Excitation of the vagus nerves causes. How to stimulate the Vagus Nerve (and why should you do it)? Vagus nerve tone - symptoms

In what ways and methods can stimulate the vagus nerve to help prevent and treat many pathological conditions.

By studying how the human body works, I am increasingly convinced that it functions as a whole. All organs and systems are interconnected and our health cannot be viewed from one side.

This post will focus on a very important nerve in our body. And not just about its functionality, but how much about the fact that the tone of this nerve is able to help us fight many pathological conditions and chronic diseases.

By stimulating the Vagus Nerve, you open the door to yet another effective and safe way to prevent and treat hypertension, diabetes, obesity, anxiety, and more.

What is the Vagus Nerve?

Or Vagus Nerve.

It is the longest nerve running in our body. It begins in our brain as cranial nerve 10, travels through the neck and then through the digestive tract, liver, spleen, pancreas, heart and lungs.

This is the main "player" in our the parasympathetic nervous system, or, to put it in a simple way, the system of "rest and digest".

What is Vagus Nerve Tone?

Vagus Nerve Tone is an important activation key for the parasympathetic nervous system.

It turns out tone can be easily measured by recording the heart rate along with the breathing rate.

Our heartbeat speeds up slightly when we breathe in and slows down when we breathe out. The greater the difference between the heart rate during inhalation and exhalation, the better your tone. A good "wandering" tone means the body's ability to recover faster from stress.

Influence of the Vagus Nerve on organs and systems:

  • Digestive system - increases the acidity of gastric juice, improves digestion and helps to utilize vitamin B12.
  • Gall bladder - stimulates the release of bile, the absorption of fats and the elimination of toxins.
  • Liver and pancreas - helps control blood glucose balance.
  • The cardiovascular system - controls the heart rate and arterial pressure... According to statistics, it helps to reduce the risk of heart attacks.
  • Kidney - improves blood circulation and filtration capacity.
  • Spleen - Reduces inflammation in the body by decreasing the release of Acetylcholine.
  • Among women - controls fertility.

How does the Vagus Nerve affect our body?

Good Vagus Nerve Tone:

  • improves blood sugar regulation
  • reduces the risk of stroke
  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease
  • stabilizes blood pressure
  • improves digestion
  • reduces the frequency of headaches and migraines
  • improves mood
  • reduces the effects of stress and anxiety on the body

Poor Vagus Nerve Tone:

  • high risk of stroke
  • increased risk of developing diabetes
  • chronic fatigue
  • autoimmune diseases (, multiple sclerosis)

Why activate the Vagus Nerve?

This simple action turns out to be additional effective method in the fight against:

  • Anxiety and
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Overweight and obesity
  • Noise in the ears
  • Alcoholism
  • Bulimia or anorexia
  • Autistic
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Cancer

How to stimulate the Vagus Nerve?

Well, now let's figure out what methods and methods can be used to activate this nerve, which is important for our health and well-being.

1. Breathing

Shallow, rhythmic, deep belly breathing can activate the Vagus Nerve.

To do this, I usually sit (or lie down) and breathe deeply in my stomach for 10-15 minutes. You can further increase the tone of the nerve by stretching "Oooooooommmmm" at the exit (this is taught in yoga practices), since this Vagus nerve is connected with the vocal cords.

2. Meditation

The same goes for meditation, where you automatically start breathing deeply and slowly into your stomach. You can meditate at the end of your yoga practice or separately. Usually 15-20 minutes is enough.

3. Water

Namely, washing your face cold water... The mechanism of activation of the Vagus Nerve is thus not fully understood. Nevertheless, it cannot prevent us from washing our faces with cold water in the morning and in the evening.

4. Probiotics

The balance of the intestinal microflora also affects our nerves. It turns out that beneficial bacteria form a so-called positive connection with the Vagus nerve, increasing its tone. It is also important to know that our intestines are connected to the brain through this nerve.

