"Sit and wait when he dies": the sensational stories about medical errors with a sad outcome. Surgeons errors: alteration

Turning to doctors, hope that they will not be mistaken. Meanwhile, these are the most common people who, in their work, as well as all others allow for misses. Only now the consequences are quite scary and the price of them is much higher. A person may eventually lose his health, and even life.

Amputation of a healthy limb? Introduction Instead of an extraneous medication? It is not horrid and gossip, but real cases.

In medical practice it happens, in which it does not immediately believe. At the same time, even the most highly qualified specialists in expensive and advanced clinics are mistaken. Tell about the most terrible medical errors.

Another leg. Few people can assume that an experienced doctor suddenly confuses the left and right. But this is exactly what happened to the surgeon from the city of Tampa, which is in Florida. In 1995, he during the operation had to amputate the right leg to his 52-year-old patient Willy King. When he woke up after anesthesia, he discovered that his sore limb on the spot, but the left was absent! The patient tried to console the fact that she was unhealthy and over time she would still be amputated. King filed to the hospital, won the case and received 900 thousand dollars of compensation from the clinic itself and 250 thousand from the inattentive physician. In addition, the surgeon was for six months deprived of his license.

Not the eye. This monstrous mistake of the doctor occurred 120 years ago. In 1892, 10-year-old Thomas Stewart lost his eyes as a result of an accident. The boy accidentally stumbled upon the knife, which was the cause of partial loss of vision. Alexander Praudefoot was called to the rescue, which quickly decided that the damaged eye should be urgently removed. Upon completion of this operation, the surgeon suddenly found that instead of a sick eye he removed healthy.

Invalid irradiation. It is not necessary to consider irradiation of harmful. Of course, it often harms health, leading to death. However, medicine uses irradiation and for treatment oncological diseases. But, like any other medicine, it is necessary to use extremely carefully and in the necessary doses. With irradiation, the patient is not lucky by Jerome Parks. He has identified a language cancer, but the computer issued an incorrect direction for irradiation. As a result, the patient was irradiated healthy neck. and stem portion of the brain. "Treatment" lasted three days. The patient as a result quickly lost sight, hearing, the opportunity to swallow. When the error was discovered, no one could save the jerome, he soon died.

Disinfectant instead of medication. This story is an extra reason to read the inscriptions on the labels of drugs. In one medical center Virginia Mason should have followed this rule as often as he followed. As a result, the patient Mary McClinton was not introduced not a medicine, but a means for disinfection of medical instruments. This was the cause of the death of a 69-year-old woman, the hospital became much more stricter to refer to the designation and sorting of drugs.

Forgotten napkin. Stories forgotten in the womb of the patient of things, unfortunately, not so rare for doctors. In 2007, Indian Sabnam was delivered by a joyful event - her son was born. A child appeared as a result cesarean section. However, the joy lasted long, the woman soon felt bad. Subnes began to complain about abdominal pain. Over three years doctors could not understand the cause of the patient's ailment. In the end, she was on the operating table in the Chattisgar Institute of Medicine. It turned out that the surgeon who took childbirth was very inattentive - in the abdomen of the patient, he forgot the napkin. It remains unclear in history - whether a poor woman received any material compensation. But Donald Cherch managed to earn on the mistake of 97 thousand dollars doctors. A similar story happened to him. When it was operated on in 2000 in the Washington Medical Center, in the abdomen "forgot" surgical instrument 31 centimeter in length.

Food in the lungs. An elderly 79-year-old patient of one of the San Francisco Clinic Eugene Rigs suffered from a diverticular disease. He could not assume that he would die in the hospitals not at all because of this disease, but due to the monstrous nestness of the doctors. The disease of Eugene did not allow him to eat enough to eat naturally. Doctors decided that the food can be delivered to the patient in the stomach through a special tube. However, it was misunderstood. As a result, food began to flow not in the patient's stomach, but in his lungs. The error was quickly discovered, but it was impossible to correct the consequences. A few months later, Rigs died due to the acquisitions of complications. The wife filed him to the government, because according to the laws of the United States against hospitals and military doctors, it is impossible to prevent claims.

