Red algae: interesting data and facts. Porphyr - what is it? Types of Porphira Porphira Algae Description


Medium-sized plants, but often reach a meter and more.

Coloring plates pink-red, browning or greenish.


Some types of porphyra are edible, in the countries of the East they are eaten.

Roasted Porphira is part of the classic British dish of South Wales - Shakhtar Breakfast, in addition to Porphyra, which includes scrambled eggs, sausages, roasted bacon and halves of tomato.


According to ITI, the following types are included in the genus of Porphira:

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  • in the global registry of marine species ( WORLD REGISTER OF MARINE SPECIES) (eng.)

Excerpt that characterizes porphira (algae)

- No, promise me that you will not refuse. It will not be worth it for you, and nothing unworthy of you will not be. Just you comfort me. I promise, Andryusha, "she said, having put his hand in Ridicul and holding something, but not yet showing what she had held, and constituted a request and as if before obtaining a promise in the execution of a request, she could not remove from Ridiculy It is something.
She timidly looking at his brother with a pleading glance.
- if it would be worth it to me a lot of work ... - as if guessing, what was the case, the prince of Andrei answered.
- You want, think! I know you are the same as Mon Pere. What do you want to think, but for me it's. Do it please! His father is still my father, our grandfather, wore in all wars ... - She still did not take what he kept, from Ridiculyu. - So you promise me?
- Of course, what's the matter?
"Andre, I will bless you way, and you promise me that you will never take it." Do you promise?
- If he is not in two crushes and the neck will not delay ... To make pleasure to do ... - said Prince Andrei, but at the same moment, noticing the distressed expression, which took the face of the sister with this joke, he repented. "Very happy, the right is very happy, my friend," he added.
- against your will, he will save and raises you and turn you to him, because in it one and truth and calmness, "she told her voice with an excitement, with a solemn gesture holding in both hands in front of his brother Oval vintage samples of the Savior with a black face in Silver rize on a silver chain of shallow work.
She crossed himself, kissed the samples and submitted it to Andrei.
- Please, Andre, for me ...
From the big eyes, her rays of good and timid light glowed. These eyes covered everything painful, thin face and made it beautiful. Brother wanted to take samples, but she stopped him. Andrei understood, crossed and kissed the samples. His face at the same time was gentle (he was touched) and mockingly.
- Merci, MON AMI. [Thank you my friend.]
She kissed him in the forehead and sat down on the sofa. They were silent.
"So I told you, Andre, be kind and generous as you have always been." Do not judge strictly lise, she began. "She's so sweet, so good, and her position is very hard now."
"It seems that I didn't tell you anything, Masha, so that I reproached my wife into something or was unhappy with her. Why are you talking to me all?
Princess Marya blushed stains and silent, as if she felt guilty.
- I did not tell you anything, but you were told. And it is sad.

Bagryanka, differently referred to as red algae, possess predominantly painting red shades. Most of them are rather large plants. However, microscopic representatives of the bugs can occur. The remains of fossil algae found and in detail the researchers are evidenced by their ancient origin and use in the ancient world. These fossils are known from the Cretaceous period. Food predominantly in sea depths, red algae can be found even in fresh water and soil.

Among the many species of this plant, the most practical significance belongs to the anfellation, helicidiumum, phylloofore, fursuel, porphyre. Red algae constitute an important part of coral reefs. They are extremely rarely found in the company of ordinary algae, since in its cellular composition may contain calcium carbonate. It gives them greater durability and survivability. From other plants of red algae distinguishes a complex life cycle and multi-level development.

To the Algae Department called Bagryanka, or Red Algae, scientists belong more than 600 birthswhere approximately five thousand of these plants are included.

Of all the algae of this kind, only 200 species are chosen for the existence of fresh water of rivers or lakes.

One of the types of freshwater red algae - batrahospermum is clear - Located in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus.

The color of the algae depends on the combination of various pigments in cell chiplasts, which give them from bright red and raspberry to yellow or bluish-green colors.

Red algae is found in a variety of forms: strain-shaped, in the form of bushes, plates, crusts and corals.

