In the morning I want to cheer up to tune in. Effective ways to cheer up in the morning

In order to wake up, quickly get into a rut, it is best to get up half an hour earlier - this precious time is just enough to swing, cheer up in the morning, slowly have breakfast and with a good mood and a sober mind set to work.

The alarm clock rang ...

Open your eyes, rejoice at the approach of a new day and smile. It is not scary that at first this smile may be squeezed out of itself, soon it will be replaced by a very real and sincere smile. This moment is very important, because when the lips stretch in a smile, the brain triggers the corresponding signal that "everything is fine." And the brain begins to actively produce serotonin - the hormone responsible for a good mood.

An invigorating morning massage

Forget the advice to jump up right after the alarm goes off - we're not in the army. In order for the body to fully recover from sleep, it takes time, because at night the activity of all our systems slows down. If you suddenly change your position from horizontal to vertical, then do not be surprised by the appearance of flies in front of your eyes, dizziness and rapid heart rate.

First, you need to activate cerebral circulation. The activation of metabolism, the flow of energy and increased production of endorphins ("hormones of joy") are given by smooth sipping movements and head massage.

Do this without getting out of bed. A head massage will not take long, but it will provide a good blood supply, awakening brain cells and invigorating.

Massage the hollow at the base of the head, brow arches, the entire line from the forehead to the crown, earlobes and supratemporal areas.

If time permits, you can do a quick self-massage of the joints and muscles:

  • ten times quickly and with effort to clench and unclench fists;
  • make rotational movements in the hands 10 times, then in the elbows and in the shoulders;
  • squeeze and unclench your toes 10 times;
  • make ankle rotations 10 times;
  • spin the "bike";
  • Make scissors with your feet 10 times.

Intensively rub the muscles of the whole body, from the neck to the feet, with the heated palms on one hand.

We got out of bed ...

If you slept with a closed window, open it as soon as possible - fresh air will help you recharge with optimism in the morning. Fun music will also contribute to this.

Drink a glass of water - not only is it good for the body on an empty stomach, it is also great invigorates. You can drink fresh juice that is high in vitamin C, such as citrus juice.

The invigorating power of morning exercises

A great thing is morning exercises or a short run in front of the shower. Of course, not everyone has time for this, but we decided to get up half an hour earlier, so what's the matter?

Simple morning exercises are useful for the figure, they help the body to wake up and tone the muscles. Bends, squats, jump a little in place, stretch your leg muscles. Also, do a special exercise for the spine - just sit on the floor and press your knees to your chest with your hands, roll like a wheel on your back back and forth. That's the whole charge!

Invigorating morning shower

Now you can go to the shower, which also has excellent invigorating and awakening properties.

Just do not force your body with cold water at once - it is not at all useful for it!

The body temperature at night is 0.6 degrees lower than usual, and when we woke up in the morning, the body had not yet had time to warm up to its working temperature. A cold shower at this time will shock the body, which will slightly improve superficial blood circulation, help shake it up, but will not give what we need - a charge of vigor for the whole day. A hot shower for a few minutes in the morning is much healthier. And when the body is well warmed up, then it can be applied, completing the water procedure with cool water.

A contrast shower is very invigorating, improves the general condition of the skin and increases its elasticity. It even fights cellulite.

Morning shower gels work best with bright, fruity aromas.

You can use invigorating ones - basil, bergamot, cypress, rosemary or sage.

Correct breakfast

Breakfast is a must in the morning!

By the time we wake up in the morning (by 7-9 am), the body's sugar content is the lowest in a day. The body has already converted glucose into energy overnight. And if we do not fill the sugar deficiency, we will feel weak, irritable and lethargic, which we absolutely do not need.

Be sure to have breakfast, and with something sweet. Cocoa, bananas, dark chocolate, and a couple of spoons of honey will do.

When making a sandwich, do not forget about fresh herbs, which will enrich it with vitamin C. This can be a sprig of parsley or dill, lettuce or cilantro.

It is a misconception that coffee should be drunk in the morning. It's just a bad habit. Best of all and longer, strong black or green tea with sugar, drunk in the morning, invigorates.

And coffee can be drunk later, having come to work.