Not that father. Family couple, Thomas and Nancy Andrews for a long time could not conceive the natural path of the second child. That is why they appealed to the center reproductive medicine in NYC. There the pair was offered to spend Eco, extracorporal fertilizationWhat implies artificial conception in the test tube. Soon the long-awaited pregnancy is really coming. Spouses were in the seventh heaven from happiness. But when the child was born, the parents were quite surprised. The skin and hair of the girl, called Jessica, were much darker than the father with his mother. It turned out that this phenomenon was not at all whim of nature, but the mistake of doctors. This was confirmed by the DNA test, which showed that not Thomas Andrews is the biological father of the child, and some other man. His sperm by mistake was used for artificial fertilization.

Angry doctor. There are many evidence that doctors are better not to anger. Romanian Nelva Radonesca was not lucky enough, he had to deal with a nervous doctor. A 36-year-old man was sent to the operation to correct the improper structure of the testicles. And because of the medical error, it remained without a member. At the same time, Dr. Naum did not confuse the penis with the testicles. Just during the operation, he accidentally touched the patient's urethra, which brought him out of himself. In rabies, the doctor cut off his patient a member, besides, she also cut him into small pieces. The unfortunate patient was forced to sue. The authorities decided to oblige him to pay the patient to restore a member with the use of skin with hand. In addition, the nervous doctor was deprived of a medical license and paid the moral damage to his affected patient.

N.I. Pirogov I published 2 languages: "Annals of the surgical department of the clinic of the Imperial Derpt University" - that is, "... reports on the operations done for the year, regardless of the outcome.

They become new academic documents of medicine, the statistical price of which is extremely high, because the author does not hide failures, and therefore, the truth. They take into account age of patients, gender, temperament, occupation. Statistical research method encourages Pirogov to find any possibility to increase the number of operations. Before Pirogov, 92 operations were completed in the university clinic for three years, during the same time - 326 . After 4 chambers of 20 beds, more 1500 patients.

On the basis of the documented patient disease stories, he developed a unique training workshop for students and colleagues, showing himself in the analysis of each case with a brilliant diagnostic, therapist, surgeon. Pirogov refused the age-old tradition of the publication medical Works In Latin and published Annala in German, thereby making them accessible to the general public. The first to introduce an ordinary reader to the creative laboratory of a doctor-surgeon. ( To be accurate, the Dutch doctor published their mistakes Herman Burgava - approx. I.L. Vikentyeva).

The main principle of the undertaking of Pirogov was to make the work of physicians on the vowel consideration, only so can effectively fight for their ideas against false accusations and slander. This is how the objectors of the reformer himself explains the objectives of the "Annals" publication.

It is necessary to immerse the student in the atmosphere of real medicine with its everyday life and mistakes: "Pictures Raphael not Beneficious to imitation, he must first survive everyday, ordinary with his bad and good sides, he must be mistaken and mistaken once again before it can imitate the wonderful creations of famous art masters and act in accurately with their principles. " […]

It is necessary to rebuild all medicine on the principles of the Commonwealth in the name of the patient:

"We live in such a century when egoism is thriving in science, and vanity. The opening priority is now considered in the medical world almost more significant than the discovery itself. Thus, we should not be surprised that every day everything disappears the trust among the doctors of all nations. Our holy duty is to protect science from the domination of small passions. "

In the "Annals" it was possible to meet before unheard of recognition: "Most large mistake consisted that I did not apply the puncture of cysts to confirm the diagnosis "; "Only one mistake was made, in which I want to comply with comprehensively." "Amazing error in the diagnosis. Death. "I do not have detailed statistical reviews to say with mathematical accuracy ...; "Happy, but uncertain outcome (when a operated patient went to another city, and there is no information about its current state)". […]

Enlightened people from Annov first learned how difficult doctors diagnose hemorrhage into the brain. […] He explained to readers that for now, no doctor is able to always carry out accurate diagnosis of similar injuries: "I saw many experienced practical doctors in this regard were mistaken, and I myself am so often mistaken ..." […]

Russian society was amazed by the news: medicine ceased to deceive, spoke in a clear language and asks for help!

