Problems of disabled children and their families. Problems of families raising children with disabilities

graduate work

1.2 Problems of families raising children with disabilities

The family, the immediate environment of a child with disabilities is the main link in the system of his upbringing, socialization, satisfaction of needs, training, and career guidance. Material and household, financial, housing problems increase with the appearance of a disabled child. Housing is usually not suitable for a disabled child, every 3rd family has about 6 m2 of usable space per family member, rarely a separate room or special accommodations for the child.

In such families, there are problems associated with the purchase of food, clothing and shoes, the simplest furniture, household appliances: refrigerator, TV. Families do not have what is extremely necessary for childcare: transport, summer cottages, garden plots, telephone.

Services for a disabled child in such families are mostly paid (treatment, expensive medications, medical procedures, massage, sanatorium-type vouchers, necessary devices and apparatus, training, surgical interventions, orthopedic shoes, glasses, hearing aids, wheelchairs, beds, etc.). etc.). All this requires a lot of money, and the income in these families consists of the father's earnings and the child's disability allowance.

Information shows that among families with disabled children, the largest percentage are incomplete maternal families. 15% of parents divorced due to the birth of a disabled child, the mother has no prospect of re-marriage. Therefore, the problems of the family of a child with disabilities are added to the problems of an incomplete family.

Psychological problems. The psychological climate in the family depends on interpersonal relationships, moral and psychological resources of parents and relatives, as well as on the material and living conditions of the family, which determines the conditions for upbringing, training and medical and social rehabilitation.

There are 3 types of families according to the reaction of parents to the appearance of a disabled child: with a passive reaction associated with a lack of understanding of the existing problem; with a hyperactive reaction, when parents are intensively treating, they find "doctors-luminaries", expensive drugs, leading clinics, etc .; with an average rational position: consistent implementation of all instructions, advice from doctors, psychologists.

In his work, a social worker should rely on the position of the 3rd type of family.

The appearance of a child with disabilities in a family is always a severe psychological stress for all family members. Often family relationships weaken, constant anxiety for a sick child, feelings of confusion, depression are the reason for the breakdown of the family, and only in a small percentage of cases the family is united.

A father in a family with a sick child is the only breadwinner. Having a specialty, education, because of the need for more earnings, he becomes a worker, seeks secondary earnings and has practically no time to deal with the child. Therefore, child care falls on the mother. She usually loses her job or has to work at night. Caring for a child takes all her time, her social circle is sharply narrowed. If treatment and rehabilitation are futile, then constant anxiety, psycho-emotional stress can lead the mother to irritation, a state of depression. Often older children, rarely grandmothers, and other relatives help mothers in care. A more difficult situation is if there are several children with disabilities in the family. Having a disabled child negatively affects other children in the family. Less attention is paid to them, opportunities for cultural leisure are reduced, they study worse, and are more likely to get sick due to parental oversight.

Psychological tension in such families is supported by the psychological oppression of children due to the negative attitude of others to their family; they rarely interact with children from other families. Not all children are able to correctly assess and understand the attention of parents to a sick child, their constant fatigue in an atmosphere of oppressed, constantly alarming family climate.

Often, such a family experiences a negative attitude from others, especially neighbors, who are annoyed by the uncomfortable conditions of existence nearby (disturbance of calmness, silence, especially if a disabled child with mental retardation or his behavior negatively affects the health of the child's environment). People around them often shy away from communication, and disabled children practically do not have the opportunity of full-fledged social contacts, a sufficient circle of contacts, especially with healthy peers. The existing social derivation can lead to personality disorders (for example, the emotional-volitional sphere, etc.), to a delay in intelligence, especially if the child is poorly adapted to life's difficulties, social maladjustment, even greater isolation, developmental disabilities, including communication disorders opportunities, which forms an inadequate understanding of the world around.

Parents try to educate their child, avoiding his neurotization, egocentrism, social and mental infantilism, giving him appropriate training, career guidance for subsequent work. It depends on the presence of pedagogical, psychological, medical knowledge of parents, since in order to identify and evaluate the inclinations of a child, his attitude to his defect, reaction to the attitude of others, help him socially adapt, maximize self-realization, special knowledge is needed. Most parents note their lack of education for a disabled child, there is no available literature, sufficient information, medical and social workers. Many families do not have information about the occupational restrictions associated with the child's illness, about the choice of a profession recommended for a patient with such a pathology. Children with disabilities study in regular schools, at home, in specialized boarding schools according to various programs (general education, specialized, recommended for a given disease, auxiliary), but they all require an individual approach.

Medical and social problems. Medical and social rehabilitation of children with disabilities should be early, staged, long-term, comprehensive, include medical, psychological and pedagogical, professional, social, household, legal and other programs, taking into account an individual approach to each child. The main thing is to teach the child motor and social skills so that in the future he can get an education and work independently.

All social work is child-centered and does not take into account the characteristics of families, and family participation in medical and social work is crucial along with specialized treatment.

Sometimes treatment, social assistance is carried out late due to untimely diagnosis. Most often, the diagnosis is established at 1 or 2 - 3 years of age; only in 9%, the diagnosis was made immediately after birth, at the age of 7 days (severe lesions of the central nervous system and congenital malformations).

Dispensary medical care does not provide for a clearly established phasing (according to indications) - inpatient, outpatient, sanatorium. This principle can be traced mainly to young children.

Outpatient medical care is especially low. It turns out mainly in acute diseases and an unsatisfactory profile due to disability. At a low level is the examination of children by narrow specialists, massage, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, a nutritionist does not solve nutritional issues in severe forms of diabetes, kidney diseases. The provision of medicines, exercise equipment, wheelchairs, hearing aids, prostheses, and orthopedic shoes is insufficient.

When considering family planning, few parents decide to give birth again after the birth of a child with disabilities.

Many socio-medical, psychological and pedagogical problems remain unresolved, including unsatisfactory equipment of medical institutions with modern diagnostic equipment, an insufficiently developed network of rehabilitation treatment institutions, “weak” services for medical, psychological and social work and medical and social examination of disabled children; the difficulty in obtaining a profession and employment, the lack of mass production of technical means for teaching, movement, domestic self-service in children's boarding schools and home environment.

The government measures of demographic policy and assistance to families with children, including disabled children, carried out in Russia, are scattered, ineffective and do not take into account families as a whole.

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Topic: "Problems of families raising children with disabilities"

shingak village - Kul Chishminsky district

2016 year


Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

I ... Childhood disability as a social problem ………………………………………...

    1. Problems of families raising children with disabilities ... ..

      The role of the family in the socialization of a child with disabilities ……… ..

II ... Technologies of social and educational work with a family with a child with disabilities

2.1. Features of social and pedagogical support of children with disabilities and their parents ………………………………………………………

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………….

List of references ……………………………………………………………….………......... 15


« A disabled person is not disabled. People don't share like that ... ”- we often hear this life-wise remark from a TV commercial. Some agree with such a statement, while others do not think about the meaning of what has been said, remaining indifferent. After all, these people are not to blame for the fact that nature has disposed of their fate in such a way that, due to certain life circumstances, they are deprived of the joy of living a full life.

Fifty thousand children with disabilities are born in Russia every year. It is difficult to be disabled at the age of 20 and above, and it is even more difficult to be disabled from birth, because in childhood, a child comprehends and learns a lot, and disability becomes a huge barrier to comprehending new things. In our time in Russia there is an acute issue related to the problems of disabled children in modern social society. The problem of children with disabilities affects almost every aspect of our society: from legislation and social organizations that are called upon to help these children, to the atmosphere in which their families live. The number of disabled children is growing every year. This is facilitated by many factors: a low level of medicine in Russia, a lack of funding, poor ecology, a high incidence of illness among parents (especially mothers), an increase in injuries, childhood morbidity, etc. Disabled children include children who are significantly limited in life, socially maladjusted due to impaired growth and development, the ability to self-service, movement, orientation, control over their behavior, learning, work, etc.

In our country, over eight million people are officially considered disabled. And every year this figure increases, only seven percent of children are born healthy.

The problem of social adaptation of disabled children is very urgent now. If in 1990 there were one hundred and fifty-one thousand such children registered with the social protection authorities, today there are about six hundred thousand children with disabilities, two-thirds of which are special children with mental and neuropsychiatric disorders (cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome , other).

goal of this work is to study social and pedagogical work with families raising children with disabilities.

Research object is social and educational assistance.

Subject - are the main areas of social work with parents raising children disabled.

To achieve this goal in the work, the following are solvedtasks:

Describe the problems of families with children with disabilities;

Expand the role of the family in the realization of a disabled child;

Consider the features of social and pedagogical support for disabled children and their parents;

Research methods: analysis and synthesis of educational, methodological and scientific literature, regulatory documents on the problem under study.

Childhood disability as a social problem

According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation" dated November 24, 1995 No. 181"A disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of the body's functions, caused by a disease, a consequence of trauma or defects, leading to a limitation of life and necessitating his social protection" ... “Restriction of life activity is a complete or partial loss of a person's ability or ability to carry out self-service, independently move, navigate, communicate, control their behavior, learn and engage in work”.

Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN, 1975)"disabled" means any person who cannot independently fully or partially meet the needs of a normal personal or social life due to a disability, whether congenital or acquired, of his or her physical or mental capabilities.

