How to make money at the household. How to open a farming from scratch

Moving to the village, how and where to start your farm?

You have decided the sun correctly when you move the Sun itself in the process of living, of course, if there are already sarabs, you can start the chicken, dozen, until nothing difficult from the farm is needed when you burn, then it will be visible. Well, it is necessary to plant: potatoes (Satisfied the early potatoes, so that in June it is already to be fresh), cucumbers, tomatoes, salad, and there is only a bit. According to raspberry and currants, it is also correct. From fruit trees, put an apple tree, cherry, cherry. Well, the flowers, of course, must, this and the decoration and your joy will be, with the early colors you are late (tulips, daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths and others. Sizza in the fall), but Petunia, Pansies, Verbena and other single-air, can be. I wish you success!

I have no experience in moving to the village at all, but we built a cottage and that year I lived there for the first year there from May to November. My husband came to us every 5 days on the weekend (my mom and I lived constantly), but once a month I left for Moscow with my husband for 5 days to work (I manicure, I have my own customer base-and 5 Moscow days I work from dawn to sunset))). Of course, you were correctly written in other answers, which must be solved with heating and water, which would be more comfortable to live. I would write it yet. It would be necessary to solve in the village and Necessary! (Let's live-understand) where did we start? Of course with trees and shrubs. An apple-great variety Lobo - it is better to plant next to the variety of orlik, plum- (they are self-proper, because they always need a pollinator). We planted Hungarian Moscow and Rencld Tambovsky, cherry-need to choose each other, whatever each other would be pollinated, Duke- (this is a crossed cherry with cherries). Came of black currant and gooseberry. Narod The tomatoes were planted (most of all out of 5 trial varieties liked Banana orange, and cucumbers (I recommend on the quot salad; oligator;), pumpkins and zucchini-grow yourself. Zabachkov was the quantity, but I made cabs and pumps (like cucumbers, very tasty it turns out). The pumpkins made a zuchati with orange crusts and cinnamon, puree sunk. Of course, if there is a cellar, I think it is obligatory to plant the cabbage-bow-bow-beets. I didn't try the potatoes ; a little eaten by the Colorado beetle or not eaten at all (because of his thick leaves, the beetle loves fondly, softer)) Malina was still planted, but we have a big plot, heard that she would not grow root, do not get away from It is iron plates. Excellent litter that Russian pride; and Russian krasa;. It is necessary to plant sorvel-vitamin)), grows for several years in one place, you can freeze for the winter or salting. And from livestock, I still advised to start with the chickens .. (my dad lives in the village, says the easiest. Cow And keep the pigs of happily all, dad rabbits kept, but they can be a gesture and everything to dry out. To keep it easier to keep the cow, but you yourself understand, it is necessary either to harm feed or buy. Therefore, it is necessary to sit down and count-savings should be economical)) this year I plan to plant strawberries, I think at the expense of sweet cherries .. and I want to plant the grapes the mystery of the chamber. And in the village on completely cool! Good luck to you)

If you are going to plant new trees, then it is necessary to do this before the start of the downstream in their branches, i.e. Until the swelling of the kidneys and the dissolution of the leaves. The end of March for this is still suitable, but April - already doubtful. Therefore, if necessary, you can postpone the planting of trees until autumn.

In his yard, it is better to plant an early cherry: it is early (a grade is a nice, for example), since the breeding varieties are alternating almost never worm. We planted a tree, triggered a little bit in a year - and no more trouble. And the late varieties should be sprayed so that the cherries are not worm. And the sorce cherry sweet cherry is very juicy, sweet and tasty, unlike more modern tasteless varieties.

The cherry is also better to close the early (the variety of Cherkokorca) - the reason is the same.

Apples white pouring - yummy. But they give a good harvest only in a year, and not annually.

From the garden crops you can plant melons, watermelons, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, and so on. It is not necessary only to plant a lot of zucchini - they are nowhere to nove them.

A dozen chicheries is quite normal, but more - already considerably and on the cost of feed, and care.

I am about such a volume of the economy and kept when I lived in the village. And the goat could not immediately die - at first my mother was performed this work, and then - the daughter, which was then only 5 years old. Then, however, somehow he learned himself. But you can keep the goat too - this is such a kind animal (unlike the smelling goat unpleasantly). It is so nice to stroke on the cheek, give to a fool of the cookie (the goats are very sweet). Only then cut animals a pity - I even lived a goat on pensions, when I stopped giving milk.

