Winters are better. What are veneers for teeth

Vinir - Thin plate (0.2-0.6 mm), which is fixed on the front surface of the tooth after its feeding. Modern veneers require very little enamel - 0.3-1 mm. Viniron applied if the teeth are very large or strongly issued forward. Then they should not be further increased due to the linings over enamel, but it is best to sharpen.

Luminir - It is also a very thin plate (0.2-0.3 mm), but fixed on the front surface of the tooth without turning. Liminors are sometimes called "laminate" because they are made very precisely and seem to be glued to the surface of the tooth. Such plates are used in the case of small teeth, if there are cracks between them. Teeth should not strongly perform ahead. If so, the doctor will advise to choose veneers.

You may also have met the name "ultranira", but they are not a separate type of such plates. This is a marketing stroke, which invented their manufacturer in his time.

What are veneers and lumines

First, the veneers were made from a field-living porcelain. They were rather thick, but not very durable, and now this material has practically disappeared from the stage, because it has changed more advanced developments.

For more than 40 years ago, the American company Denmat has created such material as CERINATE. The plates of it became more subtle, as they were stronger than the field-living, and with their installation there was no longer a significant tip of the tooth. So there were lumines. However, their strength was still not as high as I would like. In addition, this material did not allow to create transparency and the natural kind of tooth: a more dense and yellowish with cervix, more transparent and light by the edge. This was trying to achieve by painting, but it turned out not enough.

The next step in the evolution of veneers was the material based on nickel disilicate - E-MAX from the German company Ivoclar Vivadent. This is a porcelain, reinforced by nickel, due to which it became possible to produce very thin plates that do not require feeding. At the same time, it is twice as fast as CERINATE, allows you to completely recreate the structure of the tooth, its microrelief, transparent cutting edges, the transition of one shade to another and so on.

Indications: What problems are solved veiniers and lumines

And venions, and luminors solve two groups of problems: aesthetic and functional. The aesthetic includes:

  • shape and height of teeth;
  • irregular enamel, her not beautiful colour or pigmentation;
  • the presence of old seals that the patient wants to hide.

Functional is counted:

  • tooth defects, such as cracks and chips;
  • increased interdental intervals;
  • light bite defects (for example, one tooth is shorter than everyone else in the row).

Also, veneers and lumines help fight age-related changes and create a rejuvenating effect. With age, all people have teeth erase due to chewing loads and teeth friction about cheeks, lips and tongue when talking. First, because of this, the height of the smile is lost, and secondly, from under the harsh enamel, there is a dentine, in which there are pigments that give the teuba yellowish or grayish color. Installation of veneers or lumines helps to return the teeth height and beautiful color and thus rejuvenates the smile.

Contraindications: To whom the venions and lumines are not suitable

Relative contraindication - age up to 16 years. During this period, the ripening of bite, enamel and teeth, and therefore the veneers do not put in order not to disturb the natural course of this process.

The only absolute contraindication for lumines or veneers is very strongly destroyed teeth. This type of restoration is suitable for relatively preserved teeth with some defects. For example, if the front teeth due to the arrogant caries were sealed and restored several times with artistic restoration, they can be closed with veneers or lumines. This will avoid changing seals that have a limited service life, while venion or luminer will solve problems on long years. But if the front teeth were broken or deprived of a large volume of the coronal part, then all-tempered crowns will have to use.

Disadvantages of veneers from outdated materials

Previously, the field-living veneers had a significant drawback - the thickness, and the trough of the teeth was more significant than now: removed to 2 mm enamel. Modern materials allow even with tinting of teeth to remove 0.3-0.5 mm, a maximum of 1 mm. Why is it better? If you catch the teeth strongly, then all enamel is actually complained, dentin is exposed, and porcelain is glued worse. Such veneers are easily flying away from the tooth. The less sniffing, the better the fixation. Now the turning is carried out so as to keep a healthy enamel, and the veneers hold very well.

Question and service life

E-MAX products are about 50-60 thousand rubles per piece. Lineurians and veneers from Cerinate (and this material can only be ordered in America) will cost 50 to 64 thousand rubles per tooth. Plates created from these materials will preserve 15, or even 20 years. But the cost of products depends very much on the work of the technique: the more highly artistic, the higher the price.

Recreation of transparency, tooth microstructures, enamel micro-relief, complex color reproduction - this is what determines the high prices for veneers or luminors. You can make veneers for 25-30 thousand, but they will be monochrome - the color will turn out by coloring, there will be no three-layer transition of the shades in each other, that is, the naturalness will lose. But the products performed at a high artistic level, even with very white shades look like naturally.