Such types of red algae like porphira and Gracistryeaten food. They are used in Japanese dishes, adding to soups and dessert dishes. Red algae is used in Wales and Irish cuisines, where they are a side dish, pre-boiled and roasted before serving. The most famous application in the dried form is a plant found in the preparation of roll and sushi. Also from the red algae layer, which refers to the most common type of edible bugs, make seasoning.

Algae of Porphira's genus in Japan got a name nori.. The same name belongs to products prepared from this algae. In the modern world, Nori is about 25 percent of nutrition in the diet of every resident of Japan.

Some linguists suggest that in the old days of Nori in Japan performed the function of glue, since this word was called the adhesive substance.

For the human body, red algae is useful to their rich composition of vitamins and minerals. In its composition, they contain a lot of protein and a large amount of selenium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, linoleic acid, lecithin, iron, carotene, vitamins A, B, C, D, E. Studying the chemical composition and properties of red algae more in-depth, Scientists came to the conclusion that the bugs have a unique impact on the body. Scientific studies have shown that, due to sulfated carbohydrates contained in the Bagryanka, the development of the AIDS virus is resisted. That is why pulp and extracts from these plants are used for the manufacture of drugs from diseases caused by a human immunodeficiency virus. Also, the composition of algae allows the use of drugs based on them as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal agent. With regular use of the bugger, a person can reduce the level of nicotine in the blood, as well as slow down the aging processes of the body.

One of the red algae living in the North Sea is called chondrus. It has been widely used in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

In cosmetic production, a wide use of agar-agar for making pastes, creams and gels has been widely used. In the food industry, this component is important for obtaining jelly, pastes, making marmalade and other products.
In addition, the Bagryankam is given the most important role in nature. In the life of marine inhabitants, they perform food function, capable of participating in the process of natural purification of the reservoir, can affect the definition of the nature of the flora in some areas. Thickets consisting of large bugs can sometimes reach tens of kilometers, creating whole forests and meadows under water. In this case, they are not only feed, but also a place to reproduce and shelter animals.

Department - Red Algae, or Bag

Almost all red algae are multicellular. It is mainly simple or branching threads, branched bushes, plates, sometimes they are dissected on stem and sheets. Red algae are not so large as brown, only single species reach 2 m..

The cells of red algae are covered with a shell, in which the inner, cellulose and outer, pectin is distinguished by a layer. Received from the last jelly (agar-agar) contains, besides pectin, sugar and proteins. The shell can be encrusted with CACO 3 and (in smaller quantity) MGC0 3 in the entire thickness, excluding only the inner part, directly adjacent to the plasma. Inlaudation is sometimes so complete that algae becomes like a petrified. Cytoplasm is distinguished by increased viscosity and difficult to separate from the shell; It is located in the posthalter, surrounding the central vacuole. The kernel is usually one, but several cores are in old cells. The chromatophore at the lower forms of the lamellar with the Pyrenoid, in most of the same - grainy without pyreneoids. The grains of chromatofora, for their usually red, are called rhodoplasts. Like other plants, the color of the plastic and the whole body of red algae is due to a combination of several pigments: chlorophylls but and d. (And the latter is known only in this department of the plant world) Karotno, Xantofilla, including Lutein, also contained in the cells of green and some other algae and the highest plants. The special group of pigments represent the ficobilines, called so for the chemical resemblance to the pigments of bile. Fikobilins - chromoproteins, i.e. protein compounds that have a pigment group in their composition. From ficobilins for red algae, red - ficoerytrin is especially characteristic, and some in some small quantities have blue - fiscalician. Fikobilins transmit light energy chlorophyll absorbed but. The share of energy absorbed by the ficobilies and used in the process of the synthesis of organic matter may exceed as shown

Fig. 42. Spionensing of red algae: 1 — 3 - Tetrasporangia (different types), 4 - Cystocarshi (in the context): but - Callitimnion, b. - polysifonia

some studies, energy absorbed directly by chlorophyll.

The relative number of listed elements of the pigment complex determine the real color of red algae - from light pink to red and dark purple-red, sometimes yellowish, olive or blue-green (steel).

