Separating and highlighting sentences. Separating punctuation marks

Punctuation- this:

  1. Punctuation system
  2. A branch of linguistics that studies punctuation marks and the rules for their use in writing
The general education program studies 10 punctuation marks: dot ( . ), question mark ( ? ), exclamation mark ( ! ), dots ( ... ), comma ( , ), semicolon ( ; ), colon ( : ), dash ( - ), brackets (round) () , quotes ( " " ). Punctuation marks serve to indicate in the sentence and in the text the boundaries of semantic segments, the meaning of which is especially emphasized by the writer. Punctuation marks provide the writer and reader with an unambiguous understanding of the sentence and text.

Punctuation rule

Punctuation rule- this is an instruction that indicates the conditions for choosing a punctuation mark (i.e. its use or non-use). The conditions for choosing a punctuation mark are the grammatical, semantic and intonational features of sentences and their parts.


The place in the sentence where punctuation is required can be found by identification signs (signs). Identification signs of the application of punctuation rules:

  1. morphological: the presence of participles, gerunds, interjections, conjunctions, individual particles;
  2. syntactic: the presence of two or more grammatical bases, appeals, foreign words, isolated members of the sentence, homogeneous members, someone else's speech;
  3. sound: pronunciation with vocative and other types of intonations;
  4. semantic: expression of reason, etc.

Functions of punctuation marks

Punctuation marks serve to separate sentences from each other in the text, to separate and highlight semantic segments in a sentence. They are divided into three groups: separating(in the text), separating And excretory(in a sentence).

Separating punctuation marks

These include dot, question mark, exclamation point, ellipsis. They are used:

  1. to separate each word of the sentence from the next in the text;
  2. to complete a separate proposal.
The choice of one of the four separating characters is determined by the meaning and intonation of the sentence.

Punctuation at the end of a sentence


  • At the end of the declarative and incentive sentences, a period is put if emotions (feelings) are not additionally expressed in them.
  • Question marks are placed at the end of interrogative sentences.
  • An exclamation mark is placed at the end of any sentence for the purpose of the statement if a feeling is additionally expressed in them.
  • An ellipsis is placed at the end of a sentence if the writer makes a long pause.

Separating punctuation marks

These include comma, semicolon, dash, colon. Dividing marks punctuation serves in a simple sentence to mark the boundaries between homogeneous members (comma and semicolon), in a complex one - to separate simple sentences that are part of it.

The choice of separating punctuation marks is determined by morphological, syntactic, semantic and intonational conditions.

Emphasis punctuation marks

Emphasizing punctuation marks serve to indicate the boundaries of semantic segments that complicate a simple sentence (addresses, introductory words, phrases, sentences, separate secondary members), as well as direct speech.
Emphasizing punctuation marks are a comma (two commas); dash (two dashes); exclamation mark; brackets are double; colon and dash used together; double quotes.

The choice of highlighting punctuation marks is determined by syntactic, semantic and intonational conditions.

Cases where a punctuation mark is not put

  • Between the subject and the predicate, which is attached by a conjunction how.
  • Between homogeneous members connected by single unions and, or.
  • Before application if union how used to mean " as».
  • After a participial turnover, if it stands before the noun being defined and has no causal meaning.
  • Before adverbs formed from adverbs.
  • Between simple sentences in a compound sentence with a union And if there is a common member.
  • Between homogeneous subordinate clauses connected by a union And.
  • Between agreed definitions, if they characterize the subject from different sides.

The lesson has several important goals:

1) show that punctuation marks are an important tool registration of written speech;

2) talk about the division of punctuation marks according to their function into groups;

4) develop oral and written speech of students;

5) to cultivate speech culture and respect for the native word.



Lesson topic: Principles of Russian punctuation. Punctuation marks:

separating, separating and separating.

Lesson type: formation of new knowledge

Conduct form:lesson-practice with the use of computer


Lesson goals.

Educational:emphasize that punctuation is important

A means of writing written speech, since with their

With help, the semantic articulation of speech occurs, the division

Punctuation marks according to their function into three groups:

separating, separating and separating,


Developing: development of oral and written speech of students,

Active forms of cognitive activity

Educational: education of speech culture, careful attitude to

native word

Lesson equipment:computer presentation

"Punctuation marks - notes when reading" (A. P. Chekhov)

Leading tasks: Student message: "From the history of punctuation"

During the classes

  1. Acquaintance with the objectives of the lesson and the epigraph:

"Punctuation marks - notes when reading"

A. P. Chekhov

“... Punctuation marks have a dual purpose:

Promote clarity in the presentation of thoughts,

Separating one sentence from another or one

Part of it from another, and express the feeling of the face

The speaker and his relationship to the listener ... "

F. I. Buslaev

Lesson plan.

