Stab and cut wound of the neck mkb 10. mkb lacerated wound

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations emergency care for fever, when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to children infancy? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

Wounds: A Brief Description

Wound - injury to any part of the body (especially caused by physical impact), manifested by a violation of the integrity of the skin and / or mucous membrane.

If the patient has signs of phlegmon, surgery is a mandatory procedure. During the operation, the wound is opened with a special instrument, then the surgeon excises the dead tissue.

Also, it is imperative that the wound discharge is taken for the study of microflora, its sensitivity to specific groups of antibiotics.

  • persistent swelling and numbness;
  • inflammation and discomfort;
  • unbearable pain when walking;
  • terrible appearance.
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Frequency... Dog bites are reported at 12: 1,000 of the population. Cat bites - 16:10,000.

Code for the international classification of diseases ICD-10:


Risk factors ... Dogs bite more often in the afternoon, especially in warm or hot weather, they do not like half-naked people. Cats bite more often in the morning. Drinking alcohol: Dogs do not like the smell of alcohol.

Symptoms (signs)

Clinical picture - bitten wounds are represented by abrasions, scratches, the edges of the wound are usually torn, crushed.


Research methods ... 75% of bitten wounds are infected - sowing of a culture of microorganisms is possible. X-ray examination of the affected area to exclude bone damage and follow-up in dynamics when osteomyelitis is suspected.



Surgery. Primary surgical treatment of a wound with the removal of non-viable tissue. Suturing the wound is possible if the bite occurred no more than 12 hours ago, a full-fledged primary surgical treatment was carried out, as well as if the surgeon is confident that it is impossible to develop an infection in the wound. The imposition of primary - delayed sutures 3-5 days after the bite is optimal for knowingly infected wounds and the impossibility of preventing the development of infection with only primary surgical treatment. For fractures of the bones of the hand, a splint is required.

Drug therapy

Administration of rabies serum for the prevention of rabies.

Administration of tetanus toxoid (to immunized patients, if more than 5 years have passed since the last vaccination) - see Tetanus.

Anti-tetanus immunoglobulin of a person with incomplete primary immunization (see. Tetanus).

Preventive therapy in the first 12 hours after the bite .. Phenoxymethylpenicillin 500 mg orally 4 r / day (children 50 mg / kg / day orally 2 r / day) for 3 days .. Other drugs - amoxicillin 500 mg orally 3 r / day for adults and 40 mg / kg / day 3 r / day for children, or amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, 250-500 mg orally 3 r / day for adults and 20-40 mg / kg / day 3 r / day for children.

When the first signs of infection appear, amoxicillin + clavulanic acid (until the results of bacteriological studies are obtained).

Alternative therapy (prophylactic or empiric) in patients allergic to penicillin .. Doxycycline. Contraindicated in children under 8 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women .. Ceftriaxone or erythromycin. Cephalexin should not be used due to the resistance of strains of P. multocida .. Approximately 10% of patients allergic to penicillin develop cross-allergy to cephalosporins.

Complications ... Septic arthritis. Osteomyelitis. Extensive soft tissue injuries with scarring and subsequent deformation, sometimes with loss of function. Sepsis. Bleeding. Gas gangrene. Rabies. Tetanus. Cat scratch disease.

Forecast... In the absence of complications, wounds heal secondary tension after 7-10 days.

ICD-10 . W54 A bite or blow from a dog. W55 A bite or blow from other mammals


Frequency... Dog bites are reported at 12: 1,000 of the population. Cat bites - 16:10,000.

Code for the international classification of diseases ICD-10:


Risk factors ... Dogs bite more often in the afternoon, especially in warm or hot weather, they do not like half-naked people. Cats bite more often in the morning. Drinking alcohol: Dogs do not like the smell of alcohol.

Symptoms (signs)

Clinical picture - bitten wounds are represented by abrasions, scratches, the edges of the wound are usually torn, crushed.


Research methods ... 75% of bitten wounds are infected - sowing of a culture of microorganisms is possible. X-ray examination the affected area to exclude bone damage and follow-up in dynamics when osteomyelitis is suspected.



Surgery. Primary surgical treatment of the wound with the removal of non-viable tissue. Suturing the wound is possible if the bite occurred no more than 12 hours ago, a full-fledged primary surgical treatment was carried out, as well as if the surgeon is confident that it is impossible to develop infection in the wound. The imposition of primary - delayed sutures 3-5 days after the bite is optimal for knowingly infected wounds and the impossibility of preventing the development of infection only primary surgical treatment... For fractures of the bones of the hand, a splint is required.

Drug therapy

Administration of rabies serum for the prevention of rabies.

Administration of tetanus toxoid (to immunized patients, if more than 5 years have passed since the last vaccination) - see Tetanus.

Anti-tetanus immunoglobulin of a person with incomplete primary immunization (see. Tetanus).

Preventive therapy in the first 12 hours after the bite .. Phenoxymethylpenicillin 500 mg orally 4 r / day (children 50 mg / kg / day orally 2 r / day) for 3 days .. Other drugs - amoxicillin 500 mg orally 3 r / day for adults and 40 mg / kg / day 3 r / day for children, or amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, 250-500 mg orally 3 r / day for adults and 20-40 mg / kg / day 3 r / day for children.

When the first signs of infection appear, amoxicillin + clavulanic acid (until the results of bacteriological studies are obtained).

Alternative therapy (prophylactic or empiric) in patients allergic to penicillin .. Doxycycline. Contraindicated in children under 8 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women .. Ceftriaxone or erythromycin. Cephalexin should not be used due to the resistance of strains of P. multocida .. Approximately 10% of patients allergic to penicillin develop cross-allergy to cephalosporins.

Complications ... Septic arthritis. Osteomyelitis. Extensive soft tissue injuries with scarring and subsequent deformation, sometimes with loss of function. Sepsis. Bleeding. Gas gangrene. Rabies. Tetanus. Cat scratch disease.

Forecast... In the absence of complications, the wounds heal by secondary intention after 7-10 days.

ICD-10 . W54 A bite or blow from a dog. W55 A bite or blow from other mammals

Injury, poisoning and some other consequences of exposure to external causes (S00-T98)

  • birth injury (P10-P15)
  • obstetric trauma (O70-O71)
  • malunited fracture (M84.0)
  • nonunion fracture [pseudarthrosis] (M84.1)
  • pathologic fracture (M84.4)
  • fracture with osteoporosis (M80.-)
  • stress fracture (M84.3)

This class contains the following blocks:

  • S00-S09 Head injuries
  • S10-S19 Neck injuries
  • S20-S29 Injuries to the chest
  • T20-T32 Thermal and chemical burns
    • T20-T25 Thermal and chemical burns of the outer surfaces of the body, specified by their location
    • T26-T28 Thermal and chemical burns of the eye and internal organs
    • T29-T32 Thermal and chemical burns of multiple and unspecified body parts
  • T33-T35 Frostbite
  • T79-T79 Some early complications trauma
  • T90-T98 Consequences of trauma, poisoning and other influences of external causes

In this class, the section designated by the letter S is used for encoding different types injuries related to a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe body, and the section with the letter T is for coding multiple injuries and injuries to individual unspecified parts of the body, as well as poisoning and some other consequences of external causes. In cases where the heading indicates the multiple nature of the injury, the union "c" means the simultaneous defeat of both named parts of the body, and the union "and" - both one and both sites.

Superficial trauma, including:

  • abrasion
  • insect bite (non-poisonous)

Open wound, including:

  • bitten
  • cut
  • torn
  • chipped:
    • NOS
    • with (penetrating) foreign body


S60 Superficial injury of wrist and hand

  • S60.0 Contusion of the finger of the hand without damage to the nail plate
  • S60.1 Contusion of the finger of the hand with damage to the nail plate
  • S60.2 Contusion of other parts of the wrist and hand
  • S60.7 Multiple superficial injuries of the wrist and hand
  • S60.8 Other superficial injuries of the wrist and hand
  • S60.9 Unspecified superficial injury of wrist and hand

S61 Open wound of wrist and hand

  • S61.0 Open wound of the finger of the hand without damage to the nail plate
  • S61.1 Open wound of the finger of the hand with damage to the nail plate
  • S61.7 Multiple open wounds of the wrist and hand
  • S61.8 Open wound to other parts of the wrist and hand
  • S61.9 Open wound of part of wrist and hand, unspecified

