Thought to pierce your ears at home? Consider the main ways to do it. How painlessly pierce your ears at home: a tool and care are needed how to pour ears at home

Pierce your ear at home without pain is possible. For this you do not need any special devices or knowledge. The main thing is to carry out manipulation in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. If everything is done correctly, the ear will quickly heal and there will be no problems. In the first days after a puncture, wiped the wounds of the alcohol tincture of calendula and try not to wet them.

Choosing a place of puncture

There are many active points on the ear of a person, which is why the place of the future puncture is worth choosing especially carefully. The mark should be put strictly in the middle of the lobe or slightly above the center. In this place there are no active points, reflex zones and cartilagers, so the puncture will be relatively painless.

What is necessary

To pierce your own ears, such items should be prepared:

  • Acute needle, medium thickness;
  • Cotton;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Medical alcohol;
  • Toothpick;
  • Alcoholic tincture of iodine.

In addition, for piercing it is immediately necessary to prepare earrings. Preferred is worth decorations from precious metals - gold or silver. It is better to take earrings with an English lock, as they are easier to fly into the hole.

It should be borne in mind that some people have allergies to silver. If the manifestations of special sensitivity to the metal were already, then from wearing silver it is necessary to refuse.

How to pierce your ears

To break a hole in the ear at home without pain, such instructions should be followed:

  • Hair is collected on the back of the head so that they do not interfere;
  • Own sinks are carefully wiped with alcohol;
  • In iodine dip the toothpick and put marks on the lines, in the places of future punctures;
  • Prepare earrings. They wash them in hot water with soap, you can even boil the decorations for 5 minutes. Rinse their peroxide, and then put into a small container and poured with medical alcohol;
  • The needle is washed with alcohol, after that hesitated on fire and is once again wiped with a cotton swath in alcohol solution;
  • One hand is delayed by a mustache, and the second of the needle tip is pressed at this time, made by iodine;
  • A sharp and self-confident needle is pierced ear. The sharper will move, the less soreness will be felt;
  • Pull out the needle and in its place quickly insert the prepared earring;
  • The lobe along with the earring is quickly wiping with alcohol.

You can make a puncture of ear catheter. In this case, the procedure is carried out in the same way as with a proof needle. The catheter to pour ears is safer, as it is the same thickness over the entire length. This does not lead to additional injury to soft tissues.

The first earrings should be made of gold, silver or special medical alloy. You should not immediately wear cloves, such earrings are inconvenient to handle, so the ears often begin to rot.

It should be borne in mind that earrings with arms to wear very problematic, so you should take models of jewelry with English clashes.

How to care for ears

In order for the ears to heal faster, the place of puncture should be wiped with alcohol several times a day. For this purpose, it is better to use the alcohol tincture of calendula, which has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Will rub without removing servants. To decorate the decorations, they turn them.

In order for the wounds quickly and without complications heal, it is necessary to adhere to such recommendations:

  • While the holes on the ears will not be lit, you should change the pillowcase every day. Pure pillowcases necessarily stroke on both sides;
  • A few days after the puncture, you should not wash your head. Watering the wrecks during this period are dangerous, as they may be bothering;
  • It is not necessary to use hair lacquer, until the holes are completely listed;
  • Hair is collected in a high hairstyle so that they do not cling to the ears and did not injure them.

Earrings should not be changed for 2-3 weeks. It is necessary to wait time until the ears are completely listed.

Especially carefully should be care for the ears of children. They need to explain that the uches of the ears can not be touched by dirty hands.

If the ears began to be fed

If the ears began to be fused, it is not necessary to panic. In this case, it is necessary to act like this:

  • Often wipe the mushy with a cotton mocked by the alcohol tincture of the calendula, and necessarily turning the earring in different directions;
  • Twice a day, the pieces of wool moistened with hydrogen peroxide are applied on two sides;
  • In some cases, with severe suppuration, you have to contact the doctor. Even antibacterial drugs can be spelled out to prevent the spread of infection.