1. Introduction: "A word about punctuation"

2. Student's message:"From the history of punctuation"

3 Student message: “Threethe principle of Russian punctuation"

4. Student's message: "Punctuation marks: separating,

5 . Drawing up a diagram on the topic "Punctuation Marks"

8. Workshop on the topic studied (working with a computer program

Problem questions:

  • What is punctuation for?
  • What are the principles of Russian punctuation?
  • What groups are punctuation marks divided into

By function?

  • What is special about copyrights?

1. Introduction: "A word about punctuation"

The topic of today's lesson isPrinciples of Russian punctuation. Punctuation marks: separating, separating and highlighting "

  • What is punctuation? Pick up words with the same root for this word and try to formulate
  • What is punctuation for?

Output: Punctuation (from Latin punktum - “point”) is a collection of rules on punctuation. Punctuation marks (punctuation - “stop, break”) are signs that are placed between words or groups of words in written speech.

2. Student's message:"From the history of punctuation"

“Punctuation, like spelling, is part of the graphic system adopted for a given language, and must be as firmly mastered as the letters of the alphabet with their sound values, in order for the letter to accurately and completely express the content of the statement.” “Punctuation marks are notes when reading” - this is how A.P. Chekhov characterized punctuation in one of the letters dated 1888.

Punctuation marks are an important means of formalizing written speech, since with their help the semantic articulation of speech occurs. Unlike spelling, whose rules are based on the phonetic and morphological structure of each language, punctuation is largely international in nature. Punctuation was invented by the typographers the Manutius brothers in the middle of the 15th century. and in general terms was accepted by most of the peoples of Europe.

There are 10 punctuation marks in modern Russian: dot, question mark, exclamation mark, ellipsis, colon, semicolon, comma, dash, double dash, brackets. Quotation marks can also be conditionally referred to as punctuation marks. In addition, spaces between words, a red line (the beginning of a paragraph) and other graphic tools are used to read the text.

3. Student's message: "Three principles of Russian punctuation"

The rules of Russian punctuation are based on three main principles: logical (semantic), structural-syntactic and intonation:

1. Logical (semantic) -punctuation marks help break up speechinto parts that are important for expressing thoughts in writing(semantic division),

2. Structural - syntacticmakes the semantic structure of speech visual, highlighting individual sentences and their parts (syntactic division),

creates stability of the punctuation system.

3. Intonation - serve to indicate intonation design,a means of expressing semantics (meanings) in oral speech.

4. Student's message: "Punctuation marks: separating,

Dividing and excretory "

Depending on the function, punctuation marks are divided into three groups: separating, separating, highlighting.

to the separatorspunctuation includes period, question and exclamation marks, ellipsis. These signs are placed at the end of a sentence and serve as a means of separating one sentence from another in the composition text.

To punctuation marksinclude comma, semicolon, dash, and colon. These signs are placed in a simple sentence to separate homogeneous members of the sentence and to separate simple sentences as part of a complex one.

To highlight punctuation marks relate double (paired) signs:double brackets, double quotes,double dash, double comma.

5 . Drawing up a diagram on the topic: "Punctuation marks"

A special position in the traditional system of punctuation marks is occupied by the so-called copyright marks. They can be considered as special semantic signs, since their use is usually not motivated by the structure of syntactic units. Author's signs are one of the punctuation methods for highlighting semantic fragments of a sentence. They are an important component of the information expressed by a proposal. In modern press there are cases of violation of some rules of punctuation.

  • Chekhov compares punctuation marks with musical notation,

What would you compare it to based on your profession?

  • What are the similarities and differences between clothing and punctuation marks?