According to official statistics, there are now 10 million disabled people in Russia, which is about 7% of the population. There are a lot of young people and children among today's disabled people. Over the past decade, the number of children with disabilities has increased at a faster rate. Among the causes of disability, in the first place are diseases of the nervous system, in second - mental disorders, in third - congenital anomalies.

Among children with developmental disabilities, the following groups are distinguished:

    deaf and hard of hearing;

    blind and visually impaired;

    with speech underdevelopment;

    with violation of the musculoskeletal system;

    with mental retardation;

    with the first signs of schizophrenia, inability to communicate, with early autism;

    children with developmental disabilities.

Sick children are characterized by concentration on their illness, they do not know how to communicate, are accustomed to guardianship, dependent, shy. In addition, there are also specific features associated with a particular disease or pathology.

Mentally retarded children begin to hold their heads late, sit, walk, their movements are monotonous, they are sluggish, awkward. They have a disturbed psyche (perception, thinking, memory and speech), they perceive others poorly, do not enter into a conversation.

Children with Down syndrome are susceptible to suggestibility, they adore the teacher, they are friendly, balanced. But they are often in a state of ill will.

Sick children with metabolic disorders, liver disease (phenylketonuria) do not stand up to long-term studies, it is difficult to perceive counting and writing, but they are emotional and strive to learn.

For patients with cerebral palsy, in addition to motor impairments, general underdevelopment is characteristic. They cannot serve themselves, but during training they learn well the instructions of the teacher.

Problems of families raising children with disabilities

The health and well-being of children is the main concern of the family, state and society. However, in recent years there has been an increase in the number of disabled children with their specific difficulties and problems.

The family is the closest and first social environment that the child encounters. The appearance of a child with disabilities has a depressing effect on parents. If the birth of a healthy child brings into the life of the family a new, not experienced before, the enjoyment of human existence: the experience of feelings of joy, pride, tenderness, then the birth of a child with a defect is regarded as a life catastrophe. On this basis, parents have conflicts, and there are many cases when parents abandoned such children. The birth of a child with a developmental defect affects different parents differently, but for the most part it manifests itself as the strongest psychological stress, the consequence of which may be a mental disorder as a result of the shock experienced. Most parents gradually gain the strength to return to everyday life and start raising a child.

A family in which a child with developmental disabilities is growing has many problems: parents' ignorance of the manifestations of various developmental disabilities, the prospects for the child's development, fear for his fate, when they can no longer take care of him; psychological maladjustment of parents; attempts to find an answer to the question: “Who is to blame for the birth of such a child?”; a decision to abandon a sick child and place him in a hospital. With the advent of a disabled child, many problems of the material nature and social status of parents arise, and the relationship between family and society becomes more complicated. The situation is aggravated by the absence or insufficiency of social, moral and psychological support for such families. Based on the foregoing, it is obvious that there is a need for effective education of parents, the organization of an association of parents of children with special needs, and the publication of special literature.

The role of the family in the socialization of a child with disabilities.

Familieshaving children with developmental disabilities candifferentiate into four groups. First group parents with a pronounced expansion of the sphere of parental feelings. Their characteristic upbringing style isoverprotective ... Parents have inadequate ideas about the potential capabilities of their child, the mother has a hypertrophied feeling of anxiety and neuropsychic tension. The style of behavior of adult family members is characterized by an over-caring attitude towards the child, fine regulation of the family's lifestyle depending on the child's well-being, and restriction from social contacts.

Second group characterized by a style of cold communication -hypoprotection (hypoprotection) , a decrease in emotional contacts between parents and a child. Parents pay too much attention to the treatment of their child, making excessive demands

to medical staff, trying to compensate for their own mental discomfort due to the emotional rejection of the child. The attitude to a stressful situation leaves a strong imprint on the way the family chooses to get out of it.

Third group characterized by stylecooperation - a constructive and flexible form of mutual responsibility between parents and children in joint activities. As a way of life, this style arises when parents believe in the success of their child.

and the strengths of his nature, with a consistent understanding of the required amount of assistance, the development of the child's independence in the process of developing special ways of his interaction with the outside world.

Fourth group - repressive style (authoritarian) family communication, which is characterized by a parental attitude towards an authoritarian leadership position. How the image of a relationship is manifested in a pessimistic view of the child's future,

in the constant restriction of his rights, in the cruel parental orders, failure to comply with which is punished. In these families, the child is required to strictly fulfill all tasks, exercises, without taking into account his motor, mental

and intellectual capabilities. Physical punishment is often used for refusing to comply with these requirements.

About parents to a child's defect that determines the strategy and tactics of his upbringing, one can single outsomemodels. Protective education model associated with an overestimation of the defect, which manifests itself in the excessive care of a child with developmental disabilities. In this case, the child is overly pampered, pitied, protected from all, even the feasible for him. Adults do everything for the child and, with good intentions, essentially make him helpless, inept, inactive. The child does not master the simplest skills of self-service, does not fulfill the requirements of his elders, does not know how to behave in society, does not seek to communicate with other children. Thus, the model of “protective education” creates conditions for the artificial isolation of a disabled child from society and leads to the development of an egoistic personality with a predominance of passive consumer orientation. In the future, such a person, due to his personal characteristics, is difficult to adapt to the team.

The other extreme is family relationships based onmodels of "indifferent upbringing", which leads to the child's feeling of uselessness, rejection, feelings of loneliness. In a family with a similar model of upbringing, the child becomes timid, downtrodden, loses the gullibility inherent in children

and sincerity in relationships with parents. Children develop the ability to adapt to the environment, an indifferent, unfriendly attitude

to relatives, adults and other children.

It should be noted that both models of family education harm the child equally.

Non-constructive models of family upbringing of a child with developmental disabilities create preconditions for the occurrence of secondary deviations in his mental development, which have a significant impact on the child's intellectual and personal development. Only an adequate assessment of deviations in the development of a child by the parents serves as the basis and basis for the successful education of his personality.

Thus, parents should try, in the process of education, to adhere to the so-called"Golden mean".

Researchers highlight a number ofreasons affecting the effectiveness of family education:

    Lack of parenting program for parents, spontaneous upbringing

and teaching the child, the fragmentary pedagogical knowledge, lack of understanding of age characteristics, the needs of the child, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe student as a reduced copy of adults; lack of understanding of the role of assessment in the upbringing and education of the child, the desire to evaluate not the behavior and activities of the child, but his personality.

    Monotony and lack of content in the child's activities in the family, lack of communication between adults and children.

    Inability to give the child an objective description, to analyze their methods of education.

S.V. Alekhina Ph.D., DirectorInstitute for Integrated (Inclusive) Education, highlightsthree psychological types of parental responses children

with disabilities:

Mixed type of response. These are parents - partners. They will help the teacher establish relationships with the child, find motivation methods that can be used in their work. This group is the teacher's assistants.

Hyposthenic type of response. Parents try to hide all violations

the child has. They are looking for a specialist - a magician who can help solve problems. The teacher has to look for solutions on his own. In this type of response, it is necessary to work with both the parents and the child.

Stenic type of reaction. These are demanding parents who are trying to achieve all the best for the child, see no obstacles in their path. But, unfortunately, this group does not notice the individual characteristics of their children and their special needs. The teacher needs to often talk with parents about the child, even about the smallest changes in his development.


Analysis of the literature shows that the category of disabled children includes children who have significant disabilities, leading to social maladjustment, due to impaired development and growth of the child, his ability to self-service, movement, orientation, control over their behavior, learning, communication, play and work activity in the future.

The role of the family in the process of socialization of children with disabilities is of great importance; “acceptance and love” is considered a favorable type of family upbringing, where parents help the child in matters that are important to him, encourage, punish, and approve of the child's independence. At the same time, parents, like specialists working with disabled children, should rely on those functions that remain intact for the child, that is, to some extent, perfect and better developed.

Working with parents involves the following: directing their efforts along a more optimal path; teach the correct understanding of their heavy responsibilities; equip with at least a minimum of psychological, pedagogical, medical knowledge and reveal the possibilities of their use; help parents recognize potential exclusivity for their child. If there is no clarity in the family on these issues, then the family itself becomes a serious obstacle to the development of a disabled child.

Technologies of social and educational work with a family with a child with disabilities

Social support for such families is a solution to a whole range of problems associated with helping a child: with his survival, treatment, education, social adaptation and integration into society. The success of solving these problems is directly related to purposeful socio-pedagogical work, including a wide range of long-term measures to help the family of a complex nature - medical, legal, psychological, pedagogical, economic.

The content of these measures is aimed at: expanding family contacts, overcoming isolation, including it in public life; providing adequate information about the specific needs and prospects of the child's development, assistance in the organization of comprehensive diagnostics and early start of the educational process; providing full information about social institutions of assistance, assistance to specialists in drawing up an educational and rehabilitation route based on an individual child development program; establishing a family microclimate; organization of psychological support for parents; organization of legal support for the family: information, protection of legal rights and interests.

Features of social and pedagogical support for disabled children and their parents

At the end of the 20th century in our country, in large cities, specialized centers began to be created to work with various categories of disabled children and their families. In such centers, through the joint efforts of medical specialists, psychologists, social workers, social educators and other specialists, clients are provided with comprehensive medical, social, psychological and pedagogical assistance. However, the leading place is given to social and pedagogical activity. Socio-pedagogical activity of support for persons with disabilities is a continuous pedagogically expediently organized process of social education, taking into account the specifics of the development of the personality of a person with special needs at different age stages, in various strata of society and with the participation of all social institutions and all subjects of education and social assistance.

