Proportionality of the crystal lattice of the Earth and natural crystals. Crystal lattice land

The crystal lattice of the Earth, partly, is based on crystals located on its surface. The crystals themselves are the rays of the stars, which there was previously discussed or the central crystal of the Earth, which still talk separately. Consider details from the point of view of official science

Earth - Dodecahedron, Ikosahedron and Growing Crystal. The practical use of the hypothesis "Earth is a growing crystal" to explain the processes that are not only in the subsoil and on the surface of the planet, but also affecting the change in the living world and even on the development of civilizations, even in the USSR N. Goncharov, V. Makarov, V. Morozov. In their opinion, the "the power field of this growing crystal determines the ikosahedradoeacahedral structure of the Earth. These polyhedra are inscribed in each other. The projections of Ikosahedron and Dodecahedron appear on the surface of the Earth. 62 The vertices and the middle of the ribs of this complex crystal have special properties. Magnetic, gravitational, tectonic and other anomalies correspond to the vertices and ribs of these figures. The emergences of the origin and development of human civilizations are connected with their nodes: Tibet-Ski-Chinese; District region; Ancient Egyptian; Center of South America; Center of Ukraine.

The constant areas of hurricane origin coincide with the nodes: Bahamas; Arabian Sea; Sea region Devil, north of New Zealand; Archipelago Tuamot, Tahiti. The gigantic wrenches of ocean flows also act around the system nodes, often coinciding with atmospheric pressure centers. Bird flights to the south are carried out in the nodes of the system (West and South Africa, Pakistan, Cambodia, North and the West of Australia). Sea animals, fish, plankton accumulates in the system nodes. Whales and tuna migrate from the node to the knot along the ribs of the system.

The numerous abnormal zones of the earth coincide with the tops of the crystal, the largest of them: the Bermuda Triangle, the Sea of \u200b\u200bDevil, Magic Rhombus I. Sanderson. Bermuda triangle lies between Miami on the Florida Peninsula, Bermuda Islands and Puerto-Rico. Another largest, but a little-known anomalous zone is located in the Marmara Sea area. The next abnormal zone coincides with one of the triangles of the Ikosahedron, forming a tectonic ball, where mountain systems are mounted in a single node: Himalayas, Hindukush, Karakorum, Kunlun, Pamir, Tien Shan, Altai.

To explain how the Earth-crystal is affected by the processes in the ocean and in the atmosphere, the physics of Eduard Borozdim should be applied to the scientific developments. The scientist used space snapshots to detect distribution patterns on the globe of atmospheric phenomena. After reviewing several thousands of space pictures obtained from Meteor meteorological satellites, E. Borozdich was convinced that the places of the origin of cyclones and anticyclones, easily detected by the drawing of the clouds, are naturally distributed over the surface of the planet - they form networks that coincide with the tops of the earth-crystal.

E. Borozdim suggested that the source of the effect on the surface of the Earth, thanks to which there is a well-visible grid of faults and components, which are reflected in the crystal structure of the Earth, and the characteristic drawings of the clouds appear, is not located in the earth's crust, but below - in its mantle. Continuously incoming energy from the center of the globe should also be continuously discharged outside the planet.

This happens at the expense of "short-lived subcoring local perturbations." They will last from dozens of minutes to several days and lead to a change in almost all known physical fields and even short-lived rates of the sushi surface by several meters. On the surface of the ocean, such perturbations produce a much greater effect. It is with them that it is possible to bind the blur of the surface of the water, which see astronauts from the orbits of space stations, and unexpectedly arising waves up to tens of meters, which are told by sailors and who are often the cause of the deaths of the courts.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe land as a huge growing crystal is part of scientific ideas that began to develop intensively at the end of the XX century.

According to increasingly attracting scientists, everything in the Universe is either crystal, or seeks to adopt an ordered crystal structure. The so-called natural natural processes are in fact the processes of natural restructuring of invisible orderly crystalline networks. There are both related to each other and antagonistic crystalline fields. In their interaction in nature, the processes of synthesis and analysis, construction and destruction are able to manifest. Such a crystal is not only the planet Earth, but also the person himself. East

Geocrystal Goncharova-Makarov-Morozova, according to the provisions of the IDCS Theory (IkosaDro-Dodecahedrian Structure of the Earth), is the central, solid crystal body of the planet, which has passed the almost two-billion period of evolution of the tetrahedral to the ikosahedral form and now in the initial stage of the Dodecahedron crystallization. Geocrystal - "Engine" of the main, defining processes and phenomena of the planet, in general, in each of them created by the shell, in particular. With the help of the organized mechanism of moving the substance of the planet, the geocrystal does not simply "design" the shells of the Earth, but also "structures" them in their likeness. This explains and similar to geocyristal, the symmetry of the earth's crust. And the processes associated with the growth of geocyristal differ from those described in crystallography for the processes of real crystal formation, only the scale of manifestation.

