What is a power station. Power plants - a modern way to generate energy

In the modern world, power plants are used to generate a large amount of energy. The area of \u200b\u200boperation of electrical stations is quite wide, in particular, they can be used to supply the energies of remote buildings and structures in a variety of industries.

Types of power plants

The most common of which are:

  • Thermal
  • Hydraulic
  • Atomic

Energy generating, differ in the speed of construction and low cost, compared with other varieties. This type of power plant is capable of functioning properly without seasonal oscillations. Despite indisputable advantages, different types of power plants have several own flaws. For example, TPPs work on non-renewable resources, create waste and their work mode changes slowly, since it takes several days to warm up the boiler installation.

Hydraulic power plants are more economical and easy to manage. Numerous personnel are required to maintain these stations. Among other things, the HPP have a long useful life exceeding 100 years, as well as maneuverability when changing the load. The low cost of the energy produced is one of the reasons for the large propagation of hydraulic stations today. The problem of hydroelectric power plants is that their construction takes from 15 to 20 years and the construction process is complicated by the flooding of large areas of fertile land. In some cases, additional problems may occur with the selection of the object.

Function on nuclear fuel and most often placed in those places where electrical energy is required, but there are no other sources of raw materials. About 25 tons of fuel allow stations to work for several years. The NPP action does not cause an increase in the greenhouse effect, and the process of energy generation is carried out without environmental pollution.

Fundamentals of the functioning of power plants

Regardless of what are the power plantsThey mostly use the generator shaft rotation energy. The appointment of the generator is that it:

  1. Must provide long-term stable parallel work with energy systems of different power, as well as functioning on an autonomous load.
  2. Undergoing instant reset and sketching the load comparable to its nominal power
  3. Performs a protective function due to the presence of special devices
  4. Runs the engine that provides the functioning of the station

Power plants are the most optimal way to generate energy for a number of factors. To date, there are no similar methods that can provide electricity production in so large scale.

Power station - Electrical station, set of installations, equipment and equipment used directly for the production of electrical energy, as well as necessary for this construction and buildings located on a certain territory.


Most power plants, be it hydroelectric power plants, thermal (NPP, TPP and other) or wind power plants, use the generator shaft rotation energy to work.

Depending on the source of energy (in particular, the type of fuel)

  • Nuclear power plants (NPP)
    • Devolution reaction stations
    • Synthesis reaction stations (do not yet exist)
  • Power plants working in organic fuel (thermal power plants (TPP) in a narrow sense)
    • Gas power plants
      • Power plants on natural gas
      • Power plants in mine, swamp gases, biogas, Landfill Gaza
    • Liquid fuel power plants
    • Solid fuel power plants
      • Peat power plants (highlighting the torch of the main fuel with gas or liquid fuel, which is also a backup fuel)
  • Hydroelectric Stations (HPP)
  • Solar power plants (SES)
    • Helliostania (with a steam boiler)

Depending on the type of power plant

  • Power plants with thermal installation (thermal power plants (TPP) in a broad sense)
    • Cotturbine power plants
      • Condensation Power Plants (KES, GRES)
      • Heat and power plant (CHP) - Heat Power Plants
    • Power plants based on vapor
    • Combined cycle
  • Power plants with a simple machine generator
    • Power plants with hydroturbine
    • Power plants with wind turbine
  • Power plants with magnetohydrodynamic generator
  • Electrochemical Power Stations (EEC) based on fuel cells

Depending on the degree of application

Promising (not applicable)

  • Synthesis reaction stations

Exotic (rarely used)

  • Solar energy
    • Power plants on solar cells
  • Power plants on biomass
    • Heliostanition
  • Electrochemical Power Stations (EEC) based on fuel cells
  • Power plants with magnetohydrodynamic generator
  • Power plants in mine, swamp gases, biogas, Landfill Gaza
  • Osmotic power plants (capable of producing energy by mixing fresh and salted water).

Widely applicable

  • Other

Share of various power plants in the energy balance

in Russia

  • TPP - about 9% (66% of electricity)
  • HPP - about 4% (18% of electricity)
  • NPP - about 2% (16% of electricity)

The share of power consumed TPP is about 15%, NPP - 6% - as a result, the position of the power plants among the main consumers The source energy is the following:

  • Power plants - 25%,
    • TPP - 15%
    • HPP - 4%
    • NPP - 6%
  • Heating (boiler or boiler stations) and heating - about 30%,
  • Transport - approximately 45% (primarily on the basis of DVS).

