Phone for the content of dogs in apartments. Big Dog in the City Apartment: Care Tips

They are spelled out sanitary norms walking and stay as well relationship with neighbors.

Generally, norms are quite visible, creating space for interpretation and making a court decision in favor of one of the parties.

Before you have a pet, it is advisable to get acquainted with pets in households in apartment buildings.

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Pets regulating laws


Today, in resolving controversial issues, judges and other representatives of the authorities are guided by 3 sources of law:

  1. Government Resolution No. 23.. It was adopted in 2006 and establishes the rules for the use of residential premises, referring to the issue of animal content;
  2. Federal Law No. 52.determining the list of measures aimed at the sanitary and epidemiological protection of citizens;
  3. Law No. 4979-1 "About veterinary medicine.

Besides his rules Install subjects Russian Federation .

As a rule, direct issues of animal handling and their presence in an apartment building regulates local legislation.

So in a number of regions, a citizen before making a pet is obliged inform all neighbors, inquiring with them for availability allergies.

Otherwise another side may apply to the Courtwho will force the defendant to move either to part with a favorite.

Finally, certain questions of the presence of animals in apartments, regulate articles Civil, Housing, Administrative Code. Punishment for cruel attitude Animal establishes a 245 article of the Criminal Code.

For example, if the owner subjures a pet beat, deprives him of food or otherwise causes suffering, the neighbors can always contact representatives of power.

In the near future

A separate mention deserves the initiative of the deputies, according to which the draft law establishes procedure will be adopted in 2017 chipping animals.

According to the plans every dog, a cat, guinea pig and even a parrot will get identification codeconsisting of 15 digits. To him in a special platform, will be tied full information about the animal, his owners, diseases, ancestors and descendants.

It is difficult to say how this measure is going to implement in practice, however do without a number can only be able to wild animalsWhose habitat is a natural area.

What pets can be started in the apartment?

Modern legislation does not indicate List of pet species.

Eliminate this gap is called new projectmentioned above, but today he has not yet been accepted.

It makes it possible different absurd situations.

For example, when in urban apartments, along with habitual cats and dogs, tigers, lions, alligators, large monkeys and snakes of varying degrees of poisonousness are contained.

Direct prohibitions on their presence are not except normawhich indicates that pet stay should not break The rules of the hostel.

In conflict situations, the last word remains for court.

Regardless of the type of animal, the mandatory conditions include:

  • State, in some cases (for transportation in Russia and across the border) veterinary testimony;
  • Graft from rabies;
  • Mandatory prevention, including processing from fleas, depriving, rash, other diseases.

Rules for finding pets in residential buildings

The legislation requires the owners of the obligatory following the rules, in part:

  1. Pet location in the owner, namely in his apartment. Staircase, entrance, living room corridor, use forbidden;
  2. Owner has no right cause pets suffering. He is obliged to feed it, ensure proper care, any manifestations of cruelty are excluded;
  3. Causing (by the fault of the animal) property damage another person, punishable by an administrative penalty, parallel to the owner is obliged to compensate for the material losses;
  4. The owner is obliged exclude an attack Animal on people or other animals, it is strictly forbidden to give the relevant commands.

    Bites, wounds and other damage punishable regardless of the degree of guilt The victim. For example, even if the dog was provoked, the responsibility is assigned to owner;

  5. From the owner required careful observation of pets in public places. These include transport, trading institutions, playgrounds, sports facilities.

    Most clearly dogsthat should be in a muzzle and on a leash. In addition, the departure of natural needs by pets is eliminated. If the excess has already taken place, the owner must eliminate the consequences;

  6. Suspicions in the presence of an animal of one or another disease capable of damage to others, is the basis for isolation and circulation B. veterinary service;
  7. The apartments eliminate the organization shelters and nurserybecause they violate sanitary and epidemiological norms;
  8. The death of an animal requires a quick host burial or other disposal methods.

In many respects, the content rules are determined a variety of animalSince each case has its own problems, and accordingly, how to solve them.


Least questions cause cats because they practically do not deliver household inconveniences, being optimal view for home content.

Most often problems with the content of cats are caused unpleasant odor.

If the animal is not accustomed to the tray, the owner contains a large number of cats, causing discomfort surrounding, they can contact court.

The only condition remains maintenance purity and order in room.

Regarding vaccinations, rabies and proper care, act general rules .


Lion controversial situations and conflict caused by content dogs. It is governed by regional and urban standards, sometimes general rules apply.

