Wild Cat fur coat. Fashionable reed fur coats

In the wardrobe, an amaster of extraordinary and stylish things, a decent place can take a fur coat from fur reed cat. Beautiful natural drawing does not need complex shapes and painting. Winter things from it are distinguished by elegance and sexuality on a figure of any type. Rare Animal, known as Bolt Lynx or LippieIt is impossible to breed in captivity, so each extracted skura is processed with due accuracy.

Features and advantages

Fur coats from this unusual fur have a gentle long pile and a characteristic spotted drawing with a "predatory" accent.

Shades can be blown into the sun from reddish to brown. Among the features affecting the high price, specialists and designers note:

  • Different qualities I. appearance Fur extracted in the warm or cold season. Therefore, in one collection, fur coats and vests may differ externally long and thickness of the pile.
  • Fur easily transfers painting, but is great and without additional processing.
  • Thin and soft to the touch, fur of the reed cat will not warm in severe frosts. This is rather an elite option that adorns a woman and is not intended to travel in public transport.
  • This type of fur is short-lived, but is valued due to the uniqueness of the external picture.

Fashion trends

Lipppy Fur Raisin - His Individual PatternTherefore, most models are embracing laconic and simple silhouette. Given the greater value, the shortened fur coats "Avtoleda" are most popular. They can have a bulk hood, light chest jelly or be sent on the hips. Such short options include vests originally combined with genuine leather in sleeves or back.

Gentle fur sits well in the figure, so it looks beautiful in the fitted fitting models of any length. To emphasize your elegance, a woman can belly. The optimal will become the classic length to the knee, straight or slightly sprinkled silhouette from the hip with small cuts. A large hood will be a real decoration, which can be decomposed on the shoulders, shiny buttons or leather parts.

How much is

Reed cat is quite rare animals, so mined fur is highly appreciated among designers. It combines with other types of fur, which increases the cost of finished products. The average cost of popular models popular among women exceeds the price of mink coats and starts from 70 thousand rubles.

Given the continuous interest in Fur Lippi among fashionistas, it is often formed and issued for the original cheaper or artificial options. Therefore, to acquire such a product should be in solid salons or stores. The fur coats are rare even in the collections of famous brands, so they are unlikely their appearance on the usual market. With a limited budget, you can buy a stylish jacket or vest combined with skin or suede.

How to choose and what to wear

When buying, you should carefully examine the selected product, to feel a pile and a member for damage, bend in half the shelf of the fur coats.

Fur reed cat should not creak, remaining elastic and durable.Do not purchase models that are sewn from small pieces: They will quickly ruin and break up, lose their spectacular look. The reverse side of the skin should be a light pastel shade.

Select shoes and accessories to such an original fur coat are necessary in compliance with the balance between the texture of fur, skin and a luxurious drawing:

  • The shortened jackets or vests are good for the perfect slim figure, which can be emphasized by stylish jeans-shoes. Depending on the cut and finishes, a suede bag and ankle boots are selected for it, narrow boots from matte leather.
  • The popular model "Avtoledi" well complements a business image with a skirt to the knee, straight trousers. The onions will emphasize the practical bulk bag or a large clutch for documents. Classic shoes on average heel from good skin will complement the status, give confidence.
  • An elegant classic in a long version can win on the background of narrow boots without decoration, which only emphasize the beautiful shape of the leg. You can add a stylish feminine image with a leather bag and gloves in the tone of shoes.
  • A non-standard fur coat with a contrasting manifice will suit the woman of any age, if you correctly pick up accessories. It can be mink fur, sable or fox, collar from raccoon or fox. For texture or originality, it is better to choose a bag of cherry or light brown tone.

The representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are not indifferent to the luxurious fur coats, which give them the desired warmth and beauty even the most frosty winter. A rather interesting solution are fur coats from Wild Cats, which combine predatory and soft features. Due to the wide variety of models, each fashionable can easily choose its, unique and individual option. True, these products are very rare and expensive.

Types of wild cats

Speaking about female fur coats, sewn from fur wild cats, first of all, imply animals like:

  • reed cat;
  • ocelot;
  • lynx;
  • leopard.

