Homemade rodents. Care for hamsters, marine pigs, rats and other rodents

This article is addressed to children of junior and middle school age and is designed to teach them the care of hamsters, marine pigs, rats and other homely rodents.

How to decide on the choice of home rodent

If the household conditions do not allow you to make a dog, from cat wool your grandmother allergies, and your mother can not tolerate birds, and to all of this you are afraid that your younger brother drops aquarium, then you have a small rodent (hamster, rat or sea Pig), which will become your friend.

You know how cool to watch the little rodent, how he hides the reserves of food at the corners of his mink or stuff full brushes with his favorite cheese. And some young rodents can even teach various circus tricks. That's just about this and many other things will come about.

To begin with, thinking carefully who would like to have - hamster, a rat or a guinea pig. The most domestic and common from rodents is considered, of course, hamsters and guinea pigs. As for mice or rats, not everyone loves these animals. If your mom, for example, is also afraid of mice, even manual, then better refuse to purchase this animal.

But if on the family council you promised to take all the care of an animal for yourself and your parents do not object to a hamster or rat, then you can safely go for the purchase.

Where to buy a hamster, guinea pig or other home rodents

Of course, it is best to acquire any animal in the pet store. However, if you can not offer the desired being there, try to look at the market, where they sell animals. It is better, of course, to acquire a young animal to which 6-8 weeks. If you buy an animal in the bazaar, it is pretty looking at it. It must be swept, cheerful and show live interest. Gryzun's eyes should be clear and shiny, without mucus; The ears and nose must be clean and dry, and the sword is shiny and smooth. Refuse to buy, if you notice that an animal is properly, cuts and scratches. All rodents of the teeth are barely visible. Too big fangs should alert you.

Do not buy a dubious animal, especially in the bazaar. You probably heard a lot of stories about what people, for example, bought a puppy, and when he grew up, it turned out to be a completely different animal, something like rats, which was brought from tropical countries. So it is better to purchase an animal in the store where you will be given a complete guarantee that it is healthy and in fact is a hamster, a guinea pig or an ordinary manual rat, and not someone else.

How to care for hamsters, marine pigs, rats and other rodents

Residence for hamsters and other home rodents

Standard house for any rodent is a cell made of metal wire. One animal can live in a small cell size about 30x25x18 cm, better with a retractable pallet, which allows you to clean up in a cage without much effort. In this cage, rodent "will comply with her cozy Nestshko." All rodents need a good litter, best of all of the pressed needle, which is easy to clean. Small paper, pieces of matter are also suitable as a litter. But besides, all rodents love to make stocks. Do it, in principle, do not, as they do not have a disadvantage of food, but in nature all wild rodents are always inquiring in the course of the future. This is the instinct of excessive processes remained at home animals. And for reserves, any home rodent need to make a small house of a dense cardboard in a cage or put a box from under shoes.

All rodents simply adore different twigs, finely torn pieces of paper, matter, soft cotton wool, dry grass and leaflets - all of this they drag into their house, equip the mink and hide their stocks in them.

Do not forget to put a feeder and cream into the cage. A massive bowl is suitable for food so that the animal accidentally did not turn it out, and is necessarily from such a material so that he does not burea. And the bottle with a nozzle is suitable as a driller for the animal, from which the water begins to drip when the animal is touching her tongue. This bottle can be bought at the pet store or in the bazaar.

Mouses and hamsters are very movable animals, and therefore it would be nice to put a ladder in a cage or a rotating wheel. All these devices are sold in special pet stores. Since these animals lead a nightlife, they can run all night through the wheel and even capable of running 2-3 km.

Where to put a cell hamster

The cage is best to put in a dry place, but away from the sun. And to arrange it better so that you can always see and check and check how your animal lives, whether he fell ill, as he feels.

The most suitable temperature for rodent about 20 degrees. Drafts of animals are very afraid and easily caught. Then they begin to sneeze and cough, almost like a sharpeble person. They also have a runny nose and they are working with a paw nose and blow around.

With a strong heat, the cage is best to put in the shadow or cover some light matter, and the animal must be pouring more water.