7. Separating, separating, highlighting and copyright marks in

The novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

And now let's turn to the story of a man who made clothes a symbol of protest. Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov - the author of famous works

"Heart of a Dog", "Running", "White Guard", "Master and Margarita" - all his life he defended the right to remain himself. "I was advised to dye the skin. Ridiculous advice. Is it dyedwolf, is it a shorn wolf, he still doesn’tlooks like a poodle,wrote M.A. Bulgakov

In February 1929, two people met: he was married, she was married; a romance arose between them, at first secret, as usual; then everything, according to the eternal scheme, floated out; and there were tears, and the jealous husband's revolver flashed, but everything ended happily ...

And you can start this strict love story like this: in the early thirties, the wife of a major commander, chief of staff of the Moscow military district Shilovsky went to the famous writer and became his wife.

On February 29, they met for the first time, and in May Mikhail Afanasyevich began writing his great novel The Master and Margarita. It is about many things, this novel, it is about God and the devil, it is about cowardice as the main vice of mankind, it is about the indelible, inescapable sin of betrayal, it is fantastically funny and inexpressibly sad, it is cosmic, but above all it is about true and eternal love, oh which we have forgotten to think about and which comes, perhaps, only in happy dreams about childhood, when you shed tears about the irrevocable, and you no longer believe, and there is no strength to live without faith.

"Master and Margarita" - so he called the novel, the great Master, not in any other way. Romance, life - how everything is intertwined, grown into each other, when one blood vessels united life and dream, Elena Sergeevna and Margarita Nikolaevna, but let's not forget: Elena Sergeevna is a Secret Friend, Muse is life, beautiful and fleeting, and Margarita Nikolaevna is the same, but already bathed in the light of immortality, a child of the Master's love for a woman and for life

From the diary of Elena Sergeevna:

“It was in the 29th year in February, on butter. Some friends made pancakes. Neither I wanted to go there, nor Bulgakov, who for some reason decided that he would not go to this house. But it turned out that these people managed to interest both him and me in the composition of the invitees. Well, me, of course, his last name. In general, we met and were close. It was fast, extraordinarily fast, at least on my part, love for life.

Neither fame, nor wealth, nor position in society, nor even hope could the Master give her: he was poor and - worse than that- damned, his fame has sunk, leaving the foam of blasphemy and the steady, creepy for those times and absolutely unfair nickname of the "White Guard". And she? beautiful, brilliant,

with the necessary zest of frivolity, which does not allow a man to get used to his girlfriend as to property that will go nowhere ...

From the diary of Elena Sergeevna:

“Then came much more difficult times, when it was very difficult for me to leave home precisely because my husband was very a good man, because we had such a close-knit family. The first time I lost heart and stayed, and I did not see Bulgakov for 20 months, having given my word that I would not accept a single letter, I would not answer the phone even once, I would not go out alone into the street. But, obviously, it was still fate. Because when I first went outside, I met him, and the first phrase he said was: "I can't live without you." And I said, "Me too." And we decided to connect, no matter what. But then he told me what, I don’t know why, but accepted with a laugh. He told me: "Give me your word that I will die in your arms." If we imagine that this was said by a man of less than forty years old, healthy, with cheerful blue eyes beaming with happiness, then, of course, it looked very strange. And I, laughing, said: "Of course, of course, you will die at my..." He said: "I'm talking very seriously, swear." And as a result, I vowed ... "

Not in the novel, but in life, Mikhail Afanasyevich said to Elena Sergeevna:“The whole world was against me - and I am alone. Now we're together and I'm not afraid of anything "

Study of excerpts from the novel by M.A. Bulgakov

"Master and Margarita"according to the scheme of puncture analysis

Are you a writer? the poet asked with interest.

The guest darkened his face and shook his fist at Ivan, then said:

I am a master, - he became stern and took out from the pocket of his dressing gown a completely greasy black cap with the letter "M" embroidered on it in yellow silk. He put on this hat and appeared to Ivan both in profile and in front, to prove that he is a master. She sewed it for me with her own hands,” he added mysteriously.

What is your last name?

I no longer have a surname, - the strange guest answered with gloomy contempt, - I abandoned it, as well as everything in life in general. Let's forget about her.

She carried in her arms hideous, disturbing yellow flowers. The devil knows what their names are, but for some reason they are the first to appear in Moscow. And these flowers stood out very distinctly against her black spring coat. She carried yellow flowers! Bad color!
She turned from Tverskaya into a side street and then turned around. Well, do you know Tverskaya? Thousands of people were walking along Tverskaya, but I guarantee you that she saw me alone and looked not only anxiously, but even, as it were, painfully. And I was struck not so much by beauty as by an extraordinary, unseen loneliness in the eyes!

M. Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita". Ch.1 Ch.13

Follow me, reader! Who told you that there is no true, true, eternal love in the world? Let the liar cut out his vile tongue! Follow me, my reader, and only me, and I will show you such love!”

And I suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, realized that I had loved this particular woman all my life! That's the thing, right? Of course you say crazy?

Love jumped out in front of us, like a murderer jumping out of the ground in an alley, and hit us both at once!

This is how lightning strikes, this is how a Finnish knife strikes!

She, however, subsequently asserted that this was not so, that we, of course, loved each other a long time ago, without knowing each other, never seeing ...

and that she lived with another person ... and I was there, then ... with this ... like her ...

M. Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita". Ch." ch.19

“Margarita Nikolaevna never touched the stove. Margarita Nikolaevna did not know the horrors of living in a joint apartment. In a word... she was happy? Not one minute! Ever since she got married at the age of nineteen and entered the mansion, she had not known happiness. Gods, my gods! What did this woman need? What did this woman, in whose eyes some incomprehensible light always burned, what did this witch, slightly squinting in one eye, need, who then adorned herself with mimosas in the spring? Do not know. I don't know. Obviously, she was telling the truth, she needed him, the master, and not at all a Gothic mansion, and not a separate garden, and not money. She loved him, she spoke the truth."

M. Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita". Ch." ch.19


Order of punctuation parsing

1. Explain the conditions (grammatical, semantic, intonational) for punctuation.

2. Describe punctuation marks according to their use (single, repeated, paired).

3. Characterize punctuation marks according to their function (separating, highlighting).

4. Formulate a rule for punctuation marks.


1. With a full analysis, all characters in the text are explained, with a partial analysis, punctuation marks are explained selectively.

2. When analyzing, it is desirable to take into account optional signs, possible variability of signs, individual author's signs, determining their functional and stylistic role.

Parsing sample:

Oh! Look at me through the window

And give me news of the height

So that I, comforted a little,

I saw happiness at least in the window.

(F. Glinka.)

The exclamation point separates the interjection from the main sentence and indicates the emotional coloring of the sentence.

A comma separates the subordinate clause from the main clause.

Commas highlight a separate definition, expressed by participial turnover (sign paired, excretory).

Period at the end of a sentence.

8. Workshop on the studied topic (work with a computer program)

1. Analyze 10 - 15 sentences according to the punctuation scheme

Analysis from a work of art (optional)

2. Repeat the rule about punctuation marks at the end of a simple sentence

§ 1 Punctuation marks

In this lesson, we will look at the main groups of punctuation marks and systematize our knowledge about them.

All punctuation marks and the rules for their placement in sentences and texts are studied by a special science - punctuation.

Punctuation is an important means of formalizing written speech and has a communicative function.

Punctuation marks form special group the entire graphic system of the Russian language; their purpose is to serve those aspects of written speech that cannot be expressed in letters.

Punctuation marks serve

- in order to promote clarity and clarity in the transmission of thoughts,

they separate one sentence from another, or one part of it from another,

r and express the feelings of the speaker and his attitude towards the listener.

“Their purpose is to indicate the semantic articulation of speech, as well as to help identify its syntactic structure and rhythm,” D.E. Rosenthal and M.A. Telenkova.

In some cases, punctuation marks are the main or only means of identifying semantic relationships.

For example, you can compare the placement of a comma, a dash, and a colon in the same non-union complex sentence:

The youth left, the evening became boring. (This sentence refers to the sequence of events.)

The youth left - it became boring at the evening. (The second part of this sentence indicates the consequence, the result of the action indicated in the first part).

The youth left: the evening became boring. (Here, causal relationships are revealed with an indication of the cause in the second part of this non-union complex sentence).

§ 2 Dividing and highlighting punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence are needed in order to convey in writing the features of the semantic relations between the parts of a complex sentence, the features of its structure and intonation.

In compound and non-union complex sentences, they share simple sentences, performing a separating function, and in complex subordinates, a dependent part (subordinate clause) is distinguished, performing an excretory function.

So, for example, a comma, a semicolon and a dash perform a separating function in compound and union-free sentences, a colon also has the same separating function, but is used between parts only in a union-free complex sentence.

The dash in BSP performs a separating function.