I would also start a couple of exotic birds - multicolored pheasants or even more exotic peacocks. Yesterday was at the exhibition of birds in the city and did not bought a beautiful bird just because there is no place to keep them in the apartment.

We also moved from the city.

Plans were grandiose. But .. We started the aircraft with domestic conditions.

Water. E was not. Spent. Itselves, at their own account, laid a plastic pipe, installed cranes, column in the yard. Then already further - to the house. Restroom. Built the street toilet in the far corner of the courtyard, summer shower (once a garden, garden, then it is necessary to wash more often). In the house - sewage, toilet, bath.

We moved in autumn. Therefore, livestock has started the next year. They gained everything - geese, ducks, chickens .. (the city was valid to freedom). Only then it came out that the premises are needed (sheds), the fence for ducks and geese, otherwise the whole garden disappeared. It was aroded and built a run, already in the growth of bird growth.

Garden Garden. It depends on the size of the plot, from the wishes - what would you like to plant first, be sure. But quite accurately need a plan. Just imagine - where is it better to break, as it will be more convenient to go, process, water. Where will (if there is no, but you need) a garage, workshop, gazebo, etc. and not necessarily do, how to do everything around. Just as you like.

If the site is large, then the lawn with the flower beds can be broken down, plant all trees and shrubs, which likes, from cherries to pines with brozami. And if small, then think, without which it is not necessary.

In general, every person has his understanding. Here you will arrive, live for several months and every day will come to the head of the ideas of arrangement, planting plants, and so on.

Good luck in a new place!

Business in the village from scratch: truthful story

Nowadays in one of the villages somehow played a wedding. Newlyweds were out of poor families. Although the parents of the bride and the bride worked hard all their lives, but it was so possible ... Everyone was thinking around that in the new family there will be the same orders. However, the young husband decided not to go to work, but to create his own business in the village from scratch, and do not go to the city, but to organize everything in place.

Where to start a business in the village

For a start, we bought an old house with a plot overlooking the river, repaired economic buildings and started geese. When they came to their relatives to ask for money to buy chicks, they were very surprised: young usually it is not interesting, and indeed to give out how they will be, suddenly. But the man promised that he would give all the money. "You can meat," the borrowers said, and laughed at such a check.

My husband and his wife went to the bazaar, bought chicks, determined the place. Well, the moroka was with chicks! But it first. The guns were planted into the boxes, lamps were attached for heating, they roared, fed with corn croups. When it was warm out on the street, the geussy was released under the sun, in the fence, part of the river from the coast, a young man burned down the grid, a green and juicy grass grew there.

Three months passed, from the yellow chicks of the geussy gradually turned into beautiful gray and white birds. And the time now the owners on them almost did not spend at all, what was the concern: in the morning it was necessary to give a little stern - corn, feed. And since Geese especially loved to graze, after dinner, the wife of a farmer's entrepreneur released the whole herd to Polyana and until the evening, sitting in a shady with a book in his hands, watched the wards. In the evening, the farm was driven into the poultry house. And in the morning everything first.

And so, in the village they began to be justified: what, they say, what can be from these geese, where to give so much meat? Even parents doubted - whether something is clean from the venture.

The time came up to autumn, geese completely grew, and then everyone saw the result. To start a dozen geese, the husband stabbed a carcass to the bazaar. And since it was troublesome, stand yes to trade all day, the wife came up with a favorable way of selling meat. She went to the city, there was a cafe and restaurants there, and agreed with the owners of the wholesale of their products. The husband and his wife were consulted, counted what would be profitable and prepared to cut a bird. Just went to the courtyard, the dog lay, they look, and to their home one after another began to approach the neighbors. "Sell to us goose," they ask. So few pieces sold.

By winter in the poultry house, there were only eight geese and two hussak. Husband, besides meat, also sold down and feathers, part of the money put in the bank for a deposit, and the incubator bought the other so that in the spring chicks can not be bought. Also purchased the stern for herd - the grain in the fall is cheaper. In winter, the head of the family began to read any special literature on breeding poultry, and the hostess became interested in growing millet and corn. They cleaned the poultry house, loaded the goose litter in the barrels and began to prepare a good fertilizer to the garden.

