Bill juice from prostate adenoma. Treatment of adenoma folk methods: burdock, wormwood, black cumin, potato juice

The prostate gland is responsible for the hormonal background of the body, the production of seed fluid, an erectile function. At the same time serves as a kind of barrier that prevents sperm in the bladder.

Prostate diseases are found in each third patient in reproductive age. Adenoma, inflammation of the gland and cancer are the most common pathologies among the male population.

Official medicine is not always able to quickly cope with the consequences of deviations: pain, decrease in sexual deductions, dysuric disorders. Patients in search of effective methods often turn to alternative medicine and phytotherapy.

The burdock in the treatment of prostate helps with any diseases of the urogenital system. The plant is harvested independently, dry mixtures and alcohol formulations are sold in pharmacies.

The healing properties of the root of burdock

Folk medicine does not cancel the medication course of therapy, but allows you to quickly get rid of the symptoms of the prostatitis and adenoma. Plants are used to combat inflammation, the growth of tissues, pathological changes.

Therapeutic properties of the burdock are associated with a high content in its composition of several elements:

  • sterols;
  • tanning substances;
  • ascorbic and coffee-acid;
  • minerals and vitamins;
  • sitosterina and stigmasterine.
In the complex, the listed elements have the following useful impact:
  • the metabolism is normalized;
  • toxins are output;
  • there is an antitumor effect;
  • acute inflammation is removed;
  • comes to normal blood sugar;
  • wound and ulcers are heal;
  • eliminated scars and spikes.

The benefit of the root of the burdock is that the plant quickly removes pain syndrome and other symptoms. The tool universally and helps with all types of pathologies of the urogenital system, especially with hyperplasia, prostatitis and cancer.

There are contraindications, so before the start of treatment it is necessary to consult with a urologist.

Take the root of the burdock to achieve a persistent therapeutic effect need not less than a month. It is clinically proven that long-term use affects the deposition of glycogen in the liver, which limits the assignment of the means for some groups of patients.

Paddle root with prostatitis

During treatment, plant juice is used, as well as a decoction of crushed dry rhizomes. Prepared compositions have a positive effect on ferrune fabrics:
  • Exchange processes are accelerated - as a result, healing happens faster.
  • Toxins and harmful substances are derived from the body - the blood flow is improving, the drug effect and effectiveness of drug therapy increases.
  • The inflammation of the prostate and the complications caused to them are eliminated. The juice of the root of the plant especially helps with the scar in the prostate gland. Regular reception updates the vessels, eliminates spikes. Even with chronic forms of the disease, the patient is diagnosed with improved spermatogenesis.
  • The treatment of prostatitis root of the burdock is justified and due to the strong antiseptic effect of the plant. Active substances destroy bacteria and infectious pathogens and derive products of their livelihoods from the body.
  • The composition contains chemical compounds and acids dissolving stones. The use of burdock juice from prostatitis accompanied by the formation of calcinates is not only justified, but also necessary. With the help of alternative medicine, in the early stages of the disease, it is possible to prevent surgery.

The benefits bring homemade decoctions and infusions. The most popular recipes:

  • The preparation of juice from the leaf leaves - for therapeutic purposes is suitable for an annual plant. Young shoots cut off, washed thoroughly and dried slightly. Slices are folded into a blender or juicer, scroll to the manufacture of homogeneous mass. The resulting composition is passed through the gauze.
    To stock juice of juice, besides the use of a leopard sheet, rhizomes and plant seeds will be required. The crushed composition is mixed in equal proportions with linden honey and add 100 ml. medical alcohol. Store the tincture for 2 years, in the refrigerator or cellar.
  • Decorations - the use of burdock root in the treatment of prostatitis is not as popular as with hyperplasia, which is explained by a smaller therapeutic effect compared to the juice of the plant. Although if desired, it is possible to make infusion and treat them the inflammation of the prostate gland.
    The roots wash and purify from the peel. After that, cut into cubes and dried. Grind on a coffee grinder. Brewed at the rate of 2 tbsp. l., 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture put on a water bath for 15 minutes. The cooled fluid is filled with gauze. Drink before eating.
Regardless of which recipe from the burdock is planned to be applied, it should be remembered - the plant has only a conservative effect and eliminates symptoms, but not able to fully cure the launched disease.

Lopach root with prostate adenoma

Hyperplasia is a benign cracking of tissues. Iron is within the boundaries of the capsule. With adverse circumstances, the prostate begins to increase in volume. The process accompanies impaired urination, problems with potency and severe pain syndrome.

The root of the burdock with the prostate adenoma is prescribed due to a pronounced antitumor property. It is clinically proven that plant enzymes stop the growth of tissues, as well as somewhat reduce the swelling. Additional benefit from the use of roots:

  • Treatment of prostate adenoma burdock normalizes urination. The night urge to the toilet decreases, the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bubble is eliminated.
  • The potency is restored - the composition of the annual plant contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins necessary to enhance sexual entry and normal erection.
The root of the burdock is the most effective remedy for prostate adenoma for another reason. The disease is accompanied by severe pain in the field of small pelvis, the lower back and at the bottom of the abdomen. Reception will help reduce the intensity of manifestation.

The alcohol tincture of the root of the burdock with prostate adenoma is rarely applied with extreme caution, due to the fact that alcohol causes an increase in the volume of the gland and is able to sharpen the patient's condition.

Lopach root with prostate cancer

Chronic inflammation, injuries, negative factors - prerequisites for the development of cancer. In this case, the patient needs professional medical care. The use of a leopa against prostate cancer is justified only when applying the recipe with the attending physician.