Unfortunately, in some cases, the lingers are punctured incorrectly, which leads to their strong inflammation. At the same time, with servants, it is necessary to part and wait until the ears are completely listed. After that, it is only possible to re-make a piercing and in the same jewelry.

Handle the uche of the ears can be mirograms and chlorhexidine. These drug preparations have a pronounced antibacterial effect.

How to pierce your ears without pain

Now there are many drugs in pharmacies that help to make piercing in conditions of home painless and safely. The most common painkillers is Lidocaine. It can be used in the form of a spray or gel. The last form is most convenient because it does not spread.

The gel is applied to the lobe, waiting when the medicine will start acting, and quickly pierce the lobe. It is necessary to act as quickly as possible, since the action of the drug is short.

If the lidocaine spray in the house is not, then you can use undergraduate tools. A piece of ice for a couple of minutes applied a piece of ice for a couple of minutes, after that the ice is removed, quickly wipe the ear with alcohol and pierce with a sharp movement. It should be valid very quickly, since when he warmed the mossy, the sensitivity is returned.

You should not pierce the moss yourself in the event that there is a fear of what will be done wrong. In this case, it is better to surrender to professionals.


Piercing can not be done in all cases. This procedure has a number of contraindications.

  • Purify the lines and other parts of the body during infectious diseases and during the exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • Do not make punctures in skin diseases of different etiology;
  • It is worth abandoning the procedure if there is an allergy to metals and alloys. Although in this case the limitation does not relate to precious metals. Allergy is extremely rare on gold.

Quite often, parents are interested in doctors, from how many years you can pierce the ears to children. Experts do not recommend this to 3 years. If the parents gathered to calculate the baby's baby earlier, then you should choose the time when the child does not sick.

Do not pour ears a child at home. Piercing the child should do a specialist.

When it is better to make piercing

Making the piercing of the ears is preferably in spring and autumn, when the air temperature is about 15 degrees. This is due to the fact that in the heat of the wounds badly heal and often fastened. You can make a piercing in winter, but in this case you need to wear hats that will not be injured ears.

If the ears are decided to pierce in the summer, then it is necessary to especially carefully observe hygiene. After each walk on the street wipe the whole ear sink, changing cotton swabs several times.

Ears can be poured at home. To do this, cook an acute needle, alcohol, wool and earrings. The prolque place is pre-outlined by iodine. You can anesthetics with lidocaine and ice.

Before proceeding with independent piercing ears, it is important to make sure that you have everything you need for this procedure.

The puncture needs to produce a special needle, which you can buy in a pharmacy. Choose the smallest diameter - 1 mm. The catheter must be new, do not use the ex-in use. Also do not use the sewing needle to piercing, because Not diameter expands to the base, and therefore such a wound will be for a long time to heal.

Earrings should be made of non-oxidized metal - gold, silver or special medical alloy. Well, if the decoration has a rings shape. Then it will be convenient for you to wipe the place of the puncture in the first days, and the serg clasp will not disturb you.

To disinfect the lobe that you will have to calculate, as well as the tool itself, you need to use medical alcohol or antiseptic tool, for example, chlorhexidine. They can also handle hands if you do not have medical gloves.

To wipe the skin in front of the procedure, you will need sterile cotton discs or cotton. They also need to wipe blood if she goes after you make a puncture of the lobe.

An anesthetic or a means that allows you to reduce pain if necessary. Such a means may be required if a person who pierces the ears has a low pain threshold.

How to make the procedure for piercing the ears less painful

Different people have a different pain threshold, so someone may need to anesthetize the process of piercing. Remember: the least painful procedure will be at the experienced master, and therefore it is advisable to contact such a specialist.

If you still want to do it yourself, put something from the reverse side of the ear before the bunch. In addition, you can "freeze" the ice of the ice. To do this, remove a piece of ice from the freezer, put it in a cellophane package, and then attach to the future place of puncture for a few minutes. After that, you can proceed.