S62 Fracture at wrist and hand level

  • S62.00 Closed fracture of the scaphoid
  • S62.01 Open navicular bone fracture
  • S62.10 Fracture of their other bone to her wrist, closed
  • S62.11 Fracture of their other bone to her wrist open
  • S62.20 Fracture of the first metacarpal bone, closed
  • S62.21 Fracture of the first metacarpal bone, open
  • S62.30 Fracture of the other metacarpal bone, closed
  • S62.31 Fracture of the other metacarpal bone, open
  • S62.40 Multiple metacarpal fractures, closed
  • S62.41 Multiple open metacarpal fractures
  • S62.50 Fracture of the thumb, closed
  • S62.51 Open thumb fracture
  • S62.60 Fracture of the other finger, closed
  • S62.61 Fracture of the other finger, open
  • S62.70 Multiple fractures of fingers, closed
  • S62.71 Multiple fractures of fingers, open
  • S62.80 Fracture of other and unspecified part of wrist and hand, closed
  • S62.81 Fracture of other and unspecified part of wrist and hand, open

S63 Dislocation, sprain and strain of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus at the level of the wrist and hand

  • S63.0 Dislocated wrist
  • S63.1 Dislocated finger
  • S63.2 Multiple dislocations of fingers
  • S63.3 Traumatic rupture of the ligament of the wrist and metacarpus
  • S63.4 Traumatic rupture of the ligament of the finger at the level of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joint (s)
  • S63.5 Stretching and overstrain of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus at the level of the wrist
  • S63.6 Stretching and overstrain of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus at the level of the finger
  • S63.7 Stretching and overstrain of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus of the other and unspecified part of the hand

S64 Injury of nerves at wrist and hand level

  • S64.0 Ulnar nerve injury at wrist and hand level
  • S64.1 Median nerve injury at wrist and hand level
  • S64.2 Radial nerve injury at wrist and hand level
  • S64.3 Thumb nerve injury
  • S64.4 Nerve injury to the other toe
  • S64.7 Injury of multiple nerves at wrist and hand level
  • S64.8 Injury to other nerves at wrist and hand level
  • S64.9 Injury of unspecified nerve at wrist and hand level

S65 Injury of blood vessels at wrist and hand level

  • S65.0 Ulnar artery injury at wrist and hand level
  • S65.1 Radial artery injury at wrist and hand level
  • S65.2 Injury of the superficial palmar arch
  • S65.3 Deep palmar trauma
  • S65.4 Thumb Blood Vessel Injury
  • S65.5 Injury to a blood vessel in the other finger
  • S65.7 Injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist and hand level
  • S65.8 Injury of other blood vessels at wrist and hand level
  • S65.9 Injury of unspecified blood vessel at wrist and hand level

S66Injuries of muscle and tendon at wrist and hand level

  • S66.0 Injury of the long flexor of the thumb and its tendon at the level of the wrist and hand
  • S66.1 Injury of the flexor muscle of the other finger and its tendon at the level of the wrist and hand
  • S66.2 Injury of the extensor of the thumb and its tendon at the level of the wrist and hand
  • S66.3 Injury of the extensor of the other finger and its tendon at the level of the wrist and hand
  • S66.4 Thumb's own muscle and tendon injury at wrist and hand level
  • S66.5 Injury of own muscle and tendon of the other finger at the level of the wrist and hand
  • S66.6 Multiple flexor and tendon injury at wrist and hand level
  • S66.7 Injury of multiple extensor muscles and tendons at wrist and hand level
  • S66.8 Injury of other muscles and tendons at wrist and hand level
  • S66.9 Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon at wrist and hand level

S67 Crush injury of wrist and hand

  • S67.0 Crushing injury of thumb and other finger (s)
  • S67.8 Crushing injury of other and unspecified parts of wrist and hand

S68 Traumatic amputation of wrist and hand

  • S68.0 Traumatic amputation of the thumb, complete, partial
  • S68.1 Traumatic amputation of the other one finger of the hand, complete, partial
  • S68.2 Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers of the hand, complete, partial
  • S68.3 Combined traumatic amputation of part of the finger and other parts of the wrist and hand
  • S68.4 Traumatic hand amputation at wrist level
  • S68.8 Traumatic amputation of other parts of the wrist and hand
  • S68.9 Traumatic amputation of wrist and hand, level unspecified

S69 Other and unspecified injuries of wrist and hand

  • S69.7 Multiple injuries to the wrist and hand
  • S69.8 Other specified injuries of wrist and hand
  • S69.9 Unspecified injury of wrist and hand

Source: xn - 11-9kc9aj.xn - p1ai

Cancer (M8010 / 3) - see also Malignant neoplasm C80 (according to ICD-10)

- penetrating (in eyeball) S05.6

- with foreign body S05.5

Ankle S91.0

- and lower back, pelvis, multiple wounds S31.7

- abdominal wall S31.1

Knee joint S81.0

- and multiple feet S91.7

Interscapular region S21.2

Breast S21.0

Legs (multiple) T01.3

- with destruction of the nail S61.6

- with destruction of the nail S91.2

Lumbar region S31.0

Costal region S21.9

- back of S21.2

- front of S21.1

Oral S01.5

Arms (multiple) T01.2

Torso NKD T09.1

- multiple localization T01.1

Ear (outer) S01.3

Epigastric region S31.1

- functional NKD K59.9

- due to organic brain damage F07.0

Urination NKD R39.1

- psychogenic NCD F45.9

Achilles tendon S86.0

Ankle S93.4

Carpal joint S63.5

Knee NKD S83.6

Elbow S53.4

Shoulder joint S43.4

Patella ligaments S83.6

Hip S73.1

Sutures of the operating wound T81.3

-after caesarean section O90.0

- perineum (obstetric) O90.1

- after episiotomy O90.1

Bladder (sphincter) N32.8

Colon K59.3

Congenital trachea Q32.1

- with cleft palate Q37.9

- causing obstructed labor O65.0

With hydrocephalus Q05.4

- mild to moderate O21.0

- excessive (severe) O21.1

—Late (after 22 completed weeks) O21.2

- after gastrointestinal surgery K91.0

- administration of serum (prophylactic) (therapeutic) T80.6

- the nearest (anaphylactic) T80.5

- drug NKD T88.7

- incorrectly assigned or received in error T50.9

- correctly assigned and entered T88.7

- in case of overdose or poisoning T50.9

- lumbar puncture G97.1

- the abolition of psychoactive drug, coded by headings F11-F19 with the fourth character. 3

- in newborn due to maternal substance abuse P96.1

- Radiation NKD T66

- spinal puncture G97.1

- stress (severe) F43.9

- blood groups (AB0) (by infusion) (by transfusion) T80.3

- Rh factor (on infusion) (on transfusion) T80.4

- poor adaptability F43.2

- heart disease NKD I09.8

- myocarditis, myocardial degeneration (conditions classified in I51.4) I09.0

- heart failure (congestive) (conditions classified in subheadings I50.0, I50.9) I09.8