The basic effect is associated with a high content in the plant of the following elements:

  • polysaccharides are struggling with free radicals;
  • asparaginov - have a pronounced antitumor impact.
The remaining enzymes are removed toxins, decay products, slags from the body. All of the above makes the appointment of the lopha in folk medicine in the oncology of the prostate with a practically gold standard of treatment. When chemotherapy, the plant fills lost trace elements and vitamins, helping the gland to restore the main functions faster.

How to brew burdock

If with prostatitis more often use juice of leaves, then cancer and hyperplasia are treated with rhizomes based. Moreover, for treatment, an exclusively annual plant is suitable. A good effect is provided by microclides with the root of burdock, there is a place of alcohol compositions, effectively relieving symptoms.

For cooking, you can use the above recommendations, or apply the following method of workpiece:

  • The processing of roots of burdock - harvest late autumn. The plant is digging early in the morning or in the evening, at this time of day in it the maximum amount of therapeutic juice. Rhizomes are cleaned, cut off the part that comes out of the ground is thoroughly washed with flowing water. Disclosure blanks on the towel to remove unnecessary moisture.
  • Roots are cut by pieces and ride on the thread. Dried until they are easy to break with their hands.
  • The dried cubes are crushed into a stume or with a coffee grinder.
The resulting mixture is used in the preparation of therapeutic teas throughout the year. Powder is brewed in a thermos, insisting for several hours. The ratio of 2 tbsp. / 0.5 liters of water.

Burning at the oncology of prostate, hyperplasia, inflammation of the gland - indispensable. Urology recommends its use in comprehensive therapy, during preventive measures and as a preventive measure.

The treatment of prostate cancer by folk remedies is an addition to the traditional treatment appointed by the oncologist. Prostate cancer is often detected when the disease has already come far. Treatment with folk remedies requires a long time to obtain the effect, and there is little time in a patient. However, folk remedies can significantly improve the quality of the life of prostate cancer patient.

Folk healers offer different means, including poisonous (Boligols, Kerosene). In addition, in the literature you can meet diametrically opposite opinions about the same method of treating cancer by folk remedies. Everyone does the choice itself.

Methods of non-traditional treatment

The positive effect of the treatment of prostate cancer, including folk remedies, is noted and repeatedly enhanced if the patient has faith in recovery. The oncological patient at the same time there is a hope for recovery and involuntary doubts in it. The sincere daily prayer of God helps the emergence and strengthening of faith in healing. Approach the psyche will help autogenous training, meditation, well to use the settings G.N. Sytin against oncology.

Food and immunity

The natural protection of the body designed to destroy tumor cells at the beginning of their development is the immune system. It admits the development of the disease, if he does not see or cannot cope with an alien agent. Medical treatment additionally weakens immunity. Well increase the immune defense of folk remedies: food, herbs.

Features of nutrition to enhance immunity: reduced consumption of fats, sufficient selenium, zinc, vitamins E, A, group V. As a source of protein recommended chicken meat, white meat of fish, eggs, milk, beans. Restrictions on the choice of cereal, fruits, vegetables, nuts are determined only by the individual taste and portability of products.


With damage to the internal organs, herbs use with a common antitumor effect. Recommend different herbs and fees. The most popular and frequently used means for prostate cancer are listed below:

  • The composition of the collection: the peel of green walnuts, Iva goat, the Pijma, ordinary, drossing, creep, crucible, cherry, Primorsky. Infusion take inward 1:10;
  • Celest - poisonous grass, 1 tbsp. l. 200 ml of boiling water poured, insist 30 minutes, flickering, take between meals in 1 tbsp. l. The recipe is designed to prepare the daily amount of infusion;
  • Griba Chaga has long established itself as a plant with antitumor activity. It is traditionally used in the treatment of cancer, using drug pharmaceutical shapes based on the chaga mushroom or in fresh form to prepare the healing mixture.

One of the ways of preparation of infusion: Mushroom is poured with cool water for 5 hours. Then it is removed and crushed. Water is heated to 500 and pouring the crushed mushroom again (the ratio of the mushroom / water 1: 5). The mixture is placed for 3 days in dark dishes in a dark place. Then fillarly filled with water until the initial level. Take 1 glasses of the finished mixture 3 times a day before meals.

  • A good result gives antitumor tea. The mixture of grazing mushrooms of chaga and grass horsetails (2 tbsp), nettle, herbs chilli, calendula flowers (1 tbsp.), Boil 15 minutes in 1.5 liters of water (for 2 days of use). Consume tea 6 weeks of 3/4 liters per day, then you need to take a break for 10 days, repeat the course.
  • Tea and infusion from the lard of a large, decoction of the root of the burdock, the fruits are grazing - therapeutic means in prostate cancer.


Supporters of this method believe that starvation cleans the body linked as a result of incorrect power. It is believed that in the absence of food, the body uses as an energy source unnecessary tissue: excess fat, changed tissue disease, tumor-shaped growth. Examples of animals that distinguish between food in the event of a disease, examples of hodded people serve as evidence of the effectiveness of such treatment.

Objection against the method: fasting is impoverished with nutrients, primarily protein. The muscles and other tissues of the body suffer from this.

Insufficient protein nutritional weakly weakens cancer cells, they can take everything you need from muscles and internal organs, but the lack of protein is strongly reflected on all systems of the body, especially immune. With the growth of the tumor, symptom complex of protein deficiency is developing, the early symptoms of which are weakness, fatigue, chlority, decrease in appetite.


Healing the patient with a tumor of the prostate gland is impossible, but to raise protective forces, it is possible to improve well-being. The volume of the consumable juice is limited by the physical capabilities of the patient, the poor state of the urinary system and intestines, which often accompany the prostate cancer.

Beetal juice contains antitumor substances. Features of the action of beets and beet juice:

  1. Fresh beet juice can be drunk 1-2 hours after its preparation, when the volatile substances with a poisoning effect disappear and cause dyspepsia, a drop in pressure, weakness;
  2. Drink juice of 120 ml 5 times a day before meals (daily dose 600ml);
  3. To obtain a minimum of a substance capable of rendering a healing action, it is necessary to take 1 kg of beet every day;
  4. The active ingredient is not destroyed during cooking, does not change in the stomach, it is not toxic.