How is the installation of veneers and lumines

It all starts with consultation from the doctor, during which you choose with it, which plates want to install, for how much of the teeth and what shade. The doctor uses fitting, "phantom" lumines, trying on your teeth. So you will immediately understand how a smile will look, if the teeth will increase on the thickness of the luminations, whether it is suitable for you or not from the point of view of aesthetics.

Also during aesthetic consultation, a computer design is used: you are photographed and the appropriate option is simulated on the computer - with veneers or lumines.

If you have chosen viniirs with a roller, then the doctor complains his teeth, sets temporary veneers on them, and in advance the cast sends to the laboratory, where permanent plates will be made. If your choice is a lumine or veinsels without turning, then the removal of the cast is all limited.

You will need to wait 2-3 weeks, and then come to the second reception. The doctor will remove temporary veneers if you wear them, and try on your teeth what happened in the laboratory. This uses water glue. If you like everything, then you will be sent to the cleaning of the teeth, and then plates on fluorine-containing cement will be installed.

When working with lumines, microscopic technique is used to maximize the accuracy of manufacturing and installing plates, and the doctor puts on the glasses increasing several times.

Care of Vinir and Lormurians

They do not require any special care. Just like natural teeth, you need to clean them twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, and once every six months there is an inspection and professional cleaning of the dentist. No need special toothpastes, no brushes. You can use floss (dental thread for cleaning interdental intervals) and an irrigator (a device that cleans the teeth and gaps between the water flowing). If the veneers are made of a field-living porcelain or from Cerinate, it is necessary to avoid disclaiming solid and hard products (nuts, superstars and so on).

Differences from other types of dentistry

Of course, venions and luminors are not the only way to get a beautiful smile. The first thing comes to mind is - whitening. However, it does not affect the shape of the tooth, and the resulting color inevitably loses its whiteness over time, it must be regularly supported. In this case, all seals and crowns are not subject to. So there is a risk of getting multi-colored teeth: enamel will brighten up, and the seal or crown will remain for the same color. They will have to change. Viniron and Lormurians can pick up tone to the tone, plus they fall without problem on the folded teeth.

The second type of smile correction - artistic restoration. The doctor layers applied to the tooth composite material, forming a beautiful surface and color. However, it is for a long time, and if necessary, to process six teeth in each row will have to spend a lot of time. In addition, the teeth after such restoration need regular inspection and periodic correction - polishing in the doctor's office at least once a year.

Third view - installing crowns. None of the crown cannot be installed on the tooth without turning - neither metal-ceramic or all-temperable. Although their service life is not inferior to viniram and luminar, and the crowns themselves reliably protect their teeth, after all, it is not necessary to use this method of restoration in the presence of healthy or unscrewly destroyed teeth.

Viniron and pregnancy

If we are talking about installing veneers with a sharpening during, it is possible to do it, but, as with any intervention during the nipping of the child, it is better to do this in the second trimester. In the first three months they are laid important organs Baby fabrics and to eliminate the slightest impact on these processes, better aesthetic procedures to transfer at a later time.

If you want to put lumines or veinions without sharpening, then it is possible in any period, since there is no scrap, pain and anesthesia. In fact, it is sticking the plates from the porcelain on the teeth, which does not affect the condition of pregnant.

If the veneers are already there, and the woman got pregnant, it will not affect either pregnancy, nor on the teeth: the veneers were stood, so they will stand.

Viniron and Sports

This applies not only to veneers, but also native teeth: for boxers, hockey players, people involved in martial arts, doctors create individual protective sports kapa. They are made from a special silicone, and even if the blow falls on the region of teeth and veneers, then this cabin protects them from damage. Otherwise, the sport does not affect the wearing of veneers or lumines.

What to pay attention to when choosing

The first is the price. It is important to remember: a high price can only be in modern, high-quality products.

The second point is a choice between veneers with a sharpening or without. It is not necessary to do without consulting a doctor: situations are possible when the sniff is needed.

Finally, it is necessary to carefully approach the selection of the clinic and the doctor. Patients should evaluate three aspects:

  1. As a long time, the doctor is engaged in installing veneers and lumines. Doctors who have been working long ago have a fairly extensive experience and can demonstrate their work.
  2. What methods do the doctor owns. It is important that he worked with both venions, and with lumines, since the technology of work is different. When installing a lumine, another method of fixing on the tooth is used, otherwise the selection of the transparency of the material, the choice of color and so on. In addition, it is always better to do without turning the teeth, since this is an irreversible process - it is impossible to return the contaminated enamel.
  3. Recommendations of friends and acquaintances who have already done such procedures for this doctor.