Rules for the care of hamsters and other rodents

How to care for a cell

  • The cage must be cleaned regularly. It is better to do it every day, but if your animal is cleanly, it is enough to clean in a cage once a week. Food residues and other dirt can cause serious diseases from your pet.
  • Before making cleaning in a cage, the animal must be transplanted somewhere, for example, to a jar or box.
  • Twice a month in the housing of the animal must be made of thorough general cleaning. The cage must be chosen several times with boiling water and wash the baby soap. The feeder, cream, the wheel and the ladder also need to be thoroughly rinsed with hot water.

Of course, it is not easy to get used to the new place at the new place. He needs about 3-5 days to get comfortable in a new house. The first two days are not a disturbing of the animal, but leaving it in silence longer. After that, you can start acquaintance with the new inhabitant, but it is necessary to do it very politely. To begin with, quietly come to the cage and try to speak with him. No need to raise the voice, speak in a common and natural voice. You can say, for example: "Hi, my name is ..., and I will call you ... how do you live with me?" If the beast does not react to you and hid from you, then try to knock on the door - the animal will definitely notice you. Two days later, try to shove your hand into the cage to the cage and if the animal is not afraid of you, it means that he has become recognized. In general, try as often as possible to talk with your pet, take him to the hands and stroke.

Do not think that if the animal is evil and says nothing, he does not understand anything. In fact, rodents, especially rats, are very smart animals and everyone understands everything and give preference only to the person who cares about them.

Food, hamsters and breeding of hamsters and other rodents

Food diet

In special pet stores for rodents, food with such substances that are needed by a animal are sold. But you can cook for the animal yourself. All rodents without exception love vegetables and fruits in raw form: carrot, turnips, cucumber, apple, radister. Cabbage animals do not better come on, as it is often a stomach disorder. In addition, animals can be given corn and wheat grains, raw seeds and oats (but in no case with acute ends, and then your favorite can anticipate robberies).

Rats once a week you can give low-fat raw meat or boiled sausage. All rodents, without exception, love to enjoy cheese. But no matter how much the cheese loved your cheese, see not overgrown with him, otherwise he will begin problems with the stomach.

All rodents love to swam their teeth, and therefore wooden sticks and twists should always be in their cell. They will be with great pleasure to gnaw them. But watches so that in the cage did not get painted sticks or any other items that your favorite will gnaw. And then he can grazen paints and seriously get sick.

In the summer and spring, you can give a little fresh young grass, leaves and birch, and in the winter it is necessary to feed the animals with vitamins that can be bought in a pet store. Water in the rodent cage should always be fresh, but do not pour very cold water Right out of the tap, and let her settle for a few days, and only then pour into cream.

Hughs rodents

Each rodent has its own character and habit. So, for example, manual mouses will not refuse to merger societies and can be seoiled with each other. But rats or Syrian hamsters on their nature are loner, and if you want to settle a few animals, then keep them in individual cells, otherwise they can start to fight with each other. As for guinea pigs, they are considered peaceful animals when they live alone. But two pigs living in one cage may not share food or water, and then they will lead a desperate war. So consider the peculiarities of the behavior and the morals of one or another animal.

The offspring of hamsters and other rodents

A month later, rodents become completely adults and can already have their offspring. If you want your favorites to appear small, then hooked to the male's female, and after a while they would have kids, but after their birth of the male should be selected. The fellowship itself takes care of the kids. As a rule, rodents have from 3 to 15 kids. After their birth, it is impossible to clean the cage and it is impossible to clean it. If the female is sparing, then it can eat his own offspring. There should be clean water in the cage, since a nursing female drinks a lot of water.

Here is such a story about rodents. You did not want to purchase anyone? Then what are you waiting for?

Better rat

Gray rats (Pumps) people were diluted in the Middle Ages for Hunting Dog Hunting. Randomly, with such breeding, albinos appeared in the offspring. They are usually preserved as wonderful animals. In 1906, the first line of laboratory rat-albino laboratory rats was founded in Philadelphia (USA), which received its name on the geographical principle - the line of Vistar. The line existed until 1950 and gave rise to a set of other laboratory lines of rats (not only albinos). It is believed that from this line, black hoods were obtained by crossing with gray rats - the first decorative rats (hand rats).
The average life expectancy of the rats of 2.5-3 years, rare rats live up to 4 years, the maximum fixed - 7 years 4 months. Males weigh an average of 400-800 grams, females - 250-450 grams. The males are often calm and affectionate, females are more active and playful.

