Alocation tincture. Application. Alocacy flower and its healing properties

The second name of alocation is shamrockAfter all, each of her petioles can issue no more than three leaves. Even in the people, it was called "the dwelling" for the ability to predict the rain by the appearance of moisture droplets on the leaves. Many know that this flower is poisonous and able to cause poisoning. But if you have alocation in your home, the lard, therapeutic properties of the plant can serve you a good service.

Alternative medicine has long been using this flower for the treatment of viral diseases, heart disease and vessels, zhkt organs and even in the treatment of cancer. But let's start in order.

In contact with



or Arma - this is tropical plant from the family of aid. Her homeland is the tropics and subtropics of Central and South America, Asia and Australia. In the natural environment, the appearance of the plant largely depends on the conditions of growth. Height can vary from 40 centimeters to 2 meters. Its stems can be both grassy and tree. In room conditions, high alocation does not grow and shoots it not to be delayed. The root is short and thickened, most often in the form of a tuber.

Large leaves, on long cutters. At first, they have a rounded shape, but as they grow become the heart-shaped or similar to the arrow tip - it depends on the specific type of plant. The surface of the sheet is glossy, dark green, has white bodies that give alocopia elegant look. Arma flowers very rarely. The inflorescence is a pillage of small cream flowers framed by an oval bedspread. Ripe fruits have a kind of spherical berries of a red shade. The plant has healing properties.

Chemical composition

Official medicine does not recognize alocya medicinal plant Due to the fact that in its chemical composition there are strong poisons.

For the first time as a drug, the hood from the plant began to apply in his homeland, and then already everywhere. Folk healers consider it useful with a rather extensive list of diseases. The most famous is its therapeutic effects when the appearance of various tumors.

Science did not study thoroughly chemical components of alocation, but nevertheless it is known that its composition is rich:

  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • cyanides;
  • kumarines.

It also includes mercury, chinin, likrozide, hyperoside, sinyl acid, and Sinoma. It has long been known to healers that the same substance can be both poison and medicine. It's all about the dosage. Therefore, it is very important when preparing a drug from alocation to accurately comply with the proportions, so as not to bring the body harm instead of use. Significant overdose of such a medication can even lead to death.

Application and Medical Properties

When growing at home alocation, therapeutic properties of the plant can be used to combat the most different diseases.

In folk medicine, juice, pressed from fresh leaves of alocation, infusion of them on alcohol, vodka or water. Juice and pulp leaves are also added in the manufacture of ointments, balm and therapeutic oil for outdoor use.

  • Outwardly alocyia is used under articular diseases, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, trophic ulcers. Outside overlooking osteochondrosis and heel spurs.
  • Tincture from this plant is strong bostimulator raising immunity And the adaptive possibilities of the body, contributes to rejuvenation, relieves itching during dermatitis and eczema.
  • Arma improves elasticity of vesselsTherefore, it is shown as a means of preventing strokes and infarction, warns the development of subcomperosis.
  • Plant apply in the treatment of initial stages of cardiac arrhythmiaThis is possible due to the beneficial effect on the tissue of the heart muscle.
  • On the bCT organs Alocation preparations are anti-inflammatory effects, they also restore the function of the thyroid gland.
  • There is information that alocation successfully applies with tuberculosis, treats paralysis and malaria.
  • The tincture of the leaves of the plant has solving influence and is used for tumors of a benign and malignant character. When cancer is used as additional therapy.


It is categorically impossible to apply alocycle to people with liver diseases, kidneys and patients with hemophilia. Individual intolerance may occur on the plant, so if you are treated for the first time, start receiving inside with small doses. Allergic reactions are possible - in this case, treatment should be suspended immediately.

Due to the fact that the plant is poisonous, it cannot be taken to pregnant women, during lactation and children until adolescent age. All other before use must be consulted with his doctor. Self-medication can harm the body.

As side effects may appear: nausea, headache, reinforced heartbeat, digestion disorder. In this case, the treatment should be immediately discontinued.

