Pla what a format. What is the PLA file extension? Alternative way on how to convert PLA file to PDF file

PLA file corrupted

If, after installing the necessary program from the list, you still cannot open the file with the PLA extension, the reason may be its damage. The solution may be to find a new copy of the PLA file you are about to open

The PLA file extension is not associated with its respective application

The easiest way to do this is to use the tools built into the operating system to associate the PLA file with applications to maintain it. Double-click a file that you cannot open - the operating system will display a list of programs that are most likely compatible with your PLA file. Select one of them, or indicate on the disk the location where you installed one of the offers from our list. Windows should open the PLA file with a preinstalled program.

The entry for the PLA file in the "Windows System Registry" is deleted or damaged
PLA file infected with a virus

It may happen that a computer virus infects the PLA file. In this case, it will probably not be possible to open such a file. Download a good antivirus program and scan the PLA file mentioned. If the anti-virus program detects dangerous data, it may indicate a PLA file indication.

PLA File Summary

The PLA file extension includes one major file types and can be opened with Playlist Manager (developer - Sprintbit Software). In total, only one software (s) is associated with this format. Most often they are of the format type Sansa Playlist File... Most commonly, PLA files are classified as Audio Files.

The PLA file extension can be viewed using Windows. They are mainly supported by desktop computers and some mobile platforms. The popularity rating of these files is Low and they are not usually used.

If you're having trouble opening PLA files, or simply want to know more about their associated programs and developers, see the complete information provided below.

Popularity of file types
File Rank


This file type is still relevant and is actively used by developers and applied software tools. Although original software this file type may be overshadowed by a newer version (eg Excel 97 vs. Office 365), this file type is still actively supported by the current software version. This process of interacting with an old operating system or an outdated version of software is also known as “ backward compatibility».

File status
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PLA file types

PLA main file association

A PLA file is a playlist file associated with the SanDisk Sansa portable media player. It is saved in PLP playlist format, which lists the file locations in standard text format and must be transferred to the playlists folder on the Sansa device to be recognized by the player.

Try a universal file viewer

In addition to the products listed above, we suggest you try a universal file viewer like FileViewPro. The tool can open over 200 different types of files, providing editing functions for most of them.

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Troubleshoot opening PLA files

General problems opening PLA files

Playlist Manager not installed

By double clicking on the PLA file, you can see a system dialog that says "This file type cannot be opened"... In this case, this is usually due to the fact that there is no Playlist Manager installed on your computer for %% os %%... Since your operating system does not know what to do with this file, you cannot open it by double-clicking on it.

Advice: If you know of another program that can open your PLA file, you can try opening that file by selecting that application from the list of possible programs.

Wrong version of Playlist Manager installed

In some cases, you may have a newer (or older) version of the Sansa Playlist File, not supported by the installed version of the application... If the correct version of the Playlist Manager software (or any of the other programs listed above) is not available, you may need to download a different software version or one of the other application software listed above. This problem most often occurs when working in an older version of the application software from a file created in a newer versionwhich the old version cannot recognize.

Advice: Sometimes you can get a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe version of a PLA file by right-clicking on the file and then choosing Properties (Windows) or Get Info (Mac OSX).

Summary: In any case, most of the problems encountered while opening PLA files are due to the fact that the correct application software is not installed on your computer.

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Other causes of problems opening PLA files

Even if Playlist Manager or other PLA-related software already installed on your computer, you may still encounter issues while opening Sansa Playlist File files. If you're still having problems opening PLA files, the problem may be related to other problems preventing these files from opening... Such problems include (presented in order from most to least common):

  • Invalid links to PLA files in the Windows registry ("phone book" of the Windows operating system)
  • Accidental deletion of a description PLA file in Windows Registry
  • Incomplete or incorrect installation a PLA-related software application
  • File corruption PLA (problems with the Sansa Playlist File itself)
  • PLA infection malware
  • Damaged or outdated device drivers equipment associated with the PLA file
  • Lack of sufficient system resources on the computer to open Sansa Playlist File format

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Event of the day

The International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) first released the popular EPUB format for e-books in 2007.The software allows publishers to create content for e-books that are either fixed or fluid, allowing for compatibility with array-screen and e-book reader types.

How to fix problems opening PLA files

If there is a computer installed antivirus software can scan all files on the computer, as well as each file separately... You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to scan the file for viruses.

For example, in this figure, file my-file.pla, then you need to right-click on this file, and select the option from the file menu "Scan with AVG"... Selecting this option will open AVG Antivirus, which will scan this file for viruses.

Sometimes an error can result from incorrect software installation, which may be due to a problem encountered during the installation process. It may interfere with your operating system associate your PLA file with the correct application softwareinfluencing the so-called "File extension associations".

Sometimes simple reinstalling Playlist Manager might solve your problem by correctly linking PLA with Playlist Manager. In other cases, problems with file associations can result from bad software programming developer, and you may need to contact the developer for further assistance.

Advice: Try updating Playlist Manager to the latest version to make sure the latest patches and updates are installed.