Greetings to you, dear readers. All you want you to have beautiful, smooth and white teeth. How to achieve this? Dentistry offers a lot of methods. This is not only zoom, but also the installation of crowns and veneers. That's about the last and will be discussed. So, the topic of the article is veneers, pros and cons. My story will touch on both the questions of the technical, and the opinions of those who become customers of dentists.

What it is?

What are veneers? One of my familiar dentist compared them with tiles. Imagine that you have a terribly looking wall - old, slimming, uneven. You constantly see it yourself, guests are watching her. Everyone does not like it and you need to change something urgently. The result - we buy a beautiful tile and align the wall. We get a beautiful glossy surface with any desired appearance. Approximately the same principle is valid. These plates-lining on the teeth have a thickness of no more than ½ millimeters.

Vinira - Pros and Cons

Installation of such linings refers to the microthetics field. It is like a crown, only on the front surface of the tooth. It looks impressive, as if you inserted new, white and beautiful teeth.

So, what are the main advantages and minuses have modern veneers on their teeth? The advantages will take the opportunity to improve not only the appearance, but also the form of your natural teeth. Ski defects can also be corrected. The second advantage is the opportunity to strengthen the teeth, protect against mechanical damage. If you play oven tools, this is especially important.

Video - what are veneers for teeth

Materials used

It is unlikely that someone will argue that dental materials should be as high quality as possible. After all, pay dentists for the work of ten times you are unlikely to want.

There are several basic types of veins on the dental services market. These are composite, ceramic and luminors.

The latter - transparent and expensive ceramics, the original of which produces only one laboratory in the United States, and we have only analogues.

Ceramic dental veneers are plates that are manufactured in special laboratories on accurate customer's tooth penetration. First, the tooth is calculated, then a temporary veneer is put on it, which protects the surface while the permanent is manufactured. The pad is painted in accordance with the color of the enamel of the patient, and then mounted onto the tooth with the help of cementing material.

The advantage of ceramics is the ability to save your color. It does not change with time as composite analogues. Ceramic veneers allow you to recreate the surface with high accuracy. The surrounding decisions that you put artificial teeth or a whitening session was passed. If transparent ceramics was installed, the teeth look at 100% naturally.

Advantages and disadvantages of veneers:

Correction of the ugly shape of the teethTooth strength does not depend on the vinir, only changes the appearance
Hide the presence of visible seals on the front teeth, as well as chips and cracks
Not high-quality covers can be compressed, break or crack
Remove wide gaps between teeth
Composite types of veneers must be changed after 5 years, after installation
Hides the broken color of enamel, non-chemical bleaching
Teeth whitening procedure is much cheaper than install veneers
Hides the enamel loss, as well as demineralization after wearing braces
The emergence of discomfort I. pain sensations in the mouth
Corrects the wrong bite (small deviations)Difference of shades

If the correction needs the entire pair of teeth, composite tooth veneers are usually used. For their installation there is no need to sharpen the tooth. A small layer of enamel is removed, and then applied the composite layer.

Composite veneers - before and after

The minus of this method is that the veneer is no more than five years. Plus - the high strength of the material is set for one visit to the doctor.

Disadvantages of venions in general are reduced to three main points.

  1. First, this is the price. The procedure is, of course, not a fabulous money, but the cost of veneers on the teeth does not compare with conventional procedures like sealing of carious teeth.
  2. Secondly, the vinir is not eternal. Sooner or later it will have to be changed.
  3. Thirdly, to install the plate remove the enamel layer. That is, without vinira, the tooth is not protected. Because if it was removed, you need to undergo a reservoir procedure.

Ceramic veneers

Basic Indications for Installing Vinira

  1. Emality color has changed after applying any medical preparations, in particular - tetracycline and its analogues.
  2. Fluorosis and other changes in the body causing the appearance of spots to enamel.
  3. The tooth changed the color after the nerve removal.
  4. For incorrect bite, anomalies of developing teeth.
  5. For the closure of large interdental gaps (three / diastheps).
  6. In erosions and cracks enamel.

Many cosmetic defects - congenital and acquired mechanical injuries - can be easily eliminated using different types Viniron.

Contraindications for installing veneers

You will not be able to install the veneer in the following cases.

  1. If you have pronounced bruxism. That is, you will creep your teeth at night. This leads to the destruction of thin plates, absolutely not designed for such loads.
  2. Similarly, things are, if you often gnaw pencils, pencils, other items.
  3. Contraindicated veneers with a straight bite. It's when the cutters top and lower jaw Close, and do not find each other.
  4. It makes no sense to put a plate on a tooth with a large seal. It is necessary to have a sufficiently large volume of solid dentals.