Owls and larks

Why is it easy for some of us to get up early and redo most of the day's assignments in the morning, while others only start working in the afternoon?

Each person is exposed to an internal biological clock that is originally embedded in the brain. This is a fact established by psychologists and neurophysiologists.

It was also found that owl people are more involved in the right hemisphere of the brain, and imaginative thinking dominates in them. Therefore, it is common to stay up late and get up late for people of creative professions - actors, musicians, writers or journalists.

But in lark people, the left hemisphere plays a leading role. These are people with an analytical mindset.

Everyone has their own biological clock, and nothing can be done about it. But an owl man can significantly improve his morning state by following the above “rules of awakening”.

We must not forget about such an important moment as a full sleep, which is hardly possible if you go to bed too late, while you need to wake up early. It is necessary to streamline the order of falling asleep in the evening. To do this, it is necessary to slow down the metabolic processes in the body, which can be done with the help of calm music, a warm relaxing bath with lavender or chamomile essential oil. If after such a bath you still do not want to sleep (which is unlikely), it is good to drink a glass of herbal lemon balm tea, read a little before bed. The main thing is to tune in and accustom your body to such a routine. After all, having slept and rested during sleep, it will be much easier for you to force yourself cheer up in the morning.

Lilia Yurkanis
for women's magazine website

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The morning doesn't always start with coffee. There are many alternative ways to cheer up in the morning.


If you like the taste of coffee, then chicory is the most worthy substitute for this drink. Chicory drinks are considered healthy, they contain inulin, which helps the digestive system and improves metabolism. There is no caffeine in chicory, and the invigorating effect is achieved thanks to the large amount of vitamin B.

Green tea and dark chocolate

Each of these foods is invigorating in and of itself, but together, green tea and dark chocolate provide powerful energizing effects. Green tea contains less caffeine than coffee, but it contains the natural antioxidants kakhetians, which provide a strong boost of vivacity. Dark chocolate is also a source of energy and contains flavonoids (antioxidants).


Cocoa is not only a delicious drink from childhood. Cocoa powder contains many nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and potassium. And caffeine is only 5 mg. Cocoa also contains the same natural antioxidants found in green tea.

Ginger drink

Drinking fresh ginger not only invigorates, it is also a great remedy for colds. It contains vitamins C, B1, B2, as well as essential oils and amino acids. The drink made from fresh ginger, honey and lemon has a strong tonic effect and improves blood circulation in the body.

Masala tea

Masala is the name of an Indian spice blend that contains cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, fennel seeds, black pepper and cloves. Milk tea made with the addition of these spices has a strong warming and energizing effect. In addition, masala tea stimulates cardiovascular activity and improves digestion.

Citrus juice

If you want a refreshing and invigorating effect, freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice is the best option. Citrus juice contains iron, high amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants. But if you decide to replace your morning coffee with juice, then you need to remember two things: only freshly squeezed juice is suitable; if you have a tendency to gastritis and other diseases of the stomach and intestines, then drinking citrus juice on an empty stomach is categorically not recommended due to high acidity.

Carob drink

Carob drink is made from carob pods. Carob fruits are very sweet and are used as substitutes for cocoa powder and sugar. But the main thing is that carob contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, B2, D, and this is not counting protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. Carob drink has an invigorating effect and is much healthier than coffee.

Lemongrass tea

Lemongrass tea has a strong invigorating and disinfecting effect. Lemon-herbal flavor is ideally combined with berry syrups and honey flavor. Schizandra fruits contain schizandrin, seeds contain vitamin E, and decoctions of dried magnolia vine can have not only an invigorating effect, but also successfully fight some types of depression.

Sage gum

Professor Peter Rogers from the University of Bristol conducted an experiment, during which it turned out that coffee is far from the most powerful energy drink. Of all the substances tested, sage gave the most powerful tonic effect. Sage contains, among other things, an inhibitor of cholinesterase (an enzyme that breaks down the neurotransmitter acetycholine), which helps with concentration.


Nuts are not a stimulant in the literal sense of the word, but they have a very high energy value. A small handful of nuts for breakfast will energize you for the day. Almost all nuts contain a large amount of nutrients and proteins - they contain B vitamins, phosphorus and iodine.