"Listen, and the bird for breeding we chose comfortable," says the wife, "the goose mostly grabs, and only before cutting, you need to fed a little grain. And the herbs in the village of the sea, and it is free - what are the costs here! "

"So we are still separating that the grain is our own," says her husband. "

So, little, a little young family developed her simple business in the village. Geese in the spring caused eggs, the eggs were put in the incubator, chicks hatched from them. The garden before cultivation was pretty well, sowed to corn, millet, sown zucchini and cabbage - on the food gessimes.

During the season, the herd fattened well and sold profitably. When a man acquired a car, no one dared to point out to him that the cultivation of geese is a trouble flower and unprofitable. Even people who adopted the experience of the farmer were found in the village and also began to breed geese. But they did not fit with the sale, because it was necessary not only to grow a bird, but also successfully sell it. A neighbor came to our farmer and asks: "Tell me, how is everything so deftly happen? I want it too. " The man was thoughtful, and his wife came to the rescue. "You know what," she says to her neighbor, "you grow geeks, and then sell us, I will say the price." The neighbor agreed, since the moroka disappeared with the sale of meat. And our young entrepreneurs by that time not only created the best farm in the country of growing geese, but also established profitable ties with the metropolitan restaurants in which they were preparing and served solely from natural products.

This is how a young family that did not want to put up with poverty, created her farming and built a business in the village!

But the most amazing thing was that not only "our" husband and wife were now a profitable business and began to live in prosperity, but the whole village has connected to growing geese! Over time, the company has expanded, the workers were required. Some families independently grown in a bird, and now extremely useful dishes from goose meat prepared in one metropolitol restaurant, and feather and fluff bought for the manufacture of pillows and warm clothes!

A little bit about heavy rustic life.

A little bit about heavy rustic life.

In the city, we were quite well arranged. We had a permanent and well-paid job. Therefore, I did not see sense to go to the village and get to work there. What is the point of working for less money? Therefore, I did the main emphasis on the household, considering the time-allowed workshop.

First of all, I tried to answer the question of what size should be a household. I thought that only one requirement was obligatory - the farm must feed me. It is desirable that I could earn on this farm. For security reasons, the economy decided to establish such a person with him. In case of illness, me or wife. Specifically calculate the size of the economy is not possible. You can contain different animals that require different volumes of labor costs. Different people Can perform different scope of work. The farm can use various devices facilitating life, which allows to expand the farm painlessly. It is important for the presence of economic and utility rooms. For these reasons, it is impossible to accurately calculate the size of the economy. What happened to me. As a test, a wife was chosen, which, without any fixtures, copes with such a farm (I give maximum numbers) Horse 1 pc. Donkey 2 pcs. Goats with goats 11 pcs. Roosters and chickens 180 pcs. Broilers 20 pcs. Turkey 9 pcs. Geese 30 pcs. Cats with cats and kittens 9 pcs. Dogs 2 pcs. Baby boy 2 pcs. Husband 1 pc.

And also, in view of the fact that a familiar small shed for content, it requires repair, and the frosts were strong, the wife was involved in the content of pigs 2 pcs, which we settled in our barn.

Terms of content: Of all means of mechanization, only a wheelbarrow used to enjoy feed and export of manure. The rest is only hands. Content stall, that is, the feed must be prepared, save and bring to the stall. I tried to persuade my wife in the summer to tie goats, but she was afraid that they were stolen. Therefore, if she tied up, then near the yard and fed them with hugged grass.

In addition to animals, a garden of acres 90 was treated.

With this volume I can cope with one not only me, but also a wife. And without falling in the evening, fall without strength, and in the morning it's not to be able to climb. Yes, the economy takes a lot of time. The rise, I went, fed, I fed foil, I fed back. In the interval, food, vegetable garden, billets, etc.

We emphasize once again that it takes more time than forces. And honestly not so much time. There is always time to visit, read the book, watch a movie, etc.

Even in my presence, one wife copes with all the farm. I certainly always try to help to make all the hard work - bring water, hay, etc. animals. Nevertheless, we have a division of labor and everything written above is often performed by it alone. My efforts are aimed at repairs, to improvement, on the manufacture of fixtures of facilitating work and the like work.

Rustic believe that such a farm is large and extremely heavy in the content that we are immensely surprised. We emphasize once again that none of us is packed. Exceptions were over. For example, we were brought by 100 bale hay. It began to rain and the wife in my absence dragged them into the barn. 100 hay bales are about 2 tons. So in emergency situations, you have to sweat. But emergency situations are not everyday.

