk according to weather conditions, to prevent overheating or supercooling.
  • During the seasonal exacerbations of ARVI, let the child vitamin complexes for strengthening immunity.
  • Try to avoid contact with patients with people and carriers of influenza viruses and colds.
  • Work out the child from an early age of the habit of frequent hand washing, especially after returning from a walk and from crowded places.
  • Highlight the baby individual towel, toothbrush and comb - this will reduce the likelihood of contact with pathogenic microorganisms and contacts with alien microflora.

Prevention of complications

Timely treatment of viral rhinitis in children will allow preventing the occurrence of negative consequences of the disease. At the first signs, a runny nose and even a minor deterioration in the state of the kid is better to consult with the doctor. A professional can adequately appreciate the clinical picture, talk about possible risks and propose optimal treatment of snot, which will save from the emergence of complications of rhinitis in children.

In order for recovery to come as soon as possible, and in the future there was no serious threat to the health of the child, it is important to follow such recommendations:

  • always carefully believes even to minor SMI symptoms;
  • do not postpone a visit to the pediatrician;
  • listen to the advice of the doctor and do not try to treat rhinitis, especially in children under 2 years old, independently;
  • adhere to the recommendations of a specialist regarding therapeutic methods and dosages of medicines.

Features of the flow of rhinitis in young children are able to lead to the emergence of complications with an incorrect approach to the treatment of illness. Treatment of rhinitis in children under 3 years is accompanied by certain difficulties due to the fact that the child cannot accurately assess its condition and explain that it bothers him. Therefore, starting prevention from an early age, you reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of the disease.

Useful video about the treatment of rhinitis in children

Especially difficult runny nose tolerate infants, since the difficulty of breathing through the nose is one of the signs of the disease, does not give the child to eat and sleep. Frequent episodes of rhinitis and its chronic flow in infants is often complicated, and in older children - sinusitis.

3 The main causes of rhinitis in children

The reasons that cause rhinitis in children are quite numerous. Children's rhinitis can be a sign of some infection, for example, influenza, and may be an independent disease.

Among the many reasons for rhinitis, 3 most frequent:

  1. Viruses
  2. Bacteria
  3. Allergy.

Viruses are definitely the dominant cause of acute rhinitis. Among them, rhinitis is most often caused by influenza viruses, adenoviruses, rhinovirus, enterovirus.

The causative agent of bacterial rhinitis is predominantly the coking microflora. The cause of the disease can be: streptococci, staphylococci, meningococci. These are the most common perpetrators of bacterial rhinitis.

Allergies are the main cause of chronic rhinitis in modern children. Allergen, which became an etiological factor can be anything, but most often it is that a child can breathe along with air: particles of dust, pollen, wool and other animal separations.

Often rhinitis in children, mainly in the younger age, is developing after falling into the nose of foreign objects. Playing, kids can shove into a naughty one or the crown of any small item, which, being in the nasal cavity, a long time may cause rhinitis.

Despite numerous reasons, the protective properties of the nose mucosa play a significant role in its development, with a violation of which rhinitis risk increases.

Factors reduced protective properties of the mucous membrane:

  1. Supercooling, as well as sharp fluctuations in temperature;
  2. Contaminated chemicals or dust air;
  3. Too dry air;
  4. Annoying, sharp smells;
  5. Strongly used vasoconducting drops.

Types of rhinitis in children

For the flow and change of the mucous membrane, the rhinitis is customary to be divided into acute and chronic.

Chronic rhinitis is divided into the following forms:

  1. Simple catarry.
  2. Hypertrophic. This form is divided into vascular, fibrous, otchny, polypose and mixed. And according to the degree of prevalence - to limited and diffuse.
  3. Atrophic, which is divided into a simple and flicker (ozen).
  4. Allergic.
  5. Vasomotor.

How does the sharp rhinitis in children appear?

The disease always affects both halves of the nose. The development of acute rhinitis is accompanied by malaise, sneezing, infringement of smell, bent. The enemy of the mucous makes it difficult to breathe through the nose, there is constriction, headaches arise, tearing and decreases the rumor. The mucus flowing along the rear wall of the pharynx, provokes an obsessive cough.

