Connerable fables and hidden subtext. Social meaning Bassen I.A.

The writing

Strong is always powerless to blame. This expression begins the fable "Wolf and a lamb" (1808). The very work of Ivan Krylova is written through the wandering plot popular in world literature, to which the most prominent basters of the world appealed: Esop, Fedr, J. de Lafondtena, and others. Hungry wolf found a lamb in the forest and ate him, and he tried to justify his act, inventing Lamb Different accusations. Their lambs tried to refuted as unfounded, untold, so the wolf leads the last argument - he just wants to eat and therefore uses his right stronger.

The expression characterizes the actions and actions of helpful, but not very smart people who do not use their use, but damage, prevent, worsen the situation. The beast cat is stronger. The expression on its origin is associated with the Basney "Mouse and Rat" (1816). In the plot of the work, the mouse joyfully tells the rat that the lion caught the cat, but this message does not comfort it at all:
It says to her in response:

The expression emphasizes inconsistencies between people who fulfill the common cause, the lack of joint efforts that they do not give them to work efficiently.

"The helpful fool is more dangerous than the enemy." Expression of posture from the bass "Dressman and Bear" (1808). In the work it is described about how the wilderness and bear became friends among themselves. One day, the wilderness was welcomed, and the bear was protected by his sleep and diligently distilled flies from each other. One of the flies turned out to be annoyed: it sat down on the cheek to the wilderness, then on the nose, and when I sat down on my forehead, the bear came to the rage and, grabbing the stone, hit a fly with such a force that only killed her myself, but I soldered the skull to my friend.
In history, we are in the history of the example of examples,
"Do not rejoice, my light",
Although he wears caftan such
But we do not write stories;
That there are the forces - to tear a friend in the forehead!
Retell you nor forces.
It is truly that there are the wonders of the chamber!
Yes, only WHO and now there.
And together three, everything was injected into it;
Some emerald, others like coral!
And you, friends, no matter;
Choking for them seemed easy:

The expression is used in different versions regarding people who pay attention to the little things, but the most significant and most important not notice.
Who is to blame from them, who is right, not to judge us;
Solovyov is responsible for them -
Weather cobblestone in the paws
Yes, swan rushes into the clouds,
Cancer is five back, and the pike pulls into the water.
"Buddy dear, great! Where have you been?"
Cropped Falda he and floors,
And Mishin friend lying for a long time stayed there!
I saw everything, I lit; From surprising,

The expression from the Basinie Quartet (1811). Her characters - a monkey, donkey, goat and a bear - decided to form a musical quartet, but did not know how to play on the seated tools and did not know in the notes. Suggesting that the case does not go from them because they are incorrectly sitting, the beasts are transplanted several times differently, but they still do not work with them, they go beyond the advice to the nightingale, asking them to help them. They are responsible:
Here is Misha, not to say a word,
And your ears of your rudder, -
Kohl to claws they reach
Where to fiction nature is Tarovat!

The expression indicates situations where people are necrompetent, unprepared, and therefore, they do not work for the fulfillment of a certain case.
I'm tea, did you think that Mount met? "

The expression is used in cases where someone mistakenly, unreasonably, is biased to be the most authoritative, the most important, stronger in something better than others.
He thinks: "Silent, I'm, I, Vostanu!" -
From leather climb, and it's not a move!
What butts, bugs,
"Does he?" - "There."
"And not napping back!
What kind of tinybirds!
Squatted, does not translate the spirit,
The blow was so deft was that the skull of apart was heard,
Strong always powerless to blame:
That's right, the lion is not to be alive:
There is, right, less pin head! "
But about how in the fables they say
All in the musicians are not coming. "

Elephant, I did not notice. With its origin, the expression is associated with Basney "Curious" (1814). The Basna talks about a meeting of two buddies, during which one of them shares his impressions from visiting the museum, where he saw a lot of interesting things:

Yes, the swan rushes into the clouds, the cancer is five back, and the pike pulls into the water. The expression from the Basnie "Swan, Pike and Cancer" (1816), in which we are talking about how the main characters took together a loaded cart together, but they could not do this due to the fact that everyone rushed to their element and moved according to its nature:

At the end of the work, the author holds a parallel between Trish and some gentlemen who are trying to improve their financial position in a similar way. The expression is used for a figurative designation of a person who tries to improve or correct some cases or circumstances at the expense of others, which inevitably damages, leads to a deterioration and one, and the second.
"To be a musician, so needlessly decrease
Which is longer and Camisole.
All in musicians do not go

The expression is used as an ironic explanation that stronger physically, highest positions and opportunities offend more weak, using their advantages over them, abusing the right and possibilities of stronger.

