How to make an aviary for a big dog. How to make an aviary for a dog with your own hands? Instructions and drawings for creating booths

Dogs, having a cottage or country house, sooner or later face the need to build or install aviary for their pet. Here you can take advantage of two options: buy ready-made or build it yourself. At the same time, the majority prefer the second option. This is not only economical, but also allows you to adapt the structure to your conditions and the needs of your favorite.

General Principles of Woller Construction

Immediately before building you need to get acquainted with common principles Its structures and with those parameters that will need to be taken into account. First of all, the aviary must be comfortable and safe for the dog. This is not the last role in the construction of it, its size should be taken into account. In general, the minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe barrier should be about 6 square meters.

When building, it is not necessary to try to save the place, however, too much aviary to build is also inappropriate: in the cold season, it will be bad in it, the dog can be frozen.

Waire Selection

Before building you need to thoroughly consider which gender is relevant in this building. The fact is that in this matter, even the opinions of experts can not come together together. Some believe that the coating should be the same type, others adhere to the opinions that the uncoated piece of soil should be left.

Many recommend the standard type of floor in this form of facilities is the floor of the board. However, the dog can be very unusually able to cope on such a floor. Therefore, other recommendations are reduced to leave a part of the space free of foundation and from the board. However, in this case, your favorite can start making subpopters under the aviary and get out to the will. In this case, the features of its nature and behavior should be considered.

If you briefly got acquainted with how to build an aviary for a dog with your own hands, it's time to think about the arrangement of the walls. There are no way to make them deaf. The fact is that dogs are terribly curious creatures, so they need to be observed what is happening around. At least one or two walls must be made of lattice material. It is not recommended to use a chain grid for the walls, because the dog can easily be lit and cling to her interlacing. In order to build a deaf wall, it is better to choose a breathable material. An example of this can be all the same boards or bricks. In general, the perfect option - if the aviary is made of wood and adhesive lattice.

In the aviary, the booth must be present, and in some modifications it can be part of the aviary.

Preliminary preparation for building aviary

Build an aviary for a dog with a booth is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. The main thing is to properly approach the solution of this issue and think about the work plan. Ideally will draw the drawing with the plan of the future facilities. If you think about how to build a warm aviary for a dog, then the booth may not be needed in it, because its function will be able to perform a warmed unit.

It is necessary to determine what the entrance will be, the height, from which material will be completed, at what place it will be located.

Choice of Woller location

Wolters for dogs to build is not so difficult, however, one of the most important points is considered to choose the location of this facility.

The aviary should not be located near the fence, especially if there is a lively street nearby. In this case, they will constantly distract and annoy the animal passing transport and people passing nearby.

The ideal option will be located doggy house So that in the field of view of the pet there was an entrance door at home. And if you have the opportunity to build it on an exalted place, it is generally a fairy tale. At the same time, the dog will be able to monitor all what is happening on the site. It will also allow to avoid sublopulations in case of rain.

No need to have an aviary next to compost pits or other strongly smelling objects. It can harm the smell of your favorite.
The best option will be if the entrance is located in the West or East, because on the south side the dog can be very hot, and if you place it from the north, then in the winter it is very often snowing snow.

Build an aviary for a dog with your own hands, whose photo can be seen in this article, beyond the power even a simple to an amateur who has no professional skills. The main thing is not to be afraid to take the case and bring it to the end.

Start building avoire

Building an enclosure for a dog begins with the most elementary: bookmark the foundation and floor device. They are the basis of the basics in this process. If you intend to build an aviary for a dog, whose photo can be seen in this article, then you need to pay attention to the fact that the floor in it is built with a specific slope. This is done to facilitate the cleaning of the room and the obstacles to the accumulation of water in it.

After booking, the foundation and arrangement of the floor proceed to the installation of the fence. The material is selected in advance for this. Initially, the framework of the pipes is installed, and only then begin to fill it, extinguishing the walls.

One of the latest steps are faced with roof. It can be made of any material. The roof is carried out, as a rule, double, less often - a single-table under the tilt. Fastenings are done in such a way that the dog cannot be drunk.

The wooden parts of the structure are taken to handle sandpaper and lacquered. In this way, the life of their operation is not only extended, but also significantly improves appearance.

Some moments of security during the construction of aviary

The one who decided to build an aviary for the dog with their own hands, always need to take into account the fact that the animal in his house should be primarily safe, but at the same time comfortable. The main nuance, which is often forgotten during the construction of these structures, is that the floorboards are either being bombed, or are not very tight to each other. It is fraught with the fact that a pet can easily get claws in such a trauma and injured.

So that the dog does not hurt, you need to carefully ensure that there are no sticking bitch and nails in the construction. The tree must be treated with special solutions with the goal so that the fungus does not start. Otherwise, they will vain and become traumatic.