And here excretory function peculiar exclusively to a comma, which highlights the subordinate clause as part of a complex sentence.

For example:

Commas in NGN perform a distinguishing function.

§ 3 Features of Russian punctuation

It should be noted that the rules of Russian punctuation are very flexible, since along with the mandatory norms there are indications that do not have a strict normative character and allow various punctuation options.

So, for example, the author's punctuation in complex sentences is such a punctuation mark that is not provided for by the rules, but is acceptable if the author conveys any additional meaning with their help. Such characters are most often referred to in complex sentences as a dash, a semicolon.

For example, K.G. Paustovsky considered it necessary to put a dash in the non-union complex sentence

although it was necessary to put a colon.

§ 4 Summary of the lesson

Summing up the lesson, it can be noted that knowledge of punctuation and the functions of punctuation marks in a complex sentence is extremely necessary, since punctuation marks not only indicate the semantic division of text and sentences, but are also an important means of writing written speech.

List of used literature:

  1. Zolotareva I.V., Dmitrieva L.P., Egorova N.V. Lesson developments in the Russian language: Grade 11. - M.: VAKO, 2005. - 320 p. - (To help the school teacher).
  2. Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms: A guide for the teacher. - M .: Education, 1985. - 399 p.
  3. Egorova N.V. Lesson developments in the Russian language: a universal guide. Grade 9 - M.: VAKO, 2007. - 224 p.

1. Compound sentence.

compound is called a sentence that has two or more independent grammatical bases connected by coordinating conjunctions.

Punctuation marks in compound sentences.

  1. A comma is placed between parts of a complex sentence connected by conjunctions:
    1. connecting ( and yes in meaning and, neither... nor);
    2. adversative ( ah but yes in meaning but, however, the same, but, otherwise, not);
    3. separating ( or, either, whether ... whether, then ... then, not those ... not that);
    4. connecting ( yes, yes, and, too, also);
    5. explanatory ( that is, namely).
  2. If parts of a compound sentence are significantly common or have commas inside them, then between them put a semicolon(before alliances but And Yes in the meaning of "and" only when they connect parts that would otherwise be separated by a dot): Almost every evening later they went somewhere out of town to Oreanda or to a waterfall; And the walk was a success, the impressions were invariably beautiful, majestic every time (H), I had only blue paint, but, despite this, I started to draw a hunt (L. T), I heard that he was crying, but I must tell you that Azamat was a stubborn boy, and nothing happened to knock his tears out, even when he was younger (L.)
  3. If in second part compound sentence contains an unexpected attachment or a sharp contrast to the first part, then between them dash instead of comma: Dexterous and strong blows with sledgehammers on the barrels of machine guns, and the Nazis can no longer shoot (V. Stavsky). I'm in a hurry to go there - and there is already the whole city (P.)
  1. Comma before unions ah yes(in the meaning of "and"), or, or in a compound sentence not put:
    1. common minor term (In such a storm the wolf does not prowl and the bear does not crawl out of the den);
    2. if parts of a compound sentence have (When the storm started, the game stopped and the children rushed to run home);
    3. between two nominal proposals (Walking in the woods and boating);
    4. between two interrogative proposals (What time is it now and how much time is left before the train leaves?).
  2. No comma is placed between two impersonal sentences that have synonymous words as part of predicates (You need to rewrite the work and explain the mistakes made in it).
  3. A comma is placed between parts of a compound sentence that have common minor term or general subordinate clause if these parts are connected repeated union (Heavy trucks moved along the streets, and cars raced, and pedestrians hurriedly walked).

    If the parts of the sentence are not connected by a repeating union, but have a common member, then a comma between them not put: Eyes gleamed in a pale face and a nose was drawn out.

2. Complex sentence.

complex A sentence is a compound sentence that contains main part And dependent(subordinate clause). Parts of such a proposal are interconnected subordinating unions or allied words.

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence.

