How to cook condensed milk from milk and sugar. Condensed milk at home

Who among us in childhood did not dream of secretly eating a jar of condensed milk, or even more than one? Of course, many of us wondered what and how such a coveted delicacy is made of. The employees of the Glubokoye Milk Canning Plant in the Vitebsk region have kindly agreed to reveal the veil of secrecy over the production process of the world-famous condensed milk in cans with a traditional white and blue label. The sanitary rules at this enterprise in the city of Glubokoe are akin to those in a surgical operating room. Complete sterility! I had to put on special clothes, sign in the appropriate magazine about the absence of infectious diseases and undergo sanitization. It is a very interesting procedure in itself. Before visiting OJSC MKK, hands should be thoroughly washed - not only with liquid soap, but also with a special antiseptic. Water from the washbasin taps is supplied automatically - there are infrared sensors here. This is done so that workers and visitors do not touch the taps with their hands, because if one person touches it with dirty hands, and the other with clean hands, then the effect of washing can be nullified. But that's not all! When entering the workshop, you must place both hands in a special automatic turnstile, which will pour a little disinfectant into the palm of your hand to wipe them. At the same time, the soles of shoes are treated with a special disinfectant solution. Only after the device is triggered, the green light will light up at the checkpoint, and the turnstile will allow you to go inside. Of course, all employees of the company regularly undergo the necessary medical examinations. They do not have to touch their hands directly with milk and dairy products, all technological process automated, but the peculiarities of food production require full guarantees. “We have implemented a safety system for the production of condensed milk canned food ISO 22000 and the HACCP system, the requirements of which we must strictly observe,” says Lyudmila Duk, Deputy Director for Production. - First of all, incoming milk is checked for the presence of antibiotics, because they can seriously affect human health. For this, a special device is used - the HEAT sensor. If traces of, for example, tetracycline or other drugs, sometimes used by veterinarians to treat cows, are found in milk, this batch will not be accepted by us under any circumstances. If there are no antibiotics in milk, it undergoes a number of other laboratory tests, which should determine the purity group of raw materials, the percentage of fat mass fraction and, of course, organoleptic indicators - in other words, the taste, color and smell of the product. According to the approved methods, milk is first heated to exactly 35 degrees to determine the smell and to the boiling point, followed by cooling to determine the taste. And suppliers are obliged to bring it to the plant only cooled to 10 degrees, because the bactericidal phase of milk lasts only for two hours after its production. A veterinary certificate stating that it was obtained from healthy cows is also required. According to Lyudmila Georgievna, the raw material base of OJSC "Glubokoye Milk Canning Plant" is represented not only by the Glubokoye region, which is native to the enterprise, but also by two more - Sharkovshchinsky and Braslavsky. And, although suppliers for long years cooperation with the MCC are more than proven, and the regions themselves are environmentally friendly, each batch of milk supplied to the enterprise is subject to the strictest incoming control, because the safety of people depends on it. Irina Vaskovich, conducted an excursion along the same route that takes place when each batch of raw materials arrives at the enterprise: from "arrival" from the farm in a milk tanker to dispatch to consumers in the form of packaged jars with appetizing condensed milk. - Here, unloading is carried out, or, as we say, "rolling" of milk trucks, - says Irina Konstantinovna. - What you see now is the washing of the tanks after their unloading. This means that the arrived milk consignment passed laboratory tests, turned out to be of high quality and was accepted. We also looked into the reception laboratory, which, for the convenience of the process, is located next to the reception area. In it, the IWC specialists with might and main conjured with cunning devices capable of revealing even a negligible percentage of antibiotics and other substances potentially dangerous to the consumer in milk. Other devices determined the degree of purity of the product, its fat content and grade, and the organoleptic qualities were checked by the laboratory technicians very simply: the milk was carefully examined, smelled and, of course, tasted. Today's raw materials had excellent taste and smelled, as it should, of natural fresh milk, and very appetizing. In the meantime, the freshly arrived milk was pumped into the storage compartment - of course, through the counter. One could even observe this process through a special window. Tanks for storing newly received raw materials are also located near the receiving area, only slightly lower, and, of course, milk enters them only after cooling. The interior of the store is somewhat reminiscent of a submarine: the same set of pipes (albeit exclusively made of shining food-grade stainless steel) and round sealed hatches. It is impossible to keep milk here for a long time, because the sooner the raw materials are sent for pasteurization, the better. This process, discovered by the great biologist of the past, Louis Pasteur, is the heating of milk to a temperature at which disease-causing and lactic acid bacteria die, but the raw material itself is not yet boiling, which allows it to preserve all its taste, useful microelements, enzymes and vitamins. Pasteurization is carried out in a special area. Of course, all flows of "milk rivers" at the enterprise need to be managed somehow. This is successfully done by a fully computerized system, the operator of which can direct the process right from his workplace - opening and closing valves manually, as several decades ago, is no longer required. However, back to pasteurization. After its passage, milk can be stored for much longer than untreated milk using this technology. It is stored in special containers, but also for a very short time, because the raw materials are already waiting at the thickening section. True, the "fate" of different batches of milk may be different depending on its purpose: for example, future concentrated milk without sugar will be immediately directed to evaporation, and sugar syrup must be added to condensed milk with sugar. And now - the most important thing. This syrup is the only addition! Absolutely no preservatives, sweeteners, flavor enhancers and aroma enhancers, as well as any other frightening consumer food additives starting with the index "E" are not used in Glubokoye. This is not necessary: ​​guaranteed and carefully checked quality of raw materials, coupled with modern technology processing allows us to produce a product not with the taste of a flavoring agent, but with the taste of natural milk, from which it is actually made. Evaporation, like pasteurization, is carried out without bringing milk to a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius, which allows it to preserve the entire spectrum of useful qualities of a fresh product in it. However, boiling with the removal of "extra" water molecules in the form of steam does not necessarily occur at this temperature: every student knows that for this it is necessary to lower the pressure. Therefore, milk condensation is carried out in special devices by evaporation under vacuum. The whole process is carefully monitored - both by instruments and visually. And when the condensed milk reaches the parameters set by GOST, it is placed in a special tank. In the meantime, tin cans (still empty) and lids for them come from a neighboring workshop. A special machine fills the cans with condensed milk with an accuracy of the gram, after which the container is immediately rolled up. Filled cans fly out of the car almost like a machine gun at a speed of 300 cans per minute! According to the MKK employees, the modern production line of the Italian company Zilli & Bellini is capable of delivering 450 cans of condensed milk per minute, just such a speed is not used at the moment. Next, the filled, but still "unnamed" cans of condensed milk are sent to a conveyor that delivers them straight to the labeling machine. Like all processes at the Glubokoe MKK, this one is fully automated: smart equipment will stick the label on its own, and crimp it, and scroll the jar during this process. The further path of cans of condensed milk, already decorated with the traditional white and blue label, runs to the machine, which collects them in the required quantity and puts them in boxes. The cardboard boxes themselves are made here by another machine. The filled and sealed boxes go to the conveyor, which takes them to the finished goods warehouse, and from there they go directly to the stores. True, the goods do not sit in this warehouse for a long time - condensed milk, like other products of Glubokoye milk canning, judging by the branded trucks scurrying back and forth, is in great demand among consumers. And this is a kind of "Hall of Fame" of the Glubokoye Milk Canning, marked, however, with a relatively modest signboard "Our Achievements". The awards for product quality are already hard to fit on the wall! Moreover, there are among them not only Belarusian diplomas of winners of various exhibitions and competitions, quality certificates and various prizes, but also international ones. Which, however, is not surprising: after all, the products of Glubokoye milk canning are supplied to many countries of the world. This is clearly shown by the map located here. The states "conquered" by Glubokaya condensed milk are marked on it with special icons, while the markets of other Glubokaya milk producers have yet to conquer. Click on the button to subscribe to "How It's Done"! If you have a production or service that you want to tell our readers about, write to Aslan ( [email protected] ) and we will make the best report that will be seen not only by the readers of the community, but also by the site How is it done Subscribe also to our groups in facebook, vkontakte,classmates and in google + plus where the most interesting from the community will be posted, plus materials that are not here and videos about how things work in our world. Click on the icon and subscribe!