Many people mistakenly include different rats to different breeds. In fact, decorative rats do not have breeds. Decorative rats are divided into several varieties, sections and labels. Some names of the wool cover and color of rats were borrowed in cats and dogs (for example, sphinxes, recrets, husky, etc.).
Standard is the most common type of rat with short smooth and glossy wool.
Curly (Rex) - rats have dense and curly wool, less shiny than standard, and more coarse. The number of isge hair is strongly reduced, and the mustache is very twisted and somewhat shorter.
Becky (Manx) - Children's rats.
Sphinxes (Hairless) - the rat should be as bald as possible, with healthy bright skin, soft to the touch. A small cannon is admissible above the eyes, on the ankles and wrists, on the cheeks and in the groin area. This gun should not be excessive and violate the overall impression of a naked animal.
Satin (Satin) is a thinner, elongated and shiny wool.
Dambo (DUMBO) - rats of this species are more rounded than the standard ears rats that are located slightly below. The shape of the ear can be like a round (ear "saucer"), and slightly pointed (the ear "tulip").
The justification of the dilution of part of the above varieties of rats, causes fierce disputes due to possible problems With their health and quality of life. For example, sphinxes often live less than ordinary rats are more susceptible to cold, and it is also much easier to hurt the skin that is not protected by wool. Chipped rats are disadvantaged compared to conventional rats that actively use the tail as a thermostat and for balancing and as a support.
There is also division in sections, colors and labeling rats.
Uniform (Self) - color is homogeneous throughout the whole body of the rat.
Ticked (ticked) - every hair is painted in several colors. The most common color of the section - Aguti, which has most wild gray rats.
Combined - color consisting of several colors.
Silver - wool consists of alternating silver and major hairs.
Marking - a drawing on the roof body can be a combination of white and any color. Lots of labels are described: for example, husky, Irish, hood.

Decorative rats are very smart and quite easily leaving for training. Often competitions among decorative rats are held at various exhibitions of rodents, such as adjiniti (by analogy with dog adjustment). Many owners teach their rats to various teams and focus. Most decorative rats without problems remember their name and respond to it.

Hello everyone, this review about my guinea pig Monica. Here you will find a characteristic and just a photo of this funny animal.

Guinea pigs are pretty whimsal animals. Suitable they differ from many animals.

In the fee of feeding my monica is the real gourmet. There is a rather rarely. There is a rather rarely. It prefers plants and vegetables. But most of all she loves dandelions.

You don't need to bathe and wash the pigs, only on the advice of the veterinarian. If you are going to wash the guinea pig, it can cause harm to their skin.

If you do not have enough free time, it is better to start your pets the same-sex couple. One must be kept on the conviction of sellers by the type "same-sex pigs will fight, take the male and females, etc."


Guinea pigs are able to make sounds from "Moirlukanya Kotov" to the "chirping of birds". This is very amazing animals.

Still in the pig there are "popcorn". When they are happy, then pets can spin around themselves and fun ride through the cage.

The guinea pig can live in a cage or in a rack. There is a residence permit must have an elongated shape (the rabbit cell is suitable).

And the fact is finally

Guinea pigs can sleep with open eyes

Handwood rats

The predecessor of the hand-made rat was a red rat, or the Pumply, which comes from Asia. To Europe, England and the United States rats arrived at shopping ships.

The first red rat was described in Europe in 1728. The red rat rat is better adapting to the environment than the "native" European black rat, so it quickly began to push it.

Throughout its existence, black and red rats were destroyed with mass. In 1901, rats first appeared at exhibitions in England. Mrs. Douglas played a leading role in converting rats in pets. Then the interest in the manual rats slept, and only in 1970 new breeds began to appear. Rats have become popular pets.

Manual rats retained all the advantages of their wild relatives - the intelligence, the ability to distinguish between the enemy, but lost such negative qualities as wildness, bloodthirstiness, etc. Rats are highly intelligent creatures, beautiful friends for children.