Spare nutrients - oil and a special polysaccharide, closer to glycogen, than to starch, called buggy starch. It is postponed outside the chromatophore, in the cytoplasm; It is painted with iodine in a wine-red color.

In the overwhelming majority of red algae in partitions separating genetically related cells, one large pores are located. This time represents an unclean place of the cell shell. Its primary membrane is permeated by many smallest tubules filled with protoplasm (plasmodesma). In the persons, genetic communication between cells is established. It turned out that the most diverse versions of the anatomical structure of red algae can almost always be reduced to the system of branching threads. The homogeneous thread structure is also occurring in some red algae (for example, CalhMNion.See fig. 45, 1) . More complex structures are characterized by the presence of a central axis consisting of one thread or from a beam formed by several parallel threads with an upheld increase, and branches derived from them, located more or less mutant. Side branches are rapidly growing, but branched abundantly. The final branches of the side branches of the same and neighboring mutoes can be closely closed, intertwined and even glue with each other the cementing substance allocated by the algae itself. Thus

the bark is formed, some are quite distant from the central thread or a beam of central threads, others are approximate to it. The outer cells of the cortex are smaller, rich in rodoplasts and make up assimilant tissue. Thus, the parenchymal structure of the Body of Red Algae is indeed false room. Only the most lowly organized red algae with a parenchymal structure there is no plasma-models, and they almost exclusively diffuse, not the top.

Vegetative reproduction For red algae atypically. The separated parts of the body are mostly dying, but sometimes the formation of brood kidneys is observed, which represent modified vegetative branches, bowing from the parent body and growing into new individuals (for example, Melobesia. From order CryptoneMiales).

In the reproduction of red algae disputes and in the interim process, quite diverse, there are general features. Of these, first of all it is necessary to note the absence of flagella cells. Neither disputes, nor Gamets of red algae never form flagella. Their movement is mainly passive, water. In some cases, disputes are capable of amoeboid movement.

Disputes of red algae arise inside the spore-producing cell - sporangium - one (monosorpses), four (tetrasps; or several (polishers). In tetrasporals, disputes can be located at the corners of the tetrahedron in one row or two cells in two rows. Sports are placed on Plant single or groups, sometimes on special branches (Fig. 42).

Paul playback Red algae always oogany men's genitals - Anterias - develop from finite cells of threads or from surface crust cells. Anteridia is unicellular, its contents covered with the finest sheath, breaking the cell wall, comes out. This is a male goveta called sperm. It is deprived of flavors, contains a large core and a little cytoplasm. Female genital organ of red algae is called carpoon. It develops from the final cell of a short, 3 - 4-cell, "carpogonic" thread, often immersed in its surrounding fabric. In more primitive red algae, the conventional thaloma cell can become carpoon. A typically developed carpogon has a lower extended (abdominal) part and the upper nitaudnoyed - trichog. The contents of the abdominal part consists of plasma, chromatofor and nucleus and corresponds to an egg cell. The trichogine of a young carpogon has a kernel (with the exception of some relative to primitive forms), by the time of fertilization degenerating. Primitive forms trichogans may not be.

Species passively transferred with water, meeting with trichogic, sticks to it, and its contents pouring inside the carpogon through a hole arising in the shell of trichogons. Species reaches the abdominal part of the carpogon, where in fertilization is carried out. Subsequent phases of development cycle are deployed without a period of resting zygota; In some cases, development can be directly from the zygote; Usually, a more complex and long-term change of generations arise, ultimately, haploid disputes, of which a new parental population grows than and the cycle of the development of algae.

The cycles of the development of red algae are diverse and studied still not enough. Based on the available data, it can be considered the main one, i.e. the most common, the following scheme: the haploid gametophyte develops genitals and gemnets; After fertilization from the diploid zygota (more precisely, the second generation is formed from the carpogon) - carpospicophyte, which is excellent in the structure from the Gametophyte living on the latter, eating at its expense. Being diploid, karpospofit

Fig. 43. Porfira: 1 - appearance Talloma, 2 - Sperthangia (Anteria) and the liberation of spermation, 3 - incision over a tall with fertilized carpogony

produces diploid disputes - carposp. Carrospora, sparkling, gives rise to the second diploid (but the third in the total course of ontogenesis) generation - t E T R APproducing haploid disputes - tetrasps; They arise as a result of a reduction division, four in each tetrasporangia. Consequently, the full cycle of development is carried out by three generations consistently replacing each other, of which one (Gamenaophyte) haploid and produces grounds, and the two others (carposphate and tetraofith) diploid and produce disputes (respectively: diploid carpospores and haploid tetrasps).