Trishkin Kaftan. Phraseology from the Satyrian Basni of the same name (1815). The main character of the Basni Trishki on the elbows rubbed the caftan, and it cuts the sleeves to patch the holes. Above him all laugh, then Trishka finds another way out:
What animals, what birds I did not see!
"In Kunstkamera, my friend! There were three hours there;
Elephant, I did not notice. "
"Do I have seen an elephant? What is the look?
Kozhenki, Flies, cockroach!
The beast is stronger than the cat! "
And, a friend on the forehead podkaraul Muhu,
Instructed the sleeves and cheerful ribs my
"Well, brother, to blame:
Whether whether they will not decrease


1. Translation bass and hidden subtext

2. Original works of social orientation

3. Public injustice and vices




Which of us does not remember the children's bass "Dragonfly and Ant"? It seems that it may be more transparent in its foundation of the plot:

Pumping dragonfly

Summer red lost;

Lookane did not have time

How winter rolls in the eye ...

The fact that the allegory and under the insects are meant by people - we understand. But we think, is that a terrible crime committed dragonfly? Well - sang, danced, but because it was not harm to anyone. And the ant, hardworking, notable, fair, reasonable - positive in all respects hero, turns out to be incredibly cruel to the dragonfly. For frivolity, emptiness, the short-sightedness of "throngs" he punishes her inevitable death!

Here you and the "good-natured grandfather of the wings"!

What is the matter? Why is the collision of labor and idleness solved wing so ruthless and categorically? Why, behind the conversation, externally friendly, kuma and kuma (so called each other and dragonfly) is the eternal unresolved antagonism? ..

1. Translation bass and hidden subtext

By the beginning of the XIX century, by the time the wings became exclusively a basinist, he was already a big creative way. He was the author of the comedy, comic operas, tragedy, a satyric journalist and a poem. It was necessary to change the types of literary activities due to the difficulty of holding their ideas through censorship. In the genre of Basni, the greatest opportunities were opened for this.

In 1803, he wrote the "first" fastener (from those that entered his body compilations) - "Oak and cane", and after it "translated" from Lafontaine is another one - "picking up the bride." In essence, it was actually a wallery work, independent in all respects - from ideas and morality Basni to her tongue. However, to represent your own work as a translation was convenient. Translations from the works of a foreign-speaking author (traditionally encouraged in official circles) for many years have become in Russian literature a favorite form of masking of their own politically acute and actual ideas by domestic writers (Pushkin, Nekrasov, etc.). But of course, not for the sake of one desire to bypass censorship, Russian writers appealed to translations and transfers. It was here and the desire to move close to the author of thought, motifs, plot peripetia, images for native soil, introduce compatriots with them.

Basza Krylova "Personalizing the Bride" - His meditation about the chosen writer Popritis of the Basinista: The wings tied his destiny with such a literary genre, which by this time was considered the insignificant and exhausted his capabilities; In this spirit, the bass "Old Man and Three Young", written after the first two. In her - an obvious desire to justify the fact that he, in the opinion of some, at a very late age he took up a new business - to grow a tree of fastened poetry in Russian soil. The product of the software has become and written soon the bass "Larkik".

In the bass "Larchchik", the wings explains the reader how to read his fables, how to understand them. In any case, it is not unnecessary to complicate the tasks, and first of all you need to try to solve it with the most elementary and affordable means, i.e., try "just" "open a lark."

Each of the Krylovskaya Basen is just such a "casket with a secret." Take, for example, the very first of his Basen, who was not resolutely given to him (he thoroughly corrected it, reworked, clearly impede his ideas, as I would like, through the royal censor), but which the writer especially valued and therefore constantly returned to her - "Oak and cane".

In the bass "Gidewousy Oak" - in shorts with the Caucasus (in the options of Basni, he "flaps the Sun valleys to the whole"). That is what: the king of the forests and fields in his pride is not the sun like that, as it is customary to talk about the kings, but, on the contrary, prevents the sun with the rays, deprives the light and heat all the surrounding. The raging wind (in the options, it is called "rebellious") "accommodation" has not yet defeated the oak, although the Costbar and, perhaps, with gloating, assures that it is not forever. Her confidence was justified: in the end the wind

... pulled out with the root

Who heaven to his chapter concerned

And in the region of the shadows, the plane rested.

