Full passage of the game Masyanya Eurotur. Passing Masyanya Eurotur

Go to the car. Click on the conductor. Get a screwdriver from the window. Click on the radio on the table. We unscrew the screws with scolding. Right batteries. We take a knife on the upper shelf. Come out of the coupe (left). Knife with a flashlight on baggage. We get a battery. Insert the battery in the radio. We go to the peer. Click on a yellow suitcase repairman. Take the plug. We return to the train. Floors tear the wire from the door on the shelf. We get a wire. Take a toothbrush and universal key. We go to the peer. Click on the kalgonite (light brown box at baggage). Open the box with a universal key. Take the cleaning agent. We return in the coupe. Apply a cleaning agent and toothbrush on the kettle. Click on the vending machine. We collect 8 buttons. Click on Cheburchny. Unscrew the screws from the lid. Press the red button. Take a coin. Click on the vending machine. Insert the buttons. Clicks on a button with cigarettes. Insert a coin. We get a stuck filling cigarette. We return in the coupe. We put cigarettes in the pussy (yellow pouch on the right of the conductor). Go to the next level.

Location number 2. On the way to Warsaw, Poland

Take a boomerang and eyes (left on the suitcases). Know the key over the tiger. The key is opening the firebox (on the left on the wall). Take a sledgehammer and valve. The valve will be needed. A sledgehammer beat along the red shock button of the attraction (left below). We look at the Focus Box. We take from the skeleton of the eyes and edge (bone). Click on the magic box. Insert 2 eyes. We get a magic wand. We give bone tigra. Magic wand click on a lizard in aquarium (left). Take fat. We take anchor and hang it on the grille (to the left of the door). Click on the sawing box. Open the central section. Take a drink. We saw the board on the hatch on the floor. Take from the inventory attached anchor and throw it into the open hatch. Go to the restaurant. We look at the recipe on the board. To prepare stew. Take salt (left on the table) and carrots (right on the table). In the cabinet over the stove take the bucket. Put them in a saucepan. Open the refrigerator. Press the chicken. Put fat on a frying pan. Return to the luggage car. We recruit water from aquarium into a bucket. Press the box with the gay. Click a pan with lard on a girc. Open the box and take skates. These skate cut the chicken. Put a chicken in a saucepan. Install the valve to the gas cylinder. Click on the plate knob. A bucket with water to the stove. Now you need to change clothes. Go to the luggage compartment. We collect 7 items of clothing. Tie and hat wear on the worm, the rest is on Masyanya. Go to the next level.

Location number 3. Berlin, Germany

We raise the newspaper from the floor, a monocle from the table and a cast with a mannequin. Put the newspaper in the trash. Click on the trash. Apply a monocle on the trash. Take a helmet and press the mouse to the fire fighting device on the ceiling. We get a hard hat. Pour water to the electronic lock (on the left above on the wall). Click on the grid. Click on the metal door. Take the wire (near the column). Move the Porter. Click on low part Compositions. Several times we click on dollars on a plate. Take part of the painting. Click on top Compositions. Insert part of the picture. We learn the code 878327. Press the bottom of the composition. Enter the code. Lenin bust appears. Take an access card. We use it on a metal door. We go to the attic. Click on the map on the floor. Take the cartridge. Remove the rope with the rubber doll. Open the locker under the TV. Take disc number 5. We return to the first floor and insert the cartridge in the gun on the wall. Shoot in the armored glass. Take a gaming console. Click on the bottom of the composition. Insert the wire into the socket. Click on the top of the composition. Press the button on the left on your head. Insert the disk. Press the button again. Take diamond. Climb in the attic. Insert the game console and in the prefix on the wall on the left. Take an adjustable key. Click on the window and insert the diamond. Go down to the first floor. Apply the adjustable key on the tap (in the upper right corner). Return to the attic. Bind the rope to the top tube under the window. Climb the window. Go to the next level.

Location number 4. Vienna, Austria

Take the chopper on the left at the top on the darts, scissors on the table, spanner on the left on the column and crutch in front of the window. Click on the window. We take click on the fan. We get a blade and fan. Open the window and click the crutch on the chair, which blocks the door. Open the door to the scene. We go to the scene. We take a shovel from the cake. Click on the monkey costume on the left on the wall. Move the suit of the monkey. Insert the switches and press it with the mouse. We return to the cut of the sound engineer. Press the electrical shield. Ting the chopper. Take a soldering lamp. Click on the manual on the table. Go to the scene. Press on a monkey wall. Click on the second top of the switch that the red light on the scene caught fire. Scissors cut off the leather ass monkey. Take the key. We return to the cut of the sound engineer. We open the door on the wall on the left. We take the hose and petard. Shtatka scratch the checker from the electric shield. Ride and leather ass applied on a torn drum. Go to the scene. We hinder the Petardo on the hook in the center of the scene, set fire to its burner and press the lever on the left. Petard will explode and flew mice. Click on the pumping unit (on the right on the scene). Take a hammer. Insert the hose and fan. Click on the switch. As a result, toys are inflated. Press the stroller on the left. Take paint and nail. We unscrew the wheel wrench. Paint apply to the toy. Nails with hammer apply on columns. Click on the pumping installation and taking the propeller. We put the wheel on the drum plate (left below). Gilt its burner and apply a fan on it. Go to the next level.