Usually, with the punctures of the ears, pharmacy painkillers are not used, since this place for piercing has the most. If you still want to use anesthetizing drug, consult the pharmacist - it will recommend you the best option. For example, you can apply to lidocaine anesthesia. More convenient to use aerosol or gel. Such a tool has a topistanisy effect.

In addition, you can buy in the beauty salon or clinic to piercing the ears ("gun"). Such a device makes the piercing process faster, safe and painless.

How to pierce your ear on your own, not taped nerve

In order not to hurt the nerve, measure the place exactly in the center of the lobe or 0.5 mm above. There is no cartilage here, the puncture is made easily and without pain. It is not worth making additional punctures in other places of ear, because the consequences can be different - from the puncture of the vessel before the neuro hiding and even loss of vision.

So, put the point in the place you are going to prick (it can be done with a toothpick or ballpoint in iodine).
At the same time, points should be placed on both sides of the moss. Disinfect the skin surface on both sides, earring and needle. Then the tool must be rolled down with fire, and scale wipe in a moistened with alcohol.

When using lidocaine or other painkillers, follow the instructions.

Then attach a catheter-needle to the outlined point on the outside of the ear and (mandatory) at right angles, sharply and with effort, pinched this place. So there will be less pain if the process is produced without anesthesia. From the opposite side of the lobe, you can keep a piece of potatoes or apple, so as not to pierce it on the weight.

Puting the lobe, pull the needle sharply. After that, immediately insert the earrings into the hole made in the mour. Wipe your ear with alcohol well. Do similar manipulation and with the second ear.

How to care for the rays after the procedure?

Without removing the earrings, the locations of the punctures regularly process hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. It is also recommended to periodically gently move the mead of earrings. For quick wound wound, you can use the calendula tincture. It is advisable to sleep in a back position, on a comfortable pillow with a sterile pillowcase. on the back.

If for any reason, the suppuration will begin, you can apply to the inflamed area of \u200b\u200bthe antimicrobial agent for purulent wounds - for example, "Levomecole". In this case, the earrings should be moved in the hole. While the wrecks will not be lit, wearing the hair to wear the tail in the tail.

And finally: if you are not sure that you can correctly and without pain pierce your ears in

One of the important organs of man's senses is hearing. With it, we perceive the sounds that surround us. For this feeling in our body there is a hearing sensory system, and simply speaking - ears.

Sounds fall into the outer ear, and then in the middle part, where they are transformed into nerve impulses with the help of hearing seeds. After that, the information is transmitted in the internally ear and in the brain. If in the ears there is a violation of one of the listed functions, it is concluded. The reasons for this problem can be a whole set - from congenital pathologies to sulfur sediments in the form of traffic jams. What to do if the ear has laid and does not hear at home we find out in this material.

To deepen into finding out the signs and factors of the appearance of a feeling of congestion, we will not consider The main signs of the appearance of this unpleasant feeling And what to do at home if it laid the ear.

It is important to note that the methods discussed in this article are only suitable for non-inflamed cases of lagging.

If inflammation is still present, you need to immediately contact the medical center for further examination and appointment of the course of treatment.

Do not forget that independent treatment of the disease can lead to dangerous complications.

The feeling of loss in the ears is very unpleasantwhich is often found in medicine. It is accompanied by changing the sound of sounds and the dissonance of his own voice. Other symptoms include:

  • sense of hearing unnatural sounds;
  • feeling of pisch and cod;
  • severe pain in the ears and head, as well as in the field of temples and the frontal part;
  • loss of sensitivity of sounds or complete deafness.

As we have already found out, the reasons for the formation of a symptom may be many signs and factors. More often all this is accompanied by any ailment, whether rubber or cold.

Often, the abandonment of the ears occurs with significant changes in pressure when blood has a strong impact on the walls of blood vessels. Increased internal pressure occurs when atmospheric changes. Most often, these situations arise during the take-off and landing of the aircraft or lift to the mountain.

And some people are characterized by special sensitivity, and feel the launching of the ears when descending into the subway.

What to do at home if the ears laid

Common cause of congestion in the ears is sulfur tube.

