Presentation on a large circle circulation circle. Vienna Big Circulation Circle

Plan1) System of the Upper Hollow Vienna:
A) veins of neck and head;
B) the veins of the upper limb;
C) chest veins.
2) The system of the lower hollow vein:
A) belly veins
B) Vienna pelvis,
C) veins of the lower limb
D) the system of the color vein.

1. System of the upper hollow vein

It reaches blood from the veins.
Top half of the body (except
Hearts) in the right atria;
It's fat but a short vessel
(Length - 5-6 cm, diameter - 2.5 cm),
Is in the front mediastum
To the right of the rising part of the aorta;
Formed as a result of merger
Right and left shoulder veins,
And then takes the unpaired vein.

A. Vienna Neck and Head

Inner jugular I.
Subclavian vein behind
Form a shoulder vein with
Each side of the body;
Inner metle - begins in
Jugular holes of the skull and
Takes place on the neck next to
Artery of the same name and then with
Common carotid artery to
Top hole of the chest;

Inner jugular main
Blood Blood Vessel
Heads and necks that
The blood supply to the same name
Connected vein is located
Ahead from the subclavian artery;
In the angle of formation of a shoulder
Vienna flows and outdoor
Vienna - located on top
Muscles collecting blood from soft
Neck tissues and the occipital region.

B. Vienna of the upper limb

Latral \u003d radial
Medial \u003d elboweese
Subcutaneous veins
(Next to the arteries and
Have the same names

Deep veins brushes
Radi and elbow

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow hole between
Lateral and medial
Subcutaneous veins are available
Anastomosis is the median vein elbow;
Middle Vienna - Unpaired, with
Each side of the body is the main
Collector \u003d "collector" venous
Blood from the upper limb;
Mortar at the level of outdoor
The edges of the 1st rib flows into
Connect vein.

V. Vienna Chest

Lumbar Viennes
At the level of 7-8.
Breast vertebrae
In it fall:
- Vienna 4-5 lower intercreation
Left side of the body:
- rear,
- media,
- esophageal,
- bronchial,
- Additional semi-room
- The rear intercostal
Vessels of the right side
- esophageal,
Upper Vienna

Semi-park vein is located
In the rear mediastone to the left of
Chest aorta;
Additional semi-regional vein - in
Back mediastum above
Semi-regional veins, then
Deviates to the right and flows into
Unpaired vein - in the back
Mediastone sutch from chest
Aorts, at 4-5 chest
The vertebrae departs from
Spine Kepende, makes
Bending over the root of the right light and
Blows into the upper hollow vein.

2. The system of the lower hollow vein

The largest vein (length - 20 cm,
Diameter - 3.5 cm), located on the rear
The wall of the belly to the right of the abdominal aorta;
Next passes through aortic
A hole in the chest cavity and flows into
Forms at 4-5 lumbar
Vertebrae by fusion right and left
General ileal veins;
It reaches venous blood from
Lower half of the body.

A. Vienna Belly

Prieucian \u003d.
1) lumbar,
2) lower diaphragmal.
Internal \u003d.
1) from paired organs:
- ovarian and eggs,
- kidney,
- adrenal.
2) from the unpaired abdominal organs
Lower hollow vein

B. Vienna Taza

Prieucian \u003d.
Internal \u003d.
Correspond to the same arteries
Inner iliac vein
Next to the artery of the same name
Outdoor iliac vein
Next to the artery of the same name
General iliac vein
Next to the artery of the same name

B. Vienna of the lower limb

Subcutaneous veins
(Next to the arteries and
Have the same names
For 1 artery - 2 Vienna-companions

Large subcutaneous vein legs -
The longest surface is the longest
High Vienna - the main
Venous blood collector from
Lower limb;
The femoral vein continues in
Outdoor iliac vein.

G. Gorious (portal) vein \u003d

Top mesenter + bottom
Mesenteric + spleen veins;
Top mesenter collects blood from
Veins fine, blind intestine with appendix,
Ascending colon and transverse
Spleen - from the veins of the spleen,
Pancreas and partially
Lower mesenteric - from the veins
Guts, sigmoid and descending
Coloring gut.