It remains to answer the question - who should imply under a flexible cane? It is clear that not the people whose spontaneous uprising the author sought to present in the image of the "rebellious" wind. " She is a strap, the author himself, and wider - the intelligentsia, ideologically close to him. It is inclined in front of the rioty wind, and does not oppose himself to him. And the oak does not ask patriousness, despite all his suggestions to cover it in his "thick shadow" and "Protect from Necod." Crystina prophesides:

Not for myself, I am afraid of the vortices; Although I go, but I do not break; So the storms are harmful to me ...

In the first book, the Bassen, who saw the light in 1809, the silent once in his life managed to publish a unconditional statement that the best form of state government is the "Board of People's". In the Basna "Frogs, asking King", he argued that only in the attack of madness it is possible to abandon the "will live". The consecutive number of kings acquired by a frog, convinces the reader that only the very first - " The aspen "chubban", the king is completely lackless, any other option autocracy is a change of one tyrant of another; one bloody self-government is even more cruel.

In another Basna, the "Most of the Beast" - the lion is directly called the king and is shown in complete agreement with other predators, strong "Il Kohmed, Il Zubkov" in relation to a simple and defenseless people. When it comes to sins and their release, all predators - headed by Lev - turn out to be "from all parties not only right, almost holy."

Both of the last fables did not enter the first book when making the final text of all the Bassen: their program was already not a literary and creative, but directly socially political, with all the consequences arising from their publication ...

This program - both literary and creative, and socio-political, clear readers already in the first fables of the edition of 1809, was withstanding the wallets in all other books of his Basen (so he began to call the sections of his fasteners). The glory of a wonderful Basinist was in the same year he was strengthened behind the wing praisement of the review of V. A. Zhukovsky.

2. Original works of social orientation

Universal recognition as the Master of the Basni and the Writer, who expressed folk glances at the Patriotic War of 1812, the Kryonov brought His Basinie "Wolf on Psarn", "Towing", "Crow and Chicken", "Pike and Cat", "section", "Cat and Cook "," Peasant and Snake ", which became forever the subject of special attention of readers, a special page in the history of Russian literature and social thought in Russia. The support of the Kutuzov Strategy and the dismissive attitude towards Alexander I and the self-adhesive nobility are characteristic of these Bassen.

The most famous of them, "Wolf on Psarn", - about how Napoleon, trying to save his army from the final defeat, joined negotiations with Kutuzov about the immediate conclusion of the world. The wings, writing the fastener, sent it to Kutuzov, and he read it out loud after the battle under the red surrounding his officers. With the words "you are gray, and I, buddy, Sed", he, as the eyewitnesses pass, took off his cap and exposed his gray head, showing that if the soul wolf is Napoleon, then the wise cat, who knows the wolf nature, is he himself.

Of course, these fables could not be "translated". Although the wings created from time to time its fables on a formal basis of translation, but in the overwhelming majority of cases, they are original in all respects, expressing Russian national and folk identity.

Until 1825, which brought the defeat of the Decembrists, the wings wrote most of his Bassen. After the tragedy, on December 14, he, with his own eyes who had been taking place on the Senate Square, where he was in the thick of the people, for three years almost completely stopped creative activity, and turning to her again, he created only three of the remaining life for twenty years.

However, the writer, in his youth, brought close to the Radish and the former one of the most bold, radical satirists in Russia of the XVIII century, did not change its program and after the wiseness of hopes for democratic changes, unlike many disappointing in educational ideals and reconciled with the meanness of the surrounding life. Even the most latter from the woven Bassen created - "Welcome" (and the closing the last, nine book of Basen) directly echoes one of the first - "Frogs, asking the king." The hero of Basni, a certain satrapist, posthumously ascended to heaven for his inaction and nonsense, is awarded as a benefactor of the people, the Savior of the country from ruin and Mora:

What if with such power

He took about things, unfortunately, -

After all, we would take a whole edge! ..

