Education. Education Popular Art Encyclopedia 1986

The electronic version of the "Popular Art Encyclopedia" published by the publishing house " Soviet encyclopedia"In 1986. This was the first edition of this type in our country. Well-known experts in different areas art history, doctors and candidates of sciences.

A unique reference and terminological publication is intended for the widest circle of readers interested in art. Its main task is to acquaint the general reader (as well as the viewer - the visitor of museums and art exhibitions) with the largest phenomena in the world history of fine and decorative arts, architecture, with outstanding representatives of domestic and foreign art and architecture and with the main terminology that exists in art history and architectural studies, the most common concepts of theory and history of art.
In total, the publication contains about 4 thousand articles. Among them are articles on the types of art, artistic styles and trends, the most common terms of architecture, fine and decorative arts, about the art of individual countries and peoples, about cities rich in artistic monuments, as well as about outstanding figures of world art.

Publisher: Soviet Encyclopedia - Directmedia

Year of publication: 1986

Pages: 4000

Russian language


The disk is an electronic version of the book "Popular Art Encyclopedia - M .: Publishing House" Soviet Encyclopedia ", 1986.". The publication is well known to everyone, there is no need to characterize it. However, it should be said that in the eighties it took about five years to prepare the publication for publication, today an unthinkable figure, so much has changed technologically. That is, the year 1986 of publication means that the preparation, at least, began in 1980, that is, two years before the departure of Leonid Ilyich and the forced changes. The censorship of encyclopedic publications, which then reached almost all libraries (read: were available to the general reader), was thorough. The clash between the censorship idea "not to say too much" and the idea of ​​the creators "to give as complete and objective material as possible" is evident, first of all, in articles about art of the modern era and foreign art of the 20th century.

The composition of the authors is quite authoritative. The head of the publication was Vadim Mikhailovich Polevoy, laureate of the USSR State Prize, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts, member of the Presidium of the Academy, Doctor of Arts, Professor. He died in February 2008. TO obituary to a scientist in the newspaper "Kommersant" there is practically nothing to add, but now it is clear why there are many art critics among the authors, there are historians, ethnographers, and there is S.F. The authority of the name, which allowed to say something "superfluous".

This review mainly discusses the possibilities of electronic publishing.

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general characteristics

The software shell of the disk is "ElBi4", the interface is friendly to the user, convenient, allows you to carry out all the functions necessary when working with text and images.

The edition contains more than two thousand illustrations, however, in black and white.

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There is a preface "From the Editor", which contains data on the composition of the editorial board and the authors of the encyclopedia. Of course, you will come across familiar names, for example, D. V. Sarabyanov, an authoritative art critic, whom you do not need to introduce, he is quite famous.

A list of abbreviations used in descriptions of sources or names of institutions and associations is given, for example: OMAKhR - Youth Association of the Association of Artists of the Revolution, OPKh - Society for the Encouragement of Artists. Searching makes it easy to find information about any of them.

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The disc contains a preface to the first edition, which gives an exhaustive description of the concept of the encyclopedia, followed by the manual "How to use the encyclopedia", it is good to familiarize yourself with it before starting work with the edition, but it concerns the book version. The system of references and references is explained, why italics is used, how the etymology of the word is given, etc.

To disc content

As is customary in encyclopedic editions, the material is located in the general alphabet of titles, concepts, names.

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The menus and interface icons are easy to understand, but if you refer to the "Help" menu, you can more productively use the capabilities of the software shell, the instructions in the "Help" are concise, precise and understandable.

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Search "By content" works very well. With its help, you can find the desired article in the encyclopedia.

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The "Full-text" search differs in that it searches for the name or concept you need within the texts of articles.

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Search "By images" complements the first two types of search. However, we must bear in mind some of the features due to the peculiarities of the publication, which I spoke about earlier. So, for example, if you enter the name "Bakst" in the search box, the result will be as follows.

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This does not mean at all that there are no images of the artist's works. They are signed differently! Here's how.

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If you need to see what works of art depicting the biblical hero David are presented in the encyclopedia, it is unlikely that a search by images will be exhaustive, this is what comes out in the end.

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No less interesting are the search results for the word "Lenin".

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As you understand, most of the works found in response to the request are in the museums of Leningrad. That is, quite often image search works, to put it mildly, not very efficiently.

