Why hare long. Why does a hare need big ears? California hare is the most eared

Firstly, for cooling while running (heat is given off from the surface of the ears). Secondly - in order to hear better (while lying down, the hare raises its ears - it does not get up itself).

How the wolf cools when it runs after the hare
Sticks out his tongue. Wolves have sweat glands only on the pads of their paws, so wolves do not evaporate sweat from the skin, as we do, but water from the surface of the lungs, respiratory tract and oral cavity(when it's hot - also from the surface of the tongue). Please note: during the cooling process, the wolf loses water all the time, but the hare does not.

How the tiger cools when it runs after the hare
But in no way. Of course, there are a little more sweat glands in cats than in dogs - but not enough to cool down due to their work. Perhaps overheating is one of the reasons that cats cannot run for a long time - half a minute, a minute - and hello.

More serious please

Please. Sweat glands are of two types: eccrine(small, give off liquid sweat suitable for cooling) and apocrine(large, secrete a viscous secret containing pheromones).

  • Apocrine sweat glands are found in the skin throughout the body in both dogs and cats, hence the smell of "dog meat" and "cat meat".
  • Eccrine glands in dogs are located only on the soles of the paws, and in cats - on the soles of the paws, on the cheeks and on the lips.

In humans, ears can also take part in cooling ().

(the farther south the animal lives, the larger its ears) and (the farther south the animal lives, the smaller it is).

Do sphinxes sweat

I, as a great scientist, believe that the secretions of the skin of "bald" cats (sphinxes) is not sweat, but fat. In normal cats, sebum is smeared over the coat to make the coat "smooth". In sphinxes, in the absence of normal wool, fat remains on the body - so it seems that they are sweating. On this hypothesis I was prompted by two things: firstly, they write that the "sweat" of the sphinxes, drying out, forms a waxy coating. Secondly, Wikipedia says: “Body oils, which would normally be absorbed by the hair, tend to build up on the skin. As a result, regular cleaning (usually in the form of bathing) is necessary ", which means something like:" Skin oils, which are distributed over the coat in normal cats, accumulate on the skin in sphinxes - as a result, they need regular baths ".

© D.V. Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019

work. Let's remember physics: A =F s Or else: work = force x per premises. Work is a process accompanied by the transfer of mechanical energy (both the energy of the body itself and the energy of external bodies) into thermal energy or vice versa, thermal energy into mechanical energy.

And then the elephant has to work for the good of man: dragging logs, transporting people and other goods. And so it won't overheat in the heat for long! Let's remember biology with geography, and also the fact that elephants are found in Africa, and even in Southeast Asia. At a body temperature above 42 ° C, the protein in the cells collapses and the living organism dies. So nature has come up with how to save elephants! She rewarded them with huge ears and a trunk.

Elephant ears (and not only: both the hare and many other animals) with a large number of blood vessels that are covered only by skin. The blood carries the heat generated during work and during the breakdown of food, and the ears (as a kind of "Radiators" ) contribute to its cooling. And what has the trunk to do with it?

When the elephant is especially hot, it douches with water or, in the absence of water, smears saliva with its trunk on the body. The liquid begins to evaporate, which leads to a decrease in body temperature, and the elephant feels cool.

Let's remember physics. Evaporation of liquid accompanied by a decrease in temperature: the fastest molecules with higher kinetic energy are the first to escape from the liquid. Well, the slowest remain. And the internal energy, and the temperature associated with it, depend on the kinetic energy of the movement of molecules.

Here comes the hare big ears are needed not only to hear better. Although we know that because of the dangers, the hare constantly needs to be on the alert! Both the fox and the wolf are always somewhere nearby. And they do not mind eating hare.

A hare is hiding under a bush, it cannot catch its breath. Come on, try jumping rope for half an hour! Hot? That's it! A hare sits and "sweats with his ears." And the sweat is also warmed up by the heat from the blood. And the more it heats up, the faster it evaporates. And the faster the sweat evaporates, the cooler the hare!

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Svetlana Zhuk
Environmental project "Why does the hare have long ears"

T un: short-term, research, thematic.

Pedagogical goals:

to bring parents closer to the problems of upbringing and development of children, to improve the pedagogical culture of parents; development of intellectual and moral spheres in children, to create conditions for familiarization with the life of hares, the purpose of ears, to form an active life position in children, to involve them in environmental protection.