5. Rinse

This process stimulates the posterior pharyngeal wall, which is directly connected to the nerve. The method is also quite simple: you need to rinse your mouth with a glass of water several times a day (for example, after a meal). It is also beneficial for oral health.

6. Singing

7. Yoga

It has already been proven that yoga practice improves the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system. And everything that improves its activity automatically improves the tone of the Vagus nerve. I try to practice yoga 2-3 times a week.

8. Fasting

Fasting appears to increase the tone of the vagus nerve. There are several ways to practice fasting. Someone refuses to eat once a week, but I practice the so-called

Our nervous system has a complex structure, because it is responsible for the passage of all processes in our body. Problems in her activity are immediately reflected in the functioning of organs and systems, and require careful attention to herself and correct, as well as timely correction. So one of the rather important parts of the nervous system is the vagus nerve, it is the representative of the twelve nerves in our cranium (the tenth pair of cranial nerves). Damage to this part of our body can affect the activity of the heart, broncho-pulmonary system, intestines, etc. Correction of such a pathological condition requires correct therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

The vagus nerve has a rather complex structure, because it contains motor, as well as secretory and sensory fibers. Such a fiber is responsible for conducting impulses that enter the cerebral cortex and awaken all kinds of functions. Of course, damage to the vagus nerve negatively affects the activity of the whole organism and can provoke a variety of ailments.

Why is the vagus nerve damaged? The reasons

There are many factors that can cause damage to the vagus nerve. Let's try to consider the most common ones. So most often this pathological condition is most often caused by diabetes mellitus.

Damage blood vesselscaused by high blood sugar levels can cause inflammatory lesions as well as damage to the vagus nerve. In addition, such an ailment can develop as a result of a number of chronic ailments, including HIV or Parkinson's disease. Such diseases have a rather negative effect on the activity of such an important fiber.

Serious problems with the vagus nerve can arise from injury and severe accidents. In addition, in certain cases, surgical interventions can, under the confluence of unforeseen circumstances, provoke a sharp increase in pressure on this area, which is also fraught with damage.

Another fairly common cause of problems of this kind is considered to be alcoholism, which provokes alcoholic neuropathy.

What indicates that the vagus nerve is damaged? Symptoms

The manifestations of lesions of the vagus nerve can be very different. Moreover, the severity of symptoms directly depends on the severity of the pathology. In most cases inflammatory processes and other lesions of such an area cause problems with the voice, for example, causing hoarseness, various kinds of pronunciation difficulties, as well as a significant change in voice. The next stage in the development of pathological processes is considered to be violations with the swallowing of saliva or food.

This symptom is explained by the fact that the vagus nerve is responsible for the reflexes of the tongue movements, respectively, its lesions lead to movement dysfunctions. Failure in the same reflex function can cause the development of unreasonable gag reflexes, which can lead to suffocation. As the pathological processes develop, the patient experiences problems in the digestive process, which can be expressed in indigestion, constipation, etc. In addition, lesions of the vagus nerve can cause disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, which manifests itself in arrhythmias, pain in chest, breathing disorders, and dizziness. The manifestations of such a pathological condition can be expressed in urinary incontinence and in the development of deafness.

How is a damaged vagus nerve corrected? Treatment

Therapy for problems with the vagus nerve should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Significance correct treatment extremely high, since malfunctions in the activity of such a part of our body can cause extremely serious complications, and in severe cases, provoke death.

Treatment of lesions of the vagus nerve is carried out only after confirmation of such a diagnosis by a qualified specialist. The doctor takes measures to eliminate the causes that provoked the pathology. The most common drugs used to correct such an ailment are considered to be hormonal compounds (Prednisolone), multivitamin drugs (the use of B vitamins plays a particularly important role), as well as antihistamines and anticholinesterase drugs. In certain cases, plasmapheresis can be performed.

If we talk about the use of methods of physiotherapeutic treatment, then doctors often recommend using diadynamic currents aimed at the site of pain localization. In certain cases, surgery is the only possible treatment.

It is worth considering that the treatment of injuries of the vagus nerve should be carried out exclusively in a clinic.

