Women's standards of beauty in South Korea. Creating a double century in South Korea: Prices and advantages Double century and one eyelid

Hello everyone. I dedicate plastic surgery in South Korea, I will also write about the ideals of beauty from the locals and what young girls and guys go for the ideal, in their opinion, faces.

Koreans are very sensitive to beauty, they estimate it in detail, and not as we used - in a common picture. Those. If we see a nice girl or a man, then I will not focus on the attention, for example, on the form of nostrils, the size of the eyes, wrist width, etc. Koreans have another worldview on this. By the way, many Europeans have such an opinion that all Asians like European appearance and they want to be similar to them. I will open the secret to you, it is not. More often they like girls of Caucasian appearance or meticulous. Many Europeans have a beauty ideal - this is Angelina Jolie. Therefore, for example, our compatriots increase their lips, get rid of the cheeks, cutting the closet lumps, dream of expressive cheekbones, etc. In Korea, her face is considered "wrong".

To understand what kind of beauty ideals among Asians, I will try more about writing about each part of the face. I will also write an approximate cost of one or another operation and share interesting videos on this topic. So, let's start in order!

1. Oval faces

V-Line Surgery (resection of jaw corners with narrowing chin)

So, why does the face of Angelina Jolie, from the point of view of Koreans, is considered "wrong"? Angelina Jolie has a big and square face, and for Koreans this is a very unattractive face form. They spend a bunch of money on the operation by narrowing the oval of the face to achieve an accurate oval person.

The procedure itself looks like this (schematic drawing):

We see that the chin line is cut off at first (incision intraperary). The chin "shares" into three parts, the middle is cleaned, the two remaining parts are connected to each other, creating pointed chin, instead of square. Then the corners are cut along the new chin. In such a way, a new one, ideal, according to Asians, was created by faces.

Cost:It is worth this operation really not cheap. It costs about 200.000 to 400,000 rubles.

Healing Period:

2. Cheeks

Narrowing cheekbones. Before and after surgery

Also, Asians do not like protruding cheekbones, who are Europeans, on the contrary, do so. The narrowing of the cheekboard creates the illusion of a narrower and feminine person. Speakers, in their opinion, create a threshable look.

The cost of the procedure:Approximately 130,000 to 300,000 rubles.

Healing Period:About the month will be required for full healing, so that the swelling is sleeping, it is recommended to eat pumpkin soup. The first two weeks you need to eat liquid food, also after each meal rinse the mouth to not catch the infection. The final result can be seen in six months.

3. Facial volume

Before and after fat transplantation. In the photo Famous Singapore Blogger Bong Qiu Qiu

Asians are flat faces. They have a rather big complexes on this, so there is such a type of operation as fat transplantation (stem cells). They want a round, bulk forehead and the presence of cheeks. In the introduction of fat you can get rid of the vulitude of the cheeks because of the convex cheekbones (if they are not very big), a little soften the contour of the chin, get rid of minor edema under the eyes well, and also lose weight in the stomach and thighs (from somewhere the same surgeons you need to get this fat; )) Also for the volume of forehead use a more radical method. The implant is inserted into the forehead, making a cut in the scalp and under the skin it is already inserted.

Results of work before and after fat transplantation

There is also a method for introducing implants for the rear of the head. So that the top, well, the head shape itself was volumetric.

Here are the results:

Cost:Fat transplantation on the entire face costs from about 60,000 to 80,000 rubles.

Healing Period: About a month, it is recommended to protect the forehead to wearing soft hats.

4. Eyes

Asians are small and narrow eyes. They all dream of big and wide eyes. Nowadays there are a lot of operations to change the eye shape. Koreans blepharoplasty no longer belong to plastic surgery, because There is no age limit. Parents encourage their children when they learn well, give them money for the operation to create a double century.

There is also an extension operation, cantoplasty (changing the eye cut), pectoose correction (eliminating sleepy eye effect), many Korean actresses resort to this operation so that the eyes look more and expressive.

