Presentation of a small circle of blood circulation. Small circle of blood circulation

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Educational portal My University - "Reform Faculty of Education" - The movement of blood and lymph in the body. Circulatory organs.

1. To consolidate knowledge about the structure and functions of blood. 2. Show the movement of blood and lymph. 3. Consider the structural features of the circulatory organs. Educational portal My University - Faculty of Education Reform -

1. The structure of the circulatory system. 2. Vessels, their types. 3. The structure of blood vessels. 4. The structure of the heart. 5. Circles of blood circulation. Educational portal My University - Faculty of Education Reform -

Aorta - Arteries - Veins - Capillaries - Arterial blood - Venous blood - 5 slide aorta veins arteries Educational portal My University - Faculty of Education Reform -

The aorta is a large artery. Arteries are the vessels that carry blood from the heart. Veins are the vessels that carry blood to the heart. Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels. Arterial blood is blood saturated with oxygen. Venous blood is blood saturated with carbon dioxide. 6 slide Educational portal My University - Faculty of Education Reform -

Structure blood vessels 7 slide Educational portal My University - Faculty of Education Reform -

The structure of the human heart Task number 3 1. How many heart chambers? 2. What are they called? 3. Is the wall thickness of both halves the same? 4. Why are they not the same? 8 slide Educational portal My University - Faculty of Education Reform -

The movement of blood inside the heart slide 9 Educational portal My University - Faculty of Education Reform -

In the 17th century, William Harvey (1578 - 1657) discovered the circles of blood circulation. 12 slide Educational portal My University - Faculty of Education Reform -

Small circle of blood circulation 13 slide Large circle of blood circulation Educational portal My University - Faculty of Education Reform -

14 slide Gas exchange in capillaries Capillaries form an extensive network of vessels that permeate all parts of the body. The diameter of the capillaries is 7-10 microns, and their walls, consisting of only one endothelium, are permeable to water and substances dissolved in it. It is in the capillaries that the exchange of substances between blood and body cells takes place. Educational portal My University - Faculty of Education Reform -

Questions BKK MCC Where does it start? Where does it end? What are the names of the vessels belonging to this circle? How does blood change? Circles of blood circulation 15 slide Educational portal My University - Faculty of Education Reform -

1. The human circulatory system consists of ____________ 2. The movement of blood is called ________________________ 3. There are _________ and _______________ circles of blood circulation. 4. There are vessels in the human body: _______________ 5. The systemic circulation starts from ____________ and ends at _______________ 6. The small circle of blood circulation starts from ______________ and ends at ________________ 7. In the systemic circulation, ______ flows through the arteries and _____________ in the small circle. 8. In the small circle of blood circulation, __________ flows through the veins, and in the large - _____________ 9. In the capillaries, ________________ occurs. 18 slide Educational portal My University - Faculty of Education Reform -

Homework Page 4-8, review blood groups. , 19 slide Educational portal My University - Faculty of Education Reform -

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Test work in biology, grade 8, program I. N. Panomareva. Topic: "Blood. Blood circulation". Form: test tasks of various types ...

The lesson is aimed at the formation of not only theoretical knowledge, but also the development of practical skills and abilities. The chosen topic has perspectives in terms of healthy lifestyle education. The lesson forms positive ...

"Human blood circulation" - Right atrium. Highlight factors that have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. Competencies. Vessels. Circulatory system. Transport of blood with nutrients. * The diagram shows Mosso's experiment. C) The human heart is four-chambered. author - A.V. Klinov Pirogov N.I. 1810-1881.

"Blood pressure" - Blood pressure. Blood pressure is one of the most important parameters characterizing the work of the circulatory system. Presentation by Polina Shikhareva 8G. Blood pressure. Similarly, the pressure in the large veins and in the right atrium differs slightly. Blood pressure measurement procedure.

“Blood circulatory system” - Fish class. Biology teacher Katenina Tatyana Nikolaevna. A type of shellfish. Ringed worms. The circulatory system is closed. Circulatory system. Lancelet circulatory system closed, heart is absent. The blood is partially mixed in the ventricle. Brontsevskaya secondary school. Arterial and venous blood do not mix.

"Blood circulation in humans" - Left atrium Right atrium. The structure of the heart. Small circle of blood circulation. 2. Contraction of the ventricles, relaxation of the atria 0.3 sec. A heart. The entire cardiac cycle takes 0.8 seconds. Blood movement. Blood pressure changes in different phases cardiac cycle. Circulatory organs. begins in the right ventricle. Ends in the left atrium.

"Lipids" - Composition of lipids and lipids. Pupkova V.I. Lipids: lc, xc, tg lipoproteins - a complex of lipids with apoproteins: - chylomicrons - tg - lponp - tg - lpnp - 70% xc - lpvp - 20-30% xc. Diagnostically significant serum lipid levels: a modern perspective. HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA - the main factor cHD riskcharacterized by increased content lipids and LP in blood serum.

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2 William Harvey Hearty - vascular system Heart Blood Blood vessels Large circle of blood circulation Small circle of blood circulation Questions Appendix

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HARVEY, WILLIAM (Harvey, William) (1578-1657), English naturalist and physician.

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The cardiovascular system

5 The cardiovascular system includes the heart, as well as the bodily and pulmonary circulation, which consists of a network of veins and arteries necessary to support the circulation of blood that is essential to life Like a motor, the heart pumps blood to all organs and tissues of the body. Blood carries oxygen nutrients and other vital components, and at the same time collects and removes decay products and carbon dioxide.