No opponent Pirogov could continue to perform against him, not leading his own statistics. The soil for unfounded accusations was knocked out from under the feet of the enemies by the publication of Annov.

Interested in work Pirogov and forever busy state figures of Russia, managers medical institutions and universities. The ministers had the ministers, maybe for the first time, read books where the doctor came down before clarifying his actions in operating simple mortal.

Novelty and desperate courage of the act of Pirogov impressed Russian radicals. "

Zakharov I.S., Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov: reforms and immortality, St. Petersburg, 2007, p. 46-50.

Medical errors - This is the category of observations, the results of the assumption of which people perceive the most painful. How can I justify the mistake of the loss of human life? But precisely because we are all living people, sometimes such cases occur.

Media's medical errors only lead to more than 250 thousand deaths, which is about 9.5% of the total mortality.

1. Remember everything can not be forgotten - put the comma

The most common medical error is a surgical accessories forgotten and sewn inside the patient. Such, innocent at first glance, the error can lead to an absolutely deplorable outcome. Therefore, the total control over all inventors is always supported in the operating room, including each thread or napkin. But even with such control there are cases of underdevelopment and negligence of health workers. So, in the Dopropol inside the patient, a twenty-penette-meter clamp was forgotten during an operation to remove appendix. Before this thing was discovered and removed, a person lived with her for 5 years.

2. Sewed and forgotten

Much worse there was a result from doctors from Moscow. TO thin intestines It was randomly sewn a rattle napkin, which led to a fatal outcome immediately after the operation.

3. Rearranged Eskulp

Many errors occur in inexperience. But how can be called an inexperienced head of the surgical department from Novosibirsk region. Making a simple operation to remove the appendix, he managed to cut the iliac artery, which immediately led to the death of a person from abundant bleeding.

4. Caught, but not a thief

Australian psychiatric hospital ran the violent patient. Police immediately rushed in search. The patient was caught immediately in handcuffs delivered back to the clinic. There, changed it in the smaller shirt more familiar to such places, the doctors from the soul were hampered by psychotropic drugs. And only after some time the poor people managed to emerge from the narcotic state and explain to his tormentors that they caught not that. The victim became an absolutely healthy and absolutely extraneous man. It all ended well, if not to take into account the fact that "psych" spent some time under the cleansing drops.

5. Dad can anything

Dad can even, by whose mistake, do not become dad. This is exactly what happened in the New York clinic of artificial fertilization. Parents suspected something wrong immediately after the birth of a child. The baby was absolutely not similar to the Father, namely, unlike parents, she was dark-skinned. As it turned out, as a result of the DNA investigation and test conducted in the clinic, simply were confused with biomaterial test tubes. As a result, the father of the long-awaited daughter became a completely someone else's person. If you do not take into account the moral and social aspect of the problem, we can say that everything also cost more or less safely.

6. Toothpick

An incredible story happened to the soldier of the British army of 25-year-old Alison Diver. When their part was in Germany, Alison broke two front tooth. For incomprehensible reasons, she turned not to a military dentist, but to unfamiliar civic drug. Since local anesthesia did not work for her, she agreed to general. What was the surprise of Alison, when she did not find a doctor after waking up, but found a bag with all his teeth near himself. So remained unknown reasons that prompted the negligent dentist to such an act. The young girl had to spend a lot of time and effort to complete prosthetics. oral cavity.

