The guy asks to sleep without panties. A man should sleep naked to improve sperm quality, scientists have found

Male fertility - the ability to reproduce offspring - is influenced by many factors: bad habits, weight, age, features of physical activity and lifestyle. But a team of scientists from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Maryland and Stanford University in California have shown that reproductive functions also depend on how and in what the representatives of the stronger sex sleep.

According to experts, sperm quality improves when men sleep naked and worsens when they go to bed in tight underwear.

The results of the study were presented at annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in Baltimore .

For over a year, American scientists have observed 500 men and assessed the quality of their sperm. As a result of the study, it turned out that the representatives of the stronger sex, who wear tight panties only during the day and fall asleep naked, have 25% better sperm quality than those who do not take off their underwear at night.

The fact is that tight clothing provokes an increase in temperature in the testicles (testicles). The best temperature for the testicles to work is slightly lower than the temperature inside the body. When the temperature in the testicular area rises, the quality of the sperm becomes significantly lower.

In general, since ancient times, men have known about the effect of heat on their reproductive abilities. That is why those representatives of the stronger sex, who were not ready to prolong the genus, soared for hours in the bath before intercourse. At the same time, too active use of "bath contraception" leads to the fact that a man loses the ability to conceive a child.

American scientists advise men who want to improve their reproductive qualities not only to fall asleep naked, but also to wear loose underpants during the day.

“This is the first study to correctly show that men can improve their reproductive performance by choosing the right underwear,” says Allan Pasi, professor andrology (a field of medicine that studies men, male anatomy and physiology, diseases of the male genital area and methods of their treatment) from the University of Sheffield. "Now we need to find out if the partners of those who have switched to loose panties are getting pregnant more often or faster than the partners of those who continue to wear tight underwear."

Allan Pasi advises everyone who wants to become a father to switch from tight tight panties to looser ones.

At the same time, he notes that lovers of loose underwear are residents of India, China, Indonesia - countries that occupy leading positions in terms of population.

In addition, wearing tight underwear and subsequent sweating can lead to infections such as fungal infections. Also, the result of too much love for tight panties is a violation of the production of testosterone - the main male sex hormone.

In adolescent girls, compression can inhibit ovarian development. Also, doctors remind that it is worth giving up the constant wearing of tight jeans. Skinny pants cause problems with genitourinary system and interfere with the normal process of digestion.

Sleep is a very beneficial state for a person. During sleep, the body rests, the person relaxes in order to wake up with renewed vigor to take up his business. In addition, sleep allows us to learn a lot about a person's character by, for example, in what position he sleeps, or what he sleeps in - in shorts, naked, in pajamas. And what is your man sleeping in?

In panties

Is your chosen one used to sleeping in shorts? He loves order in everything, even in small things, which can sometimes be stressful... However, on the other hand, men who sleep in shorts are attentive to people and sincere. Your man is attentive to you, as well as to other women close to him - sister, mother. As it should be.

In pajamas

Representatives of the stronger sex who prefer to sleep in their pajamas are open, direct, sincere people. If such a man gave his word, be sure - he will definitely keep him. He likes outdoor recreation - with barbecue, in good company in your face, and to the relaxing singing of birds and rustling of grass. But discos and noisy parties are not for him.


He loves to sleep in underpants, and all your questions about why he sleeps in them, he answers one thing: "It's cold." However, this is just an excuse, and the real explanation sounds very different. Men who like to sleep in underpants, narcissistic egoists who are not particularly interested in someone else's disorder, as well as opinion... However, they are purposeful natures and achieve their goal, even if they have to walk over their heads. So, at least, you have a comfortable future with such a representative of the stronger sex in your pocket. He is stable in his habits, so you need to tightly control the formation of his addictions.

In a T-shirt

Avid couch potatoes sleep in a T-shirt, which no buns can lure into some distant journey. This, of course, is bad, but such men work hard, do not get angry, they are not inclined to revolutions and scandals. If you like home comfort and a quiet, measured family life, then such a man is the perfect choice for you.

In the buff

Creative men sleep naked. They can light up with some idea, live by it, look for all sorts of ways to achieve their goal... Men who love to sleep in what their mother gave birth to are creative, sophisticated, sublime natures. In addition, sleeping with such a man is much more pleasant than with a lover of underpants.

April 21, 2016 1:15 pm

According to the researchers, a combination of these factors can lead to the rapid growth of fungi in the groin folds due to excessive sweating, and an increase in temperature, as you know, has a bad effect on the production of male sperm. Accordingly, scientists believe that the best sleep will be one in which people will sleep without clothes, only covered with a blanket.