The discovery was made as a result of many years of work related to professional interests on the art of the ancient peoples and the history of these arts. Goncharov noticed that there is everywhere, sometimes with Paleolithic, numerous symbolic images of an equilateral triangle are widely distributed, over time, we switched to ceramics, crafts, architecture, in monuments of written and oral folk creativity, mythology and legends; They "methyl" sacred animals, they were attributes of power. At the same time, they often met or reported on some territorial divisions of the triangular form. The maxima of this order had to have, which naturally, on the "epicenters" of the foci of the ancient and most remarkable cultures and civilizations. A number of patterns were seen within the distance between their accommodations on the globe and the intergovernmental distance module was determined - about 3500 km. Such is the distance from the pyramids of Giza Egypt to the ancient Indian rule-civilization Mohenjo Daro. The double module was the distance from Mohenjo-Daro to the North Pole and Easter Island - to South, and these two civilizations themselves were as if at the ends of the same axis passing through the center of the Earth.

In the middle of the base of the first constructed triangle of the Earth, the pyramids of Giza turned out to be. And the whole globe was covered with 20 triangles, without a residue. And, as it turned out, the coordinates of the location of the Great Pyramid Giza (Heops, or, Egyptian, Houf), the only correct position of the triangles system relative to the coordinate mesh of the planet was recorded. Interestingly, the ancient name of this area Memphis is translated as "mid-world". The position of the pyramid of hufu in the triangular system of the Earth is characterized by the word "mid": it is located, as already mentioned, in the middle of the founding of an Indo-European triangle, as well as in the middle of a giant rhombus formed from two such adjacent triangles. By the way, since ancient times, the middle world is so symbolically and depicted. The world of man located at the junction of the Upper - Heavenly and Lower - Underground.

In this work, it is especially important to note the dynamics of the "relationship" of the central dodecahedron and they created a two-functional framework of the planet: the "Growth" frame, repeating the form of a "parent" of the dodecahedron and the frame of its "nutrition" - Ikosahedron. Their mutual metabolism is carried out in the 32nd radial channels (12 downstream, 20 ascending) 64-main nodal centers: 32 vertices of the surface frame with 32 centers of the earth crystal activity.

As you can see, the numbers 32 and 64 are based on the main structures and the main process of our planet. Naturally, a person in the process of its origin, formation and development inherited the main numerical features of their habitat. Moreover, in some way, the exceptional significance of these numbers was understood by individuals in antiquity and is modeled literally in the form of "strange" objects or used for gading practice in the form of early chess or "and Jing".

Russian Alphabet - Linguistic Geochestal Model :

If the world of man, or the surface frame of the planet, is characterized by a number 32, the dynamic characteristic of the geocrystal - number 64, then the earth crystal itself must be characterized by two numbers. Static expression - 21, dynamic - 33! The components of these numbers are 20 vertices of the dodecahedron; 12 centers of faces in which the concentration gradients of the substance of the external core melt and which are obliged to be taken into account only in the dynamics; Finally, the central point of the entire mass of the crystal corresponding to the initial crystalline from which the growth of the future dodecahedron began.

This is who owns the initial concept of perfection, expressed by the number 33: the brainstorming in the womb and transforming it in the process of its intrauterine development. Here is what the concept expressed in a numerical form seeks in its evolution of a person, in the design details listed earlier, or in the processes of its formation, the repeating number of its abode is a quasicrystalline frame of the planet - 32.

In order to simply clarify this fact, at first a comparison of the structure of our alphabet with the structure of the surface frame of the planet.

Each indoor vertex of the earth's Ikosahedron is in the latitude of 26.57 degrees to the north and south of the equator are located 5 similar vertices of this polyhedron.

In Russian, they correspond to the group of "solid" vowels (A, O, Y, E) with a firmware "led" and a group of "soft" vowels with a soft sign) (I, Yu, E, and, e). That is, also 12 and with the same structure of the divisions.
Further. The earth's frame of 20 vertices of the Dodecahedron, or triangles centers. They are four belts of 5 vertices at 52.62 degrees. and south. latitude and 10.81 degrees. and south. latitude. In Russian, also 20 consonant sounds. And they are also grouped by 5 letters in 4 "families":

5 "ringing" - b, in, g, d, s;

5 "Deaf" - P, F, K, T, C;

5 "hissing" - x, c, h, sh, etc.

5 "pulsating" - f, l, m, n, r.

In these broken downs, it may not everyone can like individual linguists. However, in the light of the outlined, I hope that the Russian alphabet has a greater right to speak for himself.

So, there is a complete structural coincidence with the same number of the main elements of the earth's frame and the letters of the Russian alphabet ... without the 33rd letter "th". This while the letter "unrecorded" by us has recently been trying to take consonant. However, there is not a single other such letter that would have such a wide range of functions. It is multifunctional.

First of all, like "Polyus" letters "Kommersant" and "b", this is a dividing sign. Only those are put after consonants, and "y" - after vowels. Sometimes "y", indeed, behaves like a consonant letter. And sometimes, like no other, as a book-forming: to her half "obliged" with its appearance 4 soft vowels - I, Yu, E, E.

Truly, this letter of the alphabet is the only one that claims to compare with the center of Geocrystal. And, thus, it should be recognized that the modern Russian alphabet as a result of his evolution was the linguistic model of Geocrystal!

