Population of the peoples and tribes of Africa. Value of Bushmen Word General Bushmen Information

The study of DNA San showed that approximately 2% of the genetic material was inserted into the human genome about 35,000 years ago. These sequences they received from now extinct member of the genus Homo.which separated from a modern person about 700,000 years ago.

They live on the territory of South Africa, which covers Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Lesotho.

Bushmen traditionally led half-blooded lifestyles, seasonally moved in certain areas, depending on the availability of resources, such as water, wild animals and edible plants.

Currently, few bushmen retain a traditional lifestyle, most are workers on farms.

Bushmen live in groups consisting of several families. They do not have the leaders, but each group has a zone, who is attributed to the ability to communicate with spirits, cause rain, treat diseases.

The traditional organization san consists of several levels. It originates from the nuclear family, then it rises to the level of the community, then at the level of community unification, then it rises to the level of the dialect group, ascending to the linguistic group. Formal leaders are often absent. The basis of the community is a couple of couples. Often marriage is monogamous, but the polygamy takes place. Previously, the prospect of the bride was spread.

Writings before the coming of Europeans did not exist. Orally from generation to generation transmit fairy tales, legends and songs.

Bushmen fairy tales and legends stand out among all other fairy tales and in their form, and in content: it is not so much fairy tales as Basni and myths. The actors in them are animals, and above all the grasshopper, which is attributed to the creation of the sun, the moon and many animals. Heavenly Buchemen shining also endow animal names. So, the Orion belt they call three females of the turtle hanging on a stick; Southern Cross - Lioness; Magellanovo cloud - a stone goat. They endow their ancestors with zooanthropomorphic signs, these are semi-semi-digestible. Up to our days they reached the rock paintings of the ancestors of Bushmen. By the time the appearance of Europeans in South Africa, in the middle of the XVII century, Bushmen lived in the conditions of the Stone Age.

From seeds that accumulate in anthills, Bushmen are boosted by porridge. Sale - fried locust. Bake in the ashes of Tsamma melon and pressed water from it.

In the arid season, water is extracted by a special way: at the bottom of the dry source dig holes, then stick the tube with the filter at the end and begin to pull the mouth out of her, dialing water into the mouth, stretch into the shell of an ostrich egg.

Robes make up loose dressings and capes from animal skins. Girls decorate themselves with necklaces made of iance shells, grass bracelets, painted bones and plant seeds.

Special hats of this people appeared so that people could show each other their hairs, who were created by shaving heads, and leaving the hair strands on the Makushka - the custom inherent in women. They also often wore the bladder animal bubbles, attaching them to the hair (Jolly 2006: 70).

Most of the people adheres to traditional original bushmen. Its initial form is unknown, since it was strongly modified due to interaction with Christianity. Also present Christians. When the shaman enters the trans, it is customary to say that he "dies" - the trans itself is quite often called little death or half death (Dowson 2007: 55). Folklore is quite extensive and diverse. Also San owns a considerable number of skillfully performed rock drawings. Southern Drainsberg's shamans danced and included in the trance in stone caves, in which rock paintings were always attended (Lewis-Williams and Dowson 1990: 12).

"Bushmen are also depicted in the film" Red Scorpio ", where they save the main character from scorpion bite.

In the film "Cruel Glory" (about the legendary Boxer Charles McCoy, the nicknamed "Kid") is assigned a separate scene in which the boxer explains that representatives of Bushmen can escape the desert without sleep, food and water up to 3 days. He tries to check it out and catch up with Bushman. But the forces leave him already to the sunset. After that, Bushman digs 2 ostrich eggs and, treating the exhausted boxer, one of them drives it.

Bushmen (English. Bushman, from Gall. Bosjeman, Boschiman - "Forest Man"), a people living in the desert areas of Namibia and the adjacent areas of South Africa, Botswana, Angola, as well as in Tanzania. The number is about 75 thousand people.

Translated from English, "Bushman" (Bushman) means "man (from) bushes."
Anthropologically bushmen differ from other blackheads with lighter skin, thin lips, and belong to the so-called capoid race. In the Bushmen language, there are many grunty, whistling, and clicking sounds, some of which are pronounced using the abdominal muscles, and the word value can change depending on the volume and increase and lower the tone. Despite the complexity of the language, it is possible to explain with Bushmen with the help of facial expressions and gestures.