Exemplary Valler Size Counting?

The parameters of the enclosure, as mentioned above, directly depend on the parameters of the dog. If your pet is taking up in the withers to 50 cm, then the ideal for it will be the aviary about 6 square meters, if its growth is more than 65 cm, then the size of the structure should reach 10 square meters limits. As for the height of the enclosure, it should be so that the dog can easily become on the hind legs and do not touch the roofs.

If there is a booth in the aviary, then it is not too big to do it. The dog should warm her warmly in the cold time. However, in this house, she should have the opportunity to completely stretch and pull out the paws.

If you are thinking about how to build, you should not be too deviated from the proposed proportions. The only thing you can add is the materials with which the construction will be made. It is necessary to choose more durable, because large dogs are usually very strong physically. Fragile material they can easily break or deform, and then, as a result, get out of the outside or borrow.

Waller insulation

To make your favorite, it is most comfortable in his apartment, it is important to know how to build an aviary for a dog. In summer, air circulation and shadow must be ensured there, and in winter it is insulated from drafts and insteps as much as possible.

In order for the floor is not so cold, it is better to build it on a warmed chubby base from concrete.

In winter, the heat is better preserved, you should not build a construction of too large sizes. Also, the place for construction does not need to choose this that is located on the open draft.

Accounting for climatic conditions when building aviary

In different climatic conditions, insulation can be carried out in different ways. For example, in the regions with a very cold climate, the deaf wall can be made double and with insulation. If constant cold winds blow in your area, then you can make a refrigerated wall from an unproduced material.

When building a roof, it is necessary to take care that the ceiling is located directly under the roofing material (for example, from a tree). It will contribute to the cluster of heat.

Installation of aviary

If you are more or less figured out how to build an aviary for a dog, and all before the details were planned, and also conducted preliminary training, you can start directly to install. This will use the ability to work with the welding machine and wood.

All structural elements are first prepared separately, and then, in order of priority, mounted in the finished aviary. At the same time, it is necessary to consider that you will need help even at least one person who will hold the details attached and fix their position. Alone, these operations are extremely difficult, and the reliability of the design may be at risk. It is better to prepare everything in advance, and then at least for several hours to attract the assistant.

Building Woller and Accounting for Sanitary and Hygienic Norms

If you have seriously thought about how to build an aviary for a dog, you need to not forget about the fact that in this building it will be necessary to periodically remove and disinfection to comply with the norms of hygiene and sanitation. To this end, it is necessary to plan construction in such a way that it has free and easy access for both an animal and for the owner.

The roof of the Booth can be made removable, which will greatly facilitate the process of cleaning and conducting disinfection measures inside. In addition, if your favorite is sick, it will be possible to get through the roof and provide it with the necessary help.
Boards can be opened with varnish. It will not only protect the dog from the head, but also facilitates the cleaning and disinfection of the floor: in the tree will not multiply bacteria. The gaps in the floor should be embellished or made minimal to prevent accumulation of garbage and waste in them, as well as warn dog injuries.

Before building an aviary for a dog, you need to think through where it will eat and drink water. For these purposes, it is necessary to equip a separate place with the necessary dishes and inventory, which is periodically cleaned and disinfected.

Caring for aviary during operation

Bed and her toys in the aviary also need to shake from dust from time to time. It must be remembered that your pet's hygiene is to some extent your own hygiene. After all, you also periodically at his aviary, feed him, play with him, touch his things. And on how responsibly you will approach the care of a dog, in part dependent and your own health.

In addition, the correct will allow to preserve its health, avoid extra hikes to the veterinarian and the cost of treatment. Therefore, try to take into account everything to the smallest details to ensure maximum comfort and convenience both yourself and your favorite.

Periodically, it is necessary to inspect the aviary for damage or deformation, replace or repair damaged parts.

Even from a spacious and well-equipped enclosure, a dog needs to be periodically released for a walk, and if there is no such possibility, it is displayed on a leash and with the appropriate safety devices. After all, the aviary is still a cage, and the dog is a freedom-loving animal. Yes, and not every dog \u200b\u200bcan get used to protect the need in the aviary. Most for this need much more open space and great freedom. In part, this is good, because cleanliness and order are complied with the aviary, but, on the other hand, the owners can take extra time.

If you have a country house and you want your favorite pet, in the fresh air, have no less comfortable living conditions than you have, it's time to think about how to build aviary for your dog. After all, it's no secret that the four-legged contained in the enclosures are subject to various diseases It is much less than those who live in the house with their owners. Today in specialized stores you can easily purchase a ready-made combustive building for your dog, however, as often happens, typical projects are not always falling to your pets. Earror VOLIER independently you can take into account all your preferences four-legged friend, Select suitable size for it, as well as make it easy to make a beautiful design form, which perfectly fit into the shared landscape of your site.

