Riddles about animals 2 years. Funny pet riddles for kids

Riddles about animals for children are the simplest and most interesting riddles, as well as. They are suitable for both toddlers and older children. All riddles about animals with answers and in poetic form - read and guess with your child.

Riddles about animals for children with answers

A long tail,
Tiny growth.
Gray fur coat,
Sharp teeth ( mouse).

A lump of fluff
Long ear,
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots ( hare).

Drinks milk, sings songs.
Washes often
But he doesn't know water ( cat).

Rides across the field -
Hides ears
Will stand up as a pillar -
Ears upright (hare).

He sleeps in a den in winter
Under a huge pine tree
And when spring comes
Wakes up from sleep ( bear).

I can wash cleanly -
Not with water, but with your tongue.
Meow. How often do I dream
A saucer of warm milk! ( cat)

He's tall and spotted
With a long, long neck
And he feeds on leaves -
Leaves of trees ( giraffe).

A bushy tail sticks out from the top.
What a weird little animal?
Clicks nuts finely.
Of course, this is ... ( squirrel)

He slept all winter in a fur coat,
Sucked a brown paw,
And when he woke up, he began to roar.
This beast of the forest - ... ( bear).

I'm a humpbacked beast
And the guys like me ( camel).

Lives in the hollow
Yes, it gnaws nuts all ( squirrel)

Beard and horns
Run along the track ( goat).

Grayish, toothy,
Prowls across the field
Looking for calves, lambs ( wolf).

The coward changed color
And then he confused the trail ( hare).

With a beard, not an old man,
With horns, not a bull,
Milking, not a cow,
Lyko fights,
And he does not weave bast shoes ( goat).

He walks in the field, chews grass,
He hums "Moo-oo-oo", but I don’t understand who ( cow).

Who alone has a horn?
Guess ... ( rhinoceros)

I lay between the trees
Needle pad.
I lay quietly
Then suddenly she ran away ( hedgehog).

Believe it or not:
A beast ran through the forest.
He carried on his forehead for a reason
Two spreading bushes ( elk).

Barks loudly
Protects the house
Big bully -
Who is it ( dog).

Hungry - hums.
Syta - chews.
Little kids
Milk gives ( cow).

He walks, wanders, shakes his beard.
Children asks: “Me-ee.
Give me tasty weed "( goat).

Gray wolf in a dense forest
Met a red (fox).

Hot summer in the mountains
Runs in a fur coat ( ram) .

How huge is he -
Very kind, kind ( elephant).

Small, white,
Jump-jump along the forest
On a snowball pumpkin ( hare).

A red cheat walks through the forest
Drives with a fluffy tail,
Chicken loves
Petushkov steals.
Who is it? ( fox)

Most of all its sizes.
Color - regular, even, gray.
He carries loads like a robot.
Instead of hands and nose - trunk ( elephant).

For some reason, not up to games,
If wanders nearby ( tiger).

Oranges and bananas
Love very much (monkey).

Instead of a nose - a patch,
Instead of a ponytail - a hook
The voice is screeching and the bell
Who is this? ( piglet).

Lives in the forest
Chews raspberries.
Cheerful treadmill -
Who is this? ( bear)

Lives in a mink
Gnaws at the crust.
Gray baby -
Who is this? ( mouse)

I walk in a fluffy fur coat
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree
I gnaw nuts ( squirrel).

What is this forest beast
Got up like a post under a pine tree?
And stands among the grass -
Ears are larger than the head ( hare).

He is friends with the owner
The house is guarding
Lives under the porch
And the tail in a ring ( dog).

Jumps far
Swims deep.
Merry frog -
Who is it? ( frog)

Circles in the sky
Fun buzzing.
Landed on a bitch -
Who is this? ( bug)

He sat on a flower
As on a small hand
Kindle and flew away:
He has a lot to do ( bug).

Curled up into a ball
Fluffy lump,
Pink mouth -
Who is this? ( kitty)

The beast jumped on the lampshade,
Purred: "Meow, mur-r" ( cat).