Preparation of medicine

All work with the plant should be carried out in gloves due to the fact that alocation juice is very caustic. For the preparation of tincture take the lowest sheet, which has already been applied and began to die, crushed it and poured with vodka or 40% alcohol. Further, the mixture put in a dark place for a half weeks, after which they are filled and starting treatment.

Inside the alcohol alocation tincture is used according to a specific scheme. The reception starts 1 drop three times a day half an hour before meals, dissolving the tincture in a spoonful of boiled water. Each subsequent day, the dose increases during receiving 1 drop, bringing the amount to 25 drops for one reception.

After that, the dosage smoothly reduce, reducing the taking alocation to 1 drops in each subsequent day.

In folk medicine, this way is treated with prostatitis, mioma, fibromu and cancer in coordination with the doctor. In case of cancer, the number of drops adjust to 40. It is also applied to the tumors.

For the preparation of therapeutic oil, one sheet is crushed to the state of the cashem and mix from 100 grams. olive oil. The mixture insists 10-14 days in a cool dark place, after which they are filled and rubbed into the affected joints with pain. This oil preserves its properties up to 3 months.

Being a tropical plant, alokasia is a large thermal-chipper. In a spring and summer season, it prefers a temperature of 22-26 ° C, and in the fall and in winter the temperature indicator should not be lowered below 18 ° C. Drafts and sharp change of temperatures The plant does not endure.

In the summer, the flower is poured abundantly and often, in winter, watering is limited. The overalling of the soil is easy causes the root rotting, so after irrigation, it is impelled from the pallet excess water, and there is a slight drying of the earth coma between the two irresisters.

Alocation is demanding of lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. In the summer it should be dialed, or put next to the window, and not on the windowsill. In winter, the plant is needed. Popitive varieties of alocories are especially needed in bright light.

Flower loves spraying and shower. For additional moistening, you can put a bowl with water nearby, periodically the leaves are useful to rub with a wet sponge. In the cold plant does not need high humidity and water procedures.

The feeding requires alocation in spring and summer. To do this, use universal complex fertilizer for, ranking it in water according to the instructions. Conduct feeders 1-2 times a month. In winter, the plant feed occasionally.

Most of all alocation needs nitrogen, which provides green masses.

The transplant of young plants is carried out annually at the beginning of spring by the method of transshipment, so as not to injure small roots. The new pot must be 2-3 cm more than the previous one. More adults flowers are transplanted 1 time in 2-3 years.

Alokasia Largenery (Alocasia MacrorRhizos L).
Aid family.

Folk names: Arma. Alocation. Arum Indian.

Alocation is an evergreen shrub. Motherland - Tropical forests of Southeast Asia.

There are more fifty species, which differ in size, shape and coloring leaves, the height of the plant itself, but all alocories have characteristic signs - these are tuber plants.

Leaves are located on long, juicy stiffs, with pronounced veins, dense, oval with a pointed end, thyroid.

Alocation is a flower - barometer. On the eve of the rain on her leaves, water droplets appear.

Alocation blooms very rarely (bloom comes only in an adult plant). Flowers - collected in inflorescence, fragrant, small.

Alocation has a beneficial effect on the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and puts the psyche in order. This flower can be grown in the kitchen to improve digestion, and in the bedroom - to strengthen sleep.

Plant poisonous.

In folk medicine with therapeutic goal, alcohol tincture, aqueous infusion and juice of the leaves of the plant are used. And also manufactures balms and ointments.

Arma alocation strengthens the immunity of man and animals, has valuable phytoncidal properties, is an effective biogenic stimulator.

The plant is used in the treatment of mastopathy, allergies, thrombophlebitis, psoriasis, ischemia, diseases of the joints, misa and other types of tumors, thyroid diseases, hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and rheumatism, arthritis and polyarthritis, gout.

In the treatment of swollen veins, the compresses should be made only on patients with veins - healthy parts cover with a napkin. The gauze napkin is wetted in the tincture and applied to the patient area, from above - compress paper.

Babbing an elastic bandage. Keep a compress for 3 days, at this time to lead a sedentary lifestyle. After this procedure, be patient and lubricate for 3 months in the evening (before bedtime) patients with veins of tincture of alocation.