  1. Subordinate clause separated from the main comma or separated by commas on both sides, if located inside the main.
  2. Sometimes, with intonational emphasis, explanatory clauses (as well as conditionals with a union whether) before the main clause are separated from it not by a comma, but by dash: Who is cheerful, he laughs (L.-K.); As the teacher said, I listened at the window for a long time (Plssch.); Of course, it’s good that he marries her, but who knows how they will live (M. G.); Whether the plowman sings a song in the distance - a long song takes over the heart; Will the forest begin - pine and aspen (N.)(in the last example in the second part - an incomplete sentence).
  3. On rare occasions before subordinating union put colon: this occurs when in the previous part of the complex sentence contains a special warning about the subsequent clarification(in this place you can insert the words "namely"): Hadji Murat was sitting next to him in the room and, although he did not understand what they were saying, he understood, however, what he needed to understand: that they were arguing about him and that his exit from Shamil was a matter of great importance for the Russians .. (L T .)
  4. When the subordinate clause is connected to the main clause with complex subordinating conjunction (because, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, because, so, instead of, in order to, so that, after, while, since like etc.), then comma is placed once:
    1. before the union, if subordinate clause follows the main clause: We sat on the corner of the bastion, so that everyone could see in both directions (L.);
    2. after the entire subordinate clause, if it precedes the main: As I talked, he came to his senses (M. G.)
    Note. Depending on the meaning, a complex union can be divided into two parts: the first part will be included in the main sentence as a relative word, and the second will play the role of a union; in such cases a comma is placed only before the second part of a complex union: He lost weight in one night so that only skin and bones remained (L.T.); Grandfather ordered not to wake Tanyusha until she wakes up (Ax.). Complex alliances while, as if, even if, only when do not break.
  5. If a subordinating conjunction or a relative word is preceded by negation "not" or continuous coordinating conjunction o or or etc., then the subordinate clause does not separate from the leading comma: What matters is not what he said, but how he said it; It was noisy both when the children played in the yard and when they gathered in the dining room(a comma is placed between the subordinate clauses in such cases).
  6. They are not subordinate clauses and do not separate that's why comma indecomposable expressions by all means, as if nothing had happened, who is in what much, what is urine etc.
  7. Subordinate clause, consisting of only one relative word, no comma separated: He was offended, but I said why.

3. A complex non-union proposal.

Associative complex sentence such a sentence is called in which the parts forming it (simple sentences) are interconnected in meaning, intonationally, by the order of the parts. Between the parts of such a sentence no unions.

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence.

    Comma and semicolon in non-union complex sentence
  1. Between independent sentences combined into one compound non-union sentence, put a comma if such proposals closely related in meaning.: Deep darkness thinned in the sky, the day fell on a dark valley, the dawn rose (P.).
  2. If the parts of the non-union complex sentence distant from each other in meaning or are very common and have commas inside them, then between them put a semicolon: At the gate I saw an old cast-iron cannon; the streets were cramped and crooked, the huts were low and for the most part covered with straw (P.); It was already evening; the sun hid behind a small aspen grove that lay half a verst from the garden; the shadow from her stretched endlessly through the motionless fields (T.).
  3. If an asyndetic compound sentence falls apart(groups of sentences), semantically distant from each other, then between them put a semicolon, and inside these parts, simple sentences are separated by a comma: The smell of the forest intensifies, there is a slight breeze of warm dampness; the wind that has taken off near you freezes (T.); The pale gray sky grew lighter, colder, bluer; the stars now twinkled with a faint light, then disappeared; the earth became damp, the leaves were sweaty, in some places living sounds, voices began to be heard (T.).
    The colon in the non-union complex sentence is put:
  1. If the second part (one or more sentences) explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part (between both parts you can insert the words "namely"): I was not mistaken: the old man did not refuse the proposed glass. (P.) Here a rather entertaining picture opened up: a wide hut, with which the roof rested on two sooty pillars, was full of people (L.);
  2. If in the first sentence with the help of verbs see, look, hear, know, feel etc., a warning is given that a statement of some fact or some description will follow: I know: in your heart there is both pride and direct honor (P.); Pavel feels: someone's fingers touch his arm above the elbow (N.O.).
    1. Sometimes these verbs are omitted: He thought, sniffed: it smells of honey (Ch.)(missing: and felt that).
    2. If the first sentence is pronounced without a hint of warning, then a comma is put instead of a colon: I hear the earth tremble (N.).
  3. If the second part indicates the basis, the reason for what is said in the first part (a union can be inserted between both parts because): They were silent all the way to the farm: the jolting ride prevented talking (Ch.).

In these cases, most often the main part of the statement (corresponding to the main clause in complex sentences) is contained in the first part of the non-union complex sentence, and in the second part (corresponding to the subordinate clause in complex sentences) an explanation is given, disclosure of the content of the first part.