Also, Koreans were prevented on the so-called "bags" under the eyes that Koreans are affectionately referred to as "Love Band" or "Aegyo Sal". Please do not confuse them with bags under the eyes from the lack of sleep ^^

Koreans believe that such bags under the eyes of the younger and a little shorten the face. In order not to go under the knife, they create them using makeup or special tapes that can also create a double eyelid.

Video about how with the help of makeup create the effect of bags under the eyes:

Cost: Changing the cut of the eye costs about 30,000 rubles; Creating a double century from 30.000 to 50.000 rubles; The bags under the eyes are approximately 60,000 rubles and the PTOS correction is approximately 60,000 to 90.000 rubles.

Healing Period: About 2-3 weeks.

5. Nose

Noses in Koreans are often flat and wide. They like elongated and welded, with a pointed tip, noses. The implant is inserted into the nose, or in order not to go under the knife, the fillers are injected into the nose, creating a high back of the nose.

Also, they remove the hubbie so that the nose looks Mile and more feminine:

Cost:the cost of rhinoplastics is from about 60,000 to 250.000 rubles, depending on the wishes and state of the patient's nose.

Healing Period: About a month, the final result can be seen somewhere in six months.

6. Guba

Beautiful koreans are considered a little chubby, but not inflatable lips. Many Koreankov, on the contrary, reduce the lip volume to look younger and male. They also learned how to reduce the lips with competent makeup.

As for the body, the preferences of the Koreans differ slightly from European. In South Korea, they love Hoodobu, they are not the fans of the sexy hips and a big breast. But recently, Koreanka still increases their breasts, because It is known that Asiatok often breasts are smaller than Europe. But quite often made chest looks too unnatural on a thin body at Korean. Also, they are considered beautiful high growth and long legs, it concerns not only girls, but also young people too. Koreans tolerate can not tan, so they whiten the skin all available ways.

But still, it is not necessary to seriously perceive everything written, because The most important thing is what you think you yourself. Love yourself and do not ruin your health. So far ^^

Plastic surgery for double eyelid in Korea without scars with a guarantee from the Opera PS clinic. Operation for the correction of the upper eyelids is safe and does not affect vision.

The mongoloid structure of the century and in principle the Eastern type - common phenomenon. Many seek to change this type of appearance to European ideals of beauty, first of all, due to plastic eye operations. Also for these purposes are resorted to the transformation of the profile outlines, chin, lips volume. But the main accent - the eyes, namely upper eyelid With double fold.

According to statistics, residents of Asian countries are leading in frequency of appeals for such plastic operations. But in the Opera PS clinic, people of European appearance are also treated for similar medical care. With a congenital hanging century, which is often found regardless of the origin of a person, the eye plastic is able to work wonders. This feature is sometimes caused not only aesthetic, but also physiological discomfort. Surplus skin lead to limiting the viewing angle, increasing the load on the eye. With such a problem, not only elderly people are facing, this is a common congenital feature.

Interesting fact: As belongs to Korea to operations on the upper eyelids

In the country of morning freshness to correcting the cut of the eyes relate very simply - this is one of the most popular plastic operations. We begin to perform it almost from school bench - a kind share of high school students receive such a subscription as a gift from parents as encouraging for success in school. In the South Korea, the popularity of this procedure, both among the indigenous people and among foreigners, can be seen with a similar trend in the United States, where the replacement of teeth with veneers to the 18th anniversary is commonplace.

Correct the upper eyelid on the Western manner with adolescent age, this is a safe procedure. The skill of professionals of the Opera Plastic Surgery clinic not first proves in practice: a clear open look, like Western celebrities from the cover, is not only beautiful, but also just, and it does not hurt.

The practical advantages of European consumption: who, why and for what they do

To the correction of the form of the upper century, most often resorted in aesthetic purposes. The view after the procedure becomes open, friendly, eyes - visually increase. The face is visually rejuvenated by purchasing / retaining charm of youth. The operation eliminates the sleepy, heavy glance syndrome - after blepharoplasty, the person ceases to seem swollen and arrogant, as it often happens with the horn eyelids.