7. Left-hay, right - straw

Probably it would be nice to use this simple rule of surgeon from the city of Tampa, Florida. Favoring elementary knowledge He managed to confuse and amputate the 52-year-old patient Willy King instead of the right leg - left. The scandal could not be deposited, and the clinic, along with the surgeon, lost more than a million dollars, giving money to the patient compensation.

8. Dr. or the doctor needed an eye yes

As in the previous case, it will be about elementary inattention. In 1892, a ten-year-old boy Thomas Stewart, playing a knife, hurt himself one eye, as a result of which he lost part of sight. Fully blinded by the doctor helped him. Considering that the damaged eye should be removed, he mistakenly removed the boy an absolutely healthy organ. We can only guess what punishment did doctors for their mistakes more than a hundred years ago.

9. Irradiation and treatment

On a patient who suffered a cancer of a tongue, a larger misfortune collapsed. Jerome Parks - so called the patient - for several days it became mistakenly received irradiation directed to other healthy organs, in particular and on the brain. The consequence of this was the complete loss of the patient's hearing and vision. Unhappy unfortunate flour facilitated only death.

10. Disabled patient

Also the fatal outcome ended the error of the nurse of the mason messenger. She, inattentively reading the inscription on the package, made the patient injecting a disinfectant solution. 69-year-old Mary McClinton did not survive such negligence.

11. Light instead of the stomach

No matter how sad, but this case refers to death. A 79-year-old patient from San Francisco Eugene Rigs suffered from a disease that did not allow him to fully eat through the esophagus. The food was planned to be introduced through a special probe, which was supposed to pass on the esophagus. But the probe was mistaken not in the esophagus, but in the trachea, that is, in the lungs. Not only that the probe has already interfered with normal breathing, and food began to flow into the lungs. The error was detected quickly enough. With the removal of foreign mass residues from light Eugene and doctors, they tried to cope for a few more months. But this struggle for life he still lost.

12. Nervous doctor worse than medical error

The 36-year-old Nel Radonescu from Romania was to postpone the planned operation for correcting the pathology of the testicles. But Dr. Naum, he made his own adjustments to the operation. The hot-tempered nature of the doctor played a cruel joke with him. Randomly taped during the operation of the urethra, the ECCOLAP was so angry, which was cut off the patient a sexual organ. The doctor was able to calm down, just cutting the body with pieces. It is predictable that this surgeon through the court was forever deprived of a medical license and is obliged to pay an operation to restore the disheveled body. In this case, part of the skin for the operation was taken with the hands of an unbalanced doctor.

13. Boy, girl - no matter, the main thing is that the person is good

And finally, we give the most harmless medical errors. They probably can tell a few pieces each mom. These are classic errors when determining the units of the floor of the future child. So, one doctor promised a boy, showing a large "sex tubercle" on the screen (definition, probably understandable only to this doctor). Another, on the 22nd week of pregnancy, again on the computer monitor, clearly saw the scrotum and proudly demonstrated it to her parents. As you yourself can guess, in both cases the girls were born. I would have to be a disadvantage, but it was just such a medical negligence almost worthwhile to two Chinese citizens. Xianlyang Shen, just becoming an unwanted daughter's father, to death beat a poor wife and committed an armed attack on the doctor who promised his son.

You can take such excuses of medical errors as fatigue, inexperience, a random configuration of the circumstances, inattention and many others inherent in the living person, features. But no excuse will be so weighty to fill the loss of health or take pain from the loss of a loved one.

The victims of medical errors, which in the world more than it seems, most often do not know how to defend their rightness and achieve an adequate fault of punishment for a man in a bathrobe, not only deceiving expectations, but also demonstrating unscrupulsity, self-confidence or ignorance.

The punishment for the "medical error" as such legislation is not defined, there are several articles of the Criminal Code on this. But not so easy to attract a doctor who spoiled life to someone. Requires at least an independent examination and persistent patience.