Among the variety of alphabets of the planet and were in the past (Aramaic), and there are currently (for example, Georgian), which also consisted or consist of 33 letters. But on this coincidence with geocyristal and end. Structurally, they are completely different. In my opinion, the closest to the creation of a linguistic model of geocrystal is two kindred Slavic alphabet: Belarusian and Ukrainian.

How to check the "work" of the alphabet in the new one for us? It should be assumed that if nature has created a similar structure in it, then it is not excluded that the order of letters in the alphabet in the alphabet is provided for the exchange of information. That is, each letter has a numeric value needed for direct communication with the energy information field of the planet. So, the numeric meaning of the word is its code in Ei field of the planet.

Many mid-ocean ridges, depth faults, geosyncline, ore and oil and gas belts, correspond to Rubram Idsz; Conditions - sustainable bark areas - platforms; Nodes - ring structures, ore and oil and gas pools (West Siberian et al.), Magnetic anomalies, etc. We assume that this symmetry is generated by flows due to the growth of the inner core of the Earth having a form of a dodecahedron. The flows and fields of the distance from the kernel-dodecahedron offer the power frame of the IDF, which includes a complex of forces and fields and affecting all the shells of the planet: a lithosphere, a hydrosphere, an atmosphere, a biosphere and a magnetosphere. The appearance of the IDSZ nodes are observed in the range of 300 km with a diameter (for a number of phenomena, the secondary weak ranges of larger diameter are observed), the manifestations of the Röber - up to 100 km in both sides of the axis. Sometimes the ribs and nodes are shifted at 1 ° -2.5 ° (in geology, geophysics surface phenomena are often shifted from their deep focus).

On world magnetic maps of general tension, the centers of all four world anomalies are close to the IDSZ sites: three positive - to the centers of triangles 4, 8, 54 (the territory of each anomaly is about equal to the triangle) and one negative exactly at the top 49. along the vertical component of the anomalia near 4, 8, 54, horizontal - near 25, 41, 54. Different methods of calculating the fields take into account regional features and give the best compliance of the IDCS. Thus, in the centers of North Asian (4) and Aleutian (6) triangles there are centers of world anomalies, their territories are approximately equal to triangles, and the contours of triangles repeat areoodine. Centers of centuries and magnetic field changes are located in areas 1, 4, 9, 11, 17.

It was written about the western drift of the anomalies, but a number of researchers consider this phenomenon not by general, not constant, allocate drifting and inherprint components, while insecible anomalies are formed near 6, 13, 18, 40. In general, most of the anomalies of different eras and calculation methods are confined to the IDSZ nodes. The incomprehension of individual anomalies can be explained by the unacceptable regional characteristics in the field calculations and insufficient data, especially in the southern hemisphere. The drifting part of the field at a speed of 0.2 ° per year will move from one triangle to the neighboring 360 years and around the Earth for 1800 years. At these moments, the centers of drifting and inherprint anomalies will coincide, resonantly activating the nodes (360 and 1800 years - known cycles of geological and geophysical activity). A number of nodes are the rapid variations of the magnetic field, in other world foci of thunderstorms (4, 49). Some nodes are active, other passive, alternately, with the "inclusion" of new nodes.

Atmospheric pressure centers are located in 4, 6, 10, 12, 19, 27, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, areas of the emergence of hurricanes at 14, 18, 27, 31, 45. On the cards of the geostroplic wind, triangles are visible, repeating triangles IDC. The maximum solar radiation is noted in 1, 17, 18, 36, 41, 48. Probably the thermal "mechanism" of the atmosphere is complemented by the impact of the IDC. Many circular flow of the ocean act around the nodes. According to the edges and nodes of the IDF, the emanation of the substance from the bowels and the geochemical provinces are formed, ore deposits (and oil accumulates in traps along the rubble, nodes). The rise of the substance along the Rubers of the Dodecahedron prevails, especially in the vertices (i.e., triangle centers) and move it in the core, hydrosphere, atmosphere and the biosphere to the heights of the Ikosahedron, where it falls in the bowels. Also, nodes can be "electrodes" to which chemical elements are rushed in the earth's crust, as in an electrolytic bath.

The geochemical environment is strongly affected by the biosphere: the disadvantage or excess of trace elements in the soils sharply sharpens the selection in the flora and the fauna, causes endemic diseases, and the like. In the USSR, the two largest areas of exacerbation of natural selection occupy the central parts of the European and North-Asian triangles. The 1st area found a lack of cobalt and copper (hypo- and avitaminosis B12, anemia), in the 2nd iodine (endemic goiter). In the edge of 2-3-4, the forest-steppe zone stretches, and the zone of fossil amber from 2 to 11. In Eurasia "Refuge of Life" of plants (where they are preserved during glaciation) and flora distribution centers are located in the central parts of the European and North Asian Triangles (Aralances of Nodes 2 and 4) and in 3.

