Ancient city in the world. The most ancient cities on the planet in which people still live

Not all cities were fortunate enough to preserve the primordial appearance. In difficult times, wars and conquest many cities were destroyed, and then restored, so only a few buildings managed to "live" to our time. Nevertheless, the majestic cities remained, who rightfully can wear the proud title of "the oldest city of the world."

Jericho (Palestine)

Mention of the first settlements on the site of modern Jericho belong to 9000 BC. After three thousand years, the city began to actively rejuvenate and already at the turn of 3 and 2 millennia reached a peak of their development. Several times he was destroyed, one of which was mentioned in the Bible.

It was a majestic city, in which they were built from bricks and stone. Archaeologists discovered here the ruins of an ancient synagogue, dated i century BC, magnificent winter palaces with baths, pools and richly decorated rates. Near Jericho, the Mount Karanttal is towers, on which, according to legend, Jesus forty days was sacred by the devil. Now on the place is the magnificent monastery of temptation in the rocks.

Damascus (Syria)

Another the most ancient city is Damascus, the first mention of which appeared in the middle of 2 millennia to our era. Due to the fact that during the old days, Damascus was under the rule of Egyptians, Israelis, Assyrians, Persians, and even, this ancient city has absorbed the culture of these peoples.

He became famous for his Damascus steel, which was popular in medieval Europe. Today you can see the ruins of the ancient gates of the fortress that protect the city from raids, Catholic churches, temples, mosques, old houses, which are the most important monuments of Damascus and history.

Suspension (Iran)

The first mention of the ancient city of Suza (modern Shush) dates back to a temporary segment of 7-4 millennium BC. It was the ancient Sumerian capital of the state Elam. In 668 BC Babylonians burned the desires, and after 10 years the state of Elam ceased to exist. Persians rebuilt the city, restoring and expanding the majestic palaces and making the desire for their capital.

In our era, the city was looted and destroyed by Muslims and Mongols, so we had a few monuments of that period. Only the French archaeological expedition, which carried out the excavation of the ancient city, left the most significant attraction - the French fortress built in the XIX century to protect members of the expedition and the protection of finds.

Derbent (Dagestan)

In Russia, too, there is the most ancient city, and it was founded in 438 by AD, although the first mention of settlements go back to the end of 4 millennia BC. From different languages, its name is translated as "closed gates", "stone", "wall". And it is no coincidence - due to frequent raids of nomads, Derbent turned into a reliable fortress. Since the Great Silk Road passed through the city, he had an important merchant, and at one time he wanted to conquer many nations. He was under the control of Persians, Arabs, Iranians, and only in 1813 began to belong to Russia.

The main attractions of Derbent is his fortress with many gates, Juma Mosque, the oldest in Russia, the fortress of Naryn-Cala and Derbent tunnel, the length of which is 318 m.

Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

The oldest city in Bulgaria was known for another 6 millennia BC. In 72 BC He fell under Roman dominion and received a quick development. The influence of Rome submitted to our time the Roman structure of that time is the amphitheater, their and the hippodrome. In the 6th century, they began to belong to Bulgarians (Slavic tribe), then Byzantium, and in 1364 it was captured by the Ottoman Empire.

Plovdiv is now the second largest city in Bulgaria. The rich history of the city left many wonderful attractions characterizing one or another culture. Here you can see the ancient Roman buildings, and the mosque, and the Thracian fortress.

Jerusalem (Israel)

This city has a richest history associated with conquest and biblical legends. Founded in 4 millennia BC. Jerusalem has a sacred value for millions of people. Many biblical events are connected with him, including the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. His story is truly amazing and extensive. Here are the shrines of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and thousands of pilgrims annually arrive in Jerusalem to remember their saints and pray.

The most famous sights of Jerusalem is the Wall of Crying, a mosque on the temple mountain and the church of the Lord.

Athens, Greece)

The first mention of the ancient capital of Greece belongs to the XV century BC. She reached a development peak of 500-300 BC. And on the right is called the cradle of Greek culture. She became the birthplace of many famous ancient Greek historians, geographers, poets and philosophers. The monuments of ancient history are still preserved here, such as Acropolis, Athena Agora, Hephaest Church and Zeus Temple of Olympic and others.

This is just an incomplete list of the most ancient cities. There are still cities in the world who have such an old story that they only have to guess their origin and foundation to guess the few documents that have come down to us. They are invaluable because they saw the change of eras and civilizations, and even, despite the ruins, their greatness will never have a knet in the fly.

Memphis, Babylon, Fiiva - all of them were once the largest centers, but only the name remained from them. However, there are cities that existed throughout the history of mankind from the Stone Age until today.

Jerichon (West Coast of Jordan)

At the very foot of the Jewish Mountains opposite Jordan's fall in the Dead Sea is located the most ancient city on Earth - Jericho. Here traces of settlements belonging to the X-IX millennium BC were found. e. It was the constant parking of the culture of the Doctor Neolithic A, whose representatives built the first Jericho wall. The defense construction of the stone century was four and two meters wide and width. There was a powerful eight meter tower inside it, which was obviously used in ritual purposes. Her ruins have been preserved to this day.

