Spelling b and b signs are examples. Spelling dividing lines b and b

Today, in the Russian language, the solid sign (b) has only a separating function.

Solid sign after Russian prefixes

Most often, a solid sign is used between a Russian prefix ending in a consonant and a root that begins with e, e, y, me. For example, the word "announcement" consists of a Russian prefix about- and root -I'm in- which starts with I am... In this case, the prefix and the root should be separated by a solid sign.

A few more examples of the use of the separating solid character between the prefix and the root: supernatural, cringe, pre-jubilee etc.

Hard sign in compound words

The dividing solid sign is also used in compound words between two roots, when the first root is represented by numbers two-, three-, four-, and the second root, as in the first case, starts with e, e, y, me. For instance: two-tiered, three-tiered, four-tiered.

Solid sign after foreign language prefixes

The third case when a separating solid sign is used in words is when a foreign language prefix is ​​present in the word, ending with a consonant letter, and a root starting with e, e, y, me. Examples: adjutant, trans-European, conjuncture and etc.

There are also cases when a separating solid character is written inside a word ( courier, flaw).

It should be remembered that a solid sign is never written:

  • in abbreviated words between word stems. For instance: children, but not children.
  • before other vowels, except e, e, yu, i. For instance, overactive, ugly.
  • in words that are hyphenated. For example, in the word half-Europe, a solid sign is not written, despite the fact that the prefix ends in a consonant, and the root begins with the letter e.

Thus, the dividing solid sign in Russian is used in four cases:

  • between the Russian prefix ending in a consonant and the root in e, e, y, i;
  • in compound words between the first root represented by numbers two-, three-, four-, and the second root on e, e, y, i;
  • between a foreign language prefix ending in a consonant and a root in e, e, y, i.
  • in certain cases inside words.


  • solve a spelling problem: how to choose the right one from two separating characters?
  • develop the ability to compare and distinguish words with b and b dividing marks;
  • enrich vocabulary students working on the development of speech;
  • foster a sense of friendship and camaraderie, a relationship of trust between students and teacher.


  • cards for self-study,
  • memo table,
  • multimedia projector, tape recorder,

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Hello children! Let's get ready for work, and at the beginning - smile at each other. I am glad to see your faces, your smiles. I think today will bring us all joy and good luck.

II. Formation of the topic and goal setting.

On the blackboard: "I am friend, the scientist unites us!" (Slide 1.)

- Can you tell me the topic of the lesson? Have you come across this topic before? What do you know about dividing marks and b? What do they have in common?

D. It separates the letters of a consonant and a vowel. It is written after the consonants before the vowels e, e, yu, i and.

- Who can tell about b?

D. A solid sign is written after prefixes that end in a consonant letter, before the letters e, e, yu, i.

- What goals will we set in the lesson? What are we going to work on? The problematic task: how to distinguish the separating b and b?

D. To consolidate the rules for writing dividing signs b and b, to be able to distinguish between signs when writing words with him.

Conclusion. Separating b and b do not allow vowel and consonant to merge. Kommersant sign, as a border guard, will not leave his post. B sign - kind, gentle in character, can be anywhere, but they do the same job.

III. Updating basic knowledge, achieving goals.

one . Calligraphy

- identify the letters that we will write in a minute of calligraphy. They don't mean sound. What are these letters? In what words are they present? (b, b)

- determine the order of the letters in this row:

yoo yoo yoo yoo

(This row alternates 4 lower case:b, b, y, o. The first letter in each successive cell of this row becomes the last).

- Write a series of letters in the sequence shown to the end of the line.

2. Parsing words by composition (friends, learning, unites.) Writing this sentence.

- Please note: there is a comma after the word friends. Who's to say why? (Appeal)... They turn to you, as if they pause so that you think.

3. Work on deformed text.

I have come up with another task for you. Formulate the task for the exercise yourself. What do you think you should do? (Slide 2.)

Find the same root words for friends. (Friend, friend, girlfriend, foe, befriend, friendship). Name the root.

The origin of the word cannot come from the word "lzya", which meant it is possible.

- Why can't they be friends Wolf and ram? How to choose a friend in life? Who do you consider your true friend?


Who believes fervently in friendship,
Who feels the shoulder next to
He will never fall
In any trouble it will not be lost.

And if he stumbles suddenly,
Then a friend will help him to get up.
Always in trouble a reliable friend
He will stretch out his hand
(S. Mikhalkov).

3. Phonetic warm-up.

Kolya scored stakes.

I AM sat down and cucumber ate.

I offer the girls the 1st sentence, and the boys the 2nd sentence.

What words do you think should be paid attention to? What is the difference? (Pronunciation, spelling, meaning). Write underlined words in transcription.

Sat - [with "email] - 3b., 3 stars.
Ate - [siel] - 4b., 4 stars.
Kolya - [Col "a] - 4b., 4 stars.
stakes [kol "ya] - 5b, 5 stars.