“I'll get it! I'll swallow it! "
Snaps teeth ( pike).

A log is floating along the river -
Oh, and it is furious!
To those who fell into the river,
The nose will bite off ( crocodile ).

Quickly hides from fear
The shell is hard ( turtle).

Where does the underground passage lead to?
Only knows about this ( mole).

“Ho-ho,” the child shouts.
So this ( foal).

Mom knits
Long scarf,
Because the son ( giraffe).

Let the roof flow
And the gate broke
Your home for nothing
Will not leave ( snail).

Which of the animals
Fluffy tail
And longer? ( fox)

Give out someone
His ears are long,
The tail is short, like a pompom,
Fluffy himself - who is he? ( hare)

Doesn't speak, doesn't sing
And who goes to the owner,
She lets you know ( dog).

Pointed ears
On the legs of the pillow
Mustache like a bristle
Arched back.
Sleeps during the day
Lies in the sun.
Wanders at night
Goes hunting ( cat).

Lives in the water
Wagging its tail
Tooth, and does not bark ( pike).

Sleeps in winter
In the summer, the hives stir up ( bear).

Like a tree
All in needles ( hedgehog)

Fluffy tail
The fur is golden
Lives in the forest
In the village of chickens steals ( fox).

In summer - gray
In winter - white ( hare).

Who in the cold winter
Walking angry, hungry? ( wolf)

In the summer in the swamp
You will find it:
Green frog.
Who is it? ( frog)

Sly cheat
Red head,
Fluffy tail-beauty.
Who is it? ( fox)

Not a bird on a branch -
Small animal,
The fur is warm like a heating pad.
Who is it? ( squirrel)

I dig mink day and night,
I don't know the sun at all.
Who will find my longest move
He will immediately say: this ( mole).

Are you a stranger to me?
I live at the bottom of the sea.
Head and eight legs
That's all I am - ( octopus).

Day and night all year round
Good mink is digging ... ( mole)

The bell is ringing outside the door
And barking is heard in the house ... ( puppy)

Who is in the den until spring
Day and night dreams ( bear)?

Small height, long tail,
A gray fur coat, sharp little teeth ( mouse).

Little boy
In a gray Armenian
Collects crumbs.
He is afraid of a cat ( sparrow).

The owner lives in the house:
Satin coat,
Velvet paws,
Ears are sensitive ( cat).

The trees gallop and gallop,
A living light flutters ( squirrel).

This little baby
I'm glad even for a bread crumb
Because it's dark
She hides in a mink ( mouse).

Not a beast, not a bird
Afraid of everything.
Catching flies -
And splash into the water! ( frog)

Not a lamb and not a cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray fur coat for summer
For winter of a different color ( hare).

Look at what -
Everything burns like gold
He walks in a fur coat dear
The tail is fluffy and large ( fox).

In front is a patch,
There is a hook on the back
In the middle of the back,
And on it a bristle ( piglet).

Gray chases white
He wants to dine white ( wolf).

Who lives in a deaf forest -
Clumsy, clubfoot?
In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw
Or wanders through the forest ( bear).

Thick cheeks
Fluffy barrel,
He lives with me at home ( hamster).

He looks like a dog
Each tooth is like a sharp knife.
He growled, bared his mouth:
I wanted to attack the sheep ( wolf).

You stroke - caresses
You tease - it bites.
Sits on a chain
House guards ( dog)

Who is afraid of everyone in the forest -
Teddy bear, wolf and fox? ( hare)

Who is a strict forest master
Does he sleep in a den in winter? ( bear)

On a winter night under the moon
He howls in the wilderness of the forest.
He knows a lot about a long howl
This predatory scary ( wolf).

Doesn't walk on the ground
Doesn't look at the light
And for lunch, for dinner -
Everyone calls her. (a fish).

Two horns
Not a bull
Six legs -
No hooves. (crayfish)

Above a stone
Below is a stone
Four legs
Yes, one head. (turtle)

Eyes on the horns
And the house is on the back. (snail)

Observing and caring for pets fosters a sense of responsibility, empathy, love, and friendship in your child. If your family has one child, then a cat or dog, and maybe even a hamster or cavy help him get rid of feelings such as selfishness or low self-esteem.
And we offer you funny puzzles about pets for kids. Thanks to them, the child will get to know the characteristics of each of them.