It is assumed that Bushmen settled South Africa about 10-20 thousand years ago. But gradually omitted deep into the Kalahari deserts who came from the north of Bantuyazykiyatarov, who in search of new pastures for livestock came close to the desert. It must be said that Bushmen do not have the slightest concept of private property, believing that everything that grows and graze within their habitat belongs to everyone.

Therefore, on the bows belonged to farmers, they hunted like wild. For each killed cow, farmers began to kill 30 bushmen, and the remaining Bushmen could not understand what they were exterminated. True, later for the killed cow, they did not kill incomprehensible hunters. And they kidnapped the young bud, making it the powerful "last" wife, and actually semi-abnormalities.

Unlike other African tribes, Bushmen have no leaders, which is due to a half-starving existence. Constantly vagranging in the desert, they could not afford to have leaders, sorcerers and signs living at the expense of society. Manage the tribes of the elders who are chosen from among the most authoritative and experienced members of the genus, but they have no benefits.

The religion of Bushmen is known very little. They have the cult of the moon, they worship various deities that personify the forces of nature, and especially the rain. According to the beliefs of Buschmen, people and animals have ever lived together. More deft of them, mined for people fire and taught them to different wisdoms. But then a host arose between them.

The greatest value in the desert is water. And Bushmen learned to extract it, digging out shallow pits, pulling to the surface with the help of plants stems, or sucking moisture through these stems. Less often, they take off the wells in a depth of six or more. Each group of bushemers in the desert there are secret wells, thoroughly laid by stones and flooded with sand so that neither the slightest sign did not give the place of finding the precious storage.

Eat Bushmen use all. Bake on the coal of a fire locust, termites, lizards, caterpillars and multi-ninexes. Eating wild roots and fruits. But the most favorite bushmen dish is meat. If Bushman has meat, he is happy.

Bushmen men, excellent hunters. For hunting are used onions and arrows. Arm tips are impregnated with poison. The poison that paralyzes the nervous system is extracted from dried and grinding special larvae of the beetle, or use poison of snakes. We also enjoy a spear, a battle, put the sinks, cappos, mouthful pits. Women are engaged in collecting berries, leaves, tubers and seeds.

Having arranged a new cable, they make large transitions in search of ostrich eggs. The contents of the egg are produced through a small hole made by a stone selection, and the empty shell is powered by grass. Thus, they produce flasks for water, and no flask none bushman goes down. Children together with mothers collect the fragments of the shell from eggs left from the hatched, and grind them, giving an oval shape. Then the acute bone is drilled by a hole in the center of the oval and ride on the tendon. So make beads, earrings, suspension and monista. Use also during the washing and skins of wild animals, decorating the ornament.

Poisoned tips are made of bone, but most are used for hunting metal, which are stored and worn in special foams or leather bags. When shooting, they connect the arrow tip with a tree, which can be from the cane or pulling wood. Arrows make masterfully, and even apply an ornament on them.

Fire mined friction of dry sticks.

Bushmen are large specialists in the field of poisons and antids. Some of them specifically swallow poison poisonous snakes and scorpions to develop immunity. Against the bites of poisonous reptiles, they use the roots of the plant. Bushmen plant is called zoo. Worried root into Cashitz, make an incision on a bite place, and, with a cashier of the root in the mouth, suck the poison. They do not attach importance to wounds, even if the injuries are serious. Doctors sometimes made operations without anesthesia, and operated during the operation were engaged lively.

Bushmen are not at all sick with epidemic diseases that are striking Europeans if they live freely. They accumulated huge knowledge about medicinal herbs and roots. From headaches, they use the roots of special plants, which warm on the fire and apply to the head.

The fortress of the Bushmen organism amazing imagination. One of the travelers recalls the case when Bushman's wounded in the belly, comrades on homemade stretchers carried "Seven Moon" (seven days). Operate his success is only 20 hours after it was brought. The surgeon said that after such an injury, a white man would die after 24 hours. And Bushman easily transferred the operation, and in two weeks it was already among the recovering.

These people have a lot of what we have, inhabitants of cities. The feeling of mutual assistance they have an unusually strong. For example, a child, finding a juicy fruit in the desert, does not eat it, although no one would have seen it. He will definitely bring the find in the cereal, where the elders will share it equally. And at the same time, when the Bushmen tribe conveys into a new area in search of wild animals and plants, old people who are not able to go along with the tribe, not to drag in the desert.

Bushmen wonderful storytellers and teachers. They are virtuoso in music, pantomime and dance. The simplest musical instrument is an ordinary hunting onion, stretched with animal hair with an attached empty melon or an empty tin can, as a resonator.