This treatment helps to get rid of the unpleasant species swollen veins without surgery.

In the treatment of mastopathy and nodes of the thyroid gland to make compresses with tincture. Keep for 4-5 hours. The course of treatment is 7-10 days (daily), then a break for 2-3 days. The cycle is repeated until cure.

Compresses from alocation tinctures are treated with joints, spurs, thumbs on the fingers; Used under paralysis (make rubbing from fingertips throughout the body 2-3 times a day).

Mode of application.


♦ Grind the oldest sheet and pour vodka. At 100 grams of fresh raw materials - 500 ml of vodka. Insist 10 days in a dark place, periodically shaking. Start receiving tincture with one drop on the dining room (tea) spoonful water. Increase a dose of one drop daily. Drink three times a day before meals. As a rule, the prepared portion is designed for 52 drops per spoon.

For outdoor use.

♦ Capacity filled with half crushed fresh leaves and pour to the top of vodka. Tightly close and insist 14 days at room temperature, strain.


♦ Grind young leaves along with cuttings in Cashitz. Fall asleep into the container of dark glass and pour 100 ml of heated linen or olive oil. Soaking 7 days and filter. Butter store in the refrigerator no more than 3 months.
With alocation oil, massage is effective for diseases of the joints and rheumatism.

Contraindication: Internal use of alocation, as a poisonous plant, requires caution.

Source: Desktop Calendar "Home Doctor" (2013)

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Indoor plants that came from tropical and subtropical regions are attracted by unusual beauty. Learning the "biography" of a flower, we are aware that it is valuable not only with his decorativeness. All home plants are heated atmosphere around themselves, and some are considered medicinal.

The air of the room where flowers are located, unwittingly moistened and cleared, improves the psychological climate in the house. All this is true in relation to alocation, whose therapeutic properties are often interested in its owners.

Dialectic poison

There are about 70 varieties, but healing properties are attributed to 2 types:

  • Largeneous alocation (A. MacrorRhiza), known as Arma or Arum Indian, - a rising herbaceous plant with bright green heart-shaped leaves of almost meter length and juicy sweets; She has a thickened rhizome, similar to ginseng root;

  • Pakhuchi alocation (A. odora), a large plant with fleshy leaves, similar to strongly elongated shields, length up to 1 m.

There are cases when the rhizome of alocation was issued for ginseng, which subjected to buyers of danger to obtain severe poisoning.

The total property of all alocation is toxicity. The juice contains cyanides and mercury chloride (sulem), causing burns and swelling of mucous membranes.

The juice and pulp of the lower, beginners of the yellowing of the leaves are used in traditional Chinese medicine, but in European pharmacopoeia, the healing properties of alocation are not confirmed. There is no proven method of making medicines based on this plant.

What is practiced at home as treatment with the help of arms is made at your own risk. Therefore, information on its healing properties is offered not as a guide to action, but as an occasion to think about the dialectics of life, in which the benefits and harm are closely intertwined.

Young leaves can not rub in his hands and use inside. Do not allow children and pets to touch Alokazia.

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Use without harm

No doctor will admire alociasia, the beauty of which improves the emotional state of a person: irritation is out of irritability, the relationship in the family is harmonized.

Alocation leaves absorb hazardous substances that are highlighted by plastic and paint and varnish coating (formaldehyde, phenol, toluene, etc.). The phytoncides contained in the leaves are disinfected by air, struggling with influenza viruses, kill staphylococcus, streptococcus, intestinal wand. This is supported by our health without harming.

That in the poison for you my

The composition of the Arma Juice is not fully studied. It is known that it includes biologically active substances: quercetin, likurazide, hyperoside, alkaloids, coumarins, cyanides, mercury connection. Officially, alocation is not recognized as a medicinal plant, since its useful properties and toxicity is too closely intertwined.

Potential healing effect from Arma is wide. It is believed that she:

  • enhances immunity;
  • struggles with viruses and microbes;
  • helps with swelling and inflammation;
  • removes itching;
  • facilitates tooth and articular pain;
  • prevents the growth of cancer tumors;
  • tones veins;
  • stimulates the restoration of tissues;
  • works as an expectorant;
  • removes spasms smooth muscles.