Three stages of development of inflammation of the mucous membrane are distinguished during acute rinite:

  1. Irritation.

This stage is manifested by dryness and itching. The child is focused in the nose. These are the first signs of rhinitis. Then there appears. The first stage continues from a few hours to days.

  1. The stage of serous (watery) discharge.

The mucosa of a healthy nose constantly distinguishes a small amount of mucus. Its layer is replaced every 10 to 20 minutes, removing dust particles that have fallen into the nose. With inflammation, the mucus is reinforced multiple times, which is manifested by the rinorer, and the nose literally flows. The flowing mucus and the constant friction of the nose cause irritation, and it looks red and swollen. In addition to the flow from the nose, a strong edema of the mucous membrane is developing and nasal breathing sharply violates. The child often sneezes, it flows snot and tears, and the nose does not breathe at all. As a result, the appetite is reduced and sleep is disturbed. This stage lasts 1 - 2 days. Abundant liquid allocations are quickly thick and the third stage of rhinitis begins.

  1. The stage of mucous-purulent discharge.

At this stage, the flow from the nose is terminated, dense, yellowish discharges appear - with viral inflammation and purulent - with bacterial. The nose begins to breathe and feel the smells again, the nasal breathing is slowly restored and well-being improved.

On average, all three stages of rhinitis, with a non-complicated flow, pass in seven days, and after a week the child recovers.

Features of acute rhinitis in infants

For infants, acute rhinitis is a difficult disease, often accompanied by the development of complications. Moreover, the less the age of the child, the heavier during rhinitis. This is due to the characteristics of the structure of the nose in the kids. Breasts are well developed nasal sinks, and the nasal cavity has a small volume, so the nasal moves of them are narrow and even a small edema of the mucous can lead to the difficulty or impossibility of breathing through the nose.

The main sign of the difficulty of nasal respiration is frequent breaks in sucking and breathing through the mouth. The impossibility of breathing the nose forces the baby to interrupt sucking or he completely refuses to take the chest or a bottle. He is forced to breathe mouth, and the baby's mouth is constantly open. The child remains hungry, so it becomes restless, sleeps badly, loses weight. With the breath of his mouth, the kid swallows the air and there is a meteorism (soda), anxiety is enhanced, vomiting may appear and liquid stools may appear, the overall condition of the baby worsens.

In the case when the nasal moves are strongly narrowed to ease their breath, the kid will throw off his head, which causes the voltage of a large springs and may appear.

In infants, inflammation is not limited to the nasal cavity and turns to the throat, so the sharp rhinitis is usually accompanied.

The special structure of the Hoang (holes in the nose connecting the nasal cavity with the throat) does not allow the mucus to descend into the nasophall. It accumulates in the nasal cavity, in her rear departments. This phenomenon is called rear runny nose, which happens in infants. At the same time, the mucus strips flow through the rear wall of the throat, which is clearly visible when inspection.

Frequent complications of rhinitis in infants are: otitis, tracheobronchitis, dacryocystitis.

Elder children have acute rhinitis during adults.

Acute rhinitis as a symptom of an infectious disease has its own characteristics characteristic of this type of infection.

Current and signs of chronic rhinitis by the child

Chronic rhinitis leads to persistent changes in the mucous membrane. A long flow of rhinitis causes hypertrophy (excessive growth) or atrophy (thinning, decrease) of the nasal mucosa.

Simple catarial form It is very similar to acute rhinitis, but it flows more sluggish with less pronounced signs. The child is worried about the incessant mucous membranes and alternate concreteness, then another half of the nose. When the child lies, the mortgage is enhanced, so kids often sleep with an open mouth. The resulting dryness in the throat, together with the flipping of the mucus in the nasopharynk, provokes the appearance of a dry, obsessive cough. For this form, the cold is characterized by improving the state in the spring and summer, when heat. At this time, the manifestations of rhinitis pokes and the child feels good, but in the fall, with the first cold, everything is repeated, and the signs of the disease are enhanced.

Hypertrophic form It is characterized by a sharp difficulty of nasal breathing. The child constantly does not breathe a nose, because of this head hurts, sleep is disturbed. The child is poorly distinguished or the smells do not feel at all, talking in the nose (driven), he decreases his rumor, he becomes scattered, quickly tires. The result is the failure of school.

Vasomotor formAs a rule, makes debuts aged 6 - 7 years. In newborns, chest and in early child children, this form of rhinitis is rare.