Magnificent fur products - both long and short - stitched from the skins of these animals, has been decorated with fashionable podiums around the world for many years. They are often found on shop windows of stores where elite fur products are sold. Increasing consumers are often confused by means of reed cat, lynx and leopard. Therefore, let's try to figure out what individual features each of the listed wild cats is possessed.

What the fur looks like each of them, you can see in the photo presented on our website. Huge popularity Women's coats made from wild cats acquired in the 80s. However, today they remain very relevant and in demand.

Luxury and personality coats from reed cat

The reed wild cat is an amazing animal, which makes magnificent female fur coats, which advary to emphasize the charm, respectability, as well as the high well-being of their owner.

The main territories of this wild cat are Central Asia, Industan, as well as Transcaucasia. She has very thick and fluffy fur, thanks to which it is perfect for sewing beautiful female fur coats. True, now this luxury is not available to everyone. And it's not only in the high cost of these magnificent products. A diverse fur coats from the wild cat in the 1980s were at the peak of their popularity, but at present the reed cat is listed in the Red Book, which makes the sewing of these products are very problematic. Now they are sewn such women's fur coats mainly to order. Moreover, it is believed that the best and talented masters can be found in Greece.

An important advantage of a reed cat fur is a relative simplicity of tailoring because of the militant hair. Thanks to this, you can make any models of the fur coats that will sit perfectly on the figure. The fur coats from this wild cat can be long and short, fit and, on the contrary, more free.

For furs of this animal, a very unusual color is characterized - a dark background with luxurious golden spots. The shade of the background may be diverse - for example, olive or brown. Thanks to its expressive appearance, such fur coats confidently conquer only the most positive reviews.

Ocelot coats: Features and advantages

Not only in the 80s, but today the fur coats made of mechanot furs are very interested in the fashionistas of the entire planet. This wild cat is often called a dwarf leopard due to pronounced external similarity with this predator. It dwells mainly in the rainforest of Central and South America.

The colors of the fur of this animal includes light brown background and dark expressive specks. In addition, there are strips on the fur, having a longitudinal direction.

The advantages of fur coats are:

  • a light weight;
  • excellent ability to maintain heat;
  • magnificent appearance.

  • good strength;
  • wear resistance.

True, judging by the reviews of the owners of such fur coats, they can reveal - this is one of the few inherent flaws.

Models of such coats of medium length are recognized as in demand and popular, to the knee. You can see how luxurious fur coats from the wild cat look like, in the photo. In addition to the fur coat, the ocelot fur is used for sewing short charming jackets, capes and even handbags.

Choosing a wildcat coat model, consider the individual features of your figure and your life rhythm, and also pay attention to the quality of the sewing and reputation of the manufacturer.

Many connoisseurs of natural fur seek to stand out among all the owners of mink and muton fur coat. An excellent way to make it most effectively will become a fashionable thing from a reed cat fur.This animal is extremely rare in nature, the number of it is strictly adjustable, so the fur coat from such fur is guaranteed to be exclusive.

Thanks to the unique color, the reed cat is periodically called the swamp trot. The third name is also common - Lippi. A reed cat is usually three times larger than domestic cats: the body of the animal reaches a meter long, and the weight is fifteen kilograms.

Features and benefits of fur

The eye skirts of the reed cat is rightfully considered one of the most unique and elegant: Short-churred spotted fur gently shimmers both in the sunlight and with artificial lighting. Fur Lippi is distinguished by a midwham width, it is not inclined to stretch and wiping even during daily operation - provided that the fur coat is neatly worn and is properly stored.

Unlike many other types of fur, summer and winter skins of reed cat are on tailoring. From the latter, more dark things are obtained, which is explained by a soft and long pile of fur, in which these animals meet the winter. Such fur is valued much more than a short summer variety, which is more rude to the touch.