- aortic valve I06.9

- with mitral valve disease I08.0

- mitral valve I05.9

- - with aortic valve disease I08.0

- pulmonary artery valve I09.8

- three-leaf valve I07.8

Ulcerative (chronic) K51.3

Non-lipid (M9722 / 3) C96.0

Congenital pigmentosa H35.5

- during pregnancy or childbirth O34.5

- causing obstructed labor O65.5

- - effect on fetus or newborn P03.1

- with esophagitis K21.0

- not seasonal J30.3

- Seasonal NKD J30.2

NCD injury P15.9

- scalp P12.9

- cranial NCD P11.4

- brachial plexus NKD P14.3

- rupture of cerebellar tentorium P10.4

- spinal cord P11.5

- organs or tissues of the small pelvis O65.5

- - cervix O65.5

- prolapsed fetal pen O64.4

- fetal hydrocephalus O66.3

- deformities of the bone pelvis NKD O65.0

- the size disparities of the pelvis and fetus NCD O65.4

- very large fruit O66.2

- transverse position of the fetus O64.8

- shoulder presentation O64.4

- Breech presentation O64.1

Lingering NOS O63.9

- by cesarean section O84.2

- using forceps O84.1

- using a vacuum extractor O84.1

- using combined methods of delivery O84.8

- obstetric injury O71.9

- specified NKD O71.8

- uterine atony O62.2

- prolapsed umbilical cord O69.0

- inertia of the uterus O62.2

- during labor O67.9

- uterine leiomyomas O67.8

- - placenta presentation O44.1

- - premature placental abruption (normally located) O45.9

- - trauma (obstetric) O67.8

- in the puerperium O72.-

- - due to retained placenta O72.0

- Prenatal NOS O46.9

- violation generic activity O62.9

- primary weakness O62.0

- secondary debility O62.1

- of the specified type NKD O62.8

- presentation of the vessel O69.4

- - first degree O70.0

--- second degree O70.1

- - third degree O70.2

--- fourth degree O70.3

- - before labor O71.0

- - of the NKD O71.5

- weakness of contractions O62.2

- sudden death of a woman for some unknown reason O95

- tightly wrapped around the neck O69.1

- umbilical cord knot O69.2

- umbilical cord bend O69.5

- cerebral hemorrhage O99.4

- eclampsia during labor O15.1

- in the postpartum period O15.2

Premature NKD O60

- placental anomalies O43.1

- placental dysfunction O43.8

By cesarean section O82.9

- effect on fetus or newborn P03.4

- and the vacuum of the extractor O81.5

- effect on fetus or newborn P03.2

Perfectly normal O80.9

- effect on fetus or newborn P03.5

By cesarean section O82.9

Outer ear A46 + H62.0 *

Kaposi (M9140 / 3) C46.9

Myeloid (M9930 / 3) C92.3

Hodgkin's (M9662 / 3) C81.7

Abdominal-urinary 2 N32.2

Congenital branchial Q18.0

- duct (general) (hepatic) K83.3

Intestinal NKD K63.2

Breast N61

- tuberculous A18.3 + K93.0 *

- with abscess L05.0

Rectal (cutaneous) K60.4

Urachusa, congenital Q64.4

Newborn NKD P36.9

Abortion-related O08.0

Pelvic postpartum O85

Newborn NKD P36.9

During labor O75.3

Eyeball H44.3

- meningococcal A39.1 + E35.1 *

Aortic bifurcation I74.0

Basilar artery G45.0

Sudden death of a child R95

Antihypertensive in mother O26.5

Carpal tunnel G56.0

Rotator cuff M75.1

Operated stomach K91.1

- effect on fetus or newborn P02.2

Teething K00.7

- acute or subacute F05.9

- specified NKD F07.8

Broad ligament rupture N83.8

- for an adult J80

- celiac artery I77.4

Blind hinge K90.2

Stop tunnel G57.5

Dry eye H04.1

Trisomy NKD Q92.9

- late, or at the age of 2 years or more ADC A50.7

- with symptoms or manifestations of NCD A50.5

- - eye involvement A50.3

—- the Hutchinson Triad A50.5

- - juvenile neurosyphilis A50.4

- latent (no symptoms or manifestations) A50.6

- - serologically confirmed A50.6

- - with negative breakdown cerebrospinal fluid A50.6

- early, or under two years of age NDC A50.2

- latent (no symptoms or manifestations) A50.1

- - with negative sample of cerebrospinal fluid A50.1

- with symptoms or manifestations A50.0

- - serologically confirmed A50.1

- skin (early) (ulcerated) A51.3

- iridocyclitis A51.4 + H22.0 *

- meningitis A51.4 + G01 *

- effect on fetus or newborn P00.2

- kidneys A52.7 + N29.0 *

- cardiovascular system A52.0 + I98.0 *

- hidden or lasting two years or more after infection (without manifestation) A52.8

- with negative sample of cerebrospinal fluid A52.8

- with symptoms A52.7

—Serologically confirmed A52.8

- tabes dorsalis A52.1

- central nervous system A52.3

- hidden or for less than two years after exposure A51.5

Adenopathy (secondary) A51.4

- congenital A50.5 + I79.0 *

- central nervous system A52.0 + I68.8 *

Anemia A52.7 + D63.8 *

Ataxia (motor) A52.1

Condyloma (wide) A51.3

Ancestral Force O62.2

- effect on fetus or newborn P03.6

Alcoholic NKD F10.7

- Parkinson's disease G20 + F02.3 *

- HIV diseases B22.0 + F02.4 *

- multiple sclerosis G35 + F02.8 *

- neurosyphilis A52.1 + F02.8 *

- Hatterington G10 + F02.2 *

- epilepsy G40 .- + F02.8 *

- due to vitamin A deficiency E50.5

- with partial loss of vision in the other eye H54.1

Due to mastectomy I97.2

- effect on fetus or newborn P01.6

- between 42 days and one year after delivery O96

- 1 year or more after delivery O97

- infant R95

Congenital femoral neck Q65.8

Stomach (congenital) Q40.2

Tooth, teeth K07.3

- with myelopathy M51.0 + G99.2 *

- thoracic, lumbar, lumbosacral M51.2

- with neuritis, radiculitis or radiculopathy M55.1 + G55.1

- with neuritis, radiculitis or radiculopathy M50.1 + G55.1

Kidney (acquired) N28.8

Heart (congenital) Q24..8

Depressive NKD F32.9

Postoperative NKD Z98.8

After concussion F07.2

- acute or subacute F05.9

- reactive (due to emotional stress, mental trauma) F44.8

Arteries NKD I73.9

Bladder (sphincter) N32.8

Esophagus (diffuse) K22.4

- congenital or infantile Q40.0

Sphincter of Oddi K83.4

Abdominal (walls) K60.0

Peritoneum, peritoneal K66.0

Gallbladder K82.8

- with obstruction K56.5

-from abdominal wall N73.6

- due to tuberculosis A17.0 + G01 *

Cervix N88.1

- by the proportion (fetal-pelvic) O33.0

- myelopathy NKD M47.-G55.2

Thoracic M47.8

Cervical M47.8

- gonococcal A54.4 + M49.3

Tuberculous A18.0 + M49.0 *

Newborn P92.1

Aortic valve I35.0

- - mitral valve disease I08.0

- - functional impairment or regurgitation I06.2

- Congenital NCD Q31.8

- congenital (thin) Q41.9

Valve (heart) I38

- in active or acute phase of rheumatism I01.1

- with chorea rheumatica or Sydenham I02.0

- with functional impairment or regurgitation I05.2

Master tubes N97.1

Urethra (valve) N35.9

Congenital (larynx) Q31.4

Vagina (outlet) N89.5

- with hydronephrosis N13.0

- with hydronephrosis N13.1

- due to gonococcal infection A54.0

- infectious NKD N35.1

- as a long-term consequence of trauma N35.0

Cervical (canal) N88.2

Arteries NKD I77.1

Bile duct (common) (hepatic) K83.1

- perforating ulcer A52.1

—Extension bladder A52.1

Achilles tendon M76.6

Greater spit M70.6

Patella M76.5

Psoas M76.1

Gluteus M76.0

Gonococcal A54.7 + M68.4 *

Tuberculous A18.8 + E35.0 *

- hypersecretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone E05.8

- the specified cause of NCD E05.8

- ectopic thyroid node or tissue E05.3

With goiter (diffuse) E05.0

Tick-borne NOS A77.9

—North Asian tick-borne A77.2

- Siberian tick-borne A77.2

Loose NOS A75.9

—Brilla NKD A75.1

- Caused by clothes louse A75.0

Epidemic (lousy) A75.0

Pneumonia A01.0 + J17.0 *

Fatigue-related R68.8

- effect on fetus or newborn P00.0

Hips and pelvic girdle S79.7

Intra-abdominal organs S36.9

Intrathoracic organs S27.9

Brain S06.9

- chest S29.9

- multiple (in several areas of the body) T06.2

- brachial plexus S14.3

Brachial plexus S14.3

- in newborn P14.3

Pelvic organ S37.9

Acute or subacute J20.9

Senile (chronic) J42

—From 15 years old and older J40

—Under 15 years old J20.-

Anus K60.2

Breast nipple N64.0

Vagina A59.0 + N77.1 *

Basilar artery I65.1

Portal vein I81

- deep veins O87.1

- brain (arterial) O99.4

- venous (sinus) O87.3

- pulmonary artery O88.2

- superficial veins O87.0

In pregnant women, O22.9

- deep veins O22.3

Portal vein K75.1

Lower limb I80.3

- deep vessels NKD I80.2

- superficial vessels I80.0

- deep vessels O87.1

- pelvic vessels O87.1

- ectopic pregnancy O08.0

Primary LDC D69.4

- idiopathic maternal thrombocytopenia P61.0

- exchange transfusion P61.0

- lymphatic node A16.3

- confirmed bacteriologically and histologically A15.4

- primary (progressive) A16.7

- - confirmed bacteriologically and histologically A15.7

- confirmed bacteriologically and histologically A15.5

Bone (s) A18.0 + M90.0 *

knee joint A18.0 + M01.1 *

- hip joint A18.0 + M01.1 *

- without bacteriological and histological examination A16.1

- without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation A16.2

- with negative results of bacteriological and histological examination A16.0

- bacteriologically with or without culture growth A15.0

- by methods not specified A15.3

- only culture growth A15.1

Genitourinary organs A18.1

Adrenal gland A18.7 + E35.1 *

Respiratory organs NKD A16.9

Kidney A18.1 + N29.1 *

Joint A18.0 + M01.1 *

- spine A18.0 + M49.0 *

- with abscess (spinal) (cerebral) A17.8 + G07 *

Cerebral (s) A17.8 + G07 *

- meninges A17.0 + G01 *

Testicles A18.1 + N51.1 *

Ovary A18.1 + N74.1 *

- spine A18.0 + M49.0 *

Bronchiectasis NOS A16.2

- confirmed bacteriologically and histologically A15.6

-without clinical manifestations A16.7

- confirmed bacteriologically and histologically A15.7

- confirmed bacteriologically and histologically A15.9

Cachexia NKD A16.9

Primary complex A16.7

- confirmed bacteriologically and histologically A15.7


ICD-10: S00-T98 - Injuries, poisoning and some other consequences of exposure to external causes

Chain in classification:

2 S00-T98 Injury, poisoning and some other consequences of external causes

Diagnosis with the S00-T98 code includes 21 clarifying diagnoses (ICD-10 headings):

Included: injuries:. ear. eyes. face (any part). gums. jaw. areas of the temporomandibular joint. oral cavity. sky. the periocular region. scalp. language. tooth.
S10-S19 - Neck injury

Included: injuries:. the back of the neck. supraclavicular area. throat.
S20-S29 - Injury to the chest

Included: injuries:. abdominal wall. anus. gluteal region. external genital organs. lateral part of the abdomen. groin area.
S40-S49 - Injuries of the shoulder girdle and shoulder

Contains 10 blocks of diagnoses.