It may seem too obvious, but often the PLA file itself may be causing the problem... If you received a file via an email attachment or downloaded it from a website and the download process was interrupted (for example, a power outage or other reason), the file may be damaged... If possible, try getting a fresh copy of the PLA file and try opening it again.

Caution: A damaged file can cause collateral damage to previous or pre-existing malware on your PC, so it is very important that you have an updated antivirus running on your PC at all times.

If your PLA file related to the hardware on your computerto open the file you may need update device driversrelated to this equipment.

This problem usually associated with types of media filesthat depend on the successful opening of hardware inside the computer, for example sound card or video card... For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to update sound card drivers.

Advice: If when you try to open a PLA file, you get sYS file related error message, the problem could probably be related to corrupted or outdated device driversthat need to be updated. This process can be facilitated by using driver update software such as DriverDoc.

If the steps did not solve the problemand you are still having problems opening PLA files, it may be due to lack of available system resources... Some versions of PLA files may require a significant amount of resources (e.g. memory / RAM, processing power) to open properly on your computer. This problem occurs quite often if you are using fairly old computer hardware and at the same time a much newer operating system.

This problem can occur when the computer has a hard time completing a task, as the operating system (and other services running in the background) can consume too many resources to open the PLA file... Try closing all applications on your PC before opening Sansa Playlist File. By freeing up all the available resources on your computer, you will provide a better environment for trying to open the PLA file.

If you completed all the steps aboveand your PLA file still won't open, you may need to run equipment upgrade... In most cases, even with older hardware versions, the processing power may still be more than adequate for most custom applications (unless you're doing a lot of CPU-intensive work like 3D rendering, financial / scientific modeling, or heavy multimedia work) ... Thus, it is likely that your computer does not have enough memory(more commonly called "RAM", or random access memory) to perform the task of opening a file.

Try to upgrade your memoryto see if it helps open your PLA file. Today, memory upgrades are quite affordable and very easy to install, even for the average computer user. As a bonus you will probably see a nice performance boost while your computer is performing other tasks.

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If our system does not cope with the .PLA extension and have failed all the automatic and semi-automatic methods of teaching him this art, it remains to manually edit the Windows registry. This registry stores all information related to the operation of our operating system, including the connection of file extensions with programs for their service. Team REGEDIT inscribed in the window "Search programs and files" or „Run in the case of older versions of the operating system, it gives us access to the registry of our operating system. All operations performed in the registry (even not very complicated ones regarding the .PLA file extension) have a significant impact on the operation of our system, therefore, before making any modifications, you should make sure that a copy of the current registry is made. The section we're interested in is the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT... The following manual shows step by step how to modify the registry, specifically the entry in the registry that contains information about .PLA file.

Step by step

  • Click the "start" button
  • In the "Find programs and files" window (in older versions of Windows, this is the "Run" window) enter the "regedit" command and then confirm the operation with the "ENTER" key. This operation will launch the system registry editor. This tool will allow you not only to view existing records, but also to modify, add or delete them manually. Due to the fact that the registry of the Windows system is key for its operation, all operations carried out on it should be performed judiciously and deliberately. Careless removal or modification of an inappropriate key can permanently damage the operating system.
  • Using the ctr + F key combination or the Edit menu and the "Find" option, find the .PLA extension you are interested in by entering it in the search engine window. Confirm by pressing OK or by using the ENTER key.
  • Backup copy. It is extremely important to create a backup copy of the registry before making any changes to it. Every change has an impact on how our computer works. In extreme cases, erroneous modification of the registry can make it impossible to restart the system.
  • The value you are interested in regarding the extension can be manually edited by changing the keys assigned to the found extension .PLA. Here you can also create your own entry with the a.PLA extension if there is no such in the registry. All available options are in the handy menu (right mouse button) or in the "Edit" menu after placing the cursor in the appropriate place on the screen.
  • After finishing editing an entry for the .PLA extension, close the system registry. The introduced changes will take effect after restarting the operating system.

What is a PLA file?

A project archive kept by ArchiCAD, a 3D modeling program used by architects. Can include multiple CAD projects (.PLN files) as well as parts of the library that can be referenced by projects contained in the archive.

How to open a PLA file?

The most frequent problem, which appears at the moment when you cannot open the PLA file, is paradoxical - the absence of the corresponding program installed on your device. The solution is very simple, just select and install one program (or several) for PLA maintenance from the list that you will find on this page. After correct installation, the computer itself should link the installed software with the PLA file you cannot open.

Programs that will open the PLA file

Other problems with the PLA file

Have you downloaded and installed one of the programs correctly and the problem with the PLA file still persists? There may be several reasons for this situation - we present several reasons that cause the most problems with PLA files:

  • the PLA file of which the problem is concerned is corrupted
  • the file has not been downloaded completely (download the file again from the same source, or from the email attachment)
  • in the "Windows Registry" there is no corresponding PLA file association with the installed program to maintain it
  • the file is infected with a virus or malware
  • the program serving the PLA file does not have the appropriate computer resources, or the appropriate controllers are not installed to allow the program to run
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