Rarely bite, but need attention. They need to be given at least 1 hour per day. If there is no such possibility, it is better to keep two and more rats.

Some individuals come across, who are looking for close communication with man and with caring care are charming pets.

Rats are clean animals, so there is no need for frequent bathing them. Claws should sometimes trim.

They do not emit odor to such a degree as homemade mice, so require smaller care.

The cage must be cleaned once a week. If there is a need - it can be more often. Preferably at least once a month to disinfect.

Adult males are larger and calmer females.

Rats are able to accommodate in large colonies - young and old, males and females.

Handwood rats are capable of disciples if their training is quite a long time. They can be worn on the shoulder or in the bag on the thigh. You can not keep the rat for the tip or for the middle of the tail - it can damage it.

The bottom of the cell must be covered with sawdust (coniferous species of trees), paper or rags can not be used. In the corner you can arrange a bedroom from a tree, brick or stone. It is not bad for the thick branches along which the rats will be happy to climb. In a cage, it is necessary to constantly place different new items for the survey and the game with them - it will satisfy the inquisitive instincts of rats. Without such "toys" in rats there may be behavioral problems. Rats are omnivorous animals, they do not remain indifferent to anything that is in front of them. Highlyal, fatty products, sweets, etc. should be avoided. In the diet, vegetables and fruits must be included. There should always be clean water in the autotype.

Sexual maturity comes in 6-7 weeks, but the female can be covered not earlier than 4 months, and better in 7. The male and female must be placed on the neutral territory. After mating, during pregnancy and growing kids, they can be left together. But still the male is better to disembark so that he does not cover the female immediately after the birth of Rousi. Pregnancy period about 22 days.

Females can dwell together. They will help each other in feeding babies, without making any difference between their own offspring and the offspring of a neighbor.

Rats have large broods - from 6 to 12 kids in each. There were cases when 20 beats were born.

Live 2-3 years, although some individuals reach 6 years or more. Most rats die young from cancer.

Rats are of a wide variety of colors: wild painting (gold, silver, cinnamon), monochrome (albino, white with black eyes, dairy, black, redhead, champagne), with color marks. All new and new colors appear regularly.

Short-haired rats

Short hair cover - initial shape. All other varieties are its derivatives.

Although rats were divorced with various species Wool, short-haired individuals prevail.

These are quite massive animals with long bodies. The length of their body is about 240 mm. They weigh 500 g. The tail is long, about 200 mm, the thick at the base is gradually narrows to the tip, should not have absolutely no spots.

Short-haired rats possess proportional, slightly covered with lags. On the front paws of 4 fingers, on the rear - 5.

Ears and tail in this type are slightly covered with wool. Relatively long head. Eyes big, round. Ears wide, rounded form, squat, but not too big.

Wool in short-haired rats short, smooth, with glitter. They are bred in the entire range of colors.

Satin rats

The satin variety of manual rats was discovered relatively recently, first described in the United States. In Europe, satin rats are still very rare, much widerly distributed in the United States, where they regularly appear on all sorts of exhibitions.

This type has the same body structure, as well as individuals with conventional wool. Hair cover at satin rats are short, smooth, with amazing deep glitter. Wool is dense, very pleasant to the touch. Glitter wool is the main distinguishing feature and the dignity of these homemade animals.

Satin rats are bred in the full range of colors and marking, which are characteristic of all hand rats. Beautiful shine of wool enlisters almost any color, makes it more saturated, attracts attention. Some labeling look especially good.

Wavy rats

The first representatives of wavy rats were brought by the British Genetic Roam Robinson in 1976. They differ from other rats only with curving wool, and their remaining characteristics are the same. This breed is quite widespread. The animals have a beautiful, slightly rough curly wool, which is a bit longer than that of rats with ordinary smooth hair. She does not lie smoothly, but slightly sticks out. Bengnebards in these rats are also slightly closed, they give the face an amusing expression. The individuals of adult wavy rats look much more attractive than young. This breed of rats is divorced in the entire range of colors and labels of manual rats. But the curving wool is poorly suitable for color labels and stains, since they are fuzzy, vague, therefore rats with such a colors are not very popular.

