Exercise in the emphysema of the lungs. Respiratory exercises in lung emphysema

Emphysema of the lungs is chronic illnesscharacterized by an increase in lung alveoli, leads to the weakening of alveolar partitions, thereby reducing the elasticity of the lung tissue.

The lung emphysema leads such suffering diseases as: pneumosclerosis, bronchitis. Also, the emphyseme is inclined, people engaged in professionally music and other professions, where they use resistance when exhaling.

What consequences arise if not to treat emphyms of the lungs?

Disease, lung emphysema, very serious pathology leads first to pulmonary failure, and then to heart problems.

If you do not treat emphysee of easy consequences can be the most deplorable: deterioration of pulmonary tissue ventilation - breathing problems - deficiency of cardio-vascular system - Pneumothorax.

It is very important to begin the treatment of emphysema of the lungs from the moment of detection of the disease, since only proper treatment and preventive measures All will improve the patient's condition.

Objectives and problems of therapy in the emphysema of the lungs:

  • improve the emotional state of the patient
  • increase the maneuverability of the diaphragm
  • strengthening intercostal muscles and muscles of the abdominal wall,
  • training a long exhalation,
  • strengthen the ventilation of the lungs
  • training proper breathing during any effort.

In (LFC) Therapeutic exercises in the emphysema of the lungs are included, a diaphragmal respiration from the position lying on the back, learning the correct breathing when performing certain loads from the position, lying, sitting on the chair, training a long exhalation.

Medical exercises in emphysema of the lungs

Several exercises will be done lying on the back:

  1. Put on the back, hands parallel to the body. The diaphragmal breath, on the breath inflation to inflate the belly as much as possible, on the exhalation - flow - 5-6 times.
  2. Now the exercise on the bending and extension of the stop and the hands of the hands, one movement - inhale, 4-5 movements - I exhale 6-8 times.
  3. Hands have to shoulders. We carry out the rise and breeding on the side of the elbows - they breathed, then pressed their hands to the chest - and long exhale 4-6 times.
  4. For this exercise, breathing arbitrary, alternate bending and extension of legs in the knee and tazobed Sustava - 6-8 times.
  5. Hands are put on the lower surface departments of the chest. Short breath and long exhalation, accompanied by pressure palms of the chest. This exercise is carried out rhythmically - 4-6 times.
  6. This exercise is also carried out lying, but the hands are laid parallel to the body. Calm and even breathing, thereby relaxing with the muscles of the chest 6-7 times when the muscles exhale.

The following exercises will be performed on a chair with a back:

  1. It is necessary to sit on the chair allocated on the back, the hands are omitted. Hands were located on the belt - they breathed, then turned the torso to the right - exhaled, they exhaled, in the opposite direction - we are 5-6 times.
  2. Hands are also laid on the belt - we take a breath, tip the torso to the side - exhaled, then in the other side - Issim 4-6 times.
  3. Hands again on the belt - they breathed, now we tilt the body forward, but you do not need to lower my head, we wrap my hands chest - Long exhalation - to pose 4-6 times.
  4. Exercise "Coucher Pose", for this you need to sit on your knees and close your eyes. Exercise on the relaxation of all the muscles of the body and limbs, even, calm breathing - Issue 1-2 minutes.
  5. Now again sat on the chair, the hands lowered down. We begin the exercise, raising your hands to the sides, straightening the leg - breathed, arms bend to the shoulders, and the foot and in the hip, and knee joints - Exhaled - to take 6-8 times for each leg.
  6. Exercise also with the use of chair, hands weeping to the sides. We tilted the body to the leg, touch the sock - long exhalation - we do 4-6 times.
  7. Exercise, standing, legs put on the width of the shoulders, hands on the shoulders, breathing arbitrary. We begin the alternate twisting of the body, then right, then left - we are 6-8 times.
  8. The leg must be put on a chair, hands on his knees. Tilt the torso to the knees - a long exhalation, then straightened - they breathed - we do 4-6 times.
  9. The exercise is performed standing, the body must be at an angle of 40 °, the legs lay on the width of the shoulders, the hands fix on the belt. Calm breath - protruding the abdominal wall and long exhalation - on retraction abdominal wall - Skt 6-8 times.
  10. Sit on the chair, we rest on the back, put your hands on the belt. Quite calm and even breathing with a moderately long exhalation - trying to achieve the relaxation of the pectoral muscles during the breath - 8-10 times.
  11. Exercise, sitting on a chair, on the complete relaxation of the muscles of all our body. At the expense of 1-2 - inhale, at 3-4-5-6-7-8, we exhale - we carry out closed eyes 4-6 times. This exercise should not provoke muscle overwork, inhale must be increased carefully.