The degree of autocracy in any variety, enlightened or barbaric, is the end-to-end topic of the entire fastener creativity of Krylov. Walking along the path of chief selfhood more consistently and selflessly than the many of his contemporaries, the wings with inevitability came up on obstacles erected by the royal censorship and in some cases that caused irresistible. The fastener "Mottle Sheep" Tsarist censorship did not miss at all. Other fables had to reassure repeatedly in accordance with the requirements of censorship.

In one not so fat book

Frogs, fishermen

Donkeys, bears and monkey,

Rogues and men.

Here Pumpka, swan, cancer and pike,

Here Tishka and Demyan with the ear, -

Everything to the science,

How to live, did not dry.

So that in a semi-suck

Lively basenka was

To gospel parable

Rather, he lay down on the soul.

Monk Lazar (Afanasyev)

February 13, 2014 marks 245 years since the birth of a Russian poet, Basinist, writer, translator I.A. Krylova.

Ivan Andreyevich Krylov was an employee of the Imperial Public Library, a Stat adviser, a valid member of the Imperial Russian Academy, an ordinary academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences on the separation of Russian language and literature. He wrote more than 200 Bassen from 1809 to 1843, they were published in nine parts and reissued very large in those times the circulations.

The popularity of Krylov in his homeland exceeded all imaginable limits. Representatives of higher classes and children from ordinary families were learned by his fables. Processes of works of Ivan Andreevich repeatedly exceeded the essays of the writers of modern writers and poets. Many expressions from Basen Krylov entered Russian as winged words.

To understand the religious wisdom of Krylov, remember another fable - "Sugurizians".

It tells about the person who "to the shame of the earth tribal" before "in the hearts fired", which armed against the sky. But the owner of the Earth and the sky says: "Let's wait."

If these people do not hurt in their militant disbelief and will persist - they themselves, "they will be executed from their affairs."

Vladimir Odoyevsky, uttered on February 2, 1838 at the historical dinner dedicated to the 50th anniversary of literary activities

I.A. Krylova, said: "I belong to the generation that learned to read on your fables and still re-reads them with a new, always fresh pleasure." This is said about the generation to which many Decembrists belong to and the sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich, and Alexander Pushkin. Probably, Nicholas I somehow have somehow for the new year gave the heir to the Basinist Bush.

Optina elders worshiped Basni Ivan Krylov and repeatedly instructed their spiritual children with statements from them. So Archimandrite Agapit (Belovo) in the life view of the St. Elder Ambrose Optina writes that in the Hibarke of the elder, in the room of his class, was the book of Basen Krylov.

The Batyushka Ambrose is often among the day, during the reception of many people, he entered the room of His Clacer of Father Joseph and there was a dinner.

At the same time, he asked to read out aloud the Oddwe Basni Krylov. They read those who attended here at this time - a visitor or visitor. The father loved the Baszy Krylov, finding them moral, and often to teach their wiser councils resorted to them. So he ordered one visitor, the nun from Shamoredinsky Monastery, read the fables under the title "Ruch":

How many streams flow so comfortably, smoothly

And so murmur for the heart sweetly,

Only only because there is little water in them!

And in 1877, Rev. Anatoly Optina (Zrotsalov) wrote one of his spiritual children: "Remember the young horse of Krylov: not only others, but also himself could not understand. And how to start a fit of the delometh, then in the side, then in the ass, - well, I showed the Snorzka for which the shops pots paid. " This is a horse from the Basinie "Mostoz":

As in people, many have a weakness of the same:

Everything seems in another mistake to us;

And you will not make a job myself,

So soon go worse.

Another time, the Rev. Anatoly wrote one Unice in her ears, who was his spiritual chance and gathered in the monastery: "And the wings, a secular writer, said his" dragonfly "one and not to me, and the whole world, that is, who saves the summer, Hood will be winter. Who in the color of the years does not want to do themselves, there is nothing to wait for the heaven and when inflaming weakness and diseases. "

Deep Christian thought enclosed in the Basna "Winner and Robber", where the writer who is ...

... Slim spilled in his creatures poison,

Instilled insumency, rooted debauchery,

Was like a siren, sweet,

And, as siren, was dangerous -

i received more punishment after my death in hell, than a robber with a big road. And the writer screams among the torment that ...

... glory he filled the light

And if he wrote a little voluntarily,

That is too much punished;

That he did not think to be a robber sinner.

However, if the sinful business of the robber ended with his death, the "poison of creation" of the writer "not only does not weaken, but, breaking down, the century from the century of Lutet." That's why he was put on a more strict sentence:

Look for evil all things

And on misfortunes you have a wine!