Condensed milk is both a delicacy and a way of preserving a very healthy and tasty product. The first production of condensed milk was mastered in the USA, and the industrialist Gail Borden, who established this production, became a millionaire. Although, as is often the case with Americans, others came up with condensed milk, but they more quickly filed a patent and established a massive and profitable production of it as a canned sweet dessert.

Condensed milk has a very diverse application in cooking: it is also a sweet addition to tea, coffee, pancakes, cheesecakes, it is also an ingredient for making cakes and sweets. In Russia, the first plant for the production of condensed milk appeared in the 19th century - in 1881 in Orenburg.

Many remember that in the USSR, condensed milk was made according to GOST (in the 70s, the last Soviet GOST 2903-78 was approved) and it was the most popular dairy delicacy, affordable, if possible, purchase, for ease of transportation and storage.

And if today we still prefer a guaranteed natural and tasty sweet product, then the interest in homemade condensed milk ceases to be idle. It becomes important: how to make condensed milk at home. Let's say right away that this is a very troublesome and expensive business, with all the technology that is possible at home.

In the GOST recipe of the Soviet era, only natural milk, fat content of at least 8.5%, and sugar were provided, and the end result was reduced to the technology of evaporation of moisture and condensation of milk with sugar. It ended with canning in standard cans with a blue and white sticker containing full information about the product. The price was more than attractive - it was a period of real and inexpensive condensed milk, which, unfortunately, the younger generation cannot even know about.

In all likelihood, you already know some recipes for condensed milk at home, in which powdered milk is used, baby food, starch and increased content sugar - everything to give the taste and look of real condensed milk. Lack of the necessary home technological equipment for condensed milk jam - that's main difficulty in achieving the desired result.

But the true connoisseurs of the real taste and quality of condensed milk cannot be stopped by anything - they are looking for adaptations and find. You can use an old-fashioned pressure cooker, a new-fashioned multicooker, or your grandmother's device - a water bath with a wooden spatula on a saucepan of milk so that it does not run away during prolonged heat treatment. At the moment in Russia since July 2013 there is an interstate for the production of condensed milk.

Condensed milk recipe at home according to GOST

Everything is done according to the rules of GOST: natural fat milk is boiled down to 1/3 of the original volume, to which the same volume of sugar syrup is added. The problem must be solved with the method of boiling milk, which, despite prolonged heat treatment, retains important trace elements: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium; vitamins: A, C, D, B6, B12; valuable milk fats and proteins. This is achieved by long-term pasteurization of milk at + 60-65 C.

For home pasteurization, you can use modern multicooker, pressure cooker, and if there are no such devices, then the old grandmother's method, tested by folk cooking, will be used. In this case, grease the edges of the pan with ghee; before pouring milk into it, place a spoon in it. Experienced housewives put a wooden spatula on the edges of the pan, in which the milk should boil, so that the milk, foaming at the moment of boiling, does not run off onto the stove. You can exclude the burning of milk by placing it in a large container of water, that is, in a water bath.

Evaporation of milk in a multicooker is easily regulated by a predetermined temperature regime, and the same process on the stove requires manual regulation, a culinary thermometer and periodic monitoring of it.

If it becomes necessary to give homemade condensed milk the taste of coffee or cocoa, then first you need to brew these drinks, which should be thoroughly filtered in order to achieve absolute transparency. It remains only on its basis to cook sugar syrup, which is poured into concentrated milk.


  • granulated sugar - 339 grams;
  • drinking water - 300 milliliters;
  • natural milk 8.5% - 1 liter;
  • butter - 50 grams.