Location number 5. Alps, Switzerland

Clicks on the branch of the bunny buse. Take jacks. We go to the transport (right). We take a watering can and the secateur. We use a jack on a stone. We look at the booth of the shooter. In the toilet we take the rash. In the clock we take a gear. Go back to the bus. Secateur click on the bush. We get a twig. With this branch be at the bull. Luke is open. We look at the cabin. Take a wrench, peroxide, iodine and bandage. We use peroxide, iodine and bint on lochmata. We remove the gear with two bicycles with a wrench. Click on the branch of the bunny buse. Let the barrel stopper and type the fuel in the watering can. Go to Dresin. Press the barrier. We unscrew the bolt with a wrench, remove the cover and insert 3 gearboxes. Go to the shooter's booth. Click on the Barrier Lift. We leave and take a fallen funnel. Insert the funnel into the tank, pour fuel and press the starter with the mouse (the handle behind the drowsine). We clean the pipe. Once again, click on the starter. Go to the next level.

Location No. 6. Paris, France

We find pickle. We look at the artist's accessories and take paints. Kirk beat on the bucket with water. Take an empty bucket and put it on bricks. Torgham for megaareg. Go down. Take an umbrella. We inspect the trash can and take a donut. Rising upstairs and umbrella get a bag (on the left at the top). We collect 5 bottles. Click on a mousetrap 2 times. Put a donut in her. Paints apart by caught pigeon. Take the painted pigeon. Go down. Squeeze pigeon in a cage. Click on the laptop. We learn the number of Masyani - 18129. Collect more 5 bottles (one bottle near the garbage can). I give a bottle of bartender. We get the key. Climb upstairs. Click on a red jar under the easers. We open the jar and taking a token. Go down. Click on the phone. Throw tokens and type number. Go to the next level.

Location number 7. Milan, Italy

We take cosmetics from the table and apply it on a lochmy. Click on the safe. Take an unusual key and electric shock. A safe will appear. Click on the cabinet on the right. Move the dress. Apply an unusual key on a countersunk door. We go to the shop. Take a thread with a needle and nail. Get the cord from the outlet. Charge the electric shock from the outlet. Return to the grimor. We use the electric shock on the hair of shaggy. It click on the carpet on the carpet. We get a carpet. Take a stationery knife. Click on the safe. We make a knife from boots shoes. We dress them on shaggy. Return to the shop. Insert the plug into the outlet. We use a carpet on the left sewing machine. Get a dress. Click on the sink (left). Blank open a bubble with tablets. We take a needle and press the pills with the mouse. We get beads. Return to the grimor. Dress up dress and beads on shaggy. Click on the box on the left. We open it and take the key. We have pictures on the wall (the first - normally, the second - upside down, the third is normal). The key is opening a hidden safe. Take a brooch and dress it on shaggy. Go to the next level.

Location number 8. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain

We raise the stone. We climb into the car cab. We look at the documents on the cargo. I remember where pepper. Click on the bottom button. We leave the car with the clip on the third box in the second row below. Get pepper. We climb into the cab cabin and put the stone on the signal on the steering wheel. When the guard leaves, click on the table and pour the pepper into the mug. When the guard runs out, look at the table again. Take the key and lighter. We open the lock on the chain with cylinders. We go to the airfield. Take a drill and two parachutes. Return to the car. Drill open the glove box. Take a toy. We give the toy a boy and take a shovel. Return to the car. We use a shovel on the sand near the car. We get woven with sand. We set them on the hooks of the balloon basket. Click on the slog (to the left of the burner). Drech for the handle (right from the burner). Gilt the burner with a lighter. We return to the car and click on the shaggy under the car. After talking, we return to the balloon and click the mouse to the rope. Congratulations! You have passed the game "Masyanya. Eurotur".

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Full passage of the game Masyanya. Eurotur

1st level

1. Top in the car, speak with the conductor.
2. From the pillow, we get a knife, taking a scolder from the window, which we spin the bolts into the radio on the table.
3. Reveal the radio, pull out a spoiled battery.
4. There is a flashlight on the platform in the baggage, get a battery from it using a knife.
5. We take the nippers from the yellow suitcase near the train, go in the coupe.
6. Insert the battery in the radio, we use nippers on the wire, which closes the locker on the wall.
7. From the locker, get a toothbrush and the key that is opening a large suitcase on the platform.
8. We take the kalgonite.
9. Leap on the kettle in the coupe by the callon, clean the toothbrush.
10. We go to the peer and collect eight buttons to the vending machine: on the umbrella, on the roof of the car, on the vending machine, on the field near the machine, on the step, in front of the luggage, under the cart, in the urn.
11. We approach the trolley with Chebureca, unscrew the cover with the cover, click the button and take the coin.
12. We return the buttons to the vending machine, choose cigarettes and throw a coin.
13. Using a wire, get stuck cigarettes that put in a hand near the conductor.