Despite the deficiency of the reed cat, the model range of the fur coat, sewn from it, every year it expands everything.The main styles can be divided into several categories:

  • Classic. The variant "to the floor" option is familiar from other fur, not burdened with decorative trim, does not provide for the presence of a hood;
  • Avtoleda. I have already become a modern classic for active independent lady, a fitted style is considered an optimal solution for those women who do not conduct a day without driving. There are models with a hood and without it, the waist is appropriate and recommended a belt, emphasizing the waistline;
  • Middle-length fur coat. The most common version to the ankle or the middle of the caviar is often equipped with decorative elements made of fur with a raccoon or fox;
  • Transformer. central part Such a fur coat is usually sewn of Lippi fur, but the faded sleeves can be both leather and made of other animals;
  • Jacket. The youth model that exists in versions of both hooded and with an English collar, not overloaded with trim.

Considering the rarity and value of the fur of the reed cat, it is not surprising that it was precisely shortened models of the fur coat on the market, for which it is used. Firstly, there are fewer scooters in their production, and secondly, it significantly reduces the cost of the finished product. Also well-deserved popularity enjoy vests and coats made of swamp furs.

Warm fur coats suitable in order to shine in them in the frosty days, are obtained from the Winter Fur Reed Cat.

Stylists resemble fashion suites that look after themselves an exclusive coat model from this fur that long models will not be appropriate behind the wheel of the car or in public transport. Active ladies whose day provides for many trips, practical variations will be more suitable: autoeda or fur coat jacket.


The coloring of the reed cat coat directly depends on the terrain in which it lives.Fur can be red, olive, brown and even grayish-brown. Whatever the color of the skin possessed, her ornament will truly uniquely unique: there are no two in nature. The fact is that the shades of the pile on various zones of the skins are different.

This gives the creators of the fur coat the possibility of creating a palette with original color overflows and transitions. It is safe to say that every fur coat sewing from fur reed cat is similar to other strangers on the style, but is unique in a color decision.

The fur of the marsh lynxes perfectly tolerate staining, however, designers prefer not to deprive this exclusive fur of its unique pristine coloring - spotted texture looks luxurious and without a tinting.

The rarity of the reed cat in a certain sense is compensated by the fact that its fur is perfectly combined with other furs. Among the most desirable "neighbors", the creators of the fur coats are called the sands and mink fur, as well as the black fox.

How to choose?

Despite the unique features of the fur reed cat, the fur coat sewn should be selected as well as products from other types of fur:

  • slightly crumpled fur should almost immediately restore its original form;
  • when you try to bend or minimize the fur coat, the fur should not produce a creaking or crunchy noise;
  • a new product should not make any sharp odors, only natural, only natural, bare furs, is considered the only admissible aroma.

Specialists advise to acquire things from a reed cat in proven places where there is no risk to stumble upon a fake or low-quality coat, and professional consultants will help to choose a suitable model.

How to store?

The delicate structure of the reed cat fur with negligent storage can be watched and revealed. To avoid this, you should hang a fur coat on wide shoulders and provide free place around it. The hanging fur coat should not concern other things in the closet.

Before placing a fur coat from such fur for a long storage until the next season, it is necessary to thoroughly dry it in a dark and well-ventilated room. After drying, the fur coat is gently shaken and placed in a suitable case - ideally, it should be a "native" case, which walked complete with a fur product.

A unique color is that, thanks to which the fur reed cat looks stylish and throwing. It is for this that he appreciates despite the short-life and inability to warm in a strong frost.

Such outerwear like a coys of a reed cat is rather an image than practical.

In any case she not intended for daily travel in public transport. Products made of furs of this animal are infrequently, and their range is small. Acquire them only in specialized stores to avoid buying a fake from a regular cat.

What kind of animal reed cat?

Reed cat - predatory mammal Faby family, 2-3 times larger than a conventional cat (a little more than a meter - the length of the body, the weight is 8-15 kg). Almost marsh trot For similarity with the fur of this predator. Inhabit Asia, Indochita, Transcaucasia, the coast of the Caspian Sea to the mouth of the Volga, in North Ossetia and Dagestan. Prefers to settle in the plain territories near the rivers, lakes and seas. Loves to splashing in the water, the cold does not tolerate. However, he has an exceptionally warm fur, velvety to the touch.