The main stages of the installation of veneers

How is the installation of veneers on the teeth? In most cases, the whole procedure, that is, the creation and installation, takes from seven to ten days. It can be divided into several major stages.

First stage. Preparation. Simply put, the surface of the dental enamel is calculated on the desired depth - under the veneers that will be installed subsequently. If the shape of the teeth is good, and the dimensions are small, then the sunburn will be minimal. What is characteristic, the preparation procedure is absolutely painless.

Second phase. Creating Slepkov. Due to the fact that the installation of venions is the procedure is extremely accurate and more than an individual, the doctor makes the casts of the teeth after turning for the subsequent transmission to the dental laboratory.

Third stage. Create. In the laboratory for the manufacture of perfectly accurate veins, computerized equipment is used, through which the surfaces obtained are scanned and three-dimensional models of each individual product are created. Next, the milling machine, controlled by automatic, pulls out veneers from blanks. Typically, manufacturing takes one day, however, the installation of products is carried out during the second visit to the dentist.

Fourth stage. Installation. After the manufacture of microprotheses of the client is invited to the clinic for installation. It will be about half an hour to occupy it, it all depends on the specific number of veneers.

Important! The above describes the installation procedure for indirect veneers, while direct (composite) can be put in one visit.

Video - Stages of installation of veneers

Experience of real people

Almost in any city there are clinics offering installation of veneers. Therefore, it is fair to believe that someone from the clients had to leave their opinion on the success of the procedure and how long they serve certain types of linings on the teeth. I decided to read the network reviews on toothpicks.

The cost of installing veneers on the front teeth depends on a number of factors, primarily on the material of the manufacture.

Ceramic veneers are considered the most expensive, because, in contrast to composite varieties, they are completely identical to natural teeth, which makes them as imperceptible as possible.

The cost of the procedure also depends on the pricing policy of a particular clinic, as well as the qualifications and experience of the doctor.

How many veneers are on the front teeth:

  1. Installation of veneers without the manufacture of blinders and costs from 20,000-25,000 rubles and higher.
  2. Installing veneers with the "All Included" option is from 35,000 to 90,000 rubles, depending on the selected clinic.

Indications and contraindications

  1. The pathology of the crown shape, which violates the cosmetic attractiveness of the smile.
  2. The change in the color of enamel under the influence of various factors in those situations when is a little efficient measure.
  3. Mechanical damage to enamel; The presence of chips that violate the attractiveness of a smile or causing physical discomfort.
  4. Large.
  5. The curvature of the teeth at certain stages when it is possible to abandon orthopedic treatment.
  6. Congenital pathologies associated with the underdevelopment of enamel; The presence of a tendency to its increased washes.
  7. The presence of minor problems with bite.

Before passing the procedure, the dentist conducts thorough diagnosis to make sure that there are no following contraindications:

  1. Full absence of chewing teeth.
  2. Emale erability 2 or higher.
  3. The presence of dental grip.
  4. Availability harmful habits: Previously need to learn yourself to bite your threads and gnaw nails.
  5. Passion for various martial arts and extreme sports, which can lead to the injury of the maxillofacial machine.
  6. The passage of resorcin-formalone therapy, as well as treatment using some other toxic substances.
  7. Significant damage to the inner surface of the teeth.
  8. The presence of large seals on the inner surface of the teeth.
  9. Some types of pathologies related to the formation of incorrect bite.

Installation steps

Regardless of the selected variety of veneers and the purpose of their installation, the procedure is carried out according to a single algorithm.

The main steps are described in detail below:

  1. Conducting preparatory activities. In particular, the teeth are checked for the presence of composite seals that you want to preplace. This is due not only to the increase in the construction period, but also is necessary to improve the clutch of the veneer with.
  2. Determining the color and shade of the connected vinir. This uses a special scale: a specialist demonstrates possible and priority options, taking into account the wishes of the patient.
  3. Grinding enamel, Before installing the design, it is necessary to remove a layer with a thickness of about 0.5-0.7mm from the front. In the presence of old seals, their material is also subjected to grinding, the thickness indicators are determined by the specialists individually in each situation. In some cases, up to 1.5mm enamel is removed if it interferes with high-quality installation of veneers.
  4. Production of dental blindswhich are then sent to the technical laboratory.
  5. Installation of a temporary design made of plastic. Its presence is due to the need to ensure reliable protection against aggressive environment oral cavity and external stimuli, since the released enamel can cause serious discomfort to the patient.
  6. The laboratory stage is carried out without direct participation of the patient. It consists in the manufacture of a gypsum model of a separate section of the jaw based on the casts made, it allows you to create veneers taking into account all the individual anatomical features of the patient's maxillofacial apparatus. The manufacturing technology of the design varies depending on the selected material of the structure.
  7. Installation of manufactured veniraFixation is carried out using a special paste. This stage is the most responsible, since different pastes have different colors and shades, a specialist picks them up in such a way that the worn design has gained the necessary color. Often it is necessary to mix several types of pastes at once so that the veins are externally indistinguishable from neighboring natural teeth.
  8. Final fixation with the cement of the selected color. Before that, the patient must evaluate the work done, since this stage is final and after it will not be able to adjust the shade or form.