2nd level

1. Get out of the suitcases in the corner of the boomerang and eyes.
2. Boomerang knocking the key hanging on the ceiling, which open the firebox.
3. Let's get out of the box and the valve.
4. Sledge hammer on the red button on a silometer.
5. From the drawer of the illusionist, we take eye and bone from the skeleton.
6. Insert two eyes into a yellow suitcase, taking a magic wand.
7. With the help of bones, we remove the tiger, the magic wand from the reptile in the aquarium makes fat.
8. Get out anchor from the aquarium, which engage for the grille near the door.
9. From the middle of a long-range sawing, we take a saw, which will break the board covering the hatch.
10. Thick anchor into the opened hatch, the lattice falls.
11. We choose through the hole in the car-restaurant.
12. According to the recipe on the board are preparing a polite deer.
13. From the left table, we take salt, from the right - carrots that throw in a saucepan on the plate.
14. Get the bucket from the locker upstairs.
15. We throw fat into a pan, chicken from the refrigerator shift onto the board.
16. We return back, we use a frying pan with a lady on the hire.
17. Reset the weight on the floor, taking the horse from the box.
18. We recruit water from the aquarium.
19. The skate is separated by a chicken on the board, and throw it in a saucepan.
20. Jump the valve on the gas balloon, let gas on the stove.
21. Water from the bucket of the fire.
22. We collect 7 items of clothing scattered on the luggage compartment.
23. We disguise Masyany and Hist.

3rd level

1. Raise the newspaper and put it in the trash can.
2. Take a hard hat with a mannequin.
3. We take a monocle from the table, move the garbage basket into the light so that the monocle is setting up the newspaper.
4. We recruit water from fire stations on the ceiling.
5. Pour water with helmets on the castle on the wall to open the partition.
6. Give the distant door.
7. We take the wire in front of the column, push the red and white chart.
8. Run in a plate to get part of the painting.
9. Picture of the picture is attached above, we obtain the code 878327.
10. At the bottom I enter the found code, from the Bust of Lenin take the access card.
11. The access card is opening a long door, go.
12. Take the cartridges from the card on the floor.
13. Remove the rope from pioneering dolls.
14. From under the telly, we get disc # 5.
15. We go out, in a gun insert the cartridges and take yourself.
16. Figachim from the gun on a glass cabinet and take a gaming console from it.
17. To the left of Lenin's inscription insert the wire, press the button on Lenin's head.
18. Insert disk number 5, press the button again.
19. After gymnastics, we take the diamond appeared.
20. We leave, connect the game console to the COMSOMOL 1000.
21. From the windows, we take the adjustable key, we leave, we retrees the key to the water tap in the upper right corner.
22. We leave, knit the rope to the gray tube under the window, we climb on the street.

4th level

1. Take the toggle switch on darts, crutch in front of the window lying on the table scissors and wrench on the column.
2. Take a fan on the remote and blades.
3. Raise the window, repel the chair, blocking the door, crutch.
4. We go out on the door, taking a shovel from the cake.
5. We remove the monkey costume, insert the toggle switch, omit.
6. We leave back, omit the lever in the switchboard, take the soldering lamp.
7. We read the magazine lying on the table, come out.
8. Near the monkey costume we switch the second switch from above.
9. Scissors cut the monkey costume, we get the key.
10. We leave, open the locker on the left, get the hook from hookah and the petard.
11. The shovel from the cake is moving a gum from the electrical tailor.
12. We hinder the Petard on the hook on the stage, the fear of her solder lamp.
13. Dring behind the lever under the window.
14. We take the hammer near the green pump, to the pump is fastened with a blade and hook hose, turn on the pump.
15. We sculpt the chewing on the burst drum, on top of it with a monkey ass.
16. We take a bucket with paint and nails, praise on inflatable animals, nails smash the hammer in the column.
17. Remove the tire with a stroller using a wrench.
18. Put the tire on the fleet drum plate.
19. We remove the blade from the pump, we set on the tire.
20. We set a fan with blades near the tire.

5th level

1. Open the left door, get the jack and go along the path.
2. Raise the secateur and watering can with grass, raise the jack in the rock.
3. In the booth, get the fleece from the toilet.
4. From the watch I get a gear, we go to the road.
5. Cut off the secateur branch from the bush and her bull wrap.
6. In the bus cabin we take a wrench, as well as iodine, bandage, peroxide, which we treat shaggy.
7. Two gears unscrew the wrench from two bikes.
8. Open the door of the bus of the bus, we recruit gasoline to watering can.
9. We go along the path, we remove the nut on the barrier by a wrench, insert gear.
10. In the booth, you grind a big gear, raise the funnel that fell from the barrier.
11. Insert the funnel to the Bugatti tank, standing on the rails, pour gasoline from the watering can into the tank, pull the starter.
12. We clean the pipe of the Yarshik, again twitch the starter.