It is very important to perform exercises regularly, as this will make it easier to facilitate the course of the emphysema of the lungs, as well as in order to improve the condition of the patient.

The task of breathing exercises is to teach the patient to breathe correctly, i.e., use slow, deep and rhythmic breathing. Compensation of the disturbed activity of the breathing apparatus is provided by an arbitrary component of the respiratory regulation (change in frequency, respiratory depth, respiratory structure).

The breathing exercises are used in patients with emphysema lungs and pneumosclerosis for the development of complete respiration, in which during the inhalation the chest expands in all three directions with simultaneous reducing the diaphragm, and when exhaled, the diaphragm is accompanied by relaxing.

results medical gymnastics with pulmonary heart disease

At the end of the course of treatment using therapeutic gymnastics, a decrease in the modes in patients who have exceeded due vality before treatment are usually noted; resignation of the number of respiration and recess of breathing; Maximum lung ventilation increases, ventilation reserve increases and average speed Airflow with forced breathing. Control over the influence on the patient's body comprehensive treatment Using therapeutic gymnastics can serve as a function external breathing and oxymemographic observations before and after dosage exercise.

Walking on the steps with pulmonary heart failure

As a dosage load, climbing and one step descent can be used. This species Work is familiar to humans, easily doses, presents sufficiently high demands on the test (moving mass of its own body and holding posture); In addition, with this load, the training effect in repeated studies, as well as the statistical component, is less pronounced. The volume of physical exertion should be dosed in accordance with the functional capabilities of the patient. Patients with hidden and explicit respiratory failure can be prescribed 20 climbing for 2 minutes, patients with pulmonary heart failure are limited to 10-15 climbing.

As a second functional test You can use a sample with a breathing delay in the exhalation, proposed by Genci in 1925. This testing in a certain extent characterizes the condition of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, high departments of the central, peripheral nervous system And reflects the adaptive capabilities of a person to the conditions of hypoxemia and hypercap.

In peace, the respiratory pause time depends on the oxygen reserve in the body. The smaller this stock, the faster hypoxemia develops. The sample should be regarded as positive with increasing respiratory delay time on the submaximal exhalation at the end of the course of treatment at 5-7 s and more.

Respiratory gymnastics is special exercises that are aimed at strengthening and developing muscles involved in respiratory movement. Such gymnastics belongs to the complexes of the LFC (therapeutic physical education) and, depending on the selected method, may include both exercises for the development of proper breathing and to strengthen intercostal muscles, abdomen, backs. Such gymnastics is useful not only in emphysema, but also in the absence of pathology of the lungs healthy manBecause it improves overall health, prevents the appearance of oxygen starvation, improves respiratory control and muscle coordination.
Detailed information about lung emphysema is

Why do I need a leaf with emphysema of the lungs

Emphysema of the lungs - the disease of the human respiratory system, which is characterized by a violation of the contraction of the alveoli, as a result of which they are redistributed and cannot be reduced normally. Because of such a pathological process, oxygen does not enter blood in normal quantities, and carbon dioxide is poorly displayed. This state is fraught with the appearance of respiratory failure.

The respiratory leav of the pulmonary diseases is primarily aimed at facilitating the patient's condition - combating shortness of breath, respiratory failure. The exercises are aimed at achieving such factors:

  • Learning the correct inhalation and exhalation
  • Long-term exhalation
  • Improved gas exchange in the lungs
  • Development of a diaphragmal type of respiration (this type is better suited to the sick emphysema, as gas exchange is more effective when it is more effective)
  • Strengthening the muscles of the bark that participate in the respiratory process
  • Training of respiratory control in living conditions
  • Normalization of psychic I. emotional state patient.