How so? Well done!

4. Physical education. (Rhythmic exercises). Probably tired. I am now testing your attention in a different form.

5. Riddle:

The animal closest to man in body structure. (Monkey - Slide 3.)

Read carefully and correct any errors. Can you solve the spelling problem? Select roots and prefixes. Underline the spelling. How many mistakes did you get?

(Slide 4.)

  1. The monkey is sad
    Behind the bars of the cage.
    Let her go
    Swing on a branch.
  2. The wolf is terribly furious
    He cannot sit down
    The hedgehog, although edible:
    Uncomfortable for graying:
    Shrinking, put out the needles-
    Swallowed the evil wolf.

(Children work on cards.)

5. Consolidation of the studied material.

Selective dictation. I dictate, and you write only b or b signs in your notebooks.

Announced, runners, congress, explained, leftovers, pouring.

Answer: b, b, b, b, b, b.(We check it with claps.)

6. Work on phraseological units, polysemantic words. (In pictures - Slide 5.)

Sort it out like a pig in oranges (do not understand anything)

What word are we interested in? (Pig.) Why? You can understand words and oranges too. How do you understand the meaning of this expression?

Submit the pig. (To do bad, harm.) Can real friends do that?

Multiple words: brushSlide 6. (Hands, grapes, artist). Change the word so, replace the b-index of softness with a dividing one. How can I do that?

How? Brush (in T.p.)

Chanterelles(mushrooms, animals).

Change the word so that the spelling of interest appears. (We indicate the affiliation.)

Whose? Foxes.

6. Solve the crossword puzzle: (Slide 7.)

  1. Fruit or berries cooked in sugar syrup.
  2. Blizzard.
  3. The place where you enter.
  4. A place along the way where the road goes up.
  5. Pastry.
  6. Wheat tortillas fried in a pan.
  7. The same as the injection.
  8. A million problems at once, my assistant will solve me.
  9. He has one huge eye and a huge head.
  10. Mother, father, children.
  11. ... .. green oak, golden chain on that oak ...
  12. Houses for bees.
  13. Inflammation of the outer lining of the eye.
  14. …. The dragonfly, summer red sang.

8. Independent work (in groups).

Based on the topic of the lesson, compose tasks for other groups (insert missing letters, highlight spelling, root and prefix).


- Were we able to achieve our goal.
- It seems to me that all of you "Friends of soft and hard signs."
- Evaluate your work in the lesson and mark the margins in the notebook.

Letters B and B(hard and soft sign) do not denote sounds, they are used in written speech to indicate the correct pronunciation of words. Compare:

vyuga - in B south

entrance - under B rides

Separating solid mark

Letter B used only as a separator. A hard sign is written after prefixes ending in a consonant followed by a vowel E, Yo, Yu or I AM... For instance:

explanation, to shrink, to go

The dividing solid sign is written in compound words, the first part of which is formed by numerals TWO-, THREE- and FOUR- followed by a vowel E, Yo, Yu or I AM... For instance:

two-tiered, four-nuclear

two-story, three-point

Dividing B

The hard sign is not written:

  1. Before vowels A, O, U, E, For example:

    without a variyny, under the horseman, learn, save

  2. In compound words, for example:


Signifying the softness of consonants

In written speech, in the middle and at the end of words, the letter B denotes the softness of the preceding consonant, for example:

in the south, sheet l, tulle pan

To indicate the softness of consonants, the soft sign is written:

  1. At the end of words, for example:

    day, twirl, rain

  2. In the middle of a word after a soft consonant before a hard one:

    more e, ginseng, letter o

  3. In the middle of a word after a soft consonant before a soft G, K, B or M in the event that when changing the word G, K, B or M becomes solid:

    earring and - earring, written - letter o

  4. In the middle of a word after soft L, before any consonant:

    lion yonok, ls tite, use

    But between the two L following each other - LL, the soft sign is not written:

    Ill Juminator, All Eya, Ill Yuziya

The soft sign in the middle of a word is not written:

  1. In combinations ZN, NT, SN, ZD, ST, For example:

    execute, quarantine, blush, here, cost and

  2. Combined with H and SCH with all consonants except L:

    night oh, finish it, count

    cheer hik, boy hik

    Combinations ChK, ChN, NCH, NShch, RShch, ShchN are written without a soft sign.

    candle and, fine, begging, mason, collecting, powerful

Dividing soft sign

Letter B used as a separator in words. Write a soft mark inside words after consonants followed by a vowel E, E, I, YU or I AM... For instance:

ring, eh, eh, nightingale and, vyu ha, link I

When pronouncing words with a separating soft sign, the sound [y "] is always heard. B indicates that the letters E, E, I, Yu, I stand for two sounds:

E [th "uh], Yo [th "oh], AND [th "and], YU [th "y], I AM [th "a]

note that dividing B not written after prefixes.