In this case, you should immediately eliminate the cork independently Or contact the medical facility for assistance.

If the plug has a non-solid design and light yellow, it is possible to cleanse from surplus at home. To do this, pre-acquire the drug for cleansing or.

  1. Put the patient on one side, sick ear.
  2. Drink in the ears of 5-10 drops, depending on the consistency of surplus.
  3. Next, in the outer ear, you must enter for thirty minutes.

Repeat this operation three more times. This is necessary to make sure that there is no traffic jam and its complete elimination.

With a dark sulfur traffic, which has already stood, and it was for this reason that the ear was laid, what to do at home? Hydrogen peroxide will be an indispensable helpers in this case.

You need to drill five drops of three percent hydrogen peroxide for 5-10 minutes in the auditory pass. The remedy will soften the cork and will prepare an ear to further procedure.

After laid time, rinse the ears with warm water, and then enter the syringe in the auditory passage without a needle, filled with a wash solution. It can be a salt solution or a special tool for washing.

Remember that your movements should be smooth to not injure tender skin and not aggravate the position of things.

Usually for washing enough about fifteen minutes. After the procedure, the patient may experience dizziness or nausea, but these symptoms quickly pass.

If the reason for the appearance of constriction lies in other signs, it is necessary to pass procedures. In any case, the feeling is unpleasant, and how to break through the ear and prevented the emergence of this problem in the future, read further.

Consider ways how to break the ear if laid.

If the mortgage appeared because of the runny noseAnd during the playing, the patient lays their ears, then in such a situation you need to wash the nose with solutions from salt or soda.

To do this, half a tablespoon of soda or salt in one cup of not hot water should be stirred. Wash the nose follows at least five times a day, but should not be abused, as this may cause the mucous membrane. After a few days of such a procedure, the internal swelling will be completed and the mortgage will stop.

In case of making foreigners due to colds, the most simple and appropriate way to get rid of discomfort will be the following actions.

Try to pour through a narrow straw or inflate a dense air ball.

If you don't have anything at hand, you can just try heavily exhale through the nose, after closing the nostril fingers.

It is worth noting that if these ways helped you, you can not forget about the treatment of the cold itself, since in the future these symptoms may resume.

If you started to hear worse, and in the ear formed sulfur The most likely, you should contact medical personnel. This problem is eliminated by washing the ear canal with specialized medical preparations and tools.

In order to prevent the re-education of sulfur sediments In the ears, it is necessary to bury the three percentage of hydrogen peroxide immediately after cleansing the external passage. Two or three drops for the procedure will be enough to prevent further cork formation.

For those who often flies on the planewill not be a secret that during the flight, the ears are laid due to altitude changes. To avoid this unpleasant feeling, at the time of take-off or landing, try to open your mouth. If it does not help, swallow saliva or deeply and long.

Also reluctantly helps the use of chewing gum or lollipops.

Any of the listed methods will help prevent pressure change inside the Eustachius tube and restore hearing acute.

Often the reason for missing lies in Each liquid in ears.

This usually happens in the summer when the swimming season is opened.

It causes the development of microbes and viruses that are quickly localized throughout the body.

Get rid of this discomfort is quite simple. You just need to tilt your head and gently shake her. Water leaving itself. If necessary, repeat the procedure until an unpleasant feeling completely stops.

If this method turned out to be ineffective, enter a gauze flagery in the earcopeMixed in olive oil for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse the outer part of the ear with warm water and gently wipe with a cotton swab.

If the embossing in the ears is not rare, while you do not experience pain, you should perform a set of special exercises that will help eliminate these inconveniences.

To begin with, we slightly open the mouth and, having put forward the lower jaw, make rotational movements. Movements must be smooth and neat, as in case of strong and sharp movements there is a risk of jaw dislocation. After that, climbing your nose with your fingers, make a strong breath. The muffled cotton inside the ear will symbolize the fact that the pressure has come to normal.

If the ear is still accompanied by pain, and the campaign to the doctor for some reason is impossible at the moment, the following procedures are suitable for you.