The main signs of this form are the periods of respiratory impairment through the nose, accompanied by abundant discharge and constant sneezing. In this period, redness of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctival) and faces, tearing, sweating, as well as burning, numbness, tingling and a feeling of crawling goosebumps on the skin, called general term - paresthesia. There is a clear relationship of rhinitis attacks with nervous voltage and stimuli, for example, a control, scandal in a family or a sharp cooling.

Allergic form It may occur with a child absolutely any age and rarely happens isolated. As a rule, it is combined with allergic dermatitis, and other manifestations of allergies.

With an allergic form, the child is concerned about the pronounced itching in the nose, the attacks of sneezing, the edema and redness of the face, flows from the nose, and their eyes will tear.

Atrophic form Rinitis in childhood is rare phenomenon. Silver runny nose or ozany, one of the species of atrophic shape, occurs in adolescents, and in girls 2 - 3 times more often.

The ozane is manifested by thinning and dryness of the mucous membrane, which is covered with crusts of dried thick, purulent discharge. Because of these crusts, the patients proceeds very unpleasant, repulsing the surrounding smell, which patients do not feel, they have no sense of smell. Peers avoid communicating with the patient, and he feels extremely suppressed. If atrophy captures the nose bones, deformation develops (curvature), and the nose in its form resembles duck beak.

How is the diagnosis?

After the poll of the parents and the child, the detection of complaints, the pediatrician conducts an inspection of the nasal cavity and the pharynx (rino and pharyngoscopy). Then based on the data received the diagnosis. The pediatrician, as a rule, is diagnosed with acute rhinitis, and if there is complications or suspicion of chronic rhinitis, the child is sent for consultation to the otorinolaryngologist. Children with consultation of an allergologist-an immunologist.

If necessary, laboratory (tank-sowing smear, taken from the nose) and instrumental () methods of research can be appointed to clarify the diagnosis.

Principles of rhinitis treatment in children

  1. Children, who have a runny nose of more than a week, and breast from the first day of the disease, must necessarily inspect the pediatrician. Treatment of rhinitis in children, especially acute, in most cases, is carried out by a pediatrician, which, if necessary, connects doctors of other specialties.
  2. Purge drugs in the form of droplets, ointments and spray to children of chest age can only be prescribed by the doctor.
  3. Before the introduction of any medicinal product, it is necessary to clean the nasal cavity from mucus and crusts. Breastfishing to dig a few drops of saline (sain, saline), and then suck the mucus with a rubber canister or a special aspirator. You can remove the mucus and crusts twisted from the cotton flavored with rotational movements by entering it into the nasal cavity (for each nostrils to use a separate hartus).

To wash the nose for an older to the salt solution, if the child can just unimpose.

  1. Complex treatment is appointed by testimony when rhinitis is a sign of any infection and depends on its species.
  2. Children with acute rhinitis are predominantly symptomatic treatment aimed at restoring nasal respiration. For this purpose, vesseloring, antiseptic and antiviral drugs are prescribed.

Vasomotoring drugs can not be used longer than 5 days because long-term use disrupts the mucous membrane of the nose, leaving irreversible changes in it. Children can only use those drugs that are intended for childhood. The concentration of the active ingredients in them is much lower, and the action is softer, especially for the delicate and fine mucous membranes of children's nose.

The positive effect gives the use of reflex (distracting) therapy. It is hot foot baths, dry mustard powder in the sock. The use of reflex therapy is contraindicated, if there is an increase in temperature.

From physiotherapy methods, kouf and UHF are prescribed.

  1. In the treatment of chronic rhinitis, the main importance is to identify and eliminate the cause of rhinitis.

The tactics of the treatment of chronic rinitis forms is determined by the ENT doctor, and allergic rhinitis in children treat an immunologist allergist.

Prevention of all rhinitis is the timely therapy of diseases of the nose, as well as nasopharynx; systematic hardening; eliminate the impact of factors that reduce the protective properties of the nasal mucosa; The use of secrets and protective funds during the period of increased morbidity.

Most acute respiratory infections in children proceed with manifestations of rhinitis and rinopargitis.

Rhinitis - This is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose. Rinofaring is inflammation of the nasopharmaceous mucous membrane.