The name of Jericho (in Hebrew Yeriho) on one of the versions comes from the word with the meaning of the "smell" and "fragrance" - "Reah". On the other, from the word of the moon - "Yareach", which the founders of the city could read. We encounter the first written mention of it in the book of Jesus Navin, which describes the fall of the Jericho walls and the capture of the city by Jews in 1550 BC. e. By that time, the city was already a powerful fortified fortress, whose system of seven walls was a real labyrinth. For no accident - Jericho was that to protect. It was located at the crossroads of three important trade routes of the Middle East, right in the middle of the flowering oasis with a large amount of fresh water and fertile soil. For residents of the desert - the real land promised.

Jericho became the first city that captured the Israelis. It was completely destroyed, and all the inhabitants are interrupted, with the exception of the Bludnica Rahav, which before that she covered Jewish intelligence officers, for which it was spoken.

Today, Jericho, located on the West Bank of Jordan - the disputed territory between Palestine and Israel, remaining in the area of \u200b\u200bpermanent military conflict. Therefore, a visit to the most ancient and rich historical sights is not recommended.

Damascus: "Desert Oco" (Syria)

For the first place with Jerichon, Damascus is struggling - the current capital of Syria is struggling. The earliest mention is found in the list of conquered cities of Pharaoh Tutamos III, which lived in 1479-1425 BC. e. In the first book of the Old Testament, Damascus is referred to as a major and well-known trading center.

In the XIII century, the historian Yakut Al-Humavi argued that the city was founded by Adam and Eve themselves, who, after expulsion from Eden, found shelter in the blood cave (Magarat Dimam) on the Mount Kasyun on the outskirts of Damascus. There also happened the first in the history of the murder, described in the Old Testament - Cain killed his brother. According to the legend, the self-sizing Damascus comes from the ancient-Aramaic word "demoshak", which means "blood of brother". Another, more believable version states that the name of the city dates back to the Aramaic word Darmeśeq, translated - "Well irrigated place."

It is unknown that for the first time founded the settlement near Kasyun Mountain. But the recent excavations in Tel Ramad, the suburbs of Damascus showed that people settled the local places about 6,300 before N. e.

Bible (Lebanon)

Closes the top three of the oldest cities - a Bible, known today as Jebale. It is located on the seashore of the Mediterranean, 32 km from Beirut, the current capital of Lebanon. Once it was a major Phoenician city, founded in the IV Millennium BC, although the first settlements on this territory are dated late stone age - the VII millennium.

The ancient name of the city is associated with a legend of a certain Bible, which was without memory in love with her brother - Cavna. She died of grief, when her beloved fled to avoid sin, and her spilled tears formed an inexhaustible source of water, which poked the city. According to another version, the Biblos in Greece was called Papirus, which was exported from the city.

The Bible was one of the largest ports of an ancient era. He was also known, thanks to the spread of the whala cult there, the Terrible God of the Sun, who "demanded" from his adherents of self-tracting and bloody victims. The written language of the ancient Bible still remains one of the main mysteries of the ancient world. The protubable letter, common in the second millennium BC, is still not amenable to decrypt, it does not look like any of the well-known writing systems of the ancient world.

Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

The oldest city of Europe today it is customary to be not Rome and not even Athens, but the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv, located in the southern part of the country between the Rhodopskiy, Balkan Mountains (the house of the legendary Orpheus) and the Verkhnefracian nine. The first settlements on its territory are dated VI-IV millennia BC. e., although Plovdiv's heyday, or rather, then another computer, reached the narodes of the sea - Thracians. In 342 BC He was captured by Philip II Macedonian - the Father of the famous Alexander, who called him in his honor the Philippopol. Subsequently, the city managed to visit the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman rule, which made it the second cultural center in Bulgaria after Sofia. In world history, Derbent became a strangement "block" between Europe and Asia. Here, one of the most important sections of the Great Silk Road flew. It is not surprising that he has always been a favorite object of conquest of neighbors. The Roman Empire also showed to him - the main goal of campaigns to the Caucasus Lukulla and Pompey in 66-65 BC There was exactly Derbent. In the V century n. e. When the city belonged to Sasanidam, there were powerful fortification facilities to protect against nomads, including the fortress of Naryn-Kala. From her, located at the foot of the mountain range, two walls descended to the sea, designed to defend the city and the trading path. It is from this time that the story of Derbent as a major city is counted.

Russia is an ancient country. And on its territory there are many cities whose age has passed for a thousand years. The historical and cultural heritage, which they retained, is an invaluable gift from generations of the future generations of the future.

We present you the oldest cities of Russia.

10. Vladimir - 1027 years

The official date of the foundation of one of the cities, now components of the Golden Ring of Russia, is considered to be 990 years. And the founder is Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

Under the leadership of Vladimir Monomakh and Yuri, Dolgoruky city became an important reference point of protection of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality. And with Prince Andrei Bogolyubsk, Vladimir became the capital of the Principality.

During the Tatar raids (1238 and later), the city was not much injured in an amazing way. Even the Golden Gate is preserved to this day, although in a somewhat different from the initial form.

On the territory of Vladimir, there is a passing by Mikhail Around the Prison "Vladimir Central", built under Catherine II. It contained such famous personalities like Vasily Stalin, the son of Joseph Stalin, Mikhail Frunze and dissident Julius Daniel.