Condensed milk at home according to the Soviet recipe is prepared as follows:

  1. The pan for cooking condensed milk at home should be with a thick bottom. The edges of such dishes around the entire circumference of the pan should be greased with butter to prevent milk from escaping during its long boiling.
  2. Pour the recipe volume of fresh milk into a saucepan and put it on low heat until it evaporates to 1/3 of the original volume.
  3. By the end of boiling milk, boil sugar syrup from water and sugar while stirring and also on low heat, until you achieve its solidification on a "thick thread".
  4. As soon as this happens together, combine the boiled milk and sugar syrup, pouring milk into the syrup in a thin stream with constant stirring.
  5. Continue to boil the combined milk and sugar over low heat for another 15 minutes and remove from heat.
  6. It remains to pour the resulting condensed milk into a suitable dish and cool in natural conditions. When cooled, it will become thicker.

If milk is condensed for long-term storage, then the cans and lids are sterilized beforehand and with milk as well: 0.5 liter cans - 20 minutes, and 1.0 liter cans - 30 minutes.

This quick recipe Condensed milk at home in 15 minutes will really allow you to prepare condensed milk using a minimum of ingredients, time and effort.


  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Butter - 3 tablespoons

According to a 15-minute recipe, cook condensed milk at home like this:

Pour milk into a saucepan, pour a glass of sugar there. We put on fire and stir until sugar dissolves in milk, then add butter.

At that moment, when the mixture in the saucepan begins to boil, add the fire and keep it boiling, stirring constantly for 10 minutes, then remove it from the heat, stir until the foam settles, and gently pour it into a jar or other container for the finished condensed milk.

In fact, everything about everything will take you just 15 minutes to prepare such condensed milk at home from improvised products.

Candy recipe for condensed milk "Toffee"

Having tasted the homemade condensed milk "Toffee" once, you will definitely remember its unique taste, for which it is not a pity to spend time, especially if you decide to pamper your children with yummy.


  • sugar syrup - 450 milliliters;
  • whole milk, fresh, natural - 1 liter;
  • butter - 150 grams.

According to the candy recipe, the "Toffee" condensed milk is cooked at home like this:

  1. Boil condensed milk at home according to recipe number 1 or buy it in a store, having carefully studied its composition, which should not contain any vegetable oils.
  2. Pour ready-made or purchased condensed milk into a saucepan and, placing it in a water bath, put the entire device on low heat. The process is lengthy and will require supervision. For this reason, it is better to combine it with other long-term tasks in the kitchen in order to control the progress of the preparation of condensed milk "Toffee".
  3. As soon as the condensed milk boils, put on the alarm clock 40 minutes of waiting and, upon a signal, introduce butter into it, with which the condensed milk mass should be boiled until it acquires a golden brown color and a pleasant candy creamy aroma.
  4. It remains to remove the condensed milk from the heat, cool and pour into suitable containers.

To make the condensed milk "Toffee" plastic for spreading on sweet sandwiches, then at the end of cooking add citric acid to it at the tip of a knife. If you want the candy option, then grease the candy molds with oil before pouring so that they can be easily removed.

A simple recipe for chocolate condensed milk "Nutella"

Of course, you can buy a jar of Nutella in a store, or you can make an original pasta according to simple recipe... There is no special creative flavor in its preparation, but you can always add it by varying the ingredients according to your preferences in the preparation of this "chocolate condensed milk".


  • homemade condensed milk (8.5%) or purchased - 400 grams;
  • ground hazelnuts - 200 grams;
  • butter 180 grams;
  • cocoa - 50 grams;
  • premium flour - 25 grams;
  • table salt - 5 grams;
  • granulated sugar to taste.

According to a simple recipe, Nutella condensed milk is prepared at home like this:

  1. In this version of cooking condensed milk at home, you can use both homemade condensed milk and purchased one according to your preference.
  2. Mix dry ingredients in a suitable container: flour, cocoa powder, ground nuts, granulated sugar in such a volume as you want the product to be sweet.
  3. Pour condensed milk into the resulting mixture while stirring, add softened butter and bring everything by thorough mixing until smooth.
  4. Put the resulting mass to cook in a water bath over low heat. When the mass is completely warmed up, stir it with a wooden spatula until it is completely homogeneous, so that there are no sugar crystals left.
  5. As soon as the mass begins to boil, remove it from the heat, transfer it to a sterile jar, cool and store it under the lid in the refrigerator. Although such a product, most likely, will not stand there for a long time - it will quickly go to sweet sandwiches.

