Unified animal identification system. Details: How to identify animals

Added on Jan 15, 2017.

Chipping from January 1, 2018 must be done for horses, cattle, deer, camels, and since 2019 - for poultry, pigs, rabbits, fur animals and even bees and fish, the department stressed.

A unified recognition system for domestic and farm animals will be created in the Russian Federation by 2019. Vice Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, who needs textiles for restaurants, ordered the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Minister of Finance to create the necessary plan by February 15.

After being assigned a UIN, the animal will be marked with a chip, tattoo or brand. These can be visual (tag, tattoo, brand, ring, collar), electronic (we are talking about implanting chips containing information), mixed (combination of visual and electronic) and other means of marking.

The new type of identification will be introduced both for livestock: cows, horses, sheep, and for other domestic pets, for example, cats and dogs.

The decision on the total identification of animals located in the property farms or residents, was approved by the deputy chairman of the leadership Arkady Dvorkovich. Whether it is necessary to mark animals born before the order comes into force is not indicated in the draft. One of the letters in it will talk about the purpose of raising the animal.

The newspaper refers to the order of the Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich... Also, for example, in the case of bees, the whole group can be marked.

Information on all animals will be collected in the federal national information system. The bees will not be counted by the piece, however, the UIN apiary will also be appropriated. Wild animals, which are in a state of natural freedom, fell under the exception. The fourth character is a capital letter: F - if the animal is raised for food or medical products; P - for pets, etc. The animal should be marked in the first three months after birth or entry into the country.

The marking will be carried out in two stages.

A unified pet identification system will appear in the Russian Federation
  • Owners will have to provide them with chips, a tattoo or a brand with a unique 15-digit identification number. The management intends to make a unified identification system for domestic and farm animals by the fall of 2018.
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  • The latter will be entered into a special federal state information network (FSIS), where all data about the animal will be stored. Poultry, rabbits, fur-bearing animals and bees will also receive special tattoos in the form of a 15-character identifier.
  • The Russian Federation will create a system of unified identification of domestic and farm animals
  • Animal data will be sent to a specially created federal state information system (FSIS). Animals on the territory of the Russian Federation will soon receive unique identification numbers (UIN).
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  • A unified pet identification system will appear in the Russian Federation
  • The Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Minister of Finance are obliged to make a map for the introduction of innovation by February 15 this year. The means of marking can be different - as tags, tattoos, rings, collars and brands, and electronic chips.
  • A draft law on this has been sent for consideration to the Government Commission on Administrative Reform, the Ministry of Agriculture told RG. It is assumed that the labeling will be mandatory, but this is still under discussion. "It is too early to say in what form this will be implemented," the ministry said.

    Marking is the application, fixation or introduction of visual and other means of identification into the animal's body. The marking assigns an individual reference number to the animal, which can be used to check any farm or pet animal, as well as a group object. For example, a flock of geese, chickens, ducks, a hive with a bee family or a fish tank.

    The introduction of labeling is necessary for veterinary and food safety, experts say. "The current legislation does not allow tracing goods controlled by the state veterinary service, which makes it impossible to promptly identify the source of the spread of diseases, including those common to humans and animals. A unified information system in the field of veterinary medicine is needed, and this is provided for in the bill," Ministry of Agriculture.

    In addition, labeling is important for dogs and cats in case of loss. The tagging procedure is common in many countries, it is painless for animals, and a chip containing the owner's name and address will help bring the animal home. In addition, the chips contain information about the vaccination of animals, which is important when they are transported to another country.

    After the adoption of the law, veterinary rules for marking and recording animals will be developed. According to them, the procedure and terms of the procedure, cases of group marking and means of identification will be established.

    So far, it is assumed that the labeling will affect cats and dogs, small and cattle, fur animals, bees, fish and "other aquatic animals", as well as poultry, pigs, camels, deer, horses, donkeys and mules.