If the pain caught you in surprise, for emergency pain relief necessary make an injection of alcohol solution consisting of boric acid in the auditory passage.

After instillation, close your ear in Torund. Alcohol tincture of calendula and propolis helps to cope with pain.

Swimmed with a tincture of cotton tampon shove into the auditory canal, and wrap your head with a woolen scarf or not a synthetic warm scarf. This will contribute to a decrease in inflammation and eliminating infection.


Even if the listed procedures help to eliminate ear pain, in no case should not postpone the goal of the doctor.

As is known, self-treatment can lead to very poor consequences. And the reception of drugs without the recommendations of a qualified specialist may suffer serious damage to your health.

Launched inflammation in the auditory pass can lead to severe forms of diseases, such as, which, in turn, will lead to a breakpoint breakdown or complete hearing loss.

At the first symptoms of constraint, not postponing, try to eliminate them yourself, one of the above methods, and it is better to immediately turn to medical professionals. Do not forget that the ears are a vital body that is definitely requires careful care and prevention of all sorts of diseases.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a gem: what it is easier, the more precious!


Before the first bunch of the ears with a gun or a special needle is equally nervous and adults, and every child, regardless of his age. Children are afraid of pain, and their parents are infection and the process itself, during which soft fabrics and a gentle fitter are injured. But most concerns are unjustified, and miniature gold earrings were and remain the best decoration for a woman, a girl or a girl. The main thing is to carry out a procedure under sterile conditions and comply with all recommendations for the care of punctured ear dots.

What is a puncture of ears

The classic puncture is a hole for the decoration made by an experienced master with a one-time needle or a gun that can punch a cartberry in seconds. Women carry earrings from precious and simple metals, order in the catalogs of universal rings and elegant silk brushes on Schwenza. Even archaeologists regularly discover evidence of interest in such decorations in ancient times. For example, the age of mummy Ecy with punctured ears is more than 5,000 years. This testifies to one thing - earrings will never come out of fashion.

Is it harmful to calculate ears

The punctured ears are beautiful and convenient, because the earrings harmoniously completed the image, attach attention to the female neck and visually make it more slim. But how harmful or even dangerous is this procedure? Many confuse the fact that 11 active points are focused on the lobe, responding to language, vision, teeth. In Japan, there is even a terrible urban legend about new earrings and white thread, protruding from the ear and being dense nerve. Mustoke yourself from any consequences simply - you need to make punctures in a professional salon and not neglect the rules for processing the wound.

When it is better to calculate the ears to a child

Modern mothers try to attach girls to the beauty industry at the earlier age, so earrings become the same inalienable attribute of future fashionistas, like pacifiers and beloved rattle. In order not to harm the child's health, it is advisable not to fall in extremes. Psychologists are recommended to pierce the ug of the ear to 1-1.5 years, so that the memories of stress remain in deep childhood. Pediatricians call other numbers and offer to make punctures up to 8-11 years. The optimal option is autumn and spring (the hat is prevented in winter healing, the risk of infection is increasing in the summer).

Types of Piercing Ear

Before piercing cartilage in the ear, it is worth deciding on the type of piercing. The most common - puncture of the lobe, which makes children literally from birth at the request of the parents. In addition, with the help of special medical equipment, helix piercing or curls are performed, more rare and technically complex DESE for circular or septum-clicker, industrial for direct jewelry (2 holes are required for each ear), puncture of a goat (trahus) or anti-trap (anti-trahus ), tunnels whose stretch can take several years.

Earrings for puncture ears

High-quality puncture earrings have greatly simplified the life of craftsmen and fans of spectacular decorations for ear-sinks. Hypoallergenic titanium or surgical steel, artificial or natural stones, are used for making seague of any diameter, for decor - pearls, artificial or natural stones. The secret of their popularity lies in the fact that the accessory performs the function of the needle, does not require additional manipulations or the subsequent inventing seague that causes discomfort. The puncture is performed instantly, painlessly, and elegant "carnations" can be worn as you like.