Pros and cons

Installation of veneers is becoming more and more popular procedure, its popularity is explained by the presence of the following positive parties:

  1. The ability to create structures that will be indistinguishable from neighboring natural teeth, which increases the aesthetics of the smile.
  2. Coverage with the design of all sides and tooth surfaces, which protects against accidental rocking.
  3. A long operational period, qualitatively manufactured are capable of listening to 10-15 years.
  4. High strength and reliability, which is achieved through the involvement of modern species of materials.
  5. Lack of deformations or changes of the shade over time.
  6. No need for nerve removal. Exceptions are only situations when in the channel proceed inflammatory processes.
  7. Ensuring the protection of enamel from various stimuli, bacterial microflora and other adverse factors.
  8. The possibility of correction of bite or curvature of teeth on initial stage Without installation and other orthopedic structures that violate the aesthetics of a smile.
  9. The possibility of installation in a dental row or on a separate tooth.
  10. Lack of metallic elements, which provides high biological compatibility with soft and solid tissues, and also eliminates the risk of allergic reaction.

However, this procedure has and negative sidesThe main drawbacks are shown below:

  1. High cost of the procedure even when installing on one tooth.
  2. Limitic period.
  3. The presence of contraindications.
  4. Composite materials that are cheaper ceramics differ increased fragility and a tendency to merchant over time.
  5. The risk of deterioration of the diction or the emergence of physical discomfort in the presence of serious dental disturbances.
  6. Increased compliance with oral hygiene.
  7. The need for careful appeal, since injuries or attempts to spray solid food can break the installed structures.

Renewal date: 11.02.2020

Publication Date: 11/21/2011

Natural beauty is a constant trend number 1 in dentistry, and the veneers fit into it as it is impossible. Only a dentist, and he is only with a thorough inspection, it will be able to determine which teeth overlooked the restoration. It is for this ability to make a smile not only perfect, but also naturally appreciated by viniring specialists all over the world. So what are the veneers and how are they installed on the teeth?

Viniron on the teeth - what is it?

What are veneers in dentistry? These are thin lining with a thickness of no more than 0.5 mm, intended for the coating of an external tooth surface. Technology is not new, the prototypes of the current plates appeared in the 30s of the last century in the United States. Developed their doctor Charles Pinkus specifically for Hollywood stars who could not afford to "shine" with a ugly smile in front of the camera. Vinira on the front teeth, made for the actors Pincus, fastened on a dental surface with the help of adhesive powder and withstood a maximum of several shooting days, so they can be safely attributed to the category of theatrical butaforia. Naturally, this technology has little in common with modern. Only when the lining is called Hollywood veneers, we remember the history of their invention.

Who can make veneers?

Indications for the installation of veneers are limited to various aesthetic problems with enamel and teeth shape. Partly visitoring can be used for easy color correction. However, if there is a task to significantly change the shade, then the teeth whitening with veneers will not be the most efficient option. For such purposes it is better to choose a lumine or restoration from the composite - they are not so transparent as ceramic structures.

Main indications

  • Changed color teeth as a result of treatment of channels, tetracycline and fluorosis.
  • Curves or too short teeth.
  • Wide interdental intervals.
  • The problem of a gummy smile (solved in the complex with plastic gums).
  • Weak skin tone and muscles of the bottom of the face. Installing Viniron by chewing teeth, Dentists-aesthestists achieve the effect of lifting for cheekbones.

Expert StartSmile.

Hollywood Viniron

Natural beauty has always been and will remain trend number 1 for all times. Only a dentist, and even then with a thorough inspection, able to reveal the restoration by veneers. It is for the ability to make a smile perfect and natural highly appreciate the vinirings of the specialists of aesthetic dentistry around the world and the Hollywood stars.

Megan Fox

Photo: featureflash /

George Clooney

Blake Lively

Nicolas Cage

Photo: Andersphoto /

Alessandra Ambrosoi

Tom Cruise

Expert StartSmile.

Therapist, Orthodontist, Periodontist, Aesthetist / Moscow

What to choose: veneers or crowns?