Remarkable facts

  • The largest existing power station Sanna, ITAYPA
  • The largest existing nuclear power plant Casivadzaki-Kariva
  • The largest projected power plant in Russia Evenkaya HPP

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  • Savelyev N. F.,. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Power Planning

No one ordered Tushin, where and how to shoot, and he, having consulted with his Feldebell Zakharchenko, to which he had great respect, decided that it would be good to light the village. "Okay!" He said Bagration to the report of the officer and began to look around the battlefield that opened in front of him, as if something consumed. On the right side, the most approached the French. The lowering of the height on which the Kiev regiment was stood, in the river hollow, heard the rugged crucian rugs for the soul, and much to the right, behind the dragoons, the Sweet officer pointed the prince to the French column by our flank. Left The horizon was limited to a close forest. Prince Bagration ordered two battlements from the center of reinforcement to the right. The Sweet officer dared to notice the prince that the torture of these battlements will remain without cover. Prince Bagrationov turned to the Sweet officer and looked silently in dull eyes. Prince Andrei seemed that the comment of the Sweet officer was fair and something had nothing to say. But at that time, an adjutant came from the regimental commander who was in the hollow, with the news that the huge masses of the French were walking down that the regiment was upset and retreating to the Kiev Grenades. Prince Bagrations tilted his head as a sign of consent and approval. He went to the right and sent the adjutant to the dragoons with the orders to attack the French. But sent there, the adjutant arrived in half an hour with the news that the Dragun regulatory commander had already retreated for the ravine, for a strong fire was sent against him, and he wondered people and therefore rushing the shooters in the forest.
- Okay! Said Bagration.
While he drove away from the battery, the left also heard the shots in the forest, and since it was too far to the left flank, in order to come to arrive at the time, Prince Bagration was sent there to Gherkov to say to the senior general, the one who represented the regiment Kutuzov in Brownau, so that he retreated as if you can hastily for the ravine, because the right flank probably will not be able to hold the enemy for a long time. About Tushina and Batalion, who covered it, was forgotten. Prince Andrei carefully listened to the conversations of Prince Bagration with the heads and to the orders given to them, and surprise noticed that there were no orders, and that Prince Bagration only tried to pretend that everything that was done by necessity, chance and will of private bosses, That all this was done at least by his order, but according to his intentions. Thanks to the prince of Bagration, Prince Andrei noticed that, despite this chance of events and their independence from the will of the head, the presence of it made extremely many. Heads, with upset persons who approached the prince Bagration, became calm, the soldiers and officers were having fun and became lively in his presence and, apparently, they fought their bravery before him.

Prince Bagration, having left for the highest point of our right flank, began to descend the book where the rolling shooting was heard and nothing could be seen from the powder smoke. The closer they descended to the hollow, the less time they became visible, but the proximity of the real field of battle was becoming more sensitive. They began to meet wounded. One with a bloody head, without a hat, dragged two soldiers under his arms. He hoisted and spoiled. The bullet fell, visible, in his mouth or throat. Another who met him, cheerfully walked alone, without a gun, rubbed loudly and Mahai from fresh pain handle, from which blood flowed, like from Staklyanka, on his chinel. His face seemed more frightened than suffering. He was wounded a minute ago. Having moved the road, they began to descend cool and several people saw on the descent, who lay; They met a crowd of soldiers, including and not wounded. The soldiers went uphill, breathing hard, and despite the form of the general, speaking loudly and waved their hands. Ahead, in smoke, the ranks of gray sinels were visible, and an officer, seeing Bagration, who won the soldiers who were walking crowd, demanding that they were brought. Bagration drove up to the rows, on which there, then the shots, drowning and team screams quickly clicked here. All the air was powder was powder smoke. Persons soldiers were all walked by gunpowder and revived. Others scored with shroms, others sprinkled on the shelves, delivered charges from bags, the third shot. But in whom they shot, this was not visible from the powder smoke that was not worn by the wind. Quite often, pleasant sounds of buzzing and scones were heard. "What it is? - thought Prince Andrei, approaching this crowd of soldiers. - It can not be an attack because they do not move; Can not be Carre: They are not so worth it. "
Slept, weak on kind of old man, the regimental commander, with a pleasant smile, with centuries who are more than half closed his senile eyes, giving him a meek look, drove up to the prince of Bagration and took him as the owner of a dear guest. He reported to the prince of Bagration, which was against his regiment there was an equestrian attack of the French, but that, although this attack is repel, the regiment lost more than half of the people. The regimental commander said that the attack was repulsed, inventing this martial name for what happened in his regiment; But he really did not know himself that he had happened in these half an hour in the troops entrusted to him, and could not say with reliability, whether the attack was removed or the regiment was defeated by the attack. At the beginning of actions, he knew only that the kernels and grenades began to fly around his shelf and beat people that later someone shouted: "Cornia", and our began to shoot. And they still fired no longer to the Connection, which was hiding, but in the footsters, who appeared in the hollow and fired on our. Prince Bagrationon toned his head as a sign that all this was completely the way he wanted and assumed. Turning to the adjutant, he ordered him to bring two battleships from the mountain of the 6th Hansky, by which they passed now. Prince Andrew struck at that moment the change occurred in the face of Prince Bagration. His face expressed that concentrated and happy determination, which happens at a person, ready to rush on a hot day into the water and taking the last span. There was neither unreceived dull eyes nor a pretended thoughtful type: round, solid, hawk eyes enthusiastically and somewhat contemptuously looked ahead, obviously, without stopping for nothing, although in his movements remained the former slowness and dimension.