9. Bryansk -1032

It is definitely unknown when the city of Bryansk arose. The approximate date of its foundation is considered to be 985 years.

In 1607, the city burned so that he would not get Lhadmitria II. He was rebuilt again and for the second time survived the siege of the troops of the Tushinsky Vora.

In the 17th century, Bryansk was one of the most important shopping centers of Russia. And now it is an important industrial center of the country.

8. Pskov - 1114 years

The date of the founding of Pskov is considered to be 903, when the city was first mentioned in the Lavrentiev Chronicles. Olga, the first princess Christian in Russia and the wife of the Kiev prince Igor Rurikovich, originally from Pskov.

For a long time, Pskov was one of the largest cities in Europe and was an unfaithful barrier on the country's Western borders.

And in March 1917, being at Pskov Station, the last Russian emperor Nicholas II was renounced by the throne and became just a citizen of Romanov.

7. Smolensk - 1154

In September, the beautiful and ancient Smolensk will celebrate the anniversary - 1155 years since the founding. Only for one year he is inferior to his nearest opponent in the Plan of Mentioning in the Chronicle (863 against 862 by Murom).

For many centuries, this "city city" defended Moscow from the encroachment of a number of Europe. In troubled times, the residents of Smolensk heroically, for 20 months kept the siege in the fortress, which the Polish troops were deposited. Although the city of Poles still managed to take, King Sigizmund III, who spent all the means to the siege, had to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to Moscow. And not received military assistance, the Moscow Garniszon Poles surrendered to the Russian militia under the leadership of Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin.

6. Murom - 1155 years

This small town standing on the left bank of the Oka is mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years". The name of it, presumably, occurred from the Murom tribe, although historians do not exclude backward dependence. One of the main characters of the Russian epic epic, the legendary Bogatyr Ilya Muromets, originally from the city of Murom. The townspeople are proud of this and even installed the monument in the city park.

5. Rostov Great - 1156 years

The current center of the Yaroslavl Region is conducted from 862 years old. After the foundation, the city became one of the most important settlements of the Rostov-Suzdal Land. And the prefix "Great" appeared from him thanks to the "Ipatiev Chronicle". In it, when describing the events of 1151 (the victory of Prince Iaslav Mstislavich over Yuri Dolgorukhu), Rostov was named great.

4. Veliky Novgorod - 1158 years

In early June 2018, Velikiy Novgorod will celebrate the 1159th anniversary since the foundation. Here on the official version was called for the reign of Rurik. And in 1136, Novgorod became the first in the history of feudal Russia by the free republic. The city escaped the fate of many Russian cities and was not affected by the Mongolian invasion. In it, the preserved monuments of the architecture of the House of Domongolsky period are preserved to this day.

3. Old Ladoga - Over 1250 years

In 2003, the village of Old Ladoga celebrated its 1250th anniversary. Until 1703, the settlement was called "Ladoga" and had the status of the city. The first mention of Ladoga refers to the 862 year of our era (the time of calling on the prince of Varyag Rurik). There is even a version that Ladoga is the first capital of Russia, because in it, and not in Novgorod, Rurik reigned.

2. Derbent - over 2000 years

If you spend a survey about what the oldest city in Russia, most of the people formed will be called as such a derbent. This sun-flooded city, the most southernmost in Russia, located in the Republic of Dagestan, officially celebrated its 2000th anniversary in September 2015. However, many Derbents, as well as some scientists conducting excavations on the territory of Derbent, are confident that the city is older for 3000 years.

Caspian Gate - namely, the ancient name of Derbent - as a geographical object is mentioned in VIV. Don. e. In the works of an ancient Greek geographer Hecatery Miretsky. And the beginning of the modern city was put in 438 n. e. Then Derbent was the Persian fortress of Naryn-Kala, with two fortress walls, blocking the way along the coast of the Caspian Sea. And the earliest mention of Derbent as a stone city was in 568 by N.Ee or 37 of the board of Shah Hoshrov I Anushirvana.

The date of 2000 is not accurate, but more anniversary, and refers to the time of the appearance of the first fortifications in the Caucasian Albania.

Until 2014, when the Crimean Peninsula returned to Russia, the title of the oldest of Russian cities wore Derbent. However, in 2017, the Rambler / Sabbath media reported that Scientific Council of the Institute of Archeology RAS recognized Kerch the most ancient city of Russia. On the territory of the city, the ruins of the ancient Greek colony of Panticapey are preserved. Historically, Kerch is the heiress of Pantikapey and her age passed for 2600 years.

According to archaeological studies, the base of Kerch refers to the time range from 610 to 590 BC. e. Historical and architectural monuments belonging to different epochs have been preserved on its territory. These include: Kurgans with the burials of the Bronze era, the ruins of the city of Nymphi, Mirmekii settlement, etc.

Not immediately, Kerch received its current name, after the Panticapey ceased to be the historical and cultural center of the Black Sea region.

