What animal always sleeps. Who sleeps most

Normal sleep duration is an individual, and still you can trace certain trends. Sleep duration is non-etinakov in different biological species, and within one species varies depending on age.


Duration of sleep in humans decreases with age.

Most of all spends in a dream the fruit in the womb - from 85% to 90% of the time. With the help of encephalograms, scientists have established that in intrauterine life there is a different ratio of phases of fast and slow sleep: each of them occupies about 50% of the time, in adult people the duration of fast sleep is less than 20%.

A lot of sleep and newborns are in the total complexity up to 18 hours a day. By 3-4 months, the sleep duration is reduced to 17 hours, to 5-6 - to 16, to 7-9 - to 15, and one year old children sleep no more than 15 hours. From year to one and a half years, the child sleeps 10-11 hours at night and twice in the afternoon of 1.5-2 hours in the afternoon, the field of one and a half years remains one day Son. After 7 years, children stop sleeping in the afternoon, and at night they sleep 8-9 hours.

Sleep duration decreases in adulthood. English researchers from the University of Surrey found that 20-30 year old people are sleeping on average 7.23 hours, 40-55 year old - 6.83, and people over 60 years old - 6.51.

Thus, than younger than a person, the more he sleeps.


Speaking of sleep duration among various animals, you should not remember bears, heels and other animals that fall into hibernation for the winter. Winter hibernation, which is a scientifically called hibernation, differs from sleep: the body temperature of the animal is reduced by several degrees, palpitis slows down, breathing and other physiological processes - it does not occur during the usual sleep. It will be about the daily dream, and not about hibernation.

The people of the "Champion" on the duration of sleep traditionally the cat is traditionally considered. It is not by chance that in the lullabous songs so often appears "Kotya-Kotinka-Kotok": it was believed that this animal should "teach" a child to sleep.

The True Sleep Duration Record was established by the Swiss Zoologist P. Codeger. It is noteworthy that the "champion" was the representative of the Feline family - the African lion. This predator sleeps up to 20 hours a day. The lion can afford such a long sleep - after all, he has practically no natural enemies.

The second place is occupied by the slogans - animals from the adhesion of primates living in Central and South America. They sleep from 15 to 18 hours a day.

It is quite easy to determine that the most lazy animal in the world is a sloth. He sleeps a lot, slowly moving and even his name speaks for itself. But in the animal world, there are quite a few animals that can compete sloth in terms of laziness and sleep.

1. Koala.
Sleep lasts for 22 hours. Using fibrous vegetable food requiring a large amount of energy, koalas for digesting such a meal spend up to 75% of their day, slept in the foliage of trees.

2. Leniv.
Sleep: 20 hours a day. These leisurely animals spend most The day, hanging in the crowns of trees, where, in fact, is their home. They do everything on the trees: born, live and sleep. That's right: why move when you can do everything in one place?

3. armor.
Sleep lasts 18-19 hours. The armadors are active only in the evenings, and the rest of the day spend in a dream. But scientists have not yet found out why these animals are so sleepy.

4. Hippopotamus.
Spends in a dream 16-20 hours a day. Often sleep with groups whose number reaches 30 individuals. At least hippos are sleeping on Earth, they are able to sleep and under water. During underwater sleep, they rise to the surface of the water in order to periodically breathe, but even this hippos is done in a dream.

5. Lion.
Sleep length 18-20 hours per day. Sometimes in Africa is unbearable hot and lions, fleeing from the heat, sleep. it best time For other animals, because the lions be awake, they are very active.

6. Cat.
Conducts in a dream for 18 hours. If you have domestic cat, then you know that they spend most of the day in the nap. Scientists believe that this feature got into the inheritance from the ancestors who had to maintain energy for hunting.

7. Hamster.
Duration of sleep 14 hours. During the day, the average hamster usually sleeps. And it raises anxiety from those who only started a hamster as a home animal. Those at least for these small and fluffy animals require more time to sleep than for other pets or people.

8. Squirrel.
Sleeps for 14 hours. Proteins love to sleep, because their nutrition is rich in carbohydrates, squirrels, fats. These fluffy creatures usually sleep in nests from branches, leaves, feathers and other soft materials.

What animal sleeps all the longest?


    At the first place - snakeswhich can sleep up to three years (without waking up) without food and water;

    In second place - african Lev.which can sleep per day for 20 hours in a row;

    On the third place - opossums and sludgewhich can sleep until 19 hours a day.

    Snakes can sleep in a row. At the same time, not taking anything. A striking endurance of the body.

    Surki go into hibernation up to eight months, and bears up to three.

    A day to twenty hours can sleep African lion.