The human body has a complex structure and an extensive nervous system. This article focuses on the vagus (vagal) nerve. The vagus nerve, what is it, what disorders can arise in it and how can they be treated?

The vagus nerve is the main nerve in parasympathetic system human and is the longest of all nerves in the human body. He does not know how to wander through the body, but he began to be called that due to the vastness of the functions assigned to him by the brain.

The parasympathetic system is a system called "rest and digest".

Where is the vagus nerve located? It comes out of the skull, through cervical penetrates into the chest plane and falls below, to abdominal... Due to this long pathway, the nerve performs many functions in the body, including:

  1. Responsible for the innervation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx, the external auditory canal, and the cranial fossa.
  2. It innervates the lungs, intestines, esophagus, stomach and heart.
  3. Responsible for the movement of the palate, pharynx, larynx and esophagus.
  4. Has an effect on the production of gastric juice and the secretion of the pancreas.

As a result of such extensive functions, it can be safely stated that the vagus nerve is responsible in the body for:

  • breath;
  • cough;
  • speech;
  • sweating;
  • saturation process;
  • work of the heart;
  • swallowing process;
  • gag reflexes;
  • digestion of food.

Even minor injuries can lead to a stop in the work of a significant part of the body and lead to a fatal result.

The structure and function of the nerve


Vagus nerve is X pair cranial nerves (there are XII pairs of cranial nerves in the human body) and originates in the cranium. Thus, it belongs to the central nervous system.

The anatomy of the vagus nerve is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The vagus itself consists of four sections:

  1. Head - the trunk of the nerve comes out of the cranium and goes to the cervical region.
  2. Cervical - located directly in the neck.
  3. Thoracic - runs from the base of the neck to the end of the thoracic plane.
  4. Abdominal - located in the stomach area.

Each of these departments has its own branches. These branches consist of fibers, which are also subdivided into:

  1. Sensitive (located in the auditory canal and meninges).
  2. Motor (located in the muscles of the larynx, pharynx and esophagus).
  3. Vegetative (responsible for the functioning of internal organs, endocrine glands, circulatory and lymphatic system).

What a nerve looks like

The topography of the vagus nerve is as follows:

  • the left and right vagus nerve (run parallel to each other and are each responsible for their lungs, after which the esophageal plexus is formed below);
  • meningeal branch (transmits signals to the back of the external auditory canal and is responsible for the innervation of the dura mater);
  • pharyngeal branch (innervates the pharyngeal muscles, mucous membrane and palate);
  • the superior laryngeal nerve (innervates the mucous membrane of the vocal cords, scaly ligaments, upper esophageal sphincter and subpharynx);
  • recurrent laryngeal nerve (innervates the muscles of the larynx, esophagus, smooth muscles);
  • upper cardiac nerve (has 2-3 branches that communicate with sympathetic fibers);
  • lower cardiac branch (innervates the heart muscles);
  • anterior and posterior branch of the esophagus (should be located directly near the esophagus and innervate the posterior surface of the pericardium);
  • gastric branches (innervate the stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestines, kidneys and adrenal glands);
  • hepatic branches (innervate the liver).

Reasons for defeat

The reasons that can serve as pinching or inflammation of the vagus nerve are different. So, most often, abnormalities in the work of the vagus cause brain diseases, including:

  • meningitis;
  • tumor neoplasms (malignant and benign tumors, aneurysm, cyst, etc.);
  • TBI of the brain that cause hematoma or other damage;
  • circulatory disorders that affect thrombus formation.

In addition, the following ailments cause irritation of the vagus nerve:

  • diabetes;
  • chronic diseases (tuberculosis, sinusitis);
  • hIV infection;
  • parkinson's disease;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • poisoning with heavy metals.

In addition, the effects of alcohol cannot be ruled out, increased content which adversely affects the vagal nerve. Along with the abuse of alcoholic beverages, alcoholic neuralgia that has developed against this background often causes irritation of the nerve.