It reaches blood from the veins.
Nerny abdominal organs
Cavities except liver;
Next, the gorgeous vein is included in
Liver branching on
Segmental and interdolkovoy
Venous capillaries
Inside slices (next to
Hepatic capillaries
Central Vienna
2-3 liver Viennes
Lower hollow vein;

Unlike other veins
Hepatic veins are located
Not near the same
Arteries, and inside the liver and
Open owned
Holes in the lower hollow
Vienna in the place where she
Tightly arrive to the liver.

Eden Lyudmila Vasilyevna

biology teacher M and OU SOSH No. 22 with Tambov

  • - a closed vascular path, providing a continuous blood current, carrying oxygen and nutrition, carrying carbon dioxide and metabolic products.

  • Artery structure
  • Goes from the heart
  • Outer layer - connecting fabric
  • Middle Layer - Fat Layer Smooth Muscular Fabric
  • Inner layer - thin layer of epithelial tissue

  • Building Vienna
  • Blood blood to heart
  • Outer layer - connecting fabric
  • Middle Layer - Thin Layer Smooth Muscular Fabric
  • Inner layer - Single-layer epithelium
  • Have pocket valves

  • The structure of capillaries
  • Carry blood to organs and tissues and from them
  • The thinnest vessels
  • Single-layer epithelium

  • Heart works automatically;
  • Regulates the central nervous system - parasympathetic (wandering) nerve - slows down work; Sympathetic nerve - strengthens work
  • Hormones - adrenaline - enhances, and norepinephrine slows down;
  • Ions K + slows down the work of the heart;
  • Ion CA + strengthens his work.

newborn from 0 to 3 months.

babies OT 3 to 6 months

babies OT 6 to 12 months

children OT 1 year to 10 years

children older than 10 years and adults, including the elderly

good trained adult athletes

A. Bright red, poor oxygen

B. Bright red rich in oxygen

B. Dark, poor oxygen

Dark, rich in oxygen

2. The human heart has a size compared with the size:


B. Brushes hands compressed in a fist


3. The pulse wave velocity depends on:

A. blood flow rates

B. Cardiac frequencies

В. elasticity of vessel walls

G. intracranial pressure

4. Where does the small circle of blood circulation begins?

A. in the right ventricle

B. in the left ventricle

B. In the right of atrium

In the arteries

5. Valves are available only:

A. Artery.

V. Kapillyarov

6. What is the effect of nicotine on the cardiovascular system

A. Causes the expansion of blood vessels

B. causes a narrowing of blood vessels

B. Causes a spasm of blood vessels

  • \u003d 140.
  • \u003d 12263 Scheme of internal fluids
  • \u003d 12264 Cardiovascular system
  • \u003d 12265 Circulation scheme
  • \u003d 12269 Stricken valves
  • \u003d 12270 heart work
  • \u003d 33778 & inpopup \u003d 1 heart structure external
  • \u003d 33783 & inpopup \u003d 1 heart structure internal
  • \u003d 391234 Description of the heart cycle
  • \u003d 391157 Table Types of blood vessels
  • \u003d 391324 Table circle circles
  • \u003d 31617 & inpopup \u003d 1 Building blood vessel structure
  • % BE% D0% BE% D0% B1% D1% 80% D0% B0% D1% 89% D0% B5% D0% BD% D0% B8% D1% 8F_% D1% 87% D0% B5% D0% BB % D0% BE% D0% B2% D0% B5% D0% BA% D0% B0
  • % BE% D0% B2% D0% B5% D0% BA% D0% B0
  • arterial pressure Figure monomer
  • drawing experience Mosso
  • TA Birillo. Tests on biology. To the textbook D.V. Kolelesova, R.D. Masha, I.N. Belyaeva "Biology. Human. 8th grade"

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Topic: Circulation, Lymphision

