Proverbs on the topic not LGI. Four parables about the truth

April 7th, 2013, 12:16 pm

In one old world, two sisters lived - True and lies. And since they were sisters, people often confused them. True, this confusion absolutely did not like. It is difficult to say that she considered himself better than her sister or was better her - after all soul mates. But some kind of cardinal distinction between them was.

In those days, when the truth could not appear on the street - because of the disease, or because of the difficult situation outside the window - it was replaced by a lie. Lie was beautiful. Not much, but a little attractive truth, which people, honestly, were a little afraid, although appreciated. Some eccentrics managed from morning to night to walk in the day with the fire and seek the truth, but she tried not to get across such seekers - too, they scared her the zeal with which they were taken for work.

One day it became really bad. She felt that something inside the junk and makes his back covered with large goosebumps. True called what lives in her conscience. The lies in the conscience did not believe and always laughed at my sister with a fairly weak health. And the month has passed since the truth, closed in his room, did not leave at home. Her role played false. Lies tried every day to be different. Sometimes it looked too frankly, and other times it was wrapped in such chic outfits that it was absolutely impossible to see her among the lush skirts. Sometimes she was kind and joking, such that people recognizing her on the streets, smiled sweetly, greet and went on. On other days she was coarse and cruel, bringing passersby to tears, and even worse. And so day during the day, people forgot what the truth looks like. They saw only a lie everywhere and believed only in her.

In one of the most ordinary gray days, the most curious little man with the fire approached lies. He was a nearby and got used to most of all to trust his intuition. A man who was more like the professor who was most likely for the years, fell his face of a stranger and was indeed delighted. He realized that I found the truth! The little man developed a whole hypothesis, as with time the lie turned into the truth. And that initially no truth did not exist at all - that there was only a lie who deftly masked under the many honest individuals, but now, finally, he found his new face - the face of the truth.

And since then, when the truth appeared on the street, everyone believed that it was a lie. Therefore, the truth was very frustrated and tried to leave the room at Sport. Even people with lights disappeared from the streets - they knew that the truth was actually a lie - why was it to continue to search? And only a lie remained such as I wanted to be. By changing the sister and finally confusing people, she now continues to confuse them and face foreheads. But the truth is not even trying to get out and fix everything - they do not believe anyone. People and so suite everything.

Indian parable

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  • People can look at the same thing, but see it in different ways ...

    Parable about truth

    Previously, truth went through the streets naked. This, of course, did not like people, and no one let her go to her house. One day, when sad truth wandered through the streets, she met the parable, dressed in beautiful clothes, joying eyes.

    Parable asked the truth:

    "Why do you go through the streets naked and so sad?"

    True sadly lowered his head and said:

    - My sister, I descend everything below and below. I'm already old and unhappy, so people are removed from me.

    "Can't be," said the parable - that people are removed from you because you are old. I am also not younger than you, but the older becomes, the more I find in me. I will open you a secret: people do not like ordinary, open things. They prefer things to be a little hidden and embellished. Let me lend a few of my beautiful dresses, and you will immediately see how people will love you.

    True accepted the council of parables and dressed in her beautiful clothes. And here is a miracle - from that day no one escaped from her, and she was happy with joy and with a smile. Since True and parable do not part.

    Finding truth

    He lived - there was a man who went to seek the truth. He walked around the whole world in search of her, swaying with everything in his life - giving everything in the name of the truth.

    After many years of wanderings, he came to India, where he heard a story about a distant mountain, on the top of which lives the truth

    He walked many days until she came to the cave entrance. He shouted into the darkness, and he recalled an old voice:

    - What do you want?
    - I'm looking for the truth.
    - What, you found me.

    He entered the cave and there, in the very depth, he saw a frightening creature from all those who came on fire, which came across on the way; Eyes one more than the other, got out of orbits, ulcers covered the face. Curves teeth sticking out of his mouth. And long-matted hair hung dirty strands.

    - You? - A man asked, - You really?

    She nodded.

    Though her view shocked, a man stayed with her and lived in a cave for many years, learning from her. And so, when he, finally, was going to leave, asked how he could repay her for everything she taught him.

    - I ask you only about one thing, "she replied, - when you come back to the world, tell everyone that I am young and beautiful!

    Butterflies and fire

    Three butterflies, flying to a burning candle, began to argue about the nature of the fire. One, flew to the flame, returned and said:

    The fire shines.

    Another flew closer and paled wing. Arriving back, she said:

    He is burning!

    The third, swelling quite close, disappeared on fire and did not return. She found out what she wanted to know, but the remaining remained could not tell about it.

    The knowledge of knowledge is deprived of the opportunity to talk about it, so knowing silent, and talking does not know.

