Which cock was in 1981. Rooster: Description and Characteristics

1981 - year of metallic (silver) rooster. All people born during this period have bright features of character and strong spirit: they are charming, honest, purposeful, straight, are active and know how to achieve the location of any person. However, a number of disadvantages are attached to this: excessive boastfulness; determination that borders with arrogance; Stubbornness that can be called hard work.

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    Characteristic of the sign

    1981 - the time of metallic or silver rooster. People of this year birth know their own life goals And boldly go ahead with a huge zeal. Often they ignore the advice and instructions of relatives and friends and rarely agree on a compromise or concessions - that is why Rooshov does not work to be successful businessmen or entrepreneurs.

    Practical, hardworking, ambitious rooster conquers people with their abilities to deduction and to inventiveness. The effect of metal elements gives people a persistence and self-confidence. Despite the external brave, they can easily succumb to emotions and feelings.

    In life, representatives of this sign prefer to rely only on themselves and their strength. They have a gift to feel other people and can easily achieve their location. Petukhov has almost no envious - they will impress everyone.

    A brief description of:

    • Element: metal.
    • Related Western Sign: Virgo.
    • Flowers: Gladiolus, sunflower, hawthorn.
    • Colors and shades: Golden, metallic, brown, silver, yellow.
    • Unfortunate colors: White, green.
    • Numbers: 5, 7, 8.

    According to the Slavic horoscope, all representatives of the rooster sign have a sisterhood.

    1979 - the year of which animal on the Chinese calendar: characteristic of the sign and his relationship with people


    Representatives of the male sex of this sign are respected and loved in society: they are treated for advice, listen to the opinions and statements. Metal rooster - an ambitious man who craves the authorities and recognition, possesses eloquence and likes to speak in public. In any case, he will try to achieve an ideal result.

    The man of this sign is self-confident and never accepts the role of the second plan. In matters and love, he comes decisively, sometimes even rigidly, showing himself as a leader. He likes beautiful and bright women, however, choosing a wife, he will make a choice in favor of a household and a clean girl. Representatives of this sign of jealous, the house is considered to be their fortress and refuge. They adore purity and order. In marriage, men-roosters are responsible, thanks to which his family will not need anything.

    The man-rooster is distinguished by patosity and braghood, although most often it only happens to the public.

    Oriental Horoscope: 1986 - What kind of animal?

    Female cock

    Women of this sign are purposeful and persistent, thanks to which they often occupy high posts in politics and business. They have an iron will and steel exposure, which is often the object of envy of other people. The representatives of this sign always achieve the desired - they are not able to stop any obstacle.

    At the same time, the female cock is a real coquette: she adores compliments and signs and loves to be an admiration. As a rule, she has many fans and cavaliers, but not everyone can withstand the pressure and ambitions of a similar woman. In the husbands of the representative of this sign choose strong and self-sufficient men older than themselves. Being married, they pay a lot of time career and work, while remaining a good mistress and responsible mother.

    Career and Finance

    In the work of the rooster of the smart, hardworking and promotion. This sign of the zodiac is characterized by decisiveness, ambitiousness and courage, which helps him rise high through the career ladder. At the same time, routine and monotony will not tolerate the work affairs.

    According to the eastern calendar, public opinion is important for this sign, so they can calmly engage in the most dirty work if it causes income. Of these, there are excellent leaders, because in the workplace they have full order and discipline. Representatives of this sign are suitable for the following positions:

    • lawyer;
    • lawyer;
    • logist;
    • politician;
    • financier;
    • accountant.

    He loves money not only to earn, but also spend. Representatives of this sign are trying to surround themselves expensive and beautiful things. They do not like to be borrowed, how to hang out money, but it does not regret the financing of various funds funds.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Like any other sign of the horoscope, the rooster has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the animal include:

    • hardworking;
    • dedication;
    • honesty and responsibility;
    • cleanliness;
    • demanding and activity.

    Cons of representatives of this sign are the following:

    • excessive stubbornness;
    • excessive straightness;
    • demanding;
    • aggressive behavior.