In all cases, the owner is prohibited:

  • Contain animal on door leash (either without it) in the corridor, on the landing, places common use Communal apartment to which the kitchen applies, toilet, bathroom.

    In some cases, the downtown of the dog is excluded balcony and loggia owner;

  • Gaze pollution (excrement, wool) in the stairwell and on the street;
  • Admit noisy animal behavior at night from 21 to 6 hours;
  • Produce walking pets in crowded places.

When violating the owner is imposed administrative penalty.

Also neighbors are entitled Contact the district police inspector or despirators, in the case when the dog violates silence to daytime either recover by located lawn.

Authorities almost unchanged rise to the applicant. If the owner of the apartment is tenant housing, he is obliged to get resolution from the owner of the apartment.

A separate question is related to walking dogs. In all public areas, including shopping points, beaches and transport it is made only if there is leash and muzzle.

Strumbering is prohibited by the appearance of animals in the territory medical institutions , school and kindergarten.

IN lifts. The procure is allowed, the main thing is to prevent the use of it as a toilet or causing discomfort to others.

Other species

Other pets in descending order are presented with aquarium fish, parrots, rodents (hamsters, hand rats, guinea pigs).

Meets I. exoticfaced with special attention from the state.

So some species prohibited to transport to the territory of the Russian Federation, in view of the ability to perform carrier of dangerous diseases.

In this case, the content is carried out by veterinary passport. Otherwise act general rulescomprising preventing noise, hazards for other people and animals, prevention of diseases.

Accordingly, each fact and signal from the neighbors will become the basis for the proceedings.

Sanitary norms

Animal availability is related to potential pollution surrounding space.

Each owner must take measures, removing excrement, wool and other petty products.

Otherwise he can get collective suit from neighbors and municipal authorities.

Sometimes sanitary norms We are prescribed by the internal charter of HOA, obliging the owner to ensure their strict compliance.

Default all animals are pushing from rabies. Ideally sanitary rules limit the number of animals living in the apartment, but in practice the question not adjusted.

For example, the law is directly indicated impossible placement in the dwelling of the nursery, but at the same time, the number of any legal act not limited.

Hence the common situations when rooms are 10-15 cats or dogswho become a headache for all residents of the house.

In violation of noise indicators, antisanitaries and hazards for others, responsible authorities (precinct, housing inspection, SES) require the owner eliminate violations.

It will also be subjected to an administrative fine, and in the event of a deliberate causing harm to another person, criminal prosecution.

Responsibility for violations

The degree of responsibility is determined The degree of offense, the identity of the owner (a repeated attraction tightens the guilt), a specific situation.

Most often as punishment used:

  1. A warning. Representatives of the authorities are resorted to him when a person first breaks first Rules, and Excess did not happen by its fault and not due to negligence;
  2. Money penalty. The most common way to restore justice. The amount fluctuates in the range of 5-5,000 rubles based on the violation and the degree of its consequences;
  3. Criminal prosecution, Installed in paragraph 1 118 of Art. Criminal Code. Applied in case of causing physical damage to another person. The owner may be subjected to a cash fine, attracted to mandatory work. In rare cases (severe consequences), the punishment is imprisonment.

Much depends on positions of the victim and its location to negotiations. So persons affected by the actions of the animal, have the right to demand from the owner not only material, but also moral compensation.

Its size is determined agreement by Party or in the course judicial trial.

Pets' problems in the city

Definitely urban Not the best pets of the pet.

Especially when it comes to its large dimensions, causing the lack of territory necessary for full-fledged life, games, etc.

Some (fighting) breeds of dogs carry a straight threat For the life of others, and sometimes the owners themselves. Permanent stay in the 4-walls adversely affects their psyche, which is fraught unpredictable consequences.

Lai causes inconvenience neighbors, especially in night time. If the labor activity of the owner is associated with night shifts, neighbors may forget about a calm dream.

The dog is a staked creature, unacceptable for loneliness. Even a few hours without a host cause it strong discomfort , expressing loud sounds.

Naturally in this case will have to rebuild graphics either move B. a private house.

Finally, all people need to learn the provisions 245 tbsp. Criminal Codeestablishing punishment for cruel attitude to animals. Equally, it applies both to the owner of the animal and on the neighbors.

They are they have no right to Beat, throw a dog or a cat, throw stones in them or otherwise hurt.

However, appointed punishment for such an excesses, the court perceives the pet as a property, imposing sanctions, connected with reimbursement Property damage.

In general, legislation gives owners equal List of Rights and Responsibilities.