1. To develop basic ideas about hares and rabbits.

2. Contribute to the clarification and enrichment of children's ideas about hares (hare - hare - hare);

3. Encourage and support self-observation of animals;

4. To cultivate an interest in the life of animals, a caring attitude;

5. Develop the ability to answer questions, conduct a dialogue;

6. Develop the ability to communicate with peers in the process of playing activities;

7. Develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills;

8. To develop productive activities of children, to improve skills and abilities in drawing, modeling, application; develop creativity;

9. To form primary ideas about the expressive possibilities of music; her ability to convey various emotions, mood.

Research hypotheses:

1. Suppose a hare needs ears to protect itself from enemies.

2. What if, a hare needs ears for beauty.

The following methods were used to confirm or refute hypotheses:

1. Think for yourself.

2. Ask adults.

3. Call grandmother in the village

4. View books.

5. Go to the computer

6. Observe

In the course of studying the collected information, it was possible to find out the following.

Those hares that live in nature are seriously different from the rabbits that we get ourselves as domestic animals. They are larger, not as pretty, and have much longer ears. Why?

The first thing that comes to mind is to hear better. Indeed, the larger the outer part of the ear, the better it is at capturing sound vibrations, including even rustles. You can check this yourself by bringing your palm to your ear - thanks to the enlarged surface of the auricle, your hearing will be sharpened.

Since the hare cannot oppose anything to its enemies, the only thing that is available to it is to flee. Long ears help him in this, as they are able to snatch even the quietest sounds from the silence, allowing the oblique to escape from a predator or hunter.

Why are the ears elongated and not round? When running, the hare presses them as close to the body as possible, reducing air resistance, thereby allowing itself to increase the running speed. However, there is another peculiarity associated with the ears of the hare. The body of a person or any other living creature emits a certain amount of heat, which is accompanied by the removal of moisture from the body. Accordingly, the animal gets tired faster. Rabbit ears have a lot of capillaries in which blood circulates. Due to the large area auricles the oblique does not overheat the body, which helps him when he is hiding from his pursuers. In cold weather, on the contrary, he presses his ears to the body, saving heat loss.

The conclusion is simple: long ears for a hare is a vital necessity, a real gift from nature.

Implementation of thematic planning during

weeks: in forms of organization and types of activities sti

Examination of a rabbit, hare (possibly alive) -

"The bunny came to visit us."

Examination of illustrations on the topic "Hare and Hare."

Conversation on the topic "Why does a hare need long ears."

Research activity "What does the rabbit like to eat".

Reading the Russian folk tale "Zayushkina izbushka".

Memorizing A. Barto's poem "Bunny".

Acquaintance with the poem V, Volina "The gray hare washes ...".

Guessing riddles.

Drawing "Treat for a bunny".

Modeling "Carrot for a rabbit".

Construction of "Zayushkina hut".

Application "Zayushka".

Outdoor games: "A gray bunny sits ...", "Sunny bunnies", "Zayinka, come out", "A gray bunny is washing ...".

Game - dramatization in Russian folk tale"Zayushkin's hut".

Description of the features of the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment

Watching a documentary about a hare

Selection of visual material (pictures, book and magazine illustrations)

Formulation of problematic questions.

Usage didactic games on this topic.

Didactic game "Guess the animal by description".

Organize children's activities aimed at developing children's ability to find an object, focusing on its main features, description.

Didactic game "Who lives where?"

Organize children's activities aimed at clarifying, expanding and systematizing children's ideas about the dwelling of different animals, identifying the relationship between appearance, the way of life of the animal and the features of its "house".

Didactic game "Find Mom".

Organize children's activities aimed at developing children's ability to group animals on the basis of "one animal family".

Didactic game

"Feed the animal."

Organize children's activities aimed at developing children's ability to find a characteristic food for each animal.

Didactic game

"Where is whose tail?"

Organize children's activities aimed at developing children's ability to compare part and whole.

Involvement of parents in the educational process

Parents' meeting on the topic "Formation of design and research activities."

Consultation for parents "What is the project method?"

Involve parents in organizing an acquaintance with a live rabbit or hare.

Selection of information on the question "Why does a hare need long ears?"

Visit to the "Zoo".

Reading fiction on the topic.

Help in organizing an exhibition on the topic.

The final stage is the presentation of the project.

Presentation of the family newspaper "Why does a hare need long ears?"

Final event "Let's treat a bunny with a carrot."

