Massage for the little ones. How often can you do a back massage What time of day is it better to massage

Before answering the question of how often you can and should do massage, you need to figure out what kind of procedure this is - massage. Why does massage have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect? During the massage, the blood supply to the muscles being massaged improves, and the rate of metabolic processes in the internal organs of a person increases. All this leads to the fact that the patient begins to feel lightness and vigor in the body. In addition, during massage, more biologically active substances with morphine-like action. These substances block pain, which leads to sensations of physical pleasure and a surge of energy.

Remember that massage can be professional or non-professional. In the latter case, painful sensations during the procedure and bruising on the body after it are possible. Slight (!) Soreness is allowed only when massaging tense or injured muscles. Unfortunately, due to the unprofessionalism of the massage therapist and the painful sensations during the procedure, many patients avoid regular massage sessions.

Perhaps the most common question a massage therapist hears is how often can massage sessions be performed and how often should massage courses be taken? It is almost impossible to answer these questions unequivocally. Everything is very individual and requires a more detailed discussion.

So, what is the frequency of massage sessions within the same course? It all depends on the goals and objectives of the massage course, as well as on a number of other nuances. If the massage is preventive, then it should not be done too often, since the body should be comfortable and not hard to get used to the changes after the massage and to body contact with the masseur. Therefore, this massage is done once or twice a week.

If the massage is therapeutic, then the degree of pain must be taken into account. Therapeutic massage is best done every other day in the case when the pain, although strong, is not a contraindication to massage. Then the body will not be overloaded with constant painful sensations. If the pain is aching, then massage can be done daily or even twice a day. This will help the body "forget" the problem and cope with the symptoms. Anti-cellulite massage is best done every other day if the massage therapist applies only one direction of exposure or one technique. When applying different techniques and techniques, massage can be done daily.

A relaxing massage is performed once or twice a week.

Now let's look at the frequency of massage courses. If the patient has chronic diseases, then the massage, which is done with a therapeutic and prophylactic purpose, can be repeated twice a year. If chronic diseases have worsened, then three to four courses of massage are carried out a year.

Anti-cellulite massage is done as needed, while relaxing massage is not done in courses at all.

Self-massage on a fitness roller

So, we can say with confidence that how often to massage is decided individually in each case. Everything is taken into account: the state of human health, the type of massage, the tolerance of the sessions. There is an opinion among massage therapists that massage is like food - you do not need to "starve" first, and then "gorge on". You need to "eat" fully and regularly. A therapeutic massage, even done once a week, will give good results.

Cosmetic facial massage, which is aimed at slowing down the aging process of the skin, is done several times a year in cycles. Moreover, the cycles are planned for each patient individually. If you follow the recommendations of cosmetologists, then cosmetic massage should be done at least twice a year. First, the facial skin is cleansed, then a massage agent is applied and a massage is performed for thirty minutes. Then the skin of the face is cleansed again, and a cream or mask is applied - this is a cosmetic facial massage. You will need to keep your face young.

As for back massage, although it does increase metabolic processes in the body and improves blood circulation, this massage should be treated with special attention. Back massage should be done only by a specialist - only in this case, this procedure will benefit, and not harm health.

The main thing is to be attentive to yourself and listen to the sensations in your body. If you are not sure what given view massage will benefit you, it is better to consult another specialist.

It is important to choose the right time for the massage. Consider the age and rhythm of your child's life and your own mood. At first, in order to gain self-confidence, it is better to massage as calmly as possible. Here are some tips on when to massage your baby, how long to massage your child, what massage techniques to use, etc. We hope that our tips will help you avoid mishaps.

When to massage a child?

Should you massage before or after feeding?

Touch stimulates digestion and, as a result, appetite. Thus, a tummy massage can shorten the usual break between feedings from three to two hours, the baby will worry and suck on the fist (photo 1) ... Sphincters and bladder they can also relax, which is good, but the child will feel hungry and thirsty earlier. General rule advises to wait at least an hour after feeding before starting the massage, so as not to interfere with digestion and cause regurgitation. Ideally, choose a calm moment, if possible, in the morning or in the middle of the day, when the baby has just woken up, has not eaten for at least an hour, is calm and does not show hunger. It is not so easy to comply with all these conditions with a newborn ... Do not massage when the baby is too restless or has a fever.