The method of treatment with carrot juice in Walker involves daily reception of raw carrot juice from 0.5 l to 3 l per day. The first recipe for the supply of juice with a prostate tumor is carrot juice 450 ml per reception, the second - carrot juice 300 ml and 150 ml of spinach juice on reception.

Kalina juice, pumpkin juice have an antitumor effect when defeating the prostate. Juices (pomegranate, orange, apple, carrot), taken daily in small quantities of 100-200 ml, contribute to improving overall well-being, increase hemoglobin, strengthening immunity.

Honey and other bee products

As a means that strengthening all organism systems with prostate tumors, honey, bee pollen, propolis. Oncological patient use other means is difficult, since the patient is exhausted, the appetite is reduced or absent, weakness is noted.

The folk healers at oncology recommended an alcohol solution of propolis in the form of a water-alcohol or milk-alcohol emulsion (20-40 drops of propolis tincture on a glio of warm milk or warm water). The advantage of propolis in front of other means is that it is harmless.

Lopach root with prostatitis: useful infusions and decoctions

Not only drug drugs helps to get rid of prostatitis. You can cope with the disease using the recipes of traditional medicine. Infantry, decoctions, extracts of medicinal plants are considered useful.

Effective is considered the root of the burdock with prostatitis. It comprehensively affects the male organism, helping to cope with various violations.

Useful properties of lopuha

Folk healing professors have long been resorted to the treatment of prostatitis burdock. The plant, which in common people call the burdock, has a different useful substance and trace elements. Among them are distinguished:

  • inulin;
  • slime;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • fats;
  • resin;
  • protein;
  • vitamin C;
  • mineral salts.

The benefits of the plant lies in the special effects of each component on the body of a man suffering from prostatitis.

  1. Burning is an excellent spasmolitic. It not only reduces cuts in vessels, but also improves metabolic processes in the prostate gland. Due to this, the walls of the vessels become elastic and movable.
  2. The plant helps to restore male strength. Under its influence, the quality of the seed fluid rises, the muscles relax, which leads to the normalization of the erection.
  3. When using the root of the burdock, the effect of pathogenic microorganisms is eliminated. It contains substances that kill bacteria penetrating into the prostate.
  4. Lope has anti-inflammatory properties. It has components that prevent the processes of scarring, sclerosing glands and seed bubbles.
  5. The decoction and infusion from the plant eliminate pain.
  6. The plant helps to clean the body from harmful substances. Therefore, it has a diuretic, cooler and choleretic property.
  7. Lophch perfectly heals the tissues of the prostate gland, which were damaged by the inflammatory process.
  8. The leaves and roots of the plant contribute to the increase in the immune protection of the body.

Plant application

A man who treats prostatitis with the help of a burdock root can use three methods of therapy. In each case, an effective impact on the inflamed prostate gland is observed.

Infusion and decoction

When cooking infusion is used dried root of the plant. You can make the composition yourself at home. But for those who do not want to make preparation, ready-made tinctures are sold in pharmacies.

At home you can prepare a tincture of crushed root (10 g) and vodka (100 g). It is necessary to insist on two weeks. After cooking, the remedy takes 10 drops three times a day half an hour before meals.

Bed root tincture from prostatitis

The decoction must be prepared from the root of the first year plant. It must be carefully succeeded. After preparation, the part is crushed into powder.

For the preparation of the means, dry mixture is taken (2 tablespoons) and poured with water (400 ml). The remedy must be brought to a boil and tomorrow on slow heat for 10 minutes.

Treatment provides for the daily use of ragger. It is necessary to drink half a glass four times a day. It is best to take the composition before meals.

Therapy is carried out within a month. After that, a break for the week. Then the course of treatment is repeated again.

Response is allowed in prophylactic purposes. Then the composition is prepared in the same way, but one tablespoon is taken in the crushed root. The remedy is assigned two tablespoons before taking food three times a day.

Blade from the burdock for the treatment of prostatitis

You can connect the crushed root with parsley seeds. You need to drink ready-made decoction by a similar scheme.

The juice

In addition to the root, the use and leaves, burdock cuttings are allowed. They must be put in the refrigerator for several days. Thus, it is possible to strengthen the beneficial properties of the plant.

The burdock is crushed with a blender. The mixture is pressed through the gauze. Before applying juice (1 part), you need to dilute in boiled water room temperature (2 parts).

Fluffy juice

Plant juice improves metabolism in the body, and also eliminates the inflammatory process in the prostate gland.

Home Treatment Adenoma Prostate by Folk Remedies

Prostate adenoma is a disease associated with an increase in prostate gland or benign tumor-like education in a prostate, which more than 40 years older than men. This organ is looking for urethra, according to which urine from the bladder is removed from the human body. When adenoma increases, then squeezes the urethra or it blocks it completely.

The tumor is formed slowly, gradually, compresses the urethra, makes it difficult to emptying the bladder bladder. As a result, a variety of problems with urination feature arise. Prostate adenoma is a difficult disease, but at the initial stages, the treatment of folk remedies is quite effective.

Symptomatics of the disease

The adenoma of the prostate gland is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the first characteristic feature of the prostate adenoma is frequent urination, especially at night;
  • string urine becomes fine, falls down it (the patient urinates legs), Urina is sprayed;
  • there is a feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied (the so-called residual urine).

Course of the disease

Gradually, these symptoms increase: Urina is poorly separated, often released by drops with intense voltage, there may be a complete retention of urination. In the occurrence of the above symptoms of the prostate adenoma, it is necessary to consult a doctor-urologist.