Boiled eggs

Eggs are almost a unique product. It's a great source of protein to help you stay alert throughout the day. In addition, eggs are low in calories, they are allowed to be eaten in almost all diets. But you shouldn't overdo it with eggs - they contain cholesterol, which can negate all the positive effect.


One of the foods that will help you invigorate in the morning is a banana. They contain many nutrients and vitamins, and they are also an excellent source of carbohydrates. Banana for breakfast will help you recharge, but it's better not to overdo it with the amount. Bananas are high in calories, and loving them can be reflected in your figure.

Take a contrast shower in the morning, it will wash away drowsiness and help you invigorate. In addition, a contrast shower is an excellent way to prevent varicose veins and many other diseases. It will help you improve your immune system and give you strength for the whole day.


Deep breathing and morning exercises are worthy substitutes for a cup of tea or coffee. 10-15 minutes of active bends and squats will invigorate you. Jumping gymnastics is no less useful. 10 minutes of jumping a day helps to eliminate toxins, improve posture and increase blood endorphin levels. Not to mention that morning exercises are beneficial in and of themselves. It helps improve blood circulation.


If you do not have the opportunity to drink something invigorating in the morning, and do not have time to fully exercise, massage will help you. Rub your earlobes, neck, temples - a small set of exercises will disperse the blood and help you to cheer up.

If you find it hard to wake up in the morning, you want to lie in bed, stayed up late the night before and did not get enough sleep, then this article is for you.

So, the first ruthless advice: get up immediately as soon as the alarm rings. Such a sudden rise instantly brings the body into working condition. This makes it easier to wake up, and you don't have to be nervous, fearing to be late.

If you didn't get up right away, then the main thing is not to close your eyes. It is better to put a glass of water near the bed in the evening and drink it after waking up. If there are no stomach problems, add a little lemon juice there. This very well starts metabolic processes in the body.

Hand reached for the phone to scroll through the VK, Instagram, Facebook feed? Next tip: move it! Put your phone aside and do a little exercise right in bed: stretch, stretch your muscles with unhurried and slow movements.

Any physical activity helps to cope with drowsiness. You yourself will not notice how one leg will already be on the floor in search of slippers.

Fresh air, bright lighting and favorite music! Everything is easy and simple here: get up, open the balcony / window, take a couple of deep slow breaths, turn on your favorite music and, dancing and singing your favorite tune, go to the bathroom.

And here you will find another merciless advice: washing with cold water and a contrast shower. Not a cold shower, but a contrast shower is a cure not only for many diseases, but also for morning sleep deprivation.

Medical research has proven that this procedure helps to invigorate the whole body, strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation and skin condition.

For girls, a separate bonus: a contrast shower helps to eliminate cellulite and lose weight. For those who do not know: a contrast shower is an alternation of cold and hot water.

It will not be difficult to find information on how to take a contrast shower correctly, because there are a lot of recommendations and methods, and you will find the right one.

By the way! Even if you can't wake up in the morning, 10% discount on any kind of work does not stop acting.

Thoughts. As soon as you wake up, immediately start scrolling through action plans for the coming day. Think about what to wear to work (study), remember what needs to be done, where to run, what to decide. The activity of the brain will help drive away the remnants of the sleep hormone.

Breakfast sends a powerful signal to the brain to wake up, as eating is inextricably linked to our internal clock. The better you eat early in the day, the more energy you can store. Choose protein foods and complex carbohydrates for breakfast.

But remember: no coffee on an empty stomach. The best time for coffee is from 10 to 12 and from 14 to 17 hours!

Coffee invigorates only for a short time, and the body becomes addicted to caffeine as a drug. A cup of good green tea stimulates performance longer than the same amount of coffee. Green tea also contains caffeine, but it affects the body more gently.

Like coffee, green tea dehydrates, so remember to drink plain water afterwards.

Go to bed on time, do not overeat at night, observe the regime, spend more time in the fresh air - all this will increase the quality of sleep, which means that every morning will be vigorous and full of energy.

And if you still want to sleep in the morning, then student service is always on guard for your relaxation and serenity: while you sleep, we work for you.