    A dash in a non-union complex sentence is put:
  1. If the second part contains an unexpected addition, an indication of a rapid change of events: Suddenly, men with axes appeared - the forest rang, groaned, crackled (N.); Ignat pulled the trigger - the gun misfired (Ch.);
  2. If the second part contains sharp opposition in relation to the first part: The oak is holding on - the reed has fallen to the ground (Kr.); They mowed a mile - they mowed a penny (M. G.);
  3. If the second part contains consequence, conclusion from what is said in the first part: Praises are tempting - how not to wish for them? (Cr.);
  4. If in the first part indicate the time of the action, which is mentioned in the second part (you can add the union when): They plow arable land - they don’t wave their hands (ate); They cut the forest - the chips fly (ate.);
  5. If the first part is condition for an action, which is discussed in the second part (you can add the union if): Do you like to ride, love to carry sleds(last); Lying on the stove - you can’t see workdays(last);
  6. If one part contains comparison with what is said in another: Says a word - the nightingale sings (L.).

A dash is put also in cases where The second part an asyndetic compound sentence is incomplete sentence : (I thought it was a wolf).

Complex sentence intonation (§ 10)

Lesson Objectives: 1) to acquaint students with the appointment of punctuation marks in a complex sentence, the use of punctuation marks in different functions (separation, selection) between parts of a complex sentence, a list of punctuation marks used in complex sentences different types, features of intonation of simple and complex sentences, graphic ways of designating them; 2) to teach to distinguish between the use of punctuation marks in different functions between parts of a complex sentence, to draw up schemes of complex sentences, to be able to read the indicated complex sentences intonation correctly, to build complex sentences from the indicated simple ones intonation correctly, to make graphic intonation schemes of complex sentences.

I. Repetition of the spelling of vowels in the personal endings of verbs.

Text is projected from task: write off, insert the missing vowels in the personal endings of the verbs. Justify the placement of commas.


The troika rushes, the troika jumps ..t,

Dust curls from under the hooves,

The bell is crying loudly ..t,

There is a bright sound

Then away otbryakn ..t clean,

Then he groaned .. he is deaf.

Like a goblin to a witch second..t

And auk .. hang out with her,

Ile mermaid tarator..t

In a grove of sonorous reeds.

(P. A. Vyazemsky)

II. Learning new material.

1. Students research the material on p. 30, § 9, and answer questions.

What punctuation marks help convey a variety of semantic relationships between simple sentences as part of complex ones?

In which sentences are punctuation marks separated, and in which ones are parts of the complex distinguished?

2. Ninth-graders come to the conclusion that punctuation marks in a complex sentence are needed in order to convey in writing the features of the semantic relations between the parts of a complex sentence, the features of its structure and intonation.

In complex and non-union complex sentences, they separate simple sentences, performing a separating function, and in complex subordinate clauses, they distinguish a dependent part (subordinate clause), performing an excretory function.

III. Training exercises.

1. In ex. 54 on p. 31 sentences are written out in the following order: a) with separating punctuation marks; b) with punctuation marks.

2. In ex. 53 the table is considered, the students confirm the answer with examples from the dictation in exercise. 55, compose complex sentences, make an oral presentation on the topic “Punctuation marks in complex sentences

IV. Material for observations on p. 32, § 10.

Students compare simple sentences and complex sentences by intonation, then they expressively read an excerpt from a poem by N. M. Rubtsov on p. 32, then observe how the compound sentence is pronounced according to the signs showing pause, rising () and falling tone ().

Ninth graders answer the questions:

With what intonation is each part of a complex sentence pronounced?

Does each of these parts have the intonation of the end of the sentence, or is this intonation inherent only in the end of the entire complex sentence?

In what cases does intonation act as a grammatical means of connecting simple sentences in a complex one on its own, and in which - simultaneously with the union?

Students conclude that the intonation of a complex sentence has three main elements: first, a rise in voice, then a pause, and a gradual decrease in voice towards the end of the sentence. Intonation, with or without unions, connects separate simple sentences into a single whole, which is why it is a means of communication in a complex sentence.

Read aloud the theoretical material on p. 33.

v. Consolidation of the material and checking understanding of the topic.

1. Students perform exercise. 56 (compose complex sentences from these simple ones with the help of the union that is necessary in meaning and without it).