Eat food, useful for your body: dairy and vegetable products. Limit use meat products, eggs; Eliminate the spices, in the form of peppers, mustard, as well as canned food, smoked. In no case do not eat coffee and alcohol!

To prevent congestion processes in pelvic organs, significantly observe the work of the thick bowel; try to stool every day; Systematically engage in physical culture, especially gymnastics in the morning, each day to hinder walks on foot for 1.5 hours. Do not delay urination, since the intensely stretched bladder can lead to an acute urine delay.

Existing contraindications

We advise you to avoid medicines that can worsen the symptoms: for example, antihistamines, anti-essay drugs (including sprays for the nose). Do not self-medicate, consult with the attending physician about drugs.

Folk recipes

Treatment of prostate adenoma by folk remedies in the home environment suspends the growth of the tumor, removes pain syndrome and controls the symptoms of the disease.

People's methods of treatment used by our ancestors were tested for centuries. For this, it is absolutely not necessary to study a significant number of scientific works.

Below your attention is proposed information about the optimal methods for the treatment of prostate adenoma by folk remedies.

Method for Ilyin

Consider the folk remedies for the treatment of prostate adenoma in the adaptation of L. M. Ilina. The course of regenerative therapy consists of 3-parts.

Good root in the pan peanuts (earthen walnut). How to cool, clean the fruit from the shell and thoroughly disturb. Put 2 tbsp into the thermos. Spoons of crowded peanuts, add 3 tbsp. Spoons of the root of the altea of \u200b\u200bthe drug finely chopped and pour into the boiled milk with a volume of 0.5 liters.

Increase in the open thermos 20 minutes, then close the tight thermos plug for 10 hours. Take half a cup 3 times a day for half an hour or 40 minutes before meals in warm form. In the evening, eat a small bulb and a bit of garlic (1-2 teeth), and for 10 days.

Make a 2-week break and proceed to the 2nd part of the treatment.

  1. Rinse 3 cups of oats and put in enameled dishes, add 3 tbsp. Spoons of the kidneys of birch, pour the reckoned water temperature of the room temperature with a volume of 4 liters and insist during the day.
  2. a glass of dry rose rinse thoroughly and put the fruit in the enameled container. Add 1 liter boiling water, negotiate 10 minutes, insist during the day.
  3. Enameled dishes with oats and kidneys of birch (see paragraph 1) put on the flame when it boils, add 2 tbsp here. Spoons of the root of drinking crawling finely chopped. Pins 15 minutes on a small fire under the lid. After 15 minutes, add healing fees: 3 tbsp. Spoons of healing herbs: Speech, oregano, brushing leaf, leaves of forest strawberries and leaves of flavory; 2 tbsp. Spoons of "bumps" of hop, grass of a hunter and mint leaves.

It is thoroughly stirred and cook for another 15 minutes, insist for 45 minutes, strain. Mix in 1 capacitance freshly prepared decoction and infusion of rosehip (see paragraph 2), store in the refrigerator 5 days (no more!), Take half a cup of 3 times a day half an hour before meals in a warm form. At any reception, add 2 h. Spoons of dissolved mummy and 35-40 drops of dissolved propolis.

In the evening, eat a small bulb and a bit of garlic (1-2 teeth) for 10 days. All these 10 days twice (in the morning and before bedtime) make the prostate massage for 5 minutes.

It is entirely to repeat the paragraphs 1 and 2 of the second part of the healing. And in paragraph 3, we change the composition.

Cooking with oats and kidneys Birch put on a small fire and cook for 15 minutes, add therapeutic fee:

  • 3 tbsp. Spoons of therapeutic herbs: hernia naked, raspberry leaves and sung leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of healing herbs: violet tricolor, St. John's wort, the leaves of the tattar barrel;
  • 1 tbsp. A spoonful of bear ears.

It's thoroughly stirred thoroughly, cook for 15 minutes on a small fire under the lid, insisted for 45 minutes, strain.

Stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. It is accepted by half a cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals in a warm form, for 10 days, making prostate massage twice a day for 5 minutes.

Repeated course can be passed only after a monthly respite.

Other popular funds

  • buckle of pine escapes (in a glass of water I boil 30 g of pine segments of the young, take 2 tbsp. spoons 5 times a day);
  • the tincture of the leaflets of the flavory (1 tbsp. A spoon of chopped leafs is poured with a glass of boiling water and heats a quarter of a quarter of an hour. We drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day);
  • maltowki decoction (1 tbsp. A spoon of cut roots is boiled in 0.5 liters of water for 10 minutes, drink on a glass every 4 hours);
  • infusion of Medicarian Medicinal (10 g of cut grass pour 1 glass of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day).

Herbal fees

Folk remedies from the prostate adenoma include a variety of medicinal grasses recipes. Using healing herbs in the treatment of prostate adenoma, you will feel the relief of its signs: rapid urination urges and loss of push when urination.

Examples of some elements of healing herbs and plants that are used to treat prostate adenoma.

Collection number 1:

  • vasilek blue flowers - 1 part;
  • licorice Naked rhizome - 1 part;
  • tolokana leaves (bear ears) - 3 parts.

We take 10 g of collection and pour a glass of steep boiling water; Heat on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cooled within 45 minutes, filter; Raw materials press and pour boiled water to the initial volume. Take 2-3 tbsp. Spoons are 20-30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

Collection number 2:

  • melissa therapeutic leaves - 15 g;
  • valerian Medical root - 15 g;
  • laptop goose leaves - 45 g;
  • ruta fragrant leaves - 45

1 tbsp. A spoon of collection is poured with a glass of boiling water; It insists for 15 minutes on a hot plate; Focusing. Take in warm form once with the difficulty of urination or spasme of the bladder.