During the implementation of the exercise, such general rules should be followed:

  • To perform exercises to be allocated for 15-20 minutes per day at least 3-4 times
  • Rhythm of breathing should always be the same
  • Exhale is always longer inhale
  • You can not delay the breath, hurry and overly strain
  • Exercises should consist of dynamic and static elements, respiratory gymnastics should always begin with a static, which alternates with dynamic elements.

Emphimacy exercises

There are many exercise options. Some of them will be painted.

The first exercise is pulling in the lying position. You need to lie on the stomach and at the same time bend your hands. On the breath of hands rise up along with the case from the lying position, the head can also be lifted. On the exhalation you need to lie down again in the initial position. So repeat 5 times, and the break between approaches 5-10 seconds.

The second is pulling in the position lying on the back. It is necessary to lie on the back, while it should fit tightly to the floor, the hands are aligned along the housing, the legs lie smoothly. On the breath, you should seek your legs as close as possible and grab them with your hands. In exhalation, it should be as much as possible to inflate the stomach and align the legs, go again to its original position. It is necessary to repeat so much 6 times, rest between approaches not more than five seconds.

An example of the exercise for the development of respiration is the repetition of vowels. You should sit even on the chair and relax. The back at the same time should be the most direct, and the hands must be put on your knees. It is necessary to breathe deeply and slowly, and in exhale you should repeat any vowel sound slowly and with stretching.

Among the existing nonspecific diseases of the lungs are a fairly common illness type is emphysema. The disease arises as a result of a strong stretch of pulmonary alveoli and losses their ability to reduce. As a result of the absence of necessary treatment, heart failure can develop.

The need for respiratory gymnastics in the emphysema of the lungs

Since at a notem pulmonary fabric It loses elasticity, in the process of respiration there are problems with high-quality execution of exhalation: in stretched alveols there remains a significant amount of air, to remove which the chest is artificially squeezed and its mobility increases. The complex of respiratory gymnastics in emphysema of the lungs allows you to efficiently increase the phase of the exhalation. Also you can not forget about folk ways The treatment we wrote about.

The principles of therapeutic gymnastics in the emphysema of the lungs

In order to improve the respiration of breathing with ordinary air alternates with inhalation of air containing a relatively small amount of oxygen. The procedure lasts 5 minutes, the number of approaches for 1 session is no more than seven. The duration of such a healing gymnastics in the emphysema of the lungs is 3 weeks.

Complex exercise

The following exercises are used to facilitate the patient's well-being:

  1. Breathing is performed lying. Exhausted as much as possible due to pressure with hands on the chest area and abdomen. The number of approaches is 8 - 10 times.
  2. It is necessary to lie down, lay hands under the back. From the source position you need to sit down, lean forward with the help of hands. In this case, the exhalation is actively deepened due to spring repeated slopes.
  3. Exercise is done sitting. It should be breathing deeply, alternating ordinary breath with the maximum in-depth exhalation. Repeat 6 - 7 times.
  4. The occupation is held standing, hands raised up. Deeply exhausted, you need to alternately tighten your knees to the chest (each foot 5 times).
  5. On the exhalation, the vowel sounds "O", "A", "and", "Y" are very loudly pronounced.
  6. In the standing position (hands on the hips), spring tilts on the parties are carried out (5 times). Movements are accompanied by deep exhalations.
  7. The occupation is carried out standing, the legs are divorced to the sides. Breath calm, smooth. It is necessary to climb to the socks, at the same time stretching up the hands bent in the elbows.
  8. Hands raised up, legs are coated together. Performing standing. It is necessary to go up and sit down, as if preparing for the jump. The hands are maximized back, exhale sharp and deep. Performed 5 - 6 times.
  9. It is necessary 2 to 4 minutes to walk in the measured rhythm. It should be breathing smoothly and deep.
  10. Exercise is running sitting. It is necessary to fully relax and calmly breathe, focusing on exhalation.

Other types of breathing gymnastics can be taken from and.