Exactly in 4 is the center of the mountain forest-steppe, and in 2 centers of many plants: oak et al. And there were plants from the triangles of triangles 2, 4 to nodes in the middle of the Röbeber (11, 3, 5 to 5 and from the east). On other continents, plant centers are confined to 17, 36, 40, 41, and at 13, 25, 35 there are centers of cultivated plants (according to N.Vavilov). In a number of nodes and edges, relics and endemics of flora and fauna and the abnormalities of the biosphere are found: 4 - Baikal (75% of the types of endemic, they believe that in the lake and now there is a speciation); 17 - California, 34 - Islands Galapagos, 21 - Sudan, 23-22 - Seychelles, 40 - Gabon, 5-14 - Sakhalin (Plant Gigantism).

In addition to the geochemical path, the impact of IDCs on the biosphere is possible and by means of magnetic, electromagnetic, electrostatic fields. This is confirmed by the example of whales, fish, birds. Whales accumulate on the edge of 5-6-7 and 14-15-16, especially in nodes 6, 14, 15; In the summer in the southern hemisphere - in 59, 60, 51, 53, 54, 55, and in the winter migrate at 35, 49, 41, 43, 45; Turns of migration paths in the northern hemisphere around 18, 19, 14. Tuns migrate along the Röbember 14-15-16-17 for the "eight" with turns of 14 and 15. UGRI migrates in 18. The greatest fish catch in areas 6, 35, 25 , 14, 45, 18, 41, 11, in 40, in 17, by Rubram 5-6-7 and 41-50.

All this is probably the result of the impact of Fields of the IDC, although the IDF is influenced and indirectly: chemistry of water, temperature, solar radiation, etc. Mass emissions of whales ashore near 17, 41, 43 may result from sharp perturbations of fields in nodes. Birds fly to winter in the area of \u200b\u200bnodes 20 (North-West Africa), 12 (India), 27 (CEV. Awesters), 41 (South Africa), 49 (Brazil), 16 (Hawaiian Islands), etc. not in all of them Magnetic anomalies are found, but the birds fly there (for 5-12 thousand km), which may indicate the presence in the IDCs not yet studied fields of the fine structure, for example, fixed with the losage.

Insect behavior is consistent with the IDC: locusts are common throughout Africa and South America, except for nodes 40 and 36; Apple-tree fruit, on the contrary, lives in 35, 36, 41, 48. Thus, the geochemical and geophysical influence of the IDCS on the biosphere is traced. Could influence the radiation of uranium deposits in 41 and 40, where in 1972 they found a natural nuclear reactor. The impact of chemical elements, electromagnetic and other fields, radiation could cause mutations, which probably gave rise to the centers of the speciation in nodes.


Man is an integral biosphere link, a biological species, which is clearly reacting to the geochemical and electromagnetic environment, therefore, he could not avoid the influence of the power frame of the IDCS, especially in the early stages of development. So, in a number of nodes there were habitat centers - human monkeys:

Gorilla - 40 (Gabon),

Paleopiteka - 12 (Pakistan),

Giantopiteka - 13 (China),

Parapitec and Propiopitek - 1 (Egypt),

Australopitheka - 41 (South Africa),

PRIOPITEK - near 4 (South Siberia).

Avinsky noted that the nodes correspond to the foci of reoccupation according to V.P. Alkseyev: Primary oriental in China (13), Tertiary Central Asian (4), Melanesian (26) and Poshoycastic (5), Quaternary Indochytai (25), Fognesel (58), Amazonian (36). In addition to the nodes, he considers the centers of cells formed by ribs (in the centers of convective cells should be emanation from the subsoil), they correspond to the primary western center in Arabia and secondary to the south. Africa. We add that the North American Tertiary Frague is located in the range of Knot 8, Quaternary California and Aleutsky - exactly at 17 and 6, and Indo-Avgana - in Area 12. Indigenous Europeoids are resettled in the European triangle, indigenous mongrices, African - indigenous neurodes.

It is possible that the IDCs by mutations and other paths contributed to the emergence of a person at all on the planet, a person reasonable, the formation of races, and then development in the nodes of the ancient cultures and civilizations (at this stage, the impact of the IDC could be indirect - the presence of solar heat, plant centers and animal, minerals, etc.). Now the geometrism of the location of crops is understood. Recently, traces of ancient civilizations in 25 (South Indochina), 35 (Peru), 18 (Bahamas) were found.

The centers of the European and North Asian triangles were the foci of the education of Indo-European (2) and Turkic (4) language families. On the map of the settlement of ancient humanity, it is clear that the main "splashes" of migrations were from the ranges 13 (China), 4 (North Mongolia), also from 2 (the center of Europe), 26 (Indonesia). In the North Asian, European, African migration triangles were made from their centers 2, 4, 21 in the middle of the Röbebera (11, 3, 5, 40) and vertices (20, 41), in other areas often from the node to the node, ending in the nodes, Playing the role of "centers of attraction." Hiroa found that Polynesian culture forms the "Great Polynesian Triangle" (term Hiroa), whose settlement took place from the center on O. Taiti (31) to the tops in Hawaii (16), New Zealand (45) and Easter Island (47) and to Middle Ryube (30, 32, 46). The Hiroa triangle corresponds to the triangle of the IDC. By Heyerdal, O. Pasha was settled from Peru.

But this is the center (35) of the neighboring triangle of the IDC, and the movements of the peoples could be from the centers of both triangles into their overall vertex. In the European triangle in the direction of its vertices, the Ariye tribes (K 12), the ancestors of Taways (K 20), Slavs (K 61) were moved. The general pattern of movements in the IDFC is confirmed from the centers of triangles to the heights and middle of the Röber.