Causes of rhinitis

  • Viruses;
  • Bacteria;
  • Allergy;
  • Foreign bodies in the nasal cavity.

The most frequent pathogens of rhinitis are viruses - rinoviruses, rino-syntial viruses, enteroviruses, adenoviruses, influenza viruses and paragrippa.

From bacterial microflora is a mycoplasma (Mycoplasma pneumoniae), chlamydia (chlamydofila pneumoniae, c.psittaci), less often other bacterial agents.

Clinical manifestations of rhinitis in children

Since this is an infectious process, then there is an incubation (hidden) period - about 2-4 days. During this period, clinical manifestations are not, but the pathogen has already fallen on the mucous membranes and began to multiply. As soon as its concentration reaches the critical point, symptoms of the disease appear.

The main symptoms of rhinitis are:

  • Nasal congestion (as a rule, is noted at the beginning of the disease);
  • Impairment of nasal breathing;
  • The appearance of Rinorion is that there is a runny nose;
  • Chihanye, cough (with rinoparing).

Some children may have an increase in body temperature, but this is usually regarded as a manifestation of ARVI.

If the disease occurs in the form rinofaringitis, the child may notice the following symptoms:

  • Hyperemia (redness) of the ozo mucous membrane - that is, the red neck;
  • Small soreness when swallowing, which can cause a child's refusal to fail;
  • Cough - due to dryness of the mucous membrane of the pharynx when breathing through the mouth;
  • General malaise.

In uncomplicated cases, the duration of the disease is about 7-14 days. At the beginning of the disease, separated from the mucous nature nose is transparent, liquid. In some cases, from the nose, the "flows". Further, as a rule, at 5-7, the day of the disease, the discharge takes a mucous-purulent nature - becomes more dense, acquires a yellowish-greenish tint, along with this there is an improvement in nasal breathing (the nose "postpones"). Then gradually decreases the selection from the nose and the recovery occurs.

Rinitis during infants

Children in early age rinitis and rinopargitis can occur hard. This is due to the anatomy-physiological features of the baby - narrow nasal moves, a small vertical size of the nasal cavity, a tendency to a faster spread of the inflammatory process, long-distance in horizontal position and others. All this leads to a pronounced violation of the nasal respiration, the appearance of shortness of shortness of breath (breathing). Children become restless, refuse breast and sucking, frequent tights can be marked. The most dangerous is the development of aspiration (milk, water and other substances in the respiratory tract).

With adenovirus infection to the manifestations of rhinitis and pharyngitis, very often connected conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes).

Complications of rhinitis

Complications are developing, as a rule, when attaching a bacterial infection, which leads to the occurrence of sinusites, bronchitis, otitis, and in severe cases even to pneumonia.

Also, rhinitis can be complicated by the bronchological syndrome, lead to the exacerbation of chronic bronchitis or bronchial asthma.

Differential diagnosis Conducted during a protracted rhinitis when it is necessary to eliminate the noncommunicable nature of the disease. Differentiate with allergic and vasomotor rhinitis, pollinosis, a foreign body of the nasal cavity. This may require: inspection of the ENT doctor, endoscopy of the nasal cavity, rinogram.

Treatment of rhinitis in children

Treatment Rhubbishka With acute riti in children, it is necessary to start as early as possible. Aeai most effective therapy begun in the first 2 days from the beginning of the disease. Special attention is required by the children of the first half year of life.

In some cases, in acute reint and rinoparing, hospitalization may be required:

  • With an increase in body temperature above 39.5 degrees;
  • In the presence of pronounced respiratory failure;
  • In violation of the child's consciousness;
  • If there is a convulsive and / or hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • When attaching purulent complications.

In notge cases and with the absence of complications, treatment of rhinitis and rinoporgitis is carried out at home.

Treatment should be comprehensive and it takes shape of their following main points:

Sanation (cleansing) of nasal moves - it is necessary to regularly remove the accumulated mucus from the nasal strokes;

Inhalation - For inhalation, you can use a pencil "Balsam Golden Star" (resolved from 2 years of age), "Doctor-MOM, steam inhalation with mineral water, food soda, essential oils, etc.