Social rehabilitation technologies include a set of methods and techniques that ensure the progressive development of a child with a disability.

1. By function of application

    Psychological (affect psychological processes, states and functions).

    Socio-psychological (changing processes in the person / group system).

    Medical and social (affecting the physical condition and related social aspects of human existence).

    Financial and economic (allowing to provide material resources, benefits and benefits).

2. By area of \u200b\u200bapplication the following technologies are distinguished:

    Diagnostics - establishing a social problem, identifying the cause and finding ways to solve it, collecting information;

    Correction - changing the social status, economic and cultural level, values \u200b\u200band orientation of the client;

    Rehabilitation - assistance in restoring the client's resources and vitality;

    Adaptation - facilitating the entry of a disabled person into a relatively unfamiliar society.

There are the following forms of rehabilitation :

- Medical rehabilitation : It is aimed at restoring or compensating for one or another lost function or at the possible slowing down of the disease.

- Psychological rehabilitation : This is an impact on the mental sphere of a disabled person, aimed at the development and correction of individual psychological characteristics of the individual.

- Pedagogical rehabilitation : This is understood as a whole range of educational activities in relation to children, aimed at ensuring that the child masters the necessary skills for self-service, receives a school education.

- Socio-economic rehabilitation : It means a set of measures to provide a disabled person with the necessary and comfortable housing, financial support, and the like.

- Vocational rehabilitation ... It provides for the training of a disabled person in accessible types of work, the provision of the necessary individual technical devices that allow an individual to become sufficiently independent in everyday life.

- Sports and creative rehabilitation ... With the help of sports events, as well as the perception of works of art, active participation in artistic activities, physical and mental health is strengthened in children, depression, and the feeling of inferiority disappear.

    Social rehabilitation ... It also includes measures for social support, i.e. payments to parents of benefits and pensions, allowances for childcare, provision of in-kind assistance, provision of benefits, provision of special technical means, prosthetics, tax benefits.

In accordance with the task of full-fledged and comprehensive rehabilitation of children, psychological-pedagogical, social-legal, social-medical work can be noted.

The main areas of psychological and pedagogical work include :

    Diagnostics of the level of mental development and skills of the child;

    Drawing up an individual comprehensive rehabilitation program and its timely correction;

    Organization and conduct of speech therapy, educational and labor activities, as well as social and household orientation;

    Psychological counseling for parents;

    Teaching parents the basics of rehabilitation;

    Mastering and implementation of new pedagogical and social technologies;

    Determination of criteria for the effectiveness of rehabilitation;

    Development of methods for social orientation.

    The main functions of social and legal rehabilitation are as follows:

    Liaising with social welfare institutions to activate the social potential of the family and the child;

    Collection of information and formation of a data bank about children with disabilities and their families;

    Legal assistance to parents in clarifying legal issues;

    Organization of all forms of family patronage, visits of specialists to districts, oblasts in order to provide advisory assistance to a family and a child, as well as to employees of local executive authorities;

    Involvement of cultural institutions, sports and religious organizations for the integration of children into society;

    Legal advice.

Technologies for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities imply the obligatory inclusion of parents in rehabilitation activities, attendance by mothers and fathers of classes on teaching the basics of social and medical rehabilitation, meetings of parents to concretize further work with the child at home. Thus, children and parents are jointly taught the skills and abilities of an independent life.

Consider the basic concepts of social rehabilitation:

Rehabilitation - a system of medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio - economic measures aimed at restoring the social status of a disabled person, achieving material independence and his social adaptation.

Social rehabilitation - a set of programs and actions aimed at restoring the social functions of a person, his social and psychological status in society.

Comprehensive rehabilitation - the process and system of medical, psychological, pedagogical and socio-economic measures aimed at eliminating, or possibly more fully compensating for the limitation of life activities caused by health disorders with persistent disorder of body functions.

Social Rehabilitation Specialist - is a professional who is called upon to ensure the restructuring of the psyche and the development of the given personality traits of a child with disabilities with the help of organizational, pedagogical and psychotechnical means, the realization of his need to be a person, and also to contribute to the creation of a certain psychological comfort and psychological protection.

Socio-pedagogical support is a process aimed at assisting disabled children and their parents in overcoming their difficult life situation, encouraging them to active self-help, personal development, self-realization in society.

One of the leading factors ensuring the social adaptation of disabled children and parents raising disabled children is their social and pedagogical support. She focuses the main attention and efforts on the development of a new system of goals and values \u200b\u200bin the child and parents, contributes to their free self-actualization and self-realization. Subject to the development and enrichment of the individual due to the increased independence and responsibility in interpersonal relationships, the ability to optimally correlate their own interests with the interests of the group, the disabled person will be able to benefit their loved ones and society as a whole, which will contribute to their personal and social adaptation. Thus, with certain approaches to the implementation of social and pedagogical support, disabled children can become a socially active group of the population.

Socio-pedagogical support for disabled children and their parents is today officially recognized as one of the most important components of the social activity of society. It consists in determining a pedagogical forecast in the development of certain bills, programs, activities aimed at ensuring and realizing the rights of children with disabilities; carries out all social work with them and with their parents on the basis of the principles of designing pedagogically expedient relationships in society, the use in practice of forms and technologies based on fundamental, pedagogical laws and contributing to personal development, self-education, self-realization, creating a comfortable living environment in society; presupposes an expedient system of public assistance to the younger generation in its social life.

Socio-pedagogical tasks:

1) to educate children with disabilities in social activity, initiative, readiness for life;

2) to form their personal qualities (emotions, feelings, morality based on the assimilation of the culture and values \u200b\u200bof their people, the culture of health, communication and behavior, the culture of spending free time);

3) integrate disabled children into the society of healthy people.

In the process of socialization, and in particular the social adaptation of children with disabilities, social and pedagogical support helps them acquire the qualities that are necessary for life in society, master social activities, social communication and behavior, and carry out the social formation of the individual.

A disabled child should not be a passive object of influence, but should become an active subject of the social formation of his personality based on internal potentials, and, of course, environmental conditions.

The main criteria for the effectiveness of the work of specialists can be: analysis of the state of problems of families with disabled children and the results of their solution; the inclusion of disabled children and parents in various types of social activities and activities to social values; involvement of adults in activities to improve conditions in society; assessment of the socio-psychological situation and microclimate in society; the level of professional growth of a specialist.


The family is an integral part of social and educational activities, since the successful development and socialization of a child is largely determined by the family situation.

Human development is influenced by many different factors, both biological and social. The main social factor influencing the formation of the personality is the family. Depending on the composition of the family, from family relationships to family members and, in general, to people around them, a person looks positively or negatively, forms his views, builds his relationships with others. Family relationships affect how a person will build his career in the future, which path he will take.

To create favorable conditions for raising a child with disabilities in a family, parents, first of all, need to know the characteristics of the child's illness and development, as well as his ability to perform certain tasks, exercises, etc. The correct daily routine is of great importance: strict adherence to diet and sleep, alternation of activities with rest and walks, moderate TV viewing. An important role is played by the organization of systematic, purposeful classes for the development of speech, the formation of self-service skills and motor skills and abilities. It has been established that the presence of a certain order creates conditions under which the child has no grounds for whims, for refusing to obey a number of established requirements. Gradually, he exercises the ability to control and regulate his behavior. With an orderly life at home, his horizons expand, memory is enriched, observation and curiosity are formed. Every day, various problems arise in front of the child, which can only be solved with the active use of their mental and physical capabilities, which are formed in specially organized classes and independent everyday activities in everyday life.

Of great importance is the formation of adequate self-esteem in children with disabilities, the correct attitude to their defect and the development of the volitional qualities they need in life. Thus, we came to the conclusion that:

1. Socio-pedagogical support of disabled children and their parents should be carried out in a comprehensive manner, with the participation of representatives of other professions (teachers, social educators, practical psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists, physicians, lawyers of culture and sports workers, social security workers, law enforcement agencies, public organizations).

2. Socio-pedagogical support provides children with disabilities with competent social assistance: increases the efficiency of the process of socialization, upbringing and development of children; provides diagnostics, correction and management in a wide range of relationships in society in the interests of the formation and development of a full-fledged, morally healthy, socially protected and creatively active personality; organizes various types of socially and individually significant activities of disabled children on the principles of creativity, self-government, independence; forms on this basis their value system;

3. The essence of the pedagogical component in social protection and support of disabled children is to take into account their individual and age characteristics, specific conditions of social development, methods and means of education, in the development and implementation of an effective system of measures to optimize education at the personal level;

4. Social and pedagogical support provides a pedagogical environment for organizing leisure activities for children with disabilities and parents, which consists in their adaptation, rehabilitation and integration in the types of life in the interests of the social formation of their personality;

5. High efficiency of social and pedagogical support of children with disabilities by means of leisure activities can be achieved when they are based on folk traditions, revived and used folk art and art as a modern technology of upbringing, probably taking into account social reality and created through analysis and study results of practice. The implementation in science and practice of socio-pedagogical support means the implementation of all social work with disabled children on the basis of regional design of pedagogically expedient relations in society, the use in practice of forms and methods based on fundamental pedagogical laws and contributing to personal development, self-education, social adaptation of a person , creating a comfortable living environment.