Defenseous rats

The first messages about the defissible rats were published in 1932. These rats are derived by mutation. They are exhibited only in the United States. Such rats should be completely without wool. Only a small amount of its head, abdomen and paws is allowed. The skin should be clean, without scars and spots. Furious rats can have tiny bundlebards. Two types of rats are allowed at the exhibition: completely without wool or with small beams in certain places. This type is unlikely to become widely popular, since lovers attracts little lack of wool. Initially, it was difficult to grow adults of admeless rats, since the females were not produced in sufficient quantities to feed the kids. Furious rats have the same structure as rats with abundant hair. Break in full range of colors.

Chipped rats

Chicken rats - the result of the mutation. The first individuals were discovered in the United States in 1942. The first chopped rat was removed by an amateur in 1983. This kind of very rare is very rare.

Rats are active, intellectual and sociable. Most of them do not suffer due to the lack of tail. The exception is only those individuals who have other deformations of the bone. Body shape is somewhat different than rats with tails. In adversible rats, the body should be pear-shaped and there should be no tail of the tail.

Bred with ordinary, satin and curly wool, as well as without wool in the full range of colors.

Some tailless rats have difficulty reproduction. Therefore, many breeders pair them with rats having a tail. As a result of a pairing, as well as mating between two barking rats, mixed offspring can be equally born, including without a tail, but some individuals may have a tail balance.

Rat Dumbo

Rat Dumbo is one of the newest achievements of breeders. This species was removed in California. For the first time it was discovered in 1991. The pet has not yet been widespread.

The rat name received its name by the name of the elephant from the Disney cartoon. This rat is highlighted by the form of the ear.

The unusual form of ears is the typical characteristic of the breed. They must be as much as possible.

The head of Dumbo rat is wider and more smoothed than other rats. The face is quite acute. It looks like a short-sided rat, but has a shorter body and a long tail.

Dumbo rats are less active.

Their hairpro can be the most diverse - ordinary, satin, curly or not at all.

These animals are bred in a wide range of colors and labels, which are characteristic of manual rats.


Mongolian gerption

Mongolian gerbils are widespread in the deserts of Mongolia and North China. Their habitat is arid natural zones with scarce vegetation. During the unbearable heat, the gerbils are constantly hiding under the ground, where all sorts of moves are growing. In the middle of the nineteenth century, the first representatives of Mongolian gerbils were brought to Paris from North China. At first they lived in the beasts and in laboratories, but over time they gradually began to appear from lovers. Over the past twenty years, the Mongolian gerbils have become very popular homely rodents. These animals are very cute pets. They are very sociable. In the wildliness live groups. Energly adult individuals always react to themselves similar hostile. Recognize each other mainly by smell. If a member of the group was removed from it for several days, then the group will not accept it on the return.

Mongolian gerbils are rarely biting - only in special cases when it seems that some kind of danger takes them. The animals are quickly tamed. Easy come into contact with people - come to the call, take food from the hands. Manual gerbils willingly go into hand. When they are produced from the cell, they do not hide as many other rodents. Mongolian sandbank can not be taken over the middle or for the tip of the tail - it can break away. A distinctive feature of Mongolian gerblock is their round-the-clock activity with a small rest every two hours.

Mongolian gerbils can live in conventional metal or in glass aquarium cells. They love to dig peace, so it is desirable to pour a sufficient amount of sand mixed with sawdust and hay on the bottom of the cell.

Mongolian gerbilles are excellent climbers, can easily jump out of the cage. Therefore, on the cell there must be a lid resistant to sharp teeth Slavkov, but transmitting enough air.

The cell should be equipped with a "bedroom", for which a birdhouse is fully suitable, a pot for flowers, etc. Never fit into the cell a running wheel, since it can damage or tear the tail of the animal. The torn tail does not grow.

The gerbils love to clean in pure white sand, full of in the bath. So there is no need to wash them. They are very comfortable pets, since the smell does not emit. Behind the animals are quite easy to care, they do not require much care.

The gerbils need a small number of food (10-15 g per day). Food can serve as ordinary food for rodents, animal protein, pieces of fresh vegetables and fruits, hay, some branches of soft unseated trees in order to satisfy the instincts of rodent. Drink a little, but in the drinking it should always be fresh water.