Causes to appeal to plastic surgery in front of:

  • congenital surplus of skin and fat in centuries, heredity (such a feature is characteristic not only for the eastern peoples and residents of the Far North, but also for residents of Europe);
  • features of physiology (for example, characteristic of the Asian type, including for residents of Korea, Eastern eyelid with surplus epithelium in inner corner Eyes - Epicantus).

In both cases, the operation to create a double fold in the Opera Plastic Surgery clinic is possible in several ways. The strategy is chosen by the surgeon in accordance with the state of the patient's health, the structure of the eyelids, age, quality and elasticity of the skin. Also, the choice of techniques affects the complexity of each particular case, the growth line of eyelashes, the presence or absence of asymmetry of the eye and the desired effect.

Varieties of eye plastic in Opera PS

In our clinic, 3 varieties of operation are practiced to form a double fold of the century: with a cut, without a cut (suture method) and the author's method 3n Sangapuri.

Important: Operations related to the creation of double folds (the essence of all three techniques mentioned above) are often confused with age upper blepharoplasty, the purpose of which is the skin suspension, hanging over the eyes due to time. These procedures have different focus, differ from the implementation technique and, accordingly, the results. For more information about the differences in these aesthetic operations and testimony to them, our consultants can tell you in an individual.

Methods for creating a double century in "Opera":

  1. Without a cut. Splashing a variety of European Europeanization, during which the surgeon imposes several miniature seams along the muscles, simulating the natural bending of the skin. Universal technique that does not have age limitations. The procedure is most effective for patients with thin skin, as in this case it turns out to reach a long result.
  2. With a cut. Classic eye plastic method, allowing to increase orbit eye, eliminate excess adhesive tissue, leather, form a beautiful natural fold. The cuts are made under natural bend, cosmetic seams - traces of operation are invisible.
  3. The author's methodology from the surgeons of the Opera PS clinic, called 3n Sangapuri. The operating method has no analogues in Korea and other countries, it is a unique development of our professionals. Does not leave traces, does not cause pain in the patient during the operation, the result pleases for many years.

With the correction of the authorized century in the Opera PS clinic, an additional lateral cantoplasty and epicantoplasty (correction of external and inner corners of the eye) are performed - our doctors will reveal your eyes and vertically, and will increase the eye cut horizontally. There is no impossible for us.

About plastic eye in Opera PS: Why we

What highlights us on the background of other clinics - the author's unique operating technique, which has no analogues: 3N technology: Noscar, Noloose, Nopain.

Our specialists with many years of practice carry out aesthetic procedures in their eyes painlessly, without leaving scars, strong bruises and edema, with 100% preservation of double folds on the eyelids. This is possible due to the minimum minimally invasive holes instead of full-fledged cuts and filigree work doctors over the compound of muscle fibers.

We are proud of the eminent team of our team of surgeons from South Korea, a multi-level individual system of anesthesia, selected by our specialists under each patient personally, copyright developments in the field of plastic surgery. We have Aces in this industry, having many years of experience in the correction of the eyelids. After the plastic eye, we guarantee a natural result, a smooth double eyelid without scars, corresponding to all the canons of beauty.

Details of the operation and restoration

In the Opera PS clinic, adjust the form of the eyelid is simple, safe and accessible.

Useful facts about the diagnosis, operation and rehabilitation after surgical intervention:

  1. Diagnosis in the clinic is free. It includes basic blood and urine tests, personal consultation of your surgeon, as well as ECG.
  2. The duration of the plastic eye in the Opera PS clinic is about one hour depends on the complexity of the procedure and the selected methodology for its implementation.
  3. Types of anesthesia - sleeping pills and local anesthesia.
  4. The seams are removed, depending on the method since the 3rd day after the operation (individually).
  5. The average rehabilitation period is 3-4 days, after which it is possible to unrestrained the usual life.
  6. After the plastic surgery, the doctor should seem twice - on a planned inspection.