  1. If he sees - there is a stranger,
    The fur will swell and become angry.
    And the owner on the porch -
    The tail will twist into a ring.
  2. The ears are strange, big
    He has them like that.
    Can jump high
    Not easy to catch.
    And loves carrots
    He suffers so much without her.
    We write two, and we write zero,
    Before us is brother ...
  3. How cleverly I arranged everything!
    Behind my cheek is the pantry.
    If I want - we will eat from the hand,
    No - I'll take it from the cheek.
  4. The living castle growled
    I lay down at the door across.
    Two medals on the chest.
    Better not enter the house!
  5. Mustache muzzle,
    Striped fur coat,
    Washes often
    Chasing the tail.
  6. Stands still
    It is called I ...
    Not a step out of stubbornness
    Will not advance ...
  7. Who lives in our house?
    Drinks milk from a bowl.
    He drives mice at night.
    Resting on the bench during the day.
    No more worries.
    Well, of course it is ...
  8. Round and round on the court
    They carry the kids with horses.
    These are small horses
    And their names are simply - ...
  9. She is motley,
    Eats green
    Gives white.
  10. This little child
    Sleeps without sheets and nappies.
    Under cinnamon ears
    They don't put pillows for him.
    He has four legs
    But he walks without a coat
    He's galoshes and boots
    Won't wear it for anything.
    He cannot say:
    "Mom, I want to eat!"
    So all day long
    He hums stubbornly: "Moo!"
    This is not a child at all -
    It's small ...
  11. Look, guys, -
    This is a relative of the horse!
    He, sister, brother, mother,
    Grandfather and Dad are all stubborn!
  12. Though my hooves are strong
    And my horns are sharp,
    I'm kind and not angry
    The temper is not at all strict.
    In the field I hum: “Moo!
    Pour milk to whom? "
  13. Champion in fast running
    I sometimes drive carts.
    Uncle groom brought me
    Water, hay and oats.
  14. He walks importantly on the grass,
    Comes out of the water dry
    Wears red shoes
    Gives soft feather beds.
  15. He caresses his own
    Swears at strangers.
    At his little house
    Sits on a chain.
  16. Lies the dirty trick
    In a bristly shirt.
    Pretzel tail,
    Piglet nose.
  17. What kind of bird?
    Walking, not flying
    Grains are collected.
  18. I eat very well:
    I have a pantry with me.
    All products behind the cheek
    I carry around day and day.
  19. Not lambs, not cows.
    They have horseshoes on their feet.
    They can rush without looking back.
    These are frisky ...
  20. Four hooves
    We climbed into the trough.
  21. Fast jump,
    Warm fluff
    Red eye.
    Whose fluff on gloves
    Does it suit you guys?
  22. Who has the horns longer than the tail?
    (At the goat)
  23. The sun is shining.
    Birds are whistling.
    Here and there streams murmur ...
    And hooves rush through the meadow
    And they knock, knock, knock.
    Who is this playful
    It rushes so hard
    And, splashing with a wavy mane,
    Have your tail spread in the wind?
  24. They rushed to the river
    Voditsa get drunk
    In a curly fur coat
    Four hooves ...
    Horns tilted
    The legs were broken
    Pooped - and ran
    They hurried to my mother.
  25. Shaggy, mustachioed,
    The legs are soft and the claws are sharp.
  26. Plows the land
    Tractor without wheels.
    For him, fuel -
  27. I'm digging a little in the ground
    I tumble in a muddy puddle.
  28. Thick grasses are entangled,
    The meadows have curled up
    And I myself am all curly,
    Even a curl of a horn.
  29. With a beard, not an old man,
    With horns, not a bull,
    Milking, not a cow,
  30. He poked his mother's side in silence:
    Mom smells like milk
    Freshly cut grass
    The sun and kindness.
    And sighs heavily:
    "Baked horns for you!"
    (calf and cow)