What needs to be taken into account when building avoire

In order for your pet to be comfortable and safely to be in your future house - Wolter, as many other business buildings, should be built, given certain norms and rules. Otherwise, you risk to build anyone the right structure, which will subsequently fit except for the placement of garden inventory.

The first thing that is the determining factor in the construction of the aviary is the size of the dog.

Optimal Valler Square

  1. If the height of your pet does not exceed the half meter, the anger of 5 m² will become an ideal area for it.
  2. In the event that the four-legged 50 cm. Its territory should be increased to 7 m².
  3. For big dogs From 65 cm. And above, the area of \u200b\u200bthe structure should not be less than 10 m².

Important! It is mistaken to believe that the more free space of the dog, the better it will be for it. Woller Square must optimally approach its size.

Today, the most common option of aviary is considered the weld frame of the construction of forged metal and the grid. The reliability of this design is checked for years. As an outdoor coating, it is best to use a wooden board. With its due thickness, the material will well maintain heat, which is especially important in the winter period.


So that your pet is aware of what is happening all around, you should not sew the Waire Wall Tightening (especially the front, overlooking the house or garden). The grill of metal rods or chain grid, perfectly cope with this task. In the event that you still decided to make one, two or three walls deaf, it is better to use an eco-friendly and safe "breathable" material, for example red (ceramic) brick, stone or tree.


Even in the circle of professional film engines there is no consensus about what should be the floor in the aviary. Some argue that the concrete surface is the optimal coating for dogs, others give their preference to the wooden or plastic floor, the third and are not at all that the tightly rammed land will be much helpful and better for four-legged pets.

And if you can agree with two first options, then with the latter there are certain concerns, in particular there is a risk of a subpople through a fence. In addition, the wooden, plastic or concrete surface is easier to care, remove and clean it. Before making your choice, it is also desirable to take into account the character and habits of your favorite.


As for the roof, everything is much easier here. A simple single-table or design is perfectly cope with the task assigned to it, the main function of which is to protect against atmospheric precipitation. As most often used, which creates a minimum number of noise during the rain.


Another important condition for the construction of the dog for a dog is the presence of booths in it (Konura). The booth can be performed in two versions, both separately standing and a kind of enclosure, fell apart from its pleasure part, a solid partition.

If a built-in aviary is planned to be used only in summer, it is not necessary to warm the booth. With year-round operation, a dog house for sleep will have to warm the wall and roof warming.

Use for the construction of a booth other material, except - wood, specialists are extremely recommended

Important! To make a dog in the aviary, all structural elements, including a bowl for water and food, must be securely fixed. To fix the boards instead of nails, it is better to use selflessness. Thus, you eliminate the risk of hats on the surface.

Choosing a suitable room for aviary

Before building a dog Walter, it is necessary to choose a suitable place to accommodate it. As with construction, a certain number of rules should also be observed here, namely:

  1. Wolter must be at maximum removal from various sources of noise. Passers-by from the street, loud neighbors, cars, all this, to one degree or another can cause the concern of your favorite pet. A small distance from the porch of the house (7-10 meters) will be an ideal place Placing a dog aviary.
  2. Nizin, is also an extremely undesirable place where you can build an aviary. After heavy rains, all the water from the site will accumulate precisely there, turning the territory to the real swamp. The solution to the problem can be drainage grooves or a storm sewage device on the site, however, this will lead to additional financial costs.
  3. A dog, like a person, not very well tolerates bad smelling odors, the source of which can be: sewage, compost pit, fertilizer from the garden, finding next to the enclosure of the garbage tank, etc. Try to plan the structure so that it is at maximum distance from the data silent sources.
  4. In order for the summer to your ps, it is not too hot, it is worth the Woller so that its front part looks in the eastern or west side. If there is no such possibility, put a small tree near the construction, which will defend your four-legged comrade from bright sunlight.

In order not to lose sight of any trifle, at the initial stage of the design it is desirable to draw a detailed plan (drawing) of the future avoire. It must contain information on the size of the structure, the materials from which it will be manufactured, the place of its placement, the location of the internal zones and so on.

Waire construction do it yourself - drawing

Stages of Building Waller

Woller for the dog is a fairly simple structure that does not have any special delights and complex nodes, so any person can build it with their own hands. The construction of construction is carried out only three stages:

Stage First

Like any building, the construction of the aviary begins with the fill of the foundation. Since the weight of the construction is small, it will be enough to pour a concrete screed with a thickness of 5-7 mm. With a slight bias, which will be needed for the unobstructed water supply.