  • Tasks:
  • Explore the structure of the heart and blood vessels, the work of the heart, the patterns of blood movement and the features of the structure and function of the lymphatic system
  • Pavlenko S.E.
  • Circulatory authorities include blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries) and heart.
  • Arteries - vessels for which blood flows from the heart, vienna - Vessels for which blood returns to the heart. The walls of the arteries and veins consist of three layers: internal - from flat endothelium, medium - from smooth muscular tissue and elastic fibers and outdoor - from connective tissue.
  • Circulatory organs. A heart
  • Large arteries located near the heart have to withstand a large pressure, so they have thick walls, their average layer consists mainly of elastic fibers. Arteries boring blood to organs branch up to arteriole, then blood gets in capillaries and in venulaula Fall into vienna.
  • Capillaries Consist from one layer of endothelial cells located on the basal membrane. Through the walls of the capillaries from the blood in the tissue diffound oxygen and nutrientsAnd carbon dioxide and exchanging products come.
  • Circulatory organs. A heart
  • ViennaUnlike arteries, there are semi-short valves, thanks to which the blood moves only towards the heart. The pressure in the veins is small, their walls are thinner and soft.
  • Circulatory organs. A heart
  • A heart Located in chest Between the lungs, two thirds are located left from the middle line of the body, and one third is right. The mass of the heart is about 300 g, the base at the top, the top - down.
  • Outside is covered with a window-shaped bag, pericardium. The bag is formed by two sheets, between which a small cavity.
  • One of the leaves forms epicardcovering myocardium Cardiac muscle . Endocard Wallows the heart cavity and forms valves.
  • Consists of a heart of four cameras, two upper - thin-walled atrial and two lower thick-walled zholdokkov, and the wall of the left ventricle is 2.5 times thicker than the wall of the right ventricle.
  • Circulatory organs. A heart
  • This is due to the fact that the left ventricle throws blood into a large circle of blood circulation, right - in a small circle.
  • In the left half of the heart, blood is arterial, in the right - venous. In the left atrehead and ventricular hole double valve, in the right - three-rolled. When cutting ventricles, blood pressure valves slam and do not give blood to go back to the atrium.
  • Tender threads attached to the valves and porcelain muscles of ventricles, do not give valves to turn.
  • Circulatory organs. A heart
  • On the border of ventricles with a pulmonary artery and aorta are karmashkovoid alley valves. When cutting the ventricles, these valves are pressed against the walls of the arteries, and the blood is thrown into the aorta and the pulmonary artery. When relaxing ventricles - pockets are filled with blood and prevent blood from getting back into the ventricles.
  • Circulatory organs. A heart
  • About 10% of the blood emitted left ventricle falls into the coronary vessels that feed the heart muscle. In the blockage of some coronary vessel, the dying of the myocardial plot may occur ( infarction). The violation of the artery's patency may occur as a result of the blockage of the vessel by Trombum or because of its strong narrowing - spasm.
  • Reiteration
  • What is indicated in the figure figures 1 - 15?
  • The wall of which heart is the greatest thickness?
  • What two sheets is Pericard?
  • What are the vessels that feed the heart muscle?
  • There are three phases of cardiac activity: reduction ( systole) atrial systole ventricles and general relaxation ( diastole).
  • At the frequency of heart cuts 75 times per minute, one cycle accounts for 0.8 seconds. At the same time, atrial systoles continues 0.1 s, ventricular systoles - 0.3 s, general diastole - 0.4 s.
  • Heart work. Regulation of work
  • Thus, in one atrium cycle, 0.1 s, and 0.7 - rest, the ventricles operate 0.3 s, and 0.5 s are resting. This allows the heart to work without tosing, all life.
  • With one reduction of the heart into the pulmonary trunk and the aort, about 70 ml of blood is thrown, in a minute, the volume of the thrown blood will be more than 5 liters. For exercise The frequency and strength of heart abbreviations increases and cardiac ejection Reaching 20 - 40 l / min.
  • Heart car
  • Even isolated heart when passing through it saline, it is capable of rhythmically decreased without external irritation, under the influence of pulses arising in the heart.
  • Impulses arise in sinuvno-atrial and preservative nodes (rhythm drivers) located in the right atrium, then on the conductive system (the legs of the His and the fibers of Purkinier) are held to atria and ventricles, causing them to reduce them.
  • Heart car
  • And rhythm holders and conductive heart system are formed muscular cells special structure.
  • The rhythm of the work of an isolated heart is given by the sinus-atrial node, it is called the 1st order rhythm.