The fear of visiting the medical office is quite a healthy phenomenon. Worse, if the fear of this has significant reasons when patients know from the media about terrible mistakes that occur in hospitals in the world, even in developed countries with the best devices and high income of doctors. Many, after all, heard stories about medical instruments forgotten by specialists in patient bodies. Every year, such confusions, and even misfortunes occur with dozens of thousands of residents of the Earth, who had bad luck to hospital, any level. There are other medical errors in surgery and not only, leading to the disability or death of the patient who fell into the hands of a mistake specialist.

Approximately every third medical error carries complications for the health and well-being patient. In addition, at least two patients die daily due to such mistakes, and some social activists claim that up to 50 thousand per year (in America - up to 250 thousand, if that).

We could talk about such cases as comical if they were corrected. Not a single decent hospital want to spoil the reputation with operations made by "not at the address". Nevertheless, even with strict control and logging, then there, there are surgeons there, which should never be. For example, in one of the US clinics, once in the laboratory, samples of prostate biopsy, and, there was a patient with a healthy client. As a result, the patient who lives without any hints on cancer, surgeons removed a healthy prostate, entirely. This is a complex and responsible procedure. In the meantime, the real cancer patient was released home, not knowing his true diagnosis.

In another overseas case, the patient died of a pathological process in a lung after the Internet doctor introduced a severely ill breatiev in the wrong place.

Errors in the choice of the patient are, according to a number of studies, up to 0.5% of all medical nests, about which there is speech.

The most nightmarish examples of the "substitution" of the patient include the history of 41-year-old Colin Burns, which was injured by the head when falling and woke up on an operating table in a minute before ... internal organsSurgeted by surgeons. The rasows were involved not only confused patients, but confused a living person under the soothing drugs with a lifeless body. Fortunately, the operation was stopped on time, and the physicians remembered a curious incident for life. It happened in 2009 in the state of New York. For a dangerous negligence, doctors were fined on 22 thousand dollars, but could not explain why it happened. Well, Ms. Burns after 11 months after all the same committed suicide, heated the tablets, despite three daughters.

Brokes in blood transfusion

It is believed that every tenth surgery In the conditions of the hospital, accompanied by blood transfusion, which takes millions annually. The procedure seemingly routine, but it's a place for medical abilities in it, and very dangerous.

According to statistics, out of 10 thousand packs with donor blood at least one will contain the wrong blood, which is indicated on the label. Errors when overflowing every year many tens of thousands occurs, with each 500th patient dies. Blood may not sign when collecting, confuse samples in the laboratory, incorrectly enter the data into the computer and so on. It happens that the immune system The patient refuses to take other people's blood components or.

In 2013, in the Russian St. Petersburg, a one-year-old girl, trying to taste everything, swallowed 6 magnets from the "developing" toys, so the baby required an urgent operation, during which the patient's condition was very heavy. Due to anemia, the girl urgently overflow the erythrocytic weight of blood from ... HIV-positive donor, condemning the child for a long and expensive treatment. It turned out that a deposit came to the head of the department that the blood is infection, but he initially ignored it. By the time of the error detection, the child had time to pour 50 ml of hazardous liquid. Similar resonant case with viruses in donor blood occurred in 2006 in Kostroma. The reason is preoccupacy.

Aerial embolism

Atmospheric air, without which a person cannot live, in hospital conditions caused death - if it gets into the bloodstream. In this case, venous develops aerial embolism - Private case of gas embolism. Under the embols understand bubbles of gases that are capable of blocking work blood system. In modern surgery, the air embolism is rare, but it is observed more often than I would like. The gas embolism of blood causes a pulmonary embolism when the vessels of lungs suffer from air traffic jams. Death from a light embolism is one of the main types of hospital fatal outcomes that can be warned.

Mortality OT air bubblesHaving assured a patient through the catheter, reaches 30 percent. Even those who survived, often remain for life with disabilities. The consequences include irreversible brain damage. Especially the fact that the air embolism can happen in the process of routine surgical interventions, making them deadly. For example, during the prosthetics of the tooth. In 1987, a certain dentist, "making teeth" to customers, managed to let the air into the blood. Three affected, rampants, died right in the office from a heart attack. The problem was in the hollow boring drilling, which supplied the blood flow of patients with a mixture of water and air. Customers have had little time to feel, because they were under anesthesia - common or local.