At the same time it is difficult to call perfect and for the final regulation of issues, it is necessary productive work legislators.

See the video about new Pet Content Rules:

Most people living in apartment buildings (MKD) are confident that everyone can do in their apartment, all anything. They are mistaken, because there are rules for living in a house that are obliged to observe all residents. Consider the topic more.

Housing Code and accommodation rules in an apartment building

Each residential building has its own management company. To everyone it is easier, it establishes certain rules based on:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • Civil Code.
  • Certain federal laws and various decrees.

Residents of residents of an apartment building

Residents at home have certain rights about their apartments. In addition to the owner of the housing, it is temporarily or on an ongoing basis, other persons can live. They also have rights and obligations.

Right of ownership

There are several types of rights related to housing area:

  • Ownership. It means that a citizen is the owner of the housing area and has the right to not let anyone in housing, especially outsiders.
  • The right to use. The owner can earn in his apartment, passing it. And he can live in it.
  • The right of disposal. The owner of the apartment has the right to do with it that he wants to: sell, exchange, give.

According to the Housing Code, the appointment of square meters - accommodation on them. However, the owner has the right to practice in his apartment labor activity: To establish a studio, create and sell goods, work. The main thing is that this does not infringe the rights of others. There should be no noise, especially at night. If production is carried out, it should not be associated with poisons or highly smelling substances.

The owner of the housing area has the right to hand over to other persons: physical and legal. At the same time, an agreement is concluded and an exclusively accommodation is envisaged. For example, the apartment handed can be used to accommodate commander employees in it.

Code of conduct

The norms compiled by the management companies and the rules of the behavior of tenants may concern the issues:

  1. Time periods when it is impossible to noise. Basically - this is from 23:00 to 7 o'clock in the morning. However, residents can adjust this gap.
  2. Under what conditions, the tenants have the right to contain pets (sanitary standards, mandatory compliance).
  3. Communal payments. Of course, they must be paid!
  4. Redevelopment of the apartment. It cannot be carried out without coordination with supervisory oragans.
  5. Terms of use of a technical elevator, a staircase, a territory near the house and other property that belongs to all residents of the house.
  6. Car parking and other techniques in the territory adjacent to the house.
  7. Punishment for constant violations of established rules.

Many of these nuances are explained in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, but we recommend contacting your management company or HOA, in order to find out whether individual rules have not been adopted, for example, to use the territory adjacent to the house or general-purpose property.

Noise in the house

In apartment buildings it is prohibited to noise at a certain period of time. Night - from 23 to 7 o'clock in the morning, at this time it is impossible to maintain repair work or carry out noisy events.

In Moscow, it is forbidden to repair the apartment for more than 6 hours a day, it must be finished in 3 months.
Additionally, a survey was conducted by citizens, on the basis of which it was forbidden to carry out repair work from 13:00 to 15:00. This gap is a quiet hour. Children need day Son., and citizens who came from work - rest. For holidays and weekends noise should not be!

At night, the following events are prohibited:

  • Repair, rearrangement of furniture and other noise sources processes.
  • View high volume television gears.
  • Fireworks and other pyrotechnics (except 31.12).
  • Another noise of neighbors (screams, hide and so on).

There are exceptions when it is not forbidden to noise:

  • Repair work related to the elimination of the effects of natural disasters and other emergencies.
  • Violations of the rights of neighbors and other tenants. For example, attackers tried to open someone's auto.
  • Holidays and cultural events.

The prohibition of the noise applies not only to the apartment, it concerns:

  • Common areas (elevators, stairs and so on).
  • The area adjacent to the house (platforms and other).

Failure to comply with established norms is punishable by legal liability.

Dog content law in an apartment building

Accommodation in the apartment of the dog implies not only the provision of conditions for it, but also to comply with certain rules for its content relating to other residents at home.

The law states that the owner should relate to his pet accordingly. The dog should be perceived as a creature that may be scary or hurt. All of her needs must be satisfied.

The legislation establishes breed dogs, dangerous to life of people. Before you have an animal, you should get acquainted with this list.

The owners of the dogs have the right to register pets. For owners of fighting breeds, this procedure is required. This is useful. If the pet will disappear, search activities will be organized.

If the puppy was bought or selected homeless, it is necessarily registered. To do this, contact the management company and fill out the form where to specify:

  • Breed.
  • Nickname that your four-legged friend speaks.
  • Age, gender and others distinctive features.
  • Type of wool and its color.
  • A sterilized animal or not, its growth.