  31. Rises before everyone else
    "Ku-ka-re-ku!" - sings.
  32. Not mustache, but bearded,
    And angry with all the guys
    But he is not a grandfather after all.
    Guess, children, who is it?
  33. Crying at the door
    He hides the claws.
    He will quietly enter the room,
    Will purr, sing.
  34. Ginger dairy
    Day chews, night chews.
    After all, the grass is not so easy
    Convert to milk!
  35. I wake everyone up on time
    I'm not looking for hours.
  36. Hungry - hums
    Sated - chews
    to all the guys
    It gives milk.
  37. A barrel walks, a crochet tail,
    Digs the ground with a patch.
    And next to it - barrels:
    Boys and girls.
    And also with spots,
    And ponytails with hooks.
    (Pig with piglets)
  38. The stove is running
    All in rings.
  39. I've known you for a long time
    I say: "Be-be-be!"
    I have cool horns
    Legs in hooves.
  40. Running along the path
    Beard and horns.
  41. What kind of animal is playing with me?
    Doesn't moo, doesn't laugh, doesn't bark,
    Attacks tangles
    Hides claws in the paws!
  42. Sel Egor
    Between the mountains.
    He speaks:
    - Come on, mountains,
    Well done
    Take it to the city!
  43. I combed my hair without a comb
    And washed without water,
    I climbed into a soft chair
    And he sang in every way.
  44. And they don't swim in the sea,
    And they have no bristles,
    But still they are called
    They are marine ...
  45. The most important in the herd,
    The forehead is slightly curly.
    His sharp horns,
    They can gore easily.
  46. Red paws,
    Long neck,
    Pinching heels.
    Run without looking back!
  47. Straining, straining,
    How it starts to babble -
    Chatting in a wonderful way.
  48. He bent his back in an arc,
    Meowed. Who it?
  49. Grazed by the pines all day
    Two girlfriends ME and MU,
    MEU warmed the barrel in the sun,
    BU interfered with him all day.
    Krya swam nearby in the river,
    Kukareku sang songs.
    GAV was lying on the porch,
    Hryu under a bush of nozzles.
    Now, my friend, remind me.
    Name by name
    Those who are on this hot afternoon
    We caught our eye.
    (Goat, cow, cat, rooster, dog and pig)
  50. Clucking, clucking,
    Convene children
    Gathers under the wing.
  51. Not a nose, but a nickel,
    Not a tail, but a hook.
    Big fat man
    Not a pig, but ...
  52. Yellow dandelions
    The grains are pecking in the yard.
  53. Sir, but not a wolf,
    Long-eared, but not a hare,
    With hooves, but not a horse.
    (A donkey)
  54. In a cage a motley head
    Cleans feathers so dexterously.
    What kind of bird, guess?
    It's right, - ….
    (A parrot)
  55. Soft Paws,
    There are scratches on the legs.
  56. They swim in a vessel
    They are not served on a platter.
    (Aquarium fish)
  57. Him big ears,
    He is obedient to the master.
    And although he is not great,
    But as lucky as a truck.
    (A donkey)
  58. Instead of a ponytail - a hook.
    Instead of a nose - a patch.
    Holey piglet,
    And the hook is fidgety.
  59. Ears are sensitive upright,
    Tousled crochet tail,
    I won't let someone else into the house,
    I'm sad without an owner.
  60. So like a hamster
    And the furry one too.
    In the zoo corner recently,
    She lives well with us.
    Previously only in the picture
    I saw ...
    (Guinea pig)
  61. Even on an iron roof
    It walks quietly, quieter than a mouse.
    Sleeps often, and after sleep
    She washes her face.
  62. They waddle along the path -
    Pillows and feather beds.
    They are beautiful swimmers
    On the paws - red flippers.
  63. Bird eggs are small, useful,
    And their meat is wonderful.
  64. You caress it.
    You tease - it bites.
    On a chain, sits
    The house is guarded.
  65. I get comfortable:
    I have a pantry with me.
    Where is the pantry?
    Behind the cheek!
    Here I am, what a sly one!