Symptoms of defeat

The vagus nerve, its symptoms and treatment differ in contrast to which part is affected. So, the symptoms can be as follows:

  1. Speech disorders - as a rule, the patient begins everything with a slight wheezing during a conversation. Further, problems with pronunciation and loss of voice are possible.
  2. Swallowing problems - A pinched or inflamed part of the vagus nerve that is responsible for swallowing can make it difficult to eat solid foods, and liquid foods as it progresses. Gradually, the development of gagging is possible when trying to swallow plain water and even saliva. In severe cases, asthma attacks are possible.
  3. Violations digestive system and gastrointestinal tract - increased muscle tone of the esophagus or its absence can lead to a stop of the digestive system or its slowdown. This leads to constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, etc.
  4. Cardiovascular Issues - Heart problems are not easy to detect if you ignore the signals your body sends us (unfortunately, most people do just that). The main symptoms of the disorder are arrhythmia, tachycardia, bradycardia, dizziness, difficulty breathing, uncontrolled urination (resulting from a long period of absence of treatment), deafness.
  5. Nervous system problems - headache, problems with the ears, lethargy, excessive irritability, apathy, detachment.


The vagus plays an important role in the human body. So, in his normal state, he:

  • improves blood sugar regulation;
  • reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease;
  • stabilizes pressure;
  • improves digestion;
  • reduces the intensity and number of attacks of headaches and migraine pains;
  • cheers up;
  • reduces stress and anxiety.

In order to maintain a good tone of the vagus nerve, it is recommended to regularly activate it (this procedure is called stimulation of the vagus nerve).

Stimulation contributes to:

  • reducing the risk of panic attacks, fears, heart disease;
  • prevention of Alzheimer's disease;
  • fight against headaches, overweight and obesity;
  • encouraging the body to fight bulimia, anorexia, autoimmune diseases, cancer, hemorrhoids;
  • elimination of problems with alcoholism.

It must be understood that the usual activation of the vagus is not enough in order to defeat this or that ailment, but in combination with drug treatment shows good results.

Stimulation option

Activation is possible in the following ways:

  • slow and rhythmic abdominal breathing (10-15 minutes);
  • meditation (15–20 minutes);
  • washing with cold water (morning and evening);
  • taking probiotics;
  • gargling (repeated several times a day after meals);
  • singing (loudly and with pleasure, and it also has a positive effect on the parasympathetic system);
  • reception fish oil (Omega 3 is a great stimulant).


Diagnosis of the disease is carried out in medical institution and begins with interviewing the patient and clarifying what worries him.
For example, in case of problems with swallowing, the doctor examines the soft palate (the tongue sags in the direction opposite to the lesion) and the throat. In addition, the doctor evaluates the timbre of the voice and the level of wheezing during pronunciation.

To check the swallowing function, it is enough to ask the patient to drink a glass of water; during swallowing, a cough should begin (a natural reaction of the body with vagus neuritis with complications of the swallowing function).

In addition, the neurologist additionally prescribes:

  • laryngoscopy;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • radiography;


Action in the case of disorders associated with the vagus is necessary urgently, since the lack of treatment can lead to sad consequences.

Treatment is divided into conservative and surgical. In addition, in a separate category, you can make folk remedies treatment.

Conservative treatment means taking hormonal drugs (prednisolone, hydrocortisone) that help eliminate symptoms.

Also, in order to calm pain, let's say taking painkillers.

Treating inflammation of the vagus nerve is acceptable with antihistamines, which relieve swelling that forms around the vagal nerve.

Naturally, a vitamin supplement is needed for the affected nerve and the weakened body. A suitable vitamin for this is the B vitamin, as well as preparations containing magnesium.

As in most cases, after a course of drug therapy, physiotherapy procedures are required, which include:

  1. Diadynamic currents (have a stimulating effect on the muscles).
  2. Plasmaphoresis.
  3. Electrical stimulation.

As a rule, the effect of physiotherapy at the stage of treatment is minimal, therefore this type of therapy is used as a restorative procedure.