During the rehabilitation period, your main task is to ensure the operated sections of peace. Try not to cry, do not burn, do not scratch and not rub your eyes. It is possible to apply makeup no earlier than a day after the removal of the seams (wait with decorative cosmetics after the plastic eyes will have in general about a week).

It is recommended to sleep only on the back, 2-3 pillows, as well as stop smoking and drink alcohol at least a month - so healing will passed faster. Cold compresses and medicinal ointments will help to speed up recovery. Details will tell you the surgeon - he will select medicines and individual supporting procedures.

Cost of European Cost in Opera PS

The cost correction cost in the Opera Plastic Surgery clinic is 1,000 dollars or more. The price depends on the method of performing the operation and, accordingly, its complexity, from the structure of the patient's eye, the initial skin condition. Also, the value of the procedure is influenced by the fact, whether such operations were made on the centuries earlier - that is, whether the surgical intervention will be the primary operation for your age or repeated.

What is included in the cost of the service:

  • personal counseling surgeon;
  • surveys and analyzes;
  • anesthesia course during and after surgery;
  • postoperative procedures and care.

Please note: if you need additional surveys and procedures after or before plastics of the eyelid, viewing in the hospital or a series of advice of doctors, you can stay at the hotel located near our clinic. The cost of living in it is 50 dollars a day and above.

We are ready to answer all your questions about the correction of the Eastern Century and related services available in our clinic in Korea.

Our consultants will calculate for you the individual cost of the operation and will help estimate the advantages of each of the plastic methods of the double century, contact.

Many Europeans do not even think about how good the nature turned out to be, giving them the ability to widespread their eyes wide, opening eyelashes, his own glance. Double eyelid: What is it? This is what the Europeans's eyes differ in many ways from the eyes of Asians. Is there a need for a fold between eyebrows and upper century, And if someone believes that it is not necessary without it, then how to do it?

The structure of the upper age of Europeans is such that they have a natural fold, which is explained by the peculiarity of their muscles. This fold is inherent in almost 100% of Europe inhabitants, while representatives of the Mongoloid race it is very rare - about 30% of people. Thus, the second century is even, because of which it looks hanging over the ciliary arc. Because of this, it seems that the eyes are crying, there is some swelling, which happens, for example, when.

One of the signs of the Mongoloid race is a narrowing eye cut, and there are many nationalities to it - the Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Kyrgyz, Tatars, Eskimos and many more eastern and northern peoples. They are also inherent and, so-called single eyelid - which does not have this fold.

Often, their representatives occur epicantus - the fold on the skin of the eyelid, which is clearly visible in the inner corners of the "soul mirrors", and which is a congenital phenomenon. Scientists have not yet been able to determine the exact reasons for the fact that Asians do not have a double eyelid, and the Europeans have such. The theory is most common today that such a structure of the eyelids is given by nature to protect against winds, cold, sands.

Eastern Dream

Asian many consider very beautiful girls, and it is quite fair, deservedly.

Double eyelid allows you to make a look more expressive

Nevertheless, they themselves often want to be similar to European women, including believing that the European eye cut, double eyelo - almost the standard of beauty to which they strive.

Currently, among the eastern women, the idea of \u200b\u200bobtaining a double century is very common with artificially. It has nothing to do, because it cannot be disturbed without that for this reason. For some of them, this is another fashion trend, some really believe that, having received a cherished fold between eyebrows and the upper age, they significantly transform their appearance for the better.

This makes sense, because thanks to the double century:

  • the eyes acquire a more round shape, because of which they expand, seem to be opened;
  • wide open eyes give the face a boyment, naivety falling and even innocence;
  • it is believed that double eyelids allow the eyes to look "Fresh", while the hanging eyelid "takes away" the eye, making it tired, as if he is aspaning.

Not many Asian girls frankly confess that they want to be similar to Europe. Most of them explain their desire to have a double eyelid the fact that with him their face becomes a male, more tender, expressive.

How to make a double eyelid?