It is known that the younger the child, the easier it is to learn new information... That is why the efforts of parents are aimed at the early development of the baby. Special educational toys, books, pedagogical methods - these are far from full list what dads and moms use to achieve results. Children's riddles play not the last place in the development of imagination, memory, ingenuity. In this article, we have collected the best animal riddles for different ages.

Here are the needles and pins
Crawl out from under the bench
They look at me
They want milk.

We are green like grass
Our song: "Kva-kva".

Crochet tail, snout nose.

It's easy for everyone to recognize him,
And it's easy to guess:
He's tall
And he sees far away.

He walks, walks, walks, shakes his beard,
Requests to eat:
"Me-me-me, give me some weed-ee."

Red cheat, cunning and dexterous,
I got to my grandmother in the barn,
And I counted all the chickens.


Lay between the trees
Needle pad.
I lay quietly
Then she suddenly ran away.


The hedgehog has grown ten times
It turned out ...

I walk in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts.

From branch to branch
Fast as a ball
Rides through the forest
Redhead circus performer.
Here on the fly he
I plucked a bump
Jumped on the trunk
And he ran away into the hollow. (Squirrel)

A lump of fluff, a long ear,
Jumps dexterously, loves carrots.

Who wears his house on?
(Turtle or snail)

- Who walks, children, in a stone shirt?
- They wear a stone shirt ...

He walks calmly, does not hurry at all,
Wears a shield just in case.
Lives without fear
Big ...

And they don't swim in the sea,
And there are no bristles on them,
And yet they are called
They are marine ...

What kind of horses - vests for all.

These super masters build a house without an ax.

A log floats along the river.
Oh, and it is furious!
To those who fell into the river,
The nose will bite off ...

Gray but not a wolf

Long-eared, but not a hare,
There are hooves, but not a horse.

Who is it?
(A donkey)

The living castle growled
I lay down at the door across.
Two medals on the chest.
Better not enter the house!

If you stroke it, it caresses
When you tease, it bites.

The muzzle is whiskered, the coat is striped,
Often he washes, but does not know water.

Cries at the threshold, hides claws,
He will quietly enter the room,
Will purr, sing.

Soft Paws,
And in the paws - claw-scratches.

Lurking under the floor, afraid of a cat.

Lives in a mink, gnaws at the crusts.
Short legs; afraid of a cat.

A rope is twisted, at the end there is a head.

Angry touchy
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
There are a lot of needles
And the thread is not one.

He has a huge mouth, he is called ...

For younger students

Schoolchildren also like riddles about animals. It's just that the difficulty level for them should be higher. As in the case of toddlers under 5 years old, children turn on logic and imagination, because while listening to a task, you need to create a visual image in your head, find what you are looking for and establish a connection between the answer found and the task. That is why sometimes the answers to riddles about animals in older children can be completely unexpected. Do not rush to argue with the child and immediately give the "correct" answer. Ask him to explain why he thinks so. So children learn not only to analyze, but also to defend their point of view, to argue for it.

These animal riddles are great fun for kids ages 8 and up:

But a tiny baby -
There is a straw on the shoulders.
You can't see him with glasses,
And he is stronger than an elephant!

Thick grasses are entangled,
The meadows have curled up
And I myself am all curly,
Even a curl of a horn.

Behind the trees, bushes,
Flashed like a flame
Flashed, ran ...
There is no smoke or fire.

Flutters in a colored cape
To the delight of any ballerina.

Dives into the water
Drinks - will not get drunk.
Although it does not fly
Called a bird.
(Crane at the well)

At the Zoo we saw
Exotic gave:
Parrots and monkeys
Crocodiles, white bears,
And in the water, with your mouth open,
Surprised everyone….

This fidget bird
One color with birch.

A ball of fur twisted in the forest,
What made the animals laugh.
And you take it and guess
Who made everyone laugh? Sure, … .

A flock of birds is circling in the sky
A flock, not easy at all!
Don't hit this flock:
A flock of gray ....