Sometime Bushmen belonged to the entire African continent, but a more developed civilization drove them into the desert. And if they are not able to find their place in the new world, then the day is the day when this nation cannue in the fly ...

Bushmen - desert rulers

Bushmen - desert rulers

Bushmen - a small group of South Africa hunting tribes. Bushmen has the most archaic forms of socio-economic system, and with this religion. Now Bushmen is already the remnants of the much more numerous ancient population of this part of Africa, pushed back by later aliens, agricultural and pastoral peoples.

Dutch-Borskaya and English colonization of the XVII-XIX centuries. He led to the extermination and death of the majority of the Bushmen tribes remaining by the time. Once the bushmen tribes were scattered throughout the coast of the Namib desert in South-West Africa, from the coast of the Kunen River to the Orange River, and even earlier they dwell on the larger territory of the African continent.

Buschmen has no concept of private property. They believe that everything that grows and graze within their habitat belongs to everyone. This philosophy cost the lives of many thousands of "shrub people".

For one killed Bushmen, a cow was killed 30 bushmen. Then, when this fierce measure did not help, the farmers-colonizers organized several punitive expeditions against the Bushmen tribes, destroying them like wild beasts. It was arranged for them, using specially pritrated dogs, burned dry shrub together with Bushmen hidden in it. In the wells in the wilderness used by bushmen, they poured a potent poison. Once around one of these wells once discovered 120 Bushmen corpses that have tried poisoned water. They were destroyed by the boars, the Dutch, the Germans, the British. It was at the beginning of the century, but at the end it changed little.

Redhead Afrikarans in the fight against SWAPO guerrillas widely used the tested method of waterproof poisoning. The partisans, in their ranks there were representatives of the Bushmen tribes before drinking water from the well, gave to try it with prisoners if they had at that time, or dogs. It is not necessary to indignantly and resent the cruelty of black, concentrated by means of Western information, when the poisoned arrow takes on the light of individual white enslavers. Europeans, colonized by Africa, deserve such an attitude towards themselves, if not the worst.

Bantia-speaking tribes Angola and Namibia - Kuanyama, Idodong, Hero, Ambule and others, being cattlemen, make their pets. And if Bushmen begin to hunt their cows and goats, serious problems arise. Having lost a cow, they kidnap the young bud, making it the powerful "last" wife, in other words, semi-abnormal. Young buds are beautiful, big lover of dancing and chants.

Buschmen has no leaders, as in other African tribes. Being in the conditions of permanent half-beeturic vagabilities in the desert, they could not allow themselves such a luxury as the existence of leaders, sorcerers and signs living at the expense of society. Instead of leaders from Bushmen elder. They are chosen from among the most authoritative, smart, experienced members of the genus, and they do not enjoy any material advantages.

Water - the basis of the basics of life in the desert Namib and Calahiri. Translated into Russian, Calahiri means "tormented by thirst." There is no water in the desert, but underground water is always there. Bushmen mined it everywhere, digging out shallow pit, pulling onto the surface with plants stems or sucking moisture through these stems. Sometimes Bushmen break the wells in a depth of six or more. In some wells, water is resting relatively long, and in others it disappears in a few days. Among the bushmen there are old people who know how to find the disappeared water.

Each Bushmen group in the desert has secret wells, thoroughly laid by stones and flooded with sand so that neither the slightest sign gives out the location of the precious storage.

These people have a lot of what we have lost, residents of cities. The feeling of mutual assistance they have an unusually strong. For example, a child, finding a juicy fruit in the desert, does not eat it, although no one would have seen it. He will bring a find in the cereal, and the elders will share it equally. And at the same time, when the bushmen tribes conjugs into a new area in search of wild animals and plants, deep old people who are not able to go along with the tribe, remain in the old place, they are thrown to not drag in the desert: "There is no need to wait a lot of moons in a row until the old man or the old woman dies or recover. "

Bushmen believe in the afterlife and are very afraid of the dead. They have special rites of burial to the land in the land, but the cult of ancestors that dominates more developed African tribes, they do not have.