This development cycle scheme is implemented in red algae in several modifications. First of all, it should be noted that some are primarily the lower-organized (class Bangiophyceae) Red algae carposorophone does not form the zygote, sharing, directly gives the beginning of carpural. This variant of the development cycle takes place, for example, in kind Porphyra. (Fig. 43). The species of this kind are inhabit the seas. An adult plant represents a flat single-layer, attached to the substrate of a leaf plate, reaching in length 50 cm (rare more) and having an oval outline. The genital organs are formed from the vegetative cells of Taloma. In Ancomia by dividing the protoplast, sperms are formed, which are further exempt. Carprony differ from vegetative for the pilots only with a small increase, corresponding to, probably, trichogne, and darker content. After fertilization of the zygote is divided into some number of carposp. They are exempt in the form of bare, non-shell-covered cells capable of weak amoeboid movement. Only three days later the carpurpora allocates the shell and germinates into a threaded body, which is endolytically embedded in lime shells of moll. This phase of the development cycle was described earlier as a special type. Conchocehs Rosea.. In this state, algae forms monospore, which, in turn, grows into a new porphyra.

In the development cycle of porphyra, there is a lack of carpospite and the presence of at least two generations Porphyra. and Conchocelis). However, cytological relations remain not clear. If the view is confirmed that the generation presented Conchocelis, and carposport diploid, i.e., when dividing the zying meeness does not happen, then the whole cycle of development Porphyra. It will be possible to consider as consisting of two generations: Gametophyte (haploid porphyra) and tetraophyte (diploid Conchocelis). Time and place of reduction division need clarification.

In a more complicated form, the development cycle in representatives relative to the primitive order of nonalion from the class proceeds Florideophyceae.. Wetted algae batrachospermum (Batrachospermum Momliforme, Fig. 44) is a branching, mucous to the touch Kostik, 10 - 20 cm Length, olive green or

Fig. 44. Batrahospermum: 1 - general form; 2 - Two flocks of lateral branches (C. - cystocarpics)

blue-green, each branch of which has a single-row cellular thread with more or less mutivary lateral branches - assimilants. Groups of the latter form beads strung on a thread. Along the old axial cells from the muve, longitudinal threads are deployed, forming as if the incharging bark. On assimians are formed carpunches and surcharges. After fertilization, the zygota core shares mittochically. The diploid kernels that result in this way are included together with the plasma in the grouse of the carpogon abdomen, which, slightly growing in length, become branching single-row cellular threads. The combination of these threads is a small plant - a new, already diploid generation of the development cycle, living in Gametophyte, i.e. Karposorofitis. Its peripheral cells are becoming sporangies producing each in one diploid dispute - carpospore. The latter and gives rise to the third generation of Batrahospermumum - individuals, which has the appearance of incorrectly branching threads, partially sharpening on the substrate, partially rising above it. This phase of development was originally considered special, referring to her CHANTRANSIAThen they began to give it the value of the rank, similar to the proton of moss. Currently, the chartrance, as a diploid education, is considered totoetrofit. In some cells, it is made reduction division, but the process does not reach the formation of Tetras, as a result of which Meiosis was not noticeable for a long time. From the haploid cells arising in the end of MEIOS, a new gamemetophyte is formed, remaining due to the SharNance - Tetraofit.

Similarly proceeds the development cycle in species of kind LemaNea.. These plants are residents of pure freshwater, relatively cold and fast current. They, as well as BATRACLWSPERMUM.When germinating the zygota reduction division does not occur and therefore carpospicophyte formed by the carpospores and, finally, developing small tetraophytes such as Chantrani type diploid. Reducing division in this case occurs in the top tetraofite cell.