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“There are days when you give up. And there are no words, no music, no strength ... ". Even taking into account the figurativeness of these lines from the song "Time Machine", everyone had similar feelings. When you literally fall asleep at work, trying to refresh yourself a little with strong coffee. When you return home tired and buy an energy drink, there are still other things to do. How useful is it for? The question is rather. Therefore, in this article we have collected recommendations on how to stay energetic throughout the day, using the characteristics of our body and natural remedies.

So, to cope with sleepiness and energize your body when needed, you can use the following tips:

Correct organization of the day and employment

Get enough sleep at night... Everything is obvious here, but it is the simple truths that are most often forgotten. The best way to feel refreshed and refreshed in the morning is to get enough sleep the night before. How many hours of sleep you need - 6, 7 or 8 - depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. But, if you sleep less than 6 hours a day, you will gradually experience a lack of sleep, and this negatively affects your well-being.

Do your exercises... The body continues to remain relaxed after sleep for some time, and in order to wake up faster, you can do a little exercise, then wash with cold water or take.

Plan your day... This will allow you to concentrate on performing important tasks and avoid those that simply "steal" yours, destroying energy reserves.

Eat right... Don't skip meals or overeat. In the latter case, your body will expend energy to cope with the digestion of the food received and you will not be able to work fully.

Practice "catnap "... "Cat's Sleep" is a 15 minute nap in the afternoon. The bottom line is that during this time the brain has time to “reboot” and rest. And then work more productively. Of course, not everyone has such an opportunity, but that the method that is worthwhile is being assured not only by numerous Western personal productivity consultants, but also by Russian ones ().

Be in the fresh air... In warmth, the processes in our body slow down, which makes us feel less vigorous and often cannot, if necessary, quickly gain the speed necessary for work. So don't spend your entire lunch break in a cafeteria or cafe - take a walk down the street. You can even go up to an open window during work and stay near it for a couple of minutes - oxygen will definitely not interfere with the brain.

Move more often... Get in the habit of spending a couple of minutes warming up at the end of each hour: get out of your chair and walk around the office. Also, prioritize stairs over the elevator.

Watch your posture... Incorrect positioning at the desk affects the ability to concentrate.

Start your day by solving a difficult problem... Use your as-yet unexploited energy reserves to solve important tasks first. The brain will get used to the stress, and everything else will seem simpler.

Complete the started cases... This will serve as an excellent impetus and motivation for further achievements.

Food preferences

Eat less, but more often... So, firstly, less energy will be used to support digestion processes. Secondly, the body itself will receive more nourishment.

Cut out sugar and sweets... The so-called fast carbohydrates cause high insulin levels in the blood, which can lead to feelings of fatigue.

Give preferencewhole grain products... Complex carbohydrates take longer to be processed by the body and therefore energize it for longer, making you feel more invigorated.

Eat lean meat and fish... They do not increase blood sugar, which ensures an even flow of energy, and they also feel full for longer.

Eat mint... Try replacing coffee with mint tea, which is quite refreshing. Mint chewing gum will also be useful in focusing attention and improving performance.

Don't forget about vitamins... To stay vigorous and energetic throughout the day, you need to take care of the intake of the right amount of vitamins. Especially C, D, thiamine, riboflavin, B 12, as well as pantothenic and folic acid. Some suitable products for such purposes and their properties are described in this.

Change your socks... Quite frankly, the trick is weird, but it works. And if you change your socks to fresh ones in the middle of the working day, a surge of vivacity is guaranteed.

And none of them contain any coffee or energy drinks.

Some of these 27 methods are more suitable for the weekend, but most can be applied in the workplace.

1. Play sports at noon.

When afternoon fatigue rolls in, exercise. This will help increase your productivity and get things done successfully.

2. Eat chocolate.

It has caffeine in it, but that's not the only reason why the treat is energizing. The flavanoids found in chocolate increase brain activity and improve mood.

3. Get some sleep. Don't resist the slumber.

Research has shown that the optimal nap time is 10-20 minutes. And you will get a boost of vivacity for the whole day. At the same time, such a short nap will not affect your desire to sleep at night - you will fall asleep easily.