the electrical station, the combination of installations, equipment and equipment used directly for the production of electrical energy, as well as necessary for this construction and buildings located on a certain territory. Depending on the energy source, thermal power plants are distinguished (see the thermal power plant), hydroelectric stations (see hydroelectric station), hydroaccumulating power plants (see hydroaccumulating power plant), nuclear power plants (see Nuclear Power Plant), as well as tidal power plants (see Tidal Power plant), wind power plant (see wind power station), geothermal power plants (see Geothermal Power Plant) and E. with a magnetohydrodynamic generator (see Magnitohydrodynamic generator).

Thermal E. (TPP) are the basis of the electric power industry (see the electric power industry); They produce electricity as a result of the transformation of thermal energy released during organic fuel combustion. By type of energy equipment, TPPs are divided into steam turbine, gas turbine and diesel E.

The main energy equipment of modern thermal steamurbine e. is the boiler units, steam turbines (see steam turbine), turbogenerators, as well as steam-steerlers, nutritious, condensate and circulation pumps, capacitors, air heater, electrical switchgear devices (see switchgear). Steam-turbine E. are divided into condensation power plants (see Condensation Power Plant) and Heated ElectroCentral (see Heat ElectroCentral) (E. Heat Electron).

On condensation E. (CAC) The heat obtained during the burning of fuel is transmitted in the water pair steam generator, which enters the condensation turbine (see the condensation turbine), the internal energity of the steam is converted to the turbine into mechanical energy and then the electric generator in the electrical current. The spent steam is discharged into the condenser, from where the condensate pair is pumped by pumps back to the steam generator. CPP, working in the USSR power systems, is also called GRES.

Unlike the COP on the heat and power plant (CHP), superheated steam is not fully used in turbines, but partly selected for the needs of the heat. The combined use of heat significantly increases the efficiency of thermal E. and significantly reduces the cost of 1 kWh of the electricity produced by them.

In the 50-70s. In the electric power industry, electric power plants with gas turbines appeared (see Gas Turbine). Gas turbine installations at 25-100 MW are used as backup energy sources to cover loads in "Peak" clock or in case of emergency power systems. Perspectively the use of combined vapor-gas installations (PSU), in which combustion products and heated air come to the gas turbine, and the heat of exhaust gases is used to heal water or develop steam for a low-pressure steam turbine.

Diesel E. is called an energy installation equipped with one or more electrical generators with diesel drives (see Diesel). On stationary diesel e. 4-tanks of diesel aggregates with a capacity of 110 to 750 MW are installed; Stationary diesel E. and energy trains (on operational characteristics, they relate to stationary E.) are equipped with several diesel units and have power up to 10 MW. Mobile diesel E. with a capacity of 25-150 kW usually placed in the body of the car (semi-trailer) or on separate chassis or on J.-D. Platform, in the car. Diesel E. are used in agriculture, in the forest industry, in search parties, etc. As the main, backup or emergency power supply of power and lighting networks. In transport, diesel E. Applies as major energy installations (diesel-electric locomotives, diesel-electric).

The hydroelectric station (hydroelectric station) produces electricity as a result of converting water stream energy. HPP includes hydrotechnical structures (dams, water fluids, water intakes, etc.), which ensure the necessary concentration of water flow and the creation of pressure and the energy equipment (hydroturbines (see hydroturbine), hydrogenerators, distribution devices, etc.). Concentrated, directional water flow rotates a hydroturbine and an electrical generator connected to it.