  • In the 8th century, the city was under the rule of the Khazar Kaganate and was renamed from Pentantypey to Karshu or Charshu.
  • In the 10th century, the Northern Black Sea region passed under the control of Rus. The Tmutarakan principality appeared, as part of which was the city of Karsha, called Kortchev. He was one of the most important maritime gates of Kiev Rus.
  • In the 12th century, Korchev passed under the power of Byzantium, and in the 14th century he was part of the Black Sea Genoese colonies, and was called reproduction, as well as Cherkio. The local inhabitants have survived in everyday life and the name of the Korchev.
  • In the 15th century, the merchant and diplomat Josafat Barbaro in one of the chapters of his essay "Travel in Tana" called the city of Cherche (Kersh).
  • In 1475, the Turks captured the Genoese colonies, and Cherkio became part of the Ottoman Empire. The city began to call a creeper. He repeatedly suffered from razaporozhkovskaya.
  • In the 16th century, ambassadors of the Moscow kings, going to the Crimean Khan, knew the city as Kerch.
  • In 1774, Kerch (already under the final title) entered the Russian Empire. This happened according to the results of the Russian-Turkish war 1768-1774.

To Kerch officially led the list of the oldest cities in Russia, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian government. The appropriate documents of the East Crimean Reserve prepared last year.

These cities are the 20 oldest constant settlements on Earth. Visit them (if, of course, it is generally possible) - I don't care what to make a journey in time.

Varanasi, India

When was the first settlers here? 1000 year BC E.. Located on the West Bank of Ganges Varanasi, also known as Benares, - the Holy City and for Hindus, and for Buddhists. According to legend, it was founded by the Hindu God Shiva 5 thousand years ago, although modern scientists believe that the city is only about 3 thousand years old. "Benares older than history, older tradition, even older than legends, and looks twice as older than all of them combined" - Mark Twain.

Cadiz, Spain

When was the first settlers here? 1100 BC E.. Cadiz, standing on a narrow braza of the Earth serving in the Atlantic Ocean, from the XVIII century was a house for the Spanish fleet. He was founded by the Phoenicians as a small shopping post, and in 500 BC. e. It switched to Carthaginians, becoming the basis for the conquest of Iberia Hannibal. Then the city ruled the Romans, after them - Maurians, and in the era of great geographical discoveries he survived the revival. "Noble Cape Saint Vincent in the north-west UGAS, sunset in the bloody-red glory to the stack of fragrant waters of Cadiza. - Robert Browning, English poet and playwright.

Files, Greece

The city of Fiiva, one of the main competitors of ancient Athens, was the center of the Beotic Union and even supported Kerks during the Persian invasion of 480 BC. e. Archaeological excavations showed that the Mycenaean settlement existed here even longer. Today, the incows are only a small shopping town. "Sometimes the tragedy in tears tells me about the affairs of the children of Pelops, and about the phi, and about the tricks of unhappy" - John Milton (English poet).

Larnaca, Cyprus

When was the first settlers here? 1400 BC E. Founded by the Phoenicians under the name of the kition, Larnaca is well known for its excellent embankment with palm trees. Tourists here attract archaeological sites and numerous beaches. "The history of this city is too abundant. This can cause a kind of mental indigence "- Robert Byron (British traveler writer).

Athens, Greece

When was the first settlers here? 1400 BC E. Athens is the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, and the ancient history of the city is still visible in it everywhere. He is full of Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman monuments and remains a very popular tourist destination. "What are the great dangers in front of me in the good name Athens" - Alexander Great.

Ball, Afghanistan

When was the first settlers here? 1500 BC e. Ball, famous for the ancient Greeks as Bactria, is located in Northern Afghanistan. Arabs call him "Mother of Cities". The city reached the peak of his prosperity between 2500 and 1900 BC. e., even before the emergence of the Persian and middice empires. Modern ballcase is the center of the Cotton Industry of the region. Is it possible to get there? Special services are not recommended. "When we hunted in Africa, we lost a corkscrew and lived only for several days on the water and food." - William Claude Fields (American actor and writer).

Kirkuk, Iraq.

When was the first settlers here? 2200 BC E.. Located about 240 km north of Baghdad, Kirkuk stands on the site of the ancient Assyrian capital Arraphi. Its strategic importance was recognized by Babylon and Middis, who controlled the city on different segments of his history. The ruins of the 5,000-year-old citadel are still visible, and the city itself serves as the headquarters of Iraq's oil industry. Is it possible to get there? Special services are not recommended.

Erbil, Iraq.

When was the first settlers here? 2300 BC E.. To the north of Kirkuk lies Erbil, which at different times the Assyrians, Persians, Sasanids, Arabs and Ottomans were ruled. He was an important stop on the silk path, and an ancient citadel, which rises above the ground by 26 meters, still defines his landscape. Is it possible to get there? Special services are not recommended.

Tir, Lebanon

When was the first settlers here? 2750 BC E.. The legendary place of the birth of Europe and Didona, the TIR was founded about 2750 BC. e. He was conquered by Alexander Macedonian in 332 BC. e., and in 64 BC e. became the Roman province. Today, the city lives mainly due to tourism: the Roman Hippodrome in the dash is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. "Tir, who distributed the crowns, whom the merchants were princes" - the Bible.

Jerusalem, Middle East

When was the first settlers here? 2800 BC E.. The spiritual center of the Jewish people and the third sacred city of Islam, Jerusalem serves as a house for several important shrines, among which the dome of the rock, the wall of crying, the church of the coffin of the Lord and the Al-Aqsa mosque. For its history, the city was deposited 23 times, attacked 52 times, was captured 44 times and twice completely destroyed. "The view of Jerusalem is the history of the world, even more, this is the history of the earth and the sky" - Benjamin Dizraeli (the first Count Biscouffield, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain).