In a number of nodes there are anomalies of human populations: Acromizhrices in 40 (Gabon's Pigmeys), 25 (the lowered indochy population) and acromegali in 11, 21, 58 (tall population of Scotland, Sudan, Patagonia). At Sakhalin (edge \u200b\u200b5-14), persistent persons were marked - an increase in individual parts. In Gabon (40), the lowest life expectancy is noted, in other nodes - more often stimulation of life. In some nodes, world foci of diseases were found (cholera on O. Sulasusi - 26, etc.); Probably, the fields of the nodes excite the viruses, which are, by A.L. Khizhevsky, electromagnetic resonators. There is a message about the termination of the germination of seeds and the poor well-being of the flotilla crew near 14, the seeds began to germinate again when approaching 15.

The power frame has a hierarchy of the subsystems, which correspond to all the smaller phenomena. In each triangle of the IDCs, the division of the Ryuber on 3 parts and the connection of these points will give 9 triangles of the 1st subsystem. The division of the Röber of each triangle of the 1st subsystem into 2 parts and the connection of the points will give 4 triangles of the 2nd subsystem. The division of the Röbeber triangles of the 2nd subsystem for 3 parts and the connection of the points will give 9 triangles of the 3rd subsystem. Further division of each triangle alternately for 4 and 9 triangles will give the 4th, 5th, 6th and smaller subsystems (triangles are always equilateral).

The subsystems are active ribs, vertices, centers and means Ryab triangles, manifested in the relief, mineral deposits, magnetic fields, features of the biosphere, etc. Probable diameter of the manifestation of nodes of the 1st subsystem 120 km, 2nd - 60 km, 3rd - 20 km, 4th - 10 km, 5th - 3.5 km, Width of the manifestation of the 1st subsystem 40 km , 2nd - 20 km, 3rd - 7 km, 4th - 3.5 km, 5th - 1.2 km. In the nodes of the 1st and 2nd subsystems are, for example, ore areas of Jazcazgan, Deputy, Nickel, Bashkiria Oil, Tataria, Ukhta; Ancient centers of cultures and civilizations: Bulgar Great at Kame, Central Karelia, Urgench - the capital of the Khorezmian state, Dagestan - the focus of the cultures of the North Caucasus TD.

The crystalline energy is powerfully entered on the land, everything has changed instantly. We will no longer be what they were. Energy flow actively occurs from March 20 to April 4 and changes the structure of the crystal lattice of the Earth.

The magnetic lattice of the Earth is thinned, the attraction is weakened and all the buildings in it are dissolved and transformed into it. God's creations of the Earth are active participants in the transformations, we are now very difficult now. Therefore, we appeal to all sensible and remind of the critical point of evolution.

People, with negative programs behave unconsciously, that is, completely under the influence of embedded programs and are disabled from communication with the soul and spirit. Such zombies lead the essence of the dense reflected world.

Everyone now observes such monsters, in human case.
It is not necessary to be afraid of this and save such people too. It is useful to understand the benefit of what is happening, allow the process to occur and in no case come into contact with obsessions.
Do not join and calmly move away.

The dark part of our innermost essence knows that her days are considered and she has nothing to lose, she is ready for any prophety attempts to snatch at least part of human vital energy. Be vigilant and intelligent in the coming months of this year, do not get into the installed traps.
The crystal lattice is rebuilt right now and its colors and luminosity changes in their eyes.
Updated energies are influenced by non-stop and powerfully fall apart all previously built negative programs and their contents are pushed out into our physical life.

The negativity is massively manifested on the entire planet, the peak will be passed by April 4 and energy will begin to calm down until the end of this year.
Our task, in collisions with the manifestation of transformations, do not be in panic, do not draw conclusions and not to act on changing and re-educating the neighbors. Maximum maintain calm and greatness. Everything has the place and right to be, for there. I only applies to my inner state, my mood and my internal energies.

Calculate debts, not cling and release, free the place to take new energies and states. New energies of love are forced to revise values \u200b\u200band to a fundamental change in relation to each other.
In these times, we must learn fraternity to unity and cooperation.
Learn to live for the good of a single organism, and not the benefit of your personal at the expense of everyone around. The time of love, creativity and creations in the spirit and the other way is not there. All that does not correspond to the exempted energy will be sent to the deployed places.
Such is the plan and the will of God will be executed.
Choice for each.

Watch out for events and understand the intention of one.
Be sure and calm, it will be fulfilled, as intended initially, for he said and everything happened. Summary emotions, do not give in to provocations, do not do the same as many do.
Analyze and understand who I am relatively observed. Understand and make a choice in favor of love and unity.
With understand and respect, hug everyone with a single heart.

Crystallic energy is powerful on Earth, everything has instantly changed. We will no longer be what they were. Energy flow actively occurs from March 20 to April 4 and changes the structure of the crystal lattice of the Earth. The magnetic lattice of the Earth is thinned, the attraction is weakened and all the buildings in it are dissolved and transformed into it. God's creations of the Earth are active participants in the transformations, we are now very difficult now. Therefore, we appeal to all sensible and remind of the critical point of evolution.