Wrong surgical operations

It happens that victims of medical errors appeal to the court, attracting mountains-doctors to justice. A 25% case concerns cases when patients do not make the operations that they are shown. Even in America, the number of such claims exceeds a hundred per year and with successful resolution of the problem of compensation received by the plaintiff, averages 232 thousand dollars (reaching 7 million).

Despite all the order designed to exclude rough mistakes of surgeons, wrong operations happen more often than we can assume. For example, one woman was removed by Fallopiev pipe instead of appendix, and another patient, made an operation on the heart, which he did not need at all. One of the most terrible cases occurred in 2011, when a 32-year-old resident of the England, which was worn in the womb of the fourth child and sick appendicitis, instead of Appendix cut out the right ovary. The operation was made by a young surgeon of Pakistani origin, and his senior colleague and mentor chose to leave home (early). The inflamed appendix did not go anywhere, after 3 weeks the woman again fell into the hospital with pain in the stomach. It was then the doctors from Romford and found out about the error of an inexperienced arculap. Four days later, the patient gave birth to a dead premature child, after all the appendix was completely removed, but then death was followed on an operating table from polyorgan deficiency, to which blood infection led.

Wrong medication or incorrect dosage

People tend to believe that the medicine that the doctor appoints is the drug you need in the desired dosage. At the same time, every day millions of people discharge the wrong recipes. Let's say Americans annually report more than three billion recipes, of which 51.5 million with errors. That is, if the pharmacy processes 250 per day medical prescriptions, then four of them will be incorrect. This phenomenon is dangerous doubly. First, the patient can get a harmful agent, unnecessary to him; Secondly, he will not receive what is really necessary.

Embosses with prescription preparations occur in pharmacies, and in clinics. Once a nurse was inadvertently poisoned by Morphine a couple of twins, which appeared to the world prematurely - at the 27th week of pregnancy. The boys inventive doses of drugs - 650-800 micrograms, then it was believed to introduce only 50-100 μg. The trouble happened in 2010.

In another case, a 79-year-old pensioner who was on dialysis was given a pankronia bromide instead of antacid. Pancronia is a paralyzing substance used for complex operations or death injections, the antacid was also required by the grandfather from heartburn. Medbet confused packaging. After 30 minutes, the patient became uncleaned and died from stopping the heart.

In 2009, in Kazakhstan, an 85-year-old patient who had myocardial infarction, nurse Introduced Corglikon's heart rate in a dose, ten times exceeding the prescribed doctor. She, they say, stiffed, as if the smaller dosage is indicated on the ampoules. The old woman began to suffer and the arrival of the urgent was already dead. The health worker, allowed a fatal mistake, quit from the clinic on ... own willing - With a diploma and a "clean" employment record.

Hospital infections and dirty medical equipment

Usually people fall into the hospital to get rid of diseases, without suspecting that the hospitals themselves are a source of a ride and contractions. They are falling in non-sterile tools and devices, on the unwashed hands of the staff. Thus, the rare Crazfeldt-Jacob disease, which was fraught with the destruction of the brain ("Cow's rabies") in 2012-2014 was transferred to dozens of American neurosurgeons to patients. The reason is the insufficient sterilization of surgical instruments used in the treatment of hazardous ailment.

Statistics say that every 25th patient in the hospital becomes the victim of a hospital infection. Hundreds of thousands of people die from such diseases annually. Having visited the hospital bed, they risk first of all to acquire pneumonia, the inflammation of the urethra, infectious diseases follow it in the list digestive system, Primary infections of the circulatory system (from dirty catheters).

May 31, 2015 - author Guest


How do doctors spoiled me life!