6th level

1. We take the picka and apply the accurate blow to the bucket with water.
2. We take the artist's bucket and paints, put a bucket on bricks.
3. Twitch the lever at the top, go down.
4. Take a donut in the trash can and umbrella.
5. We speak with two men and climb upstairs.
6. We remove the bag with the help of an umbrella, and collect five bottles.
7. After the second press on the mousetrap on the floor we put a donut in it.
8. Color the pigeons with paints, taking.
9. Go down, Sadim pigeon in a cage.
10. We are looking for a Masyani phone on a laptop - 18129.
11. Collect five more bottles, give all the bottles of bartender, take the key.
12. We climb upstairs, from the red jar with the help of the key getting a token.
13. Let us go down, we use a token in the telephone booth, we recruit the phone of Masyani.

7th level

1. We take cosmetics and sharpen shaggy.
2. From the safe, we take the unusual key and the electric shock.
3. Open the cabinet, move the dresses, open the door with an unusual key.
4. We take under the sink nail and from the table of a thread with a needle.
5. Pull the plug out of the socket and insert the electric shock in it so that it charges.
6. We leave back, the electric shock is damaging shaggy.
7. Pull the carpet from the carpet with a nail, taking the carpet and knife.
8. We cut the boots in the safe with a knife, we get shoes that wear on the shaggy.
9. We go out, turn on the plug into the socket and sew a dress from the carpet.
10. Open a tablet with a pill on the sink, using a thread with a needle and tablets we get beads.
11. Dress up the shaggy in a luxury dress and beads.
12. I remember the pink box of men, get the key from the box.
13. We change the pictures on the wall, respectively, the box.
14. Open the secret safe in the resulting key, we get a brooch that we dress on the shaggy.

8th level

1. Take a stone, we climb into the cab.
2. From the documents learn where the pepper is.
3. Click on the bottom button in the cab and go out.
4. Pull the box with pepper (the second row below, medium), take the pepper.
5. Again we climb into the cockpit and put the stone on the steering wheel.
6. When the guard is distracted, raw pepper into coffee.
7. Take a lighter and the key from the table.
8. Remove the chain from the cylinders using the key, take the balloon.
9. Remove the chain on the aisle, go out.
10. In the basket we take two parachute and drill, and we return along the path.
11. Zalazim in a truck and drill a glovery drill, get a toy.
12. We leave, the boy at the ball exchange the toy on the shovel, come back.
13. They roll off the sand near the truck, we get woven with sand.
14. We go to the ball, hanging the wands with sand on the hooks of the basket.
15. In the middle insert the cylinder to which the hanging hose is connected.
16. I pull for a blue handle and set fire to the burner with a lighter.
17. We return and communicate with shaggy and hryundel under the truck.
18. We run to the ball and repulse the rope, which the ball is tied.

We offer a complete guide to the passage of the game "Masyanya. Eurotur" (Masyanya: Eurotour). If you have questions how to go through the game "Masyanya. Eurotur" - write on the forum or in the form of comments at the bottom of the page.
You can also find tips and assistance to the following games about Masyanya:
passage of the game "Masyang under the yellow press"
passage of the game "Masyanya in complete Africa"

Level 5: Alps, Switzerland

Open the door of the branch of the boss.
Pull out jack.
We go along the path to the right to transport.

We select ceattor and luck.
Substitute jack Under the stone - it will roll and chooses the door of the wagon.
We look into the booth of the shooter.
From the toilet bowl yershik, out of hours gear.

Returning on the highway.
Secate Cut from bush branch.
This branch Beying on the pope of the bull.

The angry bull knocks the hatch on the roof of the bus.
Hryundel is free, but rolls the hysteria - he has a headache and he will not go anywhere.
We explore the salon of the turned buse.
Find spanner, peroxide, iodine and bandage.

Via packs, iodine and binta We treat wounded shaggy.
Wrench unscrew from two bikes two gears.
We look at the branch of the bunny buse.
Pull the cork from the canister and type fuel in luckReceive like with gasoline.

Moving along the path right.
We bring the barrier.
Wrench unscrew the nut, remove the lid and insert 3 gears.

Go to the shooter's booth.
Click on the Barrier Lift (blue with gear).
The barrier rises, falls from it funnel.
Twitch from the tarantayka taranteka a yellow cork and insert funnel.
Pour fuel out lakes with gasoline And click on the starter (the handle in the lower part of the drowsine).
Yershik Remove the pipe.
Take the starter handle again.