Additionally, you can resort to traditional medicine recipes. It is difficult to cure an ailment using only home methods of treatment, and it is not recommended to replace drug therapy with alternative therapy. The complex can have pretty good results.

The main options for home treatment are shown:

  1. Baths.
  2. Tinctures.
  3. Broths.
  4. Mono-means.

Herbal baths - mix in equal proportions 20 g of calamus, oregano, pine buds and yarrow and pour the resulting mixture with 5 liters of hot water. Before pouring the resulting mixture into the bath, it is insisted for up to 5 hours. Take a bath for no more than 20 minutes. It is believed that such manipulations relax and help calm the nerve.

There are many types of baths; alternatively, you can try using valerian root and sage, also mixed in equal proportions and infused with boiling water.

As a means for oral administration, sedative decoctions are used. So, to prepare a sedative, you must mix 10 g of mint and lemon balm in equal proportions and pour them 300 ml of hot boiled water. This broth should be brewed for at least an hour. Consume one glass every day.

To relieve nervous tension, it is enough to boil st. spoon of thyme flowers. It is better to take such a decoction every day, 50 ml.

The patient can make a pillow of soothing herbs for himself. This is called an aroma pillow. Herbs that can be used include:

  • thyme;
  • mint;
  • melissa;
  • hop cones;
  • chamomile;
  • bay leaf;
  • oregano;
  • lavender.

Mono-remedies include honey, which must be taken regularly instead of the same sugar. Honey has a tonic and soothing effect when taken regularly. Homeopathy also shows good results.

Surgery is resorted to as a last resort when conservative treatment does not bring visible results. Besides, surgical intervention indicated for persons with tumor processes, removal of the tumor is in some cases a prerequisite for recovery. The surgeon must make sure that the operation will bring more use than harm.


For the prevention of diseases of the vagus nerve, there is no need to adhere to any complex diet or douche with cold water. All recommendations are quite adequate and will not cause difficulties for an ordinary person. So, the recommendations include:

  1. Leading a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Moderate daily exercise.
  3. Healthy daily sleep.
  4. Reception in the evening with a contrast shower.
  5. Rejection of bad habits.
  6. Avoidance stressful situations at work.

So why is it so important to take care of your emotional state? Because a calm and balanced person is much less likely to suffer from diseases, including from ailments associated with inflammation of the vagus nerve. Take care of your nerves, it will be much harder to treat them than to save them.

» The vagus nerve - symptoms and treatment. What is the vagus nerve and where is it?

The vagus nerve - symptoms and treatment. What is the vagus nerve and where is it?

It often happens that the person leading healthy image life, he suddenly discovers unpleasant symptoms: his stomach hurts, his heart plays pranks ... And this despite the fact that he does not drink, does not smoke, goes in for sports. The vagus nerve can be a cause of concern. Where is it located, what it is, how it functions and what problems with well-being it can create - let's try to figure it out!

What is the vagus nerve?

Medicine has 12 pairs of nerves emanating from the base of the skull. Each of them has its own functions and transmits signals to specific organs. The tenth pair was named the vagus nerve, since it carries signals from the brain to almost all vital important bodies... The vagus nerve starts at the base of the skull and travels through the neck, chest, and peritoneum.

First of all, the vagus nerve regulates the functions:

  • swallowing;
  • vomiting;
  • cough;
  • work of the stomach;
  • breathing;
  • heartbeat.

If the work of the vagus nerve is impaired, even cardiac arrest and death is possible.

Causes of diseases

In diseases of the vagus nerve, symptoms and treatment are interrelated. And the main reasons for the development of pathology can be:

  • injuries that put pressure on the nerve;
  • surgical operations during which there was damage or pinching of the nerve;
  • diabetes mellitus (high sugar levels negatively affect the work of the vagus nerve);
  • viral respiratory diseases;
  • chronic diseases (HIV infection, Parkinson's disease);
  • alcoholism.