List of references

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Families raising disabled children as a social problem

E.V. Voronin


The socio-economic and cultural development of modern society is the basis for the formation of the optimal nature of relations between healthy people and people with disabilities. The problem of rehabilitation of children with health problems is not limited to the medical aspect, it is much more a problem of unequal opportunities. The development of upbringing strategies, educational technologies capable of ensuring future professionalization, ensuring the social and environmental adaptation of "special" children need to concentrate the efforts of the subjects of their life environment, integrate the activities of socio-cultural institutions - families, educational and rehabilitation medical institutions, the whole society as a whole ... The problem of "disability" is not a problem for one person or any part of the population. In the context of the current demographic situation - on the one hand, and the steady growth in the number of disabled people - on the other, this problem becomes relevant for the entire society.

The future state of the state, nation, of all mankind is determined primarily by the health of its children, its "today's future." In a humanistic society, in contrast to a technocratic one, Man is the highest value. Not a person in the service of production, scientific and technological progress, but on the contrary, the latter - in the service of a Person. But it is precisely the consequences of the accelerating development of technogenic civilization that make the problem of the existence of man himself as a biosocial being very problematic.

Waste littering of the environment, barbaric destruction of forests, air and river pollution almost to the extreme, so much so that clean air is already becoming scarce, and potable water in "bottled" form is the subject of commercial profits by resourceful businessmen. The oceans are not only depleted as a result of the destruction of living organisms, but they are already ceasing to be a natural regulator of natural processes. We are only amazed and saddened by the unprecedentedly warm snowless winters and cold summer nights, but this is already a climatic system, and its consequences are reflected not only on weather conditions, but also on ourselves. At the beginning of the XXI century, the statement of Albert Schweitzer becomes more relevant than ever: “Man has lost the ability to foresee and suspend, and he will end up destroying the Earth. And this, in turn, will lead to the death of the man himself” (2, p. 177). rehabilitation children social family

The beginning of the 90s of the last century in Russia was characterized by a sharp negative shift in the socio-economic situation of the majority of the population, as a result of which a powerful stress-generating factor was formed, which largely predetermined the dynamics of demographic processes. The number of cardiovascular and oncological diseases is growing, and the area of \u200b\u200btheir "individual manifestation" is getting younger. Chained to a computer, TV, equipped with transport, we become less and less mobile, suffering from the consequences of physical inactivity. Dance floors are a thing of the distant past. Possible "active rest" in the form of sports clubs, gyms and fitness centers has already become so "actively paid" that for a significant mass of the adult population it has lost all attractiveness. The entertainment policy imposed by TV screens, active reclamation of the "beautiful life" of stars, attracting attention with multicolored flickering, contributes to physical activity to an even lesser extent, leaving behind only a bitter annoying "aftertaste" of wasted time and alienation from the dull surrounding world.

In the conditions of the "wild market" of today, the nature of production relations has changed not for the better. Failure to comply with labor safety measures due to austerity of funds and the continued growth of production intensification, especially at non-state-owned enterprises, affect the increase in injuries and a high level of sickness among workers. The incomes of the majority of the population lag behind the rise in the cost of living. There is a need to increase working hours, search for additional income. The opportunities for good rest and recovery of physical and emotional strength are reduced.

The deteriorating economic situation due to the protracted crisis and the lack of a healthy lifestyle, an increase in stress loads and the accumulation of harmful mutations, defects in medical care, often untimely and corrupt - all these are the realities of today's reality. Acting coherently and purposefully, they cause the danger of a sharp deterioration of the gene pool of mankind, forming a "limitation of viability" for its individual representatives at the earliest stages of their appearance - from childhood, from birth, from conception, from an even earlier existence in the form of the smallest cells in organisms future dads and mothers ...

Modern medicine, which has received significant development thanks to the achievements of civilization, makes it possible to treat many diseases, but at the same time it eliminates the effect of natural selection, which at the dawn of mankind excluded from the chain of successive generations the weak, insufficiently viable, "inferior" in physical or mental health indicators.

According to the World Health Organization, "health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being" (2, p. 185). Within the framework of this approach, the state of health is determined not only by the "biology" of a person, but also by the quality of his life, opportunities for creative self-realization, and the level of spiritual potential. At the same time, the growing independence of a person from the limitations set by the capabilities of his own "body shell" is emphasized. Experimental studies have found a close relationship between a person's social self-satisfaction, his spiritual self-identification and the parameters of cerebral circulation, which affect the risk of diseases and premature death. Social well-being in recent decades has entered into a clear contradiction with natural human health, and taking into account the data on the indicators of physical, mental and social well-being of the entire population, it can be argued that health problems affect every third person. Currently, more than 10 million people are officially recognized as disabled in the Russian Federation, including about 640 thousand disabled children (4, p. 27, 29).

The term "disabled" goes back to the Latin root (valid - effective, full-fledged, strong) in combination with negation, that is, literally means "unsuitable", "defective", "powerless". In Russia, since the time of Peter I, following the example of Western Europe, such a name referred to crippled soldiers, later it was interpreted as "a person who lost his ability to work", since one of the main signs of disability is a change in working capacity. In the future, the concept of "disability" deepened and is currently defined as "the presence of a defect and the degree of its compensation" (3, p. 35).

In Recommendations 1185 to the rehabilitation program of the 44th session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe of May 5, 1992, disability is defined as "disability due to physical, psychological, sensory, social, cultural, legal and other barriers that prevent a person with a disability , to be integrated into society and to take part in the life of the family or society on the same grounds as other members of society "(4, p. 14). The problem of disability, as we can see, is not limited to medical indications, it is also a problem of limited social opportunities, within the framework of which it is necessary to stimulate the ability of people with a disabled status to have an active and full life.

An integrative document covering all the problems of organizing the life of persons with disabilities is the Standard Rules for Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the UN General Assembly on 20.12.1993 (Resolution No. 48/96). Formulating the basic concepts of society's policy in relation to persons with disabilities, the Rules define the content and goals of the rehabilitation process for persons with disabilities. “The term“ rehabilitation ”means a process that aims to help people with disabilities achieve and maintain optimal physical, intellectual, mental and / or social levels of activity, thereby providing them with the means to change their lives and expand the scope of their independence ... The process of rehabilitation is not only about providing It includes a wide range of measures and activities, ranging from initial and more general rehabilitation and ending with purposeful activities, for example, the restoration of professional working capacity "(4, p. 196).

Requirements for the physical and intellectual qualities of a person, which are specifically expressed in social ideas about "norm" and "anomalousness", are closely related to the level of development of society and its humanization. The social status of children with developmental disorders has always been determined by the prevailing systems of civil law and value attitudes in society. In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, children with developmental anomalies were doomed to physical destruction. Christianity, calling for mercy, encouraged helping the "poor", but basically rejected them, isolating its "inferior members" in monasteries, and later in shelters and almshouses. Now the world community has come to recognize the need for the existence of a single society, including people with problems, creating a barrier-free environment for them, opportunities to grow up and live in their families, and participate in the life of society.

Social health is considered in a legal state as one of the priority areas of activity. The 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child enshrines “the right of children with developmental disabilities to lead full and dignified lives in conditions that ensure their dignity, promote self-confidence and facilitate their active participation in society (Art. 23); the right of a disabled child to special care and assistance, which should be provided, whenever possible, free of charge, taking into account the financial resources of parents or other persons taking care of the child, in order to ensure the disabled child has effective access to services in the field of education, training, and medical care. , restoration of health, preparation for work and access to means of rest in a way that leads to the most complete possible involvement of the child in social life and the achievement of the development of his personality, including the cultural and spiritual development of the child "(5, p. 633).

The state acts as the guarantor of providing children with disabilities with various types of social assistance: pensions, the supply of necessary medicines, prosthetics, the possibility of medical and psychological rehabilitation in medical and health centers. But any medical and financial compensation for a defect has its limits. Most children with disabilities need socio-communicative rehabilitation, training in the skills of positive communication with other people, which allows them to form a positive outlook and determine their place in life.

Without considering in detail the categories of life that determine the establishment of the status of "disabled childhood", we note, however, a general limitation of the living space of disabled children, impairment of their abilities for self-service, orientation, communication, learning, and work in the future. The problems of social maladjustment cannot be overcome outside social institutions - families, socio-medical, educational and rehabilitation centers. The inability or unwillingness of other people to contact such a child - to caress him, play with him, help his medical rehabilitation, not out of pity for the "cripple", but out of respect for the emerging personality, will lead to social deprivation of a child with disabilities already in childhood , and, possibly, inhibit the formation of his intelligence.

The closest "social circle" of a child, the most interested in his optimal development and possible rehabilitation, is his family, parents "by blood" or those who adopted (adopted) someone else's child. For parents, a doctor's diagnosis of a child's disability is not an easy test. Any family, even the most prosperous one, has its own problems concerning employment opportunities, organizing everyday life and recreation, choosing strategies for self-realization, establishing optimal interpersonal relationships, etc. With the appearance of a disabled child in the family (the birth of a child with visually observable physical abnormalities, or the receipt of information about his pathology), the problems multiply.

"Special" children require special care, education, organization of "family" forms of rehabilitation activities. The opportunities for parents to participate in interesting work, their full-fledged earnings, rest, social activity are reduced, family contacts with other relatives, and friendly ties are limited. At first, parents experience severe stress, despair, confusion, a keen sense of guilt in front of the child, and a strong internal protest. The internal state of this period of life is adequate to Blok's: "How hard it is to walk among people and pretend to be infallible ..."