Excludes: bilateral injury of the elbow and forearm (T00-T07) thermal and chemical burns (T20-T32) frostbite (T33-T35) injuries:. hands at level unspecified (T10-T11) wrists and hands (S60-S69) bite or sting of a poisonous insect (T63.4).
S60-S69 - Injuries of the wrist and hand

Excludes: bilateral wrist and hand injury (T00-T07) thermal and chemical burns (T20-T32) frostbite (T33-T35) hand injuries at an unspecified level (T10-T11) bite or sting of a poisonous insect (T63.4).
S70-S79 - Injuries of the hip joint and thigh

Excludes: bilateral injury to the hip and thigh (T00-T07) thermal and chemical burns (T20-T32) frostbite (T33-T35) leg injuries at an unspecified level (T12-T13) bite or sting of a poisonous insect (T63.4).
S80-S89 - Injuries of the knee and lower leg

Excludes: bilateral ankle and foot injury (T00-T07) thermal and chemical burns and corrosion (T20-T32) fracture of the ankle and ankle (S82.-) frostbite (T33-T35) injuries lower limbs level unspecified (T12-T13) bite or sting of a poisonous insect (T63.4).
T00-T07 - Injuries involving multiple areas of the body

Contains 8 blocks of diagnoses.

Includes: bilateral injuries of the limbs with the same levels of injury affecting two or more areas of the body, classified in rubrics S00-S99.
T08-T14 - Injury of unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region

Contains 7 blocks of diagnoses.

Excludes: thermal and chemical burns (T20-T32) frostbite (T33-T35) injuries involving several areas of the body (T00-T07) bite or sting of a poisonous insect (T63.4).
T15-T19 - Consequences of the penetration of a foreign body through natural holes

Contains 5 blocks of diagnoses.

Excluded: foreign body:. accidentally left in a surgical wound (T81.5) in a puncture wound - see open wound over areas of the body. unsuccessful in soft tissues (M79.5) splinter (splinter) without large open wound - see superficial wound in areas of the body.
T20-T32 - Thermal and chemical burns

Includes: burns (thermal) caused by:. electric heating devices. electric shock. flame. friction. hot air and hot gases. hot items. lightning. radiation chemical burns [corrosion] (external) (internal) scalding.
T33-T35 - Frostbite

Contains 3 blocks of diagnoses.

Contains 15 blocks of diagnoses.

Excludes: chemical burns (T20-T32) local toxic manifestations classified elsewhere (A00-R99) respiratory distress due to exposure to external agents (J60-J70).
T66-T78 - Other and unspecified effects of external causes

The diagnosis does not include:

Birth injury (P10-P15)

- obstetric trauma (O70-O71)

Explanation of the disease with code S00-T98 in the MBK-10 reference book:

In this class, the section designated with the letter S is used to encode various types of injuries related to a particular area of \u200b\u200bthe body, and the section with the letter T is used to encode multiple injuries and injuries of certain unspecified parts of the body, as well as poisoning and some other consequences of exposure. external causes.

In cases where the heading indicates the multiple nature of the injury, the union "c" means the simultaneous defeat of both named parts of the body, and the union "and" - both one and both sites.

The principle of multiple trauma coding should be applied as widely as possible. Combined headings for multiple injuries are given for use when the nature of each individual injury is insufficiently detailed or for primary statistical developments, when it is more convenient to register a single code; in other cases, each component of the injury must be coded separately. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the rules for coding morbidity and mortality set out in volume 2.

Blocks of section S, as well as headings T00-T14 and T90-T98, include injuries, which at the level of three-digit headings are classified by type as follows:

Superficial trauma, including:

water bubble (non-thermal)

contusion, including bruising, bruising, and hematoma

trauma from a superficial foreign body (splinter) without a large open wound

insect bite (non-poisonous)

Open wound, including:

With a (penetrating) foreign body

Fracture, including:

Closed:. comminuted\u003e. depressed\u003e. speaker\u003e. split\u003e. incomplete\u003e. impacted\u003e with or without delayed healing. linear\u003e. marching\u003e. simple\u003e. with displacement\u003e pineal gland\u003e. helical

Open:. difficult\u003e. infected\u003e. gunshot\u003e with or without delayed healing. with a puncture wound\u003e. with foreign body\u003e

Excludes: fracture:. pathological (M84.4) with osteoporosis (M80.-) stressful (M84.3) improperly fused (M84.0) non-fused [pseudarthrosis] (M84.1)

Dislocations, sprains and overstrain of the capsule-ligamentous apparatus of the joint, including:

traumatic:\u003e joint (capsule) ligaments

Nerve and spinal cord injury, including:

complete or incomplete spinal cord injury

violation of the integrity of nerves and spinal cord

Damage to blood vessels, including:

traumatic (s):\u003e blood vessels

Aneurysm or fistula (arteriovenous)\u003e

Muscle and tendon injury, including:

tear\u003e muscles and tendons

Internal trauma, including:

blast wave\u003e

concussion injuries\u003e

traumatic (s):\u003e internal organs

Other and unspecified injuries

This class contains the following blocks:

  • S00-S09 Head injuries
  • S10-S19 Neck injuries
  • S20-S29 Injuries to the chest
  • S30-S39 Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine and pelvis
  • S40-S49 Injuries of the shoulder girdle and shoulder
  • S50-S59 Injuries to the elbow and forearm
  • S60-S69 Injuries of the wrist and hand
  • S70-S79 Injuries of the hip joint and thigh
  • S80-S89 Injuries of the knee and lower leg
  • S90-S99 Injuries to the ankle and foot
  • T00-T07 Injuries involving multiple areas of the body
  • T08-T14 Injury of unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region
  • T15-T19 Effects of foreign body penetration through natural openings
  • T20-T32 Thermal and chemical burns
  • T33-T35 Frostbite
  • T36-T50 Poisoning by drugs, medicines and biological substances
  • T51-T65 Toxic effects of substances, mainly for non-medical use
  • T66-T78 Other and unspecified effects of external causes
  • T79 Certain early complications of trauma
  • T80-T88 Complications of surgical and therapeutic procedures, not elsewhere classified
  • T90-T98 Consequences of injury, poisoning and other influences of external causes

    What is a bite wound? Bitten wound - ICD 1. T1. additional information: Rabies A bitten (bite) wound occurs when bites of wild or domestic animals (cats, dogs and others, such as rodents), as well as humans.

    This type of wound is characterized by a high degree of primary ... Wikipedia. Rana - This term has other meanings, see Rana (disambiguation). The wound ... Wikipedia. WOUND - - violation of the integrity of the skin and deeper tissues, as well as individual organs, caused by mechanical damage them.

    Home · Classes of ICD-10 · Codes of ICD-10 · Search by name · Articles. International classification of diseases ICD-10 online. ICD-10 codes & nbsp. Vlasyuk I.V., Kudyanov E.G. Wounds of the skin from exposure to dog canines more than 1 million people a year are bitten by dogs. ICD 10 code: T14 Injury of unspecified localization. Bite wound\u003e Cut wound\u003e Open wound\u003e NOS Puncture wound with (penetrating) & nbsp. International Classification of Diseases Diagnosis codes, names, countries medical care... Search: Download MedicaLib ICD-10 electronic version of the handbook ..

    Code for the international classification of diseases ICD-10. Symptoms (signs). The clinical picture - bitten wounds are represented by abrasions, scratches, the edges of the wound are usually torn, crushed .. Bite wound (v. Morsum) P., caused by the teeth of an animal or human; characterized by infection, uneven, crushed edges. ICD code 10: T14 Injury of unspecified localization. Bite wound\u003e Incision wound\u003e Open wound\u003e NOS Puncture wound with (penetrating). ICD 10 code: S00-T98 INJURIES, POISONING AND SOME. wounds. insect bite (non-poisonous). An open wound, including a bitten one.