Depending on which part of the vagus nerve is affected, the doctor determines the symptoms and treatment for each specific case:

  • head section (severe headaches and discomfort in the ear);
  • cervical spine (swallowing function is impaired due to paralysis of the pharyngeal muscles, voice changes, suffocation);
  • thoracic region (dysfunction of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which is expressed in difficulty breathing, a feeling of lack of air, chest pain; weakening of the cough reflex and, as a result, pneumonia);
  • abdominal (upset stomach and intestines, abdominal pain, gag reflex).

If the vagus nerve is damaged, it is particularly affected the cardiovascular system... This is expressed in the following conditions:

  • the pulse decreases;
  • pressure drops;
  • shortness of breath appears;
  • pains are felt in the region of the heart;
  • there is a lack of air;
  • it seems as if "there is a lump in the throat."

When the nucleus of the vagus nerve is damaged, the tone of the autonomic system increases or decreases. Vegetative disorders make themselves felt by the lethargy of the body, apathy in human behavior with increased tone and irritability, irascibility - with a decrease.

Diseases of the vagus nerve

When the vagus nerve is pinched, the following groups of diseases develop:

  • angioneuroses (diseases of the vegetative system, in which the work of blood vessels is disrupted);
  • neurasthenia (disorder of the autonomic system, in which excitability increases and exhaustion occurs).

Among these groups, the most common are:

  • migraines - episodic headache attacks;
  • meniere's disease - parts of the periphery of the nervous system and the brain are affected, as a result of which the head is spinning, hearing decreases;
  • raynaud's disease - the nervous system is affected, as a result of which the limbs and parts of the face turn pale and become cold, emotional irritability appears.


The vagus nerve is hardly treatable. In this regard, one must always be careful and consult a doctor at the first symptoms of a nervous disorder.

Traditional medicine offers the following treatments:

  • hormonal drugs (prednisone);
  • multivitamin complexes with B vitamins;
  • anticholinesterase drugs (drugs that inhibit the activity of an enzyme that transmits an excitation signal to the nervous system);
  • antihistamines.

In especially severe cases, the following can be used:

  • electrical stimulation;
  • surgical methods;
  • plasmapheresis (purification of blood at the cellular level).

Traditional treatment should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a physician. With the wrong or untimely therapy, death can occur due to the cessation of the work of some organs of the body.


With lesions of the vagus nerve ethnoscience ineffective. It only allows you to alleviate some of the symptoms, but in no way cures the disease. As a prophylaxis and to enhance the effect of the methods traditional medicine some herbal infusions can be suggested.

  • 1 tbsp. l. Pour 50 ml of boiling water over dried thyme herb and leave for 15 minutes. Drink throughout the day, breaking the portion into 4 doses.
  • Mix mint with lemon balm, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Drink during the day in 2 doses.
  • 1 tbsp. l. clover pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Strain and drink in 2 divided doses.
    From medicinal herbs and fruits, you can make tinctures for the treatment of the vagus nerve:
  • 50 g of thyme pour 1.5 liters of white wine. Insist for a week in a dark place. Consume 10 drops, adding them to milk 4 times a day.
  • 50 g belladonna root pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist 7 days and take 15 drops 3 times a day.

It should be remembered that it is almost impossible to heal the vagus nerve. You need to be careful about the health of the nervous system. If there is a suspicion of a vagus nerve disorder, only a doctor will determine the symptoms and treatment. Self-medication and untimely treatment for medical help can be fatal.

Nervus vagus is the longest and most widely divergent nerve in the human body. It has many different functions and for this reason is one of the most important parts of the nervous system.

There are twelve pairs of cranial or cranial nerves (CNs) in the human body, all of which connect important body systems with the brain. The functions performed by each of them are different. The vagus nerve is one such pair of cranial nerves. More specifically, it is the 10th pair of cranial nerves that perform many different functions.

The vagus nerve is also known as the cranial nerve.X or pulmonary-gastric nerve, as it innervates the stomach and lungs. It departs from the brain and runs along the throat, larynx, lungs, heart, stomach and abdominal muscles to other internal organs.