Their kids are born in a predetermined place, which is usually covered with hay or pieces of paper. In each brood, usually 4-5 kids.

You can leave a female with a brood together with other members of the group. Male playing big role In the cultivation of small gerbils.

Live 3-5 years.

Mongolian gerbils weigh 75-120 g. Males are usually heavier and massive females. The length of the bodies of the animals is about 120 mm, the length of the tail is 80-110 mm. They have a subtle, fragile, graceful body with a short neck. The body and tail are covered with wool. The rear paws are longer than the front. The head is short, wide. Large, expressive eyes. Small, oval ears.

Hair cover short, thick, smooth, with beautiful glitter. At the tip of the tail, the wool forms a peculiar little blizzard, which is a distinctive feature Most sands.

Mongolian gerbils can be a wide variety of colors and shades. They are wild coloring (silver, yellow, honey, sandy), monochrome (black, lilac, gray-blue, white with red eyes). Often there are individuals with various labels.

Thistle gerption

Thistle gerbils occur from the northern part of the Sahara. They are lazy, sleep almost all day, only at night they go to search for food. All their activities are limited to minimal needs. They rarely bite.

In captivity poorly multiply, since they are uncommunicative creatures, lead a secluded lifestyle. The period of pregnancy lasts about 19 days. The average brood size is 4 kids.

The cage for the thickness of the gerbil should be equipped as for Mongolian gerbil. In the thickness of the gerbil, the rounded body, almost without neck. Wide head, big dark oval eyes. Paws are short. Body length 80-100 mm. Weight - 40-50 g. His name Tolstokhavoy gears got over a thick squat tail in which they can store nutrients and moisture.

The wool is short and soft, slightly longer than most gerbils, slightly disheveled. Colored hair, white belly.

Glove Shav.

Globlika ferry - inhabitants of the deserts of North Africa. Especially widely distributed in Egypt.

These are inordinary animals. They are very intolerant to each other, so they are better not to keep mixed groups. The females are very aggressive with males and hostile with other females. For this reason, it is better to keep two males in one cell.

Take care of the sands of SHAV should be in the same way as about Mongolian gerbils.

The period of pregnancy at the animals lasts about 25 days. In each brood 2-5 kids.

The length of the body of these sands is 120-140 mm. They have a short, smooth, brilliant.

These animals spotted. The main color is red with a small black mark. Eyes and claws are darker. Belly white. The tail is covered with hair, which forms a small black brush at the tip.

Colorless gerption

Colorless gerbils come from Egyptian deserts and other areas of North Africa.

They are very similar to Mongolian gerbils, you can take care of them in the same way.

These animals are active, inquisitive, can live in one and small groups. They love heat very much, so they are better to contain in a closed room. The cell in no way should be on the draft.

Colorless gerbils are completely unpretentious in food. Eat and drink them very little.

The animals are smaller and slimmer than the Mongolian gerbils. Body length is about 100 mm. The head is small, big dark eyes and big ears Well stand out.

The wool from the animals is short, on the tail it is shorter and less thick than the Mongolian gerbil. Belly, paws and bottom part Tail white color, while the rest of the body is sandy.

Guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are taking place from South America, where they were domesticated by the Incas who bred them for meat and fun. In the XVI century were brought to Europe, where they first settled in laboratories. But soon became popular pets. In the XIX century, the breeding of guinea pigs flourished in England. Today, guinea pigs are popular homely rodents.

These are sociable animals, nezoblany. A distinctive feature is the largest day activity. In nature, animals live in big colonies, so home guinea pigs love the company to themselves like. They are contained alone, couples or groups. But it is not recommended to keep males together in one cage, since they are very intolerant and aggressive to each other.

Guinea pigs make a variety of sounds, something similar to the grunt, who express their mood. They are very clean animals, cleaned several times a day.

Guinea pigs are very sensitive to high temperatures And to the cold. The ideal temperature for them is considered 17-24 ° C. For the content of animals, a spacious cell is necessary, without a lid. If the cell will limit the mobility of the animal, it will quickly grow out, which will reduce its life. Guinea pigs are not capable of climbing the walls, furniture, which is very convenient in the content.

On the bottom of the cells should be poured by sawdust, sand. It is necessary to clean the cell about once a week, disinfect once a month.