    Even the curse may be blessing

    A long time ago in the north of China lived - there was an old man who had a wonderful horse. And so good was that people came from afar, just to look at her. They told the owner, what a blessing is to have such a horse.

    "Maybe it also answered," but even a blessing can be a curse. "

    And once the horse ran away. People began to sympathize with the old man, speaking, what a failure he has suffered.

    "Maybe it's so," he answered, "but even a curse may be blessing."

    A couple of weeks later, a horse returned and led 21 horse. By the law of the region, he became their owner and rich! Neighbors came to congratulate it with such luck.

    - You really blessed!
    "Maybe it," he replied, "but even a blessing can be a curse."

    And here a few days later, the only son of the old man riding the horse fell and broke his leg. Neighbors came to sympathize with an old man. Undoubtedly, it was in a curse.

    "Maybe it's so," he replied, "but even a curse may be a blessing."

    A week later, the king was passing through the village, collecting all healthy men under the banner on the war. All who left the village did not return. And only the son of the old man survived him did not take it.

    Until now, in this village they say: " What seems to be a curse may be a blessing. What seems blessing can be a curse ".

    Views: 9 143

    Since the times of sin, mankind more and more marked in lies. Today, no one will not surprise anyone. She entered our life so deeply and sat down in it, which is now worth trying hard to eradicate it. Lies, empty promises, funeral and swearing, emanating from the mouths of people, slander and malice have become permanent satellites of modern society.

    Politicians and rulers to achieve their goals, deceive people, in public transport it is impossible to calmly ride, so as not to hear some kind of curse or mat. Because in the morning and evening the day, people are more irritable and the involuntary movement of the neighbor in the minibus causes a person to speak incorrectly. Lawyers to justify their client, lie, even if he is actually a criminal. Because they want to spend once again vacation on Canaries. And people do not pay attention to all this.

    How often we curvat the soul,

    Considering politeness - lie.

    And this lie is small

    People cheat completely.

    We scatter compliments,

    In the soul of swearing and klyan

    On the scene helmet applause

    Artist to myself painting.

    It is easier for us with this Lit Site -

    Let believing, if the isolop.

    After all, it's hard with a good smile

    Print the same truth in the forehead.

    Solges - no one will breed!

    Larges - let the fools believe!

    And everyone smiled each other,

    And what is not true - trifles!

    Olga Khurm.

    Surprisingly, no one loves deceivers, although every day every person lies consciously or not. The child without making her homework, lies that I forgot the notebook, my husband, composes the wife, so that the wife did not know about his preferences, the wife, complains of health problems only in order not to fulfill married a friend, the friend says the other that She looks great, although it is not so, in order to look better on her background. All this is done in order to "not harm your neighbor." Many people think that this is a faith! Although why then lie to a native person?

    After all, everything power is in the truth. The truthful word strength is the most powerful energy that can crush the wrong. Saying a lie, we may change our destiny. And a person who tells the truth is nothing fear, because he does not add anything superfluous to his reality and does not give empty promises that cannot fulfill. For what breaks from our mouth, we will pay. And on Konound it is nothing more than your life and the life of people close to you.

    Since childhood, parents taught us to always tell the truth. After all, a person will receive an excellent reputation and respect in the team, if he can tell the truth. When a person says what corresponds to reality, then his inner force felt.

    This is what Scripture says about those who deceive:

    4 "The death fictures your tongue; As a sophisticated razor, he [y] [you], cunning!

    5 You love more evil than good, more lie, rather than tell the truth;

    6 You love all sorts of disastrous speeches, the language is cunning:

    7 For that, God will crush you against you, I will handle you and will expord to you from the dwelling [yours] and your root from the ground of living. " (Ps.51: 4-7)

    Why power in truth?

    Perhaps someone will say that sometimes the truth can hurt a person. Of course! True will hit right in the heart. And depends on a person, he will endure her or so and will continue to believe the perjury. There is such a type of people who cannot take the truth. They believe in what they are comfortable. Many under heavy and cruel life wanted to see a miracle and a fairy tale. Therefore, they behave.

    First Christians drove exactly for the truth. Jesus Christ crucified too for her. But nevertheless they knew that the eternal life was waiting to be ahead with their Lord. Prior.11: 4 "Will not help the wealth per day of anger, the truth will save from death." People who have become a deception of themselves wealth will comprehend the sad fate on the day of God's court. BUT righteous mouth will be saved from death.

    PRIV.10: 2 "Do not give the benefits of the treasures unrighteous, the truth is eliminated from death."

    PRIT.13: 6 "True keeps immaculate on the way, and the wickedness ruins the sinner."