I slowly continue improvement and we are planning to expand the farm. Now we can rely on our experience and choose more suitable for animal content. For example, we will significantly increase the number of turks. And for me and my wife, these animals are very much lacking problems in their content. We will increase the goat herd, I want to process milk into cheese, for which you need more milk. We want to start more lackings, etc. I think that despite the larger host. The work will be added slightly.

I still pay slightly attention. I do not see the need to sit and care for potatoes, if you sell a goat on meat, I can buy as many potatoes as I need. Moreover, contain a goat is much easier than digging potatoes. Nevertheless, the garden was planted. I did not plunge, did not watered, rather planted and forgot, but groan, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, corn, pumpkin, watermelons, melons, peppers and more. I did not pay much attention to the garden not only because of the poor ratio of the work / the result was the result, but also because I have a very bad land on the plot. It will take a lot of time to improve it. I plan to do this in the next season. And start from the device beds. Crickerels promise good returns at a minimum of work.

It is considered to ensure the house with water. I do not understand this statement. Yes, every day you need to wear water into the house and carry out the rest of the house. But what is the complexity to her, I do not understand. But we are not only drinking water, we are accustomed to swim every day. To save time, I plan to make a water pipe in the house. But I'm not a wife, I do not consider this work priority.

What ideas are suitable for opening a business in the village from scratch? How to open your business in the village and start making money? What can go in the village and how much can you earn?

In cities, the most profitable and popular niches for business have already been mastered and busy. Even having initial capital, unwrap up to the level of payback is not easy - on every turn you strive to cut competitors.

That is why more and more novice entrepreneurs draw up to the countryside - there is space, there is a bad edge there, there is where to turn around and gain a decent speed.

With you Denis Kudarin - an expert of the journal "Khitirbobur" on financial issues. I'll tell you what is business in the village. In modern Russia, which agricultural sectors are most beneficial for investment, and how to competently conduct business in rural areas in order not to turn around.

1. Business in the village or how to become rich in the city

There is a persistent error, as if in the village to do business more difficult than in the city. In reality in rural areas pays off much more Started from scratch projects. At the same time, the cost of organizing and doing business is an order lower - if only because earth, labor and resources are cheaper here..

5) Production

This includes enterprises that use local raw materials. Mass options - sawmill, woodworking plant, production of feed, flour, vegetable and canned meat, confiture, sausages, dumplings and other semi-finished products, bath brooms.

Scale and production facilities depend on the initial investments. It is not necessary to start with a large production. And some products can generally make home.

6) collection of herbal teas and berries

Herbal healing, soothing and invigorating teas are still in fashion.

The shopping center near my house has a whole shop that trades exclusively herbs and berries for brewing. According to my observations, the shopping point has a stable audience of buyers and good income.

Raw materials for the store are probably not in the city park - it is delivered to rural residents who are engaged in a professional-based fee.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthough non-standard, but quite profitable. With a competent organization, it will bring a decent profit at minimal cash.

What is needed? Only your time to collect herbs, berries, flowers, calibrate them, dry with a special drying (the last moment is fundamental).

Another branch of this area - collection medicinal herbal. According to one pharmaceutical portal, the annual need of factories and production factories plant preparations It is 50,000 tons of raw materials. And it is possible to harvest almost three times less.

7) Rustic tourism

Perspective niche. Personally, I would choose exactly this direction, since it has every chance in the near future to turn into a fashion trend.

The cities are full of people who are tired of bustle, stress and unfavorable ecological situation. They strive at least for a while to break out of the launction of nature, relax and have medicinal energy.

There is no cottage to eat, and it does not always solve the problem. Country cottage area In the suburbs - is not at all the same thing that the house in the village of the picturesque river.

If it goes, build a full-fledged hotel in Russian style for income, but with European comfort standards.

8) Fish breeding

If there are clean reservoirs in the village, use them for breeding fishing fish. Just do not forget negotiate with the local or district administration. Or organize artificial reservoirs on your site. Flock carp, crucian, catfish, even trouts are on sale. In addition to the fry, you need to buy special feed and vitamins.

Once organizing your pond, you will only keep it, and it is very convenient

Alternative - breeding cancers. The advantage is that the demand for this delicacy exceeds the proposal, and the catch in the natural environment is limited.

9) business online

If agricultural activities are not your rustle, but I really want to live in the village, it is not necessary to mess around on the beds or grow chickens. That is, to do it you will be in your free time, but in the main one - make money through the Internet.