The most characteristic feature in Bushmen's religion as a hunting people is a field cult. With prayers for granting success on the fishery, they turn to different phenomena of nature (to the Sun, Moon, Stars) and to supernatural beings. Here is one of these prayers: "Oh Moon! There, in height, help me kill Gazelle. Give me meat gazelle meat. Help me with this boom to hit the gazelle, this arrow, this arrow. Help me fill the stomach. "

With the same prayer, Bushmen turns to the grasshopper-mantile body, which is called Tsg'aang or Tsg'aangen, that is, Mr. "Mr., bring me a male gna. I love when I have a full stomach. Mr.! I went to me male gnu! "

Bushmen's tongue is very difficult to pronunciation by Europeans. They do not have numeral: one and everything, and then a lot. They say they are very quiet among themselves, apparently, the habit of primitive hunters, so as not to scare the game.

Kochuya in the desert in search of edible plants or pursuing antelope, bushmen are not delayed in one place. Where they can't leave them, they dig a shallow pit, from the windward side, build a barrier from grass, twig, branches of shrub and stacked for the night. Usually, they are arranged among the shrubs, for which, apparently, and received the name from Europeans - "Shrub people", that is, Bushmen. The permanent housing of Bushmen is slightly different from the temporary. They build it using the same utility materials using antelope skins. Bushmen are nomads, and when food runs out, they leave this place and go looking for her further.

Having arranged a new core, women make large transitions in search of ostrich eggs. Their contents are neatly released through a small hole made by stone seaw, and the shell is powered by grass. Bushmen's ostrich eggs make fits for water, without which no bushman goes down. Children together with mothers collect chips from eggs from the eggs (after hatching is barely), they are thoroughly grinding them, giving an oval shape, acute bone drill the hole in the center of the oval and ride on the tendon. Thus make beads, earrings, suspension and monista. Use also using wild animal skins, decorating the ornament.

Bushmen does not have its livestock, so do not know how to handle pets. Only those who worked on the phasends and farms whites learned, for example, milking cows. If it seems the possibility, bushmen suck the milk of cows and goats straight from the udder. There are cases when the Bushmen find in the desert females antelope Orix and suck milk with her chick. The case is incredible, but such mutual understanding takes place. They explain this "Understanding the antelope of the desires of Bushman, asking milk."

No one in Africa can compare with Bushmen to their knowledge of nature. Bushmen are unsurpassed hunters and trackers, artists and connoisseurs of snakes, insects and plants. They are the best dancers endowed with amazing imitation ability. There is a belief that Bushmen understand the "tongue" of baboons (bavians). It is clear that the tongue of Bushmen does not have anything in common with the "tongue" of baboons, but still it is primitive, ancient language, it cannot be attributed to any language group.

Once, watching the optics for the actions of Bushman when communicating with the fellowship of the Orix, I thought that our distant ancestors, apparently, just like this Bushman, lived among wildlife and tamed a dog, a cow, goat, horse, pig and other animals which are now called home. Our outstanding zoologists and the hootovers did and make vain attempts to tame wild animals, such as moose, bison, wolf, but the results of their efforts are meager - it doesn't "smell like". Apparently, the invisible threads connecting a person with the animal world, with nature, are torn. It seemed to me that it was now bushemes "Planned domestication" of wild animals, they would receive phenomenal results. A civilized person does not get a buggy wild animals, they can successfully domesticate only people standing on the same stage as our distant ancestors who have tamed the present pets.

Modern researchers in Africa are called Bushmen "desert rulers." It is difficult to disagree with this. We were in a joke called "primitive communists."

In natural conditions, Bushmen are physically the strongest people with whom have ever encountered doctors. I remember the case when the Bushman's wounded in the belly of the arms on the improvised stretcher was dragged "Seven Moon" (seven days), after which only twenty-hours it was possible to operate. Our surgeon cut off one and a half meters of intestines, it was not possible to sew it possible. According to the surgeon, with such an injury, the white would die after 24 hours. Bushman suffered an operation, and in two weeks it could be seen among recovering, having fun chatted and dancing.

Bushmen do not give values \u200b\u200beven serious injuries. Doctors sometimes made operations without anesthesia, and at this time the operated bushmen pronounced lively.

In one settlement of Bushmen, we saw the old Bushman-disabled, he had no feet. As a child, he got a foot in a steel trapping. Bushman understood that if he was not freed from him, then the prey of the leopard would be. He had no strength to break the steel arcs, and he cut his feet on the tendon. Lost a lot of blood, but stayed alive.

But the fact that when the Bushmen group cares in the desert and at that moment one of the buds take birth, she simply leaves the group for a while, and then with a child who had gone forwards.