    The roosters are distinguished by an ardent temper, so they are often disturbed by the disease of the central nervous system, insomnia and flashes of aggression. Also this sign is weak digestive tract - the use of fast food, like the other harmful food It can very negatively affect health.

    Love and marriage

    In love and marriage, the roosters are very demanding: their second half must fully comply with the smart and beautiful partner. Representatives of this sign of jealous, often try to control and limit the freedom of her husband or wife.

    Showing a complete self-dedication and plunging into a family life, the rooster requires the same and from the second half. For successful family life, the partner must have the following features:

    • patience;
    • tenderness;
    • care and care.

    Compatible with other signs

    Compatibility of the rooster with other signs of the Chinese horoscope is based on their typical features. It is important to understand that complete and accurate compatibility can only be found in the preparation of an individual horoscope of two separate people.

    Rooster and rat.

    Such an alliance will not be favorable because both signs are aggressive and strong people. Because of different views on marriage and the world as a whole, the rat and the rooster will often and seriously swear. You can save such a marriage, finding a compromise or a common goal that brings together representatives of the signs.

    In friendship and work between signs, strong disagreements are also possible. The rat does not differ in economy and practicality and likes to spend money on hiking in restaurants and other events that will inevitably lead to scandals and quarrels.

    Rooster and bull

    Compatibility of these signs is high: they are hardworking, responsible and know the price of money. In love and married between them there are no disagreements, conflicts and quarrels.

    In work and friendship, this union is ideal. A duet will especially be good, where the rooster is the head, and the bull is a responsible performer.

    Rooster and tiger

    At first, this union may seem successful: the rooster will affect the tiger with independence and confidence, but then these features will change to aggression and anger. The tiger will irritate excessive self-confidence and rectinence of the partner.

    In business and friendship, the successfulness of such a union is also unlikely.

    Rooster and rabbit

    The family union of these signs will be held exclusively on the rabbit. If he manifests patience and attentiveness towards a partner, family life will be prosperous and happy. To preserve the marriage, the rabbit will have to come to humble with the vanity and wastefulness of its half.

    In friendship and business, the rabbit will be annoying an excessive publicity and bhazalness of the companion, so such relationships will also depend on his patience.

    Rooster and dragon

    Both signs like publicity and glory, so their union will be strong and mines. They will find a common language without any problems thanks to common interests and goals in life.

    In his friendship and business, this union is quite good prospects: the rooster will direct the dragon, and he, in turn, will support the partner in difficult minutes.

    Rooster and snake

    This marriage is ideal. The snake feels comfortable and cozy next to this sign of the zodiac. There is no quarrel in such respects, but there are agreements and compromises. Whatever disagreement, the snake will find a way to smooth the conflict. Of all the unions of this sign of the snake - the most suitable partner for creating a strong family, a successful business and friendship.

    Rooster and horse

    These relationships will not be quite successful: representatives of the signs will compete and compete with each other, which will inevitably lead to the rupture of family, friendly and business relations.

    Rooster and goat

    These characters have different views on life: one prefers a quiet, measured life, the other - noisy parties and secular events. Because of these discrepancies, the Union will be unsuccessful.

    Joint cooperation and friendship are possible, but with the condition that representatives of the signs will go to each other for concessions.

    Rooster and monkey

    The tricky and insidious monkey will manipulate their honest and sincere partner. However, it will soon be revealed, and the rooster does not want to be slave. These signs can achieve mutual understanding, but only superficial. The same can be said about friendship and business cooperation.

    Rooster and dog

    The dog is not the best partner for the rooster, because she will not be able to put up with the careless and vain character of their half. Dog attempts to remake the inner world of the spouse will perceive in the bayonets, after which relationships can end.

With the help of a horoscope, you can learn better about your character, friends and loved ones. Eastern horoscope has 12 zodiac signs. New Year In China, it differs from ours, so it begins on February 5th. From that moment on, a new symbol of the Eastern calendar is entering. Year 1981 - the year of the rooster, the bright and active representative of the horoscope. All people born this year belong to this sign.