The network is now in any village, which means that everyone is available. If you are a designer, copywriter, translator, a programmer, a professional Forex player, an owner of the online store, a specialist, work remotely, and make money to the card.

Comparative table of specific business ideas:

3. How to open a business in the village and earn - step by step instructions for beginner businessmen

Now go to practice.

Each version of the village business has its own nuances, but the overall launch scheme for all one - follow it to avoid mistakes and disappointments.

Step 1. Choose an idea for business

Start with the analysis of the local market. Pay attention to the niches in which there is no competition or it is low. Let's say if you want to open a grocery store, but it is already in the village, analyze its assortment and traffic of buyers. And open the store on the other end of the village with the goods of another profile.

Find out what local residents or the nearest district centers need. For example, if in the district a constant lack of biohumus, make it possible to produce it.

Step 2. We analyze niche

Choosing an idea, make it deeply study. Each niche has its own nuances. Beekeepers, for example, probably have their own communities or associations in which you will need to join. And on the extraction of fur or fishing, the fish requires permission from the state.

Step 3. Prepare a business plan

Business in the village does not pay off per day. It " long»Investing money, forces and time. Professional business plan will save from uncertainty And it will help to implement the idea most competently.

Approximate plans for each of the ideas proposed above are in free access on the Internet.

Step 4. We buy equipment and raw materials

Responsible moment of the process. Internet technology will help you find any product at a bargain price. Avito and specialized sites offer working used equipment, tools, raw materials at an affordable cost and other products needed to launch a business.

Choose the most optimal purchase option in terms of delivery and cost.

Step 5. We start business and looking for customers

Start the business only if you have already thought out the channels for the sale of finished products. Do not forget that the competent advertising campaign did not harm anyone. About your product should learn everything.

Look for customers wherever they live, conclude long-term contracts, offer preferential conditions and deliveries with a discount. By creating a database and earning a reputation, you can optimize the pricing policy.

Simple, but useful expert advice will help organize business more competently.

Read and memorize!

Tip 1. Start a business with small volumes

Increase volumes gradually by investing income into business. In this case, losses in case of failure will be minimal. If it goes, you will understand it in 6-12 months. Then it is worth thinking about further investments.

Tip 2. Refuse bank loans

Bank loans are not too favorable option for seasonal business with a long payback period. Better use state subsidies and support programs Agriculture.

Tip 3. Create a full cycle production

Full cycle enterprises always have higher profits than a limited profile company.

For example, if you have a pig farm, it is worth mastering all the stages of the production process, starting with the cultivation of animal feed and ending with the manufacture of meat products or even directly selling them. This option reduces the costs of intermediaries and increases profits.

Council 4. Be prepared for severe physical work.

Obvious advice, but necessary. Business in the village is daily work from sunrise. At the very least, in the first stages, it will be used to get used to this - in advance, in advance of the exposure and patience.

Not many think about the organization of the farm, since this industry is quite laborious. However, these directions are not strongly developed in the country, and competition in this market segment is quite low.

Everyone got used to agriculture Associates with large collective farms that provide agricultural products on an industrial scale, but few remember small farms. And in vain, it is on such small agricultural sites that can be found high-quality products.

If you live in the village, you want to expand your activities and enter the market, and perhaps just think about agricultural production, then this article is provided specifically for you. Below will be considered the main directions of the development of farming, the main markets are analyzed and brief calculations are given. Consider what business ideas can be implemented in the village.

Where to begin?

It all begins with the idea, as well as the choice of the direction of agricultural activities.

Whether you are aspire to the industrial scale of production, you want to go to regional markets or your goal to occupy the market of a certain area will become a supplier or will be a manufacturer-implementer.

Multiple options, while they all have their advantages and cons. For example, when entering new markets, you will incur great costs associated with the establishment of the transport system and the conquest of the market.

But if you enaches on the new trading platform, you can get a bigger profit and continue your expansion, gradually winning the new and new markets.

Regardless of the business strategy and its development, you should decide on the type of activity.The most common directions are:

  • crop production;
  • fruit-berry economy;
  • poultry farming;
  • beekeeping;
  • animal husbandry;
  • breeding fish, worms and crayfish.

Each direction has its own characteristics and different level profitability. Which business to open in the village?

Crop production

We will try to figure out what business can be done in the village. Cropod is one of the least costly species of rural business. However, it does not concern physical labor. It is possible for saving to labor costs, you will have to do some job on your own.