According to the scheme of the use of water resources and the concentrations of headings, hydroelectric power plants are usually divided into channels, selection, derivative, hydroaccumulating and tidal. The channels and the seller hydroelectric hydroelectric power plants are constructed both on plain multi-water rivers and on mountain rivers, in narrow valleys. The water pressure is created by a dam, a brave river and raising the water level of the upper beate. In the robust hydroelectric station, E. Building with hydraulic units placed in it is part of the dam. In derivative hydropower plants, the river water is discharged from the riverbed along the water duty (derivation (see derivation)), having a bias less than the average river bias on the site used; Derivation is supplied to the HPP building, where water enters the hydroturgic. The spent water is either returns to the river, or is summarized to the next derivational hydropower station. Derivational hydropower plants are mainly built on rivers with a large bias of the bed and, as a rule, according to a combined flow concentration scheme (dam and derivation together).

Hydroaccumulating E. (GESP) operates in two modes: accumulation (the energy obtained from other E., mainly in the night hours, is used to pump water from the lower reservoir to the upper) and generation (water from the upper reservoir through the pipeline is sent to the hydraulic units; Generated electricity is given to the power system). The most economical powerful GESS, built near major electricity consumption centers; Their main purpose is to cover the peaks of the load when the power of the power system is used completely, and consuming excess electricity at the time of the day when other E. are unfathomed.

Tidal E. (PES) produce electricity as a result of transformation of sea tide energy. PES electricity due to the periodic nature of tides and sings can only be used in conjunction with the energy of others. E. Energy systems that replenish the power deficit of the PES within the day and month.

The source of energy on atomic E. (NPP) is a nuclear reactor, where the energy is released (in the form of heat) due to the chain reaction of dividing the cores of heavy elements. The heat released in the nuclear reactor is transferred to the coolant, which enters the heat exchanger (steam generator); The formed pairs are used in the same way as on conventional steam turbines. E. Existing methods and methods of dosimetry control completely eliminate the risk of radioactive irradiation of NPP staff.

Wind power plant generates electricity as a result of wind energy conversion. The main equipment of the station is a wind turbine and an electrical generator. Wind E. built mainly in areas with a steady wind regime.

Geothermal E. - Paroturban E., using the deep heat of the Earth. In volcanic areas, thermal depths are heated to a temperature of above 100 ° C at a relatively small depth, from where they are on the cracks in the earth's crust overlook. On the geothermal E. A steaming mixture is derived from drilling wells and sent to the separator, where steam is separated from water; Couple enters the turbine, and hot water after chemical cleaning is used for the needs of the heat effect. The lack of geothermal E. boilers, fuel supplies, ashors, etc. Reduces the cost of building such E. and simplifies its operation.

E. with a magnetohydrodynamic generator (MHD generator) - installation for generating electricity by direct transformation of the internal energy of the electrically conductive medium (liquid or gas).

LIT.: See Atomic Power Station, Wind Electrical Station, Hydroelectric Station, Tidal Power Station. Thermal parroid turbine power plant, as well as at Art. Science (Section Energy Science and Technology. Electrical Engineering).

V. A. Prokudin.

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A hundred years ago, an ordinary person could not imagine how many different devices will surround it. And all the current electronics, household appliances and industrial equipment uses electricity in their work - ranging from the banal lighting lamp and ending with multifunctional processing centers on large industries.

Ensuring electricity is one of the most important tasks for the home, office or production. It is quite clear that specialized equipment is used for this, providing needs in each particular case of a power plant for various purposes and power.

Power plant - what is it?

According to the definition adopted in the technical literature, power plant isa complex of equipment, installations, as well as control equipment, which provides the production of electrical energy. In addition, power plants are all buildings and structures involved in the process of producing electricity, which belong to one enterprise and are on a certain territory.

Almost all electrical stations use in their work the energy of the rotation of the shaft of the main element - the generator, which actually produces electricity. The main differences between all kinds of such generating equipment consists in size, form factor, the form of a source of energy, which actually rotates the shaft.

In addition to the generator itself, serving the main part of all power plants, regardless of their dimensions, and other elements include other elements: power lines and connecting electroles, boilers and tanks, turbines and transformers, switches and automation tools. All these parts, combined into a single system, form power plants with the required power and destination.

Some history and statistics

The beginning of the development of power plants can be called the opening of the first of them. An historical event occurred in September 1882 in New York, where Thomas Edison opened the first thermal station that had fed the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe city. Also in 1882, the first hydroelectric power station appeared, which provided electricity two paper factories and a private house of the company's owner, which implemented this project.