Wailer Concrete Screed

If the foundation under the aviary is not provided, from metal pipes with a cross section of 2 mm. or wooden bars 50 × 50 mm. - The framework is erected under which the gravel rack is made with a thickness of at least 10 cm. Then wooden flooring is placed from edged boards to the lower strapping, which is securely fixed by self-draws. If necessary, the floor can be inspired.

Second phase

After the frame is built and the floor is laid, you can proceed to the construction of walls and partitions. Mounting features will differ depending on the material you choose. For example, if you decide to choose the boards, and the framework made from metal columns, you will need a screwdriver and special screws with a drill on the end to fasten them.

  1. To begin with, the holes are drilled in the boards, the diameter of which should be equal to the thickness of the screws.
  2. Next, using a screwdriver, the boards one in one are screwed to the frame. In the event that you decide to make the walls are not solid, but with a certain gap, it is better to prepare a special strut, which when installing, it will be necessary to insert between the boards, so you are guaranteed to get the same gap everywhere.
  3. The front part of the enclosure is made a little more difficult. If the reinforced metal rods are used as the material - the welding machine will need if the grid is self-tapping screws and screeds. For information on how to correctly secure the chain grid on the aviary, you can read on the Internet.
  4. If you need the Waller Wall (if they are solid) can be inspired. To do this, from the inside, between vertical racks, mineral wool is mounted or, after which everything is closed with plywood, 5-6 mm thick. Thus, a peculiar sandwich panel is obtained, which has excellent thermal insulation properties.

Third stage

The final stage of the building of the Waller is the construction of the roof. It is done quite simple.
Single Roof

  1. Top frame, with a step of 100-120 cm. It is put on wooden bars, which are fixed to it with metal corners or samabs.
  2. Next, depending on the chosen type of roof, a doom is made. For soft tiles, a solid plywood, for slate, ondulin or metal additionally nailed boards, which fit perpendicular to Brus.

If your dog is not York and certainly not spitz, and you live in a private house, the process of building an enclosure for a dog with your own hands is not a luxury, but an acute necessity. You can argue for a long time that there is quite enough residential premises for puppies or, in extreme cases, booths. Animals are growing, gaining weight - and the habitual housing for Labradora becomes cramped. This article will come in handy all dogs containing medium-sized dogs, large breeds. Naturally, the owner itself should live in private household, to be able to build an aviary for a dog.

Stop positive sides Waire we will not. Well-known is the fact that the presence of the aviary allows you to close the animal and secure guests that came to your home as well as your own children.

Wolter is a space in which the dog is not contained on the chain. Consequently, it grows in more comfortable conditions.

Where to start construction?

To build with zero, the aviary for dogs dream all, but only units know how it is done correctly. First of all, you need to decide on the place for puppies and adult animals. Convenience always stands in the first place. In the private sector, this may be the courtyard so that the pet can observe the surrounding atmosphere. Built by far away from the entrance to the house Woller will not bring anything good for shepherd. It will swell and nervous, bark out.

It is also not recommended to build similar structures next to the road or fence. Foreign sounds will disturb the poor animal. It is likely that it will grow very evil and aggressive. According to experts, the cell for the dog is better to put in the frontal part of the territory. Ideally, it must be protected from strong wind And the straight rays of the sun, be near the trees and shrubs. This guarantees additional freshness and clean air.

Install the aviary in the appropriate, comfortable for a dog, place

Waller dimensions: when the size matters

The principle "The more, the better" here does not work, but also too compact aviary for nothing. The classic size of 150 cm long is suitable except for puppies, dogs modest sizes. When the height of the PSA in the withers is 50 or more centimeters, a cell is required at least 6 square meters. If a cell for Alabaya is constructed or a fairly cozy aviary for husky, which moves a lot, dimensions can reach 10 squares. The minimum allowable height should be such to get on the paws, the animal did not fight into the ceiling. Of course, if the pet returns to his aviary solely for the sake of overnight, the design may have a much smaller height.

The size of the enclosure must be optimal
Waller drawing

Varieties of designs and premises

Depending on the type of structures, facilities are:

  • Fully covered.
  • With deaf walls.
  • With a lattice wall.
  • With insulated coating on the floor.
  • With a portable or stationary feeder.

The most common is the option with deaf walls. With their own hands, the aviary is constructed from metal, another, necessarily strong material. Metal bars protrude a wall open type. Naturally, there must be a separate entrance with the door, for relaxation. The flooring is made of reliable and durable materials. Imagine that you are building housing for shepherd - one or even two. Consequently, the litter must be made from concrete, asphalt, ties cement.