Work on the farm will take a lot of your time, and if you are not a rural inhabitant, you must need a car for travel to place of work. If you live in the village and can, for example, rent a neighboring land plotThis will significantly reduce your expenses.

The most profitable directions are cultivation:

  • grain crops;
  • potatoes;
  • tomato, cucumbers, cabbage and other vegetables;
  • bashrican cultures;
  • colors.

Grass cultures (wheat, oats, barley, corn, sunflower, etc.) are the most popular on the market. However, here you will need to purchase special techniques, rent large land plots for sowing and hire workers to clean the field.

The cultivation of potatoes every year becomes an increasingly laborious process. Modern technologies Earth processing, sowing and harvesting make it possible to reduce the cost of physical labor. But it should be borne in mind that the potato is a sufficiently pending plant, so requires plenty of irrigation and continuous control of beetles.

To establish the greenhouse production of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and other vegetables can be at home. This activity is the least financially expensive, and the appearance of the first vegetables in the spring will make your products very popular.

Growing watermelons as a business

Severe earth with watermelons and melons - one of best ways Enter land. You will not need to be on the field every day: you will need to plant a shift, regularly engage in the rank of territory and at the end of the season to collect a harvest.

Recently, flower production is gaining momentum, while becoming a very profitable business. Flower shops are very often looking for domestic suppliers to reduce the cost of goods sold.

Fruit-berry production

Fruit-berry economy is very profitable.

Here you do not need to constantly engage in sowing, weeding, etc.

Trees and bushes do not bring fruit for a long time, but when they grow up, they do not require continuous care.

In this direction, the most profitable are: growing strawberries, vineyards, currants, raspberries and fruit trees. However, it is worth noting that the payback period in such projects can be 10-15 years old for fruit trees and 3 years - for shrubs. But the cultivation of raspberries and strawberries can bring profits already for the second year.

Planting crop and fruit and berry economy depends very much on natural and climatic conditions. In this regard, it is worth carefully selecting the direction of the development of the farm.

Poultry farming

Poultry farming is very profitable business. Bird of meat, eggs, feathers, and even manure are always popular products. You can breed chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks. Also, the popular destination becomes quailing.

The breeding of chickens is the most profitable and light direction, as Kureks do not need to specially add, the meat does not have a specific taste and like it almost to everyone, and the sale of eggs and the pen brings an additional income.

To organize such a business from scratch, you will need to rent a room, buy cells for breeding and maintaining birds, incubators, feeders, heaters to remove the offspring and inventory for cleaning the poultry farms.

Poultry farming - chickening chickens

It is believed that the breeding of poultry, especially Curia, becomes cost-effective only in the case of the content of more than a hundred heads. As an additional income from the bird content brings the sale of eggs. On average, with a content of 100 non-bias, you can collect more than 30,000 eggs per year, and realizing them at the lowest price of 60 rubles. We receive an income of 180,000 rubles. in year.

The sale of the pen to textile enterprises and manure, farmers, as fertilizer means, bring additional profits.


Aromatic healing honey is a very popular product on the market, so your business will continue to develop, and it will not be losses.

In order to start doing beekeeping, you need a small plot of land for the installation of apiary, ten bee families, the necessary equipment and special clothing. You can sell not only honey, but also sweet honeycombs, waxes and bees themselves, which will be used for therapeutic purposes.

Livestock breeding

Cattle breeding brings not only permanent income in the form of dairy products, but also is a source of meat and fur. However, the content of cows, goats or sheep is a very time-consuming process.

You will constantly need to follow the cattle, pass the milk, to put on the pasture, store a large number of Feed and clean the shed. Nevertheless, the sale of milk and dairy products is a very profitable business in the presence of at least three cows.

Breeding cows

Another type of animal husbandry is breeding pigs, rabbits, minks and other animals with a valuable fur. If pork is simply a popular product on the market, then rabbits are not only a source of dietary meat, but also valuable fur.

Livestock is a good business. The presence of various directions for the sale of products (meat, fur, milk and dairy products) gives extensive farmer opportunities to develop its business.

The lack of starting capital is the main reason for the failure of entrepreneurs from the opening of the business. : Options for men and women.

How to save money and what goals to postpone them, consider it.

When choosing an idea for business, you need to take into account not only your preferences, but also the prospects for the intended project. Here we will look at the top 20 promising areas for entrepreneurship.