    It is not yet known at whose expense the marking will be carried out. The Ministry of Agriculture reported that entering data into the system and registering animals will be free for their owners. But, according to the marking procedure itself, the question remains open. According to expert estimates, the wholesale cost of plastic tags is from 12 to 18 rubles per unit, and the cost of the service for installing a chip or one tag is from 50 to 70 rubles.

    According to experts, Russia is the only country in the EurAsEC that has not yet begun marking and registering animals at the national level. At the same time, the country sets ambitious goals to expand the export of meat products. The operator of the marking system, according to experts, could be Rosselkhoznadzor.

    Pets in Russia are offered to be labeled to make it easier for owners to find a pet if it gets lost. The corresponding bill will be introduced by the end of this year in.

    According to the document, a system of official registration and identification of pets will be created. The identification mark will be placed on cats, dogs, small and cattle, fur-bearing animals, bees, fish and "other aquatic animals", as well as on poultry, pigs, camels, deer, horses, donkeys, mules and hinnies.

    At the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture came up with a proposal to mark pets in different ways: a tattoo, a tag, a chip. Marking is the application, fixation or introduction of visual identification into the body of an animal. There is also a mixed type of identification, which is a combination of visual and electronic means. So, for example, the chipping procedure is the most expensive of the above.

    The choice of a specific marking method remains with the pet owner. Registration will be free.

    “We also demand that the procedure be free. So that the grandmother in the village, who keeps 15 cats, brought them, and they all went through a free registration.

    And how it will label them is another matter, ”the head of the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection told the Izvestia newspaper.

    Animal registration will be carried out by authorized persons of bodies and institutions included in the system of the State Veterinary Service, and certified specialists. Information about labeled pets will also go to the Federal State Veterinary Information System.

    Marking is necessary not only so that a lost pet can be quickly found and returned to its owner. As Burmatov noted, many laws regarding pets simply cannot work without mandatory identification. This applies to the law on municipal shelters and the amendments to the Administrative Code already introduced to the State Duma on punishing citizens for leaving animals on the street.

    The parliamentarian sent a request to the Ministry of Agriculture asking about the stage of the development of the bill.

    “The new version of the law will be introduced within a month and a half, that is, by the end of this year,” he said, citing the official response of the department.

    The MP recalled that the deadlines for the adoption of the law are regularly postponed from 2015, and expressed the hope that this time the ministry will bring the bill to the lower house of parliament. In 2015, within the framework of the Law on Veterinary Medicine, norms were adopted establishing the mandatory registration and identification of domestic animals, but by-laws have not yet been adopted. In this regard, in practice, the pet identification system does not work.

    The reason for the delay may be the lack of a commercial component. As the parliamentarian emphasized, all the points of the law that relate to the commercial sphere - that is, farm animals - are already working: for example, it is impossible to sell pork without marking today.

    In turn, the Ministry of Agriculture reported that the bill has already been sent to the government commission, after which it will be submitted to the State Duma.

    Some regions decided not to wait for the adoption of the law at the federal level and began to microchip pets themselves.

    In Bashkiria, they began to do this in 2017 after an outbreak of foot and mouth disease was recorded in the republic. As of November this year, more than 95% of farm animals have been identified in the region. After the animal is marked, it is assigned a unique number of 11 letters and numbers, which is registered in a single electronic database.

    The authorities note that such a measure will help not only find lost livestock, but also prevent the illegal import of animals, as well as minimize the spread of rabies and other diseases among stray animals. In addition, in the republic, the authorities are often faced with the need to find the owner of the animal, which became the culprit in the car accident. The fact is that the region has one of the largest horse herds in the country. People die in road accidents every year.

    On November 22, in the State Assembly of Bashkiria, parliamentarians proposed to spread the region's positive experience in identifying farm animals throughout Russia.

    A similar initiative was put forward by the authorities of the Murmansk region - in the past case, the regional parliament sent an appeal to speed up the adoption of the federal law.

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