4. Take a walk. Get out of the building.

It is optimal if there is a park nearby. 20 minutes outdoors and you will feel much fresher. How do you like this way to get energized?

5. Eat on time.

Regular healthy eating (including snacks) can improve brain activity. But remember that lack of sleep forces us to eat even when we are not hungry, so figure out how you feel when you are tempted to chew something. In any unclear situation, it is better to drink a glass of water first.

6. Provide yourself with complex carbohydrates.

Do not know what to "fill" yourself with? Complex carbs (grains, legumes, vegetables, and greens) are great choices. The glucose they contain is food for the brain. Carbohydrates make you feel more invigorated. It has been scientifically proven that low-carb people are prone to mood swings and forgetfulness.

7. Drink sugar-free drinks.

Scientists have proven that after drinking a drink with sugar, you can be exhausted in an hour. Sugar has about the same effect as caffeine! After a surge of cheerfulness - a decrease in tone!

8. Laugh.

Laughter is a stress killer. And besides, it invigorates. (Use this tip as an excuse to visit YouTube for the next half hour.)

9. Open the curtains.

Artificial lighting is no match for sunlight. It is nature in us to be awake when it is light outside, so daylight is what you need!

10. Chew something.

Instead of nodding off, eat candy or chew gum. Scientists claim that chewing sharpens attention and improves mood.

11. Think harder.

It may seem daunting when the eyelids are filled with lead, but making the brain work faster helps the body to invigorate too! Thinking hard (such as reading quickly, brainstorming in a group, or pondering a new idea) can help you feel energized.

12. Stretch.

Just a few stretches without leaving the table will be enough.

13. Take a cold shower.

14. Take a few deep breaths.

Deep breathing as the diaphragm rises makes blood flow faster through your veins, which in turn energizes you.

15. Get a plant.

In a stuffy and cramped office, a houseplant cleans the air of VOCs that can cause debilitating allergies and headaches.

16. Drink more water.

Sometimes, while working out in the gym or cleaning up routine tasks, we forget to drink water in the required quantities. But even mild dehydration can lead to drowsiness, so always have water on hand.

17. Sing out loud.

Singing requires breath control. Sing a song and get a lot of oxygen, which will release additional energy (not to be confused with the adrenaline generated on the stage of a karaoke bar). And also, according to studies, the tone of the person who sings rises more than those who just listen.

18. Turn on the light.

Just being in a brightly lit room can make you feel much more invigorated. Unfortunately, this advice is useless for those trying to stay awake during a boring movie.

19. Communicate.

Studies show that those who don't talk much to others feel unhappy and, as a result, sleep poorly. Those who chat while working in the office feel more energized.

20. Make the music louder.

Just hearing the motive is not enough. Listening to music loudly and even tapping the rhythm with your foot, you will sooner find the strength to concentrate.

21. Adjust the temperature.

When the room is too cold, the body tells the brain, "It's time to sleep." Put on a sweater or find a way to raise the temperature to relieve sleepiness.

22. Sit closer to the window.

Falling asleep in meetings or classes? Get closer to the window. Sunshine, fresh air, and even an interesting view can overcome distraction.

23. Smell the lemon.

They say that by inhaling certain scents, you can control your mood (something like aromatherapy). Lemon essential oils have been proven to have a stimulating effect.

24. Surround yourself in red.

It is associated with victory and self-confidence. Look at reds and purples (or wear these colors) to feel more invigorated.

25. Sit upright.

If you sit at the computer hunched over, then fatigue will overtake faster. Check from time to time whether you are sitting comfortably, what sensations are in your shoulders, neck and back. If you feel uncomfortable - straighten up, straighten your shoulders, look straight ahead, bend slightly in your lower back, and you will not only get a boost of energy, but also feel more confident.

26. Do something interesting.

Plan interesting activities for the sleepiest times of the day (usually 3pm). It has been proven that fatigue is not felt when doing something interesting.

27. Get up from the table.

Sometimes it seems that it is better not to change position so as not to be distracted, but in fact, you focus on the task itself only part of the time, and the rest of the time you just look at the monitor. To cheer up and come up with a fresh solution, it is often enough just to get up from the table.

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