The vagus nerve sends signals throughout the body and then transmits them back to the brain. It triggers the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) and is involved in maintaining the health of immune cells, organs, tissues, and stem cells. This nerve regulates heart rate, speech, sweating, blood pressure, digestion, glucose production, and respiration. In addition to the fact that the vagus nerve provides an outlet to various organs, it also makes up 90% of the afferent (centripetal) nerves, which transmit sensory information about the state of internal organs to the central nervous system.

Vagus nerve, nthrough the body... Location and function

1 - right vagus nerve (CN X)
2 - superior laryngeal nerve
3 - laryngeal nerve: internal
4 - laryngeal nerve: external
5 - superior cardiac nerve
6 - right recurrent laryngeal nerve
7 - pulmonary plexus
8 - internal heart branches
9 - esophageal plexus
10 - gatekeeper branch
11 - celiac ganglion and celiac plexus
12 - superior mesenteric ganglion
13 - pharyngeal branch
14 - left vagus nerve (CN X)
15 - left recurrent laryngeal nerve
16 - cardiac plexus
17 - branches of the cardiac plexus
18 - anterior gastric nerve
19 - splenic branches
20 - left splenic angle
21 - branches of the small and large intestine

In the head

The vagus nerve originates from the roots of the medulla oblongata. It leaves the skull through the jugular foramen, together with the pharyngeal nerve and accessory nerve, and goes to the internal organs. This nerve is involved in providing communication between the brain and internal organs... Inside the jugular foramen are the jugular and nodular sensory ganglia. The auricular branch of the vagus nerve runs on both sides of the skull. The motor neurons of the vagus nerve supply nerves to the throat, larynx, pharynx, and esophagus. These nerves help a person swallow, speak, and cough.

The vagus nerve is responsible for the formation of new neurons in the brain and an increase in the brain neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is a good food source for brain cells. It promotes the restoration of brain tissue. In addition, triggering the vagus nerve stimulates stem cells to give rise to new cells.

The vagus nerve controls the parasympathetic nervous system.

This nervous system uses the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine enables learning, memorization and relaxation. The vagus nerve uses it to communicate the need for relaxation to the body. It sends this neurotransmitter throughout the body. As a result, the body relaxes and the inflammation associated with the effects of stress decreases.

In the neck

The vagus nerve runs vertically downward within the carotid sheath to the internal carotid arteries and the middle of the internal jugular vein at the base of the neck. Here the nerve forks into the right vagus nerve and the left vagus nerve, which goes further in different directions. The right vagus nerve runs into the pharynx in front of the subclavian artery. The left vagus nerve goes down between the left carotid artery and the left subclavian artery.

Various branches in the neck

Pharyngeal branches. These branches innervate the pharynx and the muscles of the soft palate.

Superior laryngeal nerve. This nerve branches into inner and outer branches. The inner branch supplies the pharyngeal and upper larynx with nerves. The outer branch supplies nerves to the cricothyroid muscle of the larynx.

The recurrent laryngeal nerve is a branch of the vagus nerve that is responsible for the innervation of the internal muscular structure of the larynx. This nerve is located between the trachea and the esophagus. It goes down and forks to the left and right. Left branch runs at the level of arterioles, and the right one runs along the subclavian artery. The recurrent laryngeal nerve supplies nerves most muscles of the larynx. When swallowing, it helps move the vocal cords in the food canal and allows the glottis to close if a cough reflex occurs. Damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve leads to paralysis of the vocal cords.

In the lungs

The pulmonary branches of the vagus nerve are divided into anterior and posterior. The anterior branches run along the anterior surface of the base of the lungs. They connect to the branches of the sympathetic system and form the anterior pulmonary plexus. The posterior branches run along the posterior surface of the base of the lungs. They join with the third and fourth thoracic ganglia of the sympathetic trunk and form the posterior pulmonary plexus. The branches extending from the pulmonary plexus are connected to the branches of the bronchi, following through the lungs.

All of these branches of the vagus nerve and other nerves control involuntary lung function.