For Russia, the electrification era began since 1886 - it was this year that a thermal station was successfully launched, guaranteed lighting first only the Winter Palace, and then all the utility rooms and the Palace Square. Station worked on stone corner and successfully showed the possibility of ensuring a large number of consumers inexpensive and high-quality energy. This year should be considered the beginning of a successful, although quite slow, electrification of the country. With the arrival of Soviet government, the pace of creating a single powerful power system increased significantly - it suffices to recall the famous plan of Goello, who successfully provided "Ilyich's light bulbs" even remote settlements of the Soviet Union.

Technology development has not gained their attention and energy. In addition, humanity has already long been concerned about the gradual exhaustion of natural resources, which also led to a change in energy sources and replacing the renewable resources - wind energy, sun, tide, nuclear energy gradually occurred. Naturally, new types of energy require new technological solutions that ensure not only the right use, but also the full safety of any power plant.

Given the specifics of our own natural resources, the traditional energy in different countries and continents received various main directions of development: thermal, atomic, hydropower produces at the moment the overwhelming number of all electricity in the world. More than 90% of all world power plants operate with the use of liquid, solid and gaseous fuels - petroleum products, coal, gas. Their use prevails in the power systems not only our country, but also other countries - China, Mexico, Australia.

Hydroelectric power plants can be successfully used as a proprietary and concentrated water jet for turbines, providing only minimal impact on the environment. In Brazil and Norway, almost all generated electricity is produced on hydropower plants - this contributes to the presence of a large number of water resources.

A striking example of countries where nuclear power prevails is France and Japan. Having own reserves of coal or gas, these countries with the discovery of the possibility of using a controlled nuclear reaction almost completely transferred to electricity produced by nuclear stations.

Home Power Plant is not a dream

The natural direction in the energy sector is the development of compact energy sources. Even a small diesel power plant is an opportunity to provide an office building, a working settlement or several home uninterrupted electricity flow. Often, such options are the only possible way to make it possible to work remote fields, especially in the conditions of permafrost or polar station. To replace the usual power sources for power plant generators in places where it is impossible to carry out conventional power lines, alternative options are gradually come - wind generators, solar panels, power plants operating on tide or surf energy.

Due to its compactness, alternative methods for obtaining electricity are gaining great popularity from individuals. One relatively small windmill can calmly give electricity for private home ownership, and if approaching the process comprehensively, addresses the system with heliostanization and batteries, it is quite possible to get an excellent autonomous house. Among other things, non-standard options for generating electricity make it possible to significantly reduce its cost, which in modern conditions is an important factor. It is alternative methods that make it possible to boldly assert that in the near future it will be so that a compact home power plant is not a luxury, but a completely accessible and safe source of electricity for each family.