Won, shame of their families, -

Despair of fathers and mothers:

Who is the mind and heart in them poisoned? - To you.

Reading the writings of Krylov, unwittingly think about what, perhaps, precisely the Christian meaning of his Basen makes these works by immortal. So we will be more likely to touch this "Nekrad Wealth".

Elena Dobronravova

The newspaper "Panteleimonovsky Blagovest", the parish Temple Bulletin in the name of the Holy Martyr and the healer of Panteleimon in Zhukovsky, No. 2 (180), February 2014


  • show the role of fables in the literature of different times and peoples, glory in the bass of unfair public orders and disadvantages of people;
  • consolidate studied on the theory of literature: bass, morality, allegory, metaphor, irony;
  • form the skills of expressive reading, attention to the artistic part;
  • promote the development of figurative and analytical thinking, develop creative fantasy.

Equipment: Portrait I.A. Krylova, illustrations to the fables of the artist E. M. Racheva, sculptural image of the Ezopa, portrait of the Lafontaine Brushes Nicola Largerer.

Vocabulary:allegory, Rotosaism.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Message topics, goals, lesson.


Today we have a final lesson for fables. Let's talk about the history of Basni, about what you learned on previous lessons, let us listen to the expressive reading of the Basen Krylov.

What is bass?

(A short entertaining story in verses or prose with mandatory moral output).

What is morality? Why does the Basinople include it in the fastener?

(Moral - moralization, teaching. The bass contains morality so that the author can show his own attitude towards the author's idea-tested in the Basna, to convey to the reader the author's idea).

In Basna, as in fairy tales of animals, the main characters are animals. What do fables differ from animal fairy tales?

(In Basna, animals do not have their own names, people with their characters and disadvantages are hidden behind their generalized images).

When did the bass appear?

(6th century BC, in ancient Greece).

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. A story about the first Basinista.

About the life of Ezopa almost no information has been preserved. It is known that Esop was a slave. Thanks to his mind, he achieved freedom. Even the rulers of Greece listened to his advice, expressed in an allegorical form. In their fables, under the guise of animals, Ezop ridiculed nonsense, greed and other vices of people. Many accepted it at their own expense. To take revenge on Ezopu, people offended by him lay in his kitomka a gold bowl, stolen from the temple.

According to the legend, when Ezopa grabbed, he should have either executed, or he again had to recognize himself with a slave - and then the owner would pay a fine, and Ezop would have retained life. Ezop did not want to lose freedom and chose the death of a free person.

Thanks to Esopa, the expression "Ezopov language" appeared in everyday life. What does this expression mean?

(Allegorical expression of thoughts).

What is the purpose of the poets used the Ezopov language?

(Ezopov language, understandable to the sophisticated reader, made it possible to avoid persecution of the authorities and express the forbidden thoughts with the help of various techniques).

With what techniques, the Writers-Basinisians expressed their thoughts?

(Allegory - allegory; metaphor - the use of words in a figurative meaning to determine the subject on the basis of the similarity of the value, fogging; irony - hidden mockery, allegory).

2. Reading Basni Ezopa.

Listen to the fables of Ezopa and tell me which Basney Krylov can be compared.

Raven and Fox.

Raven took a piece of meat and sat on a tree. I saw a fox, and I wanted to get it meat. She became before the raven and began to praise him: he was great, and it could be better than others to become the king over birds, and it would be, of course, if he also had a voice. Crow and wanted to show her that he has a voice: he released meat and refrust. And the fox ran up, seized meat and says: "Eh, Raven, you also had a mind in my mind," you no longer needed anything to reign. "

What is the name of Krylov's fables with a similar plot?

(A Crow and a fox).

What human spill rifles the Basinist in this Basna?

(Stupidity, unreasonable).

3. Story about Lafontaine (1621-1695).

The name of another famous Basinist, Frenchman, Lafontaine has already been mentioned at our previous lessons.

At the court of Louis Fourteenth in France, Jean Lafonten lived in France. He, like Ezop, wrote Basni about animals in which contemporaries easily distinguished people with their vices. 12 Basen books were created by Lafontaine for 26 years. Founders in animal images appeared public types of that era from the peasants to the king himself. Lafontiton was an unusually bold man, and it did not like the King Louis, so Lafonten was exposed to expulsion.