What happens to us?

The Golden Energy of Christ's Consciousness fills our space and displaces destructive and negative energies on the surface throughout the evolution. All our hidden suffering, aggression and prohibitions, and in fact, the internal monsters - a rapid flow came out and presented their genuine face. Everywhere, we see the inadequate behavior of people and their disgusting actions.

The crystal lattice is rebuilt right now and its colors and luminosity changes in their eyes. Updated energies are influenced by non-stop and powerfully fall apart all previously built negative programs and their contents are pushed out into our physical life. The negativity is massively manifested on the entire planet, the peak will be passed by April 4 and energy will begin to calm down until the end of this year.

Our task, in collisions with the manifestation of transformations, do not be in panic, do not draw conclusions and not to act on changing and re-educating the neighbors. Maximum maintain calm and greatness. Everything has the place and right to be, for there. I only applies to my inner state, my mood and my internal energies.

Recalling debts, not cling and let go, free the place to take new energies and states. New energies of love are forced to revise values \u200b\u200band to a fundamental change in relation to each other. In these times, we should learn to learn fraternity to unity and cooperation. Learn to live for the good of a single organism, and not the benefit of your personal at the expense of everyone around. The time of love, creativity and creations in the spirit and the other way is not there. All that does not correspond to the exempted energy will be sent to the deployed places. Such is the plan and the will of God will be executed. Choice for each. Watch out for events and understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Father's one. Be sure and calm, it will be fulfilled, as intended initially, for he said and everything happened. Summary emotions, do not give in to provocations, do not do the same as many do. Analyze and understand who I am relatively observed. Understand and make a choice in favor of love and unity.

With understand and respect, hug everyone with a single heart. To whom it is very difficult to figure out - write, try to support.

The karmic body of the earth.

The karmic body of the Earth was created long before the emergence of humanity on this planet. This is a peculiar repository of the evolutionary experiments of the creator, starting with the compound of atoms in the molecule and, ending with the most advanced creatures of nature - animals and people. At the same time, the experience of creating all versions of mankind is stored there: all races, subras, civilizations, etc. The evolutionary process was folded, which lasts tens of billions of years. The karmic body of the Earth also has several boosters. It also plays the role of a temporary contour, which is specific to earthly character, and also carries some protective functions.
The restructuring of the crystal lattice is related to the need for a new evolutionary turn, the end of one experiment of the Creator, who, sometimes, was a dead end, led highly organized matter to chaos.
The restructuring of the crystal lattice of the Earth, as a rule, was accompanied by strong, mirrors for people with natural phenomena, immersion of whole continents in the purple of the waters (Atlantis) and the emergence of new ones that were raised from the bottom of the original Ocean.
The new lattice created new natural conditions on earth and, as a rule, a new temporal contour, which for people meant as a new life expectancy. The crystal lattice of the Earth is a complex mental design, created by the strength of thought and will from the substance of the fiery level of vibrations. For the full development of mankind, the fiery space of space is the mental energy of the creator, which permeates everything in space and is the so-called space network for your understanding, it should come into contact with the fiery body of a person - mental. Because of the large astral pollution of the near-earth space, it does not happen constantly, so the evolution is constantly constrained. The efforts of many dedicated monks, simply sensible people aimed at the healing of the Earth - i.e. To create love channels, for which the mental energy of the creator enters the Earth.
The crystal lattice of the Earth all the time comes into contact with the spatial fire. The mental body of the Earth is limited to this lattice. It permeates all the space inside and outside the planet to the astral shell. For the health of the Earth, it is necessary that the astral body of the Earth would be a body of love. Then it will also be transparent for space fire. The fiery body of the Earth and man will merge with the fiery body of the creator. (Some data on the structure of the information field of the Earth. DNA is the physical basis of the crystal lattice of the Earth information field. Law of the Information Resurrection:, here about the pyramids: http: // /Probujdenie/book/sfinks-piramid.htm While the internal pressure of the fiery body of the Earth is quite strong and those channels for which the fusion of fiery elements are small, but they significantly reduce tensions, and the threat of an inner explosion of the planet has already passed.
we have three fiery spaces that must be merged and rigged. Fire space space, fire body and fiery (mental) human body. At the same time, the different frequency of vibrations arises from various aspirations.
The fiery body of the Earth is a combination of fiery bodies of all mankind.
The Krion group held another adjustment of the crystal lattice of the Earth. This procedure was necessary due to a number of reasons, which also led the nature of these changes:
1. The entry of the entire solar system into the area of \u200b\u200bthe universe, which has higher vibrations. That is this ancient prophets considered the end of the world. They believed that humanity would not be able to survive such high-frequency radiation.
2. The accumulated karma of mankind began to acquire a positive character, i.e. The mental body of the planet has become more high-frequency.
Changes in the consciousness of people in the direction of humanism helped to overcome the transition barrier to the new temporal contour. And this allowed the lattice within the framework of this contour.
(Crane: "This message speaks with all the DNA layers. (Activation of all DNA layers: yo :). Maybe they will sound magnetically: humanity has changed the planet to such an extent What allowed the rise of the veil, what we call the apocalypse is a great measurement shift, and even a new permission on the planet.
The last time we come here when the lattice is in a state of construction. This is the last time, when the entities you call "lattice workers" will work with magnetism.
What is your responsibility to the ground? It is important that you heard it. Primitive peoples knew. Primitive peoples of the entire planet knew. It was intuitive information, regardless of whether they were the northern or southern Americans, Polynesians, Europeans, Australians or Africans. All they knew! They knew that the earth was alive! She has consciousness. They knew that she could speak with her, and she was talking to you. They knew that if you honor her, she would celebrate you in response ... and that you would never take more than they gave. Earth - essence, vibrating and alive. What can you do for earth? I will say: Realize her daily! Why not take an example from those who are used to walking on the ground in this very place? In the morning they welcome the West, North, East and South. These are magnetic lattice lines! And they knew it. Tell the earth: "Hello." And your day will be better. You will be in harmony. It is trite to say that you will "in harmony with nature." But it is in this goal. This is what you can do for the planet ... Your responsibility is to love her.
2012 will be the year of completion of the energies of the crystal lattice. ")