Thanks to homemade condensed milk, to which coffee or cocoa is added, you can quickly, simply and deliciously prepare morning coffee or hot cocoa for breakfast with cheesecakes or pancakes. It is enough, instead of water for cooking syrup, when making condensed milk at home, to use a concentrated drink, brewed in the usual manner in a Turk not with one, but with ten tablespoons of natural ground coffee per 400 milliliters of water. Let it settle, strain through multilayer cheesecloth, add 12 teaspoons of granulated sugar and cook over low heat until the syrup thickens, and then, according to the above "Soviet recipe", combine coffee or syrup with boiled milk. To enhance the coffee aroma of such condensed milk, you can add 4 grams of instant coffee to the hot product. The same procedure can be used to cook condensed milk.

It should be emphasized that it is especially important for homemade condensed milk to consume only high-fat whole natural milk. Although the option of milk powder is not suitable to be swept away from the doorway, but only if it is diluted not in water, but in natural milk.

The process of evaporation of moisture from high-fat whole milk is significantly accelerated. It can be taken into account that cream with a fat content of 30% is boiled down with sugar syrup twice as fast as even milk of very high fat content.

Our stores offer us thousands of products in abundance in the most beautiful packaging. But how natural they are and without harmful additives- we cannot know for sure, so we sometimes have to resort to old home cooking methods, wishing health to ourselves and our loved ones.

Condensed milk at home is now on the tables of many housewives, especially after TV programs about the discovery of white and chalk in cans of factory condensed milk. A few simple recipes will help you prepare this delicious and useful product in your kitchen.

Cooking condensed milk. The first recipe.


1 liter of milk 3.2% fat

1 cup of sugar

1/2 teaspoon vanilla sugar

Pour the milk into a heavy-bottomed saucepan, add a glass of sugar, dissolve it, and bring the milk to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until milk is reduced by two-thirds of the original volume. The mass should become a pleasant creamy color and a little thick. This indicates readiness. In the last minutes, add vanilla sugar, dissolve it and let the mixture boil for a couple of seconds. One liter of milk yields about 400 g of everyone's favorite product. Condensed milk at home turns out to be very thick and viscous, but first you need to cool it (it is liquid when hot).

Cooking condensed milk. The second recipe.


250 ml milk 3.2% fat

One and a half glasses of powdered milk

One and a half cups of sugar

1 bag of vanilla sugar

Whisk warm milk, milk powder and sugar in a bowl, add vanilla. Place the mixture in a small saucepan in a water bath (place this dish in a large pot of boiling water). Reduce heat and simmer for about an hour, stirring occasionally until thickened. It turns out half a liter of wonderful homemade condensed milk.

Condensed milk at home. The third recipe.


1 liter of milk 3.2% fat

500 g sugar

Half a glass of water

Pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water and boil the syrup (let it boil for a couple of minutes). Add milk and bring the mixture to a boil. Simmer over low heat, stirring often for about two hours. When the milk thickens and becomes a pleasant creamy color, remove from heat and cool. Cooking condensed milk.

The fourth recipe, with butter.


500 g ready-made icing sugar

375 g fresh milk

40 g butter

Pour milk into a tall saucepan, add butter and powdered sugar. Put on low heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Cook for 10 minutes over medium heat. Pour into a jar, refrigerate and refrigerate overnight to thicken.

Cooking condensed milk. The fifth recipe. Chocolate milk.


1 liter of milk 3.2% fat

500 g sugar

A quarter glass of water

1 tbsp cocoa

The recipe for a delicious delicacy - boiled condensed milk - is simple, but it takes a little time and your attention. For cooking, use very fresh and maximum fatty milk, then the mass will have a very pleasant creamy taste. Pour sugar and water into a bowl with a thick bottom. While stirring constantly, dissolve the sugar and bring the syrup to a boil. Keep on fire for 2-3 minutes. Add milk in a thin stream, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until thickened, stirring occasionally. Pour cocoa powder through a sieve and mix thoroughly until smooth, let it boil for another minute and leave to cool.