With the same desire, as European women wish to get rid of wrinkles on the face, Asian wants to have a fold between eyebrows and upper age. For this, they resort to a variety of methods, ranging from cosmetic devices, ending with surgery.

The fold between eyebrows and upper age makes the eyes more rounded

It is justified by this all the same oriental dream. We often see the beautiful representatives of the Mongoloid race on the covers of magazines, the screens of televisions, and do not even guess that many of them nature did not give a double eyelid. But none of them will pose in front of the photo or camcorder, until a fold will appear between her eyebrows and the upper age, allowing the eyes to become rounded and swollen widely.

Do not fall behind them and ordinary girls who are not siques of show business or podium. Many of them are confident that, having a double eyelid, they will not only look more attractive, but also to cause greater trust in others. Moreover, some girls believe that even when looking for work, it will be useful - employers are more favorable to its owners.

What ways do they manage to achieve the appearance of the desired fold? None will help in this case to get the desired effect.

Execient methods

In order not to expose themselves, many Asian beauties choose less radical methods for improving appearance.

Today, the most popular of them are:

  1. Special stickers.

Currently, they are in great demand, therefore it is not necessary to acquire them. The strips on the adhesive basis are superimposed on the part of the century, where the fold should be, and then the skin pulls up so that it is formed. But the effect of such stickers is kept shortly - literally until the first washing. In addition, the strip can be noticeable to others. To avoid this, you can disguise it using eye shadows.

  1. Special glue.

This is a more reliable means - quick-drying and kept for several days. Through a thin tassel, the means to a smooth layer is applied to the line where the fold should be separated by the century into two parts. Next, using a special brush with two teeth, the skin is delayed back, fixed in this position. The glue also can be purchased today without any difficulty, but you only need to use a special composition intended for these purposes. It does not cause allergies, redness of the skin of the eyelids is absolutely safe for her, being made of biological components.

Regardless of which the tool is chosen, it is necessary to apply it to clean skin - thoroughly washed, including from makeup.

Surgical methods

There are three basic operational methods used to form a double century.

Without cut

Double eyelid - fold, allowing a breath to disclose

The operation is carried out using local anesthesia with sedation, and it lasts only half an hour. Rehabilitation period It is 3-4 days, while in the hospital, the patient is usually not needed. Seams are filmed after 2 days. Through a surgical thread, the skin is fixed to the muscles of the century. This occurs through microscopic holes that are not cuts.

With the help of this thread, a fold between eyebrows and upper eyelids is formed. The disadvantage of this method is that over time the threads weaken, because of which the eyelid can return to its natural position again. But in modern plastic surgery, specialists try to select ways to carry out operations so that the effect lasted as long as possible.

With partial incision

To do, the so-called, the second century in humans, with the method of correction, are performed by small cuts, through which part of the muscle and skin tissue is removed, due to which the fold is formed. Before manipulation, the doctor must determine where it will pass, what height and the form will have. The advantages of this technique is that cuts are performed by small, due to the virtually no seams, swelling. The latter can manifest itself in the first 1-2 weeks after the procedure, but after this time they retreat. The operation lasts about half an hour under local anesthesia. The patient is not required to remain in the hospital after manipulation, and the seams are removed after 4-5 days. The main advantage of the method is that in most cases the double eyelid does not disappear over time.

With a complete incision

This is a universal method of correction, due to which part of muscle, fatty, skin fabrics is removed, due to the eye becomes more expressive. The disadvantage of the method is the presence of the risk of adoption of unwanted seams that may be noticeable. But the effect, as a rule, remains for life. The duration of the operation is half an hour, it is performed under local anesthesia. The seams are removed after about a week after surgery. After the operation, some time (about 1-2 weeks) can hold swells. Hospitalization after manipulation is not required.

Should I adjust appearance?

Representatives of all nationalities are beautiful in their own way, because each of them in appearance has its own "highlight." If a person does not have a double eyelid, it does not mean that it does not have an external attractiveness, and this phenomenon does not cause. But this is the personal matter of everyone - to adjust him appearance With the help of non-operative and surgical techniques or not.