Related publications:

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Photo report of children's artistic creativity. Modeling Theme: "Long horns snail" Elena Vladimirova. Purpose: Expanding and clarifying the knowledge of children.

Tasks: - to learn to sculpt an object in parts, to convey the shape of the parts (oval body and head, characteristic signs- long ears, share.

The hare is the hero of many fairy tales, fables and proverbs. Each of us knows that the bunny has long ears, a short tail, in summer it is gray, and in winter it is white, that this animal is very cowardly and always flees, leaning on its long legs. But is this always the case? Can this be said about all the hares of our planet? Indeed, among the hare family there are very unusual representatives who sometimes differ from their counterparts not only in appearance, but also in bizarre behavior, which is completely unusual for hares.

Why is the hare called oblique?

The hare is often called oblique. Indeed, his bulging eyes are far apart, and his neck is very flexible. Therefore, when the beast flees, it squints its eyes back. The hare is able to see around itself 360 °. But this does not always help him, because he does not look closely at what is in front and often runs away from one predator and falls into the clutches of another.

Why does a hare need long legs?

The fearful beast has a lot of enemies, because it has nothing to defend with - it has neither sharp horns, nor strong claws or large teeth. Therefore, his only salvation is flight. There are many hare hunters: it is often pursued by wolves, foxes, martens, owls, eagles and other predatory animals and birds. But catching a long-legged beast is not so easy. Noticing the danger, the hare flees, leaning on its strong hind legs. It can reach speeds of up to 65 km / h. At the same time, it winds, makes sharp turns, jumps up - sometimes higher than a meter, trying to confuse the tracks and knock the enemy off the track. The hare is a true master of obfuscation. During the escape, the scythe also manages to look around to see if there is a hunter or predator nearby.

Can a hare stand up for itself?

Cowardice and fearfulness are the main features that are attributed to hares: "timid like a hare", "hare soul", etc. But sometimes hares give a worthy rebuff to the enemy. When neither its speed nor agility helps a fluffy animal escape from a predator, then it uses its last attempt: it instantly falls on its back and with its strong hind legs struggles to defend itself from the attacker. And although in this fight the hare rarely wins, it happens that a well-known "coward" is reflected from the predators and can even inflict rather serious wounds on them, scratching the stomach and chest with its claws. There are cases when predators died after such hare self-defense. In the mating season, males also fight for females. Standing on their hind legs, they shred each other with their claws - from such a fight, wool flies in shreds in all directions! An angry female can also, like a boxer, fight off her boyfriend if she does not like him in some way.

Does a hare always change its fur coat?

Hares change the color of their fur to disguise themselves from enemies. In summer, a gray fur coat makes the animal invisible among the grass and stones, and in winter the hare's coat turns white and hides it in the snow. But this is not the case everywhere. In Ireland, where there is no long snow cover, the bunny does not turn white in winter, it always remains gray. And on the coast of Greenland, where the air temperature rarely rises above + 5 ° even in summer, the hares living there walk in a white fur coat for a whole year.

Tree hare - master of tree climbing

Everyone knows that hares live in earthen holes, but in Japan there is a hare that easily climbs trees. There he not only hides from enemies, but also feasts on shoots and leaves of trees or sleeps sweetly in a hollow. This is a tree hare.

It is completely unlike its counterparts: in a tree bunny, dark brown hair, small eyes, short ears, a miniature, almost invisible tail only 2 cm long and short hind legs. There are long curved claws on its paws, which help it to climb up the tree. These hares do not jump, as usual hares should, but move in dashes. They are also nocturnal animals. When it gets dark, hares descend from the trees and go in search of juicy grass and acorns, which they love to feast on.

California hare is the most eared

Almost all hares are famous for their large ears. But among them there is also its own record holder - the California hare, which is found only in the steppe regions of the United States. When you see him, the first thing that catches your eye is his large ears, which sometimes reach 60 cm. They are thin, wide and completely without hair. With the help of its huge ears, the hare not only catches quiet sounds, but is also constantly in the shade, hiding from the sun, so the animal does not overheat in the heat.

Water hare

This unusual bunny always settles near the water. And for good reason. After all, fleeing from the pursuit of predators, he runs without hesitation to the nearest reservoir, boldly jumps into the water and paddles with all his might to the other side. Its strong hind legs are well adapted for swimming: they have large, wide feet. The water hare swims well and even knows how to submerge in water for 3-4 minutes, pushing only the tip of its nose to the surface. So he can sit in the water for a long time until the predator leaves.

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