Beirut, Lebanon

When was the first settlers here? 3000 year BC E.. The story of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, as well as its cultural, administrative and economic center, has 5000 years. The excavations in the city found the remnants of the Phoenician, Hellenistic, Roman, Arab and Ottoman cultures, and its name is mentioned in the letters of the pharaoh of Egypt still in the XIV century BC. e. After graduating from the Civil War in Lebanon, he became alive, modern and attractive city for tourists. "For a diligent student of foreign affairs, Beirut is a phenomenon, perhaps, tempting, but absolutely impossible" - Jan Morris (Welsh Historian and Traveler Writer).

Gaziantep, Turkey

When was the first settlers here? 3650 BC E.. Gaziantep, the city in the south of Turkey, not far from the border with Syria, is known since the time of Hittites. In the center of the city there is a ravant citadel restored by Byzantines in the VI century, and the Roman mosaics found here. Is it possible to get there? Special services are not recommended. "They have no past, they are not people of history, they exist only in the present" - Samuel Taylor Kalridge (English poet and philosopher).

Plovdiv, Bulgaria

The second largest city in Bulgaria, Plovdiv initially was a Thracian settlement, and later - one of the important cities of the Roman Empire. Then he fell into the hands of Byzantium, moved to the Ottoman Empire, and finally became part of Bulgaria. This is a major cultural center where there are many ancient ruins, including the remnants of the Roman amphitheater and aqueduct and the Ottoman bath. "This is the greatest and most beautiful of all cities. From afar shines his beauty "- Lucian (Roman writer).

Sidon, Lebanon

When was the first settlers here? 4000 BC e. Approximately 40 km south of Beirut is Sidon, one of the most important Phoenician cities - and, perhaps the most ancient. He was the starting point from which the huge Mediterranean Empire of the Phoenicians rose. They say, Sidon visited Jesus, and the Apostle Paul - like Alexander the Great, who seized the city in 333 BC. e. Is it possible to get there? Special services are not recommended. "Little to those who are unusted for the local climate, it is possible to avoid a certain kind of rash" - Charles Merion (French artist).

El Fayum, Egypt

When was the first settlers here? 4000 BC E.. El-Fayum, located south-west of Cairo, occupies part of Crocodylopole - an ancient Egyptian city, where he was worshiped by the sacred crocodile Sebeke. Modern El Fayum consists of several large bazaars, mosques and baths, and there are ancient pyramids nearby. Is it possible to get there? Special services are not recommended. "Egypt is a gift of the river" - Herodotus (Greek historian).

Suids, Iran.

When was the first settlers here? 4200 year BC E.. The susa were the capital of the Elam Empire. Later, the city was captured by the Assyrians, and then-the-Persian Dynasty of Achhemenidov under the control of Kira Great. There is an action of the tragedy of Eshil "Persians", the oldest play in the history of the theater. Now here is the city of Shush with a population of about 65 thousand people. "Persia, a country, surrounded by mountains, an open sea, a country in the middle of the world" - Francis Bacon (First Albanian Viscount, English philosopher and author).

Damascus, Syria

Damascus, who some sources are called the oldest city in the world, may have been populated by another 10,000 BC, although it is still a controversial point of view. He became an important settlement under the domination of Arameev, who built a network of channels, still serving the basis of the city's water supply networks. Damascus was one of the great conquests of Alexander Macedon, after which he visited the rule of Romans, Arabs and the Ottoman Empire. The city is rich in historical sights, and to the last excitement was a popular tourist destination. Is it possible to get there? Special services are not recommended. "Damascus is a symbol. You can say this is a bunch of characters. This is a symbol of constancy of the physical conditions that remained throughout history; The constancy of the geographical limits of human settlement, government and war "- Hiler Bellock (Anglo-French writer and historian).

Aleppo, Syria

When was the first settlers here? 4300 year BC E.. The most populated city of Syria, where about 4.4 million people live, was founded under the name Haleb about 4300 BC. e. The modern city is worth exactly in the same place as an ancient, so it is little studied by archaeologists. About 800 to n. e. The city was under the rule of Hittites, and then passed through the hands of Assyrians, Greeks and Persians. The city was occupied by the Romans, Byzantines and Arabs, besieged by the crusaders, the Mongols and Turks were captured. Is it possible to get there? Special services are not recommended.

Bible, Lebanon

When was the first settlers here? 5000 years BC E.. Founded as Phoenicians as GaBal, the Bible got its name from the Greeks that imported from the city of Papyrus. The word Bible comes from the Greek name of the city. Key tourist attractions include the ancient Phoenician temples, the fortress and the church of John the Baptist, built by the Crusaders in the XII century, and the old medieval urban wall. Among the more modern spectacles are the international festival of bibl, where groups such as Keane and Jethro Tull are.

Jericho, Palestine

When was the first settlers here? 9000 BC E.. According to our sources, it is the oldest of the constantly populated cities in the world. Archaeologists have discovered the remains of 20 settlements in Jericho, the oldest of which is 11 thousand years old. The city where about 20 thousand people live today is at the Jordan River on the West Bank. Is it possible to get there? Special services are not recommended.