    Depending on the weapon, which inflicted the wound, distinguish between R.R. firearms: ... ... Soviet legal dictionary. Puncture wound - ICD 1. T1. 4. 1. 14. 1 Puncture wounds are characterized by a small area of \u200b\u200btissue damage, usually with smooth edges. Wounds in the chest and abdomen can be very dangerous, as with a long wounding object, injuries are possible ... ... Wikipedia. Gunshot wound - Skull with a hole from a gunshot wound ... Wikipedia.

    Stab and cut wounds - Stab and cut wounds File: Nstabknife. Stabbed stab wounds. ICD 1.0 T1. 4. 1. Me. SH ... Wikipedia. Broken wound - ICD 1. S0. 0. 00. 0. 0 A crushed wound (lat. Vulnus conquassatum) is formed as a result of squeezing tissues, mainly limbs, between solid massive objects (for example, when concrete slabs, blocks fall on hands or feet ... ... Wikipedia. Laceration - ( lat.Vulnus laceratum) a wound resulting from such an effect of a mechanical damaging factor on soft tissuewhich exceeds their physical ability to stretch.

    Its edges always have an irregular shape, delamination is noted, or ... Wikipedia. Surgical wound - Surgical wound (Latin vulnus operativum) is a wound inflicted by a doctor in the process surgical operation... Unlike other wounds, surgical wounds are practically sterile. Deliberately applied for therapeutic purposes in the operating room ... Wikipedia.

    Poisoned wound - ICD 1. T1. 4. 1. 14. 1 A poisoned wound contains poison that has entered the wound as a result of the bite of poisonous insects, snakes and other animals, as well as poisonous substances that have penetrated the wound as a result of the use of chemical weapons or when working with toxic ... ... Wikipedia.

    Infected leg wound: contusion, periostitis, phlegmon, bites and injuries, complications and treatment methods

    Any violation of the integrity of the lower leg can lead to the development of an infectious process. Disease-causing microbes can enter the body through an open wound (in medicine, this phenomenon is called primary infection). The source of infection is the wounding body, clothing. Also, the process can begin later than a moment earlier - secondary infection. In this case, the infected leg wound is characterized by a more severe course.

    Infected wounds of the lower leg, according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) in the 10th edition, have several codes depending on the cause of the injury:

    1. S80 Superficial injury to the lower leg. For example, a bruise, which is not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the tissue surface. The infection process does not develop immediately after injury.
    2. S81 Open wounds of the lower leg. The purulent process begins as a result of the ingress of dirt from clothes, an object that has caused a violation of the integrity of the skin.
    3. S82 Shin fractures.
    4. S87 Crushing injury of the lower leg.
    5. S88 Traumatic amputation of the lower leg.
    6. S89 Other and unspecified injuries.

    Each of the listed conditions differs in a clinical picture, a treatment regimen.

    Infection of traumatic violations of integrity can occur immediately at the time of injury or after some time. In the latter case, the source is bandages, mucous membranes surrounding the damaged area, foci of inflammation in the victim's body.

    Important: not all cases of microbial contamination of wounds end with the development of an infectious process.

    The likelihood of developing an infection is determined by a whole range of reasons:

  • pollution intensity;
  • the degree of violation of the viability of tissues;
  • general reactivity of the body (the ability to respond to stimuli from the external environment).

    The pathogenic nature of microbes trapped in the wound appears 6-8 hours after the injury. Favorable environment is non-viable tissues and profuse hemorrhages. That is why an open wound of the lower leg is more often than other injuries accompanied by a purulent process.

    The infectious process is accompanied by reddening of the edges of the wound, the release of purulent contents (if it is open), swelling of the damaged area, a tactically noticeable increase in temperature in it, pain syndrome. In addition to local symptoms, there is also a general decrease in the patient's well-being. It manifests itself in a change leukocyte formula blood (the so-called shift of the formula to the left), decreased appetite, increased heart rate.

    If a suture was put on the wound and infection occurred during the operation, due to insufficient cleaning of the damaged area, the pain syndrome will be pronounced.

    Leg pathologies accompanied by a purulent process

    An infected wound on the leg can develop as a result of various traumatic injuries. The clinical picture as a whole is general - redness, swelling, pus discharge. Treatment is determined by the general course of the condition, against the background of which the infectious lesion developed.

    A bruised leg wound is quite common. You can get it by playing sports, falling or directly in contact with hard objects. Often, a bruised lower leg is diagnosed after hitting the legs of furniture, corners, jambs. Usually, the injury is not complicated by serious consequences, but subject to timely medical care.

    The clinical picture of injury is characterized by the presence of a pronounced pain syndrome, which is localized directly at the site of impact. If the painful shock is extensive, the victim may lose consciousness. After some time, the following symptoms appear:

  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • difficulty in movement;
  • the formation of a hematoma;
  • an increase in pain syndrome;
  • rupture of the tendons of the leg.

    An accurate diagnosis is established on the basis of examination, as well as the results of X-ray, ultrasound and MRI.

    A purulent process with bruising can develop in case of untimely seeking medical help. This condition is accompanied by a number of pathologies:

    Necrotic process on the skin

    It is accompanied by severe injury. A victim with a diagnosed tissue death is necessarily hospitalized.

    Or inflammation of the anterior part of the lower leg, which is due to the proximity of the location of the skin and bones. The clinical picture is characterized by the dominance of pain syndrome, an increase total temperature... Periostitis is treated with medicines exclusively from the group of antibiotics.

    A purulent process that affected the tissues of the ligaments, muscles, joints. The nature of the condition is infectious. If you ignore or lack the correct therapeutic tactics, the process can affect the skeleton. The first stage of treatment - surgery... Further, the victim is prescribed physiotherapy and a course of drugs aimed at raising the immune system.

    Shin injuries open type quite common. The cause of their occurrence is contact with a blunt object, the effect of which on the tissues exceeds their natural ability to stretch.

    A lacerated wound of the lower leg is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin, soft tissues. The reasons are domestic injuries, road accidents, incidents with the use of cold or firearms, falling from a height, careless handling of some tools. Torn wounds of the lower leg are often found in children during the summer season.

    The main symptoms of the condition are:

  • pain syndrome;
  • bleeding, the degree of which is directly determined by which vessels were damaged.

    During an external examination, defects of the skin with uneven edges are diagnosed. The depth of an open wound rarely goes beyond the fatty layer. However, if the blow fell on the front of the lower leg, it is possible that they will be noticeable muscle masstorn tendons. Particles of objects with which the limb was in contact at the time of injury can get into the wound

    Individual objects can scalp the skin during impact, resulting in drooping or even torn off areas. In this case, the risk of bleeding and hematomas increases. A similar condition is observed with open fractures, as well as traumatic amputations. The last two types of injuries are also accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the bone.

    Violation of the integrity of the skin, bone apparatus makes it possible for the victim to enter the body of external sources of pollution.

    The doctor's task is to maximally cleanse the wound from tissue remnants, small particles of the object that caused the injury.

    A cut wound in the lower leg is the result of trauma to the leg with a sharp object. The edges are straight and the corners are sharp. In the wound channel, the length prevails over the width. It is possible to get this kind of injury in everyday life, catching on something sharp, during an accident or a criminal attack.

    The item that caused the injury is not sterile. Because of this, the risk of developing an infectious process increases. The more likely it is, the longer the time has passed from the moment of injury to the provision of first aid.

    Injuries to the lower leg, which can be accompanied by an infectious process, include injuries caused by animals. The bitten wound of the lower leg according to the International Classification of Diseases 10 edition is encrypted with several codes - W53 - W55.

    Fact: There are 12 cases of dog bites per 1,000 population. For cats, the ratio is 16:10,000. Dog attacks are more common in the afternoon.

    No matter who bit, clinical picture is similar. Trauma symptoms - abrasions, scratches, torn edges, crushing of tissues.

    As practice shows, in 75% of recorded cases of bites, cultures of pathogens are sown.

    What complications develop with infection

    Against the background of injury and weakened immunity, inflammatory process... In case of insufficient wound treatment, signs of infection appear. Lack of treatment, in turn, triggers a purulent process. In sepsis, the incubation period lasts from 2 days to 2-4 months.