Slide 6

The cardiovascular system

  • Slide 7

    7 heart blood vessels Cardiovascular system arteries veins capillaries

    Slide 8

    8 The heart is a large, muscular, hollow organ that weighs approximately 300 g and is approximately the size of the wearer's clenched fist. Inside, the heart is divided by a membrane into what is called the "right heart" and "left heart". Each part is divided in turn into the atrium and the cardiac chamber below the atrium-ventricle.

    Slide 9

    Heart blood flow diagram

    9 Left ventricle Left atrium Pulmonary veins Pulmonary artery aorta Superior vena cava Right atrium Inferior vena cava Right ventricle Valve valves

    Slide 10

    10 heart P.P. L.P. P.Zh. L.J The left side of the heart contains arterial blood The right side of the heart contains venous blood

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    11 Arterial blood is blood saturated with oxygen. In the diagram it is indicated in red

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    12 Venous blood is blood saturated with carbon dioxide. It is indicated in blue on the diagram.

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    The blood vessels inside the body can be classified into three groups: arteriovenous capillaries

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    14 Arteries and veins serve solely to transport blood throughout the body. Capillaries are responsible for the exchange of substances between the blood and the body.

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    16 Designations on the diagrams: Left atrium - L.P. Right atrium - P.P. Left ventricle - L.Zh. Right ventricle - P.Zh.

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    17 P.P. P.Zh. L.P L.Zh. vein vein artery artery

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    18 Veins are blood vessels that transport blood towards the heart. The layers of the veins' walls are thinner than those of the arteries. Muscle layer is weaker. The diameter of the veins is larger than that of the arteries.

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    19 In order to prevent blood from flowing back, some veins are equipped with so-called venous valves.

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    Venous valve function

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    21 Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels in the human body. They make the connection between arteries and veins.

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    A large circle of blood circulation

  • Slide 23


    23 In the arteries large circle arterial blood flows Venous blood flows through the veins of the great circle

    Endina Lyudmila Vasilievna

    biology teacher MA OU secondary school No. 22 with the city of Tambov

    • - a closed vascular pathway, providing a continuous blood flow, carrying oxygen and nutrition to cells, carrying away carbon dioxide and metabolic products.

    • Artery structure
    • Comes from the heart
    • Outer layer - connective tissue
    • The middle layer is a thick layer of smooth muscle tissue
    • Inner layer - a thin layer of epithelial tissue

    • Vein structure
    • Carries blood to the heart
    • Outer layer - connective tissue
    • Middle layer - a thin layer of smooth muscle tissue
    • Inner layer - unilamellar epithelium
    • Have pocket valves

    • Capillary structure
    • Carry blood to and from organs and tissues
    • The thinnest vessels
    • Unilamellar epithelium

    • The heart works automatically;
    • Regulates the central nervous system - the parasympathetic (vagus) nerve - slows down; sympathetic nerve - enhances work
    • Hormones - adrenaline - enhances, and norepinephrine - slows down;
    • Ions K + slows down the work of the heart;
    • Ion Ca + enhances its work.

    newborns from 0 to 3 months

    babies from 3 to 6 months

    babies from 6 to 12 months

    children from 1 year to 10 years

    children over 10 years old and adults, including the elderly

    well trained adult athletes

    A. bright red, poor in oxygen

    B. bright red, rich in oxygen

    B. dark, poor in oxygen

    G. dark, rich in oxygen

    2. The human heart has a size comparable to the size:

    A. lung

    B. hands clenched into a fist

    G. stomach

    3. The speed of the pulse wave depends on:

    A. blood flow rate

    B. heart rate

    B. Elasticity of the vessel walls

    D. Intracranial pressure

    4. Where does the pulmonary circulation begin?

    A. in the right ventricle

    B. in the left ventricle

    B. in the right atrium

    G. in arteries

    5. Valves are only available for:

    A. arteries

    V. capillaries

    6. What is the effect of nicotine on the cardiovascular system

    A. causes the expansion of blood vessels

    B. causes narrowing of blood vessels

    B. causes spasm of blood vessels

    • \u003d 140
    • \u003d 12263 diagram of the movement of internal fluids
    • \u003d 12264 cardiovascular system
    • \u003d 12265 blood circulation diagram
    • \u003d 12269 valve arrangement
    • \u003d 12270 work of the heart
    • \u003d 33778 & inpopup \u003d 1 external structure of the heart
    • \u003d 33783 & inpopup \u003d 1 internal structure of the heart
    • \u003d 391234 description of the cardiac cycle
    • \u003d 391157 table Types of blood vessels
    • \u003d 391324 table Circles of blood circulation
    • \u003d 31617 & inpopup \u003d 1 structure of blood vessels
    • % BE% D0% BE% D0% B1% D1% 80% D0% B0% D1% 89% D0% B5% D0% BD% D0% B8% D1% 8F_% D1% 87% D0% B5% D0% BB % D0% BE% D0% B2% D0% B5% D0% BA% D0% B0
    • % BE% D0% B2% D0% B5% D0% BA% D0% B0
    • blood pressure drawing monomer
    • drawing experience of Mosso
    • T.A. Birillo. Biology tests. To the textbook by D.V. Kolesov, R.D. Masha, I.N. Belyaeva “Biology. Person. 8th grade"
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