In algae, the order of non-blind sometimes tetraophyte can be very small as Liagora Farinosa.where it was opened only in culture. This is interesting to compare that another type of the same kind - L.. tetrasPorifera. - Tetraophyte does not develop at all and reduction division is carried out in the cells of the carpospite, becoming tetrasporals.

The division of the zigota kernel without reduction by chromosomes is characteristic of generally red algae from the class Feorideophyceae.But the course of their ontogenesis is usually more complex than those described above the representatives of nonalionic.

One of the complicating circumstances should be considered that, as opposed to the cases described above, the carpospite threads, called oislate or sports, are growing towards the so-called auxironic cells, merge with them and fuel bugs are formed on places of fusion - cystocarpics. Auxirological cells can be placed both near the carpogon, and in the distance from it. This kind of relationship can be explained by a specific example of algae duranei and platoes (Dudresnaya Coccinea and Platoma. From the order of cryptongtonium, fig. 45, 2 — 3) .

Durea forms small bushes, whose branches have an axial thread, carrying so-called assimilants - side branches from which the bark is formed. Of the fertilized carpogon of Dureres there are several ooblastic threads. Each of them merges with one (or more) cell of the carpooned branch, these are non-phycle auxironic cells that have a value only for carpospite. The fusion with the auxilar cell of the carpogonic branch does not stop the growth of oyslastic thread; It is sent to the auxilar cells of other thaloma branches that are released by thick plasma and a reduced chromatophore (typical auxirological cells), and, to sprinkle with one such cell, is sent further to new auxilar cells. This process may repeat several times. The fusion of cells of an ooblastic thread with auxironic cells is to connect their plasma, the kernels retain their independence. It must be emphasized that the core of the auxilar cell, as belonging to the sexual plant, haploid; The kernels of the cells of oordanese threads arising from the fertilized carpogon, diploid.

Against the velocity of a fusion with an auxilar cell a cell of an ooblastic thread forms a protrusion where its core passes. This bulge is separated by a partition and becomes the basis for education. c and C T OK and R P and I.

Consequently, Durenei on the basis of fertilized carpogon is formed by a diploid carposorophyte in the form of a set of diploid ooblastic threads and cystocards. Differences from the course of the development of nonalionic are that, first, Karposorofit in Durenie has the ability to use additional power from the auxilar cells and, secondly, due to one-time fertilization, not one, but a lot (by the number of rallyten threads and mergers auxilar cells) cystokarpiev.

In plants, the ontogenesis of which proceeds in the type of Dürenie, the diploid plants develop from the diploid carpospor, representing the third generation of development cycle - tetraprofit. It is formed on it

Fig. 45. Development cycle; Sex process and development of carposports in red algae: 1 - Nonalion: but - Alteria and Carpogon (AN. - Alteria, bK - the abdominal part of the carpogon, t - trichogan sP - sperm), b - B. - the merger of the male and female nuclei in the abdominal part of the carpogon, m - D. - Development of carposport (KS. - Karporora); 2 - Development of oxulated threads at Dürenie (T. - Trichogina, sP - sperms, about - Outland threads, a. 1 — a. 6 - auxilar cells), 3 - Development of overlap threads and sequence of cystokarpiev education at payments (to - Karpogon, about - Outland thread, a. - Auxirological cells, c. - cystocarpics), 4 - cycle of development of red algae

tetrasporangia and in them - tetrasps, and meyosis is carried out. Being haploid, tetrasps develop into new haploid (and at the same time sex) plants.

In such cases, therefore, the full cycle of development is composed of three generations: a haploid gamethophyte, diploid carpospite and diploid tetraophyte.

The variety of red algae development cycles is not exhausted. For example, in order Gigartinales. One auxiro cell is formed in the layer, which binds to the carpooner of a very short ooblastic thread. In order ceramiales The auxilar cells are formed only after fertilization, and cells from which they are formed (the so-called maternal auxilar cell cells), together with a four-cell carpogonic branch and carpogon constitute a characteristic complex called prickpium.