Regular carrying out such a complex of respiratory gymnastics will help not only facilitate the course of emphysema, but also significantly improve general state Health of a sick person.

This is a chronic disease to which chronic obstructive bronchitis leads. Elastic connective tissue The lungs are replaced with fibroids, the pneumosclerosis develops, the lungs are expanding, the residual lung volume increases, surface breathing, rigidity and pendulumability of the chest are developing

Tasks of the Flamm and Massage

Strengthen the local ventilation of the lungs, reduce hypoxmia and shortness of breath, strengthen the metabolism in all tissues, especially in the heart muscle and nervous system, improve the function of the respiratory muscles.

Features of the technique of LFK

Apply expiratory gymnastics, that is, exercises contributing to a full exhaust, strengthening the muscles of the body and the abdominal press, which are involved in breathing and retain the mobility of the chest and the spine - static and dynamic breathing exercises in combination with the secrets. IP with bed and semi-noar mode - lying and sitting with a support for the back of the chair, and with the general mode - standing in order not to make it difficult to do the diaphragm function. Exhaust to produce through the compressed lips slowly, and inhale - through the nose. This contributes to the best mobility of the diaphragm and the deepening of breathing. Do not allow rapid and strong exhalation, since the alveoli stretches even more. Exercises perform in slow and middle pace (due to the presence of hypoxemia), 2-4 times. After the exercises are required for rest. Recommended self-performing breathing exercises 2-3 times a day, dosed walking, swimming.

  1. walking in rhythm breathing in 2 invoices, on 4-6 - exhalation;
  2. standing, hands on the bottom of the chest. Climb the socks - inhale, go down to the full foot, squeezing the chest - exhale;
  3. standing face to the gymnastic wall, holding hands for the rake at the chest level. Make full squat - exhalation; return to its original position - inhale;
  4. sitting riding on a gymnastic bench, hands on the sides. Torch turns alternately in both sides alone or using;
  5. sitting, leaning on the back of the chair, hands on the stomach. Deep exhale with the abdomen and pressing his hands on him;
  6. sitting, hands on the stomach. Loading back - inhale; Rabond the elbows with pressing the fingers on the abdomen wall - an in-depth exhalation;
  7. lying on the back. Deep diaphragm breathing with an increase in the duration of the exhalation;
  8. IP is the same. Bend legs, clasping them with hands, press to the chest - exhalation; return to its original position - inhale;
  9. IP is the same. Sit down forward, trying to touch the hands of the toes, - exhale; return to its original position - inhale;
  10. lying on the stomach. Rather in the lower back with the simultaneous lifting of the legs and head up - inhale; Return to its original position, relaxing the muscles - exhale.

Features Massage Methods

Massage is similar to massage when bronchial asthma (See massage with bronchial asthma).

Bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma - This is a disease of infectious allergic etiology, which is manifested by the attacks of expiratory (in exhalation) shortness of breath. The dyspnea is based on the scratch of small and medium bronchi and swelling of their mucous membrane. The disease leads to an increase in the residual volume of the lungs, the development of emphysema of the lungs, pneumosclerosis and pulmonary heart failure.

Tasks of the Flamm and Massage

Remove pathological cortico visceral reflexes and restore the normal regulation of breathing (remove the bronchi spasm) by settling the nerve processes in the cortex of large hemispheres of the brain. Strengthen the respiratory muscles, facilitate flipping

Features of the technique of LFK

The LFC is carried out in the intergenial period in the form of medical gymnastics, hygienic gymnastics, dosage walking, games, sports exercises, running.

Special breathing exercises: with exhalation of exhalation and pronunciation of sounds (y, a, o, f, s, w) for 5-7 seconds to 15-20 seconds, breathing immigration exercises that strengthen respiratory muscles. Special attention is paid to diaphragmal respiration and strengthen the abdominal press muscles to improve the exhalation. Inhale is carried out through the nose, and exhale - through the mouth (the native reflex reduces the bronchiole spasm). Showing exercises for muscle relaxation, chest massage at the beginning and end of the lesson. It is well relaxing muscles vibrating pressure by hand from the back of the back under the blades on the chest towards the sternum in the position of the patient of the middlehouse (the massage therapist from the patient) is 5-6 times.