Note: the separating soft mark is written in some words foreign origin before the letter O:

postman n, bouillon n, battel n, medallion n, chapmino n

Dividing B is used so that when pronouncing words, a consonant letter does not merge with a vowel.

Note.Letter b front O written in some foreign words, for example: battalion, bouillon, guillotine, Carmagnole, companion, minion, pavilion, postman, champignon.

Section 72.Letter b written to indicate the softness of a consonant, Besides h, SCH(see §75), at the end of a word, for example: drink, darkness, horse, and in the middle of a word before a hard consonant, for example: threshing, request, nurse, less.
To indicate the softness of a consonant in front of another soft consonant, b written in the following cases:
  1. If, when the word changes, the second soft consonant becomes hard, and the first consonant retains its softness, for example: nannies(nurse), wedding(wedding), eight(eighth).
  2. To indicate softness l, For example: herring, flatter, smaller, finger.
In all other cases, before soft consonants, including before h, SCH, letter b not written, for example: bones, early, babysit, tip, mason.

Note.Between two soft l letter b not written, For example: illusion, boisterous.

Section 73. Letter b is also written in the following cases:
  1. In educated from numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine compound numbers in which both parts are declined, for example: fifty(fifty, fifty), sixty, seventy, eighty, nine hundreds, but: fifteen(fifteen, fifteen), sixteen etc.
  2. In instrumental plural forms, for example: children, people, also four.
  3. In an indefinite form before -sya and in the imperative before -sya and -those, for example: drink - get drunk; fix - correct, correct; suspension - weigh, weigh.
Section 74. Letter b not written:
  1. In adjectives with the suffix -sk - formed from nouns in b, For example: Kazan(Kazan), kemsky(Kem), Siberian(Siberia), brutal(the beast), January(January).
  2. Note.Adjectives September, October, November, December, June, day (day-day) written with b; adjectives derived from Chinese names in -n , For example: Yunnan(from Yunnan).

  3. V genitive plural from nouns to -nya with a preceding consonant or th and in the ones formed from them by means of the suffix -To - diminutive for example: cherry - cherries, cherry; carnage - slaughterhouse; reading room - reading room; but: bath - baths, bathhouse; Apple tree - apple trees, apple tree; also a village - villages, village; young lady - young ladies; kitchen - kitchens, kitchenette.
Section 75.After the hissing (f, h, w, SCH) letter b is written only in the following cases:
  1. At the end of nouns female in the nominative and accusative singular, for example: rye, night, mouse.
  2. In the ending of the 2nd person singular present and future tense of the verb after the final w, For example: carrying - rushing, you wear - you are worn, if you accept - you will.
  3. At the end of the verb in the singular imperative mood, and letter b persists before -sya , For example: smear - smear; hide - hide; eat.
  4. Plural imperative front -those, be, For example: smear - smear ; hide - hide ; eat.
  5. At the end of the verb in an indefinite form, and letter b written before -sya, For example: to cut, get a haircut.
  6. In all dialects after the final w and h , For example: overwhelmingly, gallop, away as well as in the adverb wide open.
  7. At the end of the particles: see, I mean, only, see.

Card 1

Insert b where needed. Highlight the prefixes. Underline letters after b.

Sample: entry.

In ... driving to the city. On the wall about ... a phenomenon. Prev ... revealed documents. Once ... I found a friend. Once ... I understood the task. One ... fierce beast. Under ... a crane. You ... ride out of town. Unnecessary steppe.

Card 2

Match these words with the same root words with the specified prefixes. Highlight the prefixes. Underline the letters after the b.

Sample: departure.

Riding (from-, under-, on, times-). Ate (po, s-, ob-).


Card 3

Write down by expanding parentheses and inserting missing letters. Highlight the prefixes. Underline the letter after the b.

My father went on a ride and took me to stay with my grandmother. A car was driving towards (under) driving (under). We (you) went to the road and in an hour (c) drove to the city.


Card 4

Designate 1 words with a separator b, and number 2 - words with b- an indicator of the softness of consonants.

Sick, gun, spear, take, bird, letter, nightingales, trees, at night,

boy, in the fall, pebbles, ants, happiness, life, blizzard, slice, finger.

Card 5

Write the phrases, changing the meaning of the word in parentheses.

Sample: ( Fox ) fox Nora ,

(bird) ..................................... feather, (wolf) ..... ................... traces, (dog) ………………………. kennel, (goat) ................................ milk,

(bear) .............................. paw, (hare) ............ ...................... hat, (squirrel) ....................... .............. skin.

Card 6

Write down the words in two columns: in the first - words with a separating soft sign, and in the second - words with a soft sign - an indicator of the softness of the consonants.