Slavs feed exclusively vegetable food. They should always be available hay. Vitamin C is needed daily. They love to see the sprigs of trees. Water in the autotype must be changed every day.

Guinea pigs do not need great care. Caring for them is also available to children. The exception is only long-haired individuals. which must be combed every day. Too long claws cut.

Easily tame, practically do not bite. Poland usually occurs in 2-3 months, but the female can be coated no earlier than 10 months. Pregnancy period 65-70 days. Usually 2-3 broods per year 2-4 kids in each. Male can be left with female and brood.

Live 6-8 years.

Guinea pigs: wild coloring (golden, gray, silver, cinnamon, salmon), monochrome (black, chocolate, lilac, beige, red, gold, warm-yellow, cream, albino, white with dark eyes), with labels.

Smooth-haired guinea pigs

Smooth wool - initial style of wool. This type of guinea pigs is the most numerous.

They have a powerful structure. They have a native, rounded form. The nose is somewhat rounded to the end, has a soft bending of the Roman profile. This bend, passing through the head, goes into a slight depression on the back, rising some bulge, ends on a sacrum roundness of a soft profile. The eyes are large, expressive and convex. Ears in the form of rose petal, slightly inclined.

The animals do not have a visible tail. They have 4 fingers on the front paws, 3 - on the rear. They weigh 900-1200 g

Hair cover for this type is short, about 30 mm long, smooth.

The undercoat is soft, the outer wool is bigger, rigid. Smooth-haired guinea pigs are bred in a wide range of colors. Smooth wool is ideal for marking, since they are not lubricated.

Satin guinea pigs

Satin guinea pigs come from the United States. Distinctive trait - Deep shine of the hairproof. Their wool does not need greater care and attention than the wool of ordinary smooth-haired guinea pigs. The animals have the same physical structure as ordinary smooth-haired representatives.

The satin guinea pigs are smooth, thick, with stunning gloss along the entire length, but softer than the usual individuals. It has a small undercoat. Wool length about 30 mm.

Satin guinea pigs are bred in a wide range of colors, but some colors are still not officially recognized. The most common are red, gold, plum, white. There are individuals with wild color. New types of guinea pigs were brought by crossing wavy, long-haired and satin guinea pigs.

Abyssinian guinea pigs

The Breed of Abyssinian Guinea pigs is derived in England, the most popular variety after smooth-haired guinea pigs.

Although they have a longer wool than other representatives, they require the same care as for smooth. They have the same physical structure as other guinea pigs. But the outlets make shoulders less noticeable.

Abyssinian guinea pigs are covered with rigid long wool, from which sockets are formed. Wool should be stitching, and not lying, should be as hard as possible, no more than 3-4 cm long. The sockets are distributed evenly throughout the body without merging. The shape and size of sockets are very important. They should be large and round, with a sufficient amount of wool.

Abyssinian guinea pigs acquire the desired appearance of about a year and a half.

Their colors may be different. The most popular red, black, white, tricolor individuals.

Wavy guinea pigs

Wavy guinea pigs are a relatively new achievement of breeders, but they have already gained wide popularity as a pet.

The curling hair is a recessive sign, therefore, when crossing individuals with curly wool, smooth-haired offspring is produced with shorthair individuals.

Wavy guinea pigs have the same body structure as smooth-haired individuals.

The animals are very attractive, have coarse curly wool, which does not lie smoothly along the body, but it is almost vertically.

She is thick, on the head a little shorter than the rest of the body.

This specification is divorced in a wide range of colors, but not all of them are suitable for display. Three-color individuals become very popular, but they are not inferior to monochrome black, white and red animals.

English guinea pigs

English guinea pigs are extremely popular in different countries. Main distinctive feature - Crown of hair in the center of the forehead.

About English guinea pigs should be taken in the same way as smooth-haired or satin guinea pigs - they need minimal attention. There are no special differences between these varieties.

The crown is a dominant sign, so when pairing smooth-haired individuals with English, offspring with the crown.

They have sleek hair with a small undercoat. Wool length about 30 mm. Wool in the crown grows from one center in different directions. The color of the crown should be the same as the rest of the body, without an extraneous shade. English guinea pigs are bred in the entire range of colors. But the most characteristic - colors of wild coloring and monochrome black, red, white, cream.