    Of the reptiles, snakes can sleep longer. Up to 3 years. True, I do not understand how after such a period of time they have enough strength to crawl.

    And from mammals - bears, sucking the lamp in Beror.

    It must be said that a long dream of many animals is not quite a dream, it looks more like an anabiosis. The difference between Anabiosis from sleep is still there. With a dream, such as Lviv (up to 20 hours a day), bears (in hibernation there are about three winter months) or Surki (up to 8 months), life processes are slow down, but not to such an extent as during anabyosis For the same snakes (up to three years) or in the two-way fish (six months).

    To the above, I can add that there is such a small animal, which is called - Sonya. He sleeps in a swarm of 21-22 hours a day. Also sleeping all the birds, except for the marriage period. There are also many cases when a person fell into sopor (Without visible signs of life).

    Snakes can sleep for three years in a row, without taking into eating.

    Lions and other cats can sleep until 20 hours a day. But the lion here recordsman - sleeps sometimes even more than 20 hours. That's just the cat's brain during sleep is also active, as in time of wakefulness. So it will not be unnoticed.

    The sloths sleep 15-18 hours.

    Ferrices - 20 hours a day.

    Marsh turtles and saws are sleeping 45% of their lives (however, it is not a dream - rather, a mixture of passive wakefulness and catalepsy).

    Oposatsum under certain conditions can be in hibernation for 367 days.

    Bears go to winter hibernation every year for several months, snakes, - their sleep can last for several years, and snakes it turns out that leaders in sleep duration. During the day, hamsters, ferrets, opossums sleep a lot.

    Nature helps animals to survive therefore she came up with a hibernation. The snakes fall into the hibernate for about 3 years in hibernation. This is due to the lack of food and thanks to this snakes do not die, but they sleep until everything does not work out. Speakers sleep for the same reason. And so much sleep feline. They are so confident in their abilities of the hunter, which can afford to sleep for 20 hours.

    these are those animals who fall into the hibernation bear, hedge

    Slesh longer snakes. Under certain weather conditions, it was revealed that they can sleep and three years, while they don't need either food or water. So snakes fall into hibernation. I think that there is no more equal in this plan.

    Well, if you do not take into account the animals able to fall into the hibernation, seasonal or by the nature of the development, then among the bears of the king on the duration of sleep is the lion - he sleeps 20 hours a day, and this concerns only males. Lviv's females sleep much less. Domestic cats also love to sleep and can spend in a dream to 16 hours a day. However, all animals in captivity sleep much more of their wild fellow. Lenvents and oxamas sleep well - on average, 18 hours a day. Favorite Hamster sleeps for 15 hours every day. And Sonya, not for nothing, after all, it is so called, sleeps, too, for 15 hours, and often can fall into short-term hibernation for several days even in the summer.

Lovers sleep know how difficult it is to pull themselves out of bed after a tiring labor week, when every day had to get up at some completely crazy time! In being a dream, there is nothing wrong. On the contrary: to be great and love to relax. And those who condemn Song

Lovers sleep know how difficult it is to pull themselves out of bed after a tiring labor week, when every day had to get up at some completely crazy time! In being a dream, there is nothing wrong. On the contrary: to be great and love to relax. And those who condemn Song, are very mistaken, because to sleep - so wonderful! Here is an example - 7 charming animals that have made a dream of their lifestyle.


On average, the Koala spends in a dream to 20 hours a day: sometimes a little less, but it can sleep and all 22 hours a day.


There is no intrigue here: in full accordance with his species name, the sloth is sleeping on average for 22 hours a day.


It seems that such a large body should be very cheerful and movable. That's not. Hippopots sleep for 16-20 hours per day. And they still love to yawning sweetly than they inspire all around fear and horror.

a lion

The king of animals rarely have to strain: the lionesses are hunting for him. So the head of the pride for 18-20 hours spends in a dream. And it can sleep and all 24 hours - depending on what will be mining.


Kitty also got a good job: most often a man hunt for him. So the cats sleep at 18 o'clock a day. Another 3 hours daily by the cat goes to the imitation of meaningful activities, food and damage of human property, 1 hour - to positiveness for the photo, and another 2 hours disappear without a trace: science does not know what they are doing at that time.


A small, lightweight, large-eyed and sociable animal at first glance does not seem dream, but lemurs sleep good 16 hours a day. Follow their example, if you are stuck in Lena: make big eyes and cover your mouth with your hand.


Scientists have long disassembled, to which family of animals to attribute the panda - to a bearish or towards raccoons. In the end, they counted a bearish. Unlike other bears, Panda does not fall into a seasonal hibernation, but sleeps for 10 hours a day - and this is at least. For comparison: more than 12 hours a day, the panda is engaged in an equally important thing - eating food.

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