How to massage a child?

Be creative, play with your baby's sensations when he is awake, because he does not always sleep! Choose the movements that are most appropriate for the massage at the moment, and watch your baby's reaction. Don't overdo it so he doesn't get too aroused. Here are some examples that are quite suitable for the little ones.

Time to massage the baby's arms and legs

These parts of the body are the most important tactilely, they contain about 50% of the receptors.

To begin with, slide your thumbs along the baby's feet, holding the ankles (photo 1). Don't press too hard! Do the same for the pens. Often, reflexively, the baby grabs your thumb or squeezes his toes. Be patient, and he will eventually gradually spread all his fingers, like the petals of a flower.

You can also run your thumb along all the lines on the palms and feet, ending at the tip of each toe.

Time for a massage to lightly touch, blow, stroke

Using a feather, soft toy (photo 2) or a makeup brush (preferably silk), gently touch some parts of the body: face - not near the mouth! - heads, feet ...

Blow lightly (photo 3) or wave a fan at the baby: in summer he will especially like it, surprise and entertain.

First games with a baby

When a baby sees your face disappear, when you bend over to kiss his tummy or heel, this not only entertains him, but also gives him interesting information about the position of his body in space. By following your gaze, the baby begins to understand that his sensations are associated with movements, and learns to anticipate them. The baby will be very amused if you tickle him with your hair - he will see and feel them at the same time (of course, provided that you have real hair).

When you touch a part of your child's body with both hands at the same time, it helps him to establish a connection between different parts of the body. One hand can be motionless, the other is massaging; both move at the same time or both are motionless. You can walk all over his body with light hand presses from heels to crown. You can also put your hands on different places at the same time: on the legs, on the head and on the tummy, on the right arm and left leg ... or vice versa. Many options are possible.

Baby massage time

How long does a baby massage take?

Look not at the clock, but at the child, he himself will show what he needs. You can also follow a simple rule: start a massage with a five-minute session in the first month of life, and then add five minutes a month, without exceeding, however, half an hour (so for a child at 3 months - 15 minutes of massage). Don't be in a hurry, don't overstimulate your baby.

Massage your child before or after bathing?

Infants up to about three months of age usually want to eat immediately after bathing, since contact with water strongly stimulates the sucking reflex - this is their memory of amniotic fluid, which they could absorb effortlessly and at any time. So newborns are best massaged before bathing. This is another plus, as the oil nourishes the skin and protects it from water aggressive enough for the little ones. If necessary, you can also add baby powder (oatmeal) to soften.

The oil also removes dead skin cells, which can be washed off with almost no soap. If you are not going to bathe your baby after the massage, thoroughly wash all folds with water and soap before massage to avoid skin irritation. After all, oil, dead skin cells, milk residues and dust under the influence of body heat in a few hours turn into a "explosive mixture" for delicate baby skin.

However, if you want to increase the baby's appetite and take advantage of the times when he is especially calm, starting at four months, you can massage after bathing.

How often should a child be massaged?

Everything depends on you. If this is your first child and you have enough time to practice it, you can massage every day, even twice a day, if you feel the need to communicate with your child, to find a contact opportunity that will benefit both of you. But if this is your second or third child, you have less time, but sometimes there is a need to communicate only with him. You can massage your child two or three times a week, or whenever you feel like it, or when time permits ...

Some parents create a ritual out of massage, others like to improvise, guided by their instincts.

Massage is one way to connect with your child, but there are many ways to massage. Try to establish your own and unique contact.

Good afternoon, dear readers! A tiny happiness settled in the house - a little daughter or a charming son? Of course, you want your child to grow up strong, healthy, cheerful? Many pediatricians recommend massage therapy.

At what age to start performing the procedure, at what time is it most productive and correct to massage the child?

Does a child need a massage if he is healthy? Doctors answer unequivocally - yes! it effective method treatment of existing diseases, but also the prevention of their appearance, especially in the first year of life.