    During sepsis, the legs are divided into several stages:

  • Acute. Characterized by an increase in body temperature, fever. Skin take on a shade of earth. The pulse is felt very weakly, tachycardia is often noted, the activation of signs of anemia decreases arterial pressure... Some victims are diagnosed with leukocytosis. The surface of the wound is dry, easily damaged and bleeding. If acute sepsis is detected, doctors recommend surgery.
  • Subacute. The general clinical picture is similar to the symptoms of the acute period. The differences include the complete absence of chills or its lower intensity; instability of fever; enlargement of the spleen.
  • Chronic. At this stage, the infection has spread throughout the body and treatment of the exclusive infected organ does not give the desired result. The main symptom of the condition is a wave-like fever. It is possible that for some time the clinical picture will be completely absent. In some patients, hot flashes, bouts of increased sweating are noted, and the work of internal organs is disrupted.
  • Important : heavy current acute form sepsis can lead to the death of the deceased 2-14 days after injury; in the case of a subacute course, death may occur on day 60; and chronic - in the fourth month.

    It is possible to avoid the development of an infected leg wound if the manifestations of the condition are treated in a timely manner. Suppression of the infection process speeds up wound healing from trauma. To ensure the outflow of pus that has accumulated under the crust, you should soak the protective film. The best way to do this is to use hydrogen peroxide. Sometimes pus collects under the skin flap. In this case, the doctor makes a small hole at the edge of the flap and gently squeezes out the contents.

    Daily treatment with peroxide is a mandatory procedure for open, lacerated or bitten wounds of the lower leg. After thorough cleaning, apply a bandage with Levomekol ointment. The components included in the composition contribute to rapid wound healing.

    If the patient has signs of phlegmon, surgery is a mandatory procedure. During the operation, the wound is opened with a special instrument, then the surgeon excises the dead tissue.

    Also, it is imperative that the wound discharge is taken for the study of microflora, its sensitivity to specific groups of antibiotics.

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    (closed without mention of intracranial injury)

    (closed without mention of intracranial

    and upper jaw

    without mention of intracranial injury)

    vertebrae (closed without

    mention of spinal cord injury)

    spine and pelvis

    parts of the back and pelvis

    (closed without mention of damage

    lumbar spine ligament

    sacroiliac joint

    humerus (closed)

    humerus (open)

    ligamentous apparatus acromioclavicular

    ligamentous apparatus of the sternoclavicular joint

    ulna (open)

    radius (closed)

    ulna (closed)

    diaphysis of the ulna and radius (closed)

    diaphysis of the ulna and radius (open)

    radius (open)

    ligamentous apparatus of the elbow joint

    hand bones (closed)

    finger of the hand (full),

    nose injuries of the area

    femur (closed)

    femur (open)

    diaphysis of the tibia and fibula (closed)

    diaphysis of the tibia and fibula (open)

    her, posterior) cruciate ligament of the knee

    tsa feet (closed)

    tsa feet (open)

    excluding the wrist and

    brush, first degree

    brush, second degree

    upper limb, behind

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    Types of shin wounds, ICD-10 code and first aid

    An infected leg wound (ICD code - S81) is a traumatic injury caused by a violation of the integrity of the skin with concomitant infection. The international classification of diseases distinguishes different types of wounds affecting the knee joint area. Injuries can have various characteristics and manifestations.

    Injury to the surface of the skin occurs as a result of exposure to various external factors... Wounds can be both superficial and deep in nature with concomitant damage to blood vessels, ligaments, nerve endings.

    Such a wound (S81.0) is characterized by uneven edges, possibly the separation of the skin from the injured area. It occurs mainly during mechanical impact (an ankle getting into a working mechanism), in emergency situations, road accidents. Characteristic feature - the scale of the wound lesion, the presence of moderate gaping.

    Such wounds are most prone to infection, the development of purulent complications. Torn damage require long-term healing, which is fraught with the replacement of normal tissue structures with connective ones.

    This injury to the ankle (S81.0) occurs when exposed to sharp objects. A characteristic feature of this type is smooth edges, bleeding caused by damage to blood vessels throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe wound.

    Doctors consider cut wounds to be one of the safest. Timely access to a doctor, joining and suturing smooth edges promotes rapid healing, regeneration, practically eliminates unpleasant consequences such as scars and scars.

    Such a wound is multiple in nature (ICD10 code - S81.7): it has a small diameter, but rather impressive depth, penetrating into the tissue cavity. Bleeding is not always observed. Doctors point to high risks of adhesion of purulent processes due to the narrowness, depth and tortuous direction of the wound opening.

    S81.0 code. From the name it becomes clear that the wound occurs as a result of an animal bite (domestic or wild). It features uneven edges and a fairly large depth. The extent and severity of a bite injury depends on the size of the animal and the degree of the bite.

    Due to the initial contamination with saliva, there is a high likelihood of suppuration, infection and other adverse effects. Therefore, in such situations, it is required not only to disinfect, but also to vaccinate against rabies and tetanus.

    This wound (S81) is accompanied by rupture of the skin. Has high risks of developing a purulent process as a result of the ingress of pathogens through an object that was injured, clothing, etc. With a great depth of the wound hole, concomitant damage to muscle fibers, blood vessels, nerve endings, ankle joint and bone can be observed.

    This is a complicated wound (code S81), characterized by the addition of infectious processes. The provoking factor is pathogens, bacteria that penetrate into the wound hole.

    It is accompanied by redness and hyperemia of the skin, swelling, pronounced pain syndrome. In advanced and severe clinical cases, general intoxication of the body with a clinical picture characteristic of this condition can be observed.

    Among possible reasons the appearance of shin wounds, doctors distinguish:

  • mechanical damage;
  • emergency situations, traffic accidents;
  • bites;
  • exposure to a sharp object.

    The symptoms of an open wound are specific, visible even to the naked eye. Among the main clinical signs allocate:

  • rupture of the skin;
  • hiatus;
  • bleeding (can be both severe and minor);
  • the edges of the skin diverging to the sides, forming the wound surface;
  • pain syndrome.

    Infection is characterized by symptoms such as redness of the skin around the affected area, pronounced painful sensations, swelling, increased local body temperature, and possibly purulent discharge. In especially severe cases, intoxication of the body is noted, accompanied by a feverish state, headaches, nausea and bouts of vomiting, general weakness.

    Diagnosing shin wounds is not difficult for doctors. The diagnosis is made on the basis of examination of the patient, based on the clinical picture, the collected anamnesis. For very deep wounds, additional x-rays or ultrasound procedure in order to avoid damage bone tissue, nerves, tendons, joints.

    In order to avoid infection and other unpleasant complications when receiving a knee joint wound, it is important to provide the victim with competent first aid in a timely manner.

    First of all, the injured area is treated with antiseptic solutionfollowed by a sterile bandage (from ankle to thigh).

    In case of bleeding, a pressure gauze bandage will be required, which should be firmly pressed with the palm of your hand for several minutes before bandaging. It is advisable to give the injured limb an elevated position by placing a roller or pillow under it.

    If the victim complains of severe pain, you can give him an analgesic pill.

    Large, large-scale wounds are especially dangerous. In such cases, it is necessary to ensure the immobilization of the limb (from the ankle to the thigh) using any available means, bandages or gauze, and then take the patient to the emergency room as soon as possible.

    Wound therapy involves sanitation and disinfection. For these purposes, the injured area is regularly treated with iodine or brilliant green. In case of open wounds, it is recommended to treat the wound site with antiseptic agents 1–2 times a day, and then apply a bandage with wound-healing ointments (Levomekol).

    In the event of inflammation, an infectious process, it is imperative to consult a doctor who will prescribe a competent treatment using antibiotic, analgesic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Recovery after treatment of shin wounds is short-lived. For a month, the patient is advised to refrain from increased physical exertion, sports (in order to avoid divergence of the edges of the wound surface). A good effect will be given by the use of vitamin and mineral complexes, immunomodulators that activate the body's defense mechanisms, regeneration.

    An open wound of the lower leg (in ICD-10 code S81), in the absence of timely first aid and proper treatment, can provoke undesirable consequences:

  • suppuration;
  • joining infectious processes;
  • phlegmon;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • sepsis, blood poisoning;
  • severe bleeding.

    Some of the listed complications threaten not only the health, but also the life of the victim. However, they can be easily avoided by timely disinfection and proper treatment of the leg wound.

    Measures for the prevention of wounds involve, first of all, attentiveness and caution when working with various mechanisms, in travel and other extreme situations.

    In order to prevent infection and related complications, first aid and disinfection are important to prevent dust, dirt, microbes and bacteria from entering the wound.

    Shin wounds are common. If such damage is received, it is necessary to process the injured surface in time antibacterial agent and continue to use the methods of treatment recommended by the doctor. It is required to immediately seek medical help when signs of infection, suppuration appear.