The best IP is sitting and standing. Significant muscle efforts are contraindicated. The pace is slow, and for small and medium muscles - medium or fast

Exemplary exercise complex at bronchial asthma (chamber mode)

  1. IP sitting, hands on his knees. Static breathing with its arbitrary gentle. 30-40 seconds.
  2. SP is the same. Hands to shoulders, squeezing the brushes in a fist - inhale, IP - exhale. The pace is slow. 8-10 times.
  3. SP is the same. Bend one leg forward, clasping hands and tightening to the stomach - exhale, IP - inhale. 5-6 times each foot.
  4. IP is the same. Turning to the side of the hand of the same time with the palm of the top - inhale, IP - exhale. 3-4 times in each direction.
  5. Respiratory exercises with extension of exhalation and pronunciation of sounds "sh" and "F" in exhalation. 5-6 times.
  6. SP is the same. The slope to the side, the same arm slides along the leg of the chair down - exhalation, IP - inhale. 3-4 times in each direction.
  7. IP - standing, legs apart, brushes on the lower ribs on the side. Relieves elbows back, squeezing the chest - breath, breathe elbows forward - exhale. 4-5 times.
  8. IP - standing, holding the back of the chair. Sit down - exhale, sip - inhale. 4-5 times.
  9. SP - standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Respiratory exercises with extension of exhalation and pronunciation of sounds "A" and "O" on exhale, stretching the lips with a tube. 5-6 times.
  10. Slow walking in combination with breathing: 2 steps - inhale, 3-4 steps - exhale. 1 minute.
  11. IP - standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilt forward, pulling out the seat of the chair, - exhale. SP - inhale. 4-5 times.
  12. IP - lying on the back. Raise your hand - breathe, relax the muscles of the hand and "drop" her to bed - exhale. 3-4 times with each hand.
  13. IP is the same. Raise the leg - exhale, IP is inhale. 5-6 times each foot.
  14. IP is the same. Diaphragm breathing with an arbitrary aggregation of its frequency. 30-40 seconds.
  15. Slow walking with breathing: 2 steps - inhale, 3-4 steps - exhale. 1 minute.
  16. IP - sitting, hands on the knees. Tilt forward, hands slide down the feet down - exhalation, IP - inhale. 6-7 times.
  17. IP - sitting, hands on the knees. Flexion and extension of legs in the ankle joints with simultaneous compressing and squeezing of the fingers into the fist. Breathing arbitrary. 12-16 times.

Massage Perform prior to execution physical Loads With raised outbuilding couch. The collar region is massaged (especially paravertebral areas), respiratory muscles (breast-curable-bed-like muscles, intercostal, abdominal muscles). Massage duration - 10-15 minutes. Course - 15-20 procedures.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Pulmonary tuberculosis - infectionCalled by mycobacterium tuberculosis. The most often amazed lungs. In the foci of inflammation, small tubercles or larger foci, which under the influence of bacterial toxins can be subject to caseous necrosis and melting. With a good immunity, they are absorbed, and most often occasionated with the formation of a dense capsule or as a result of necrosis, a cavity cavity is formed. Long failure arises. Incixing the body leads to distrophic changes In the heart muscle, the excitation of the CNS is initially, and then to the progression of braking, dysfunctional changes in the autonomic nervous system and the hormonal apparatus.

Tasks of the LFK.

Lowing effect, improving the function of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, disinfecting the organism.

Features of the technique of LFK

Used with all the forms of tuberculosis in the poechany of the acute process (subfebrile temperature and elevated Soe Are not contraindicated). With bed mode Appoints general massive and breathing exercises without significant muscular efforts and breathing deepening (not to increase the intragenuous pressure) 3-4 times a day for 5-8 minutes. With a chamber mode Include the exercises for the body with a small amplitude and walking (8-12 minutes many times during the day). With free mode and in sanatoriums The load increases, includes exercises with objects, games, running, skiing.

With all the forms of tuberculosis, maximum loads, overheating, supercooling, hyperinsolation are eliminated.

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