The land has just reached the level of vibration, which has opened many doors. New types of healing and other possibilities of their regions are now on the surface. Many of you experience traction to change your direction. Changes are always in honor and are always useful. Do not judge your progress with old standards. Your CO-creative forces used to destine your experience at any time, manifest in your life as a change. This complete expression of your strength gives you the freedom to follow the soft impulses of the Spirit and create a lifestyle, simultaneously synchronized by all magically attached to you desires for your hearts. Practice this lifestyle and observe how miracles will occur. Look at the land in search of confirmation to this statement. Change is inherent in the land of the mother, it is always in a state of constant change, and each change leads to move forward. Even what you call natural disasters is simply natural evolutionary changes in the Earth. Earth in its development also goes to a higher level. This process of evolution is designed not only for humanity, since the connection with the mother is indivisible. Because of the new vibration, the Earth will now support these new funds, and your desire to make changes will call them to life. Exciting events and opportunities will soon arise on your way. It is the solutions that you accepted, made it possible.
These higher vibrations also opened the door so that everyone began to live every moment in a conscious spiritual state. In the old vibration, it could be achieved only by some masters, and this was leaving for many years of preparation. Now, thanks to your progress in increasing your own vibrations, this state of a permanent connection with its highest "I" is provided with readiness. Many techniques will be presented to achieve this state. The only thing we ask you to remember: Skip all the information through your own Higher I. "(

V.- Look at how many lattices, matrices, layers, structures, and the like are on the ground. Is it possible to count them?
O. - the main 4-5 lattices. Crystal separately. This is a native land network. Some crystals have established different civilizations. There are their biorhythms of the Earth, which on a thin plan form cells, mesh. But they do not block anything. This is just an energy session to maintain. There are several friendly grids so that the fog does not go. Such a network like Bodhisatatv. On different plans, the creatures of the assistants hold this grid. Many predatory grids. The most trouble is with predatory grids. They download energy. I see a grid, it is drinking with energy, reads all the information, and another planet is based on it. Type like artificial land. Made on the energy of the Earth, its information. It is possible to settle on artificial land. Predators also use grids. Your name is "enlightened". And some go there. Accordingly, with the Earth, they remove the most "fountaining" people who could greatly raise the vibrations of the Earth.
If you look far away, it is not visible at all. It is rotten shielding. There is a holographic picture broadcast. Type, here is the Earth and everything is fine there. Civilizations around the Earth are aware, but they can not see. See only the projection.

V.- Why do they see the projection and cannot remove it?

O.- Someone eliminates. Many send down their representatives. Under it a quarantine zone. Holographic grid of land is naked onto a quarantine film. Therefore, who wants to remove this grid, hurt and quarantine film. This is dangerous. Therefore, many do not know what is happening and sent down. Otherwise it would be very easy. I soldered the picture and that's it. But this quarantine, like a Chinese saying: - "If a mosquito bites your eggs, then you do not go it no longer." And it is beneficial to us all. All space.

V.- Is this mesh bilateral? From the ground, it shows that everything is fine, but on the other hand?
O. - It shows us that all stars and planets are in place. But, which is, there are no longer any. The space is compressed. And we do not know.

V.- What are the criteria for compressing space? There is a collision of planets, for what?
O. - so as not to spend more energy on them. They become inappropriate.

V.- Everyone is evacuated with them first?
O.- right with them sometimes. It happens that those who want to continue to evolve, they must be removed. On other planets, there is almost no such mess. On other planets live, more or less like people. Usually, the planet exists on more or less identical vibrations. On the ground is a very wide scale. Therefore, from here, someone needs to evacuate, pick up. Everyone would not be good. But on other planets, this is attracted to the like. And others, or adapt to themselves, or move. Bardaka little. Here is a mess.

V. - What does the crystal lattice hold? Is it a technogenic or magical?
O. - something natural, rather magic. Some crystals have been extensive.
V.- And the rest of the lattices?
A. - depending on who put. Reptiles put technogen.
V.- If these are technogenic, then there are some generators?
O.- which hold in this position? There is a lot of things, mostly reflashing crystals.