Collection number 3:

  • hernia naked grass - 10 g;
  • corn storks - 10 g;
  • vasilek blue flowers - 10 g;
  • horsetail of field grass - 5 g;
  • buzin herbal root - 15 g;
  • bear Ears (Fox Tweak) B - 15 g;
  • birch Warfed kidney - 15 g.

4 tbsp. Spoons of collecting brewing in 1 l steep boiling water like tea. It is instevyful for half a warm place, filter. Take for 5 receptions throughout the day when urine delay.

Collect number 4:

  • mistletoe white grass -15 g;
  • the root of the burdock is large - 15 g;
  • corn storks - 15 g;
  • laptop goose grass - 15 g;
  • highlander Persera Grass - 15

Fill 1 tbsp. A spoonful collection of steep boiling water, insist before cooling. We accept prostate hypertrophy for 2-3 cups per day.

Collection number 5:

  • the roots of the socket dry crushed - 2 h. spoons;
  • the roots of the Toles (labaznik) dry crushed - 2 h. spoons.

Fill 2 glasses of steep boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take half a cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Collect No. 6:

  • garlic gross - 200 g;
  • the juice is fresh of 12 medium size lemons.

We mix, insist 24 days. We take directly in front of the night bed for 1 hour. A spoon of collection, adding water to half a cup for 3 weeks. The course of treatment is repeated in 7-10 days.

Do not forget to return "male strength", patience is required, because the treatment of prostate adenoma is usually long - from 6 to 12 months. It is impossible to cure only one medicine, it is necessary to warm the whole organism.

The adenoma of the prostate gland in the initial period of the disease is quite well treated by folk remedies. With the ineffectiveness of this method of treatment, a drug impact should be started under the supervision of a urologist.

Take care of the "Second Male Heart" and be sure to visit once every six months, if you are more than 40 years old.

Benign prostate hyperplasia (DGPH) is a disease that is more known as. It is a benign tumor on the tissues of the prostate gland, which leads to the expanding of the organ. In the future, such an increase in prostate is the cause of urinary problems - adenoma transmits urethra.

The cause of the DGPH is the violation of the balance of female and male hormones as a result of the aging of the body. Testosterone, a male hormone, begins to be produced several times faster, forcing the prostate gland tissue cells to share more actively, the result is an increase in the size of the gland almost 2 times.

REFERENCE! Adenoma can develop not only by urinary channels, it is possible to form it from the side of the rectum, which leads to problems with defecation. In the future, there is a pressure on all internal organs located nearby.

DGPA is a disease that cannot be avoided in 90% of cases, but it is possible to delay it somewhat, performing prophylactic actions.

Do not forget about the risk factors for the occurrence of DGPH:

  • age from 50;
  • obesity;
  • problems of the endocrine system;
  • a tendency to hypertension;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • smoking.


It does not cause special problems, there are signs of the disease, but minor:

  • student urination;
  • a small delay in front of him.

Men usually write such symptoms to stress. The first stage lasts for a long time (up to 3 years), development occurs slowly, so more than 50% of people seek help already at a more complex stage of DGPG.

It has the same signs, but they are added to them:

  • about 35% of urine remains in the bladder;
  • may incontinence;
  • the urine jet is interrupted, it is possible to splash;
  • there are drawing pain in the lower back and the crotch regions;
  • possible blood particles and mucus in the urine.

With such symptoms, you must immediately consult a doctor! It is possible to develop an acute urine delay, which leads to general intoxication of the body.

The third stage of DGPH is the most difficult, usually requires operational intervention:

  • urine delay is more than 50%;
  • blood and mucus are more pronounced in the urine;
  • renal failure is developing;
  • thirst;
  • nausea, vomiting bile;
  • luling consciousness, his loss.

Possible fatal outcome! Clear with emergency call you can not!

Folk Methods

Treatment of prostate adenoma burdock

The composition of the burdock contains many trace elements that improve the condition of the body, its root is usually used to treat diseases, but the leaves are not less useful.

Treatment of prostate prostate adenoma is possible at the first two stages of development of DGPA and only after consulting the urologist.

This plant has an anesthetic effect, also acts as an antibacterial, disinfecting agent, and diuretic properties are noticed, which is necessary during the adenoma.

Infusion of crushed burdock:

  • 2 tbsp. Plants add to 0.25 ml of steep boiling water;
  • leave in a dark place for no less than 2 hours;
  • use half a glass after each eating food.

Alcohol tincture:

  • part of the crushed dried root of burdock add to the part of the medical alcohol;
  • add honey in the same quantity;
  • cover the container with a nasty tight fabric for 14 days;
  • take on art. Three times a day.

It is possible to apply a decoction to improve metabolism, which significantly accelerates the main treatment of DGPH - 2 tbsp. Ruffled freshly crawled leaf leaves are poured with cold water (0.5 l), boil 5-10 minutes. Use as often as possible.


Halfweight bitter meets in many herbal fees in the pharmacy. Removes inflammatory processes, anesthetics.

Usually 1 tsp. Dry herbs are added to 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour. Use half a glass to eat.

Collection for the treatment of prostate adenoma:

  • take in equal amounts of fresh components of plants: parsley, sage, dandelion root, wormwood;
  • pour boiling water (600 ml);
  • insist a couple of hours;
  • dosage - 100 ml 3 times a day.

The beneficial properties of such a collection are preserved during the day, after this time the use will not be effective.

Microclides with a decoction of wormwood:

  • spoon of crushed dry wormwood pour boiling water;
  • apply microclides daily.

The use of wormwood more than 10 days is prohibited - poisonous substances that are contained in a small amount in the plant are accumulated in the body, which can lead to poisoning.

Black cumin

For the treatment of prostate adenoma, it uses its seeds or oil. Contains vitamin E, which has a function of restoring fabrics, selenium and other useful trace elements.