Then the employees of the Criminal Code take a statement, issue a certificate for the right to hold a dog and aware. The design procedure takes a few minutes and does not require investments. However, the content of the dog is subject to government tax.

Note! Registration of dangerous breed dogs passes on another scheme. It is necessary to provide additional documents.

At the request of the pet owner, the dog can enter a microchip, where all information about the owner, animal and the rules for handling it.

Maintenance of other pets

An animal is considered home when performing the following conditions:

  • Pet is subject to registration. Some need to receive vet. passport. Contact nearest veterinary clinic Or even in pet shop to learn more.
  • Be sure to vaccinate from rabies.
  • It is necessary to regularly process a pet from worms, fleas and treatments to prevent diseases.

The legislation establishes the rules for the maintenance of animals in apartment buildings:

  • Animals can be kept exclusively in their apartment.
  • It is forbidden to be cruel to petties. It is necessary to walk them, feed and care for them.
  • If your pet hurts someone else's property, responsibility for it falls on the owner.
  • The owner of the pet is obliged to follow him. If a pet attacks someone, hurts, the owner will be responsible for it.
  • In public places on dogs there should be muzzles and collars.
  • Pets are walked in specially reserved places.
  • If there are suspicions that the animal is ill and contagious, it urgently needs to isolate and show the veterinarian.
  • In the MKD it is forbidden to arrange nurseries or shelters for animals.

What sanitary standards must abide by residents

Sanitary standards are needed to maintain order and improve living conditions in the house. Primary requirements:

  • Storage in the apartment of poisonous, strongly smelling, flammable substances is prohibited.
  • Repair work that violate the conditions of other tenants is prohibited.
  • You can not put your personal items in the places of sharing so that they interfere with others.
  • It is forbidden to turn the attic, a basement and other similar premises in residential.
  • The management company must follow the state of public places and conduct their service in a timely manner.
  • You can use accommodation only by observing all the established norms.

Violation of the right of neighbors and responsibility

In case of violation by a citizen of the rights of residents and established by the settlement of rules, an act is drawn up. At its foundation, the violator will be punished. He may be made a written warning or a fine.

Table fines.

How to protect your rights and where to apply

The method of protection depends on the situation. It is mostly necessary to contact:

  • Housing company (for example, your management company).
  • The prosecutor's office of Russia.
  • Judicial authority.
  • Police.

If you do not know where you go, go to the housing company or to the police and explain the situation.

Everyone living in a multi-storey building is obliged to comply with the established norms and rules, they are an integral part. Systematic disorders can lead to fines, evictions and even criminal responsibility.

The draft law of the federal value "On the responsible handling of animals and the amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" was developed by deputies of the State Duma in 2010. In this regulatory act, more specified and strict rules For domestic owners.

Despite the fact that the bill and was not adopted in final reading, the owners of dogs are still recommended to take his position on the note. Compliance with the requirements for the content and handling of animals will allow a person to avoid unpleasant situations and possible liability in the future.

The responsibilities of the owner are indicated in ch. 3 tbsp. 9 h. 1 and 2. It is said here that a person is obliged:

  • comply with the established zootechnical, zoogigenic, veterinary and sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules (specified further);
  • provide the conditions necessary from the point of view of biological and individual characteristics;
  • register a pet and, if necessary, to provide professional veterinary care;
  • eliminate the possibility of adoption of unwanted offspring;
  • at the request of civil servants engaged in animal protection, bring their ward to regular inspections, diagnostic research, vaccination and other preventive measures;
  • dispose of the body of a dead dog.

According to the document, the dog can live only in the place where:

  • it does not pose a threat to surrounding citizens;
  • there is enough free space, light, air;
  • normally there are temperature and humidity regime;
  • there is a possibility of contact with other animals;
  • there are conditions that do not allow the free yield of the animal beyond the boundaries of the content zone and at the same time protecting it from negative external influences.

Important! Refusal of rights to a pet in case of the impossibility of ensuring competent care does not remove responsibility from a person for his fate until it is arranged to the new owner or transferred to the shelter.

Owners of land plots

GL 3 tbsp. 10 hours 2 of this draft law establishes that the content of dogs in the private sector can be built on the principle of consolidated walking. However, in this case, or the perimeter of the entire territory should be fenced with a fence, or the dog should be planted for a leash and move only under human control.