Everybody blind counts me
In the morning, in the afternoon. But at night I
I see everyone in the forest darkness:
Even a tiny ant.

I love to bother everyone
I move my mustache.
I crawl under the bed
And I live with you.

I so want to fly
But heavy hurts.
I run a horse to match
The steppe is at ease.

If I want to -
I'm not jumping anywhere
And I will climb, like into a hole,
In my mom's bag -….

There is a huge beast in the forest,
You, baby, believe me!
Eating raspberries, looking for honey.
Who will tell me?

Like a fisherman he weaves a net,
But he doesn't go fishing.

Who is it?

I cannot swim in the sea
And in the ocean in the open!
I love to swim in the sand!
And I will be proud of that.
I am a domesticated bird.

For older children

To solve these complex riddles about animals, a child will need adult help and knowledge of zoology.

We are little gnats
We are black crumbs.
We fly above the ground
And we bite all the living creatures.
In one short word
Are you ready to call us?

Doesn't let you sleep well -
So he climbs into our bed.
I use his palm - clap!
And, spoiled the air….

Red droplet to black point
Crawling to the sun on a visit on a leaf.

From the change in lighting
Cooling, warming
Or if the background has changed
He can change color.

He plays hide and seek with us
Hiding in the damp earth
And food - my supplies
He stores in a large burrow.

You try to take me:
I inject like a hedgehog.
I grew up round, friends,
And completely without legs.
I live at the bottom of the sea
Where it is very quiet.
The stars are crawling
But the fish are dashing.
(Sea urchin)

This bird loves the cold
But he hates hunger.
For fish dives into the ocean,
Having eaten - floats onto the ice.

He bears eggs like a bird, and he is not afraid of water.
And in winter he always sleeps very sweetly.
Like a duck's nose, all overgrown with wool.
Who is this?

We glide easily on the water
And we measure our way.
And we will not linger anywhere
We work, we play.
Here and there, here and there,
Then back again.
Measure the area near the pond
It is easy and pleasant for us.
(Water striders)

Today we watched in the meadow
Like gnome helicopters they flew.
Who is it?


Capercaillie wedding
Are you ready to name?
She is closely related
With an electric word.

I hang my head down
And now I will ask you:
- Who is not afraid of cats and cats
And at night strives upward with might and main?

There is a gudgeon, crucian carp, bleak,
Eel, roach and roach.
But you can tell us
In one word, all words.
(A fish)

This "cat" in the woods,
The biggest.
There is Amur. Lives -
Decorating your edge.

Who gave her so much hips,
That she has become flat?
And one floats along the bottom
By directing the eyes upward.

Musical instrument detail, information security designation, sports equipment piece and bird. What is it? (Neck)

The bird depicted on the US coat of arms (Eagle)

It is both a wingless bird and a tropical fruit. They are called the same. What is it? (Kiwi)

They can not only breathe, but also grab, and take a shower, and water something. What is it? (Trunk)

There is a penny, but you can't buy anything with it.

In English

Help your child expand vocabulary, engage and stimulate learning foreign language you can use riddles about animals in English. Especially if they are rhymed. This makes it much easier to solve the encrypted animal and remember the whole riddle.

The animal that has a long trunk is ...
(An elephant) - Elephant

Green and long
With many teeth.
Beautiful smile -
It's ... (A crocodile) - Crocodile

As red as fire,
With a fuzzy tale.
He likes long walls
It's a ... (Fox) - Fox

A very long nose.
It grows and grows,
He is huge and likes fun.
It's ... (An elephant) - Elephant

A lot of spots,
A long, long neck
A funny scarf.
It's a ... (Giraffe) - Giraffe

It’s gray, but it’s not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a horse,
With hools, but not a horse.
What is it?
(A donkey) - Donkey

A little fellow
Dresses in gray,
Hops here and there
And never goes away.
(A sparrow) - Sparrow

It sleeps in the day-time,
It flies at night
And frightens passers-by.
(An owl) - Owl

Children will love non-rhymed riddles too. You can divide the children into teams and arrange a competition "Who guesses the most."