Condensed milk is not difficult to prepare at home. Pamper yourself and your loved ones with a fresh, premium treat.

Milk condensation technology has been known for a long time. In the middle of the nineteenth century, it was already part of the army rations and rescued American soldiers. This canned product was taken with them on long trips, used as complementary food for babies and just as a dessert.
Condensed milk is good in cakes and pastries, and as a bite to tea. Many people love this sweet product since childhood, and perhaps you will not find someone who has not eaten it at least once in his life. Condensed milk can be made at home or bought ready-made. But the taste of a dessert made by yourself is completely different.
Unfortunately, even according to GOST, antioxidants and stabilizers are allowed in condensed milk ( ascorbic acid, derivatives of potassium and sodium - E331, E332, E339, E340). And unscrupulous manufacturers make condensed milk not from whole milk, but from powdered milk with the addition of vegetable (often palm) oil; flavor enhancers, dyes, preservatives are used.
Knowing these facts, the question arises - how to cook condensed milk at home? This process is lengthy and will require patience. Therefore, it is better to cook immediately for future use - milk sweetness is perfectly stored in the refrigerator. You will spend several hours, but the result will be a "clean" product with no harmful additives and amazing taste.
The color, consistency and taste of the finished condensed milk depends on the cooking time. The longer she spends time on the stove, the thicker and darker the dessert will be. White color- this is heating up to half an hour, this sweetness is only slightly thicker, the taste is very soft. If you cook homemade condensed milk from milk and sugar for 3-4 hours, you will easily get a thick mass, rich caramel color.

Taste Info Dairy desserts


  • Fresh very fat cow's milk - 1 liter (from 3% fat and above);
  • Sugar sand brown or white - 1 tbsp.;
  • Half vanilla pod or vanilla sugar (teaspoon)
  • Baking soda - 0.5 tsp

How to make condensed milk at home

One liter of milk produces 250-300 grams of condensed milk.
Pour milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add vanilla and boil. If you put the pod on, be sure to remove it after boiling.

Dissolve baking soda in three tablespoons of cold boiled water.

Put diluted soda into the milk and add all the sugar in one fell swoop. Stir and return to stove.

First, cook over medium-high heat, stirring every 5-10 minutes with a wooden spatula or spoon so as not to burn. Watch out for color and consistency. If you suddenly missed the moment when the milk burned, strain it and continue to cook.

After about 40-45 minutes, the milk will begin to thicken and take on a beautiful creamy shade. From this point on, it is no longer possible to leave the stove. Turn on your favorite movie or music, turn down the heat a little (to medium). Cook, stirring constantly, until the condensed milk darkens and begins to lag behind the bottom. For the specified amount of ingredients, this will take about half an hour.

Place the saucepan in a large bowl or bowl of cold water, stir quickly and sharply.

Transfer to a jar and let cool.

Teaser network

Serve homemade condensed milk with tea or coffee with fresh white buns or Viennese waffles. Also, this dessert can be used as a cream for cakes, nuts and straws. Follow the above recipe with the photo, and you will succeed.

How to make condensed milk at home:

  1. Take very fresh whole milk - this will be a guarantee that it does not curdle during prolonged cooking;
  2. Homemade milk is much fatter than store milk, you can also add cream and butter to increase the fat content;
  3. If you are not sure about the freshness of the milk, then add a little soda, then it will definitely not curdle;
  4. Take a thick-bottomed non-stick pan, or even better - cook in a water bath;
  5. Powdered milk will add a rich milky taste to the finished dessert. Mix it with sugar and pour into boiling liquid;
  6. To speed up the process, replace granulated sugar with powder, just measure it not with glasses, but by weight.

Condensed milk can be prepared with the help of kitchen helpers:

  • The multicooker can be used in the "braising" and "steaming" modes. Put all the ingredients in the bowl, turn on the selected mode, but do not close the lid. Stir the milk and sugar occasionally. Dessert is ready in an hour.
  • The bread maker is perfect for boiling condensed milk, moreover, the process will be automated as much as possible in it. If your machine has “jam” or “jam” modes, then you already know how to cook a dessert from water and berries with sugar. Pour in dry food, pour in milk by closing the lid, set the desired mode. The bread maker will do everything for you.
  • You can also use other kitchen units designed for long heat treatment of food. They will speed up and facilitate the preparation of a sweet dessert.