Viniron and crowns are fundamentally different designs in their intended purpose. Viniring improves the appearance of a smile. Crowns are established as part of treatment from caries and its complications. Viniirs do not treat and do not carry any function. Crowns restore the functionality of the tooth and protect it from the re-occurrence of carious processes. What better to put veneers or crowns on the front teeth should solve the doctor, depending on the testimony and contraindications. If you have a lot of seals or caries in the smile zone, then instead of ceramic linings you should recommend crowns.

Contraindications to Viniram.

    In addition to extensive caries and multiple seals, until recently, depulted teeth were also listed in the list of contraindications to Viniriga. However, today, many orthopedic doctors do not consider it an obstacle to the installation of veneers.

    Bruxism, as well as problems with a bite before the procedure, it is necessary to eliminate.

    People do not comply with the basic rules of the oral hygiene should not think about to make veneers.

    Is it possible to put veneers if the bite is incorrect? Most likely - no, but the final decision must take a doctor. In the presence of problems with the bite, incorrect prosthetics can lead to a breakdown of the structure and a violation of the operation of the lower temporal jaw joint.

Production of vinions

Depending on the method of manufacturing and material of dental veneers, they are divided into two varieties: therapeutic composites and orthopedic from ceramics. The first are made literally in the patient's mouth. At the same time, composite materials are used similar to those from which seals are made. The installation technology is simple: the tooth is cut into the desired thickness from about 0.3 to 0.7 millimeters, and then the vinir is formed on the tooth surface, the grinding and polishing completes the procedure. Otherwise, this technique is called restoration.

Put ceramic linings harder - you will need several visits to the orthopedic dentist. First, the withdrawal of the tooth is carried out under the vinir, then the cast is removed, according to which in the dental laboratory or in the clinic, with the help of special equipment, the plates are made from ceramics and polished. Then the finished design is fixed on the dental surface. During the production of vinira, the patient carries a temporary design.

Vinirov materials

Today in the arsenal of the dental-asthetist there are several types of veneers from various materials:

  • Composite
  • Ceramic
  • Zirconium

Each species has its own minuses and advantages from the point of view of reliability, appearance and cost. Lining from zirconium Most specialists are recommended to do only in exceptional cases. Zirconium plates require a significant preparation of dental fabrics before installation. Moreover, this material for veneers has poor adhesion, and therefore microstheses will be badly kept.

What veneers are better?

According to most professionals, orthopedic overlays from ceramics are the best. They perfectly transmit natural color and texture of natural teeth. Since ceramic veneers are manufactured in laboratory conditions, they have a high accuracy of adjacent to the dental surface, which cannot be achieved with composite restorations. Orthopedic vinir is more reliable and minimizes the risk of caries on the junction between artificial and natural tissues. The best veneers are almost impossible to calculate in the dental row. If you want to correct the aesthetics of only one tooth, then this method will be the perfect option.

With a certain skill of orthopedic, using composite veneers, you can achieve good aesthetic results in simple cases, for example, at the chip. A plus composite restorations In a simple procedure for correction of microprotheses. However, the natural effect of enamel transparency to the teeth is increasing to the body with a composite.

Nozzles without sharpening - True or fiction?

The preparation of teeth under the veneers causes many questions in patients, and marketers have a lot of opportunities to attract customers to the clinic at the expense of high-profile slogans like "veneers without turning!". What's the catch? The fact is that in almost 95% of cases it is necessary to apply the turning. It is logical that patients who need viniring are not owners of ideal teeth, and in order to adjust their shape and size using microstheses. The snipper is not needed if the teeth are small and between them there are gaps. Purchability, medium or large size of the teeth are indicated to the turning. Otherwise, you will not get a Hollywood smile, but her pitiful similarity created from Orbit pads.

Expert StartSmile.

Therapist, Orthodontist, Periodontist, Aesthetist / Moscow

What happens to your teeth under the vinir?

The state of the teeth under the vinir should not be changed if the designs are installed correctly. The junction between natural fabrics and microstheses should be as smoothed as much as possible and sealed. Otherwise, the installed veneer contributes to the occurrence of caries due to the accumulation of the plaque at the borders of the tooth with the lining. Prevent unpleasant problem helps high-quality restoration and regular visits to hygienist.

Important! It is impossible to just remove the veneers, the designs only replace.

Vinir colors - from A1 to B1

The selection of the color of veneers is carried out using a special VITA scale. According to the device, the most white plates have a shade A1 corresponding to the bright dental surface of natural teeth. B1 colors are somewhat darker. They look not very aesthetic, but more naturally than restorations A1. In principle, the color of microprotheses can be any, which is useful when installing veneers for 1 tooth or 2 tooth.