Level 6: Paris, France

We select kirk.
We look at the artist's accessories and take paints.
Kirk We hit the bottom bucket with water.
Take empty bucket And put it on bricks under the stairs.
We twitch for the mega-lever (in the upper right corner) - the staircase drops down.

Go down from the tower.
Take umbrella.
We bring the trash can, remove the lid and get out donut.
We speak with a guy in a green shirt - a parrot flew away and it should be found.
We speak with the bartender - he is ready to exchange a token on 10 empty bottles.

Climb to top I. umbrella Get out bag (on the clothespiece on the left above).
Collect 5 bottles.

Twice click on the mousetrap and put in it donut.
The dove falls into the mousetrap - apart it paintsWe take painted pigeon.

Go down.
Salem decreased pigeon in a cage.
Close the laptop and under the phrase "Masyani Phone" click "Search".
Learn the number of Masyani - 18129 .
We collect back 5 bottles (One bottle near the garbage can).
Let's give 10 bottles bartender, in return he gives key.

We rise to the tower.
Approach the artist's affiliation.
Key open a red jar and get out tokens.

Go down.
We go to the telephone booth.
Throw into a slot tokens And recruit the Masyan number (18129).

Level 7: Milan, Italy

From the table Take cosmetics And dye shaggy.
Open the safe door in the lower left corner.
Look inside and get out electroschoker and unusual key.
Move the mirror door of the cabinet on the right.
We shift all the dresses on the sides, a secret door is hidden behind them.
Unusual key Open the secret door and go to the workshop.

We select nail and threads with needle.
I pull out the cord of the left sewing machine from the rosette.
Insert into the released socket electroschokerReceive charged shocker.

Return to the grimor
Charged shocker We create a miracle hairstyle on the head of the shaggy.
Nail We pull the nails with which the carpet is nailed to the floor.
We take carpet, as well as undergoing the stationery under it with a yellow handle knife.
Knife Cut the boots in the safe, are obtained shoes.
Dress shoes on shaggy.

We go to the shop.
Return the plug, which was pulled out a little earlier, into the outlet.
Apply carpet on the left sewing machine, sew dress.
Apply the sink on the left side.
Knife Slip the cover with a bubble with tablets.
Take needle with thread and bring to tablets, get beads.

We step in the grimer.
Dress up on Lochmian dress and beads.
We study the pink box on the left - remember the location of the little men on the lid.
Open the casket and pull out key.
We have pictures on the wall as well as the little men on the box (normal, turned over, normally).
Key Open a hidden safe.
Get out brooch And we put it on the shaggy.

Level 8: Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain

Raise from the ground a rock.
We climb into the car cab.

We study documents for cargo and remember where there is a cell with pepper.
Click on the bottom button - the cargo compartment of the car opens.

We leave the car and pull out the middle box from the trunk in the second row below.
Receive pepper.

We climb into the truck cockpit and put a rock On Klaxon on the steering wheel.
The guard comes up to the car - click on the table and add in a mug with coffee pepper.
When the guard runs out, look at the table again.
We take lighter and key.

Key Open the castle on the chains with cylinders.
Capture one balloon.
We remove the chain on the aisle and move on the airfield.
Take drill and two parachutes.

On the path right go back to the truck.
Drill. open the glove box and get out toy.

Go to the balloon.
We ask a suspicious boy to a blade, but he does not give.
We offer a boy toy, in return get shovel.

Return to the car.
Shovel They roll off a bunch of sand near the rear wheel of the truck.
Find rangers with sand.

Suspend rangers with sand On the hooks for ballast basket of a balloon.
IN central part Insert balloon.
Connect the hose (right from the burner) to the cylinder.
Dreight for the handle (to the left of the burner).
We set on the burner lighter.

We return to the entrance to the field and click on the shaggy and chryundeel, which are hidden under the truck.
After talking, we return to the balloon.
Click on the rope that the balloon is tied to the ground. Filty!

Congratulations! You have passed the game "Masyanya. Eurotur" (Masyanya: Eurotour).

Passage of the game "Masyanya. Eurotur"

It is difficult to believe, but Masyan, a funny character of cartoons Oleg Kuvaeva, has already been almost 12 years old. During this time, more than a hundred cartoon series was created, and several games in the quest genre also came out. They are all uncomplicated, but then the whole charm is precisely in the process of passing, in the original voice acting and actions of characters. I bring to your attention the full passage of the third part of the adventure - "Masyanya. Eurotur".

Log in in the coupe of the conductor, talk to him. Look at the radio, take a screwdriver out of the window, unscrew the bolts on the radio, remove the cover, get the oxidial battery. Get a knife from the pillow on the top shelf. Go to Perron. Look at the Cheburchny trolley, unscrew the cover, press the red button, take money. Look at the shopping machine, collect on the location all the buttons from the machine, insert the buttons into the vending machine, insert a coin into the machine, press the "Cigarettes" button. Look at the repairman's suitcase, take the nippers. Enter the conductor's coupe, cut off the wire from the locker, open the locker, take toothbrush and universal key. Go to Perron. View the box with the inscription "Cal chase", open it with a versatile key, take a cleaning agent. Look at the shopping apparatus, get a filling cigarette. Cut the tape from the flashlight with a knife, take the battery from the lantern. Go in the conductor's coupe. Look at the radio, insert a battery in it. Apply cigarettes on a hand. Apply detergent to the kettle. Apply a toothbrush on the kettle.