The list of the oldest cities in the world include settlements in which people constantly live from ancient times to this day. To determine which one appeared earlier is quite difficult, since in scientific circles it is customary to distinguish between the concepts of "urban-type settlement" and "city".

For example, a bibl was in the XVII century. BC er, but the city status received only in the III century. BC e. For this reason, there is no single point of view to the question whether it is possible to consider it the oldest in the world. In the same ambiguous position there are Jericho and Damascus.

In addition to the troika leaders, there are other ancient cities in the world. They are located in all corners of light.

The most ancient cities of East Asia

The most ancient cities of East Asia, Beijing and Sian are located in China. This country is rightfully refer to the most ancient civilizations in the world. In its history, there are practically no dark spots, as it is fixed in written sources, so set the dates of the foundation of the settlements relatively easily.


Beijing is the capital and the largest political, educational, cultural center of the People's Republic of China. His original name is literally translated into Russian as the "Northern Capital". This phrase corresponds to the status of the city, and its location today.

The first cities in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Beijing appeared in the I B. BC e. At first there was the capital of the Kingdom of Yan - Ji (473-221 BC), then the Empire Lyo established his southern capital in this place - Nanjing (938). In 1125, the city passed into the department of the Zhünzhen Empire Jin and got the name "Zhundu".

In the XIII century, after the Mongols burned the settlement, and it was rebuilt, the city received two names at once: "Give" and "Hanbalyk". The first is in Chinese, the second is on Mongolian. It is the second option that Marco Polo's records remaining after his trip to China.

Beijing received its modern name only in 1421 historians believe that in the period from IV at the beginning of the XIX century. He was one of the largest cities in the world. During this time, he was repeatedly destroyed and rejected, deprived of the status of the capital, and then returned it. The empire was replaced, under the possession of which the old settlement fell, but people continued to live there.

Currently, Beijing's population is almost 22 million people. 95% of them are indigenous Chinese, the remaining 5% - Mongols, Zhuera, Hueans. This number includes only people who have a residence permit in the city, but there are also those who arrived in earnings. The official language is Chinese.

The city is considered a cultural and educational center. There are many architectural monuments, museums, parks and gardens. There are more than 50 higher educational institutions, in the walls of which they receive education and Russian citizens. Nightlife lovers also do not have to miss - in the capital of the PRC there are several areas with popular night bars.

The main attractions of Beijing:

Entertaining facts about the capital of the PRC:

  • The government spent the amount of 44 billion dollars to prepare the Olympic Games in 2008. To date, this is the world's largest expenditure on the sporting event.
  • On the territory of the Forbidden City there are 980 buildings, according to the estimates of researchers, all of them are divided into 9999 rooms.
  • Beijing Metro is considered to be 2nd in the world in terms of length.

The Northern Capital of China does not claim the title of the most ancient city in the world, but the history of its formation is still the interest of scientists.


Xi'an is the city of the People's Republic of China, which is located in the province of Shaanxi. He is more than 3 thousand years old. Some time was considered one of the largest in the world in the area and the number of residents.

In II century BC e. The Great Silk Road flew through the city. At that time, he wore the name "Changan", which is translated as "Long World".

Like Beijing, the city was destroyed several times in wartime, and after - they were rejected again. The name also changed several times. The modern version was fixed in 1370.

According to 2006, more than 7 million people live in Xiane. By decree of the Government of 1990, the city was transformed into a cultural, educational and industrial center. Here is the largest aircraft building center.

Sita Sights:

Interesting facts about the administrative center of Shaanxi Province:

  • Xi'an remained the capital of China during the rule of the 13 Imperial Dynasties in a row. This is the longest time.
  • There is a city wall, which is more than 3 thousand years old. For such a term, it is quite well preserved.
  • During the reign of the dynasty of Tan (VII-IX centuries), the city was the most populated in the world.

Xi'an has long ceased to be the actual capital of the PRC, but due to his rich history, which has several centuries, continues to remain the chief cultural center.

The most ancient cities of the Middle East

In the Middle East, three ancient cities are located at once: balls, luxor and el-file. The researchers came to the conclusion that they were all based not earlier than I in. BC e. They are of interest both with historical and cultural point of view.


Ball is a city that is located in the province of Pakistan. It is believed that it was founded in 1500 BC. e. During the resettlement of Indoirans from the Amudarya district.

During the heyday of the Silk Road, its population reached 1 million, now this figure has decreased significantly. According to 2006, only 77 thousand people live in the city.

Before the beginning of the era of Hellenism, the city was considered the largest spiritual center. According to the legend, it was there that Zarathustra was born - the founder of Zoroastrianism, one of the most ancient religious teachings in the world.

In 1933, balls were among the 3 Afghan cities in which he was allowed to reside Jews. To leave the settlement without acute necessity was prohibited. Here formed peculiar Jewish ghetto because representatives of this people were preferred to settle separately from the rest. According to the data for the 2000th year, the Jewish community in the city broke up.


  • The tomb of Koji Pars;
  • Madrasa Said Subhankulikhana;
  • The grave of Robiaia Balkha;
  • Masjidi Nuh Humbad.