Recommendations for the teacher: it is necessary to pay attention to the intonation with which students will pronounce each of the parts of a complex sentence. One student expressively reads complex sentences, others observe the intonation with which he pronounces each of the parts of a complex sentence, monitor the rise and fall of his voice, and evaluate the ability to pronounce complex sentences.

2. In ex. 57 students read complex sentences, the teacher pays attention to the pronunciation of each part of the complex sentence: first, the voice rises, then a pause and a gradual decrease in voice towards the end of the sentence. Next, ninth-graders draw up schemes of complex sentences, showing graphically the features of intonation.

VI. Summing up the lesson. We find out how the students understood the material, ask them to make a conclusion about the functions of punctuation marks in complex sentences, about the intonation features of a complex sentence.

VII. Homework:

a) learn the theoretical material on p. 30-31, § 9, and p. 33, § 10;

b) the first group of students performs exercise. 58;

c) the second group (more prepared) performs exercise. 59;

d) repeat the theoretical material on topic 4 Complex sentence (§ 7-10), prepare for the test.

Lesson 13

Each task is completed on a separate piece of paper and immediately surrendered. Reviewed by the advisory group.

Test assignments

1. List the functions of punctuation marks in complex sentences (I option).

2. Name the main types of complex sentences, list the main elements of the intonation of a complex sentence (Option II).

3. Verification diagnostic work.

Write down the text from dictation. In complex sentences, emphasize the grammatical foundations, determine the type of complex sentence, graphically characterize the intonation of complex sentences, indicate the function of punctuation marks.

I arrived in Opukhliki by night train and sailed across the lake at random. In the village on the other side, everyone was asleep, not a light was visible.

Silence was autumn. Over the dove-gray oat field hung a full moon, like an overripe Antonov apple.

I climbed the stairs to put the oars in the attic. From here, at the end of the oat field, obscured by bushes, I saw a light. He mysteriously trembled, beckoned to him, and I went to him.

A narrow path wound through the unmowed swamp. Large bells stood out against the dark background of the grass, they seemed to glow. An owl appeared noiselessly from the bushes and flew near the face on its noiseless velvet wings. It was cold, and it became eerie from dampness and this silent flight of a mysterious night bird. Quite near, a horse neighed, clumsily kicking its tangled legs, and began to approach the man. And immediately the fear went away, as if good friend met.

The light was no longer visible, but the blows were distinctly heard. The path ran steeply around a young pine forest, there was a smell of heated resin, and I saw a fire almost nearby. The tongue of flame flared up and snatched out of the darkness an ordinary combine harvester and a bent person near the fire. I recognized the tractor driver Vasily.

(N. I. Novikov)

Test tasks

Option I

1. Find complex sentences.

a) He not only planted a tree, but also built a house, raised his son.

b) The morning was sultry, it smelled of mignonette.

c) Here, as the legend says, there was a dense forest.

d) The winter was snowy, a strong flood was expected.

Answer: b, d.

2. Indicate in which examples the function of the punctuation mark is separating.

a) I don’t know what attracts me in this young man.

b) The forest, the mountains merged, everything was shrouded in thick fog.

c) Full water came down, and it flowed in a narrow stream.

d) We went out to the clearing where the oak grew in the evening.

Answer: b, c.


a) The coachman whistled, and the horses galloped. (Simultaneity of events.)

b) The sun has set, but it is still light in the forest. (Contradiction.)

c) The oars fell together into the waves, and the launch rushed forward. (Subsequence.)

d) We talked for a long time and were silent for a long time, or she played the piano for me. (Mutually exclusive.)

Option II

1 . Specify compound sentences.

a) Leaves fly from apple trees, whisper dryly with grass.

b) Dust swept along the road in a whirlwind, and the moon became completely foggy.

c) Having passed the entire route successfully, the tourists returned home.

d) It was dark and I didn't see any trees, no water, no people.

Answer: b, d.

2. Indicate in which examples the punctuation mark is emphatic.

a) My father wished me a good journey, and my daughter accompanied me to the cart.

b) Everyone was silent in order to hear the rustle of flowers.

c) The day was gray and calm, the bright air smelled of the sea.

d) He remembered the day he left.

Answer: b, d.

3. Find an error in determining the relationship between the parts of a compound sentence.

a) I lay as if forgotten, but sleep did not close my eyes. (Contradiction.)

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