Residents of apartment buildings

The draft law on the content of the dogs did not bypass the coexistence zone large groups of people. So, in an apartmently residential building, the pets cannot be kept in public areas, as well as on balconies and loggias, in communal apartments and hostels, as challenges GL. 3 tbsp. 11 h. 2 p. 6. Next, the owner's responsibilities are specified in ch. 3 tbsp. 15 h. 1, 2 and 3. The owner of the animal is obliged:

  • comply with the rights and legitimate interests of residents of an apartment building;
  • taking into account the rules and features of the content and walking, individually established by the authorities of this or that subject of the Russian Federation.

About potentially dangerous rocks

Rules of the Law on the Content of Dogs and in an apartment building and on the private sector are given special attention Representatives of potentially hazardous breeds - it is devoted to 1, 2, 3 and 4 h. Art. 16 ch. 3.

Important! The task of drawing up a list of hazardous rocks, as well as the care requirements for them, is assigned to an authorized federal executive body in each individual subject to the subject of Russia. Therefore, the list may differ in different parts of the country, because local officials will be created.

Potentially dangerous pets will need to be recorded first. They will also be imposed on the street, the staircase, in elevators, entrances and public places without a leash and muzzle.

Punishment measures

The rights of officials authorized to exercise the state supervision in the field of animal handling are fixed in ch. 5 tbsp. 23 h. 1 and 2. If the bill acquires the power of a full-fledged lawThe executive representatives will be able to:

  1. To send written requests for the receipt of documents required for verification.
  2. Unhindered to examine private areas, buildings, structures, premises and other places where animals are contained, in the event of a certification of the employee and a copy of the order (orders) of the head or his deputy.
  3. To issue prescriptions to individuals and legal entities to eliminate violations in the field of treating pets, and supervise the timely execution of orders.
  4. In case of refusal to promote cases to the internal affairs bodies.
  5. Clear animals.
  6. Submit a claim for damages, which was applied due to the non-fulfillment of mandatory requirements in the field of handling of pets.

Real owners who do not care about their dogs will fall into the risk category. For offenses, they will apply the measures of disciplinary, administrative, civil and legal and criminal liability ..

This applies not only to ensuring all the necessary conditions, but also compliance with the rules of its content in relation to the residents of the apartment and neighbors.

The federal law on responsible animal handling takes into account the rules of behavior and handling of pets, the rights and obligations of the host of a particular breed of dogs.

The law is based on a respectful handling of pet. The owner must perceive it as a creature that may be scared and hurt and that claims to properly and meet the needs.

The owner of the law determines how the owner or another person contains a pet. At the same time, the rules for breeds of dogs that are potentially dangerous are spelled out by a separate paragraph.

Compliance with these prescriptions carry out any organizations or unions that take such responsibility. The list of such organizations can be found on the site local organs self-government.

Registration rules

Pet registration is offered by the owners of all dogs, but if for dogs-companions it is not a requirement, then for dogs of fighting breeds, registration is a mandatory measure. Useful this procedure is also because with a disappearance of a pet, organized searches will be arranged.

In the event of the acquisition or sale of a dog, it is necessary to report this to any veterinary institution nearby, which refers to the place of residence.

If the animal is gone, a veterinary institution will help in organizing searches. If the puppy is purchased or taken homeless to ensure, it is conducted.

To do this, see the organization of house management at the place of registration and draw up a document, registering in the form:

  • Pet type and its breed;
  • Nickname or several options for which the dog will respond;
  • Age, distinctive features and gender;
  • Painting and type of wool;
  • Sterilization data and animal growth in the withers.

After receiving the form, the applicant is issued a certificate for the right of ownership and token on a pet. Registration takes a few minutes and does not require any financial investments from the owner of the dog. But for the maintenance and possession of a pet, you need to pay for the tax.

Registration of dogs of potentially hazardous breeds passes on another scheme. There will be additional documents here.

The host of the animal must listen to the course of lectures on the rules of education, ensuring and breeding dogs to the KPC "Special Communct Transport" or a cynological organization with the status of the regional or republican.

At the end of the lectures, the owner issues a certificate or certificate. If there are no such documents, it is possible to undergo an urgent three-month course. Otherwise, registration will be denied.

Registration is not provided and in cases where the recorded animal is not provided and if the veterinarian has not been made preventive vaccinationswhich is issued a medical list. Show a dog is necessary in order for the person to be convinced that in accordance with the information introduced into the form.

At the request of the owner of the dog, a microchip can be introduced on which information about the owner, dog and the rules for handling it.

Contents in an apartment building

From the point of view of the law, the dog is the property of man. That is, in fact, in relation to the dog, the same legal laws apply as for any purchased thing.