Like the Arma, the smear alocation also has an antimicrobial effect, facilitates pain in the stomach, used to treat tuberculosis, lung inflammation, soothes the nervous system, normalizes sleep.

The face behind which the drug effect turns into its opposite is determined by the accuracy of the dosage of the active substance.

Do not try to prepare such drugs yourself. This requires special knowledge.

I'm flying everything

The experience of Chinese traditional medicine shows that the drugs based on arms are able to help almost with all kinds of diseases. The universality of their healing action is striking. So, the tincture on the leaves of Arma treats the disease:

  • gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, helminthia, stomach ulcer, intestinal and gastric colic, enteritis);
  • joints and spine (osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, gout, rheumatism, hernia of an intervertebral disc);
  • veins (hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis);
  • breath organs (pneumonia, tuberculosis);
  • skin (psoriasis, rash, itching).

In addition, the ARME preparations work as an antidote during snake bites, prostatitis is treated, it is helped with an increase in the thyroid gland, paralysis, malignant tumors, trophic ulcers heal.

Important: Never deal with self-medication, its consequences aggravate the severity of the disease.

Harmful friend

Alokasia is harmless, if it is admired. Take inside the personally prepared tincture from Arm, at least, is unreasonable. On the Internet you can find the stories of the bolt, which, following the people's advice, prepared these medicinal tinctures, took them and remained alive. The only thing that can be said in this case is the second life to anyone do not give. Take care of the first.

Absolute contraindication for all experiments with alocacy - age up to 18 years, pregnancy, breastfeeding, heart disease.

If you trusting traditional medicine, you want to try the healing effect of Arma, consult your doctor.

Cancer will not pass!

Studies of antitumor properties of Arm were carried out in China 5 years ago, and it was found that the aqueous extract struggles with cancer cells of the liver. Folk healers apply their own methodology for the treatment of oncology, using the tincture of Arma with two month courses.

In Russia, the official study of the anticarcinogenic action of the drugs ARME has not yet been completed.

Naked hands you can't

Collect the leaves of Arma, grind the rhizome is permissible only in rubber gloves and protective glasses. Finding on the mucous membrane, alocation juice addiction burns and causes poisoning. Tools, dishes and hands need to rinse thoroughly. The undeveloped juice and young arma leaves are strictly prohibited, the old bottom leaves are taken for cooking tinctures, which wishes and will soon be dismiss.

Alocation tincture

Arms are prepared from the leaves and Cherchekov, alcohol tinctures are preparing, which, according to the healers recipes, are taken dropped inwards or used externally for rubry and compresses. To grind alocation, plastic or ceramic utensils are taken; The knife and pestle should also not be made of metal.

Alcohol or vodka in volume flows as much as the caskets from the leaves and cherries it turned out. Drug suspension keep in a dark place for 3 weeks. The tincture is used externally for the treatment of articular or skin diseases. Dosage for intakes must determine the healer who knows how to apply Arma to therapeutic purposes.

The beneficial properties are also in the aquatic infusion of the plant, which is used for the bath.

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Alokasia from the aid family ❖❖ The features of the content at home


Alocation - Flower Shop


Alocation: reproduction and resuscitation of the discounted plant. Even 1st

Alokasia - Decorative plant used to decorate home and office space. For a flower, wide leaves, reminiscent of the heart, or oval shape, with white streaks are characteristic. The shadownik, that is exactly what is called him in the people, I found an application in Chinese medicine in the treatment of oncological formations, but this useful properties do not end.

Than alocation is useful

Healic capabilities have only one variety of alocation - lead gray, or mountain. In the composition of the flower there are poisonous substances: mercury with cyanine compounds and blue acid, so the use of a large amount inside can end with a fatal outcome. But you should not be afraid of alocation, because with proper use this ingredient really creates miracles with a human body.