    Parable about the truth and lies

    Below will be examples of several options for the parable, which can enjoy a person and convince that it is worth fighting with a lie. It can not be allowed in life. Its consequences will always be destructive to affect you themselves and people yours lick.

    Parable №1
    "Heard a man that is in the light of the truth. Went to look for her.

    It is going on, sees - a lie goes. - "Where, man, going?" - asks. - "I am truth to look for!" - "That's good! - Says a lie. - I also want to see her once, but never met! " They went together.

    They came to one edge, ask: "True there is there?" - "Was left just what! Where - do not know! " They went to a person and lie next to the truth.

    They came to another edge, again ask: "Was the truth here?" - "Was! - answer. - Somewhere nearby walks. And who is it with you? And who is it with you? " - People ask people. - "It's a lie!" - answers. And people say to him: "But who can the truth can find with a lie? You go to lie! " - advise ...

    "And that truth!" - a man was amazed and a lie from himself.

    Just driven, looking - the truth comes! - "Hello," says, good people! " Here are wonders! "

    Parable number 2.

    The buyer faced the house was for sale. He asked about the price.

    "One dollar," manager replied.

    - Why so cheap? - The buyer was amazed.

    "You see, what's the matter," said the seller. - The late mistress ordered to sell the house at the minimum price, provided that the buyer, first, will sacrifice one million dollars on the content of her cat, and secondly, the transaction conditions will remain in secret. Such a testament.

    The man bought a house for one dollar, sacrificed the cat of the late mistress one million. When familiar asked him, for which the amount such a beautiful house was acquired, he answered:

    - for one dollar.

    - What to say a lie? This can not be - the new owner has reproached, all familiar.

    - No. It's true! - He insisted, but no one believed him, and everyone established himself in the opinion that he is a monstrous liar.

    "And disbelieving them ..." (from Mark 6: 6).

    Parable number 3.

    "Once, by finishing the service, the priest said:

    - Next Sunday, I will talk with you on lies. To make it easier for you to understand what we are talking about, read before that at home the seventeenth chapter of the Gospel of Mark.

    Next Sunday, the priest before the start of his sermon announced:

    I ask those who fulfilled the task and read the seventeenth chapter, raise hands.

    Almost all the parishings raised their hands.

    That's it with you, I wanted to talk about a lie, "said the priest. - In the Gospel of Mark there is no seventeenth chapter. "

    What is not true or false?

    From these stories it is seen that a lie is optional should be some serious deception. Sometimes we can deceive in the trifles, without noticing. Or we do as Jesuits, we say only that part of the truth that is beneficial to us by hiding everything else.

    The truth always says not easy. You need to make a lot of strength in order to say everything as it is. Today, many of us say the truth only when I am sure that nothing risks. Do not risk losing an apartment, car, work, respect ...

    Gorky truth has always changed and will change the person himself, the attitude of others to him. And dramatically.

    And sometimes we deceive, calling it "Lizads in good" (virtuous deception). Expresses the interests of whom Lgut. For example, a girlfriend, which for the whole hour chose what to wear, asks you: "How do I look?". Naturally you answer: "Good." Even if it is not. But you will tell this that it is not offended or not upset, because she tried so much, so long dressed up. And, perhaps you just don't care what she looks like, you all the answer all. Or another example, a lie in good by one, you can call the situation when a seriously sick person say that he is small steps, but is amended. This is done in order to protect people from nervous breaks or big bursts of emotions.

    In any case, no matter how people did justify their lies, Scripture says it is a sin. PRIV.19: 9 " The false witness will not remain unspecified, and who says lies will die».

    True - the right way out of any situation !!

    How to learn to tell the truth?

    The sinful human nature is that we want this or not, still sin. And it would be stupid to deny it. However, this does not mean that you need to lower your hands and put everything on samonek. A person has a huge power, and she is given to him by God. And despite the fact that the small member of the body is very difficult to pacify, you can still do it. How to learn to tell the truth?

    1. First of all, you need to constantly ask God about how he helped control his speech.
    2. In the Bible it is written that the heart is filled, it will come out of it. So, if we fill yourself with false and empty conversations, then we will talk ourselves.
    3. Communicate with those people who also follow their speech.

    1 Corp.15: 33 "Do not be deceived: Thin communities corrupt good morals."

    1. Constantly control your thought and speech.

    Tell the truth, and perhaps the world around you will become a little better and kinder.

    "... therefore rejecting false, say the truth is every neighbor, because we are members of each other. I am angry, do not warm up: the sun will not go to your anger and do not give the place to the devil. "

    "... no rotten word yes does not come out of your mouth, but only good to edify in faith, so that it delivered the grace of listening." (Eph. 4:25 - 29).

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