Buchemen feeds breasts for several years, and until the following birth, he sucks mother's chest, and the following labor can be in three or four years. According to the laws of the desert, Bushmen's mother kills the newborn, if he was born before the specified time to enable the previous child.

Bushmen do not have their livestock, they make meat episodically, and berries, roots, lizards and termites, they also lack.

Among the bushmen marked great child mortality. Unlike cattle-breeding African tribes, where it can be up to eight wives, 2-3 children can be found in the Bushman family, and the difference in the age between them is significant. Families, where 5 children would be a rarity. But the surviving children become almost invulnerable to diseases and easily carry hunger if it happens.

Bushmen do not hurt epidemic diseases affecting Europeans if they live freely. They have their medicinal herbs and roots. From headaches, for example, they use the roots of special plants, warm on the fire and apply to the head.

Eat Bushmen use all. Bake on coals Sarangech and winged termites, lizards, caterpillars and multi-ninexes. Eating the roots and fruits of Dorikos, but the most favorite Bushmen dish is meat. If it is in Bushman - it's happiness. And his appetite is removed: despite a very low growth and a brown physique, Bushman's stomach can accommodate an incredible amount of meat. It is capable, apparently stretching like a rubber chamber. Antelope medium size Bushmen family can eat at one reception, eat, like wolves, a few hours.

For Bushmen women, steatopyagia is characterized - disproportionately developed buttocks and hips. Nature itself took care to be a big layer of subcutaneous fat, which contributes to survival in hungry time on hips and buttocks.

No people could live in those conditions in which Bushmen live: a naked desert, where there is no water and food, the temperature of the day is held at the mark of +50 S. Ears sweep away from the desert sunbuilding sun and become painful dumplings, because of Unbearable heat in the mouth appears "lime" dryness. All the time you are pursued by Mirage: then emerald groves, then turquoise lakes. And in these forgotten by God, wild places are suddenly traces, but this is no longer a mirage. These are traces of bushmen who constantly live in these places.

Even children who are carrying mothers on the back, as they are still too small to walk along with their parents, can drink bitter and smelly water, like antelopes, because they know the distance between this and the following water sources are very large. In the savannah during the dry season, when no water drops will fall from the sky for six months from the sky, all sources dried. Only individual pits remain, the approaches are made to their traces of various animals - and large, and small. Water in these pits becomes a brown-green color. It goes, fly and crawl thoroughly all: elephants, buffaloes and giraffes, storks and crows, lizards and wrashers, flies and spiders. I do not know how many "sticks" and "columns" in it. Once you can still eat this alone, but all my life? It's just incredible, and Bushmen drink, live and live.

Bushmen know an antidote against poisonous snakes and scorpions. Some bushmen swallow poisonous snakes and scorpions, thereby producing immunity. From the bites of poisonous reptiles, they use the root of a crawling plant. They call it this plant to zoo. Seeds they are also used as an antidote. On the site of the bite is made of the tissue. The one who sucks the poison, if it can not make bite, chews into the mouth, turning it into Cashitz, leaves the mouth and sucks the poison from the wound cut. Bushmen wear this root always with her neck in a special handbag to use immediately in case of bite.

For the hunting on wild beasts, Bushmen are widely used by the poisoned tips of arrows. They are lubricated them. Arrows with lubricated snake poison tips are formidable weapons. No animal can survive if this poison enters the blood.

Each bushmen tribe has its recipes for cooking poisons. Kochuya in the savanna and desert, Bushmen find the plants necessary for their manufacture. Components of the poison can serve and completely unbelled plants, but mixing juice, pollen of these plants with others, the deadly recipes are obtained, which are not inferior to the poison of cobra or mamba.

Bushmen mining to game with the help of poisoned arrows, do not always cut out the place where the boom came: they believe that the meat around the wound is the most delicious.

Arrows bushmen without boost. They sneak up to the animal at a very close distance and let the arrows. On a short distance, they, without losing directions, accurately fall into the target.

Poisoned tips Some bushmen are made of bones, but most are used for hunting metallic, stored and worn in special foams or leather bags. When shooting, they connect the arrow tip with a tree, which can be from the cane or pulling wood. Arrows All Hunters South Africa are a real work of art. Thin, lungs, carved out of wood, with an applied ornament of dark brown or color ocher. Luke is primitive, but reliable.