Thanks to high degree children's susceptibility to influences through skin, massage:

  • helps to stimulate normal organ formation;
  • has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system;
  • assists in the development of speech;
  • balances muscle tone;
  • strengthens the heart, blood vessels;
  • improves digestion, reduces pain from colic;
  • has a positive effect on the emotional, physical state of the baby;
  • improves sleep;
  • reduces moodiness.

The therapeutic type of procedure is prescribed for medical reasons. For healthy baby the classic, preventive or relaxing types are useful, which are performed even by infants.

This is a question many parents ask. In the maternity hospital, newborns, if they are healthy, full-term, perform massage together with taking air baths already on the 2nd day of life. But after discharge, it is better to wait for the umbilical ring to heal - erroneous actions can cause development umbilical hernia.

For small children from birth to 3 months, sessions are done daily, no more than 10-15 minutes per approach. You need to finish before the baby gets tired, starts to be capricious. If these conditions are met, the child will start classes with pleasure the next day.
Starting from 3 months and until reaching the age of six months, the duration is gradually increased, bringing it to 30 minutes. The massage becomes more intense.

Attention! Before starting a massage for a child, consult a doctor - a pediatrician, an orthopedist, a neurologist, as there are contraindications for performing!

What time is optimal

Each child, like an adult, is individual. Someone is a lark, someone is an owl. Before starting the procedure, take a closer look at the baby, pay attention to what time (morning, afternoon or evening) he is most cheerful, active. So you can choose right time.

During the session, the child is naughty, cries, screams if he:

  1. Wants to sleep. Do not knock down the established regime! If after 15 minutes the child has daytime sleep, and you decide to start performing the massage, it is unlikely to be beneficial. The waking period - best time for procedures. Sleepy children, as a rule, are calm, feel good.
  2. Hungry. There is a misconception that massage should be done on an empty stomach. In fact, this is not the case. When it comes to small babies who are on breastfeedingwho eat often. Feed your baby half an hour to an hour before performance. Wait for the baby to burp air, wait a little, and start. Don't worry if your baby spits up during or after the procedure. After 45 minutes, the baby can be fed again.

Does your little one cannot sleep for a long time in the evening? Then an evening massage after bathing will be ideal for him. It will contribute to relaxation, the early falling asleep of the child.

Important! The room must be pre-ventilated to 18 ° C -22 ° C. But the hands of the masseur should be warm.

Time combination with other actions, procedures

After the massage, it is advisable to take a walk not earlier than after 2 hours, and provided that there is no severe frost outside. Children are often prone to various allergic reactions, therefore, if a cream or baby oil was used, in order to avoid rashes on delicate skin, it is necessary to bathe the baby after 2-3 hours.

If physiotherapy procedures are prescribed together with massage, they must also be performed in a certain order: electrophoresis not earlier than 1.5-2 hours after the session, thermal procedures - before it.

Performed competently and at the right time, massage is an assistant in the normal development of children, brings a lot of positive emotions into their life, makes it possible to learn about the world through touch, tactile sensations. And what could be better for mom and dad than a healthy and cheerful baby?

When to massage? Number of courses.

How long should a child's massage last?

Regular touching of mom's hands reduces the children's body stress hormone levels, promote weight gain and even boost immunity! That is why it is so important to carry out "massage" procedures with a baby, especially since every mother can do a relaxing massage for a baby at home!

What is the best time to massage a baby?

Baby massage is best done 20-30 minutes before meals or 30-40 minutes after. Whichever time you choose, the child must be at good mood, slept and calm. If the baby is unhappy, it is better to postpone the massage to another time.

What should be the temperature in the room?

Baby massage should be carried out in a pre-ventilated room. The air temperature should correspond to t 20-22 C.

How long should a baby massage take?

Babies tolerate massage very well - regardless of age - and enjoy it, but at the same time they get tired very quickly, therefore, massage sessions conducted by parents at home should not last more than 5-15 minutes.
The exceptions are: a soothing massage before bedtime - it can be long and a therapeutic massage, which sometimes lasts up to 40 minutes.

The rules of massage movements.

