Spring-themed apps: step-by-step instructions for making DIY crafts from paper, napkins and cotton pads. Applique making workshop

Volumetric paper applique for children from 7 years old. Master class with step by step photos

Spring panel for elementary school children "Chicks in the nest"

Derkach Egor, 9 years old, student of the creative association "Peacock", MBOU DOD CDT "Sodruzhestvo", Novosibirsk
Leader: Derkach Anastasia Sergeevna, Teacher of additional education, MBOUDOD CDT "Sodruzhestvo", Novosibirsk

Description: This master class is intended for children from 7 years old, teachers of additional education, parents.

Purpose: Gift, home decoration.

Purpose: Creating a volumetric applique


- to form practical skills in working with paper, waste material;
- to develop interest in artistic creation;
- develop fine motor skills of hands, eye, imagination, aesthetic taste, compositional skills and spatial thinking;
- to consolidate the skills of handling the simplest tools of labor - scissors, paper
- to improve design and application skills and abilities;
- educate independence, accuracy in work, patience, perseverance

Manufacturing technique:

- application
- paper plastic

Materials and tools:

For work we need:
- a sheet of watercolor paper A-3 format
- colored paper (it is possible for a copier)
- scissors
- simple pencil
- PVA glue
- waste material (insert from a box of chocolates)
- pink parchment
- medium-sized openwork paper napkins
- markers (black and blue)

Safety instructions for working with scissors
1.Work with well-adjusted and sharpened scissors
2.Scissors should have blunt, rounded ends
3.Place the scissors with the rings facing you
4. Follow the movement of the blades while cutting
5) don't leave the scissors open
6. Pass the scissors rings forward
7 don't play with scissors, don't hold it to your face
8 use scissors as directed

Rules for working with PVA glue
1. When working with glue, use a brush if required.
2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work at this stage
3. It is necessary to apply the glue in an even thin layer
4. Remove excess glue with a paper towel
5. Try to keep the glue away from clothes, face and especially eyes
6. After work, close the glue tightly and remove
7. Wash your hands and work area with soap and water.



Panel No. 1 Master class with photo
Take a sheet of A-3 watercolor paper.
This will be the background of our work.

Cut out branches of any shape from brown paper

Glue the branches to the background

Cut a circle out of gold paper. This will be the nest

We glue it to the branches

We take the insert from the box of chocolates

Cut straws of any shape from it

We glue the nest

Cut out the details for the sun from yellow paper and glue it onto the background

Cut out leaves of different sizes from green paper

We glue them to the branches

We make chicks
Cut out all the necessary details from colored paper

Glue eyes on yellow circles

Using colored felt-tip pens, draw pupils, eyelashes

Glue the beaks





The chicks are ready. We put them in the nest

Cut out butterflies

We glue them on the picture

Work is ready

When making this panel, many details remained: leaves, branches, rays for the sun, butterflies, straws for a nest ...
We thought about it, added more material and made the second panel.

Spring panel number 2 Master class with photo

First, we glue openwork paper napkins on the background.
It will be clouds

The sun



Making chicks


We plant chicks in the nest

Making a caterpillar


Cut flowers

We went all over the Internet and found 20 not beaten, but at the same time simple spring crafts that children can make with their own hands.

Not only kindergarten needs spring-themed craft ideas. Children who do not go to kindergarten also love to tinker, and they will probably be interested in doing something new and unusual with their own hands, for example, a spring cloud, a volumetric rainbow made of paper, or

Many of these crafts can be the perfect gift for mom or grandmother on March 8, 2020 or Mother's Day.

After all, there is nothing more pleasant than a craft that a kid makes with his own hands with the thought of how happy his mother or grandmother will be with her.

What can we hide, some of us even wear on the street to brag about what a wonderful gift the child made.

20 Spring Craft Ideas for Kindergarten

Hurray, the snow is over. And we have three months ahead of us with rains, thunderstorms, colorful rainbows and gorgeous flowers.

That we will display in crafts on the theme of "Spring", which children will make with their own hands in kindergarten.

First, we suggest you make a cloud with rainbow rain. Execution and details depend on your imagination and age characteristics of children.

For example, for younger children, offer to make a cloud with rain from ribbons (thinner or thicker), but in the older group you can try to make bulky drops of colored paper.