The animal that has a red bushy tail is ... (A fox) - Fox

He is not a tailor,
But carries needles with him.
(A hedgehog) - Hedgehog

Not a horseman, but wears spurs.
Not a watchman, but wakes people up.
What is it?
(A cockerel) - Rooster

There hangs a sieve,
Made by no man’s hands.
(A web) - Web

The riddles below are suitable for older children:

  • The animal who can go without food and water for a long time is ... (A camel) - Camel
  • What has a cat which no other animal has? (A kittens) - Kittens
  • What animal sleeps all the winter with its head hanging down? (A bat) - Bat
  • The animal that is very timid and is afraid of everything is ... (A hare) - Hare
  • The animal that sleep all winter in a den is ... (A bear) - Bear
  • The animal that has a beautiful year skin with black stripes is ... (A tiger) - Tiger
  • The animal that has a pouch in which she xarries her babies is ... (A kangaroo) - Kangaroo
  • The animal that has long hair around its neck is ... (A lion) - Leo
  • The animal that has a horn on its nose is ... (A rhinoceros) - Behemoth
  • The animal that has a beautiful white skin with black stripes is ... (A zebra) - Zebra
  • The animal that can hang by its long tail is ... (A monkey) - Monkey

Riddles about animals are by far the most favorite children's riddles. They are suitable for both the little ones and older children. We have collected the most popular children's riddles about both pets and wild animals. Riddles about animals will help your kid quickly remember the names of animals, even which he has never seen.

For convenience, we have grouped all the puzzles by type of animals (domestic, wild, forest, sea), as well as separately for each animal.

A fascinating journey into the world of animal riddles successfully ends with the joy of discovery, when the kid recognizes his beloved pet in the described hero. Parents will no longer have to think for a long time about what to do with their child, because now the child will offer himself to "play riddles about animals."

How to make riddles about animals

Many parents do not even think about the fact that riddles are a great tool in child development. Just like any tool, you need to use them correctly. There are a few key points you can take to make the most of this fun game.

  1. {!LANG-bbece234dea5143ad0d4907eed5fbd7d!}
  2. {!LANG-ce6c88a624967e724d1fb8edaad44ad6!}
  3. {!LANG-165d6c4a35d174ec00d3a9dd3e01e1a2!}
  4. {!LANG-0fcec8717a30b3976d2b331fdf90d1d5!} {!LANG-8843185a8754015ba9d3053334beff4b!}{!LANG-309ee29a262b9c00a06908ccedc8d61f!}
  5. {!LANG-120f248368c6c92f154a2655fe634914!}

















Not mustache, but bearded,







He bent his back in an arc,


















Ears are sensitive upright,


Ginger dairy









Sir, but not a wolf,



Long ear,

The living castle growled








Lies the dirty trick



What kind of animal is playing with me?


Thick grasses are entangled,








Angry touchy

Here are the needles and pins

I get comfortable:





With a beard, not an old man,









From branch to branch






Who wears his house on?


And they don't swim in the sea,




{!LANG-8bfb36a02d8ff9995a6396af79881d27!} {!LANG-94bb311dd337e38ddcba7c3965e7b460!}{!LANG-7c4433ffdb3ff131ea57d14ef4651e8f!}

  • {!LANG-418c23347fc5c3baed03fc609fe1cce7!}
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  • {!LANG-2713dd35c5d09b46df9245dd7bf1f47f!}
  • {!LANG-d6c5713850d3099007e407648dc81d59!}



{!LANG-59e1c63ef7edf477f439dea97582a813!} {!LANG-10bc4c13020a1e7bded2c3a27f7d1405!}{!LANG-12d9a1113888a6054c15e99cd07a4688!}

  • {!LANG-e78c2578e1fc1e2d816e582747770a92!}
  • {!LANG-d0f222af7d08131d3612e0b8dfa9f3d0!}
  • {!LANG-f20cd055472724582cac08e33d8e63bc!}
  • {!LANG-156471679a9885948a29115032871f2a!}