Black Tumin Oil Lubricate the crotch area with prostatitis and adenome. It is also possible to use inwards of this ether - at 2 p.l. per day.

This plant has a relaxing muscle effect, which is necessary with the adenoma.

Apply a kind of tea against the diseases of the genitourinary system:

  • 1 tsp. Seeds brew in glass of boiling water;
  • add honey;
  • drink when the thirst appears.

Sitting baths with seeds or black cumin oil are used to facilitate pain:

  • 3-4 h. L. seeds or 5-6 ppm Oils per liter of warm water.

It is forbidden to use black cumin with an insulin-dependent type of diabetes, Miacard infarction.

Potatoes, potato juice

From the diet with adenoma potatoes, it is better to exclude, but it is possible to apply recipes based on it. Potatoes are used in the treatment of inflammation, to strengthen immunity. It has a diuretic function, spasmodics.

Known compress to eliminate pain potato flowers:

  • half a glass of flowers insist on boiling water half an hour;
  • soak in such an infusion compress;
  • applied to the bottom of the abdomen until complete drying.

Do microclisms With potato juice, 1 microclism 100-150 g juice daily.

The daily use of potato juice with the prostate adenoma will lead to an increase in the level of immunity, is a diuretic.

Homemade candles made of raw potatoes remove pain and swelling with adenoma, prostatitis and hemorrhoids:

  • cut from potatoes bar;
  • lubricate with honey;
  • insert into the rear pass.

What is the effectiveness of these methods?

It is common that the treatment of prostate adenoma is most effectively using popular recipes. Feedback on the use of herbs, oils in the treatment of adenoma, only positive.

However, it is worth noting that the self-treatment of urinary problems can lead to serious complications. Folk remedies are used more for preventive actions, some of them have a good pain. It is impossible to refuse the main treatment.


Folk medicine uses natural and affordable components instead of expensive drugs. Adenoy prostate must be treated with complex, one of the methods of therapy may well be medicine from the people, recipes must be carefully coordinated with the urologist.

Therapy of such pathologies of the prostate gland, as prostatitis and adenoma, with the use of methods of traditional medicine has long been a rather common and effective way. Therapeutic properties of such plants as the root of burdock, parsley and licorice, as well as many others, are applied since ancient times and is recommended to combine with modern therapeutic drugs and procedures.

One of the most relevant and excitemental diseases among men, who for 50 years, is the prostate adenoma. As is known, it is a benign growth of body tissue, which is more often due to a hormonal shift of physiological nature.

However, despite its benignness, the disease delivers many inconvenience to men. And with its significant growth, it can even lead to surgical intervention.

Also, the famous pathological process is also considered to be prostatitis, which is no less dangerous in the launched cases, since the infectious agent is more often due to the infectious agent.

All these diseases have already known for a long time, and in folk medicine for their process of their treatment, a separate place is assigned.

The phythetherapy of these male pathologies is popular and efficiently, but only together with traditional medication principles recommended by doctors. This must certainly remember and be sure to inform his doctor about the intention to combine the methods of folk therapy with the treatment appointed by him.

It is important to clearly follow the instructions for storing and drinking herbs, so as not to cause the development of side effects.

A significant advantage in the use of traditional medicine is that the majority of herbs are able to influence not only a certain body, but to several, thereby providing an integrated approach to the restoration of patients' health.

The root of the burdock with prostatitis is used quite often.

From the root of this plant cooks are prepared, and the leaves and stems are used for infusions, which have a unique ability to accelerate metabolic processes in the patient's body, due to which the restoration of the affected tissues occurs significantly faster.

In addition, the used root of the burdock with prostatitis, affects the operation of the digestive tract, removes toxins, slags and salts, and even affects the process of dissolving kidney stones.

It is thanks to this that the recovery comes faster, all vitamins and nutrients are absorbed by the bodies more active.

The applied burdock root with prostatitis affects pathogenic bacteria, leading to their destruction. In addition, the burdock is characterized by an anesthetic effect when it is used.

Burning root with prostatitis can be used in cheese, as well as boiled, fried and baked.

The recipe of one of the healing products from this plant is as follows: it is necessary to crush the burdock, namely, its leaves, from the calculation two spoons of dining substances per liter of water. The duration of it in the water bath is 15 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered and used for half an hour before eating a maximum of three times a day. It should be noted that this decoction has a sufficiently specific bitter taste.

The leafs prepared in this way are diuretic, as well as a gilent and antibacterial effect, which proves the multi-faceted application of such a plant as burdock.

Adenoma and burdock root

Burdock root

The root of the burdock with prostatitis is widespread and is known as an effective medication, but it is this part of the plant that is used in phytotherapy and for the treatment of another male disease. The root of the burdock with prostate adenoma is not less use.

However, it should be immediately noted that the earlier the treatment process began, the faster it is worth expecting results. The application of the root in the late decompensated stages is not so effective.

The prescription of the preparation of the phytopreparation from the root is as follows: two spoons of the canteen necessarily grinding plants and flooded the floor liter of boiling water. Next, it is necessary to bring this tool to boil and peak about 15 minutes to obtain infusion from the root. They drink it in one hour before the main techniques of food three times about half a glass. The course of treatment should be about 1 month, but no less.

There is evidence that the root of the burdock with prostatitis is prepared in a similar way, and its effectiveness is also high.

An equally important point in therapy of all diseases of the prostate gland is mandatory observance of the diet, the exclusion of sharp and spicy, fried dishes, as well as smoking and alcohol.

Laying root and parsley with prostate diseases

The licorice root is known as ancient times, as a drug, which is part of the breast collection and used in bronchitis, tracheitis and other diseases of the respiratory system. But due to scientists, it was found that the licorice's root includes a special substance, in structure resembling hormones. In this regard, this plant was proposed to prescribe, as an additional means for therapy of the prostate adenoma.