Vasoconstricting drops in the nose - children use drugs xylometazoline, napazolin, oxymethazoline. It should be remembered that the vesseloring drops do not eliminate the cause of a cold, but only make it easier for rhinitis. Most often in children are used by Nazivin, deryvin. Dosage and concentration of drops depends on the age of the child. Children's infants are forbidden to use nasal sprays, as they can cause laryngospasm and stop breathing. For kids more suitable drops. It is not recommended to use vesseloring drops more than 5-7 days. Before applying, be sure to read the instructions for use.

How to burst nasal drops - Throw back the head, drop 1-2 drops (according to the instructions) in the bow, after which, immediately tilt your head down and close the output from the nose, pressed the nostril to the nasal partition. In the same way, drip the medicine into another nose.

Massage bioactive points - Such a massage reduces the manifestation of rhinitis and increases the body's protective forces. Macely on the right and on the left of the indicable fingers. Start with points located in the deepening wings of the nose. Then they affect the symmetric points that are located under the nostrils in the place of the nose and the upper lip. The next point is located on the tip of the nose, it is massaged by one finger. Next, there are again symmetric points that are in the inner corners of the eyes (on the nose). The following in the inner edge of the eyebrows. At the base of the nape on symmetric occiptions, the following biologically active points are located. In conclusion, they massage points on the palms - at the base of the index finger (first massage on the left hand, then on the right), then with force pressed on the pads of large fingers. The duration of exposure to each point is 10-15 seconds. Massage spend 2-3 times a day, a course of 5-10 procedures.

Conduct symptomatic therapy - antipyretic, antitussive, expectorant, enveloping agents (bronchikum elixir, breast fee №1, №2, №3, doctor IOM, Perstusin, Pektusin and others).

For children over 3 years shown distracting procedures - Foot mustard baths (1 tbsp of mustard powder at 5-6 liters of water, water temperature 36-38 degrees), mustard "socks"

Antiviral therapy

With severe course, in the presence of signs of intoxication, fever, violation of the general condition in treatment, it is advisable to add antiviral drugs.

It should be remembered that antiviral therapy is effective if it started no later than 3 days of illness.

As antiviral agents, children of the first year of life use: intranasal leukocytar interferon -alph-2 or recombinant interferon alpha. From 2.5 years, it is possible to use arbidol (inductor of the synthesis of endogenous (own) interferon).

Antibacterial therapy with ritin

In often sick children, as well as if there is chronic tonsillitis, adenoitis, antibiotics may be required for the treatment of rhinitis. Local antibiotics (fuzafungitis) are used in the form of inhalation through the mouth or in each nasal stroke. The nasal spray of Isofra (for older children), baccoban ointment "2%, aerosol of bioparox and other drugs (after consulting a pediatrician) should not be used antibacterial drugs for more than 10 days.

Treatment is considered effective if recovery occurs within 5-7 days.

Folk Methods of Treatment Rubber

Children up to the year during a cold can be buried the beet juice diluted with water (1: 1).

For older children, you can use the following recipe - to press garlic (or grate in a small grater), to pour everything with sunflower or olive oil, let it stand in 6-12 hours. The resulting means to bury the nose of 1-2 drops. You should know that the means of pinch, warn about this child.

Kalanchoe with a cold. Put fresh calanchoe juice 2-3 times a day for 2-3 drops in each nasal stroke.

Drops in the nose from aloe leaves. Take 2-3 fresh aloe sheets, wash them with boiled water, squeeze juice, spread with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 (1 piece of juice 10 parts of water).

Inhalations from grasses of herbs - chamomile, eucalyptus, sage, mint.

Tampons with a cook salt - in 100 ml of warm water, divert 1/2 teaspoon of the cook salt, moisten a cotton swab and enter it into one of the nasal strokes, then repeat datami with another nasal move. This remedy is well removing the swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Calando juice and honey. Mix the honey and juice of Calanech leaves in equal parts. Drink with Nasty Mint or Hypericum.

The mock of the muck of the onion is pouring 200 ml of vegetable oil, let it be broken for 6-8 hours (shitting), after which it is strain. The resulting oil to process the nasal mucosa.

Rinse the nasal cavity with boiled beet juice.

Children with a cold can be made by "beads" of garlic teeth.

When the selection from the nose is terminated, usually, the nasal mucosa becomes very dry, so it is recommended to lubricate it with peach oil, children's cream.

The use of plant drugs in a cold is possible if a child has no allergies to a particular component.

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