Double eyelid - the term unusual for Europeans's ear and this exciting for any owner we are talking about the features of the structure of muscles and skin around the eye. Double called eyelo, having a fold, while many representatives are missing. Often in this case, the skin hangs over the line of eyelash growth, because of what the eyes look swollen and cry. Why do the eyelids have such a structure and is it possible to fix this cosmetic defect?

Double eyelid: photo and description

A narrow eye cut is one of the signs of the Mongoloid race. Many Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Tatars, Kyrgyz, Eskimos and representatives of other northern and eastern nations do not have folds on centuries. Often, instead of the wrinkles traditional for Europeans on the moving part of the century, the owners of Asian appearance have an epicantus. This is a skin fold, most noticeable in the inner corner of the eye. This feature of the building of the century is congenital. It is worth noting that today far from all representatives of the Mongoloid race have no folds. It is accurate to figure out and prove why Europeans have a double eyelid, and the Asians "single", the scientists have not yet succeeded. The theory is common that this is a natural means of protection from cold, winds and sands, which appeared in the process of evolution.

Cosmetic defect or Eastern beauty?

Many representatives (and especially the fair sex) of the Mongoloid race are experiencing complexes due to the structure of own age. The girls and women seem that the skin hanging over eyelashes visually narrows the eyes even more and lowers the cilia down. In these beliefs there are some truth, but still the Asian type of person is special. Many Europeans consider the natural faces of women of the Mongoloid race with cute and expressive. While the owners themselves "Monovo" seek in any way to solve this problem.

Correction of non-operation methods

In the cosmetic stores of Japan and Korea, one of the most popular products - glue for the eyelids. The means that is applied to several millimeters above the growth line of eyelashes. With the help of a special tool, the composition flashes on the skin and forms the desired fold. The effect is kept until the first washing. A decent alternative to glue - stickers fixing the skin of the eyelid. These are strips with a sticky basis, helping to fix the folds. Stickers are noticeable on the skin, for their masking it is recommended to apply shadows to all mobile eyelo.

Plastic operations

Radical way to make a double eyelid - plastic surgery. Today, clinics aesthetic medicine Support three plastics options: incision, partially incisive and non-compound. The choice of operation for a particular patient depends on its physiological features. The Inzing method involves the conduct of a hirrgic intervention with the execution of a section in which the fold is formed and fat deposits are deleted. A partially insistent version of the operation involves fastening the skin with special threads installed through small cuts. With such interference, excess adhesive tissue is also excised. The operation of the dual century of non-compilation type is considered to be the operation. With such an intervention, the fold is formed by installing the threads through point micro-breaks. Any age) is, first of all, surgery. Decree on its holding in aesthetic purposes, the patient must understand that there are risks and contraindications. If the purpose of the intervention is the creation of a double century, it makes sense to entrust treatment plastic surgeonspecializing in working with patients having an Asian type of appearance.

International Women's Day will come soon. Even in Korea this holiday and not celebrate, but beautiful girls There, as well as around the world, they love very much. Do you know what women in South Korea are considered to be beauties? If not yet - this material is for you!

It is worth starting with the fact that for representatives of South Korea beauty plays a very important role, probably even more important than for Europeans and Americans. They are confident that the success of a woman, her chances of a good marriage and on high paying work directly depend on how it looks.

Another reason for such an obsession with beauty is the desire to be better in everything better than everyone. It is competition that pushes them to achieve high results, in everything, and in work, and in appearance. They always try to "match." Therefore, many parents even encourage the desire of children to make themselves plastic surgery, they do not want their children to look less beautiful than those surrounding.

By the way, for natives of South Korea, it is not at all shock that when taking a job, the employer can clarify, for example, weight and growth and ask if the girl does not consider that she should lose weight. Or clarify whether the girl is not going to make plastic, for example, the nose. It is difficult to imagine a similar situation in any other country of the world.