Wolter for two dogs

Of the above options, the least suitable is a cement screed. It is considered cold for puppies and adult dogs, it is hard enough. Therefore, it is better to stop your choice on the tree. Building material is environmentally friendly, so wooden flooring will be comfortable for the animal. An interesting decision is the so-called shield when you mount the frame from the prom, and then cover it with a tree. It is advisable to take a tree with a thickness of at least 40 mm.

Waller sizes

With the type of wood, everything is simple. As a rule, these are solid rocks, without dropped bitch, signs of rotting, which are not afraid of moisture. Do not forget to treat a tree with antifungal solution. Wood should not be fed, otherwise it will lead to the formation of rather large gaps. If the dog clings to claws, injuries can not be avoided.

Before constructing with your own hands, one more important nuance should know. The distance between the Earth and the floor should be 8-10 cm, and on the inside of the board should be strictly open.

It is necessary to achieve moisture accumulation. As for the soer itself, it is advisable to isolate it. Optimally, the hydroterium is suitable for these purposes. Ruberoid is an excellent choice.

Step-by-step Welded Woller Instructions with Feeders

How to make walls durable and reliable so that the animal could not leave the rooted territory? Combined structures with their own hands will be the perfect option. On the one hand, the deaf walls protect the territory from rain, wind and other "whims" of nature. On the other hand, thanks to the open wall, the pet is watching what is happening around. He guarded the courtyard, but does not leave the territory.

Closed from wind, rain and snow aviary

To fastening it was really durable, never use ordinary nails. For example, for Alala is not a problem at all. The dog easily breaks them already in the first days. Screw nails and self-tapping screws are a more reliable way of fastening.

Never save on enclosures. Many owners buy a cheap net instead of rods. As a result, under the pressure of its powerful weight sooner or later, the animal breaks the fence. So it will still have to build a wall of iron rods. The average distance between the iron rods should be 10 centimeters. True, if you make your own winster for a puppy or a small dog, this distance can be 5 cm.

Wolter from Rabits for a small dog

The entrance door to the aviary is always mounted in such a way that the owner always seen his dog, and she is it. Do not forget about Zavov - it needs to be installed first.

Take care of the competent installation of a dog booth.

It does not matter whether you are the street aviary or the apartment - for the booth choose the most secure place. Usually they are made from the boards, and for strength they are inhabited by plywood. But the roof is desirable to make a removable. This greatly simplifies the cleaning process. The entrance is made round. It keeps warm. In winter, it is possible to hang fabric to ensure the desired level of heat.

Design sizes must match the growth and weight of the dog. Places inside should be quite enough for reliable protection into windy or frosty weather. At the same time, too large designs do not keep warm. Calculate that inside the dog can only turn around and relax in the stretched position. If the climate in your settlement is rather severe, the walls can be inspired, and with a windy side, score moisture-resistant and not blowable material.


Roof for aviary: what to pay attention to?

Once you have made a decision to give your favorite PSU PUBLICAL MADE AVERY, Draw a drawing with precise sizes. Only after that you can proceed to construction. This Council concerns the roof.

So, what is she, the perfect roof? Its form should contribute to the unimpeded flow of water and melting snow. The roof is a single design, which can be made of slate, professional flooring or metal tile. However, best selection There will be a bitumen tile - the so-called soft roof. It not only protects the design from precipitation, but also has excellent noise and sound insulation.

Excellent noise insulation from bituminous tiles

Always make a bias toward the drainage. Ideally, the roof should close no more than 2/3 of the territory. This will ensure a uniform distribution of light throughout the site and proper lighting. The booth is always placed under the roof, so that the animal does not use it as a good springboard.

Small secrets of aviary improvement

How to build aviary yourself, you already know. In conclusion - several tips on the choice of place and improvement of the place where your dog will hold most His time.

  • The aviary is always placed on the elevation. This improves the review, eliminates the likelihood of flooding in case of heavy rain.
  • The construction must be maximally removed from the nippers, sewage and other unpleasant places. Otherwise, the smell of a pet can deteriorate greatly.
  • Entrance to the aviary is always posted on the Eastern or Western side. In the south, the Psu is hot, from the north side you will have to remove the snow in winter.

Such a house will like your pet

When construction is completed, check again for the availability of discover bolts and burrs from metal, rusty parts. Do not forget to sit in the booth with a blanket, and next to place bowls with food and water.

Remember - despite the metal rods, the dog should not feel like in some prison. Try to create your own hands the maximum comfort, because we, people, are always responsible for those who once tamed.

Various Valler Ideas do it yourself.

In private and country houses, owners are usually cut the dogperforming the role of the guard. But the dog is, first of all, a friend, so loving owners care about her and try to create comfortable conditions.

Wolter is built if the animal needs to create conditions for protection against bad weather. A dog booth cannot create comfortable conditions, it is close enough.