  • The flavonoids contained in the plant possess the properties of antioxidants, therefore, they are securely protected from viral attacks, and the growth of cancer cells are preventing. No wonder the tincture of the room flower is advised to be used with malignant tumors, as a supplement to the main therapy.
  • Active substances, falling into the body, begin to restore and protect the cells, therefore it starts the process of rejuvenation. In addition, the person decreases the sensitivity to allergens, and the elasticity of the vessels increases.
  • Alocation is favorable on the heart, warning arrhythmia and tachycardia, hypertension with atherosclerosis, minimizes the risk of heart attack.
  • Thanks to quinine, the plant can be used to combat malaria, in some cases - to stimulate appetite, calm heart rhythm, getting rid of headaches.
  • Alochase is advisable to apply for the prevention of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and the luxury of capillaries. The plant eliminates hemorrhoids, gout and psoriasis.
  • The tincture is used externally in dermatological problems, inflammatory processes in the joints: rheumatism and polyarthritis.
  • The plant stimulates uterine abbreviations, favorably affects the muscles of female genital organs, improving blood circulation, therefore recommended for malignant formations, as well as mastopathy and myomas.
  • Alocation treats spurs, helps to normalize the work of the thyroid gland and the digestive tract, useful for tuberculosis, salt sediments, and even paralysis. It is believed that the plant stimulates the central nervous system, and can significantly improve the patient's condition.
  • The flower is recommended for dental and gastric pains, pneumonia, stretching and bruises, because it is endowed with painkillers.
  • The leaf tincture can be used as an immunomodulatory agent, which will quickly restore the protective functions of the body, eliminate the foci of inflammation and infection.
  • Alcohol tincture advise to rinse the throat with chronic tonsillitis to solve the problem without surgery and removal of almonds.

Possible contraindications for alocation

Alocation refers to the class of poisonous plants, so improper use or too large doses may cause serious poisoning with severe consequences or lethal exodus.

The tincture, and the flower itself, it is necessary to hide from children and dogs, consulting inside only after consulting a doctor. You can not try the juice of the plant to avoid the mucous burns, when working with leaves, be sure to wear rubber gloves.

The kidneys are filters of the body that remove all harmful substances to the outside, therefore, with a failure of the urogenital system, alocyan is used with caution. Contraindications to the use of tinctures are also diseases of the stomach or liver, hemophilia and individual intolerance to the components.

Among the side effects of an exotic flower, dizziness and weakness, nausea or vomiting, the appearance of the rash and disorder of the digestive system are isolated. In such cases, it is necessary to immediately stop the treatment of alociasia, and find an alternative way.

Preparation and dosage of alocation tincture

As the basis for the tincture, I use the dying leaves with still green cuttings, which are crushed and insist on alcohol or vodka. 100 g of raw materials will need 500 ml of alcohol, the main thing is to follow the accurate dosage.

The drink is withstanding 10 days in the dark room, and store away from direct sunlight. We start using with 2 drops, diluted with a tablespoon of water. Drink tincture before food, once a day. Gradually bring up to 25 - 30 drops, and begin to reduce again to 2. Before the next course, there are a 2-month break.

The means is contraindicated in individuals, under 15 years, because it negatively affects the development of the nervous system. Resort to alocation advise only in extreme cases when there are no other alternatives.

Alokasia (ARMA) is familiar with many lover of room flower growing and reveal for unpretentiousness and high decorative qualities. Each flower dealers knows the poisonousness and irritant action of alocation juice.

In the culture, the greatest spread was the type of alocation of the Largeneous (Alocasia Macrorhiza), which develops a fleshy rhizome, remotely resembling ginseng root. There are facts that Arma's rhizome Some unscrupulous sellers of medicinal plants are issued for the "root of life" (ginseng), which is exposed to buyers of great danger to get serious poisoning. At the same time, alocation, subject to proper use, is capable of providing tangible assistance in the treatment of a number of parables, since its juice has therapeutic properties.

Chemical composition of therapeutic raw materials

The chemical composition of alocation is not sufficiently studied. It is only known that the juice of the plant contains the Aroin flying agent, which is attributed to therapeutic properties.