The image of a successful and confident person is impossible without a charming smile. But many can not boast even beautiful teeth. Such people come to the rescue dental serviceslike the installation of crowns and the creation of prostheses. Recently, vinira is popular for teeth. They allow you to transform in a short time.

What are veneers

Installation of veneers - new technology, in the process of which plates are installed on the front of the teeth. Viniron can be ceramic, composite or porcelain. These elements allow almost one day to restore damaged or destroyed teeth.

They differ little from a real tooth, as a specialist picks up elements in color and form. The price of a vein on one tooth depends on general status The patient's teeth used to install the technology. The total cost determines the dentist on individual consultation.

The difference between the venions from the classic crowns is as follows. The crown is put on the tooth, covering it completely. It requires a tooth preparation for its installation, while veneers cover one, maximum two sides of the tooth. They are especially used on the front teeth, allowing you to form a smooth and beautiful row.

The indisputable advantage of veneers before is that they look more aesthetically and naturally. These unique microprotheses make it possible to eliminate visible tooth defects, give it a beautiful form. You can make sure that you can see the photo before and after installing veneers.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of using veneers are that they can in some cases replace the crown. If the tooth is very destroyed or there is a large seal, without prosthetics can not do. But neighboring teeth can be made by veneers. The main thing is that the element be from a similar material like a crown.

Ceramic veneers are made from porcelain or zirconium dioxide, both of these material are very durable and look natural, aesthetically not darker over time and serve a long time. The only disadvantage of veneers from this material can be called a high cost.

Composite veneers are an order of magnitude cheaper, their manufacture and installation takes one day, since the entire procedure is carried out in the office of the dentist. But, according to the reviews of specialists, they are not recommended for the following reasons:

  • The instability of the color, the material over time fills, dark places appear;
  • Low aesthetics, they look not like natural teeth;
  • Limited service life;
  • High fragility, that is, unreliability.

In addition, composite veneers are manufactured, as a rule, manually, therefore, the dependence on the human factor is high. There are no technologies and special devices to work with this material.

The advantages of applying veneers is that the tooth requires minimal damage to their installation. Only the front of the enamel and the minimum number of cutting edge is removed. While under the crown, the tooth is calculated completely from all sides. But it is worth paying attention to the impossibility of using these elements. If there are no contraindications to install veneers, then compared to the crown their use is preferable.

Light-solid restoration of composites compared to veneers also lift in aestheticism and use. Restorations are darked over time, they need to replace them. Moreover, when using sealing material it is impossible to completely restore the natural color, the border of the seal will still be visible.

Viniron to equalize the teeth will be applied. This is a good alternative to brackets, but only if the curvature of the dentition is insignificant and there are no problems with bite. The ability to install these elements defines an orthodontist or prosthetist.

Many are interested in the question of the service life of veneers. Of course, this way to align the dentition has many advantages. According to venihors, composite elements are no more than 5-7 years, while the service life of ceramic veneers reaches 10 years with proper care and use. The greatest service life of porcelain veneers, it reaches 20 years.


Before you stop your choice on a particular option, it is worth considering what veneers come, their features.

Ceramic veneers are made of the following materials:

  • Porcelain;
  • Zirconium dioxide.

The classic thickness of the ceramic elements is 0.3-0.5 millimeters. They are durable, reliable, the manufacturing process is engaged in a certain time, it is engaged in this dental laboratory.

Hollywood laminates are a special kind of porcelain veneers. They are very thin plates, their service life exceeds 20 years. These elements can be applied to a practically intact enamel or a crown.

- The newest development that satisfies the desire of people to a Hollywood smile. These overlays thickness of only 0.2 millimeters are applied without turning to the tooth, they slightly increase its volume.

With the help of a combination of classic veneers and lumines, you can successfully align the dental row. Since luminors are attached to the teeth with the help of special glue - Bonda - they are easy to remove if necessary, without damaging the tooth enamel.

What you need to know about microprotees

Orthopedic veneers are used to improve the aesthetics of the tooth row. The use of these materials is due to the fact that ceramics and porcelain are very close to appearance to natural enamel. They perfectly fit into the overall picture, allowing you to improve the smile. This is especially true of lumines.