I want to tell my story.
It happened in December 2006
5.12.06. I made X-ray chest. I was 16 years old. The radiologist said to wait in the corridor. He came out with such an unpleasant facial expression and said: "Urgently drive with a picture to the regional hospital in Timiryazevo!" Gave me an address. It was not sent to the pediatrician to receive with snapshots and immediately there without explaining the reasons. I do not like your pictures. " Of course, I frightened, I told all my mother, and I also say my mother either, I sent to go.
That's where the whole nightmare began! ...

I come to the address that the radiologist told me. There was a lot of buildings. And at the hospital somehow seemed not like! I became looking for someone. On the way the doctor met. She took my pictures, looked and ......... I immediately took me to the insulator! I did not expect and thought then home. I arrived without packages with things and all that. No! I got there for as many as 7 months !!! ..........

I had all my life there. I seemed to visit hell! I put shots for 6 months in a row 2 times a day, gave me to each meal of 7-10 tablets at a time!L.

Somehow called me on the phone and said that the whole school discusses me. Everyone began to be afraid of me. And when after 3 months of staying in the hospital, a sputum analysis showed that I did not begin to let me go home for the weekend! Friends parents completely forbidden to be friends with me ......

I shortly reduce your story so that you do not ask.
So here. 07/25/07 I was discharged. They said to observe the phthisiatra for 1 year (if not mistaken) and continue to drink tablets for about 6 months. By the way, all my family also put on the ears. Some were forced to drink pills for prophylaxis. To someone, Mantu was put and everything showed well and X-ray is similar to everyone in normal. By the way, I didn't even put Mantu before hospitalization !!!

A year later, I was repeated x-ray, but no longer the Loskutic CRP, from where I (as if I left Tuberculosis to the dispensary, and in the OKB Tomsk, where the precinct therapist sent me. X-ray showed arterio-venous fistula on the right. Showing a computer. Tomography and consultation of the hematologist. CT showed that I have a retention cyst of the average share of rights. lung. I was sent to the consultation to the bully in the OKB.

There I was offered an operation. I agreed. My final diagnosis before the operation was such: congenital hypoplasia of the average share of rights. lung. Bronchiectase of the average share, medium share emphysema, local pneumophybosis.
Operation I suffered hard. On Friday morning they were operated on, and on Sunday evening I only came to my senses. Three days I was in intensive care. I survived 2 bronchoscopy-unpleasant procedure.

After the operation, my doctor said to me that there was no Tuba for me and never had, so there should be hollow-bubble scars. And they did not find them. As it, I am still lucky not to get infected in an insulator with open tuberculosis. Thanks to God! After the discharge, I already wanted to apply to the court to a medical error, but when I came to Tomsk to the phthisiatra on ul. Kuznetsova for pictures and card and saying that all the documents I need and snapshots for the pulmonologist, what I was told: "And your pictures in the archive." I asked to bring them from there. To which they answered me: "If they are in the archive, it is already burned!" And after some time I learned that all the pictures are stored in the archive for 5 years, and at that time and 2 years did not pass!

Now I am 25, I have two children. Two beautiful, obedient daughters, loving husband. But ... My problems with the lungs have not left me yet. July 3, 2015 I'm waiting for a spiral cT scan. I'm waiting for this queue for 3 months. The pulmonologist joking said: "So you can die" ...
Now on an x-ray I have a lung fibrosis. I will hope for the best. After all this, I entered the medical, as I decided that I would not completely trust the doctors, but only my knowledge. I still turn to the wrong one when I remember those times, and it happens that I can not sleep at night. The organs put me, the liver and kidneys are no longer the whole bunch of other problems ... That's how I went to this chemotherapy "for the benefit"! And by the way, in the discharge from the tube. Dyspancer was written that as if I was made there. Tomography! And in it conclusion-lymphogranulomatosis!, Ie. cancer!!! And our pediatrician has been protected after the discharge, having read nothing and the phthisiart also! In short, the noodles have put all !!!

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