Year of which rooster 1981

All those born this year belong to the sign of a metal rooster. On the Eastern calendar, the sign includes all those who were born from February 5, 1981 to the 24th of the first month of 1982.

White silver or metal rooster is rich and bright animals. In China, this feathered animal is considered a symbol of dawn, kindness and courage. This is a real thinker who prefers a long reflection. The white rooster sign is characterized by the presence of intelligent abilities and acute mind. He has undoubted talent in the analysis industries, qualifications and substantiation of things.

All these qualities help the roostech with ease of cope with research, sorting, concentrate their attention on a certain area of \u200b\u200blife. The sign is overly hardworking and is predisposed to inventive and scientific activities. He shows a special interest in matifysics issues, there is a addiction to the deep knowledge of himself and external world.

The sign of the white rooster is endowed with the desire for the development of intelligence. He always seeks to lead active and interesting social activities. He is sociable, so easily comes into contact with people. Despite his fighting qualities, the sign can be good to get along with others.

Characteristic of people

1981 - Anniversary of whom the Eastern calendar, we understand only, it remains only to characterize people born under this sign. All those who were born in the year of white rooster are distinguished by a decisive character. They are always confident in their abilities and themselves, competently can appreciate their capabilities. The sign is considered very strong among others, but such quality does not always play a positive role.

Very often strong personality turn into real tyrants. They are capable of excessive criticism and directness, as well as aggressive behavior to remove others from themselves. These personalities almost always lack flexibility towards others. Such a trait of character is the main disadvantage.

A strong character helps them easily cope with failures on the way. They easily say goodbye to the past and look at the future with optimism. If the sign is briefly described, it can be called positive, because the rooster gives more than it gets. Such a character trait always attracts others.

Work and career growth

It is typical of this sign to set certain goals and achieve them. Roosters are targeted by nature and never leave with the intended path. Even when the goal does not seem to be so attractive roosters do not leave their intentions. Their hard work attracts And striking the rest. They have every reason for doing business, as they will develop it successfully. People of this sign are perfectly understood that material well-being guarantees high-quality life. They work as much as they need, trying to have prospect.

For the sign, the opinion of the surrounding and provisions in society is very important. They will do without problems to the most dirty work, if she bring a good reward. If they occupy senior posts, then become real despotes and tyrants. However, despite such a temper, the roosters are always exemplary leaders. They have full order and discipline at work high level. They perform their work at 100%.

Of these, good financiers, politicians and lawyers are obtained, due to the logical warehouse of the mind. Also in this it helps the feature to clearly fulfill the task.

Pros and cons born in the year of the metal rooster

Like any other sign of the horoscope, roosters have their advantages and disadvantages in character:

In conflict situations, roosters Could stand up for themselves. They are fighters for justice, so always defend their rights and help others in it.

Love and family bonds

In relation to his half, the roosters show great demands. The main requirements for the partner - must be well-groomed, cause admiration and like everyone around. Other opinions about its half is very important for roosters. The negative is manifested in constant control of the partner, often with the restriction of his freedom.

In the marriage alliance roosters Show full self-dedication. However, the same relationship requires from the second half. For successful family life, the partner compatibility must have:

  • patience;
  • tenderness;
  • show a minimum of criticism.

Ideal partners for roosters are Bull, dragon, snake. Build a good relationship to get with a rat, a rooster, a dog and a rabbit. Incompatibility in marriage and love with a horse, sheep, monkey, tigrome and pig.

Roosters: He and she

The logical mindset is a problem in life for men of this sign. It does not coincide with real life. For men, this is a real problem. Since they are active, love when they are noticed by their efforts. In the family they want to look like heroes. Men are almost always conservative and demanding. They are difficult to achieve praise and support.

In the female version - This is a symbol of permanent action. These women never sit in place, as they should always do something, move. They perfectly cope with work around the house and in their main work. Often become leaders of various public movements, since they have a lot of energy. They love to contact people, especially their sex. This creates a problem to build good relationships with the opposite sex. Because of all cases, women miss important moments in relationships with their half. They are excellent mothers because they give the maximum of love and attention to children.