Even if the pet is contained in the apartment, it should not pollute the commonplace places in the house, that is, the staircases, an entrance, a searcher, a attic or a basement.

Dogs are usually quenched early in the morning, in six to seven hours. It should be remembered that the law prohibits the pet to bark and whine on the street or in the apartment from 22:00 to 8 am. Again, the neighbors may complain to the district police, the neighbors.

Rules of walking

To adjust the rules of the walking, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation assigns a whole article, whose provisions can use both the owners of dogs to prove its rightness and tenants of an apartment building with complaints.

You can walk the dog in a muzzle and with a leash or without them depending on the breed and growth. But if on the content of a dog of the fighting breed, it is necessary to walk it with the use of security measures, regardless of where the walking is carried out.

In public places, the animal can be walking only with a leash, and for fighter rocks with a muzzle. Public Moz Torn street, border, square, territory at home is considered. Walking without a leash can be made in thirty meters from home at least, but for fighting dogs, again, only with a muzzle.

Puppy under three months Muzzle can not wear, as well as decorative rocks, which in the withers have an increase of less than 25 centimeters.

Turning the road and moving along the sidewalk, a dog must be kept on a short leash. On the beaches of rivers, lakes and seas you can not bathe a pet, as it violates the decision on damage to natural objects. If the dog pollutes the territory of general use, the owner is obliged to immediately remove the pet.

On the territory of the polyclinic, hospitals and hospitals, playgrounds and cultural and developmental institutions of the walk is prohibited. However, the territories of cultural institutions do not include urban parks, forests and squares.

Under the influence of alcohol or narcotic substances You can not walk the pet, just the child under 14 years old can not be charged the walking of two dogs at the same time.

As for the walking of the fighting breeds of dogs, it is impossible to conduct it if the owner has no certificate of training on behavior with a dog or not a registration was conducted. To instruct the walking can not and minors, incapable and disabled.

Thus, it is necessary to bring the dog from the apartment on a leash and you can only release it outside the territory of the house. If she is fighting rocks, then even let go and go out with her with a muzzle. And moving across the road or city streets, use a leash and bring the dog as close as possible to itself.

Duties of the host

The living conditions of the pet and the obligations of the owner are governed by the Third Head of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. The owner is obliged to provide the area corresponding to the size and needs of the pet. The room should have a daylight source. This means that it is impossible to provide a dog to a storage room or corner in the common room.

The owner is obliged to provide animal full nutrition, clean water, motor activity and sleep. This means that the dog needs to be released from a leash at least in the apartment, it should not be limited in food and water, if it hurts its physical health.

With any deviations from the norm, the owner must immediately refer to the veterinary service. Also, the owner must take care of the prevention of undesirable offspring by conducting sterilization.

The law determines the normal place of residence of the pet, if it is provided with the optimal temperature and humid regime, is well lit and ventilated, protected from any harmful effect. The owner must comply with security measures towards third parties, not allowing the unauthorized way out of the dog to the street.

If the owner applied the governing bodies for animal treating, he is obliged to provide a dog for inspection and show references, indicating that the animal is registered and instigated.

The burial of the body of the deceased pet is performed in a specially definite place or the body is transferred to organizations specializing in the burial of animals.

Responsibility of the owner

Cases of violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the content of dogs are distributed, while the hosts are self-administratively believed that it is impossible to appear in this and this is a small responsibility.

We give a few examples of the administrative responsibility of the owner:

  • Violating these rules for the content of the pet, the owner will pay up to 1000 rubles of the fine;
  • When pollution of the property of a general-friendly foundation in an apartment building and adjacent territory - up to 1000 rubles fine;
  • Violating the rules of walking, the owner will pay about 1000 rubles of the fine;
  • When attacking a dog to another animal with injury or death as a result - up to 2500 rubles of a fine, to a wild animal - up to 3000 rubles;
  • An attack on a person is often considered a criminal violation of negligence. In some cases, it is regarded as an attempt and threat of life and the health of the victim. In other cases, the owner of the dog is charged a fine up to 2500 rubles.

In addition to paying an administrative fine, the owner can pay moral damage and any other compensation if the victims will turn to court and the decision will be made in favor of the plaintiffs. With a systematic violation, the dog may be seized or placed in quarantine for a certain period of time.

How to fix violations

If you are sure that the master of the pet regularly violates the agency of the content or from his actions suffer from other animals or people, you can fix these violations and contact the precinct.

Loud barking can be fixed with noise meter. Maximum boundary values \u200b\u200b- 45 dB at night and 55 dB in daytime. The appeal will fall under the law on violation of public order.