American guinea pigs

A variety of American guinea pigs is popular in many countries. They must have a clearly designated and located exactly in the center of the forehead of the crown of the hair, the color of which should be pure white without any impurities. The crown is a dominant sign. They have the same properties as other short-haired guinea pigs. Take care of them is easy. The structure of the body is the same as all guinea pigs. Body is a native, muscular, rounded. Short paws, strong, straight.

The difference between the English and American breed is that the American has a white crown that contrasts with the body. Hair cover is the same as the English guinea pig.

American guinea pigs are bred in a wide range of colors, including red, black, gold. And, of course, everyone has a beautiful white crown. The most common color of this variety is red.

Peruvian guinea pigs

Peruvian guinea pigs - popular homemade long-haired animals. To maintain their hair in good condition, a lot of effort is required. It is necessary every day combing him not to be shot down. Peruvian guinea pigs are better occasionally to trim the wool, which will help keep it in order without much trouble. The gene with long wool is a recessive sign.

Peruvian guinea pigs have the same body structure, like others, but it is hidden by a long hair cover. Their distinctive feature is a socket on the head. They have a soft wool, short only on the muzzle. There is no standard for its maximum length. With age, wool becomes longer. Peruvian guinea pigs look better at young age.

The animals are bred in a wide range of colors. The most common colors are red, white, black. May be tricolor, turtle, with labels.

Guinea pigs

Guinea pigs external species Reminds Peruvian, but have one important difference - they have no socket on the head. This allows wool to nourish back, and not on the muzzle.

The animals have the same body structure, like other guinea pigs. Sheltie - long-haired representatives, do not have absolutely no sockets. On the cheeks there is a beard, which merges with the rest of the hair on the body. They have thick, throughout the body, long silky wool, turning on the back of the body into the loop, which is dragging along the ground.

Bred in a variety of colors. The most popular - three-color (black, red, white), with black and red spots, turtle, monochrome black, red and white individuals.

Sheli guinea pigs look better than the age of two. Their wool then begins to lose part of the shine, it becomes less mild to the touch.

Guinea pigs Texel

Guinea pigs Texel is not as common as Peruvian, but their curly wool quickly conquers their fans, although they require even more care.

This type has the same body structure, like other guinea pigs.

They have long curly wool, soft to the touch. It should shine, be thick, without bald spots or areas with smaller densities. The wool on the head is growing across the back, on the face it is shorter than on the body. On the stomach wool short, curly. A beautiful loop is dragging over the ground. The length of the wool should be about 120 mm.

This variety is bred in a large range of colors.

But the most common is white and red, red with stains. The animals may have color marking, wild coloring, be tricolor, but not all of these colors are recognized in different countries.

Now there are individuals with satin glitter wool.

Guinea pigs Merino

Guinea pigs Merino need great care and care, so they are not very suitable for people who are not ready to give them a lot of time to keep the wool of animals in proper condition. Every day it is necessary to comb wool, check that nothing is confused in it.

They have the same body structure, like other varieties of guinea pigs.

Merino is long-haired guinea pigs with curly hair and two sockets.

Some copies with satin glitter wool are now bred. Guinea pigs Merino are not yet known to the general public, since in many countries they are still not officially recognized and do not appear at exhibitions.

The animals can be of a wide variety of colors, including red, black, cream. Often there are white individuals with red spots, as well as three-color.

Sea pigs Alpaco

Guinea pigs Alpako, like all long-haired individuals, require a lot of care and attention, so they are not the most suitable pets for children and for people who do not have enough free time. Sawdust, of course, cannot be used for the litter, much better apply a straw.

Alpako should have the same body structure, like other long-haired guinea pigs.

The hair cover for this species is long, curly. With its appearance, animals are very similar to the guinea pig Texel. They differ only on the outlet on the forehead.

Alpaco guinea pigs are now also bred with satin wool. Especially deep brilliance acquires the diadem. But this diversity is still not fully recognized in most countries, therefore such individuals are rare.

The animals are bred in a wide range of colors. Especially popular red, plum, black and white colors.

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