Interesting facts about the city:

  • In 1220, Balkh was destroyed by Genghis Khan and almost a half century broke into ruins.
  • The first Jewish community in the city was founded in 568 BC. e., there, as the legend says, the Jews expelled from Jerusalem settled.
  • The main local attraction, the green mosque or the tomb of Koji Pars, was built in the XV century.

Currently, this settlement is considered a major center of the textile industry.


Luxor is a city that is located on the territory of the Upper Egypt. Its part lies on the eastern bank of the Nile. Was famous called "Wasyt" in the ancient world. It takes place where, according to historical data, there was the capital of ancient Egypt - the hair. Since its foundation, 5 centuries passed since its foundation. It is considered the largest open-air museum, therefore is currently a tourist center.

Luxor is conditionally divided into two districts - "City of the living" and "City of the Dead". Most of the people live in the first area, in the second, due to the huge number of historical monuments, there are practically no settlements.

According to 2012, the population of Luxor is 506 thousand people. Almost all of them are Arabs by nationality.


Interesting Facts:

  • in 1997, the members of the Islamist group Al-Gamaa-Al-Islamia arranged in the city the so-called Luxor massacre in which 62 tourists died;
  • summer, the temperature reaches + 50 ° C in the shade;
  • at one time, the city was called "Stovement Files".

Now the main income of Luxor receives from tourists.

El Fayum

El Fayum - the city in Middle Egypt. Located in the oasis of the same name. Around him is the Libyan Desert. Scientists came to the conclusion that the city was founded more than IV century. BC e. Its modern name came from Coptic language and in translated means "lake".

The city was an administrative center in ancient Egypt. At that time, he wore the name of the goal, which is literally translated as "the sea". This name has become a settlement due to the fact that the artificial Merido lake was located on its territory, whose waters were bred by crocodiles to honor the Egyptian God of Sebeka.

In historical documents, the city is also found under the name crocodylopol.

Currently, the population of El Fayum is about 13 thousand people. The city is an agrarian center. Olives, grapes, sugar cane, dates, rice, corn are grown on its fields. Also here are engaged in the production of rose oil.

The city's attractions:

Interesting facts about el-file:

  • the national symbol of the province in which the city is located - 4 water wheels;
  • the Catholic Church currently believes that he has no power over the city, although he was once a religious center;
  • Merido Lake dug almost 4th century ago.

It was in El Fayme that the funeral portraits dated I-III centuries were first found. In honor of the city, they received the name "Fayum".

The most ancient cities of Europe

The oldest city in the world, if we consider it the European part, is Athens. His name is known to every person. But there are in Europe and other ancient settlements, for example, Mantua and Plovdiv, who are far from so famous.


Athens is one of the most famous and old cities in Greece, the capital of the state. It was founded approximately in the VII century. BC e. The first written monuments that were discovered there were dated 1600 BC. er, but it is known for certain that people lived in Athens long before that time.

The name of the settlement received in honor of his patroness - the goddess of the war and the wisdom of Athens. In V c. BC e. He became a city-state. It was there that for the first time a model of a democratic society appeared, which is still considered ideal.

Such famous philosophers and writers as Sofokl, Aristotle, Socrates, Euripid, Plato appeared in Athens. Ideas covered in their work are relevant to this day.

As of 2011, the population in Athens reached 3 million people, which is about a third of the total population of Greece.

The city center, where Athenian Acropolis was once located, is currently a favorite tourist destination. Most of the ancient buildings were erased from the face of the earth by time and wars, modern high-rise buildings were built in their place. Here is one of the largest European higher education institutions - the Athenian Polytechnic University.


Interesting Facts:

  • most popular sports in Athens - basketball and football;
  • in Greek, the city is called "Athena", and not "Athens;
  • the settlement is considered to be a homeland theater.

Now in the capital of Greece, there are many museums, where you can get acquainted with unique monuments of fine art belonging to the II-III century. BC e.


Mantua is an Italian city based in the VI century. BC e. From three sides, it is surrounded by the waters of the MINCHO River, which is quite unusual, as the builders usually try to avoid swampy terrain.

For a long time Mantua was considered the city of art. It was here that the famous artist Rubens began his career - author of the cauldron "Position in the coffin", "Hercules and Omfal", "the upstream of the Cross". In the XVII-XVIII century. From the refuge of cultural figures, the city was retracted to an impregnable bastion.

Mantu's population, according to 2004, amounted to 48 thousand people. Currently, the city is a tourist center, as it has a lot of architectural monuments of different centuries.


Interesting Facts:

  • in one of the offenders, Vergili was born - the creator of "Aneida", one of the most famous ancient Roman poets;
  • in 1739, Charles de Chalk, the French historian, wrote that it was possible to approach the city only on the one hand, as it was surrounded by swamps;
  • the Historical Center of Mantua is among the monuments of the World Heritage of Humanity.

The patron of the city is Holy Anselm, who was not officially canonized. The day of his memory falls on March 18. Then the inhabitants celebrate the day of the city.


The oldest city in the world, located in the territory of modern Europe, according to the historian Dennis Rodell, - Plovdiv. Now he is considered the second largest in Bulgaria. Once the city was called "Philippopol and" Filib ". The first settlements on its territory appeared in the VI century. BC er, in the era of neolithic.