Tensioning bushmen to the tutor with two fingers: index and middle. Bushmen taught me shooting from their bows. At first it seemed to me that it was very simple, and I tried to tighten the theater with great and index fingers, but nothing came out of it. Onions are enough tight, and in such a way to pull it out I did not have enough strength. They showed how to pull onions, and I did it - the arrow flew towards the goal. To handle the Bushmen onions, you need a long workout and skill.

Removable bumps are used to hit prey more reliably.

Bushmen hunt and twist the animal in the shrub (Bush), and with a tight tip connection with a string, an arrow can fall out of the body of the animal, which after the injury rushes along the bushes, clinging the arrow for bunches and branches. The tip, ashamed freely on the tree, always remains in the body, and the poison reliably poison the victim's blood.

This tribe has an interesting way to poison hoofs, mainly antelope that come on aqua. For this, they use the poisonous plant of Candelaba Zudorbia. Bushmen water source is blown off by a dry barn shrub, next to it the pit in the ground and the groove is filled with water, scrapes the branch of a poisonous plant. Separate covers water foam. Antelopes come to the source, and, seeing the barrier, begin to fade in search of the approach to water. Having found it, drink from poisoned puddles. It all depends on the amount of water and the branches of the Zoodorbia. If the poison is enough, then the antelope can fall close to the source. Even such large animals like Zebra or Antilope GNU are becoming prey. Meat poisoned in this way of animals is not poisonous.

Hunting on ostriches, antelope, zebras, Bushman always uses the appropriate disguise and its ability to imitate animal movements. For Ostrich, he uses their skin. Highly raising the bird's head on a stick, enters the center of flocks of ostrichs, in the move, redistributing feathers, as birds do it.

By grinding antelope, Bushman necessarily uses dry grass or shrub bush, that which surrounds grazing antelope. Hunting, Bushman shows exceptional patience. If he wounded the antelope, it is sometimes pursued for several days, but never discern with his trophy. At the same time, he trails the beast without rest, finding tracks even on the stony ground, where almost nothing can be seen.

Bushmen never kept livestock. The only pet, which always accompanies Bushman is a dog. Apparently, this animal serves the Millennium Bushman. Bushmen dogs are a mounds of light brown color, with a dark or black strap on the back, with standing ears, an oblong muzzle, the magnitude of our Russian riding. The dog is evil. Surely Bushman and his dog move around the desert as shadows. Having had a danger, the dog is only slightly imparting, warning the owner.

Bushmen belong to the strongest peoples on earth, but they are not dwarfs. Very proportionally complicated, their physical strength is dissimilarized compared to their growth. Bushmen are something similar to the Mongoloids because of their eyes. The sultry climate made their eyes narrow and collected characteristic folds around them. The skin color varies between dark yellow and chocolate. Men on the face of rare mustache and beard.

Bushmen, working on agricultural farms, learned to deftly ride horses and hunt antelope on them. Naskin the animal, Bushman jumps on a horse with a horse and a raw strap sorrows her prey. They were surprisingly quickly learned to plow, control the will.

Bushmen are not such spaces, no matter how primitive they are. When one ancient Bushman asked, how old he was, the old man answered: "I am young as the finest desire of my soul, and old, like all the unfulfilled dreams of my life."

Currently, Bushmen are not engaged in painting and can not say anything about the drawings left by their ancestors. However, there are reliable data that even at the end of the last year and the beginning of the last century, Bushmen was drawing. In numerous caves there are amazing rock paintings of unknown artists. On the walls depicted buffaloes, huge black figures of people, gazelles and birds, ostriches and cheetahs, Cannes's antelope. Late artists added to them other characters: people with a crocodile muzzle, semi-erection semi-cakes, dancing people and eared snakes. These rock paintings are the most realistic images known to scientists.

By nature, Bushmen are very true. They do not know how to lie and hypocrite. Long remember the resentment. Bushmen has no accurate presentation of time, they do not know what money is not looking into the future. If they have water and meat, there are no happier people in Africa than Bushmen. These are the real children of wildlife.

Leave the Bushman of one in the desert, naked, with empty hands, and he will break down his food, water, clothes, will make fire and will live an ordinary life.

When you see Bushmen in their native setting, you see your distant ancestors.

Material: http://saga.ua/43_articles_showarticle_1239.html

The African tribe of Bushmen until recently there was no concept of private property. According to their ideas, all animals on Earth are common, and anyone can hunt them. Who to kill is the wild antelope or a cow, for which the owners did not treat, Bushman is still. Neither African tribes or whites settlers could not tolerate such people. Together, they pushed Bushmen to fruitless deserts.