The awning will not save the dog from the penetrating wind. Therefore, before the owners of the dog there is a task - to build asylum capable of giveing \u200b\u200bsufficient freedom and rebel the animal From snow, rain and wind.

Views of Celliers

Dog content sites are classified by different signs: depending on it sizes and materialFrom which they are completed.

Sizes, in turn depend on pets of a domestic pet (Dogs are large, medium and small). Therefore, going to build a pen, you should know how to correctly calculate its area.

Guided with this the size of the withers Dogs:

  • at the height of 50 mm The area of \u200b\u200bthe construction should be 6 square meters M.;
  • if the height in the withers dog is from 50 to 65 cm - Wolter must build an area 8 square meters M.;
  • when height in the withers more than 65 cm - construction area is about 10 square meters M..

The height of the pen is calculated, given rough dog. When the dog gets into the paws, she should not hit the roof head.

Features in aviary

In order to a homemade pet felt good And he did not hurt, his owners first of all think that the dog is needed for her livelihood. It is also very important that the animal gets sufficient light.

In the aviary, the dog put a booth. According to its size, it must match animal parameters. On the door booths can be made warmland canopythat will save the pet from the cold. For this good fit felt. Wolter should be kept clean.

Dog need to communicateTherefore, it is necessary to allocate time in order to pay her attention to it. If this is not done, your pet will grow rampant or on the contrary, will be aggression.

Periodically, the dog needs in walking. This is necessary for its physical development.

How to teach a dog to avoera

Dogs are easy enough to learn understand teams His owner. It's not so difficult to teach them to the avoer.

  • On the territory of the aviary close to the entrance to it follows put delicacy. The dog must go and take it. Make and forcibly pulling the animal is not recommended. After the first fear and uncertainty The dog will still decide and will suit the treat cooked for him. Such an exercise must be repeated until the dog itself will calmly go to the aviary;
  • After that, you can safely put in the aviary cordushku. First you can put it at the entrance, gradually moving to the place where you planned to install it. The dog will get used very quickly, since the feeder will call her pleasant Associations;
  • Teach the dog to teams. For example, it may be: "In Woller!", "Place" Or some other teams. Praise your pet for the correctly executed command;
  • When the animal becomes accustomed to the aviary and will be able to stay in it for a while, follows close door And let it understand that it should be there. You can stroke a dog or sweep it on the withers, having treated with delicacy. If the dog expresses discontent: grumbling, sculits, barks - this means that it is too early to leave him on for a long time. Not always follows potatomsince it can understand that certain actions can force the owner to open the door;
  • In the aviary dog \u200b\u200bcan be put toys, bones. For her it will be a kind of entertainment.

Choosing a place

Before building the Woller, you need to choose on the existing site for it. It should not be located at the end of the site (behind the house).

In this case, the dog will not be able to observe what is happening near the house, it will nervous and behave restlessly. It is not recommended to put an aviary near.

Passing people can deliver anxiety animal. Experts believe that the optimal option for the accommodation will be the place located at a short distance. from the gate and side of the tracksleading to the house.

Project and drawings

Like any design, the construction of the enclosure should be started from the scheme. First, it should be straight on paper And mark that there should be, namely:

  • place for a walk (platform);
  • booth for sleep;
  • cordushka.

Schematically, this can be portrayed like this:

Note!None of the parties in the pen must be less than two meters. It should also be provided for the area for future female dogs.

Materials and tools

As materials and tools for aviary used:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • combination of both materials;
  • bolts, screws and screws.

The design of the enclosures is the most diverse. Consider one of them. It will be a capital building having a foundation and roof calculated for long exploitation.

We list the materials necessary for construction:

  • building mixture (cement + sand);
  • any boards;
  • rod, profile, metal corner;
  • channel (metal beam in the form of the letter "P");
  • pipe from profile;
  • any roofing materials.

Their quantity depends on what size It is planned to build a platform.

Stages of Building Waller

Bookmark Fundament

For the construction of the foundation, you need to perform the following actions:

  • All over the area of \u200b\u200baviary trench rushing a depth of half a meter, the length and width of the trench depends on the selected sizes of the structure;
  • On the perimeter is a formwork 20 cm high;
  • A small layer of gravel poured into the trench and poured it with construction cement mortar (to the ground level) throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe trench.

After drying the cement, it is placed on it waterproofing material. It can be any, for example, a regular runner. It will protect the design from corrosion and fungus.

We advise! When erecting the foundation, you should consider the load of the structure to the ground. Wolters, most often, are small and easy, so much for the construction of the ground a lot of strength and cash is inappropriate.