Reed fur coat with mink collar

Coloring at various subspecies of the reed cat is different, the most common is gray-brown, with a red or olive tint. There are darker spots on a light or golden background, similar to leopard, only slightly smaller. In the summer, the fur is bright and short, in winter the pile is much longer and fluffy.

Natural habitat of reed cats is actively destroyed - forests are cut down, reservoirs are contaminated. This led to a significant decrease in the number of animals. Reed cat listed in the Red BookThe industrial catch of animals do not lead. Skins are mined by chance, so the fur industry cannot offer a particularly large selection of product coloring. Fur reed cat - rarity and luxury.

Fur Features

Fur reed cat soft, lightweight, shiny, with long gentle pile. It is good to paint, but used in natural form, since it is valued for the pattern. Fur has a characteristic spotted predatory pattern, individual for each skirt.

In the cold time, the fur coat from the reed cat will not warm - Therefore, suitable for warm winters or the autumn-spring period, and it is short-lived. In the places of intensive external influence, the fur is inclined to sort and easily.

But the fur of the swamp ryny has windproof properties, not electrified. Vors is very elastic. Himself hygroscopic and breathable, which avoids " greenhouse effect"When wearing a fur coat.

This is an expensive elite version of the outerwear. Distinguish winter and summer fur. Summer is shorter and rude to the touch. therefore winter fur - soft and long - appreciated above. The skins of animals living in different regions, shades differ. The color execution of products is always exclusive, since two identical skins are not found.

Models coats from reed cat

For most of the models, a simple silhouette and concise style is characteristic. Due to the rarity of this fur, shortened models of Avtoleda fur coats are popular, vests and sleeveless.

Spotted fur looks good on any figure, fits perfectly, and looks beautiful in the shredded models.

Not uncommon - vests with leather sleeves. In addition to shortened, sew the model of classic cut.

Designers belong to the fur of a marsh flower to the number of extravagant, most often sew the shortened, dynamic models of the youth species. In general, the pattern of this fur itself is a throw. Therefore, products from it are mostly different simplicity of cutting. For coats from the reed cat, the presence of both hoods of various cuts and a simple English collar is characteristic.

How much is Schuba costs

The cost of fur is quite high due to its rarity. Additionally, the product is given in price when combining with furs of other animals. The price of reed fur coats exceeds the price of mink and starts from 70 thousand rubles. Necessary low cost should be alert - as a rare fur cannot cost cheaply.

Combining by other types of fur

Fear of swamp riff is perfectly combined with other types of fur. Among the most successful combinations to it:

Chernoburai Lisa;

The finish, as a rule, goes to the collar and cuffs, making them volumetric and giving the luxurious look around the whole product.

How to choose and with what to wear a fur coat of reed cat

Before you choose the style, you should decide on the frequency of wearing. For everyday socks, a short fur coat or a fur jacket is better suitable. For exits and solemn cases, you can purchase an extended model.

It is worth remembering that reed skins easily impenetTherefore, the fur product needs to be selected, taking into account your own temperament. The selected product must be thoroughly examined, bend the shelf of the fur coats in half, check for the damage to the enemy, swell pile. In general, the choice of bolotnaya ryny products includes the same moments as the choice of any other fur:

The absence of sharp odors is only weak, barely caught the smell of natural fur;

The nasty pile should restore the original form almost instantly;

Elastic fur, durable;

With bending and cripping, the creaking and crisp sound should not be.

The reverse side of the skin has a light pastel shade. Models sewn from small pieces - an unsuccessful choice. Such products quickly deteriorate and rush, their appearance is lost.

With any doubt from buying it is better to refrain. Buy fur products preferably in proven places, where the sale of cheaper fur under the guise of reed cat or artificial fakes is excluded.

Spectacular view of fur does not require additional decorations and catchy accessories. Stylish swamp fur coats look with strict monophonic clothing, classic shoes. Successfully look in combination with a suede fur and matte skin of muffled color, nubuck. Selection of clothing, shoes, accessories are carried out taking into account balance with fur texture and luxurious, bright pattern.