At the beginning of World War II, the city took a central place in organizing the support of the Union of the USSR and Bulgaria. In 1941, the city was occupied by the Germans, as Bulgaria entered the union with Germany. However, the resistance of the inhabitants was completely suppressed. In the city, the intelligence group was wrote, in February 1943 she defeated her.

Currently, Plovdiv is the second largest city in Bulgaria. It lives 367 thousand people. Industry is developed in the city: agricultural, digestive, sewing, non-ferrous metallurgy. Also there is the only plant in the country, producing cigarette filters and paper.


Entertaining facts:

  • in Plovdiv there is a whole street with workshops, which belong to hereditary artisans;
  • every year, the International Plovdiv Fair is held here, which is popular throughout Europe;
  • bulgarian astronomer, Violetta Ivanova, opened an asteroid, which was named after the city.

Every year in Plovdiv is carried out by the International Boxing Championship.

The most ancient cities of the Middle East

At the Middle East, two settlements are located at once, applying for the title of the oldest city in the world, - Bible and Jericho.


Biblist is an ancient Phoenician city, which is located on the territory of modern Lebanon, close to the Mediterranean Sea. Currently wears the name "Jebeil".

Historical finds indicate that the Bible has been populated in the VII century. BC er, in the era of neolithic. But the city was recognized only after the 4th century. And the ancient era was considered ancient settlement, but now his status is controversial.

The oldest city in the world, in the opinion of some scientists, - the Bible is localized on a well-protected hill, around which a lot of fertile soil, so in the era of Neolith, this place was settled. But, for an incomprehensible reason, to the arrival of the Phoenicians in the IV century. BC e. There were no residents there already, so the newcomer did not have to fight for the territory.

In the ancient world, the specialization of the city was trafficking in papyrus. From his name, the words "Biblos" occurred (translated as "papyrus") and "Bible" (translated as "book").

Currently, only 3 thousand people live in Bible. Most of them adhere to Catholic and Muslim religious views. The city is one of the main tourist centers of Lebanon.


Interesting Facts:

  • the Biblical Alphabet still failed to decipher, since the inscriptions on it are too small, and there are no analogues in the world;
  • egyptian language has long been official in the city;
  • in Egyptian myths, it is said that it was in the bible goddess Isis found in a wooden box the body of Osiris.

The city is located 32 km. From the current capital of Lebanon - Beirut.


The oldest city in the world, according to most scientists, is Jericho. The first traces of the inhabitants that were discovered there belong to the IX century. BC e. The oldest urban fortifications that managed to detect were built at the end of the VII century. BC e.

Jericho is located on the territory of modern Palestine, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe West Bank of the Jordan River. It is repeatedly mentioned in the Bible, and not only under its original title, but also as the "city of Palm".

In the middle of the XIX century. The hill near the river Jordan began to carry out excavations, the purpose of which were the search for the ancient remains of Jericho. The first attempts did not give any results. But at the beginning of the XX century, the hill was completely excavated.

It turned out that in his depths lay the layers of architectural structures related to 7 different time periods. After repeated destruction, the city gradually moved into the southern side, so this phenomenon arose. The population of modern Jericho is only 20 thousand inhabitants.

The city, which is considered the oldest in the world, since 2000, after armed uprisings on the territory of Palestine, closed to visit. In exceptional cases, the bosses of the Israeli army gives tourists "Good" to visit.


  • ruins of ancient Jericho;
  • Forty-day mountain;
  • bloom tree.

Interesting Facts:

  • in Hebrew, the name of the city sounds like "Yericho", and in Arabic - "Erich";
  • this is one of the most ancient settlements in which people live continuously;
  • Jericho is mentioned not only in the Bible, but also in the works of Flavia, Ptolemy, Strabo, Plinia - all of them are ancient Roman writers and scientists.

Supporters of the separation of the concepts of "city" and "urban settlement" believe that only Damascus can compete in age with Jerichon - the capital of modern Syria.

What is the most ancient city in Russia?

Until 2014, Dagestan was considered the most ancient city in Russia, located in the southern part of the Republic of Dagestan. The first mention of the settlement on its territory dated VI V. BC e. The city itself was founded in V c. n. e.

In 2017, after the joining of the Crimean Peninsula, Kerch began to count the oldest city of Russia. The parking lots belonging to the VIII centuries were found on its territory. BC e. The first settlement appeared in the VII century. BC e. And the city itself was founded about III century. BC e.

For the first time, Kerch entered the Russian Empire in the late VIII century. As a result of the Russian-Turkish war. At this time, the extraction of shells and limestone for construction needs was actively carried out. By the beginning of the XX century. Under the city opened the deposits of iron ore, which played a big role in the economic development of the city.

Currently, Kerch's population has 150 thousand people. Tourists often come to the city, as it is at the junction of the Azov and Black Seas. Also, the city continues to be one of the largest shipbuilding and scarlet centers.


  • Royal kurgan;
  • Tyritaka;
  • eNIA Fortress;
  • Mermeki;
  • Nymphy.

Interesting Facts:

Although the title of the oldest city in the world is difficult to add only to one settlement, scientists were able to allocate several leaders: Jericho, Bible and Damascus.

The leading position is currently occupied by Jericho, but the rest of the cities deserve no less interest.

Article clearance: Vladimir Great

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