How is the procedure

The cost of the service largely depends on what kind of puncture prefers a master or client. It can include the price of earring, if the puncture is made by a gun. Regardless of the reputation of the cabin, the sincerity of feedback on the site and how much it costs to pierce the ears from a particular specialist, the process itself consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparation. The ear is wiped with a disinfecting solution, the place is planned a place by a aseptic marker.
  2. Puncture. The procedure is carried out by a disposable tool - a needle or a gun. In the first case, a hollow needle can be used, for example, to puncture the curl of the auricle, the goat, Dace. Then earring is inserted. The gun initially "charge" with decorations, make a puncture and remove from the lobe when the accessory is at the desired point.
  3. Disinfection. For this purpose, solutions, tincture, hydrogen peroxide use.

Punch with a pistol ears

The advantages of this method are obvious. The earring instantly appears in the ear, and the assortment of "carnations" is very wide, and the puncture itself passes without pain, noise. The gun can scare a child, except that, with its name, but in fact, the procedure is not stressful, unlike only one type of medical needle. The main condition - it should be sterile. The master is obliged to disinfect the tool and work exclusively in gloves in order not to be infected.


In some cases, the needle is the only tool with which the client can get his dream piercing. For example, when the hole needs to be done not in the urine, but in other places. The needles are ordinary and hollow (empty inside), are more often used to make a puncture at home. They should be sterile and disposable, reuse is not allowed.

How to pierce the eye cartilage at home

Regardless of the place and method of piercing, the procedure is recommended to entrust specially trained craftsmen who understand both techniques and the aesthetic side of the issue. Having learned how much it costs to pierce your ears in the center of Moscow or another big city, some are decided to do it on their own. In order for dubious savings to be a number of adverse effects, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Pay attention to the health of health and refuse the procedure if you suffer from skin diseases, allergies.
  2. Prepare the inventory in advance: the catheter (tissue is not recommended to pierce the sewing needle due to the extension of the eater), a disinfectant, cotton, is an anesthetic (you can refuse it or replace the ice cube wrapped in the fabric) and earrings, desirable, not metal. For a particularly impressionable Vasharyar.
  3. Wash your hands, wipe the lobe with a disinfectant.
  4. The desired area mark the point. The location of the exit, that is, the reverse stronment can be fixed by a piece of apple so that the needle does not catch a finger and freely passed through the ear. If you do not know where to pierce your ears to a child to not harm, it is better to trust this by a specialist.
  5. Make a puncture sterile needle, gently insert the decoration.
  6. Wipe the earring and hole with a cotton disk, moistened in hydrogen peroxide.

How to pierce your ears by points

Igloreflexotherapy is a technique with which you can have a positive impact on biologically active zones to improve health. Neurologists adhere to the opinions that damage to one of these points will not cause serious harm to the body, but it is recommended to make punctures, according to detailed schemes - they can be easily found on the Internet. The exact location of acupuncture points know cosmetologists and doctors igroreflexotherapists, so the responsible event is desirable to entrust proven professionals in the clinic.


Incorrect care is fraught with the appearance of such symptoms as the inflammation of the roaster, swelling, dizziness, painful sensations, fitting around the hole. In order to prevent ingress of infection, as well as to prevent other unpleasant consequences, it is important to adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. Within 3 days after the procedure, do not attend the bath, sauna, swimming pool. Discard trips to the river, bathing in any open water bodies.
  2. In the first weeks you need to wipe the punctures by antiseptic solution or the healing tincture of the calendula twice a day, scrolling the earrings. Hands should be clean.
  3. Additionally, process punctures after sports activities, taking baths, walks in the fresh air, contact with animals.
  4. Wait for full healing. On average, in adults, the puncture seat heals around 2 weeks. As for the children's body, do not rush to please the child with the long-awaited new clothes. Earrings should not be changed earlier than six months later - give the girls' girls to get used to the size, the severity of the accessory.