The prescription drugs is: about 1 spoons of the root, certainly crushed, poured with water, then bring up to a boil and continue to tomatize about ten minutes in a water bath. It is recommended to drink decoction of two full glasses no more than 3 times a day and certainly before food. Such a course of treatment is recommended not more than 3 weeks. Then you can use the blade of burdock based on such parts of the plant, like root or leaves, is also about 3 weeks, and after a re-emitting the root of licorice.

Parsley's root is known for its healing properties in the development of prostate adenoma, and it will also act at the initial stages of the disease and its treatment.

As a rule, it is prepared from the rootes in the following way: it is necessary to take crushed parts of the plant in the volume of one tablespoon, pour it with boiling water around the floor of a glass and insist about 10 hours.

It is important to remember that for the effectiveness of treatment, the solution must certainly be fresh, that is, it is necessary to prepare it daily.

Drove the remedy on the tablespoon to each meal for half an hour for a period of 4 weeks.

In the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in men, various medicinal plants often apply. Of them make drawings, preparing infusions and decoctions. Used leaves, shoots and root systems. A pronounced medical action with prostatitis has a burdock root or buried.

The main properties of the root of the reurenger

Usually, with prostatitis, a decoction is prepared, which is accepted inside. Concentration, duration and reception frequency is calculated individually. It depends on the duration of the disease, its gravity, the overall condition of the patient and age.

Using the root of the burdock with prostatitis, you can get the following:

  • Antispasmodic action: removes vessel spasms, there is a persistent improvement in the metabolism in the prostate. The burdock helps to actively affect the vascular wall, increasing its elasticity and mobility. This is how the quality of the seed fluid improves, the muscles relaxes and the erection is normalized.
  • Antimicrobial action: The root of the buried contains a unique set of substances destructively affecting the majority of pathogenic microorganisms of the sexual sphere.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect: As is known, prostatitis is an inflammatory disease. In the manufacture of bursting, the burdock allocates active ingredients that help to deal with the scarring and sclerosis of the prostate, as well as seed bubbles.
  • Anesthetic effect: pain symptom is always present with prostatitis. The decoction or infusion of the buried helps remove pain. It is particularly effective with other painkillers.
  • Immunological effect: practically proved that burdock has a property to increase the common protective forces of the body. It is easily absorbed and quickly affects, not disturbing the work of other systems and organs.

Therapeutic chemical composition of the root of burdock with prostatitis

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Everything is interconnected in the body. To cure prostatitis effectively and quickly, a comprehensive effect on the entire body is required. The root system of buried has a unique composition that does not occur in any other plant. The main component component is inulin. Its content reaches 50%, especially in young roots.

Inulin provides assistance in the metabolic processes occurring in the body. The systematic use of informances or braveragus helps:

  • better absorption of vitamins and trace elements;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restoration of the normal level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • improve the nutrition of the body tissues and especially prostate;
  • reduce blood sugar;
  • prevent violations by the cardiovascular system, which contribute to the best trophic of the genital organs and helps to warn prostatitis;
  • withdrawal of slags and toxins;
  • reduce tissue swelling in the urinary system;
  • eliminate signs of the inflammatory process;
  • maintain complex prevention of sexual diseases.

Popular recipes

There are many recipes where the burdock is used. It is especially useful in spring. At this time, a large amount of therapeutic components concentrates in it.

Typically, the root of the burdens is crushed and make a decoction from it to receive inside. Three tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured with boiling water and insist until cool down. Take 3-4 times half a glass before meals for 30 minutes.

A good effect is observed when the crushed root is mixed with parsley seeds. Systematic reception of such a decoction makes it possible to completely get rid of the disease.

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Preparations from prostatitis
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On the Internet there are hot spores, is it effective to treat the prostatitis burdock, or this plant is simply built into the rank of panacea? It is necessary to clarify that inflammation of the prostate gland is a fairly unpleasant disease, which often leads to complications. In particular, the launched pathology can provoke male infertility and even lead to the formation of a malignant tumor - prostate adenoma.

Given the danger of the disease, patients try to get rid of the symptoms faster and relieve their condition, so there are various, sometimes even bordering the absurd, recipes of traditional medicine. Note that any self-treatment when inflammation of the prostate may aggravate the patient's condition, so the therapeutic scheme is prescribed only the attending physician! However, it is allowed to include in comprehensive treatment and non-traditional techniques. In particular, use the burst from prostatitis.

Healing properties

Lophch (burdock) refers to the category of bilateral plants, so using it for treatment it is important to correctly determine its age. Treatment of the root of the prostatitis burdock will be successful only in the case when the plant of the first year of life is taken. For the second year of life, all nutrients are transmitted to seeds and inflorescences, so the effectiveness of the prepared recipes will be reduced to zero.

It is worth clarifying that the benefits of young reurenik are not questioned even traditional medicine. The plant is even consumed in food in many Asian countries. If we talk about health, then for the treatment of prostatitis, you can use the root, leaves and buckle juice.

Useful properties include such moments:

  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Removing spasms and relaxation of smooth muscles.
  • Fighting pathogenic bacteria.
  • Prevent inflammatory processes.
  • Saving pain.
  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is necessary to clarify that the bundle from prostatitis is often used in the form of a decoction or tincture for receiving inside. Therefore, the optimal consistency, the duration of treatment and the daily dose is better to agree with the attending physician.


The beneficial properties of the root of the burdock with prostatitis are in a comprehensive effect on all patient organism systems.

♦ First, the plant contains a unique set of substances and components that create a destructive medium for pathogenic microflora. This is invaluable when the inflammation of the prostate gland is provoked by venereal and other infectious diseases.