Well, there really is a certain reason for such recommendations. In this regard, we can recall, for example, that in Russia it was customary for newlyweds to be left on their wedding night in the cold hallway - even if they provided something to hide. Well, underwear in those days, especially among the poor layers of the population, was generally, to put it mildly, unpopular.

Similar and modern doctors, in the treatment of marital infertility, it is recommended that husbands not wear too tight and warm panties, do not go to saunas and steam rooms, do not even use electric heated seats in cars... After all, the testes are not for nothing in men in the scrotum - so that their temperature is lower than in the rest of the body. And with "cryptorchidism", undescended testicles from abdominal cavity into the scrotum, which is sometimes observed in boys, the latter are threatened with guaranteed infertility without an appropriate operation.

And, of course, if the panties are also made of synthetics and do not absorb sweat well, then, naturally, high humidity is an excellent environment for the accelerated growth of bacteria and fungi. That can lead to all sorts of "epidermophytosis" - and even to urethritis, and with the further advancement of the infection along the genitourinary tract, and to prostatitis, cystitis, etc. Which, of course, has a very negative effect not only on the quality of sperm - but and on the elementary "masculine power".

Forever abandoning cowards? ...

So what - from now on, men should give up their panties in bed? It seems that here, nevertheless, there is no need to rush.

Let's start with the fact that underwear performs not only a purely "decorative" function. First, it is the very first "barrier" separating the body from the environment. And it appeared, not least, purely for pragmatic reasons: changing it to a clean one, followed by washing, is much easier than the whole sheet or duvet cover, or, say, trousers. That is, those who like to sleep naked need to understand - if proceeding from modern views hygiene, panties must be changed at least once every few days (or even daily) - then if you refuse them, the bed linen will have to be changed not with much less frequency.

Yes, progress has given us automatic washing machines - but the "big wash" is still not such an easy task, because the bedding sets still need to be hung out and dried, many still continue to iron them with an iron for beauty. Although this is devoid of practical sense - since after ironing the fabric in many respects loses its main property, it is good to absorb sweat. So, if there is a desire and opportunity to change the bed every two or three days, followed by washing the bed linen - then yes, you can sleep naked without much fear. Otherwise, you will have to wallow in your own dirt - which may be for health spheres are no better than sleeping in tight and wet underpants.

What you shouldn't forget while living without panties

However, even with the frequent change of bed linen, do not forget that the underwear performs another function - warming. Yes, during sleep, this is mainly the role of the blanket. But you never know what happens in a dream - a person felt hot, he opened up - and it is often much more difficult to hide "on the machine". Meanwhile, although cold is useful for spermatogenesis, a noticeable hypothermia of the lower abdomen and groin area is fraught with development inflammatory diseases urogenital area. This is especially true for, let's say, not very young men.

Do not forget that sleep normally lasts no more than 8 hours a day. And work, the road to it, household chores - the rest 16. And all this time men are not at all naked - they, in addition to shorts, are also wearing trousers. So to seriously contribute to the improvement of sexual function, it is necessary to pay attention to, so to speak, "groin comfort" not only at night. As well as to hope only that the achieved "night ideal" completely neutralizes the negative factors for most of the day.

On the other hand, these same considerations allow us to look at the too radical requirements to sleep only naked with some skepticism. After all, if underwear would really be so harmful for the male genital area, then, based on the fact of being in it most his life, almost all men would be barren. Which, fortunately, is not observed in practice.

It is necessary to refrain from synthetic panties

What is definitely worth remembering in the recommendations of Anglo-American scientists is quite reasonable advice to refrain from tight and synthetic underwear. Yes, in tight swimming trunks a man, especially athletic in appearance, of course, looks sexier in the eyes of his girlfriend than in some kind of "family shorts". But swimming trunks are designed specifically for swimming - so that after getting out of the water they dry out as quickly as possible, without creating a risk of catching a cold in the genitourinary sphere. Rapid drying of the fabric is precisely achieved due to poor absorption of liquid by it.

And at linen for everyday wear, the function is exactly the opposite - to have the maximum absorbency so that the body, even when sweating, does not "float in its own sweat." This is achieved through the use of natural fabrics - cotton and linen. Unfortunately, at the expense of the sacrifice of external aesthetics - sexual fit and "tightness".

In general, the main recommendation for sleepwear is that it should not be tight, be clean and absorb sweat well, if necessary - warming (but not overheating) the sleeping person. And what will act in this capacity - underpants, pajamas or simply with a duvet cover - is already a matter of taste and personal choice of each individual person.

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