Massage movements should coincide with the direction of the flow of lymph: the arms should be stroked from the hand to the shoulder, the legs - from the foot to the groin.

There are 4 main methods of massage movements: stroking, rubbing, kneading and patting. Toddlers aged from birth to three months, usually, recommend stroking massage! It not only relaxes and calms the child, but also brings him closer to his parents, improving the tactile contact between him and mom and dad.

IMPORTANT! Remember that rough movements can hurt the baby and adversely affect development. internal organs!

What should you pay close attention to when giving a massage to a child - an infant at home.

1) Do not touch the armpits, groin area, navel, nipples, genitals during the massage; carefully bypass the joints, otherwise, you may, due to inexperience, injure these vulnerable spots.
2) When massaging the tummy, be especially gentle in the area of \u200b\u200bthe liver (right hypochondrium), and when stroking the back, do not "overdo it" with the lower back: there are kidneys.
3) Do massage only if your baby has clean and healthy skin: in case of irritation or inflammation, you can get an infection.

The basics of baby massage at home.

IMPORTANT! Before the procedure, be sure to remove rings, bracelets, watches. Wash your hands thoroughly. Make sure your nails are trimmed short and cleaned.

Undress your baby and place him on the changing table ( or on the bed. The main thing is that the surface on which the baby lies is flat) on the back.

The massage starts from the head.
Gently stroke the back of the head, forehead, and the area around the "wings" of the nose. Finish with the chin.
We proceed to massage the baby's hands.
When massaging your hands, lift them one by one; stroke: from the hand, to the shoulder on the inside, then on the outside. Massage your fingers and palms.
We massage the baby's breast and tummy.
Grasp with both palms chest baby so that your thumbs are on his chest. Stroke the baby's breast from the sternum to the sides, along the intercostal spaces.
When massaging the tummy, slightly bend the baby's legs, place your palm on the tummy and, without lifting it off the surface of the skin, stroke it clockwise: these movements help the intestines work.
Let's move on to massage the baby's legs.
When massaging your legs, lift them one by one and support them with one hand in a slightly bent position. With your joint hand, stroke the outside and inside of the lower leg and thigh, moving from the fingertips to the groin, being careful not to touch knee-joint... Then, with your thumb, massage the back of the foot from the toes to the ankle.
We complete the massage of the baby.
Finally, turn the baby over onto its tummy and stroke the back with the back of the hand, moving from the bottom to the head, and then with the palm of your hand, moving in the opposite direction: from the head to the bottom.

MANDATORY! Massage, even performed by loving parents, is, first of all, a medical procedure that has its own indications and contraindications! Therefore, first ask your local pediatrician: is the massage useful for your baby. Let the massage bring as much pleasure to you and your baby as possible!

In order to determine how often a back massage can be done, a number of factors should be taken into account: the type of massage, its purpose, the patient's age and state of health, contraindications, tolerance, and other nuances. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since it is very individual in nature. In each case, you need to choose the option that is optimal for the patient.

Back massage

The influence of tactile procedures on the human body is cumulative, therefore, in order to achieve the desired results and the desired effect, it is important to correctly determine their number. Even one session of a well-performed massage is beneficial for the body and improves well-being, however, it is not able to eliminate chronic problems. To decide how often such procedures should be done, it should be remembered that positive effect will be lost if you do them too often, since such an intense load can harm the body.

The optimal minimum duration of the course, in order to obtain tangible results, is 10 procedures, after which you can visit the masseur 1 time in 2 weeks in order to maintain tone. The average course is 14 sessions, and the maximum - 18. Between courses, you can carry out single procedures once a week for prevention and recovery. The physiological norm of exposure to the human body is approximately 1 hour, and exceeding it negatively affects the entire body.

Relaxing massages are not done in a course, they are performed in single sessions with severe fatigue or severe stress.