The family chooses the main directions of their future actions. Researcher I.L. Lukomskaya, the following classification of educational strategies of families in which children with disabilities are growing is assumed:

· overprotective - the need for control, a sense of guilt, avoiding solving personal problems, parents suppressing the child's independence, neglect of their own needs, limiting social ties;

· neglecting - inner denial of the disease;

· encouraging - all negative actions of the child are encouraged and justified by the disease, characterized by a positive "I" -concept of parents, confidence in the correctness of their own actions, upholding the interests of the child (3, p. 95-96).

We will offer our own integrative-component objective-humanistic concept: acceptance of the situation as an objective reality; a ban on justifying those negative "manifestations" that the child can learn to control; determination of actions for possible rehabilitation, taking into account the interests of the child and their own capabilities in order to develop the child's independence and his social adaptation.

In the implementation of this concept, an important role is played by the desire to reverse the situation, not to break down, to obtain information about the nature of the disease, the means and methods of restoring the child's health. Being with the child in medical hospitals, parents get the opportunity to communicate with those who find themselves in a similar situation or have experience in rehabilitation work with sick children. This rehabilitates the parents themselves, helps them to find a "fulcrum" in their actions. But, leaving the hospital, the family often encounters indifference, misunderstanding of others, manifestations of unhealthy curiosity and dissatisfaction with those who have "spawned invalids" ... to become embittered with each other and with the child, as the visible culprit of all misfortunes - all this will have to be learned for a very long time, practically all life.

As you know, the family is the mildest type of social impact on the personality of the child. But often it is family members who have to show a certain rigidity in upbringing, associated with the need for rehabilitation measures. For many years to study with a deaf child according to the method of E.I. Leonhard to hear his first words later. Conduct with a child suffering from infantile cerebral palsy daily many hours of physical exercises and massages - through pain in contracted muscles, through screams and tears, soothe, convince, turning tasks into a game, exciting sports with himself ... The reward will be his first independent steps ... There will be an opportunity to teach these children in a "regular" school with other, "ordinary" children, to give them a full-fledged professional education, to ensure their future, in which the parents themselves will no longer be.

A certain paradox can be noted with regard to the family upbringing of children with disabilities. Such children receive much more attention from adults than their healthy peers, and often come across as more reasonable, judicious. Distracting them from the problems associated with the painful consequences of rehabilitation actions, developing them in every possible way, teaching them how to behave in life situations, adults often talk to them, are interested in the state of their souls, and are engaged in the education of a palette of feelings. Developed humanitarians later grow out of these children; in schools and universities, their peers stop paying attention to their physical disabilities, because they see them as people worthy of respect.

But this will only happen if the parents (or at least one of them) do not allow themselves to succumb to the temptation of "detachment". If they work on themselves and on the child, teach and study, heeding the advice of Dr. Levy: "... the child requires endless patience and unlimited penetration. If yours is like that, do not have illusions: it will be difficult for him and it will be difficult with him. But do not despair, do not consider that he and you are just "unlucky", and do not see in his behavior the manifestations of only one disease ... another disease is better than another health, and no one is ever exhausted by the disease "(6, p. 84).

My youngest son first began to walk on his own at the age of 6 and during the same period he gave me his first poem for my birthday:

The Earth revolves around the Soul

The soul revolves around the Earth ...

And people are standing with an outstretched hand -

Hope for a copper coin ...

You hope in vain, oh my boy

That the Soul will return your peace ...


1. Gadirova N.G. Rehabilitation of children with disabilities in physical health in the socio-cultural environment of Germany: Dis. Cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.05 / N.G. Gadirov. - M., 2002 .-- 243 p.

Demidenko E.S. Philosophical understanding of human health in the technogenic world / E.S. Demidenko // Health Philosophy / Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy; editorial board: A.T. Shatalov (editor-in-chief) [and others]. - M., 2001 .-- S. 175-195.

Lukomskaya I.L. Socio-cultural integration of specialists and parents in the rehabilitation of children with disabilities: Dis. Cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.05 / I.L. Lukomskaya. - M., 2004. - 188 p.

E. I. Kholostova Social work with disabled people: textbook. allowance / E.I. Kholostova. - M .: Publishing and trade corporation "Dashkov and K", 2006. - 240 p.

E. I. Kholostova Social work: textbook / E.I. Kholostova. - M .: Publishing and trade corporation "Dashkov and K", 2004. - 692 p.

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M.A. Boldina

The article reveals the concept of "disabled", identifies groups of families with a child with disabilities, their problems of social protection. The experience of the city of Khimki, Moscow region, is presented.

The term "disabled" in translation means sick, handicapped, disabled, helpless. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Social Protection of Disabled People in the Russian Federation" dated November 24, 1995 No. 181 gives the following definition: "A disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of the body's functions, caused by a disease, a consequence of trauma or defects, leading to limitation of life and causing the need for his social protection ”. According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of July 4, 1991 No. 117 "On the procedure for issuing a medical certificate for disabled children", disabled children include children who have "... significant disabilities leading to social maladjustment due to impaired development and growth of the child , his ability to self-service, movement, orientation, control over his behavior, learning, communication, play and work in the future. "

At present, the concept is gradually being adopted that a disabled person is a person who has certain limitations of his abilities, who can quite actively participate in all spheres of social activity, should have equal rights and opportunities with the rest of society. This is facilitated by the introduction of the concept of “person with disabilities”. Around the world, there is a growing public movement of people with disabilities to defend their rights to freedom of choice, self-determination and open access to participation in all spheres of society.

The impairment of the ability to carry out one or another activity can be from birth or acquired later, it can be temporary or permanent. The problem of child disability is relevant all over the world. According to WHO, disabled people make up 10% of the world's population, of which 120 million are children and adolescents. Children with disabilities in Russia account for more than 12% of the total number of all disabled people. In structure

child disability prevails over 60% mental retardation, diseases of the nervous system. Every tenth disabled person has a complete or partial inability for independent activity, the severity of the disorders and the limitation of social functions.

Families with children with disabilities represent one of the most vulnerable groups of the population; they can be differentiated into four groups. The first group consists of parents with a pronounced expansion of the sphere of parental feelings. A characteristic style of upbringing is overprotection, characterized by an over-caring attitude towards the child, petty regulation of the family's lifestyle depending on the child's well-being, and the limitation of social contacts. This style of family education is typical for most families of single mothers. This style of family education has a negative impact on the formation of the child's personality, which manifests itself in egocentrism, increased dependence, inactivity, and a decrease in the child's self-esteem.

The second group consists of families characterized by a style of cold communication, a decrease in emotional contacts between parents and a child. Parents fix excessive attention on the child's treatment, trying to compensate for their own mental discomfort due to the child's emotional rejection. This style of communication in the family leads to the formation of emotional instability, high anxiety in the child's personality, gives rise to an inferiority complex, and self-doubt.

The third group of families is characterized by the style of cooperation. In these families, there is a steady cognitive interest of parents in the organization of the social pedagogical process, community and dialogue in the choice of goals and programs for joint activities with the child, encouragement of children's independence, support and sympathy in case of failures. This style of family education contributes to the development of

a child's feelings of security, self-confidence, the need for an active establishment of interpersonal relationships.

The fourth group of families is characterized by a repressive style of family communication, an attitude towards a leading position, more often a paternal one. This style manifests itself in a pessimistic view of the child's future, restriction of his rights, in strict parental prescriptions, failure to comply with which is punished. With this style of upbringing, children exhibit aggressive behavior, tearfulness, irritability, increased excitability, complicating their mental and physical condition.

In families with children with disabilities, the percentage of divorces is very high, communication between fathers and their former family is limited only to the provision of material assistance, the mother bears the brunt of taking care of the child and provides all the necessary measures for his treatment, education and rehabilitation.

The birth of a disabled child or the "acquisition" of a disability for a number of factors and reasons disrupts the entire normal course of family life, causes a stressful state in the parents. Researchers T.G. Bogdanov and N.V. Mezurov gives a description of the phases of mental awareness of the fact of the birth of a child with disabilities.

The first phase is characterized by a state of confusion, sometimes fear. Parents feel a sense of inferiority, helplessness, anxiety for the fate of a sick child. At this time, the prerequisites are laid for the establishment of a kind of social and emotional connection between parents and a child with developmental disorders.

The second phase is a state of shock, which transforms into negativism and denial of the diagnosis. The extreme form of negativism is the refusal to examine the child and take any corrective measures. Some parents repeatedly turn to various scientific and medical centers in order to cancel the wrong, from their point of view, diagnosis, others become unjustified optimists about the possibility of a cure.

The third phase is characterized by the condition of the parents who begin to accept

diagnosis and understand its meaning, plunge into deep depression.

The fourth phase is full acceptance of the diagnosis, psychological adaptation, when the parents are able to correctly assess the situation. Many parents do not achieve it, often withdrawing from constructive cooperation with specialists.

The family, the immediate environment of a child with disabilities is the main link in the system of his upbringing, socialization, satisfaction of needs, training, and career guidance. The problems of families with the appearance of a child with disabilities are increasing.