Breeding fish, worms and crayfish

If you want to breed worms and make a profit, then you should think about the large scale of production. Fishing stores take worms one by one ruble apiece, so they need to breed them in large quantities.

Fish breeding carries large initial costs: special premises, swimming pool, cleaning equipment, and directly fish. But these attachments can be returned in the form of profits quickly. But you yourself can not cope, so you have to hire workers.

The breeding of cancers does not need large investments, but it must be borne in mind that you need to find sales areas: cafes, restaurants or supermarkets.

If you want the breeding of crayfish and fish to be unprofitable, you should take care of sales points.

Other types of rustic business

The drilling of wells can be attributed to other areas of development of rural business, the sale of firewood and plowing the Earth.

If the drilling of wells is a capital-intensive direction, then plowing the Earth and the sale of firewood is not such a cost business.

You can organize a small enterprise that would provide various services: plowing the Earth, feeding trees, carrying out irrigation systems - everything related to agricultural production. Business based on the sale of bold firewood will be successful in small villages, where it is in demand.

Features of the farm

Of course, as in any form of business, there are features here.

Farm economy (crop production) largely depends on weather conditions and, which is the worst, you cannot affect it.

Also farming is a hard physical work.

You will need to be constantly in the workplace and work hard.

But one of the advantages is seasonality. Harvesting, scoring and birds has a certain temporary framework. Most farms begin in March and end in mid-November (not related to breeding cattle or poultry farming). Therefore, in the winter period, you can fully shine your holiday.

After examining all the features of farm activities, you can achieve high results, and will be glorified as a manufacturer of high-quality environmental products.

Many people get tired of noisy cities and dusty tanned streets and want to find privacy in rural areas. However, there is a problem - almost complete lack of work. It is this moment that becomes a stumbling block for most people who want to change place of residence. Let's try to figure out the problem and find a way out of the situation.

The relevance of business ideas for the village and village

Of course, there is little work in the village, and it, one way or another, is associated with physical labor. It's so, but you can create yourself workplace, that is, to do business. In rural areas, the present expanse for an inquisitive person, the main thing - to carefully analyze all the possibilities, and the decision will be found.

In order to answer the question "What business can be opened in rural areas?" It is necessary to decide that, in fact, there is in this area.

First of all it landwhere you can grow various plants or graze cattle.

There is here peoplethat need various products, which means you can engage in trade.

The village is the endless spaces of free land, where you can build a small plant, to do craft or something else. That is, in the village there is opportunities for earnings and self-realization - you only need to detect them and implement.

Before deciding what business to do in rural areas, it is necessary to weigh everything for both against, as well as analyze your capabilities. Let us consider in detail the suitable business ideas for the village so that everyone decided for himself to do in the village to earn money.

Crop production as a business idea in the village

The easiest and most cost, from a financial point of view, the way of earning. It is necessary to find land for plantings, process it and plant it.

In rural areas, there will be a connoisseur of crop production, which will help at first, as people there and fruit from generation to generation.

Part of the grown products can be used by itself, and the rest is for sale. The first buyers will be daccias who know a lot of grown products and take them with a big hunt. However, their number is small, and a lot of money on dackets will not earn.

Will have to find sales channels In other places, for example, in the nearest large population, where there is a market. Here you can organize the point yourself and independently sell the goods or to be a supplier for someone else.

The choice of the form of culture for growing depends on the terrain, conditions and competition. You need to proceed from the conditions already in place. To do this, everything is necessary to analyze and choose the most favorable types of cultivated plants.


  • easy to organize;
  • small initial capital;
  • flexibility (you can change the grown culture);
  • the ability to use products itself;
  • easily attract hiding from the outside (for work).


  • seasonality;
  • risks associated with weather affecting yield;
  • not always high profitability;
  • complexity with the sale of products.

It is easy to become a farmer and engage in crop production, but it is unlikely to get big income in the initial stages. There are questions about the sale of products. If several bags of potatoes, for example, sell simply, then a few tons - already a big problem.

However, if it is possible to supply products to any enterprises or in dining rooms, then you can go.

Example of a business plan (potato growing)

Plot - 30 acres.

Initial investments:

  • motoblock - 40 thousand rubles;
  • equipment (plow, skieper, etc.) - 20 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of seed potatoes - 10 thousand rubles;
  • outcome: 70 thousand rubles.

Yield - 250 kg per 1 weaving.

Common yield - 7 500 kg.