power station

Power station, electrical station, set of installations, equipment and equipment used directly for the production of electrical energy, as well as necessary for this construction and buildings located on a certain territory. Depending on the source of energy, thermal power plants, hydroelectric stations, hydro-accumulating power plants, nuclear power plants, as well as tidal power plants, wind power plants, geothermal power plants and is distinguished. with a magnetohydrodynamic generator. Thermal E. (TPP) are the basis of the electric power industry; They produce electricity as a result of the transformation of thermal energy released during organic fuel combustion. By type of energy equipment, TPPs are divided into steam-turbine, gas turbine and diesel E. The main energy equipment of modern thermal steam-turbine E. make up bootaggers, steam turbines, turbogenerators, and steam-steers, nutritious, condensate and circulation pumps, capacitors, air heater, electrical distribution devices. Paroturbine E. are divided into condensation power plants and thermal power plants (E. Heat Electrical Electric Center). On condensing E. (CAC) The heat obtained during the burning of fuel is transmitted in the water pair steam generator, which enters the condensation turbine, the internal energity of the steam is converted into a turbine into mechanical energy and then an electric generator in an electric current. The spent steam is discharged into the condenser, from where the condensate pair is pumped by pumps back to the steam generator. CPP, working in the USSR power systems, is also called GRES. Unlike the COP on the heat and power plant (CHP), superheated steam is not fully used in turbines, but partly selected for the needs of the heat. The combined use of heat significantly increases the efficiency of thermal E. and significantly reduces the cost of 1 kWh of the electricity produced by them. In the 50-70s. In the power industry, electric power plants with gas turbines appeared. Gas turbine installations at 25-100 MW are used as backup energy sources to cover loads in "Peak" clock or in case of emergency power systems. Perspectively the use of combined vapor-gas installations (PSU), in which combustion products and heated air come to the gas turbine, and the heat of exhaust gases is used to heal water or develop steam for a low-pressure steam turbine. Diesel E. is called an energy installation equipped with one or more electrical generators with diesel drives. On stationary diesel e. 4-tanks of diesel aggregates with a capacity of 110 to 750 MW are installed; Stationary diesel E. and energy trains (on operational characteristics, they relate to stationary E.) are equipped with several diesel units and have power up to 10 MW. Mobile diesel E. with a capacity of 25-150 kW usually placed in the body of the car (semi-trailer) or on separate chassis or on J.-D. Platform, in the car. Diesel E. Used in agriculture, in the forest industry, in search parties, etc. As the main, reserve or emergency power source of power and lighting networks. In transport, diesel E. Applies as major energy installations (diesel-electric locomotives, diesel-electric). The hydroelectric station (hydroelectric station) produces electricity as a result of converting water stream energy. The hydropower plant includes hydraulic structures (dam, water fluids, water intakes, etc.), which ensure the necessary concentration of water flow and the creation of pressure and the energy equipment (hydroturbines, hydrogenerators, distribution devices, etc.). Concentrated, directional water flow rotates a hydroturbine and an electrical generator connected to it. According to the scheme of the use of water resources and the concentrations of headings, hydroelectric power plants are usually divided into channels, selection, derivative, hydroaccumulating and tidal. The channels and the seller hydroelectric hydroelectric power plants are constructed both on plain multi-water rivers and on mountain rivers, in narrow valleys. The water pressure is created by a dam, a brave river and raising the water level of the upper beate. In the robust hydroelectric station, E. Building with hydraulic units placed in it is part of the dam. In derivative hydropower plants, the river water is discharged from the riverbed along the water diver truck (derivation) having a bias less than the average river bias on the site used; Derivation is supplied to the HPP building, where water enters the hydroturgic. The spent water is either returns to the river, or is summarized to the next derivational hydropower station. Derivational hydropower plants are mainly on rivers with a large bias of the bed, as a rule, according to the combined flow concentration scheme (dam and derivation together). Hydroaccumulating E. (GAES) operates in two modes: accumulation (the energy obtained from other E., mainly in the night hours, is used to pump water from the lower reservoir to the upper) and generation (water from the top reservoir through the pipeline is sent to the hydraulic units; Generated electricity is given to the power system). The most economical powerful GESS, built near major electricity consumption centers; Their main purpose is to cover the peaks of the load when the power of the power system is used completely, and consuming excess electricity at the time of the day when other E. are unfathomed. Tidal E. (PES) produce electricity as a result of transformation of sea tide energy. PES electricity due to the periodic nature of tides and sings can only be used in conjunction with the energy of others. E. Energy systems that replenish the power deficit of the PES within the day and month. The source of energy at atomic E. (NPP) is a nuclear reactor, where the energy is released (in the form of heat) due to the chain reaction of dividing the cores of heavy elements. The heat released in the nuclear reactor is transferred to the coolant, which enters the heat exchanger (steam generator); The formed pairs are used in the same way as on conventional steam turbines. E. Existing methods and methods of dosimetry control completely eliminate the risk of radioactive irradiation of NPP staff. Wind power plant generates electricity as a result of wind energy conversion. The main equipment of the station is a wind turbine and an electrical generator. Wind E. built mainly in areas with a steady wind regime. Geothermal E. - Paroturban E., using the deep heat of the Earth. In volcanic areas, thermal depths are heated to a temperature of above 100 ° C at a relatively small depth, from where they are on the cracks in the earth's crust overlook. On the geothermal E. A steaming mixture is derived from drilling wells and sent to the separator, where steam is separated from water; Couple enters the turbine, and hot water after chemical cleaning is used for the needs of the heat effect. The absence on geothermal E. boilers, fuel supplies, ashors, etc. Reduces the cost of building such E. and simplifies its operation. E. with a magnetohydrodynamic generator (MHD generator) - installation for generating electricity by direct transformation of the internal energy of the electrically conductive medium (liquid or gas). LIT.: See Atomic Power Station, Wind Electrical Station, Hydroelectric Station, Tidal Power Station. Thermal parroid turbine power plant, as well as at Art. Science (Section Energy Science and Technology. Electrical Engineering). . . Prokudin.

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