From the set of information about the progress of the development cycle of red algae, some generalizing conclusions can be made. Karposorofit is not developing from all representatives of this group. He is not known in the classroom Bangiophyceae.. It is like an intermediate between the Gametophyt and sporophyte generation can be large enough like Dudresnaya., or modestly developed like Batrachospermumor finally strongly reduced like ceramic. Sometimes, with complete reduction of tetraphite Liagora TetrasPoriferaCarposorophyte can produce tetrasps.

As for the gametophyte and tetraofitis, in most cases they are similarly built and do not differ from each other in magnitude. In this case, with a sufficiently deep reduction of the carpospite, the development cycle as a whole takes a form similar to isomorphic change of generations. However, as already mentioned above, sometimes tetraofite is strongly reduced and even falls out of the development cycle. More rarely reduction is subjected to a gametophyte, which is stored in the form of tiny, 2 - 3-cell, rabid Rhodochorton of NEMALIONALES).

Red algae almost exclusively in the seas. Approximately 4,000 species here only about 50 live in fresh waters and on Earth.

In the department distinguish two classes.

For a long time there was an opinion on the reduction division of the zygota core, which the latest research was not confirmed.

Algae Porphira, which is also known as a red sea salad, refers to red sea algae and often in length reaches a meter, and sometimes even more. Due to such substances as ficotrine, chlorophyll and ficotian, which are included in its composition, it has exactly such interesting pigmentation. In appearance, the algae of Porphira is reminiscent of a wide, thin folded-wavy plate with needed or solid edges. Often you can find the plates of pink-red pink, browned, or even slightly bluish color.

From ancient times, leaving its roots to the first settlements of people on the sea coast, these algae are used in food, as well as as pet food. Some types of seaweed, in addition to salt water, grow not only in fresh water bodies, but even on land. But the algae of Porphira dwells exclusively in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas.

In China and the country of the rising sun, the use of algae porphyres in food is equal to the ritual, where it is almost a cult food that is used very often. Unfortunately, the population of European countries did not fully proged the taste of algae porphyra, and therefore the feed use of this sea algae prevails. By the way, the word Porphira also has a second meaning - the mantle or the outerwear of the sovereign to which they are forced in particularly solemn cases.

In the gastronomy, this seaweed can perform not only as an additive to various sharp seasonings and garnishes, but also as directly independent food. Porphyra is often eaten in raw form by adding it to various salads, or boiled with rice, meat or other products.

In addition to use in cooking in medicine, the useful properties of algae porphyra are also known, since in addition to increased protein content, it is rich in vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B12 and D. Quite interestingly, according to the number of ascorbic acid, algae porphyra is equal to lemon .

Colorization is one of the groups of vocabulary, constantly attracting the attention of researchers. The names of the tones and shades are considered by scientists from the point of view of semantic, historical, etymological and many other aspects. Interested in researchers and the origin of the names of flowers, among which red highlighted. This is explained by its brightness, symbolism and saturation in cultural terms.

History of the name

Modern Russian language has about fifty lexes, which indicate various one of the designations of this tone is Porphyr. This noun appeared in Russia in the 11th century. Confirmation of this is the mainland gospel, dating from 1057. In it, Porphyr is a bugger and purple royal clothes.

Somewhat later the lexical meaning of this word has expanded. What else did the noun porphyr be indicated? It is Purpur, and dark red valuable paint, applied when staining tissues.

In its color value, the word "Porphyr" is synonymous with the word "purple". It denotes dark red, dark crimson and red-purple shade. Paint is precisely this color in antiquity from a certain type of mollusks.

Porphyr is a borrowed word. In Russian, it came from Latin. In turn, the Romans borrowed this word in the Greeks in several values. It is a snail, giving a bugger, and purple paint, and dark red clothes or mantle.

What does the word "Porfir" mean?

To answer this question we turn to the dictionary. According to his explanations, in modern Russian, the word "Porphyr" is called:

  • purple, crimped or dark red color;
  • special red algae, found in the seas of belts with temperate climates;
  • a long purple mantle, which monks only dressed in special and solemn cases;
  • mountain-name pristine breed close to granite;
  • dark red dye having various shades;
  • purple matter, which in former times was intended for tailoring of outerwear for the reigning persons and other important persons.