Wholesale price per kg - 20-25 rubles.

Total income will be 150-180 thousand rubles.

Profit - 80-110 thousand rubles. per season.

Livestock: Natural Products from Farm

However, let's go to business. Business in the countryside is beneficial for several reasons:

  • low competition;
  • a large selection of activities;
  • the ability to change the direction of business depending on the conditions;
  • availability of natural products;
  • lack of bosses and pressure from above;
  • the possibility of self-realization.

The one who is accustomed to the mad rhythm of cities, constant "drive" and stress, is unlikely to love the village. This is a place for rest lovers and silence. Business maintenance is definitely and measured. It is much easier to find yourself and realize your dreams in practice.

What business can we do in the village? Who loves animals - will be engaged in animal husbandry, flowers - in flower growing and so on. Everyone can not only find a lesson in the shower, but also to make money on it. Just want to want enough.

How much I remember always loved the village.
In each moment of the year, the village is good in his own way!

How much I remember, always at Mom cattle and birds were full of courtyard. And how it became old and hurt, then it became difficult for her to keep the farm. When I got sick at all and we traveled almost daily into the village, there were two pigs from the cattle and about three dozen chickens. Pigs, we are peeking to winter and slaughtered. Country I had a little dismissed and scored the worst nurses.

The economy was of particularly no time. I began to put in order fences, garden, garden, house. He opened a flower talent. Flowers love very much! The most beloved - dahlias of different varieties. I also love gladiolus, asters, chrysanthemums. Roses, of course, love, too, but do not grow, because Very very troublesome.

Broke the flower beds, led to the polisade in order (he quit the old plum precking there). Acquired varietal dahlias and, when they bloomed, was happy immensely. In the garden planted new varieties of strawberries, potatoes and other vegetables. Special attention paid to Tomatoam and Bulgarian peppers. There were large-scale I. production varieties Black currant, gooseberry.

But the yard without live life somehow stood me. I wanted a former noisy and multiple-eyed Pierce Forestry. Forward, what I did - I bought a couple of silver turkeys along the autumn. He admired them like some kind of wonder. Grandmother, whose birds took, noticed: "And as they burn, look! Well, if you want to dilute turks so much, then the bird does not translate in your yard! " So I have been holding turks for almost 15 years. And there was no year that I remain without chicks and delicious dietary turkey.

Chickens that were at Mom, the egg production and weight was pleased. There were among them and simple rustic, and redheads, and black, and striped, in their time brought from the poultry farm. But I wanted purebred and began to reread the literature, write out magazines, newspapers. I acquired a lot of books on poultry farming. The child stopped on the Red Rhode Island. Acquired and chickens similar to Moscow black - large and eggs. On the local poultry farm bought daily chickens of California gray and chickens of white egg crosses "Belarus-9". White gradually faced, but California left. I really like these striped nurses.

That's how gradually I began to acquire love.
Already in the second year of my "poultry career", I raised more than 70 turkeys and about 90 chickens of different breeds. Why was it of course I am extremely glad!

Then the foundation appeared waterfowl. At first, Beijing ducks, and then ducks of other breeds and geese.

Pamra-Kohinhin-Faverol, whose chickens acquired were added to the chicken collection. The chubby chicken appeared. Rhode Island and California Gray are, so to speak, by the commodity herd - there are always eggs and meat in sufficiency. They, of course, the basis of the chicken tribe. They will definitely settle them in separate enclosures and get tribal chickens. Yes, they are movable very - they strive to visit the garden, so they, in my opinion, the very place.

Lochmonogne and bearded my fluffy chickens are not so fume and they walk on a big livestock free. They do not seek to fly through the fence and in general are perfect mothers both for their own and incubator chickens. Although eggs carry a little and not large enough, but they are mainly for the abstraction in the yard. Although Lochmonic chickens take very hardly. Therefore, they are, as they say, feed themselves.

Ducks and geese divorced very quickly. Two years after they started, it became annually to grow 100 goals and more, and now I successfully do.

They were on the coup in their time and rabbits, but after a couple of years decided to abandon their breeding, making a choice in favor of waterfowl. Although periodically relatives are twisted by 2-3 rabbits and I am pleased to grow them on meat. To, as they say, diversify the menu.

Cows is generally a separate topic. They are crumbles and in general as family members, very smart. Once I did not understand that this mom is talking to cows in the barn. And now I'm talking to them, and they understand everything. Very smart animals!

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