    S50 Superficial forearm injury

  • S50.0 Bruised elbow
  • S50.1 Contusion of the other and unspecified part of the forearm
  • S50.7 Multiple superficial forearm injuries
  • S50.8 Other superficial forearm injuries
  • S50.9 Unspecified superficial injury of forearm

    S51 Open wound of forearm

  • S51.0 Open wound of the elbow
  • S51.7 Multiple open wounds in the forearm
  • S51.8 Open wound to other parts of the forearm
  • S51.9 Open wound of part of forearm, unspecified

    S52Fracture of the bones of the forearm

  • S52.00 Fracture of the upper end of the ulna, closed
  • S52.01 Fracture of the upper end of the ulna, open
  • S52.10 Fracture of the upper end of the radius, closed
  • S52.11 Fracture of the upper end of the radius, open
  • S52.20{!LANG-c798a8e9f78756e295e714df7e0aade7!}
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  • {!LANG-c02a0fa85d1783fd41b4cc8d06be29b2!}{!LANG-195983dde7e65c0ba50c389910df609f!}
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  • {!LANG-ced6d0dd3c60a3ad292ce852bb169f54!}{!LANG-11f87e203d54681cdae7d7bf63f05993!}
  • {!LANG-ad171ac47b4631892fe3dfe15f28a571!}{!LANG-2c7b4085bcd5d4aecd6a5bb90cde43dc!}
  • {!LANG-1446cd74ff10c7ad772b0db06caae0da!}{!LANG-0741d26b5fd5996a9df9a188adc30b2c!}
  • {!LANG-b19e9d7dbe19212b7f15a7d6e2fc920c!}{!LANG-71a7409950174eb88393bb6098d2e786!}
  • {!LANG-e0528c8992fb890855676195c836f348!}{!LANG-f870d222e7bcc455538300cc01f6a618!}
  • {!LANG-f96916eb707d021b2f7087830479932c!}

  • {!LANG-f266afecd1cf0f139ab66d41ff85b72a!}{!LANG-b1ddf3cb22757b9b209cb0974651f363!}
  • {!LANG-aad895108894fa2817bded7b873c9b7b!}{!LANG-13889e331899830bc9719359a8edb003!}
  • {!LANG-86a453bd041b4af5cdaafaab3299a7a2!}{!LANG-23d8bfb87dcf3ecfd9e3a57ed5bbc41e!}
  • {!LANG-0b0dc8e24cda6e34aca9873556df48c4!}{!LANG-1c7d472bc567bbe4b7d937b24f88b28b!}
  • {!LANG-14c57a3658c60c7b0976017eafdc1be4!}{!LANG-e65fce25dd5fe694157e2ff421655e70!}


  • {!LANG-afd7884394a43af4a99adf59e5f5d02f!}{!LANG-66614ba53a502c5f8d337dba465739eb!}
  • {!LANG-b6d0d84dfc14719a376904bf5427874d!}{!LANG-dd3d417ac654a96265d451e460deac72!}
  • {!LANG-7c94657b0c9b72b6e886f8a33588747a!}{!LANG-cc87792d97e6b571195b31368d782ed3!}
  • {!LANG-efb7ffdee1bc92480d34e637795e8d69!}{!LANG-a8e90bfb6275cf5ede28d374136f22f5!}
  • {!LANG-1bce3dd0ff289db5f12e6ee6e8034fcf!}{!LANG-b2fb981fc81292d3619afdb6859a7315!}
  • {!LANG-220fd2310e3846bbc9f88265beb53156!}{!LANG-bd64890996d56c2742665d9547103f1c!}
  • {!LANG-ef45439c952e7f8bd668f551f4b52978!}{!LANG-a7d75ac703672ffab99464e65e8e37b5!}


  • {!LANG-6c6eb5f50c39f94371e4f8c0ab814a44!}{!LANG-b17affa686db33cbf2277bd3261ba0a7!}
  • {!LANG-9b4f0a5bca11073d5b295bbbc1d9f410!}{!LANG-bb96b8d5e1137e1e3f75632c72b78313!}
  • {!LANG-0844dd39759533f93c187dcaccd0aa7f!}{!LANG-80314599a732b81b364a56908bc96abb!}
  • {!LANG-c5d6dd1797fa07b23cd9d4701b5c8a33!}{!LANG-3d944d36a6c4227a2285c9e579ad1b2a!}
  • {!LANG-893531019a18fafd173fe506ae97fb35!}{!LANG-e3bab70ba56acf6d290c197434324128!}
  • {!LANG-f0e51b63fc6c53f23272347eeeb6e771!}{!LANG-b69cfab6bcdcd31b409042faf6c282f7!}


    • {!LANG-a33c6f73aa9e89a1d6fb0f5c54af4563!}{!LANG-a3ce78239157342abdb06bed0565ec66!}
    • {!LANG-0f615bed0b000cc392ffc220b9f74b02!}{!LANG-3ec1867116daa2b9a374adb8a884d795!}
    • {!LANG-15e6ca15bbd329962c24eafca5da7877!}{!LANG-09615b623ff71736a2edfbe0f287ed4f!}
    • {!LANG-aa4c419a023592facc6dd437c150f1c0!}{!LANG-0c9fbbd0825d66bb28e631f4b1f95582!}
    • {!LANG-7bffde6e349749f4d190d40e8325f644!}{!LANG-811eaf6866645004b8c712b48beab21c!}
    • {!LANG-4619752fdf2321f0a1c423e84c02b2fd!}{!LANG-7a22983fb22dd5aeaea5c0467ce95a17!}
    • {!LANG-9cddee4f21634cbb5bfa95c1940bb909!}{!LANG-6fa0f3aaa5728e2298fdde6084dae1de!}
    • {!LANG-61b7e8b215de15778ecffbaf6504bc66!}{!LANG-79825aa02ea24b856f798961e8229f38!}


  • {!LANG-7c30fe5873375f415c38c1eea4e7087f!}{!LANG-3cb1951f27268c899b8615de1067361d!}
  • {!LANG-a9e5543ef587adb3999314529c74ef3b!}{!LANG-1af759a3e04ea9811fde0be7dc445313!}
  • {!LANG-d6c1fc1228cbb73a18059a2d0ff03d6f!}{!LANG-a288bebb72e27dce984e6c95cbaf5a59!}


  • {!LANG-9833258377e3c3424cedf1544dab529f!}{!LANG-262f097d1b932b281c8c1cf327d7960d!}
  • {!LANG-ef3a72bc89ef47c569587ca3b1d396f8!}{!LANG-37bcba87f415bf848a5bd428919e3b5a!}
  • {!LANG-049610af37fcc8333964f2e619ce1475!}{!LANG-20b3d3f87808dd7b3dd0695433f6c506!}


  • {!LANG-cb4a5775daa85b85e27b16f44cf54afc!}{!LANG-4d6b16b94564b965e5fb185eb816cdd6!}
  • {!LANG-12b77bb9ff249779083cf9d3aa8f3df7!}{!LANG-5365867feceeb1c06afffc52801832f4!}
  • {!LANG-b785c2c0ec6235af504eded58c5b3933!}{!LANG-7a94f051f95a6f17dfa33a09c73e9f59!}










    Ankle S91.0




    Knee joint S81.0


    Interscapular region S21.2


    Breast S21.0


    Legs (multiple) T01.3




    Lumbar region S31.0

    Costal region S21.9



    Oral S01.5

    Arms (multiple) T01.2



    Torso NKD T09.1


    Ear (outer) S01.3

    Epigastric region S31.1





    Urination NKD R39.1



    Achilles tendon S86.0

    Ankle S93.4

    Carpal joint S63.5

    Knee NKD S83.6

    Elbow S53.4


    Shoulder joint S43.4

    Patella ligaments S83.6

    Hip S73.1



    Sutures of the operating wound T81.3





    Colon K59.3

    Congenital trachea Q32.1







    With hydrocephalus Q05.4










































    Ulcerative (chronic) K51.3





    Non-lipid (M9722 / 3) C96.0




    Congenital pigmentosa H35.5













    NCD injury P15.9
















    Lingering NOS O63.9





































    Premature NKD O60







    Perfectly normal O80.9




    By cesarean section O82.9



    Outer ear A46 + H62.0 *






    Kaposi (M9140 / 3) C46.9

    Myeloid (M9930 / 3) C92.3

    Hodgkin's (M9662 / 3) C81.7



    Abdominal-urinary 2 N32.2


    Congenital branchial Q18.0



    Intestinal NKD K63.2

    Breast N61






    Rectal (cutaneous) K60.4


    Urachusa, congenital Q64.4





    Abortion-related O08.0

    Pelvic postpartum O85


    Newborn NKD P36.9

    During labor O75.3




    Eyeball H44.3




    Aortic bifurcation I74.0



    Basilar artery G45.0

    Sudden death of a child R95


    Antihypertensive in mother O26.5



    Carpal tunnel G56.0





    Rotator cuff M75.1




    Operated stomach K91.1







    Teething K00.7







    Broad ligament rupture N83.8







    Blind hinge K90.2

    Stop tunnel G57.5

    Dry eye H04.1

    Trisomy NKD Q92.9





































    Adenopathy (secondary) A51.4





    Anemia A52.7 + D63.8 *

    Ataxia (motor) A52.1



    Condyloma (wide) A51.3













    Ancestral Force O62.2


    Alcoholic NKD F10.7












    {!LANG-1b75dcbfa8f2d92ec333016920a11f47!} {!LANG-e6b394b791a2a359f9e92d9fa810f030!}{!LANG-428368c9d99349a4134b15a3490879b9!}