In the first place are the material and household, financial, housing problems. In such families, sometimes insurmountable tasks arise associated with the purchase of food, clothing, shoes, the simplest furniture, and household appliances. Accommodation is usually not suitable for a disabled child - there is no separate room or special accommodations for the child. Services for a child with disabilities in such families are mostly paid. All this requires a lot of money, and the majority of families have a very modest income, which consists of the husband's salary and the child's social disability pension. The mother in these families is deprived of the opportunity to work fully.

In second place are the problems of teaching and rehabilitating a child by means of education. Most of the children are enrolled in specialized boarding-type educational institutions. With this form of education, children are separated from their families for at least five days a week. Children with severe disabilities are outside the educational space and are sent to residential welfare systems. As a result, the family is alienated from the active upbringing process, which affects the isolation of the family system from the needs and problems of the child.

The most common form of education and rehabilitation for disabled children is rehabilitation centers, where individual rehabilitation programs for children are implemented by means of education. In recent years, educational

opportunities for children with disabilities have been expanded through the opening of new types of institutions. These institutions work as day care centers for children with various developmental and social problems.

For children with serious illnesses, a form of home education is provided, but here there are problems of isolation from peers, exclusion from the sphere of full-fledged relationships with society. For children with multiple developmental disabilities, it is provided to stay in the conditions of neuropsychiatric boarding schools. The family's consent to the placement of a child in a boarding home is associated with stressful experiences. If the family decides to leave the child at home, then a long difficult period begins for all its members, associated with the constant overcoming of the difficulties of society's rejection of the child. In this case, it is necessary to provide the family with complete information about all types of rehabilitation services and coordinate the activities of social services, institutions and specialists.

The third place in a number of problems is occupied by receiving full-fledged medical care and social services. Medical and social rehabilitation of children with disabilities should be early, staged, long-term, comprehensive, include medical, psychological, pedagogical, professional, social, legal and other programs, taking into account an individual approach to each child. The main thing is to teach the child motor and social skills so that in the future he can get an education and work independently. A big problem is the low level of awareness of families about the activities of rehabilitation, educational institutions for children with disabilities, as well as about the work of social services. The legal independence of the family is also very low, parents are poorly oriented in rapidly changing legislation, do not know what benefits they can count on.

Psychological problems are on the fourth place. The psychological climate in the family depends on interpersonal relationships, moral and psychological resources of parents and relatives, as well as on the material and living conditions of the family.

my, which determines the conditions for education, training and medical and social rehabilitation. The appearance of a disabled child in a family is always a severe psychological stress for all family members. Often family relationships weaken, constant anxiety for a sick child, feelings of confusion, depression are the reason for the breakdown of the family, and only in a small percentage of cases the family is united.

Having a disabled child negatively affects other children in the family. Less attention is paid to them, opportunities for cultural leisure are reduced, they study worse, and are more likely to get sick due to parental oversight. Psychological tension in such families is supported by the psychological oppression of children due to the negative attitude of others to their family; they rarely communicate with children from other families. People around them often shy away from communication, and children with disabilities practically do not have the opportunity for full-fledged social contacts, a sufficient circle of communication, especially with healthy peers. When considering family planning, few parents decide to give birth again after the birth of a child with disabilities.

Society does not always correctly understand the problems of such families, and only a small percentage of them feel the support of others. In this regard, parents do not take children with disabilities to the theater, cinema, entertainment, etc., thereby dooming them from birth to complete isolation from society. Recently, parents with similar problems have been establishing contacts with each other, uniting in self-help groups.

State economic and social policy plays a decisive role in protecting the rights and interests of families with children with disabilities, based on the provisions that determine the main priorities of assistance:

Cash payments in connection with the birth, maintenance and upbringing of children;

Multidisciplinary benefits for families with disabled children;

Free distribution of medicines, technical devices, etc to families and children;

Social services for families.

Social protection of families with children with disabilities is based on an appropriate regulatory and legal framework. The law differentiates the benefits provided to a disabled child and his family, that is, to all family members living together. Additional benefits are provided to parents by law in order to provide them with the most complete care for a disabled child. Social protection of a family with a disabled child is focused not only on solving specific problems, but also, first of all, on strengthening and developing its own potential. In this process, the role of social services, specialists working in these institutions, which should not only help the family overcome daily difficulties, but also teach family members ways of self-help and mutual assistance, help them build their life scenario in accordance with the highest possible level of quality, becomes especially important. life.

According to the unanimous opinion of experts, this process must begin with the family, since the role of the family in the rehabilitation of disabled children is simply difficult to overestimate. The participation of family members, especially the mother, turns out to be decisive in the results of rehabilitation. But at the same time, the meaning of the family can be not only positive, but also negative. That is why in medical institutions where treatment and other rehabilitation measures are carried out, work is organized with family members of disabled children. Parents should be prepared to provide home rehabilitation for disabled children. The role of the social worker in these cases is extremely great, since it is from him that they expect advice and help. Parents' lack of faith in the success of rehabilitation has a negative impact on the lifestyle of a disabled child, and faith in success forms a positive psychological climate, socio-economic activity of parents, etc., which, in turn, contributes to adaptation, learning success and the whole process. integration of a disabled child into society.

The nature of rehabilitation work with a disabled child in a family is determined by the peculiarity of the disease. Rehabilitation of the disabled due to diseases privo-

leading to mental retardation, requires systematic, long-term studies with the aim of teaching self-service and hygiene skills, at school age and further - additional classes to master the school curriculum, professional skills. People with disabilities from childhood due to pathology that led to deviations in physical development require longer training, therapeutic massage, mastery of technical means to train the affected and compensating organs. Such children cannot do without the help of their parents. Therefore, to carry out this work, parents of children with disabilities must have certain skills, the necessary knowledge, time and money.

For a long time, our society was dominated by the attitude towards the upbringing and education of children with disabilities only within the framework of the state system of special schools and boarding institutions. In the 90s, the situation began to change. Today, parents are also faced with a dilemma: to bring up a disabled child in a family or to place him in a boarding school. Due to material difficulties, the family is sometimes forced to place the child in a boarding-type institution, but today many families do not do this.

In recent years, the problems of families with children with disabilities have been addressed at the state level. This is social rehabilitation, the inclusion of sick children and their parents in public life. These functions, in particular, are entrusted to rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities. Such centers are faced with the following tasks: as far as possible, to highlight all the negative and positive, which bears in the traditional upbringing in the family, as well as in children's institutions of the social protection system, and on the basis of this to create their own program of rehabilitation and adaptation of a family with a disabled child.

Rehabilitation centers work very closely with both the family and community institutions. After all, the upbringing of an abnormal child requires significant psycho-pedagogical support from the family. Even under the most favorable conditions, a child with disabilities spends most of their life at home and

grows up infantile, not knowing life, unable to endure difficulties and communicate with strangers.

Even more serious consequences are caused by the upbringing of a young child in a children's institution. Lack of maternal love and warmth leads to social and psychological deprivation, which manifests itself in a narrowing of the circle of informal communication, narrowness of interests, isolation, inability to build correct relationships with other people, aggressiveness, and sometimes leads to mental disorders. The most difficult personality trait of such children to correct is the undermining of trust in the world around them.

All studies carried out indicate that members of the family in which a disabled child is brought up have personality disorders. Some mothers and fathers cannot cope with their tragedy on their own, their attitude towards an abnormal child is inadequate, distorted, and incorrect attitudes and feelings are often formed. Such a family needs social work aimed not only at the child himself, but also at the whole family as a whole.

Currently, not only state, but also regional programs of assistance to families with children with disabilities are being developed, which provide for measures to educate and instruct parents, methods of rehabilitation in all aspects, material support for these measures, social and pedagogical family patronage and others. One can note the successfully functioning rehabilitation centers and other social services of the family in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Saratov, Perm, etc.

The experience of implementing various types of social assistance to families with disabled children, which is available at the Rehabilitation Center for Children with Disabilities in the city of Khimki, Moscow Region, is very interesting. The work of the Center is carried out in three main directions.

1. The Center has a Parents' School, where specialists from various fields (teachers, psychologists, doctors, social workers, lawyers, etc.) hold talks on treatment, education

and teaching children with disabilities, analyze various conversations, help in solving them. First of all, parents are taken out of the state of stress in which they are from the moment of the birth of a sick child. Then they are taught the norms of behavior, they are given knowledge in the field of psychology and behavior of disabled children, and possible conflict situations and the possibilities of their resolution are examined.

2. Very important employees of the Khimki Rehabilitation Center also see another area of \u200b\u200bwork - the rehabilitation of mothers. Indeed, both with severe and mild disabilities of a child throughout his life, he is psychologically and physically dependent on his mother. A women's club has been created for mothers. Its program includes aerobics, visits to a psychologist, massage therapist, sauna, theaters and excursions. By trusting the teachers, psychologists and social workers of the Center, mothers begin to better solve in the family both the pressing problems of their children and their own.

3. The next direction is social and cultural activity in the form of club work. When all the thoughts and deeds of the mother and father are directed towards the sick child, the circle of their interests narrows, there is a gradual removal from relatives and friends, that is, social isolation. Joint trips to monasteries, museums, art galleries, theaters, recreation in the forest or on the river contribute to a breakthrough from the social isolation in which the family of a sick child is.

The experience of the Saratov Regional Rehabilitation Center for children and adolescents with disabilities deserves every attention.