V.- Moon helps. There is a grille that is tied to the moon. And not alone. We saw the black pyramid on the moon, it is associated with crystals. This pyramid fractally implemented in the crystal of the Earth. She bothers. Also we saw that GLONASS satellites irradiate the crystal lattice of the Earth (CRZ) and that is why they are not allowed to go into orbit, arrange accidents. The special services about this is aware, but still continue attempts ...
O. - so there is. There is irradiation of people.
V.- Through the crystal lattice?
Oh yeah. Because the crystals in humans should help.

V.- Who operates with a crystal lattice? Her initial engineer?
O.- like a matrix. Many who. At general Atlanta. Many who attached to its creation.
V.- Who today controls it? And why do they allow them?
O.- There is no one controller. People, including those can control it. How to configure. Therefore, the struggle for these crystals is going. Plus, there are a lot of crystals on Earth. The crystal lattice does not work all. Separate crystals work, and some no longer. That is, there are not all elements in the grille. Someone completes, on the site of destroyed crystals, fine-disposable crystals. And include them.

V.- And someone destroys?
Oh yeah. Someone builds someone destroys. Because the crystals are a universal thing. There are those that themselves have grown. They were built into the Biomatric of the Earth. And they have no one owner. Different civilizations have access to different crystals. This supports the balance. Therefore, we are alive. If you give someone to one, then there will be the end of the planet Earth.

From the session of new hypnologists:

Q: Is true knowledge left on earth?
O, sure. Are these crystals. They are protected ... not only from people, even more not from people. These crystals leave every civilization that finishes its way, concluding all his experience in it, it's like a chronicle, knowledge, all that is connected with it. Knowledge on a thin plan have a crystal structure, they are collected in ordered chains, this technology is far from hard drives, but one is one. The whole earth is stuck with crystals, since it is an evolutionary platform, they remain on it. Each civilization on Earth will level to leave his crystal. Someone wants to take it all without experience. We pass our experience and create our crystal, so more ancient crystals are closed from us, and are guarded, because the purity of the experiment is above all. Sometimes we provide information in the form of gifted people in society, they have a connection directly with a thin plan. I see how small crystals pass these people and humanity begins to develop with a new force. Sometimes they occur simply adjustments, all by law, everything is correct. But there are those who do not want to take place this level of the game, but wants to simply have already formed experience, crystals are protected from them. By law, someone else's experience can not be taken, so simple.

Q: But all the interferences that are created by mankind, these foreign civilizations, their intervention ...
A: Well, why strangers, everything is fine. So it should be no outsiders. This is a game. You just live and you don't see anything except the mirror, and if you look large, then you are just in a bank and a symposium has gathered around you and you are studying, watching, crowd around this bank. Sometimes they want to push their hand to you in the bank, decide how to change. Moreover, when new viewers come, they can run their rays of attention to the bank, why not. This is evolution. I see the image like the crowds around the masterpiece in the museum, they pushed, want to consider everything, there are those who want to touch.

Q: It turns out the Earth like a stand with an experiment, and it is open, anyone can make your adjustments?
A: Not exactly any, but yes. It's like a trap in 3D., At one of the stages of development, it is simply possible to get a bonus, a new quality that else is not available elsewhere.

Q: And when this experiment is over.
A: Never! It is needed for a set of extra glasses in development, players go, but the game remains. He was needed by dragons, hyperbeds, we need. He needs everything and always. There may be those who want to break the balance in this area of \u200b\u200bspace, they just want to close the experiment, maybe they are right. All bicon

Q: And civilizations that come here to receive bonuses glasses, they can fail the experiment and make only worse?
Oh yeah. Most fails experiment. Just the aspect of the soul collects his own and surrender, just goes away. As a catastrophe, people are dying, the souls take their seeds and leave this plan without having passed the experiment to the end. The process of care is approximately similar to that. When the experiment was sunk, no one could assume that the game would be so complicated, practically impassable. Everyone who came to play, made some adjustments if you imagine the scale, then you understand how everything has changed from the original idea. It is like a journey over the arrangement of rules and laws. This is a game, someone threw the bones, someone went on a pawn, and someone came and bought a bank, everything can be. And maybe each. You are given everything to pass the game, you just do not remember.

Q: Is there a way to remember?
Oh yeah. There is this knowledge. They have a narrow circle of persons. If you remember all your past lives and get some trumps on your arms, you just drive you out of the casino, you will lose your physical body, you will spit the matrix. But there are those who remain with these knowledge. These are secret societies, a lot of course they are assigned to all far-fetched, but they are and have these knowledge. They just looking at the system of the game, wardens, and they remember everything they need. They are on the physical plane. I see something like an ancient monks. The top of the masons may have them in the composition.

Q: And why is the story of the story. Why don't you know her.
Oh: Why is it needed. Why do you need to know that the gods lived before you, and you can become them. If the previous experiment failed, it does not mean that it is necessary to redo the land again, it is easier to settle it again in the same place and come up with a suitable story. You do not really think that you will allow you to live among the technologies of past experiments (civilizations). It is not right, it is not yours.

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