If the dog pollutes the environment, the entrance or rushes on people, it is enough to remove it on a photo or video carrier, attract witnesses and write a plot. With a perfect attack, it is necessary to urgently contact the clinic and get a certificate indicative of damage.


The rules for living in the apartment and their content takes into account the federal law. If these rules are violated, neighbors can collect evidence and contact the police. With the brutal appeal of the owners and systematic violations, the dog will be seized by the owner.

For fighting and other dangerous breeds, the law prescribes the procedure for documenting and preparing the owner to the content. Registration at the place of residence does not require costs and time, but ensures that the owner is able to manage with a pet and has all rights on it.

The violated rules of ownership and circulation threaten the owner of the administrative, and in cases of criminal responsibility. Therefore, before buying a pet, you should thoroughly think about whether you are ready to treat him with humanity and ensure full-fledged content.

Is it possible to force neighbors who have a dog whether the dog is bothering, it will live, interfering to live normally, to protect you from discomfort that delivers it an animal? In our country there is a law on the content of dogs in a private house or apartment. Not everyone knows about it. But even fewer people are ready to resort to him to solve the problems that they deliver a restless dog neighbors.

Many prefer to put up with the current situation and tolerate that someone's dog constantly barks or delivers other troubles. Meanwhile, you can try to do something. This will allow you not only to provide yourself with the desired peace, but also will clearly demonstrate them that they are obliged to respect the rules of good-neighborly relations, freedom and the rights of others.

If a neighbor's dog marks: what to do

Start a solution to the problem that a restless neighbor's dog creates, it is still with attempts to thompose it. If you do it, you will avoid conflicts and an unfriendly relationship from the neighbors. Otherwise, you will have an irrefuting confidence that you have done all of you. And without complaints about the neighbors who live an aggressive or excessively noisy dog, and then appeal to the appropriate instances, it is impossible to do.

If you are the owner of a private house, and the problem lies in an aggressive reaction of the animal on your presence: the dog is barking, rushes onto the fencing between the plots, etc. In its own territory, it is worth considering an opaque fence from neighbors on its part along the boundary of the site. This simple physical way will deprive the animal source of irritation. Although make you work hard and spend some amount of money.

Try to make friends with the pet neighbors if the dog is not a fighter breed. Offer them this idea. Animal barks due to the fact that he sees in you the danger for himself or his owner. And if you remove this promise and make the PSA get used to your mind, smell, voice, then the dog will stop worrying. Moreover, experienced trainers insist what to do it is not on the neighbors plot, but on its own. It is necessary that the dog familiarize himself with him and stopped perceiving the hostile not only you, but also your territory.

If the dog often gets in the apartment from neighbors, then problems can be tried to decide by buying a special whistle. Although information about its effectiveness is different, the majority converges that this tool works. It acts simply. You will publish a whistle when the barking begins - the animal reacts. The pet who hears in response, whistles almost every time he begins to bark, a conditional reflex is gradually produced. The dog ships, because the whisthes sound causes a significant discomfort. He is not heard to people, so the neighbors and their home you are definitely not disturbed.

Conducting peace negotiations with neighbors

If you do not want or can not do anything personally, so that the restless neighbor's dog ceased to annoy you, you have to talk to her owners. Often this turns out to be an effective measure that allows you to solve the problem without attracting third parties and competent authorities. But it is important that the conversation was peaceful, constructive and without a transition to personality.

In no case begin with claims. Do not say that the dog is tired of you that you can sue or write a complaint to the police. Forget about threats towards the pet. Be extremely respectful and friendly, but at the same time firm in our desire to bring the conversation to the end. Neighbors should hear that their dog is a serious problem for you when loudly barks, but it is understood that you tend to solve it peacefully to mutual satisfaction.

Try to organize a conversation at such a time so that it happens to the eye. Without witnesses and in the presence of outsiders, people behave differently. In the first case, a person may not want to discuss with you this issue, in the second, at least heard. By this you get rid of yourself and the owner of the dog from an awkward position and from the reassigns.

Indicate the main aspects of the situation. Explain why the dog gives you so much trouble: it makes it difficult to work, barks at night, without giving you the opportunity to open the window, etc. Adequate person will try to go with you on a compromise. You can agree that the walking pet will occur in the desired time for you. Or you will be promised that the animal will be transferred to the room in the room with windows that are coming to the other side.