Side Effects and Contraindications for Alochaize Treatment

Alocation is not included in the register of medicinal plants in the countries outside the range of its natural distribution, therefore all recommendations on therapeutic use of drugs prepared on the basis of arms (especially for internal reception), scientific medicine rejects. In the treatment of alocation preparations, high toxicity of the plant juice should be taken into account, and, in order to avoid heavy poisoning, it is necessary to accurately comply with the recommended dosages and multiplicity of reception.

When using ARME drugs as outdoor tools, a chemical skin burn is possible, which depends on its individual sensitivity. To determine the sensitivity threshold, it is necessary to apply a drop of a drug on the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow bending (on the inner part of the elbow) and observe the reaction. Strong skin inflammation will serve as a signal to reduce the concentration of the drug, which must be dissolved with boiled water.

Preparation and use of alocation preparations for treatment

- Tincture of alocation. A tincture is prepared using alcohol of a 40% fortress (or vodka). Alocation leaves need to be chopped in porcelain or plastic dishes (plastic knife) and pour with vodka equal to the proportional ratio (1: 1). Insolening is carried out in a dark place for at least 14 days (usually recommended 3 weeks). Outwardly, the drug is used as compresses, rods or trousers with thrombophlebitis, various dermatological diseases (eczema, psoriasis, etc.), hemorrhoids. When using tinctures for rubbing, patients have a decrease in pain in the case of articular pains, mositis and osteochondrosis. Folk healers practice the internal use of alocation tinctures for the treatment of a number of diseases, including prostatitis, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, blood disease, etc. Operal tincture of alocation is also prescribed in the treatment of mastopathy, various tumors, including malignant character. The internal reception technique of alocation tincture provides a gradual increase in dosage, for example, if the reception initially is carried out at 1 tsp, then by the end of the course of treatment, the dose increases up to 1 tbsp. drug. Tactics of treatment picks a healer individually.

- Kashitz from leaves. Prepare Cashitz from fresh alocacy leaves, in a wooden or porcelain mortar. It is used as an outer agent in the form of compresses in the treatment of articular and rheumatic diseases, as well as in dermatological practice.

- Ointment. This therapeutic drug can be prepared using a cashem obtained from the lag of alocation leaves, mixing with a fat base (Vaseline, Lanolin, Saletz, etc.) in a 2: 3 ratio. You can store this ointment in the refrigerator are not whiter than three weeks. Ointment can also be prepared on the basis of alocation tinctures, mixing it with a fat basis in a 1: 4 ratio. The shelf life of such ointments is almost unlimited. Ointment from alocation helps in the healing of trophic ulcers, relieves pain in rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis.

- Alokia oil. The oil is prepared on the basis of casher, using oil extraction. As an extractant, it is recommended to use low-drying oils, for example, olive. Cashitz cooked from 1 plants sheet, pour 100 ml of vegetable oil and withstand 14 days in dark glass flask. At the end of the term of insteading, oil profile and squeeze the residue. It is possible to maintain the oil in a cool place for 3 months. Alocation oil is used as compresses or for rubbing with rheumatic and articular pains.

- Infusion of leaves. The active substances that are part of the alocation juice are destroyed under the influence of high temperature, so all drugs are prepared by the "cold way". For the preparation of water, chilled boiled water is needed, which is poured chopped raw materials in a ratio of 1:10. Insperating time on a cold way - at least 24 hours. Keep therapeutic infusion can not more than a day. The drug is recommended to use for compresses, rings and washes during the treatment of skin diseases.

- Bathrooms. The infusion for the baths is prepared by the "hot way", for which the crushed raw materials is poured with boiling water (1 liter) in the thermos. The time of insteading is 1 hour. This infusion is enough to prepare a bath with a volume of 5 - 10 liters. With gouty cones, such procedures are recommended to be carried out daily before bedtime; Exposure time - 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, sore joints need to be wrapped in a wool cloth.

- Alokasia salted. Soldering of alocation leaves is carried out with the aim of harvesting therapeutic raw materials for the preparation of the bath. On each sheet of alocation will need 2 - 3 tbsp. Salt salt. Grind raw materials, thoroughly mix with salt and put under the yoke for 24 hours. This raw material is enough to prepare the bath with a volume of 10-20 liters.

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