The African tribe of Bushmen until recently there was no concept of private property. According to their ideas, all animals on Earth are common, and anyone can hunt them. Who to kill is the wild antelope or a cow, for which the owners did not treat, Bushman is still. Neither African tribes or whites settlers could not tolerate such people. Together, they pushed Bushmen to fruitless deserts.
Open-air gallery. Exhibition Hall - African Savannah. Instead of cloths, strange images are carved. The elegance and harmony of the lines are combined here with the extreme convention of images. Elephant, similar to a huge comma. The sun resembling Cracatin. Rough Head ... David Morris, Archaeologist: "Most of all here images of antelope canna, rhinos and ostrichs. A number of researchers believe that not all these drawings are made by Bushmen, but our research speaks about the opposite." Anthropologists believe that once the whole south of Africa below the Zambezi River was the territory of Bushmen. But gradually the neurotic tribes pushed them north in the desert and forests. This people received its name from white settlers: Bushmen means forest people. The forest for them is a natural habitat, as for animals and birds. No wonder in the representation of Bushmen, they along with all that exist in nature - animals, heavenly luminais, - previously were one people. The sun in Busto myths is a man who has shining armpits. When he raised his hand, the earth was illuminated by the light, went to bed - everything was immersed in darkness.
David Morris: "Primitive Bushmen painted not for their own pleasure. It was a hunting magic: the images carved on the stone were identified with real animals. Many drawings are symbolic. Like, for example, a lamb in Christian art is not just a lamb, but The embodiment of a certain idea. " What do these characters mean, do not remember the Bushmen themselves. One of the most mysterious images carved by Bushmen on the stone is an ostrich with two heads. Scientists still guess why Bushmen needed to depict two ostrich heads instead of one. Many animals are such as rhino, elephant or hippopotams - bushmen endowed magic properties. Rhino was considered a "rain beast." Depicting it on the stone, Bushmen thought that they would rain. Rainy, or rather, the rain cloud was one of the main Bushmen deities. Going on the hunt, the men asked the gods to send them a good luck, and on returning part of the extraction necessarily sacrificed them.
In recent decades, scientists exhibit such interest in Bushmen that it is different, like Bashenomania, you won't call. The number of articles written about this, probably exceeds the number of Bushmen themselves. It is also clear - until recently, Bushmen retained primitive ways, and about their ability to survive legends in the most incredible conditions. In a partly, in the mass consciousness, the image of Bushman was established - an adult adult child living in full harmony with him and nature. But the world is changing rapidly, changing the life of entire peoples. The village of Muepa in sixty kilometers from the city of Kimberly. Once this territory belonged to the African TSSvan tribe, friendly Bushmen. At the end of the seventies, the government built a military base here, and the indigenous residents moved to other lands. After the fall of the apartheid regime in South Africa, the base ceased to exist. For a while she was empty, but gradually began to shave Bushmen. Most moved here from the south of Zambia, but many immigrants from Angola and Namibia.
Salvador, Bushmen: "In fact, representatives of the two tribes live here. And those and those - bushmen, but from different ends of Africa. They have quite little common. Different culture, different traditions, even languages \u200b\u200bare different. So much that people with difficulty understand each other. You have to use the language of gestures or Afrikaans. But not everyone knows it. " Bushman's speech for our hearing sounds extremely unusual. This is something like exercise for the development of a clear diction. Someone from the researchers of the African continent called Bushmen "the last on the planet living fossils." By the beginning of the last century, they remained less than ten thousand. It was believed that this people are doomed to extinct, as in principle it is not capable of adapting to the conditions of modern civilization. But over the past hundred years, the number of bushmen has grown almost ten times.
Bushmen are nomads. Their dwelling is a slut or carport from branches and grass. They were recently fed exclusively by hunting. Moreover, pets belonging to white farmers or other tribes, they did not differ in their presentation from wild animals. Salvador: "Previously, people hunted when they needed, and killed how much they needed. Then we were not necessary that it was impossible to hunt for some special permission. Bushmen do not understand this and do not accept. Permission - because it's just a piece of paper. By what right White officials forbid us to do what we did when there were no them here and in mesh? For Bushman, hunting is not just took a gun and went to Savannah. This is a way to communicate with our gods. Why for this you need to get some papers From white? "
In an effort to tie Bushmen to the place, the South African government, allocated them twelve thousand hectares of the Earth. By the way, not far from the village of Muepa. The dwelling of modern Bushman is in the recent past Army tent, refurbished under the "apartments". Walls inside, of course, no. Instead of them - sheets raised on wires. By the way, it is very convenient: how many rooms you want, so much and you will do. The situation here is not much different from the one that we used to see in a student hostel. The same beds, which, with the slightest attempt to sit on them, make a monstrous creak. The same slim bedside tables. Only now the electricity is far from always and it was carried out far from all tents. The transition to a settled lifestyle completely changed the habits and psychology of Bushmen. But many items, their surrounding, are still reminded of hunting past of this people. A typical Bushman accessory is at first glance an ordinary stick on which some patterns are cut and burned. In fact, no stick, but a universal set of knives. An indispensable instrument of labor. And defense.
Many inhabitants of the Muepa village work the shepherds in white farmers. No less mass profession - a caretaker in the reserve or national park. Here Bushmen have no competitors - no one knows the habits of animals and birds better than them. True, young Bushmen no longer feel in the forest and savannah like at home. They are more entitled football than hunting. Bushmen football is not just the most popular sport. He like a religion for them. The most interesting is that they learned about this sport quite recently - in the sixties of the last century. Moreover, the Bushmen, who lived in the territory of Angola, who lived on the territory of the Angolan, who was a colony of Portugal, learned about football. Buy a real soccer ball here is not all. But the boys are not at all embarrassing - they chase everything that turns under the leg.
Adaptation of bushmen to modern life - the process is quite painful. Together with the pros, they get all the cons of civilization. More recently, Bushmen did not even know what spirits are. Now alcoholism is one of the main problems of this people. After all, Bushman, even the most stronger, one hundred grams of whiskey is enough to completely lose the human appearance. If this misfortune does not manage to cope, bushmen risk and actually be "the last on the planet living fossils." However, Salvador has his own opinion on this: "We survived in more than twenty years in Namibia, survived Calahari in the lifeless sands. Survival is the art that we studied from the very beginning. So, I think I will survive and this time .