The work of this Center today is distinguished by a systematic approach to the rehabilitation process, when the interaction of social, medical, psychological, socio-cultural, correctional

pedagogical assistance. Rehabilitation is carried out taking into account the different needs and capabilities of disabled children who enter the Center with not one, but several pathologies, for example, a combination of pathologies of the central nervous system with delayed psychomotor development, as well as the presence of bronchopulmonary diseases.

The range of rehabilitation services provided by the Center is very wide. it

social services at home, including medical and social patronage, psychological and pedagogical support, services for children in the day care unit using a complex of rehabilitation measures; inpatient care with the definition of specific terms of the child's stay in the Center; outpatient services for families with children with specialist advice.

Medical rehabilitation includes consultations, massage courses, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, reflexology, drug treatment, etc.; social rehabilitation includes work with families where children are brought up, social patronage, the organization of legal advice, a lecture hall for parents, children's leisure time, the work of a summer rehabilitation camp, health and sports activities. Opportunities are also being sought for additional material assistance

New Year's gifts, purchase of food, clothing and footwear, stationery.

There are various types of psychological rehabilitation (counseling, individual psychotherapeutic reception, group and individual psycho-training, psycho-correction of neurotic disorders and mental retardation, family psycho-correction, psycho-prevention).

Correctional and pedagogical rehabilitation, carried out by the Center, includes consulting parents on education and training, since parents of disabled children have a persistent stereotype about the exceptional effectiveness of one drug treatment. There is a psychological, medical and pedagogical council, classes are held with children both at the Center and at home.

Professional rehabilitation is also mandatory - the work of various circles, computer developmental training, the formation of a database of special institutions, consultations on referral to educational institutions, work with the employment service. For children with disabilities, it is extremely important to feel less of their somewhat limited opportunities than their peers. This is facilitated by the work of health-improving sections at the stadium, the provision of sports and cultural events. With regard to socio-cultural rehabilitation, then

it is held by an active club, circles. Regular excursions, cultural events with the participation of children and their parents, visits to theaters and museums help in this matter.

Comprehensive rehabilitation of children with disabilities requires clear coordination of institutions dealing with the problems of atypical children. The center has established contacts with specialized preschool institutions, schools, universities of the city (Technical University, Pedagogical Institute, Volga Region Academy of Civil Service, research institutions, the Employment Service, the All-Russian Society of Disabled People, the Saratov Education Department, the Social Protection Department and many others).

The work of the Pervomaisky Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children in Krasnoyarsk is also interesting. Helping families with disabled children is one of the main activities of the Center. For this purpose, the development studio "Smile" is implementing the project "Commonwealth" in the Center. The aim of the project is to attract a wide range of disabled children and their parents to active equal participation in public life. The first stage of the project is devoted to classes aimed at the rehabilitation of sick children through music, visual arts, educational games, social orientation classes, leisure activities, etc. The second stage is devoted to ensuring the integration of disabled children into society through the organization of joint events for healthy and sick children. The Center also conducts consultative, educational and educational work with parents.

In recent years, public organizations, various charitable foundations, whose work is aimed at social support of children and adolescents, disabled people, the elderly and youth, etc., have made a good addition to state social institutions. For example, in the city of Novocherkassk, as part of a public organization of the Union "Women at Home" the charity fund "Help the Children!" and the Society for the Social Protection of Disabled Children "Buratino". Fund's charitable activities are mainly

is aimed at children suffering from oncological, hematological and other forms of serious diseases. The Foundation's programs include free medical rehabilitation courses, summer vacations for disabled children in the psychological rehabilitation center (Moscow) and at the Don River bases. New Year's events are held, including congratulations at home for seriously ill children, visits to the circus and theaters, mini-concerts in the regional cancer center, in the Children's Home.

The society for the social protection of disabled children "Buratino" was founded by the parents of sick children themselves. The members of this organization are engaged in the improvement of children in summer and winter. Parents and their children regularly receive treatment on preferential and free vouchers to sanatoriums. Joint trips to the zoo, circus, theater, dolphinarium in Rostov-on-Don are regularly organized.

The experience of various institutions of social protection of the population in providing assistance to families with children with disabilities shows that the solution to this problem should simultaneously go in many directions. The purposeful policy of the state in the field of child disability, that is, a set of measures aimed at reducing it by improving the quality of medical care for pregnant women and newborns, expanding the network of medical genetic institutions, seems expedient. It is necessary to further develop a network of rehabilitation centers, correctional institutions,

educational and educational institutions that have already proven themselves well in the work on social adaptation and rehabilitation of families with disabled children. And various public organizations and charitable foundations that have recently begun active work in the social services market can fill the missing niches and correct the shortcomings in the work of state institutions.

Today there is a need to improve the system of economic assistance to families with children with disabilities. One of the urgent directions is to improve the content and forms of work of social service institutions, to increase the effectiveness of assistance to families with children with disabilities. And, finally, in society it is necessary to foster the desire to morally support families with a disabled child, to be able to understand them about ____________ problems.

1. Aksenova L.I. Social pedagogy in special education. Moscow: Publishing house. center "Academy", 2001.

2. Garashkina N.V., Boldina M.A. Theory and practice of social and pedagogical work with the family. Tambov: TSU im. G.R. Derzhavin, 2003.

3. Zubkova T.S., Timoshina N.V. Organization and content of work on social protection of women, children and families. Moscow: Publishing house. center "Academy", 2003.

A family with a disabled child is a family with a special status, the features and problems of which are determined not only by the personal characteristics of all its members and the nature of the relationship between them, but also by being more busy solving the child's problems, the family's closeness to the outside world, lack of communication, and frequent lack of work the mother, but most importantly - the specific position in the family of a disabled child, which is due to his illness.

The family for the child is known to be the least restrictive, the softest type of social environment. However, the situation when there is a disabled child in the family can influence the creation of a tougher environment that family members need to perform their functions. Moreover, it is likely that the presence of a child with developmental disabilities, together with other factors, can change the self-determination of the family, reduce opportunities for earnings, recreation, and social activity. Unfortunately, at present, the support of a family with a disabled child from society is insufficient to preserve the family itself - the main support of children.

Many difficulties and problems arise in the lives of children with disabilities and in the families in which they are brought up.

  • 1. Problems of social, medical and outpatient services.
  • 2. Material - everyday and housing problems.
  • 3. Financial problems.
  • 4. Psychological and pedagogical problems.
  • 5. Problems of the psychological climate in the family and relationships.
  • 6. The problem of professional training for disabled children.
  • 7. The problem of organizing a barrier-free environment.
  • 8. The problem of sufficient legal support.
  • 9. The problem of informational support of social support for families with disabled children.
  • 10. The problem of providing comprehensive social support to families with disabled children.

Medical and social assistance in our country has deteriorated sharply due to the change in the socio-economic situation. There is no reliable special registration of children with disabilities either in state social welfare bodies or in a society of disabled people. There is a lack of coordination in the activities of various organizations related to the medical and social provision of such families. There is insufficient informational work to promote goals, objectives, benefits, legislation related to medical and social rehabilitation.

All social work is child-centered and does not take into account the characteristics of families, and family participation in medical and social work is crucial along with specialized treatment.

Outpatient medical care is especially low. It turns out mainly in acute diseases and an unsatisfactory profile due to disability. At a low level is the examination of children by narrow specialists, massage, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, a nutritionist does not solve nutritional issues in severe forms of diabetes, kidney diseases. The provision of medicines, exercise equipment, wheelchairs, hearing aids, prostheses, and orthopedic shoes is insufficient.

Services for a child with disabilities in such families are mostly paid (treatment, expensive medications, medical procedures, massage, sanatorium-type vouchers, necessary devices and apparatus, training, surgical interventions, orthopedic shoes, glasses, hearing aids, wheelchairs, beds, etc.) etc.). All this requires a lot of money, and the income in these families consists of the father's earnings and the child's disability allowance.

Many socio-medical, psychological and pedagogical problems remain unresolved, including the unsatisfactory equipment of medical institutions with modern diagnostic equipment, an insufficiently developed network of rehabilitation treatment institutions, "weak" services for medical, psychological and social work and medical and social examination of disabled children; the difficulty in obtaining a profession and employment, the lack of mass production of technical means for teaching, movement, domestic self-service in children's boarding schools and home environment.

Housing is usually not suitable for a disabled child, every 3rd family has about 6m 2 of usable space per family member, rarely a separate room or special accommodations for the child. In such families, there are problems associated with the purchase of food, clothing and shoes, the simplest furniture, household appliances: refrigerator, TV. Families do not have what is extremely necessary for caring for a child: transport, summer cottages, gardens, telephone.

A father in a family with a sick child is the only breadwinner. Having a specialty, education, because of the need for more earnings, he becomes a worker, seeks secondary earnings and has practically no time to deal with the child.

The number of divorces in families raising children with disabilities is much higher - fathers are often unable to withstand constant difficulties and leave the family.

When considering family planning, few parents decide to give birth again after the birth of a child with disabilities. ...

The state measures of demographic policy carried out in Russia, assistance to families with children, including disabled children, are scattered, ineffective and do not take into account families as a whole.

Treatment, care, education and rehabilitation of children take place with the direct participation of relatives and involve a lot of time. In every second family, the unpaid work of mothers caring for children with disabilities is equivalent in time to the average working day (from 5 to 10 hours). A special role in the forced release of mothers of disabled children from the sphere of paid employment is played by the lack of mechanisms for the implementation of legislative norms regulating the rights of workers with disabled children.