Take an eye between suitcases. Take the boomerang, knock them down the key from the ceiling, open the keys with a sledgehammer, take a sledgehammer and valve. Silent to hit the silombus in a box of a magician, look at the skeleton in the focus drawer, take the bone, take eye from the skull, look at the box with a magic wand, insert two eyes into the box, take a magic wand. Apply the bone on the tiger. Apply the magic wand on a lizard in the aquarium, take anchor from the aquarium, take the fat. View on the spray box, open the middle shelf, take the saw. Saw fill the timber on the hatch in the floor. Apply anchor on sober on a long wall, throw anchor into the hatch. Go to the car-restaurant. Look at the recipe on the board, open a fridge, get a chicken, take carrots from the right table, take salt from the left table. Apply fat to the pan, go to a commodity car, look at the skate box, apply a frying pan with a lady on the weight, remove the weight from the box, get the skates out of the box. Go to the car-restaurant, the skate to cut the chicken. Look at the saucepan, apply carrot, chicken and salt on a saucepan. Apply the valve to the gas cylinder, turn on the gas stove. Open the locker above the stove, take a bucket, go to the commodity car, scrape the water bucket from the aquarium, return to the car-restaurant, pour the water bucket on the stove. Go to a commodity car, collect glasses, gloves, tie, wig, hat, boa and beads. Wear on Masyani glasses, gloves, beads, boa and wig. Wear on the worm tie and hat.

Take from the floor to the newspaper, take a monocle from the table, fold the newspaper in the trash can, move the basket to the right, apply a monocle on the newspaper. Take a hard hat with a mannequin, dial water into it, pour an electronic lock, open the grille. Open the Porter, take the wire from the column, look at the lower part of the exposure, strangle dollars on the altar, take the scribe of the picture, insert the wire into the pedestal. View on the top of the exposure, code "878372". To look at the pedestal, enter the code, take the access card from the Bust of Lenin, apply the card on the door, climb the attic. View the map on the floor, take the cartridge for the gun. Go down to the first floor, charge a gun, shoot from a gun on armored glass in the closet, take a game console. Climb the attic, connect the gaming console to the console, take the adjustable key. Take the rope from the doll, look at the open window. Open a bedside table under the TV, take a disk at number 5. Go down to the first floor, screw the water tap key. Insert the disk into Lenin bust, turn on the player, listen to the record, take the diamond. Climb the attic, look at the window, apply to the diamond window. Tail the rope to the pipe, get out the window.

Take the crutch, take a wrench, take a table switch from the target, take scissors from the table, read the journal of the preparation of concerts. View the window, open the window, the crutch tip over the chair, open the door and get out not the scene. Take the shovel from the cake, look at the pumping installation, take the hammer. Return to cut the sound engineer, shovel to sink the chewing, look at the window, take a fan and screw from it. Go to the scene, move the macaque costume, install the toggle switch, open the shield. Back to the cut of the sound engineer, look at the electrical panels, pull the chopper. Take a soldering lamp. Go to the scene, look at the monkey costume, cut the patch scissors, take the key. Apply to the torn drum a chewing, apply a piping on it. Back to picking sound engineer, open the locker, take hookah housing hose and fire. Go to the scene, look at the pumping installation, attach the hose, screw from the fan, turn on the installation. Apply the Petard on the hook, set fire to the fireplace with a soldering lamp, raise it up. View on the stroller, take a nail and a bucket with paint, see not the remote next to the monkey costume, turn on the red lever. Apply paint on inflatable figures, apply the hammer and nails on both columns. To look at the pumping installation, pick up a screw from the fan from it, install the fan to the position marked as "a great place for the fan" in the left side of the scene. View on the stroller, unscrew the tire, install the tire next to the fan, set fire to the solder lamp.

Open the bus fuel batch, take a jack. Go to transport, take the watering can, throw a stone on the booth, from the toilet to take the rash, get the gear out of the hours. Take a secateur. Return on the highway, open a barrel stopper with fuel, fill the watering can. To the secateur to cut a bush, branch bulls. View into the lounge of the bus, take a wrench, peroxide, bandage and iodine. Apply the peroxide, iodine and bint on the shaggy. To unscrew gears with bicycles. Go to transport, look at the barrier, unscrew the key bolt, remove the cover, put three gears. In the booth, turn the steering wheel, raise the barrier. Take a plander, open a gas tank plug, insert the plastic into it, pour fuel, pull the starter. Clean the trumpet, pull the starter.