♦ Secondly, in the roots of the reurenik, a large amount of inulin is a substance that is not found in other plants. This component, with prolonged reception, helps to achieve such results:

  1. Increase the digestibility of vitamins and trace elements.
  2. Reduce cholesterol.
  3. Reduce humanity in the field of pathology.
  4. Improve the trophy of soft tissues.
  5. Stimulate the work of the lymphovenomous system.

Such an effect on the body contributes to the rapid removal of symptoms and serves as a prevention of illness. In addition, the root of the burdock with prostatitis helps to minimize the risk of recurrence of the disease.


There are several proven recipes using a buried for various forms and stages of pathology. The most common thing is to take a daily 1 teaspoon of the ground root of the burdock mixed with a similar amount of honey. However, this is not the only application of the plant in traditional medicine. Consider the most popular and efficient folk recipes.

  • Option number 1.. Dry and crushed burdock root (2 art. L) poured half liters of boiled water and boiled on slow heat for 10-15 minutes. Then the brave must be given to stand 3-4 hours and strain. Take a means for half an hour before each welcome of 0.5 cups.
  • Option 2.. Rhizome of the burdock is mixed with other medicinal plants and crushed to a powder condition. Then 15 grams of the mixture are upset in a glass of cold water at room temperature for about 8 hours, boiled 10 minutes on a steam bath, cool and stacked. Take a decoction at half a glass 3 times a day.
  • Option 3.. In the postoperative period, after removal of the adenoma, you can try such a recipe: mixed in equal parts of the chopped roots of the burdock and altea (75 grams), add 100 grams of licorice. 1 tablespoon of collection is poured with a glass of water in an enameled dish and leave for the night. In the morning, the mixture is boiled on a slow heat for about 40 minutes, then it is allowed to cool. The decoction is divided into three parts and is accepted an hour before meals.

Lopy juice is very popular with prostatitis, which is obtained from the leaves of the plant.

It looks like this:

  1. Young leaves are washed and crushed by a blender before receiving a homogeneous mass.
  2. From the resulting Cashitz press juice.
  3. The juice takes 6 days, gradually increasing the dosage: two days 5 grams in the morning and in the evening, then three times a day, complete the course of 15 grams three times a day.

It is worth noting that this recipe prevents the transition to inflammation into the step of adenoma.


He treats the prostatitis of the bundle or not, depends on many factors. In particular, it is not necessary to bring the disease to the launched form, as well as abandon the appointments of the attending physician. In this case, the positive dynamics will be noticeable in the near future.

However, the recipe for the root of the burdock from prostatitis is not a panacea, so such a technique may not approach some patients.

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For the treatment and prevention of prostatitis, it is possible to use buckle. This well-known plant can be used as an auxiliary means at acute form in a complex with medication treatment and independently, as a vitamin and well-feling agent during remission.

For the treatment of prostatitis, the burdock uses:

  • raisters of the root;
  • water infants made of young roots powder;
  • fresh stalk juice and leaves.

The use of burdock with prostatitis

Burning large - herbaceous plant with large leaves and long stiff and powerful root. This plant includes many beneficial substances such as: sterols, sitosterol and stigma, acids (ascorbic, coffee), resin, tanning substances, mineral salts, vitamins and microelements, as well as bitterness, which contribute to cure from prostatitis.

The use of burdock with prostatitis is based on a pronounced therapeutic action during scarring and sclerotic change of seed bubbles and prostate gland. Also burdh is a good anti-inflammatory agent. And, as you know, inflammatory processes and cause the development of prostatitis.

Lopuh has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, which contributes to getting rid of prostatitis. To combat this disease, a man needs strength, and therefore burst under prostatitis is also applied to improve the protective forces of the body.

Infusions from the roots of the burdock in the treatment of prostatitis

Infusions from such a plant, like burdock - differ in the ability to slow down the growth of tumors, which is important when inflammation of the prostate gland. There are many different ways to prepare brazers and infusions from the roots of the burdock, but the dried root is used everywhere. It can be prepared independently, but you can buy in a pharmacy. But it is best to use the first year's roots.

The root of the burdock with prostatitis is used well dried and grinding into powder. And it is from him cooks. For the brave, two spoons of powder are taken and poured with two glasses (500 ml) of water, then we boil ten minutes on slow heat. You need to drink such a decoction 100 g before eating four times a day. The duration of this treatment is a month, with a break of seven days, after which the course is repeated. For preventive purposes, the decoction is also prepared, but the powder of the roots of the burdock take one spoon. Drinking such a decoction is recommended two spoons before eating three times a day.

The infusions of the roots of the burdock - an effective means and helps to almost completely get rid of prostatitis at the beginning of the disease, and in chronic prostatitis contributes to a significant decrease in the inflammation of the prostate gland.

Lopuch juice with prostatitis

For the treatment of prostatitis use juice from leaves and cuttings of this plant. Well washed leaves with cuttings It is advisable to put on the refrigerator for a day to enhance the therapeutic effect and activation of therapeutic substances. Then everyone grind the blender and squeeze through the triple layer of gauze. The resulting juice can be stored in the refrigerator. It is necessary to take it divorced in warm boiled water, in a ratio of 2 to 1.

The use of burdock juice with prostatitis contributes to improving the metabolism and a decrease in inflammatory processes in the prostate gland.

In traditional medicine, it is recommended to take a bundle from the prostatitis alternating it with licorice. Some folk healers recommend to use infusions from the roots of the burdock and the roots of licorice for the full moon, once a month. On the first day of the infusion of the root of the burdock, and in the second - licorice.

Eastern medicine with prostatitis recommends the alcohol tincture of the root of the burdock. Ten grams of crushed root insist in a hundred grams of vodka for 15 days. Take this infusion recommend 10 drops for 30 minutes. Before eating three times a day.

Video: Important subtleties in the treatment of prostatitis burdens

Learn more about the treatment of prostatitis burdock tells on the video:

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