If the ear hurts or fits

Follow the health of the hearing organs is as important as the condition of the internal organs. If the wound healing is accompanied by the pain or separation of the pus, it is necessary to wash their hydrogen peroxide. Do not handle the ears of the child with alcohol so as not to cause a burn. Fans of traditional medicine are offered to use a naval salt solution, aloe juice, overhaul resin coniferous trees and even its own saliva, but the effectiveness of these funds is subject to justified skepticism. If the ears look bad, you need to immediately consult a doctor.


Ear cartilage puncture is fast, relatively inexpensive and almost painless procedure, safe even for young children. Stylish earrings with pleasure wear not only women, but also men - such a tribute to modern fashion. Nevertheless, there are a number of contraindications and individual characteristics of the body, in which it is undesirable to make the piercing of the ears. These include.

In order to correctly and without pain independently pierce your ears, you need to carefully treat the recommendations of professionals. If you observe these uncomplicated rules, then punctures will be painless and the wounds will quickly heal. How to pierce your ears at home? What needs to be prepared for manipulation and disinfection?

Attention, reflex zones

Own sink is a concentration of reflex zones. That is, touched on ignorance an important point, you can disrupt the work of this or that organ. Therefore, it is better to choose a place for puncture smoothly in the center of the lobe, or 0.5mm above. There is no cartilage, puncture is done easily and practically without pain. Particularly sensitive people can be prepared for lidocaine anesthesia.

Gel or aerosol is more convenient for use. The tool has a local essential effect.

What needs to be prepared for piercing ears?

A pre-prepared "tool" determines the success of the entire "operation". Therefore, it is better to take care of everything in advance.

  • - It is better to use toothpick and iodine to mark up
  • - sterile wool,
  • - medical alcohol,
  • - Hydrogen peroxide,
  • - Acute needle (not subtle and not fat).

Select first earrings

To know little, how to pierce your ears at home. It is important to choose the first earrings correctly in order to insert them into the hole-rink without any problems. Healing depends on this. In beauty salons, where puncture is carried out by a special pistol, there are special earrings from the medical alloy.

But many prefer their own decorations. Earrings are better to choose gold. The arrangement of the product must be round, smooth, classic. It is categorically impossible to use earrings-carnations. It is difficult to process the skin under them, and a small screw-screw can influence the ear. Earrings with twins, lace chains are also uncomfortable for open wounds.

All according to plan!

  1. - Remove hair from face, better in tail.
  2. - Ear surface to handle alcohol.
  3. - When using lidocaine or other pain relief, follow the instructions.
  4. - Stand up with toothpick and iodine symmetrically places of punctures. At the same time, the points need to be put on both sides of the lobe.
  5. - Earrings to treat with water with soap, alcohol and peroxide. Leave it between cotton disks with alcohol.
  6. - needle first wipe with alcohol, then rolling with fire. Okalina wipe the rut with alcohol.
  7. - Holding the lobe with one hand, lean the neck tip to that point that on the outside of the ear. First you only need to slightly press on the needle so that when stretching the tip is sent to the second (internal) point.
  8. - The needle to enter should be dramatically, with effort. So there will be less painful sensations if this process is performed without anesthesia. It is important to control the direction of the needle.
  9. - pierce the lobe; needle sharply pull out.
  10. - Earring in the hole you need to insert immediately.
  11. - Wipe your ear with an earring alcohol well.

Exactly the same manipulation should be done with the second ear.

How to pierce your ears at home and care for the rays?

Under all the rules of hygiene, healing will go quickly. Places of punctures (without removing earrings) should be regularly handled with alcohol or peroxide. So that there was no "turbulence" into the skin, an earrings is recommended to move carefully. Well established itself for healing the tincture of calendula. Sleep better on a comfortable hard pillow with a sterile pillowcase. Preferably the pose on the back.

If for some reason the fitting will begin, it is possible to apply to the inflamed area of \u200b\u200bLevomikol or another antimicrobial agent for purulent wounds. In this case, the earrings need to move in the hole. In order to the hair on the lobster, the particles of dust or hair varnish do not fall, it is advisable to wear the hair with the balls, while the wounds in the ears are healing.

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