  • If you interrupt the transmission of pulses from the sinus-atrial node to the atrocading-ventricular, then the heart will stop, then resumes work already in the rhythm defined by the atreservantic assembly, the 2nd order rhythm.
  • Regulation of heart work
  • Nervous regulation.Heart activity, as well as other internal organs, is regulated autonomous (vegetative) part of the nervous system:
  • First, in the heart there is one own nervous system Hearts with reflex arcs in the heart - metacimpatic Part of the nervous system.
  • Its work is visible when overflowing an insulated heart, in this case the frequency and power of heart abbreviations increase.
  • Regulation of heart work
  • Secondly, to the heart fit sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. Information from the tensile receptors in hollow veins and the aortic arc is transmitted to the oblongable brain, to the center of regulation of cardiac activity.
  • Weakening of the heart is caused parasympathetic nerves in the composition of the wandering nerve;
  • strengthening the work of the heart is called sympathetic Nerves whose centers are located in the spinal cord.
  • Regulation of heart work
  • Humoral regulation.
  • The activity of the heart is also influenced by a number of substances entering blood.
  • Strengthening the work of the heart cause adrenalinsecreted by adrenal tyroxinallocated thyroid gland, excess Ca2 + ions.
  • The weakening of the heart causes acetylcholine, Excess ions TO+.
  • Circulation circles
  • Big circle of blood circulationnia begins in the left ventricle, blood blood is thrown into left arc aortafrom which plug-in and sleepy arteriesbearing blood to upper limbs And head. From them venous blood through upper vena hollow Returns to the right atrium.
  • Circulation circles
  • Arc Aorta goes into abdominal aorta, it gets blood from her by arteries to internal organs and venous blood lower Farm Vienna Returns to the right atrium. Blood OT. digestive system by vinny Vienna enters the liver, hepatic Vienna Blows into the lower hollow vein.
  • Circulation circles
  • Small circle circulation begins in the right ventricle, venous blood light arteries It falls into the capillaries, powered alveira of the lungs, there is gas exchange and arterial blood returns in four light Viennain the left atrium.
  • Maximum blood pressure is created by the work of the heart in the aorta: P MAX. - about 150 mm. RT. Art. Gradually, the pressure drops, in the shoulder artery it is about 120 mm Hg. Art., in capillaries drops from 40 to 20 mm Hg. Art. And in the hollow veins pressure below atmospheric, P min. - up to -5 mm Hg. Art.
  • Blood pressure. Blood velocity
  • In each vessel, pressure during systole (systolic) is higher than during diastole diastolic).
  • Systolic and diastolic in the shoulder artery - 120/80 - norm. Hypertension - Resistant high blood pressure, hypotension - reduced.
  • Blood pressure. Blood velocity
  • Pressure difference in various parts of the blood system and provides blood movement towards smaller pressure.
  • In addition, the pulsation of the walls of the arteries contributes to the movement of blood by arteries. Arterial Pulse - Rhythmic wave-like reduction of the walls of the arteries caused by the emission of blood portion in the aorta. A wave of abbreviations moves by arteries at a speed of 10 m / s, does not depend on the speed of blood flow and significantly exceeds it.
  • Blood pressure. Blood velocity
  • The maximum speed of blood flow - in the aorta, and is only 0.5 m / s, pulse waves contribute to the movement of blood by arteries ("peripheral hearts"). In the capillaries, the disclosure of blood vessels 1000 times more and blood flow, respectively, 1000 times less and is 0.5 mm / s, all the blood from the capillaries of a large circle of blood circulation is going to two hollow Vienna And the speed increases to 0.2 m / s.
  • Blood pressure. Blood velocity
  • Blood movement on veins contributes to the difference in blood pressure, reducing skeletal muscles, surrounding veins, veins valves. In addition, the overflow of the veins occurs their ripple, but its frequency does not coincide with the frequency of heartbeat (not to be confused with the arterial pulse).
  • Regulation of the lumen of vessels.
  • At rest about 40% of blood is in bloodstone - spleen, liver, skin. Blood in them or completely turns off from circulation, or blood flow occurs very slowly.
  • In addition, in a non-working body, part of the capillaries is closed, the blood does not come in them. In the working body, they open, blood flows in them, pressure in blood system Falls. In addition, the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood increases. In large arteries and at the mouth of hollow veins are receptors, registering a drop of pressure and chemoreceptors, catching a change chemical composition blood.
  • Regulation of the lumen of vessels.
  • Information is transmitted to the oblongable brain, to the center of cardiovascular activity. Vasomotor centers enhance the sympathetic effect on the vessels of the skin, intestines and bloodstream, the work of the heart increases.