Take kirk, break through the hole in the bucket, merge the water. Take a bucket, put it on bricks under the stairs, pull the lever, go down. Talk to the bartender. Take an umbrella at the visitor, go upstairs, get an avoska, collect 10 empty bottles on both locations, give the bottle of bartender, take the key. Climb up, open the Red Bank key, take token and paints. Go down, talk to the visitor, open a garbage bucket, take a donut. Climb up, look at the mousetrap, install a donut on the mousetrap, apply paints to the pigeon. Go down, give a dove visitor. Thug on a laptop Number Masyani - "18129". View on the phone booth, insert a token, dial the number.

Open safe, take the key and electric shock. Rotate the first and second portraits on the wall. Take from the table with cosmetics. Open cabinet, push the dresses, open the secret door to the key, go to the workshop. Disconnect the left sewing machine, charge the electrosker from the outlet. Take a needle from the table, take a nail from the floor. Go into the dressing room, a nail to tear the carpet, take a knife. Look at boots, apply the knife to boots, take shoes. Apply the electric shock on the shaggy, apply cosmetics on the shaggy, apply shoes on the shaggy. View on the table on the table, take the key, open a safe on the wall, take a gem. Go to the workshop, turn on the sewing machine, sew a dress from the carpet. View on the sink, apply a knife on a jar with tablets, apply a needle on tablets. Back to the dressing room, apply the dress, brooch and beads on the shaggy.

Open the door of the car, see in the cockpit documents for cargo, press the bottom button on the panel, the body will open. Get the box with sharp pepper from the body (second row from below, medium box). Take a stone, open the door of the machine, put a stone on Claxson. When the guard goes away from the table, pour pepper into the mug. Take from the table lighter and key. The key to open the castle on the cylinders, take one balloon, go to the airfield with a balloon. Install a balloon in the basket, take two parachute, take a drill. Back to the field, in the cockpit drill to drill a glider, take a toy. Go to the airfield, look at the boy, give him a toy in exchange for a shovel. Go to the field, the shovel fill the parachutes of sand, go to the airfield, hang sandbags to the basket. Connect the cylinder to the hose, stick the handle, light the burner lighter. Go to the field, call Hurundel and shaggy. Go to the airfield, untie the rope from the crawl. That's all, the game is passed.

We offer a complete guide to the passage of the game "Masyanya. Eurotur" (Masyanya: Eurotour). If you have questions how to go through the game "Masyanya. Eurotur" - write on the forum or in the form of comments at the bottom of the page.
You can also find tips and assistance to the following games about Masyanya:
passage of the game "Masyang under the yellow press"
passage of the game "Masyanya in complete Africa"

Masyanya. Eurotur - Level 1: St. Petersburg, Russia

Go to the car. We speak with the conductor.
Get out of the window screwdriver.
Approach the radio on the table.
Unscrew the bolts on the panel.
Remove the lid and get the right, oxidized battery.
From the pillow on the top shelf pull out knife.

* All pictures increase by pressing them

We leave from the coupe to the peer (left).
I smear the knife from the flashlight (lies on the luggage in the lower right corner) batteryuk.
We return to the coupe and insert the battery in the radio.
We go out.
Opening a yellow repairman's suitcase, which is lying on the platform.
Rewrote (well, practically, we carry) kusachachi.

We go into the coupe of the conductor.
From the door of the suspended shelf with nippers wire.
Look in the locker and pull out universal key and toothbrush.

We go to the peer.
Click on the kalgonite (light brown box at baggage).
Universal key Open the lock.
Take a cleaning agent " Calgonite".

We return to the train.
We pour out on the dirty kettle "Calgonite", and then rub the brilliance to the toothbrush.

Moving to the peer.
We study the red vending machine on the right.
It is faulty, you need to collect 8 buttons.
Close the cart "Chebureks".
Unscrew the bolts from the lid.
Press the red button.
Take coin.

Click on the vending machine.
Insert 8 buttons.
Click on the "Cigarettes" button.
In the slot for coins insert honestly crated over the coin.
Wire smear the jammed bundle cigarette.

Returning in the coupe of the conductor.
We put cigarettes in the pussy (yellow pouch on the right of the conductor).

Masyanya. Eurotur - Level 2: On the way to Warsaw, Poland

With suitcases in the lower left corner we select boomerang and eye.
Run a boomerang where your eyes look and hit the hanging over the tiger key.
The key is opening a red firebox (on the wall on the left).
Open the door and get out valve and sledgehammer.
A sledgehammer with all the power of Beam on the red shock buttons of the attraction (left below).

We look into the focker box.
Take from skeleton eye and bone (he is no longer needed, and we will be very useful).
We bring the magic suitcase.
Insert into the recess 2 eyes and get magic wand.