Health representatives of sign

Considering that such a symbol of the Chinese horoscope is quite quick-tempered, he suffers from it nervous system. Health can suffer from frequent stress and disruptions. For this reason, problems often arise with digestive system. To have a good health, they need to relax more. Great favor We will bring relaxation procedures that you can learn. Great harm to health will bring unhealthy food, for example, fast food. They can not eat on the go, but you need to eat right and on time. Right reception Food is very important to preserve the health of this sign.

We looked at year of which animal on the Eastern calendar 1981. Now weak and strengths of representatives of this sign are known.

ATTENTION, only today!

1981? 1981 What kind of animal? - The year of white metal rooster. White metal rooster 1981 is a true thinker. He prefers long reflections. The sign is characterized by talent in the sectors of classifications, analysis and substantiation of things. The 1981 rooster is distinguished by the presence of developed intellectual abilities, a sharp mind. Thanks to these qualities, it is easily coping with sorting, research and concentration in various spheres of life.

The metal rooster is excessively hardworking, practical, is predisposed to scientific and inventive activities. It is of particular interest in matifysics issues, there is a addiction to the significant knowledge of the outside world and himself.

White rooster 1981 is endowed with intellectual aspirations. He impresses to lead full and interesting social activities. The metal rooster easily enters personal contact with people, is perfectly soldered with others, despite the presence of true fighting qualities.

People born under the 1981 White Metal Petushka sign are real, devotees. They are sincere and honest in relations with people. All white animals feel great injustice. This sign sincerely wants to protect weak people, manifests them a living interest.

But a small percentage of egoism is still present in the character of the white metal rooster of 1981. They are proud, narcissistic nature. All this is hard bordered by a moderate sense of tact and excessive directness in communication. Often, people who born under this type are familiar from the shoulder do not pay attention to external changes, easily adjusted to the circumstances. They can be "wolves - single", hermits.

Pretty easily white metal roosters of 1981 are experiencing loneliness, privacy. This is a rest, a small respite for restoring vitality and energy. This sign has chastity, strict discreet character. His expressions can be stuck and excessively straight.

Sometimes, on metal roosters of 1981, Kandra attacks, depression and bad mood. They can be excessively sad, dark and gloomy. The reasoning about the best distant life significantly affect the metal rooster. Often they tend to think about the distant, lost paradise, sorry for unfulfilled dreams.

They love the earth and strive for her. Externally, the owners of this sign have a strong bone system, a strong structure.

White metal roosters of 1981 prefer to distribute orders, command how to professional activityand on a personal field. They love order, clean, so they are all organized and clearly planned. Among them a large number of servicemen and chiefs.

White roosters of 1981 - hardworking nature. They are conscientious, responsible and diligent people. They know that they want to get from life and clearly go to the target target. This sign is endowed with insight and calculation in financial affairs and trade.

The rooster corresponds to the female principle of Yin, the second triangle (rooster, bull and snake), the elements of the metal.

The symbol of the rooster exaggerates its advantages, which brings chagrin to representatives of this sign. Rooster is confident in herself, has a practical mind. Yin gives this sign by conservatism and the desire to have only the best.

Perfectionism of the rooster makes it a famous critic. The rooster is generally inclined to loudly declare itself and is not hesitated to publicly express his point of view. Loves to compete in any business, loves to win. Defeats and difficulties strongly affect the self-esteem of the proud rooster. In any case, seeks to draw attention to itself, it is very suffering if he is not noticed, do not give up the praise. In something a pedant, in something - a zealous, loves to progress just in case. Conservative, careful attitude to the innovations and life in general, does not cancel his courage, love for their fences and glory. Rooster knows how to ensure wealth of the family, kindly, sometimes it is difficult for him to please. The rooster follows the fashion, has the original taste, appreciates expensive exquisite things. It is attracted by extravagance, mixing styles, often comes against the fashion to attract attention. In general, the patriot of his homeland, an active citizen and rugers of conservative ideas.