Homemade condensed milk is perfectly stored. Prepare it for future use and delight children and adults with a healthy homemade dessert.

Condensed milk is almost the most favorite delicacy in the USSR. She came to us from the distant 1856. There it was patented by an American and already in 1858 the first production plant was opened. Now this wonderful paste can be found in every supermarket, but before ...

It used to be cooked at home and eaten with spoons!

Do you think this is difficult? Not a drop. This is ordinary milk condensed with sugar. Now on the Internet you can find dozens of different ways its preparation: for dietary purposes, in milk, milk powder, in cans, in the oven, in the microwave and even in a multicooker. Find your own unique recipe to cook this wonderful product and eat with pleasure (without fear of the composition).

The main ingredients for this sweetness are in every home. This is milk and sugar. Some recipes may contain powdered milk, powdered sugar, and butter. Your kitchen definitely has it, so go for it!

Condensed milk in your own kitchen in 15 minutes

  • whole milk (in other words, not pasteurized) - 200 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 200 g;
  • drain. oil - 25 grams.

Cooking time - a quarter of an hour.

Calories - 1025.

The process of creating condensed milk at home:

Condensed milk from powdered milk in a quarter of an hour

  • 200 g milk powder;
  • 1 glass of whole milk
  • 200 g granulated sugar.

Cooking time - 5 + 10 minutes.

Calories - 1892.

Homemade condensed milk is prepared from powdered milk in 15 minutes in this way:

Homemade condensed milk from a multicooker

  • whole milk - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 180 grams;
  • dry fat milk - 1 glass.

Cooking time is about 15 minutes.

Calories - 1814.

How to quickly cook condensed milk in a slow cooker (in 15 minutes):

  1. Pour all the food into the multicooker bowl and stir. It is advisable to beat the mixers for 2-3 minutes. Turn the mass into a homogeneous one, without lumps.
  2. Set the "Extinguishing" mode and wait for boiling. Do not stop interfering with the future condensed milk.
  3. When it boils, you need to change the multicooker mode.
  4. Set the "Baking" mode and cook condensed milk for 15 minutes.
  5. Remember to constantly stir the mass.
  6. Cool and pour into jars.

Dukan condensed milk for losing weight in just 5 minutes

  • 75 grams of milk powder;
  • 25 grams of starch;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 8 tablets of sweetener.

Cooking time is 5 minutes.

Calories - 563.

How to thicken milk:

  1. Pour milk powder into a deep bowl.
  2. Add starch and 1/3 milk.
  3. Stir well with a whisk or beat with a blender.
  4. Add two more parts of milk and sugar.
  5. Microwave the mixture for 30 seconds.
  6. Take out and stir. Send for another 30 seconds.
  7. Repeat the process six times (total!).
  8. Condensed milk is ready.
  9. Pour, cool and eat.

Varieties of condensed milk:

  • with sugar (standard condensed milk);
  • sugar-free (concentrated milk);
  • with chicory;
  • with cocoa or coffee;
  • boiled condensed milk.

The most popular, of course, is the most common condensed milk. We all know it and we all have tried it. So try making it at home. This is no big deal!

You can choose any recipe for yourself from those listed above. They are all different, but similar to each other. They differ only in calorie content. So be careful not to overeat. But pampering yourself is not only possible, but also necessary!

Today only fakes are sold in stores. It seems as if natural products are no longer produced. Very often, after reading the composition, you want to give up food altogether. The situation is the same with condensed milk.

Yes, no glue is added to these canned food, but there may be a full jar of palm oil! Of course, manufacturers will not write about this on the bank, and we will not find out what we bought.

Therefore, we strongly recommend producing condensed milk at home. This is a more expensive pleasure, but it is natural, tasty and healthy. You make this product yourself and you know what you put there and in what quantities. You know that you will definitely not have any health problems.

Take care of yourself and your health!

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