We give the bone overlooking the tigra - the animal turns away.
Magic stick turn the lizard in the aquarium to the left in fat (Poor guy, probably did not count on such a fate).
Also get out of the aquarium anchor.
Insert anchor to the grid to the left of the door.
Come to the split box.
Open the central section and pull out saw.
Cleel the saw board, which blocks the door of the hatch on the floor.
Take from the inventory attached anchor and throw it into the open hatch.

The lattice fell off, behind it - the passage to the restaurant, go there.
Learning the recipe on the board.
Masyana will have to prepare a stew "polite deer."
From the right table we select carrotfrom left - salt.
Remove the cover with a pan on the stove and throw salt and carrots into the water.
Open the locker above the stove and pull out bucket.
In the pan melting fat, get frying pan with Salom.
We tear the door of the refrigerator and press the chicken carcass to shift it on the cutting board.

Return to the luggage car.
Scour in bucket water from aquarium, get bucket with water.
We increase the drawer with skates (it costs the weight).
Spill the contents of the contents frying pan with Salom.
Pushing the weight to throw it off the lid.
Open the box and become one cracker.

We go to the restaurant and the blade of the skate cut chicken carcass.
We throw a chicken carcass in a saucepan.
Install the valve to the gas cylinder.
Turn the plate knob.
When the fire starts - a bucket with water pour fire.

Now you need to change clothes.
Go to the luggage compartment. We collect 7 items of clothing.
Tie and hat wear on the worm, the rest is on Masyanya.

Masyanya. Eurotur - Level 3: Berlin, Germany

Raise from the floor newspaper, take the table monocle and with a mannequin removing casque.
Keep newspaper In the garbage basket.
Click on the trash to move it under the beam of light.
Bring to the trash monocle - the newspaper lights up and the fire system is activated.
Substitute casque Under the fire fighting devices on the ceiling.
Receive jack with water.
Pour the contents from casas with water on the electronic lock (on the left above on the wall).

Move the partition towards the partition.
Click on the metal door.
We select about the column the wire.
Spread the striped porter.

We look at the lower part of the exposure.
Spread in different directions dollars on a plate until we find part of the picture.
We study the top of the exposure.
Insert part of the picture In place, get the code - 878327 .
Press the lower part of the exposure again.
We introduce the found cipher 878327.
Lenin bust appears.
We take green card Access.
Apply card Access on a metal door.
We go to the attic.

Approach the map on the floor and taking cartridge.
Remove with rubber doll rope.
Open the locker under the TV and pull out disc # 5..

Return to the first floor.
In weapons on the wall on the right insert cartridge And take yourself gun.
Shooting out gun In the armored glass wardrobe with matryoshki, nevosha and Faberge's eggs.
Get out of a broken cabinet gaming console.
We bring the lower part of the exposure.
In the nest on the left sticking the wire.

Increase the top of the exposure.
Press the button on the left on your head.
In the drive of Lenin insert disc # 5..
Press the button again.
Listen to gymnastics and take the appeared diamond.

Climb in the attic.
We attach the game console to the console "Komsomol-1000" on the wall on the left.
The grid on the window rises - we take adjustable key.
We look out the window and insert diamond.

Go down to the first floor.
Deploying key Turn the red water tap (in the upper right corner).
We go to the attic.
Bind rope To the top (dark gray) tube under the window.
We choose through the window to the street.

Masyanya. Eurotur - Level 4: Vienna, Austria

Collect: tumbler Left at the top of the darts, scissors on the table, wrench left on column and crutch In front of the window.
Click on the window.
We take blades and fan.

Raise the window and push crutch The chair that blocks the door.
Open the door and go to the scene.

Pull out the cake shovel.
We approach the monkey costume on the left on the wall and weching it aside.
Insert tumbler And lower it.

We look into the electric shield on the right side.
Lower down the lever and take soldering lamp.
We study the article "How to arrange a concert" from the magazine that lies on the table.

We go to the scene.
We approach the monkey costume on the wall.
Lower the second lever (near the red light bulb), so that the red light on the scene caught fire.
Scissors cut off leather ass Macaki and get out key.

We return to the cut of the sound engineer.
Key Open the locker door on the wall on the left.
Pull out petardo. and hose from hookah.
Shovel scraper from electric shield zhumakhka..

Moving on the scene.
Cling petardo. Behind the hook in the center of the scene, we set on it soldering lamp And click on the lever under the window on the left.
Petard will explode and frightened bats.
We approach the green pumping unit in the upper right corner of the room.

From the floor select a hammer.
Insert blades and hose from hookah .
Press the switch to the "+" position.
After all these actions, two toys are inflated on the scene.

Zhumakhka. we stick to the hole in the drum, apply top leather ass.
Click on a carriage in the left far corner.
Take bucket with paint and nails.
Wrench unscrew the wheel from the stroller - get tire.

Bucket with paint Tilting on inflatable bear and hare.
Nails with hammer Apply on both columns.
Click on the pumping installation and remove from it blade.
Keep tire On the plate from the drums (left below).
I fill it on soldering lamp And put nearby fan with blades .

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