Positive quality signs

A strong opponent knows how and loves to compete, strive for victory in business, sports, love. Ignoraly protects your loved ones and what he considers her. Responsible, self-confident, sometimes mistaken due to the revaluation of its forces and unnecessary optimism. Extremely enterprising and ambitious, achieves success in society.

Negative character qualities

Egoism and vanity, criticality towards others, but not to themselves, tactlessness are the main disadvantages of this sign. The rooster is overly straightforward and frankly not to the place, can give out other people's secrets by chance. In love can hide behind Puritan eyes, likes to generalize.

In the year of the rooster is importantcomply with the law, hold on to your work, help find work to friends. Good for the development of new connections, entrepreneurship. Positive period for rooster, rats, dragon, horses, and pigs. Stretched year for tiger, rabbit and snakes. Positive year for bull, goats, dogs and monkeys.

Celebrities of this sign

Nero, Alexander Kolchak, Ekaterina II, Emperor Japan Akihito, Rabindranat Tagore, Giuzep Verdi, Richard Wagner, Johann Strauss, Niels Bor, Baron Guy de Rothschild, Nikolay Roerich, Valery Bryusov, Andrei Sakharov, Nancy Reagan, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Gennady Khazanov, Somerset Moem, Stanislav Lem, Enrico Caruso, Joan Collins. Actors: Catherine Hepburn, Yuri Nikulin, Christopher Lambert, Steve Bushemi, Melanie Griffith, Natalie Portman, Chris Evans, Elaja Wood, Justin Timberlake, Alexey Chadov, Garik Harlamov.

Sign Character for Elements

Red fire cock

The least Puritanin and pedant, the rooster of the element of fire has a cheerful moral, is not demanding to the conditions of life, it is easier to converge with people. Levity is its disadvantage. The fiery cock is devoted to the family, a marriage partner. It is able to negotiate, and not argue, one of the best lovers of the zodiac. The most open and good-natured among other elements of the sign.

Yellow Earth Rooster

Very self-confident, but does not like to brag and compete on trifles. Tied to the house, to the place where he was born, cares for the elderly relatives, Patriot. Very conservative, does not trust change. Gostechamen, often an earthen rooster is a master culinary. It seeks to separate from the crowd with exquisite and expensive clothing, it is understood in trends and brands. Ready to sacrifice for love, but materialist by nature.

White metal rooster

The most pedantic among the elements of this sign, the rooster is indecisive when it comes to marriage. He spends a lot of effort to make a career, establish the necessary business connections, succeed. It is very adventurous and successful in the business sphere. Possesses a bright sexual temperament, inventive in love, the metal rooster loves to help the neighbor, will always introduce necessary people, Create a good reputation and shares knowledge. Of the disadvantages - can absorb the universal attention to empty conversations.

Black (Blue) Water Rooster

It is characterized by a special sense of humor, less than others love publicity, rather tied to homely comfort, which itself will provide. It may be restless due to insight or household turmoil. Failure has a strong effect on self-esteem and reflected on appearance Water rooster. Natural charm, the ability to see in all funny and fun sides make a water rooster with an interesting partner.

Green wooden rooster

Element of a tree gives this sign calm and greater balance, as well as good manners, compared to other elements of this sign. Wooden rooster stubborn and does not recognize authorities. Always insists on its rightness, do not hear reasonable advice, so it often has few friends. But in friendship and love a wooden rooster is very reliable and constant, monochief. Knows how to get high income, not applying efforts. Clean and rational.

Horoscope is another way to get to know yourself, understand your "I". This article will talk about Tom, 1981 - the year of which animal. And also about what can be said about people born at this time.

The main rule

First of all, I want to remind those who know, and tell those who are not yet aware that in the east year begins a few more time than we. Uses, 1981 - year of which animal, it is worth remembering that in China he begins not January 1, as it is customary to celebrate in our country, and therefore the rooster comes into account only from this date. People born in January and from 1 to 1981 will remain monkeys. However, the rooster will not leave his post until January 24, 1982. People born at this time will be not dogs (as they could imagine), but will remain under the influence of the rooster.