Here is one of the Basen Lafontaine about the woodcutter.

Woodcutter and death.

Woodcutter is tired and exhausted. In the forest, he calls death. When she comes, he refuses her services and asks her to stick to his back of the knitting twig. This man has overwhelmed a minute weakness and endured the test.

"Both of them," Pushkin wrote, comparing Lafontaine with the wing, "forever remains the pet among their contemporaries and descendants."

4. Quiz.

Unlike the Basen Ezopa and Lafontaine, Krylov's fables are well known from early childhood. Now we will spend a quiz on the knowledge of Bass Krylov.

Guess, from which bachen lines are taken (selectively: name Moral Basni and human qualities, ridiculous in the bass).

1. Have you sang everything? this business:
So look, babes.

("Dragonfly and ant"). Get ridiculous laziness, stupidity. Moral: To get something, you need to work.

2. Ay, Pug!
Know it is strong
What barks on an elephant.

("Elephant and Pug"). People ridiculed, who, using someone else's authority, are trying to acquire weight in society. Small man hiding behind the back of a man of powerful, trying to draw attention to himself.

3. SPIA, Svetik, do not get together!

("A Crow and a fox"). The stupidity, rotosaism, tricky is ridicule.

4. Strong always powerless to blame.

("Wolf and lamb"). Marvelousness, dishonest, hypocrisy; True on the side of power, and this is unfair.

5. You are gray, and I, buddy, sad.

("Wolf on Psarn"). Reflects the events of the war with Napoleon. Raying hypocrisy; The superiority of wisdom, mind and life experience over hypocrisy and maliciousness is shown.

6. When there is no agreement in comrades,
It will not go to the way.

("Swan, Cancer and Pike"). The inconsistency in actions is ridicule.

7. And you, friends, no matter,
All in the musicians are not coming.

("Quartet"). Makes up stupidity, self-confidence, ignorance.

8. Only were busty: I'm fat from them.

("Pig under the oak"). Ignorance ridiculously: ignorant is scolding learning, without understanding that it comes to the fruit. Proverb: Do not Ruby bitch, on which you sit.

5. Work at the board.

What human qualities allegories are these animals in bass? Select the correct answer, connect arrows.
















While working at the board, the class solves the crossword:

What human qualities allegories are these animals in bass?

Words for reference: trick, stubbornness, rotosaism, courage, cowardice, ignorance, mallance, frivolity, diligence, defenselessness.

If you correctly insert words into the cells, then in the dedicated vertical cells, read one of the receptions that the Basinisians use to create an image.

(The resulting word is an allegory).

6. Expressive reading.

In order to show the qualities that the poet ridicules in the fables, you need to be able to expressively read the fastener. I suggest read the fable by heart on the roles.

Pig under the oak.

What is the image of a pig in the bass? Why does the wings enter the painting of the crow and oak into the favor?

The image of a pig is a self-confident ignorance, an oak and a crow image, which do not accidentally live for so long - wise, everydays experienced people. The author's mouth was expressed by Moral: ignorant people are short-sighted, they often "chop down, which are sitting."

What sound in speech pigs is repeated most often?

C, R, Oh, F: Gryukania and Chaucancing of Pig, the process of chewing, eating an acorns; Her uncompute is underlined.


The author's irony is expressed in the words of the nightingale. In addition, both in other statements: the ledge of Marty, a closing teddy bear, captive with its own art, satisted chinno in a row. The irony is visible in the selection of musicians themselves with their musical ignorance. Irony - mockery, allegory.

Mount-musicians cause feelers of feelings that are completely opposite to them, expected. The reader does not admire their talent, but laughs over their stupidity, self-confidence, ignorance.

What is Moral Basni?

Moral is that any business, and even more so, art requires skills and abilities, and amateurs look ridiculous and funny.

Wolf and lamen.

How many characters in this bascle?

The speech of the wolf - arrogant, confident in his infinite power and impunity of the predator, may be a navigation, in charge, threatening and at the same time hypocritical. After all, the wolf initially pretend to be offended and insulted, as if he plays with a lamb, trying to give his predatory intentions of "legal appearance", disguise them, allegedly wanting to mess and justice. However, at the end of the Basni, he drops the victim's mask, he "tired" pretend to pretend and exposed his true essence - evil and unprincipled.