Modern beauty standards are very different even from those that were 50 years ago. Previously, there was naturalness and naturalness in fashion. Now, as plastic surgery Visits popularity in the country, natural to be at all fashionable. Look at this picture:

(Miss Korea 1960 Son Mihich and Miss Korea 2012 Lee Son Hyo)

Let's consider several criteria, corresponding to which Korean in our time will be considered a beauty.


Eyes should be big and naive. Most Asian from birth do not have folds in the eyelids, the presence of folds makes the average Korean, much more attractive in the eyes of others. According to statistics, about 80% of the population of Korea under 35 years old did a double eyelid operation.

Koreanka has a very simple attitude to plastic operations, sometimes even frivolous. For them, for example, good gift on graduation for a child. But there are enough conservative women who cannot be solved for a double century surgery. For these, special double-sided stickers invented, for example, such as. They help to hide an excess part of the century and make it double. Sometimes it is not a sticker, but liquid glue for the century.

Eyebrows should be straight and bright. This form of eyebrows makes the face more naive and cute. In most koreanoks, eyebrows are not strongly distinguished, precisely because of this, sometimes they do not pull them away. Just combed and tinted.

Eyelashes must be long. Although from nature among Asian, as well as eyebrows, the eyelashes are growing quite poorly, Koreanka put a lot of effort so that their cilia looked fluffy. Starting from a variety of care products (to accelerate growth) and ending with false cilias in the adhesive.

Bilateral eyebrow pencil allows you to carefully arrange eyebrows and make them the most natural possible

Strongly painting eyes from representatives of South Korea is not accepted. This is considered a bad tone. In fashion, all kind of makeup in the style of Nude so that cosmetics can not be visible, but only the effect produced by it was noticeable.

Koreanki love delicate eye makeup and mainly use the shadows of pastel shades. The perfect creation of gentle makeup in peach tones

Form face

Most Asians from birth have a round face with wide cheekbones. Accordingly, oval faces with a narrow chin are attractive. Often you can see how Koreanka poses with photographers, supporting her face with hands. So they want to emphasize their elegant chin (as a rule, made artificially).

Relatively recently there was a procedure, the so-called V-Line surgery. This is an operation to change the shape of the chin, giving it a V-shaped form. It is very popular among Korean Girls-Idol. This gives the face fragility and children's defenselessness. This kind of operation is very painful. Moreover, after surgery, the jaws must be fixed in a closed state within six weeks. And, perhaps, for the downturn of the edema will be required 5-6 months. But the danger I. physical pain Considered by Koreans as not so much fee for being satisfied.

Universal pallet for contouring allows you to give the face volume and allocate the desired areas

Base under makeup with a radiance effect can also be used as a highlight

Cream base with the "Photoshop" effect slightly brightens the skin, makes it uniform and visually makes smoother


Korean's hair should not be natural black. And short, too, should not be. Popular hair of any shade from brown, which helps Koreans look more mildly, to unimaginably bright colors (tribute to fashion imposed by Idola). Necessarily long.

Koreanka spend a lot of strength and do not spare money for good hair care.

Regarding the form - not in fashion tight curls, young Korean women worry that such a hairstyle will make them similar to their grandmothers. We are either straight hair or soft curls.

Warming gel for correction of the figure in combination with exercise helps to significantly reduce volumes, improve the quality of the skin and prevent the appearance of stretch marks

Gel for the study of problem areas launches active fat burning, eliminates the ethnicity and struggles with cellulite

The tightening cream for care of the zone neckline provides a pronounced antigravitational effect, increases the elasticity of the skin and prevents the appearance of pigmentation.

The thermal mask for the abdomen region normalizes the outflow of lymphs, struggles with the integrity and stimulates the process of fat burning in the problem area

Try to walk on these six points and try to understand how beautiful are you on Korean standards?

And finally, we will present to your attention an unusual project "100 years of beauty" ("100 years of beauty"). This is an illustration of how Koreanka looked over the last century. Look at the change in hairstyles and makeup, they clearly demonstrate trends and trends fashion during the last century. Pay attention to how countries began to develop after separation in 1945, as Bright South Korea went ahead.

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