bushmen (English. Bushman, from Gall. Bosjeman, Boschiman - "Forest Man"), a people living in the desert areas of Namibia and the adjacent areas of South Africa, Botswana, Angola, as well as in Tanzania. The number of about 75 thousand people (1983, evaluation).

English "Bushman" (eng. Bushman) means "man (from) bushes" and is sometimes considered offensive; However, the Bushmen themselves do not have a common name for all sammon tribes, and the alternative name "San" (SAN) is widespread in South Africa (SAN) is Gottentot (in the language of NAMA) and wears Peyoractive tint in this language ("Outsider", "Alien").

Anthropologically differ from the blacks, since they have lighter skin, thin lips; refer to the so-called capoid race. A feature of the languages \u200b\u200bis the presence of clicking sounds. The peculiarity of the national cuisine is to use the food "Bushmen rice" - larvae of ants.

The time of settlement of South Africa Bushmen is not exactly known. It is assumed that this happened about 10-20 thousand years ago. Starting the XV century, N.Ee gradually ousted the Kalahari deserts who came from the north of the norter. Heavyly suffered from European colonialists from the middle of the XVII century to the beginning of the 20th, for which about 200,000 people of the aboriginal population were destroyed. The survivors either went deep into the desert, or became slaves on farms. The systematic persecution of Bushmen did not occur only on the territory of Botswana.

Buschmen has no leaders, as in other African tribes. Being in the conditions of permanent half-beeturic vagabilities in the desert, they could not allow themselves such a luxury as the existence of leaders, sorcerers and signs living at the expense of society. Instead of leaders from Bushmen elder. They are chosen from among the most authoritative, smart, experienced members of the genus, and they do not enjoy any material advantages.

Bushmen believe in the afterlife and are very afraid of the dead. They have special rites of burial to the land in the land, but the cult of ancestors that dominates more developed African tribes, they do not have.

Currently, few bushmen retain the traditional lifestyle, most are workers on farms.

Bushmen are magnificent storytellers and teachers. They are inimitable in music, pantomime and dance. The simplest musical instrument is a hunting onion, stretched with animal hair with an attached empty melon or an empty tin can, as a resonator. Cocoons of moths, bonded like beads and stuffed with pebbles or seeds, wear on the ankles and beat off the rhythm during dance. Currently, many are trying to shoot on the film and record songs, rituals and bays of bushmen to keep this ancient African culture for descendants.

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