  • there is vasoconducting and vasteransior nerves. Sympathetic nerves have a vasoconductive effect on all vessels, except skeletal muscles and brain. Their reverse (the experience of Bernard) at the ear of the rabbit leads to the expansion of the vessels, redness of the ear.
  • Gumoral regulation: Histamine, the lack of O2 excess CO2 - expand the vessels, damage and adrenaline - narrow.
  • Three links are distinguished: lymphatic capillaries, vessels and ducts. Fissure fluid is filtered into lymphatic capillaries, forming lymph. Capillaries merge and form lymphatic vessels equipped with valves.
  • In their go there are the lymph nodes (about 460), clusters them on the neck under lower jaw, in the axillary depressions, in groin, elbow and knee bends, other places.
  • Lymphatic system
  • Lymphatic system
  • In the nodes of Lymph proceeds through the narrow slits - sines, where alien bodies are delayed and destroyed by lymphocytes.
  • Lymph from the legs and intestines is collected in the left, on the right side of the body - into the right connective veins.
  • Lymph does not contain erythrocytes, platelets, but there are many lymphocytes in it.
  • Lymphatic system
  • Coagulates slowly, moving due to the reduction of the walls of large
  • lymphatic vessels, valve presence, reducing skeletal muscles, sucking the effect of breast lymphatic duct when inhaling.
  • Functions : An additional transport system contains many lymphocytes and is responsible for immunity. Having passed through lymph nodes purified from lymph microorganisms returns to blood.
  • Lymphatic system
  • Lymphatic system
  • Lymphatic system
  • The pressure in the aorta at the time of the reduction of ventricles was called (_), or (_) pressure.
  • The pressure in the aorta at the time of relaxation of the ventricles is (_), or (_) pressure.
  • When blood passes through blood vessels, the pressure decreases, the lowest pressure in (_), it reaches -3 mm Hg.
  • The persistent increase in blood pressure is called (_), a decrease in pressure - (_).
  • The maximum flow rate in (_), it is about (_) m / s.
  • The minimum blood flow rate in the capillaries is equal to (_) mm / s.
  • The rate of pulse wave is much larger than the maximum flow rate of blood and is (_) m / s.
  • Vasomotor center is in (_).
  • Reiteration. Missed words:
  • Coal and lactic acids, histamine and lack of oxygen (_) blood vessels, having a humoral effect.
  • Blood movement along the veins in one direction contribute (_), the pressure difference and reduction (_).
  • Nicotine causes a resistant (_) blood vessels for a while up to 30 minutes, which leads to (_) blood pressure.
  • When slamming (_), the sector of the heart muscle occurs. This disease is called (_).
  • What is marked with numbers 1 - 4?
  • What is formed by a conductive heart system?
  • What happens if the excitement is not coming from the first order rhythm?
  • In an isolated reduced heart, high pressure in the aorta. How will this affect the work of the heart? If the increased pressure in the right of the Supii?
  • What is the metasimipatic nervous system of the heart?
  • What vessels are called arteries? Veins?
  • What three layers differ in the arteries, veins?
  • What blood vessels have valves for what?
  • What department of the heart is the most thick muscular wall?
  • What valve is in the right atrocading bold hole?
  • What valves do not allow blood to return back to the heart?
  • What valves are there in the right half of the heart?
  • What valves are there in the left half of the heart?
  • In which hearts of the heart is venous blood?
  • What is happening with valves during the atrial systole?
  • What is happening with valves during ventricular systole?
  • What is happening with valves during general diastole?
  • How long does the Systole Systole continue, ventricles, general diastole at a frequency cuts of 75 blows per minute?
  • Where in the brain there are centers regulating the work of the heart and the clearance of blood vessels?
  • Reiteration
  • What nerves strengthen and what are the work of the heart slow down?
  • What ions are strengthened which heart work slow down?
  • What hormones increase the work of the heart?
  • Name the blood circulation circle vessels associated with the heart.
  • Name the vessels of a large circle of blood circulation related to the heart.
  • In which vessels are the maximum and minimum blood pressure?
  • What is the name of the disease associated with increased blood pressure?
  • In the aorta heightened blood pressure. How will the autonomous nervous system react?
  • In the hollow veins, high pressure. How will the autonomous nervous system react?
  • In which vessels maximum speed blood? Minimum speed?
  • What is the maximum blood flow? Minimum?
  • What is the pulse wave speed?
  • What is the form of a lymphatic system?
  • Reiteration
Have questions?

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