And here are some ideas with a voluminous rainbow from multi-colored paper for crafts on the theme "Spring". Instructions on how to do them are in the photo.

A simple craft for children, even children from the younger group can do it with their own hands, provided that the educators prepare the blanks in advance.

Such a bouquet of paper hyacinths can be made with your own hands as a gift for mom on March 8 or Mother's Day.

Spring craft for the younger and middle groups of kindergarten - flowers from ribbons, paper and ice cream sticks.

Instead of textile ribbons, you can use paper serpentine, which remained after the New Year.

Everything is simple here: cut out hearts from colored paper (three for a flower, one for a piece of paper), pierce a hole in the middle of each of them and string them on a drinking straw.

Voila, and the "Spring" craft is ready. It remains only to bring more straws to the kindergarten.

For this craft, you must first draw and cut paper flowers. Then we fold a fan out of green paper and glue the prepared flowers on it.

And even toddlers from the nursery group can handle such flowers made of wooden sticks, but they will have to help them a little with glue.

We will cover the paper flower theme with origami. Follow the link to find an origami tulip diagram.

When the children get tired of creating, get dirty from head to toe with glue and cut with scissors even what could not be cut, invite them to draw spring flowers.

Here are some examples of simple drawings, but dandelions and hyacinths really need to be drawn with your fingers.

If you wish, you can turn these drawings into appliques by cutting out some elements for them from colored paper.

And finally, a spring tree with birds that have returned from warm lands.

The trunk of the tree is a cardboard sleeve from toilet paper or paper towels.

We cut out the crown, leaves and birds from colored cardboard, and "sculpt" nests and flowers from corrugated paper, crumpling it up.

Now you have a ton of spring kindergarten craft ideas that any child can handle. Good luck and inspiration.

Galiya Zaripova

Collective application Spring has come wonderful with children of the younger group

It is generally believed that applique Is a painstaking and difficult activity for skillful and neat children of older preschool and younger age. However, according to E.A. Yanushko "Such delusion deprives kids of new knowledge, learning new skills."... When teaching children 2-3 years old in technology applications it is recommended to use the simplest methods of work, such as the: tearing paper; gluing ready-made figures cut by an adult. Figures for applications should be large enough for babies to be comfortable working with.

I. A. Lykova - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher and Doctoral Candidate at the Institute of Art Education of the Russian Academy of Education believes that collective application at an early age in babies "Develops a sense of form, color and composition".

Working with children 2-3 years old, as a teacher, it is very interesting for me to conduct collective applications... For kids, I initially come up with an unfinished composition, then directly - educational activity is carried out in the form of a game. During work, children learn to place the details in the picture, spread glue on the back of the form, take it a little on a brush, and press the image to the paper with a napkin with their whole palm. Each kid performs his task, but the result is general.

I cannot help but note that during applications the kids behave amicably, they are happy to communicate with the teacher on a given topic. Based on my experience, I can say that collective work on application in early age groups, it is useful and necessary. This experience gives a positive dynamic in the development and learning of children. Collective application effective in integrated forms of children's activities, in combination with educational areas such as cognitive and speech development of children.

Be creative and have fun!

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Tatiana Safronova

Warm days are coming. Breath spring is felt in everything... She awakens the still dormant nature to a new life. The bright spring sun shines in the clear blue sky. Hurried streams murmur everywhere. The snow is getting less and less and soon it will completely disappear under the warm sun rays. There is a smell in the air spring... The first snowdrops bloom on the thawed patches.

So we decided to capture the early spring in my craft.

For this we need: colored paper, glue, scissors, colored cardboard, pencil, ruler, cotton pads and spring mood.

Then we cut out from colored paper and cotton pads all the details that we need for our applications(sun, flowers, leaves, stems, trickle, snow and birds).Here you can show your imagination and create your own picture on the theme:"Spring".

After that, we create a composition from the parts.

We start gluing.

Here is such spring we got it.

April! April!

Drops are ringing in the yard.

Streams run through the fields

There are puddles on the roads.

The ants will come out soon

After the winter cold.

Bear sneaks

Through dense deadwood.

The birds began to sing songs

And the snowdrop blossomed.

(Samuel Marshak)

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