The shortened vests and jackets look well with singles or jeans or jeans, looks good with shocks on a low heel or narrow boots from matte leather, and suede accessories.

Shub "Autlede" with a collar or a hood and a belt on the waist is successfully combined with trousers and shoes. Skirt is fit strict cutting with classic shoes. Well complement the image leather gloves and a bulk bag in tone - or a large clutch for documents.

A classic long fur coat with a collar and without finishing looks successfully with narrow boots without finishing or low ankle boots. You can add an image with leather gloves and a bag in tone of shoes. Well such a fur coat complements evening outfits.

Non-standard models with finishing from other types of fur texture looks with bags and boots made of red, cherry or brown skin.

A coat of rare fur with a unique pattern can afford any fashionable with a decent budget. Dear unique reed cat fur from the Feline family (Lippi) has an original spotted pattern, always different on each skin. It looks so impressive that the product does not need accessories, staining. Such an elegant fur coat always shows a high status and taste of its owner. In sales catalogs 2018 there are stylish women's and children's fur coats from a reed cat. Consider their advantages and fashionable styles.

In the Feline family there are interesting animals, for example, leopard, Ocelot, Lynx, Irbis, and a reed cat (Feldhaus) or marsh lynx also applies to them. This is a major predator up to 90 cm long, weighing about 10 kg, dwelling near the reservoirs. Lippi live by lakes, rivers, in swampy lowlands, love water, but not cold. The species is common in many parts of the world, but the number of individuals becomes less and less, the animals are listed in the Red Book. In captivity they do not multiply, therefore the animal fur is quite rare. It is associated with the habitat.

Pros and Cons Lippi Fur

Important. The main advantage of fur reed animals is beautiful specks scattered over the entire surface and creating a unique color.

For something is even appreciated by the fur of this marsh lyry:

  • it is brilliant, with gentle overflows;
  • light, comfortable to wear;
  • there is windproof - not blowing;
  • gigro pile - and breathable, without greenhouse effect;
  • the fur elastic, the pile is long and thick.

There are fur and substantial minuses:

  • in a strong cold in such a fur coat, you will not warm up, it is better to wear it in the offseason or complement the ensemble with warm clothes;
  • easily thumps and quickly wears on the edges;
  • for daily wearing for any weather, it is hardly suitable, it is better to wear it for exits in the light.

Fur Lippi is easily painted, but usually products sew from fur with natural colors. Gamma shades, mostly red-brown, gray-brown, olive.

Important. The quality and type of fur is significantly different for the seasons, in the summer it is light, in short and tougher. Winter is softer and long, thick and appreciated above.


Lippi's fur, covered from other countries, so in the trend shortened models - prisoners, jackets, manto.

What cobweb fur coats in 2018 catalogs from manufacturers and stores:

  • autoteda, in the trend bulk hood;
  • a trapezium, fitted styles with a leather or suede belt, admissible any length;
  • classic fur coats before the middle of the knee, straight cut or slightly curved;
  • there are stylish reed coats, combined with black fur, sand, mink, raccoon. Most often, fur for decoration is used on the collar and cuffs, giving them volume and chic look. Popular combined children's fur coats from reed cat;
  • actually combination of fur with leather, suede, nubuck (special calf leather). They are used as separate elements or inserts in cameric cats.

Fur fur coat lippi

What to wear

To create a stylish image, a female coat of reed cat is perfectly suitable, and in the kit there must be fashionable additions. What to choose?

Several strokes:

  • shortened models. Skinny troughs or jeans, ankle boots on a small heel, narrow soft leather boots or suede;
  • autoplehed. Classic trousers or skirt, shoes or leather boots on the middle heel. Volumetric bag or large clutch, leather gloves;
  • maxi long fur coat. Evening stylish bow, leather gloves. Narrow boots or low ankle boots, bag or large clutch is selected in the tone of shoes;
  • combined models, with finishing or inserts from another fur. It is focused on the bag and boots from the skin of brown, red, cherry tones.

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