The reason is unformalized captions to pictures, the author is sometimes called, sometimes not called, and the search goes by a word, or even a part of a word contained in the title. I don’t know how it could have been corrected in the electronic version of the publication, but this shortcoming was not overcome programmatically. This must be borne in mind by the user.

To disc contents, continued

A lot of curious things can be found in the encyclopedia, for example: the Kholui miniature, despite such an odious name, is just a miniature, the style of which developed in the village of Kholui, Ivanovo Region in 1932, in the Proletarian Art branch of the Mstera artel, created on the basis of the icon-painting workshop. It was easy for Ilf and Petrov to write: don't invent anything, don't break your head, know, keep "Notebooks". Well, there are such incredible combinations!

And here is an example: A.N.Sotskov "Blizzard", 1965. Apparently, an illustration for A. Fadeev's story "The Defeat". So, imagine this is a lacquer miniature, colored, on a black background.

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Click on the picture to enlarge.

In the article about Sergei Yurievich Sudeikin, there is, of course, a mention of the "Blue Rose", but there is no link to it, although the article does exist. It is easy to get to it through the search.

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From the article "Abstract Art" you can follow the links to Malevich and Suprematism, but read more than a short article on Suprematism.

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Do you understand what it is and what Kazimir Malevich actually wanted to say with his "Black Square"? So they wrote in the textbooks of the Soviet era after the XX Party Congress chapters on the art of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries: almost all the names of artists and the names of magazines or art associations could be found in them, and then, if you are an inquisitive student, or at least a student who wants clarity and does not like understatement, you were doomed to painful searches for information almost until the mid-90s of the last century, until the publication of the "forgotten" art began.

However, a huge amount of material can be used. In the absence of unlimited Internet for reference information, it is convenient to refer to this publication. You can quickly find the scheme of the Gothic

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or cross-domed church

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find out what linocut is and immediately see the illustration.

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Find out how the architect Lissitzky Lazar Markovich "solved the problems of vertical zoning of urban development (projects of" horizontal skyscrapers ", 1923-25)":
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but, of course, this will not satisfy either the student or the teacher today. You will need to refer to other sources. In addition, you will have to keep in mind the year of publication and all the costs of Soviet book publishing, primarily censorship. Therefore, the publication can be used as one of the additional, although publications on art age more slowly than, for example, physics or computer science. The electronic form of the publication makes it possible to move, save, copy, pictures and text, make links, use bookmarks, notes and other interface features. For example, using the function of the selection mode, you can select the names or other articles necessary for work, leave only them and easily move from article to article. Choose sculptors Ancient Greece, we will leave only these articles available, and the entire long list of other articles will go out of your sight until you finish working on this topic. It is convenient to use this in a lecture lesson. And the "Print" icon is located right on the icon bar.

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The lists of sources in the publication are presented in a very high quality, there is a lot of information that you will not find anywhere else, especially on the Soviet multinational art of the 20th century, numerous, albeit black and white illustrations - all this makes it possible to use the publication, in any case, it takes much less space in space than a paper edition, and easier to work with.

At the time of publication, the price of the disc was 350 rubles. in a gift box.

Buy the disk "Popular Art Encyclopedia: Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, Graphics, Decorative Arts" in the "DirectMedia" online store.

Tutorial was tested on AMD hardware quad-core platform.

The disc presents the electronic version of the "Popular Art Encyclopedia", published by the publishing house "Soviet Encyclopedia" in 1986. This was the first edition of this type in our country. Well-known experts in various fields of art history, doctors and candidates of sciences took part in the work on the encyclopedia.
Its main task is to acquaint the reader with the largest phenomena of the world history of fine, decorative and applied arts and architecture, with outstanding representatives of domestic and foreign art and architecture, as well as with the basic terminology of art history and architectural studies, the most common concepts of theory and history of art.
In total, the publication includes about 4 thousand articles. Among them are articles on types of art, artistic styles and trends, on the art of individual countries and peoples, on cities rich in artistic monuments, as well as outstanding figures of world art.

Product Features:
About 4 thousand articles.
Over 2440 illustrations.
Improved interface and new features.

Thumbnail preview.
Album mode.
Slideshow mode.

Built-in image editor.
Export to other editors.
Customized printing.

With catalog information on works.

Full-text database search.
Search by image names.
Ability to mark, annotate and create bookmarks in the text.

System requirements:
Windows 95/98 / Me / NT / XP / 2000;
486 MHz processor;
16 MB of RAM;
SVGA class video card;
Sound card;
CD-ROM drive;

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