How to make floor

Consider the main stages pole construction In the aviary:

  • Schawler laid on the foundation and with welding connect them in a rectangular design;
  • Inside the resulting rectangle place the boards and treated with an antiseptic agent;
  • On the boards of the stel waterproofing (rubberoid). From above it is sprinkled with a thin layer of gravel;
  • After that, a concrete solution is poured on gravel. He must be a little come across (percent of 50) after which it is placed on it wooden lagows, slightly blocking them into the cement. The time of frozen cement mortar depends on weather conditions, cement marks, chamber of the chamber;
  • For laying flooring, usually used boards. It should be attached using self-tapping screws. Do not use nails for these purposes! They can injure the animal.

Remaining gap Between the Earth and Paul (the foundation was raised on this height) will give an opportunity to move freely, thereby preventing moisture penetration. Even if this happens, moisture will quickly evaporate.


Some people with the construction of walls use the chain grid (about how to make a fence from the chain grid, read). Experts do not recommend apply it, as it is fast will be unusable.

In addition, the grid can stretch and break, wounds may appear on the body of the animal. Therefore, it is recommended to use the following for the construction of the walls. materials:

  • Pipes from profile - Excellent option for walls. In the corners of the frame, they are connected to chapellers using welding. (Instead of welding, the mount can be carried out with bolts);
  • Next, using a level at an altitude of 10 cm is laid metal bar (do it from one corner to another);
  • Vertical rods are fixed to the metallic rod. Considering the size of the pet, between the rods leave the distance up to 10 cm. Do not forget to leave the doorway for the door.

After that, you can sow walls with any building material ( plywood, brick, etc.). The covering inside is recommended to carry out genuine wood. Walls insulate with foam or mineral wool.

Roof construction

To the roof did not delay moisture, they do with a small slope:

  • Around the perimeter of the aviary on the framework of the facilities pipe from profile or corner;
  • Channel will help tighten the design. It is installed in the center of construction and laid from one side wall to another;
  • After that boards are fixed to the profile pipe. Their thickness should not be less 5 centimeters;
  • On top of the board cover roofing material (slate or profiled sheet).

Installation of feeders and booths

On the front wall (grid) you need to provide window for feeders. Its sizes are made so that the dog's food is convenient to file.

Closes and opens a window using rotary mechanism. As soon as the containers with food and water are supplied to the aviary, the window is closed.

Booth make portable or stationary. At the first time a separate design is built. Its size must be compared with the dimensions of the dog.

For large animals, the optimal dimensions (in meters): 1x1.4x1for animals smaller, you can limit the size 0.7x1x0.7. But in any case, you should consider the breast width of the dog and add about 10 centimeters to it.

For the construction of a house used boards thick no less 25 cm and bar 4x4 cm. The framework is made of timber and strengthen it with transverse and vertical ribs (i.e., further enhance the design by Brukes so that it can withstand the load and become more durable).

After that, the bottom is done, and then start sew wallleaving LAZ. The roof is also covered with boards. Well if it is removable. It will give the opportunity well to avoine the booth. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening boards and bars.

For stationary booths, part of the chapter, not forgetting to leave entrance. Sometimes in the animal house, the window makes and additionally insulate the walls.

Little dogs in a street aviary dont need. Often they live in a house with their owners. Sometimes they make a small detachable aviary from the grid. Inside it is equipped with a bed, toys and put the dishes for food. The height of such a structure is approximately half meter.

Where to buy ready-made aviary

There are ready-made enclosures for animals. Their designs are designed for dogs of different sizes. There are pens intended for installation on the street and in the house.

Prices for them can greatly varySince they depend on a number of factors: material, sizes used by technologies, manufacturer.

The cost of enclosures ranges within from 3000 to 60000 rubles and higher.

About how to make aviary do it yourself, look in this video.

An animal, like a person, needs a personal space. However, close booths or the open-air bedding are often used, but far from the best options for the four-legged pet. It is necessary to scrupulously and carefully approach the selection of the house for the dog. Special corner can be equipped independently or order from specialists Ready Woller.

General requirements for aviary

In order for the animal to feel comfortably in the equipped aviary, you need to comply with a number of requirements:

  • the structure needs to be protected from moisture penetration and direct sunlight;
  • the booth is installed inside the street enclosure, in the home - a litter;
  • the size of the enclosure is selected, based on the animal dimensions;
  • the design must be convenient for service - cleaning, changing water and feed.

When building avoire, it is important to remember that it will be the main habitat of the dog, so it is necessary to take into account all the nuances, so that the four-legged loves felt safe and comfort:

  • for small representatives of rocks (not exceeding 50 cm in the withers), the aviary in the area should exceed six square meters;
  • for those whose height in the withers is one of the limits - 65-70 cm, - build a structure with an area of \u200b\u200beight meters;
  • breeds exceeding 70 cm need a spacious enclosure area of \u200b\u200babout ten meters.