Sick, gun, spear, take, bird, letter, nightingales, skates, trees, at night, boy, autumn, pebbles, ants, happiness, life, blizzard, slice, finger, crow (nest).


Card 7

Read the proverbs. Insert a dividing hard or dividing soft mark. Underline the vowels that follow the separator marks.

1. All this .... I am together, and the soul is in place. 2. To fish with .... eat, you have to climb into the water. 3. By fees .... they are greeted, escorted by the mind. 4. In winter with ... I would eat the fungus, but the snow is deep. 5. Red is a bird of lane ..... yami, and a man is learned ...... eat.

Card 8

Z..ma announced in..inu in..sleep. Pr..l..tel of the wind..r, s. took the formidable clouds. They did not let the sunbeam on the ground. In..sna p.send m..l..da tra..we warm drops d..hda. Z..ma froze them. On the d..rev..akh with..chis buds. Z..ma pinched them m..ro..cem. Mixed rain with snow, in..autumn thunder with in..yoga. Once .. fierce z..ma tried to strike at the very heart in .. sleep, but didn’t sm .. gla.


Card 9

Write the words in two columns.

Sem .. I, in .. went, bul..on, in..et, in..to .. go, in..yuga, postman, in..un, with..shilas, announcement, ruch .. and, Il .. I, once .. fierce, ruzh .. e, Dem .. yan, from .. yan.


Card 10

Insert words that are suitable for the meaning with separators in the sentences b and b.

1. Sasha ……………… ... pie. 2. To the house ...................................... car. 3. In the spring, the paths flowed ........................................... 4. Ilya loves froths with ...................... 5. Birds ...………………. ... nests on ........................................ and bushes. 5. Frequent rains ...................................... in autumn.

Card 11

Write off by inserting the missing letters.

1. (C) ate (c) a squirrel jumped ... 2. Guests (s) ate a tasty cake... 3. The worms (under) ate the cabbage roots. 4. Hare .. they sat down (under) ate.


Card 12

Think up and write down two or three words of different parts of speech with a separator b with these prefixes : C-, under-, ob-, times-, in-, from-.


Card 13

Write off. Insert the missing letters.

Somehow in a saucer ... in a..renia ...................................... .................................................

I (on) walked ... .................................................. .....................................

I, of course, immediately sat down ......................................... .............................................

And in..ren..e quickly sat down. .................................................. .....................................

And now .. to continue ......................................... ...............................................

This article is good .......................................... .............................................

Not a bit ... not in..ren..I. .................................................. .........................................

Test " Separation marks»

Student................................................. .........

1. Where do they write the separating soft mark in words?

a) immediately after the prefixes;

2. Where do they write the dividing solid mark in words?

a) immediately after the prefixes;

b) at the root and after the root of the word.

3.What letters should the root start with?

a) from vowels;

b) with consonants.

4. What letter should the prefix end with before paz -
dividing solid sign?

a) a consonant;

b) to a vowel.

5. Before what vowels do they write the soft separating
sign? Circle the letters you want.

6. Before what vowels do they write a dividing solid
sign? Circle the letters you want.

A, e, s, e, u, me, o, e, y, and.

soft sign.

a) life ..;

b) happy ... e;

c) b..t;

d) letter ...

7. Underline the words where the dividing line is missing
solid sign.

a) u ... rode

b) pre ... show

c) in..et;

d) Explain.

Test: "Separating soft mark"


1st level

    Find and underline words with a soft separator mark.

    Flakes, big, minx, tenants, housing, ice floe.

    Read it. Underline words with a soft separator mark.

A blizzard broke out at night. The girl sews dresses for dolls.

2 level

Read it. Insert words that match the meaning with a separating soft sign.

The hunter charged.

Crumbled from the trees.

Drying on a rope.

3 level

Correct mistakes.

Our Murka Skin is a great minx. Dad brought a little sparrow. Murka grabbed Chyuchelo. The rest of the bird is in tatters.

Test: "Separating b and b"

Surname, name ...............................................

1. Choose the correct answer.
Dividingb written:

a) after a consonant before letterse, e, i, y, i;

b) after prefixes that end in a consonant,
before letterse, e, me.

2. Choose the correct answer.

Dividingb shows that

a) a consonant followed by a vowel
pronounced separately;

b) the consonant sound, after which it stands, is pronounced

3. Underline the words in which b denotes only the softness of consonants.

Nightingales, feathers, day, mill, skates, coals, dust, ring.

4. Underline the wordswith dividing soft sign.

Boy, feathers, health, tweet, pours, letter, family, polka, sons.

5. Distribute the words in three columns: 1 - with a dividing soft sign; 2 - with a soft sign - an indicator of the softness of a consonant; 3- with dividingb.

Clap ... I, s.zd, happy ... e, in ... the south, teacher ... nitsa, small ..lik, s ... capacious.

.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................

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