    Due to mastectomy I97.2










    Congenital femoral neck Q65.8



    Stomach (congenital) Q40.2


    Tooth, teeth K07.3








    Kidney (acquired) N28.8

    Heart (congenital) Q24..8


    Depressive NKD F32.9


    Postoperative NKD Z98.8

    After concussion F07.2









    Arteries NKD I73.9

    Bladder (sphincter) N32.8


    Esophagus (diffuse) K22.4




    Sphincter of Oddi K83.4



    Abdominal (walls) K60.0

    Peritoneum, peritoneal K66.0

    Gallbladder K82.8






    Cervix N88.1




    Thoracic M47.8


    Cervical M47.8



    Tuberculous A18.0 + M49.0 *



    Newborn P92.1





    Aortic valve I35.0





    Bile duct (common) (hepatic) K83.1


    Valve (heart) I38












    Master tubes N97.1

    Urethra (valve) N35.9







    Congenital (larynx) Q31.4

    Vagina (outlet) N89.5










    Cervical (canal) N88.2



    Arteries NKD I77.1















    Achilles tendon M76.6

    Greater spit M70.6


    Patella M76.5

    Psoas M76.1

    Gluteus M76.0


    Gonococcal A54.7 + M68.4 *




    Tuberculous A18.8 + E35.0 *






    With goiter (diffuse) E05.0

    Tick-borne NOS A77.9




    Loose NOS A75.9




    Epidemic (lousy) A75.0


    Pneumonia A01.0 + J17.0 *

    Fatigue-related R68.8










    Hips and pelvic girdle S79.7

    Intra-abdominal organs S36.9

    Intrathoracic organs S27.9

    Brain S06.9



    Brachial plexus S14.3

    Brachial plexus S14.3


    Pelvic organ S37.9






    Acute or subacute J20.9

    Senile (chronic) J42



    Anus K60.2

    Breast nipple N64.0


    Vagina A59.0 + N77.1 *




    Basilar artery I65.1


    Portal vein I81







    In pregnant women, O22.9



    Portal vein K75.1

    Lower limb I80.3



    {!LANG-e1627dc46986666507488098f5b6b7cf!} {!LANG-754ffc2b11f5a4de257fceeb6bd896b0!}{!LANG-aba64e54d5994abbeff4efaf82e409fa!}





    Primary LDC D69.4











    Bone (s) A18.0 + M90.0 *











    Genitourinary organs A18.1

    Adrenal gland A18.7 + E35.1 *

    Respiratory organs NKD A16.9


    Kidney A18.1 + N29.1 *


    Joint A18.0 + M01.1 *


    {!LANG-6e3cba4a2b6220f64da7e01fd7430592!} {!LANG-4bc62a260f422841e9b7feb51d41bc17!}{!LANG-34f7d38355e322790bd34e3d96d25c00!}


    Cerebral (s) A17.8 + G07 *



    Testicles A18.1 + N51.1 *

    Ovary A18.1 + N74.1 *


    Bronchiectasis NOS A16.2






    Cachexia NKD A16.9

    Primary complex A16.7




  • {!LANG-0eb17d3039f322c8418eea42ee01da83!}
    {!LANG-d3063d86a761a6cbaf150287c2f04e3f!} {!LANG-d81d6c262942b1468b5683b1d79a4a41!}{!LANG-778c09e4a3b324079e122fa3142a57b3!}


















    {!LANG-78febe917cfbd24f6316906a64888a35!} {!LANG-e0ee7667f550d0e73132577816efecd6!}

    {!LANG-95d429ccf9dfb2881230a5958112a548!} {!LANG-64303095aadb45f977aec3504130f4f3!}{!LANG-91b347f9a04e6b720574fdf5c616177d!}


















    {!LANG-c72ea2a5fd630bc16a58f656e79b1119!} {!LANG-3b5775dbce514583f892d0b8879f1c3d!}{!LANG-0f6290f0d3029233069dd1a86e921936!}











    1. {!LANG-6465bf94618a9b36ee9beac84e79c34f!}{!LANG-bde8c008939bd1735da242b7057a61cd!}

    2. {!LANG-ac0da354658d390a6731072a32c3eb5f!}{!LANG-4d6db12d4f63ba4d9494b66dd9e75cb1!} {!LANG-b0067b2e722d084864a25af34b0c46cd!}{!LANG-337bf5dbb250126316cd266e71ad31fd!} {!LANG-29f79ddb5545a5d802740998885874a1!}{!LANG-a0e21e2ec99df54c27fe1078d6e56a26!}




    {!LANG-138aeec618572f8d5daa3aa221f578d6!} {!LANG-ea2feb96835dff2191abcb1710df8fdb!};







































    {!LANG-73b8dcf334842a14b2f332992ceffd24!} {!LANG-45d9e045868d92eb00d3ee0a4a4ae01d!}{!LANG-8e465a9292167f11606fd439034479ff!}


























































































    {!LANG-b19fcad43237fd6a56a91ecf8b89117b!} {!LANG-3da469fe1c16c140e6bc39f40d678477!}



    {!LANG-3c94e27b8e217c084c54aaee3f065519!} {!LANG-4fbb9166cd333b2dce7bbe670d3bf9f3!}{!LANG-75f70270ac15b2fa0590dd3a3804c13e!}














    - {!LANG-9be23e211bd3777e2281f0de4c1a64dd!}{!LANG-be6f7cb46757e179fea8c4b766772cfe!}





    {!LANG-fbb962336a9a2a91ac028de849fea8e6!} {!LANG-5e798eb90ed6ea666019da812efee26b!};

    {!LANG-fbb962336a9a2a91ac028de849fea8e6!} {!LANG-ab311693e39d3f7d28c7db51c672d912!};


































































































































































    {!LANG-5e927fa01c985eb9ac30923b8099bf26!} {!LANG-96e091a5d1a4ac53b6d30a1b8af18008!}































    • {!LANG-7eef0867860dacdf3859bd6db3a9dc31!}
    • Leg pathologies accompanied by a purulent process
    • What complications develop with infection
    • {!LANG-65d19383129f36eab97ee3b1496680ed!}



    • {!LANG-c9df418eabee37d5876b6c8cde016882!}
    • {!LANG-277883d1dd8b87eb13e0ba6c77b5e296!}
    • {!LANG-6871ba79dbf2981547ff3837510aeb80!}
    • {!LANG-6f5bf105407c04e5e28d64b190062adc!}
    • {!LANG-2f188e0a7de2b5d3a16c72493bff324f!}
    • {!LANG-853fb28947d21ed7a1dea1085d877962!}

    Each of the listed conditions differs in a clinical picture, a treatment regimen.




    The likelihood of developing an infection is determined by a whole range of reasons:

    • pollution intensity;
    • the degree of violation of the viability of tissues;
    • {!LANG-6ec966ec4d3d2fc92906b2719ac5b9f0!}



    • {!LANG-894318656668ca034dcec110b2fb3b0d!}
    • {!LANG-19b845b2c617d4cdfcc26ea3cce821ba!}
    • {!LANG-751d048c097e582219fd6b37655711f3!}
    • {!LANG-2a27a65237ffa97a47ae4a40f66d61f6!}
    • {!LANG-0988862c6524abb484746a622064b65e!}




    {!LANG-bff557c1e8cb0195fa7c8e5f6f91e14b!} {!LANG-06f5d4833d09639efaedad6359a4ed88!}{!LANG-ccc9aa711f6b0787b7a1ec2ca3919065!}





    • swelling of soft tissues;
    • difficulty in movement;
    • {!LANG-44527781b19e41321b8ddcd3742df702!}
    • {!LANG-3bcf9b9f56e1b425e4d5f34e413e5a18!}


    A purulent process with bruising can develop in case of untimely seeking medical help. This condition is accompanied by a number of pathologies:












    • pain syndrome;
    • {!LANG-404bec84feb0c24230843f492c878f7c!}
















    1. {!LANG-cfea855acdaa207b3f15c9e9b6247539!}
    2. {!LANG-5502d7ee2981aa32dfac1f9e7f356183!}
    3. {!LANG-f61ce7719733892b67402f968b2bc57c!}