The vagus nerve opens the larynx when inhaling air and passing through the muscles oral cavity, deactivates speech. In the lungs, it contracts the bronchi, causing the muscles to tighten. One branch of this nerve controls the muscles that move the vocal cords in the larynx. Damage to this nerve can lead to coarsening of the voice.

In the chest

In the chest, the right vagus nerve forms the posterior vagus nerve trunk, while the left forms the anterior vagus nerve trunk. There are two more branches here. The first is the left recurrent laryngeal nerve, which is below the aorta. It supplies nerves to the muscles of the larynx. The second is the heart branch that innervates the heart.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart

The vagus nerve partially controls parasympathetic fibersthat innervate the heart, which are part of the thoracic ganglia. The right vagus nerve supplies nerves to the sinus node, while the left one supplies the atrioventricular node. Efferent fibers The vagus nerve also supplies nerves to the atrial muscles. However, the ventricular muscles are innervated by them to a very insignificant extent.

The vagus nerve is involved in controlling and maintaining the heartbeat.

It always functions, producing a rhythm of approximately 90 beats per minute. When needed, this nerve secretes neurotransmitters, which help to reduce the intensity of the heartbeat or lower blood pressure.

In the abdominal cavity

The vagus nerve forms the esophageal plexus. It passes through the diaphragm and enters the abdominal cavity, where it forms the celiac and mesenteric plexuses. Then it reaches the stomach and gives rise to the hepatic branches and nerves of the Lattergé, which innervate the pylorus.

The vagus nerve supplies parasympathetic nerves to most of the organs in the abdomen. It gives branches to the esophagus, stomach and intestines.

This nerve is involved in exercising complex processesoccurring in the digestive system, in particular, it sends signals to the muscles of the stomach about the need to compress food and move it into small intestine... If the vagus nerve is damaged, food may remain in the stomach instead of moving into the intestines, affecting the digestion process. This nerve is also involved in controlling levels chemical substances in the digestive system so that the gut can act on food and determine nutrient intake. In addition, b the sensation of a full stomach to the brain... It also contributes to the transmission of taste and hunger. Diabetics lack control over elevated level blood sugar can damage the vagus nerve.

How the vagus nerve is tested

The vagus nerve function can be tested by stimulating the pharyngeal reflex. When the side of the throat is touched, the pharyngeal muscles contract, causing a coughing motion. When checking the innervation of the soft palate, the person is asked to say "a". In this case, the soft palate should rise up, and the uvula should move back. If the nerve is damaged, the soft palate and uvula are displaced unevenly, deviating from the damaged part.

Improving the functioning of the vagus nerve

Inhalation is an inexpensive way to stimulate the vagus nerve. When taking a deep breath through the mouth, the diaphragm should be released and expanded. This activates the vagus nerve. Breathe out through your nose. With this method, you can feel how stress leaves the body. The brain has a healing effect, producing a feeling of relaxation. Activating the vagus nerve can also reduce inflammation, improve memory, promote organ and tissue regeneration, increase brain density, and strengthen the immune system.

Diseases of the vagus nerve

Diseases of the vagus nerve are divided into two classes: diseases caused by insufficient nerve activity or the presence of dysfunctional nerves, and diseases caused by excessive activity of the vagus nerve. Over-activity of the vagus nerve leads to fainting. Lack of activity can cause nausea, pyrolysis, abdominal pain, weight loss, and a decrease in heart rate.


If the vagus nerve does not respond well to stimulation, you should see your doctor for a referral to a neurologist. It is also possible to undergo neurological therapy. Neurological therapy involves stimulating the nerves. A device is connected to the nerve that generates electrical impulses that regulate the signals sent by the nerve.

A pacemaker may be needed to prevent and maintain heart rate. Medications may also be required to ensure that the digestive system is working properly. In general, moving away from medical writings and terms, the vagus nerve is what makes a person feel good when he hugs someone. He is also responsible for the vague feeling that a person experiences when witnessing an incident that touches him emotionally.


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