The first began to extract Porphyr Finiquities. They were collected from the bottom of the sea are not brushed to the appearance of small shells, each of which was pressed for obtaining just a few drops of thick liquid. It was a wonderful paint of the color of Porphyr. For a small vessel filled with such a liquid, weaving artisans gave a whole silver ingot weighing 8.4 grams. This dye was stained with a canvas, from which she was subsequently sewed. The more thick composition of the porphyra gave purple shades, more liquid - scarlet colors. The dye of Porphira dye produced from sea shells was very resistant. Clothing, on the fabric of which he was present, could be erected at least every day without loss of color. Such robes willingly bought military leaders, priests, princes and kings. This was explained not only to the high quality of things, but also a significant cost of tissues that were always

Nowadays, the sinks, giving porphyr, are no longer mined. This color of the fabric is painted with an artificial dye. It turns out much easier, cheaper and better than the Phoenicians. Nevertheless, this people entered the history of mankind as a discoverer of the color of the color of Porphyr.


The first imperial porphyra in Russia was made in 1724 for the coronation of Catherine I. The weight of this apparel was 60 kg. A special clasp was made to the mantle, the order of one hundred thousand rubles was made.

Since then, in Russia, Porphira has become one of the regalia of power. This robe was similar to a long sleeveless cloak. The upper part of the mantle decorated the peeline from fur mountain, made in the back of the porphyra was an embroidered state coat of arms. Almostate were framed by all the edges of the royal apparel, the length of which with a loop for the emperor was 5 m 67 cm, and for the empress - 4 m 98 cm.

In earlier times, the Byzantine Porphira in the form of a tunic was the constant attribute of the Lords of the Rome state. Mantle magenta was the main difference in the Etruscane Kings. In addition to emperors, such apparels wore priests who predicted the future.


Stone Porphyr has volcanic origin. This is a breed, which contains a large inclusion of a variety of minerals. Porphyr has a microcrystalline structure and is divided into quartz and non-demand. This stone is used as a magnificent finishing, decorative and building material.

The history of the use of breed

One of the first quartz porphyr began to use Egyptian masters. Moreover, in the art of manufacturing various products from this stone, they have achieved significant heights. Sarcophages were constructed from Porphis. This stone was used for the manufacture of columns and statues, as well as various interior items. It is worth saying that all the things of the ancient era, made from Porphira, today represent greater artistic value. During the reign of the Egyptian pharaohs, this stone was considered a symbol of wealth and power. The same value of Porphyr was presented for Emperors of Europe and ancient Rome. It is not surprising that products made from this volcanic rock, wanted all the kings and rules.

In Russia, a valuable stone deposit was found in Altai, not far from the river Korgon. It happened in the 18th century. Corgon Porphyr was widely used in the construction of St. Petersburg. He walked to carve sculptures and bas-reliefs, adorning buildings. Products made of porphyra were used in the design of luxury mansions. Moreover, all interior items for Russian palaces were made by their own camner agents, whose skill was famous for the whole world. And today, on rare copies of cups and Vaz from Porphira, made at the plants of Peterhof, Urals and Altai, you can admire, visiting the Hermitage. Some of these works received awards at world exhibitions in Vienna, Paris and London. There are works of Russian masters-Kamnezes and in many museums of our planet.

In the 20th century, a large deposit of Porphira was found in the north of Italy, in the Trento region. The stone from these reservoirs was widely used with the paving European roads.

Physico-mechanical characteristics

What does Porphyr properties have? This is a stone with high wear-resistant characteristics. It perfectly behaves in aggressive media, showing resistance to the effects of various chemical agents. In addition, Porphyr has excellent thermal insulation characteristics, which is very important for the climatic conditions of Russia. The stone is well resisting abrasion, shocks and the appearance of scratches. At the same time, it is durable and does not need special care.

In its physico-mechanical properties, this material is similar to granite. Porphyr, moreover, even exceeds its strength almost fifty percent. It is worth saying that, unlike granite, the stone of this volcanic rock will never crumble.

Interestingly, a very durable porphyr has a low specific mass and high water absorption. This indicates its porous structure, which allows the stone to self-clean. Fat, oil or gasoline spots that appeared on porphyre, after some time disappear by themselves.