If it is impossible to achieve an agreement on objective reasons, you should offer neighbors to hire a trainer. Promise that for our part we will try to find a good professional. And let me understand that you understand the neighbors that a dog like a pet causes you to have quite positive emotions, and you are ready to do something to resolve the problem.

Problems of pet content in an apartment building

The city involves the ability of a significant number of people to coexist in close contact every day and without prejudice to each other. Most of us live in apartment buildings, which imposes certain rules of behavior and lifestyle. The dog in one of the apartments is one of the most problematic aspects for the neighbors surrounding this apartment. In most cases, they are as follows:

  • walls and other designs of the average apartment building do not provide adequate sound insulation. And it often leads to the fact that not even very active or loud doggy dog delivers a lot of concern about neighbors;
  • the apartment is difficult to maintain the necessary sanitary level. The host of the animal does not always have the opportunity to organize him a timely walking and other conditions of detention that the dog should have;
  • if a private house has an aviary in a private house, the dog may experience anxiety in the apartment due to the fact that it cannot realize the natural need for an energy embezzlement. As a result, the animal is unfortunately barking all day, scratches the walls, etc.

The right to contain an animal within an apartment apartment apartment - be it a dog or another pet - has any person. There are no restrictions on their species. But there are rules, the observance of which is required from the owner of housing, if it contains a dog or another pet. They are connected with the need to maintain a normal relationship with others and not interfere with their privacy. And non-compliance with some of them may entail penalties or even the risk of eviction from the apartment. And therefore, before bringing home the animal, you need to think well about inconveniences for yourself and your households, about the problems for neighbors and how comfortable the dog itself will feel.

Law enforcement

If attempts to negotiate did not led to anything, and the dog's neighbors are still constantly barking or delivers other troubles, you will have to write a complaint. You can submit it

  • to the district;
  • in Rospotrebnadzor;
  • in the administrative court at the place of registration.

When you are submitting the first complaint of the district, you can count on an explanatory conversation with the animal owner. This conversation implies not only explanations about what to do and what rules need to be observed if a dog lives in an apartment building. The precinct must warn the host of an animal about responsibility to violate its content.

If, after visiting them the neighbors, nothing has changed, and you still continue to listen every day, as their dog barks, it is worth a complaint again. Several of your statements will be the basis for a fine, which the policeman has the right to write out. Copies of the complaints you applied you should save, as well as official answers to them with an indication of the measures taken.

If the district refused to make a complaint against the neighbors, it is necessary to demand a written refusal from it. Based on this paper, you can make a request to Rospotrebadzor. His employees on the fact of circulation should be inspected at the address where the dog is, and make an act of expertise on the results of the housing check and noise measurements.

Traditionally, such a check is made on a weekend, since only then it is possible to catch all citizens involved in the place of residence. The act must be preserved, because such a document is a significant proof in your favor in case of further trial with the owners of the animal.

The last "step" on the way of pacifying the neighbors who do not want to reckon with the fact that their dog barks and gives you great concern, is to appeal to the administrative court. Cases when it comes to the case, a little. But the practice of legal proceedings due to the problems of the content of animals still exists.

The statement of claim must be supported by a good evidence base. It is precisely because it is desirable to keep all the material confirmations that the dog creates a big concern you, - each sampling complaint, the act obtained from Rospotrebnadzor, as well as all copies of other instances.

It is recommended to do any audio and video recording of negotiations with the owners of the animal. You can take written evidence that the dog is loud and often barks, in other neighbors. When drawing up a claim, certain rules should follow the content of which can be advised with experienced people or a lawyer.

Responsibility for violation of silence

Responsibility for violations committed by the owner of a pet depends on their quantity and scale. Different punishments are provided - from administrative to criminal. Specifically, the measures possible for the owner of the dog may be such:

  • warning, if the first violation of the rules of content is fixed;
  • penalty if the dog systematically gives a significant concern to a person or group of people;
  • criminal liability that comes as a result of physical harm.

An administrative penalty is the most common measure, since in most cases it does not reach real physical harm. The "plug" of the penalty implies the recovery from 500 rubles. up to several thousand (maximum - 5000 rubles) depending on the severity of the violation and on the frequency of its commission. Criminal liability is mandatory work, and in particularly severe cases, imprisonment for the owner of the PSA. When submitting a claim in court, victims may require compensation and moral damage, and not just the material compensation of the losses received.

The measure of responsibility may differ in different regions of the Russian Federation. City authorities are also entitled to develop additional maintaining pets. Thus, in some localities, a restriction was introduced on the number of animals in apartments of an apartment building, and one address may contain 1 dog or 2, but not more.

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