The required number of procedures and features of various types of massage


Therapeutic massage is carried out with the aim of healing individual organs. Therefore, the doctor should determine how often such manipulations should be done. Only a specialist can determine the required number of procedures in order for them to be beneficial and not cause harm.
On average, 12 to 15 treatment sessions are prescribed with a repeat every 3 months. The therapeutic massage effect is almost always painful. Therefore, when prescribing the number and frequency of procedures, the degree of pain... With severe pain, but no contraindications, they are recommended to be carried out every other day. Such a schedule allows the body to rest and not be overwhelmed by pain. If not strong, aching pain, physiotherapy procedures can be performed every day and even 2 times a day, this helps the body to distract from the problem and overcome the symptoms.

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Curative for chronic diseases

Massage therapy program for treatment chronic diseases it is prescribed depending on the localization of the disease, the patient's health status and the duration of the pathology. For example, in case of osteochondrosis, which is accompanied by painful sensations, at first 3 sessions are performed per week, and then the frequency of procedures is reduced to 1-2 per month. In severe diseases, such as hernias, or localized inflammations, 2-4 courses of 20-30 sessions are carried out per year. Such therapeutic measures must be coordinated with the attending physician.


A general massage helps improve blood circulation, rebuild muscles and relieve tension. It consists of 10 sessions lasting 1 hour, carried out every day or every other day. Each zone should be massaged for at least 10 minutes. It can be done every month or 2 times a month.


Preventive massage

Despite the significant benefits of universal preventive massages, which are performed for a preventive purpose for general health maintenance, they cannot be done often, since the body takes time to get used to and adapt to the changes caused by their implementation. This procedure should be performed no more than 1-2 times a week, the course is about 12 sessions with a repetition every six months.


Cosmetic massage is aimed at slowing down the aging process and rejuvenating the skin. It has a healing function, but it must not be abused. It is recommended to carry out 2 cycles per year, consisting of 1-2 procedures per week, with a total duration of no more than 15 sessions.


Chinese acupressure massage is especially popular. How often to do it should be determined by a specially trained specialist who has received a certificate in acupuncture. A session lasts 0.5 hours, and the course consists of 10-15 procedures, the effect lasts six months.

Segmental reflex

Segmental reflex massage is a combination of classic movements and targeted active influence on individual biologically active zones. One course includes 10-12 procedures, which can be repeated in 1-2 months.


Anti-cellulite treatments are carried out as needed. They are performed every other day if the masseur applies only 1 technique or acts on only 1 zone. If different techniques and techniques are used, then daily use is possible.


Sports massage

Athletes and people performing intensive physical exercise a special sports massage is required. It boosts performance, helps avoid injury, and repairs muscle quickly. Professional athletes need to strengthen their muscles before intense exertion and restore them after the end of the load. Athletes are advised to visit a massage therapist 2 times a week, this will help maintain flexibility in the body and relieve muscle tension. With a decrease in the intensity of training, the frequency of procedures can be reduced to 1-2 times every 2 weeks or a month.

Connective woven

The action of connective tissue massage is aimed at stimulating the movement of blood in the subcutaneous tissue and connective tissue... It is performed as follows: for a certain time, the skin is pressed in special points of problem areas. It is performed 1-2 times a week and lasts 15-20 minutes. The number of sessions and repetitions is determined by the doctor. The same applies to visceral massage, the essence of which is to massage the internal organs through the abdominal wall.

Back massage

To answer the question of how often you need to do back massage, you need to assess your well-being and decide on a goal. If the goal is to generally improve the condition and get rid of minor discomfort in the spine, then one course is enough.


With osteochondrosis, back problems and pain, it is necessary to undergo several treatment courses. The more often a person turns to a masseur, the higher his general tone becomes and the stability of the muscular apparatus increases, the intensity of pain and the frequency of their occurrence decrease. It should be remembered that in order to prolong the beneficial effect of massage, with osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine, you need to lead a correct lifestyle and perform special exercises, avoid stress, sudden movements and hypothermia.

Massage procedures for different ages

For an adult, massage can be done in courses with a repetition in a year or six months. As a preventive measure, it can be performed 1 time per week continuously. Healthy people it is recommended to undergo general, relaxing and cosmetic massage 1-2 times a year. It will help to strengthen the immune system, avoid colds, have a beautiful appearance, good dream. Children from 2 months to one year old are given a general strengthening therapeutic massage, consisting of 4 courses of 10 sessions.

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