There is no need to save space, also to create huge enclosures - an excess space will become an obstacle to heat concentration - in cold periods, the dog can climb.

  1. For floor processingIn the event that it is a street aviary, it should be remembered that wooden boards (main material) should not fill out all the space, some sites should be left in natural form. Possible different variants Coatings depending on the features and cooks of the pet.
  2. For thinking walls It is important not to make them deaf because the dogs are important to observe the surrounding environment and your movements. All walls (or only the front part) are best building using lattice material - forged, welded parts, or a rubber grid.
  3. For deaf Walls "Breathable" are suitable - wood, brick.
  4. Roof Should cover all the territory of the enclosure, the roofing material can be any, however, it is better to select wood base for thermal insulation, and for noise insulation - a layer of soft material.
  5. Preferable to a door Opened inside, which contributes security, the same goals will serve locks-shutters from two sides of the door.
  6. Installation of booth - One of the most important items of the device for a personal place for a pet, with other versions - it is part of the main aviary.

An important aspect is the future location of Waller. Correctly select location is easy, there are a number of tips and recommendations:

  • no need to put an aviary close to noise sources, it will be nervating the animal;
  • it is better to equip a place closer to the dwelling, so that the dog is visible at home;
  • the elevation is preferable to lowland, as the dog will observe what is happening on the site and does not risk being flooded during precipitation;
  • it is important to prevent the breakdown of places emitting a sharp smell, it hurts the ignition of a four-way friend;
  • the entrance should be placed on the Eastern or Western side, the location threatens to cause inconvenience in various seasons.

In order not to miss a single aspect when erecting the room for an animal, it is necessary to initially consider the drawing in which the factor will be indicated - stationary or not it is planned to have a petition, this will help determine the future foundation or its absence. It is important to draw the border between the zones - the place of food (for the calculation is used tiles, wood), the territory for walking (ground, grass), calculate the size of the vehicle from the tree (the booth is placed on its territory).

To find the best option, you need to get acquainted with existing species Wolters for dogs:

  • fully open (fenced grid area with booth inside);
  • partially insulated with an open front part (from three sides - solid walls, roof, flooring from boards, booth);
  • partly drove with an additional walking section (Three solid walls, booth, walking area).

Metal profile pipes are purchased for the manufacture of all enclosures, wooden panels with a thickness of at least 2 cm for walls, fasteners, roof material, concrete.

Certain norms should be followed in order to maximize the pets and avoid unnecessary problems in the future:

  • the dog must necessarily be allocated and equipped place for sleepthey usually serve as a booth (made or purchased, taking into account the dimensions of the animal) on a wooden basis with a soft bedding inside;
  • to protect the open avoire necessarily the presence of a canopa, it will protect the animal from changeable weather conditions and contributes to the preservation of a pet health;
  • wolter must be sure on an area of \u200b\u200babout thirty square meters - The consequence of this will be the comfort of a pet and his housing satisfaction, since he needs not only a relaxing rest, but also the opportunity to warm up;
  • separate attention should be paid to the location power facilities animal;
  • and the frontal part will need to build well strengthened door with leaks to avoid excesses (escape of a pet, penetration of children and other animals in the aviary);
  • the wooden base should not touch the Earth, so it is necessary to consider the equipment of concrete foundation.

Wolter for the dog do it yourself: stages of construction

  • Deciding with the type of future enclosure and calculating the appropriate dimensions (repel from the dimensions of the dog), the stage of preparation and detailed studio drawing, with the calculation of the number of building material, its value, the specifics of processing and use.
  • After determining the material and its purchases, the cores of the most construction occurs. An important part - floorIt can be made of concrete, tiles, or boards. The choice of the characteristics of the climate of the region. The floor made can be combined - concrete and boards, boards and earth. Wooden floor should be located under a slight bias so that the drop-down precipitates do not accumulate and do not interfere with you and your pet.

  • The next stage of construction will installation of walls. Do not forget that at least one of the walls are always done by review, is made from metal materials. The grille is welded, drunken, they put paint to protect against corrosion. Wooden materials can be used for the remaining walls. All design elements must be connected as tight as possible to avoid the possible loss of the pet - by means of its escape. All walls need to be worn into the ground.
  • It is also important to cover the resulting space. roof It is entirely to protect the animal from the negative impact of the environment.

  • In the Ready Woller follows install Booth Or put flooring, the first option is preferable. The booth should be constructed with the calculation of the wood base, after preparing the additional drawing. In such a design, the pet will feel comfort and protected.
  • Upon completion, add cordushki, Additional accessories for pets (litter, toys). Wolter is ready, and your pet can settle.

Wolter for the dog do it yourself: video

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