In the speech, the lamb sounds, surprise, timid hope that the wolf can explain something, to prove that justice will enthusiame. Naive lamb believes wolves, believing that he is just mistaken. But, despite the fact that the intelligent lamb destroyed his hypocritical system of charges, he will still be eaten. Neither innocence nor logic was saved. After all, on the side of the wolf power and coarse force.

Questions after listening: who managed to pass the character of the character most convincing?

III. Summing up the lesson.

Fastening. Test.

Specify the correct answer option.

  1. Fable:
    A) moral instructive conclusion;
    B) a figurative exaggeration;
    C) a short story with mandatory moral conclusion.
  2. Morality:
    A) building a artistic work;
    B) opposition;
    C) moral instructive conclusion.
  3. Allegory - ...
    A) allegory;
    B) exaggeration;
    C) opposition;
  4. Metaphor - ...
    A) a short story with mandatory moral conclusion;
    B) consumption of words in a figurative value;
    C) the genus of folklore and literature.
  5. Irony - ...
    A) moral instructive conclusion.
    B) hidden ridicule;
    C) A brief speech concludes popular wisdom.
  6. First Basinist - ...
    A) lafteen;
    B) ESOP;
    C) wings.

Options for answers: 1-B, 2-B, 3-A, 4-b, 5-b, 6-b.

Thanks to its comedic, lyrical and satirical works, Ivan Andreevich Krylov took an honorable place among the great writers of the 18th 19th century. But the fame of the "folk sage" writer deserved exclusively thanks to his famous fables.

The wings had a unique ability, being a representative of the nobility, to look at the events occurring in the state, including the feudal-serpentine system, through the eyes of a simple people. His satire is merciless to greater personality, uneducated people who depress the lower segments of the population.

"A Crow and a fox"

In the Basna "Crow and Fox", the wings are evidence of such a vice of humanity as flattery. The unreasonable crow, which has gained herself a piece of cheese, did not resist the letters in his address, composed by a cunning fox. In order to agree with the opinion of the fox about his own irresistible, the crow opened the mouth - a piece of cheese fell straight into the paws of a cunning beast.

"Cuckoo and Rooster"

Another vice - hypocrisy, fell under the satirical sight of Krylov in the Basna "Cuckoo and Rooster". The rooster began to praise the cuckoo for her paradise, emphasizing that never in his life heard a more beautiful voice of the bird. The cuckoo did not slow down with the answer and also praised the rooster, telling him that he sings better than the paradise birds.

This picture was watching the nightingale - a bird that really sings. Having a courage, nightingale stated that they both have terrible voices, and they praise each other basely. Indeed, hypocrisy is often inherent to people. Without proper sincerity, we begin to praise a person falsely, and we get into your address the same set of retaliatory sweet and pleasant lies.

"Wolf and lamb"

This fable is a reflection of serfdom in Russia. Strong and powerful people (wolf prototypes) are looking for ways to get benefits from simple defenseless peasants (lamb prototypes). Ultimately, not finding logical explanations by future illegal actions, the oppressors put the main reason for their own desire.

Demyanova Ear

Inside and satyric in the Basna "Demianov Ear" the author rises people who, not believing with other people's interests, impose their ideas on other people. In particular, the wings meant the talentless writers, confident in their genius, which force other people to praise their own works, thereby making sure in their creative abilities.

"Rooster and pearl grain"

The author criticizes stupid people in the fool and pearl grain basin, who do not notice the true values \u200b\u200bof life, chasing only for earthly benefits. Many people, without understanding the meaning and value of things, immediately send them into the category of empty and unnecessary. The wings hit the satiir on human ignorance and limitations, forcing the reader to think about whether such qualities are not inherent.

"Trishkin Kaftan"

In his work, the wings raises very relevant for his question of impoverished landowners. To reveal the meaning of the bass, turn to the story. In the period preceding in vone of 1812, many landowners were depleted due to the fact that they were accustomed to live on a "wide leg."

In order not to limit yourself to the opportunity to have fun and walk, they began massively lay their own estates in a deposit to get credit funds. Walking all the money, the landowners could not pay the necessary interest and lost their estates. It is such wasteful nobles and became the prototypes of Trisk, who reinforced her caftan is unreasonable, and eventually remained at all.

Allegorical meaning of Baszya

The prototypes of most Basnei Krylov served real historical individuals, including ruling monarchs.

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