Less than 15% of employees enjoy labor benefits (part-time work with preservation of the workplace, flexible working hours, frequent use of sick leave for nursing or unpaid leave).

Restrictions on the provision of these benefits arise when they complicate the production process, the organization of production, and lead to a loss of profit for the enterprise. The transition of mothers of children with disabilities to the status of housewives is also facilitated by the lack of special programs that would provide retraining of parents, allow them to use home work, and organize paid employment that involves combining work with caring for children with disabilities. Non-working parents caring for children today practically do not have compensation for their work (it is hardly possible to consider the legal compensation in the amount of 60% of the minimum wage, which covers only one tenth of the primary needs of a person, as real compensation).

In the absence of adequate social support for non-working parents from the state, the dependent burden in families increases, and single-parent families find themselves in a particularly difficult situation. In this regard, maintaining the employment of parents of children with disabilities (equally men and women), maintaining their economic activity could become an important resource and condition for overcoming poverty of families with disabled children, their successful socio-economic adaptation.

Caring for a baby takes all of the mother's time. Therefore, caring for the child falls on the mother, who, having made a choice in favor of a sick child, is completely dependent on hospitals, sanatoriums, from frequent exacerbations of ailments. She pushes herself to such a distant plane that she turns out to be outside of life. If treatment and rehabilitation are futile, then constant anxiety, psycho-emotional stress can lead the mother to irritation, a state of depression. Often older children, rarely grandmothers, and other relatives help mothers in care. A more difficult situation is if the family has two children with disabilities.

Having a disabled child negatively affects other children in the family. Less attention is paid to them, opportunities for cultural leisure are reduced, they study worse, and are more likely to get sick due to parental oversight. Psychological tension in such families is supported by the psychological oppression of children due to the negative attitude of others to their family; they rarely interact with children from other families. Not all children are able to correctly assess and understand the attention of parents to a sick child, their constant fatigue in an atmosphere of oppressed, constantly alarming family climate.

Often such a family experiences a negative attitude from others, especially neighbors, who are annoyed by the uncomfortable conditions of existence nearby (disturbance of calm, silence, especially if a disabled child with mental retardation or his behavior negatively affects the health of the child's environment).

People around them often shy away from communication and children with disabilities practically do not have the opportunity of full-fledged social contacts, a sufficient circle of communication, especially with healthy peers. Society does not always correctly understand the problems of such families, and only a small percentage of them feel the support of others.

In this regard, parents do not take children with disabilities to the theater, cinema, entertainment, etc., thereby dooming them from birth to complete isolation from society. Recently, parents with similar problems have been establishing contacts with each other.

Most parents note a lack of education for a child with disabilities, there is no available literature, sufficient information, medical and social workers. Almost all families do not have information about the occupational restrictions associated with the child's illness, about the choice of a profession recommended for a patient with such a pathology.

Children with disabilities, deprived of qualified rehabilitative and developmental assistance, sometimes lead a practically biological existence, not receiving those skills and abilities that will help them at least in self-service, if not in labor self-support.

The main problems of relationships in a family with a disabled person are:

  • * upbringing, accompanied by a sense of burdensome parental responsibilities;
  • * underestimated level of exactingness to the child, often associated with ignorance of his potential;
  • * forced authoritarian upbringing, due to the limited abilities and insufficient communication of the child;
  • * forced sacrifice of the mother and her constant need for support;
  • * constant restraint in the manifestation of experiences because of their unrealized fully parental capabilities.

All families raising children with disabilities are characterized by certain characteristics:

  • * parents experience neuropsychic and physical stress, fatigue, tension, anxiety and uncertainty about the unborn child (this can be described as a violation of the time perspective);
  • * personal manifestations and behavior of the child do not meet the expectations of the parents, and, as a result, cause them irritation, bitterness, dissatisfaction;
  • * family relationships are broken and distorted;
  • * the social status of the family is declining - the emerging problems affect not only intra-family relationships, but also lead to changes in its immediate environment; parents try to hide the fact of a child's mental and physical development disorder from friends and acquaintances, respectively, the circle of non-family functioning is narrowing;
  • * a special psychological conflict arises in the family as a result of a clash with public opinion, which does not always adequately assess the efforts of parents to raise and treat such a child;
  • * in families with disabled children, the roles are usually changed.

In the personality of a disabled child, there is a constant struggle between the social and the biological. If society leaves him without attention and care, then he falls under the power of physical ailments that determine his character, relationships with people, marital status, educational level, career, in general, the entire life path. If society takes a person under its wing, then the impact of disability recedes into the background.

A significant place in the lives of disabled children and families in which they are brought up is occupied by the problem of obtaining information. People with disabilities find it difficult to obtain information, both general and of immediate importance for them (exhaustive means about their functional impairments, about measures of state support for disabled people, about the social resources of their support. This is also due to economic reasons. For example, if the parents of these children cannot buy or repair a television or radio receiver, are experiencing a shortage of special information carriers (TV shows with sign language interpretation, books in braille, cassettes and discs for the blind, etc.), and there is also an underdevelopment of modern global information systems (such as the Internet) in our country. The task of creating and maintaining a data bank on the problems of persons with disabilities has not been fully resolved, although the first steps in this area are being taken.

Children with disabilities have difficulties in obtaining education. The Russian Federation has prepared the Federal Law "On the Education of Persons with Disabilities - Special Education".

The law says that special education is a system of conditions created by the state for persons with special educational needs in order to ensure their equal opportunities in obtaining education by eliminating physical, financial or psychological barriers that exclude or restrict the participation of these persons in life. society; special education is preschool, general and vocational education, for which a person needs special individualizing methods of teaching and upbringing associated with his physical and / or mental disability. Special education helps children with disabilities develop their mental and physical abilities in order to adapt to the social environment, prepare for work, self-care, self-reliance and family life. For such students, technical schools, vocational educational institutions (VET) are designed, as well as educational institutions of a mixed type - vocational technical schools. The main zones of technical schools and vocational schools: educational, educational and production, sports and recreation, recreation, economic, residential (if there are residential buildings for disabled students directly on the territory of the educational institution).

The laws of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation guarantee such persons compulsory education, regardless of the degree of physical and / or mental deficiency from the moment of its detection, while the duration of primary basic general education is established by special educational standards and cannot be less than nine years. Free training is also guaranteed; free access to education at any level; training with the minimum possible isolation from society.

Because of their pathology, disabled adolescents with disabilities have very little or no access to jobs. In the conditions of our country, the barrier between the personality of a disabled person and productive work may also be due to the lack of labor motivation on his part. According to domestic and foreign experts, about 2/3 of all disabled people are able to work, while no more than 11% of them work. This is caused not so much by the lack of special jobs as by the dominant orientation toward receiving benefits and benefits instead of labor.

Unfortunately, the formation of modern work motivation and work ethics in our society is blocked by the fact that often a disability pension is a more solid source of income than an employee's salary, in any case, it is paid more regularly.

And very often it happens that parents are forced to support children with disabilities throughout their lives. This situation is due not only to the limitedness of their individual physical or intellectual resources, but also to the undeveloped nature of the labor market for persons with special needs. In the conditions of a "wild" market economy, adaptation of jobs for such people with disabilities is seen by the employer as unprofitable and undesirable. In some cases, a disabled person is absolutely incapable of work, even the simplest. However, in other situations, people with disabilities are provided (or are made available) jobs that require low qualifications, providing monotonous, stereotyped work and low wages. That is, under such conditions, a disabled child practically does not have the opportunity to independently enter adulthood.

The communicative barrier has a complex character, which is due to the cumulation of the action of all the above restrictions that deform a person's personality. Communication disorder, one of the most difficult social problems of children with disabilities, is a consequence of external and physical limitations, and the emotional defense of self-isolation, and falling out of the workforce, and a defect in familiar information. It is natural that the restoration of normal age and social status by communication is one of the most external goals of social rehabilitation of a disabled person.

An important and difficult to overcome barrier for a disabled person is the spatial and environmental one. Even in cases where a person with physical disabilities has a means of transportation (prosthesis, wheelchair), the very organization of the living environment and transport is not yet friendly to the disabled person. There is a lack of equipment and devices for household processes, self-service, free movement. Children with sensory impairments experience a shortage of special information tools that inform them about the parameters of the environment. For persons with intellectual and mental disabilities, there is no opportunity to navigate in the environment, move safely and act in it.

Based on this, different approaches are needed to determine disability from childhood and general illness, only medical criteria are clearly not enough. A comprehensive social assessment is needed.

Thus, the development of a disabled child depends to a large extent on family well-being, parental involvement in his physical and spiritual development, and the correctness of educational influences. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out purposeful work with parents, first of all, with mothers of sick children. This work should include examining the internal state of mothers, identifying the most difficult psychological moments in the life of families, providing advice and practical assistance.

It is necessary that parents are not left alone with their misfortune, so that the child's disability does not become only a personal matter of the family. Parents of children with disabilities must believe in themselves and actively jointly solve the pressing problems of their children and their families. The state measures of demographic policy carried out in Russia, assistance to families with children, including children with disabilities, are fragmented, ineffective and do not take into account families as a whole.

Interdepartmental interaction in organizing a unified rehabilitation space for children with disabilities, combining the efforts of health authorities, committees on family, mothers and children, scientists from leading scientific medical institutions seems to be important.

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