Building material from volcanic rocks is represented by a varied color scheme. There are green, brown and yellow, gray and purple. There is such material and motley colors.

Application of Porfira Stone

To date, natural material of volcanic mountainous origin is very popular in construction. Quartz Porphyr is often used in urban and stone looks beautifully due to their magnificent natural texture, interesting natural pattern and the presence of a huge colors.

The decorative characteristics of Porfire are such that it is used for both exterior and internal works. The facades of houses are durable and durable stone, use for paving tracks, terraces and sidewalks. Porphyrir declared stairs. They even simply distinguish the space that it looks very impressive.

Porphyr is also used to finish the pools. Tile from this stone has a rough surface, which eliminates the possibility of sliding.

Solid and durable natural stone looks great as curb borders and sidewalks. It is convenient to fit the surfaces having a big bias.
Rooms are rich and modern, in the interior of which the designer used Porphyr. This amazing stone is used for the walls, floors, fireplaces, windowsill. Such building material is a guarantee of high quality work done even in the most difficult projects.

Red algae

In the waters of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, as well as in the ocean coastal areas of Asia, an amazing plant lives. It looks like a leaf or wide brown plate, having torn edges. This plant is called "Porfire". Algae is also known as a red sea salad. Porphira received its unusual color thanks to such substances included in its composition, as a ficotian, phycoarytrine and chlorophyll. Unusual combination and gives a plant so interesting pigmentation. Sometimes there are plates of porphyra brought, pink-red or even bluish color.

For a long time, seaweeds are used by people in food. Such plants also serve as pet food.

Until now, residents of Japan and China are highly appreciated by Porphira. Algae for the population of these countries is a cult food, and its consumption is equal to the ritual. As for the inhabitants of European countries, they did not cultivate this red marine salad, applying it only in vest purposes, and sorry, because this is a product rich in protein and vitamins A, D, C, B 1, B 2 and B 12.

Red (Porphira) are widely used in the cookery of the country of the rising sun. Her residents call this nori plant. By smell, this type of porphyra, which grows near the coast of Japan, resembles a cabbage, and in his taste it looks like a spinach. They love these marine leaves for their useful properties and convenience of use. Nori are used as a side dish and for the preparation of sushi. These algae Japanese prefer eating with rice, and also add them to soups and salads. Lanka or thustenance leaves of porphyra are decorated with noodle dishes and mixed sushi. Love for their smoky flavor and fine aroma of ocean waters.

Company "Porfira"

A modern man who appreciates a good taste, such phrases like Italian shoes and German cars, Swiss clocks and French spirits have already become familiar. All of these goods belong to the premium class and are produced by well-known brands. However, the popularity in one day does not come. And one who today is the flagship in the production of a product has a long, sometimes even a century of history of its development.

However, in the world of popular shopping stamps, new stars are constantly lit. One of them was the firm "Porfire". It is located in Belarus, a country with rich traditions in the production of various goods, and a special, very responsible relation to work. Today, the goods made in the Republic of Belarus are highly locked on the expanses of the former USSR. Whether food or cosmetics, women's clothing or shoes, the "Made in Belarus" phrase is a kind of quality guarantor.

What are the production of what goods is the company "Porfira"? Women's clothing - here is its main direction. Fashionable models combined the advanced experience of the Belarusian light industry and designer school. Their release is made only by the most modern technologies.

Four times a year, new collections presents to their buyers "Porfire". Clothing for women, made in the European style, is distinguished by a magnificent fit on the figure and high quality sewing.

Women's clothing produced by Porfira has to reincarnate. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity remain only to choose impeccable minimalism or extravagant ethno, always relevant classic or bohemian chic. But be that as it may, in the clothes from the Belarusian manufacturer, a woman will certainly feel the inimitable. All models of the presented collections are not the nameless things that trading organizations are purchased wholesale and retail. An increasing number of women become fans of the brand "Porfira", and this means the beginning of the story of a new brand. Perhaps it will take quite a bit of time, and Minsk will become one of the links of the famous chain, which includes the most fashionable capital of the world, such as Paris and Milan, New York, London and Tokyo.

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