Do not apply microprotheses in the following cases:

  1. When passing extreme sports, which are distinguished by increased traumatism.
  2. If there is a habit of gnawing the nuts with teeth, open the bottles with them, bone bone. All efforts to create a beautiful smile will simply be reduced.
  3. The contraindication to the use of veneers is the disease -, the night involuntarily grinding the teeth, as well as the wrong bite.
  4. When using inexpensive veneers, a significant tip of the tooth tissue is required, it means that we will have to wear these microstheses. Applying the finest lumines, this problem will be avoided. Under them there is no need to pull teeth.
  5. Ceramics and porcelain look more aesthetically, rather than zirconium and aluminum oxide, which are also used in the manufacture of veneers. Attentive people will be able to identify artificial overlays from zirconium and aluminum, as they do not miss the light, which does not allow them to look so natural as porcelain.
  6. Provide a long service life of microprotheses, as well as extend it several times compared with the claimed, will allow correct care For the cavity of the mouth and compliance with the safe conditions of wearing.

Price per tooth

All of the above veneers can be attributed to the category of orthopedic agents that are used in aesthetic dentistry. Therefore, the price for a veneer for one tooth will vary within 15-30 thousand rubles and higher.

The specific cost is voiced after studying the state of the teeth, the type and material of the elements used, the amount of teeth that require restoration. An important importance is the level of the clinic where the procedure is produced, the professionalism of the doctor, the prestige of the institution, its location and region.

As a result, the cost of installing microprotheses depends on the following factors:

  1. Manufacturer and manufacturer's method. Sealing materials and composite are much cheaper, manufacturing and installation is made on site in one day. Ceramics and zirconium will cost more, time on their manufacture and installation is required. Accordingly, the costs are higher.
  2. To ensure a beautiful smile, a non-one tooth correction is often required, and ten. It is so much teeth visible with a wide smile. To obtain an ideal result, you will need to fix the entire dental row.
  3. The material of the lining plays a fundamental role in determining the price of microprothesis. The cheapest material is composite, the greatest price Have lumines. Products from zirconium dioxide fall into the middle price category.
  4. The work of the specialist also affects the final cost of the procedure. Since payment is made from the initial consultation, then prepare for the procedure, selection and imposition of veneers. Pay for the anesthesia, which is used when removing the top layer bone tissue Tooth. In some cases, the preparation of the oral oral cavity is required, the treatment of caries, elimination of problems with the gums, as well as the complete quality hygiene of the oral cavity.

Service life and care

The service life of these elements depends on several factors. Composite veneers are on average from 2 to 5 years, their attractive feature is the ability to update - polishing.

The term of operation of ceramic lines is from 10 to 20 years. Restrictions represent some circumstances that take place when wearing - injury or accidents. Therefore, they are not recommended to use people who are subject to these situations.

But in the case when the venir falls after some time after use, a dentist should be visited, it will put this element in place.

Wine care requires careful oral hygiene, which should be carried out daily. This will preserve their initial attractive view for a long time. Be sure to visit the dentist for prevention possible problems With the use of linings, at least once every six months.

Special care ceramic veneers do not require. But to increase the life of the system, some rules are required:

  1. It should be abandoned by the use of coloring products during the first day after installing the system. Of course, porcelain and zirconium linings are not subject to color change, but it still costs to progress.
  2. Also, you should not immediately eat hard food after installation. This is not connected with the fact that the lining can break. Just in the first days, a person is inconvenient when eating, so it is better to train on a soft food.
  3. To care for veneers, you can use ordinary toothpaste and brush. Brush teeth should twice a day.

Installation procedure

The constants of the installation of veneers takes a little time. It is engaged in this dentist, the entire operation consists of certain stages. Before installing elements, possible diseases of teeth, gums, inflammation should be excluded. To do this, an initial inspection of the oral cavity is made.

  1. First of all, the dentist prepares the surface of the teeth to carry out the operation. It is very important that the venir is tightly "sat down" in place and consolidated qualitatively. Therefore, the enamel layer is removed from the front and upper part of the tooth. It is stepping up to about 0.5 millimeters of bone tissue.
  2. Then the dentist removes the casts of the teeth. Faster and more convenient, this is done right in the doctor's office, but in some cases, the removal of the blinders is produced in the laboratory. Slots allow you to determine the features of the location of the teeth, the dentition and the jaw system.
  3. The procedure for preparing individual plates takes some time, usually up to two weeks. For this period, the imposition of temporary elements is made. As a rule, these are plastic lining.
  4. When the veneers are ready for teeth, they are installed. The dentist invites the patient to the procedure, the finished platinum is fixed on the teeth with the help of a special adhesive composition, which provides increased strength.

After some time after the operation, a dental office for inspection should be visited again. It will allow you to evaluate how well the installation is made, as the lining look at the teeth. Inspection will make sure that there are no chips, cracks and other defects, determine the body's reaction to new elements, because after installation foreign bodies inflammatory processes or allergic reactions. But it is extremely rare.

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