Thoughtful, 1981 - a year of which animal according to the horoscope, it is worth saying that it will not be just a rooster, but a silver or metal rooster. It is very important because additional feature will tell a lot about people born at this time.

Briefly about metal roosters

1981 - what kind of animal it is in a metal rooster. What can, in general, say about such people? First of all, I want to pay attention to the fact that it is honest person, charming and incredibly strong in the spiritual plan. To break such a person is unlikely to be able to someone (the forces betrays the metal of this sign). An important point: people born this year very quickly have others to themselves. They have no enemies, almost no enviousness. However, the negative feature of metal roosters is a lack of exposure. These people can break through the trifles, later in the same and repent.

About character

We study further 1981. What kind of animal it represents - figured out. What can be said about the nature of such personalities? So, these are people who are accustomed to act resolutely. They are confident in themselves and in their abilities, often - really strong and competently assessed their capabilities. It is important to say that the metal rooster is the most strong sign Among their relatives. However, it is often becoming a negative feature of such people. From a strong personality, the rooster can easily turn into a cruel tyrant, which is able to "remove" from themselves with its directness, excessive criticism and aggressive behavior. It must be said that representatives of this sign are very lacking flexibility. This is their main drawback. Also, these are people who easily cope with failures, say goodbye to the past and positively look into the future. If we talk in general, then the rooster is more likely positive than a negative sign. These are people who are ready to give more than getting in return. It basically and attracts the environment of representatives of this sign. eastern horoscope.

Labor career

These are people who are accustomed to set their goals and reach them. The rooster will never leave with the planned path, even if she will seem not so attractive after a certain time. The diligence of these people just amazes and even fascinates. Therefore, representatives of this sign of the Eastern Horoscope without any problems can be engaged in business - the success of them is provided. As for attitudes towards wealth, the metal rooster will strive for this, realizing that the material means is the path to a good life. However, it does not matter for him the public situation, as well as the opinion of others. If you can earn good money with dirty work, the rooster will take it without any problems. As for leadership positions, most often representatives of this sign are tyranny and dictators. However, they fulfill their work fully, and in the enterprise they have order and discipline.

Love and marriage

So, 1981. What animal does it represent on the horoscope? Metal rooster. What can be said about these people in the Love Plan? In relations, they are very demanding of their second half. The partner of the representative of this sign of the zodiac should be well-groomed, he is simply obliged to like others. And if in an employment career the opinion of others is not important for him, then everything must admire the second half of the rooster. Also a negative feature of such people in relations with the opposite sex is that they wish to control everything, often limiting their partner in freedom. As for the marriage, then the rooster is tuned to complete self-dedication. However, the same will require from its second half. What can be advised by representatives of this sign of the zodiac? More patience and tenderness, as well as smaller criticism - this is the key to the successful family life of metal roosters.


Having understood, 1981 - the year of which animal, the compatibility of the rooster - that's what else to say.

  1. Ideal partners: bull, dragon, snake.
  2. Normal relationships: Rooster, rat, dog, rabbit.
  3. Relations with sheep, horse, tigrome, monkey and pig are contraindicated.


1981 - what animal characteristic will be relevant here, figured out: metal rooster. Also, a few words want to say about the health of the representatives of this sign of the zodiac. Since these are very hot-tempered people, they will often be disturbed by a nervous system. Frequent stress, excitement - all this will negatively affect the health of metal roosters. Hence the problems with the gastrointestinal tract are also possible. What can you advise such people? First of all, a bigger holiday. Also from time to time spend special relaxation procedures that need to study in advance. It is important to say that fast food and rooster are simply contraindicated, it can lead to serious diseases. It is also not recommended to eat these people on the run. Correct meals - this is what you need to take care of the representatives of this sign of the Eastern Horoscope.


We are considering the horoscope. 1981 - what kind of animal? Rooster (and metallic). What can you say separately about men? So, in the men's version, this sign of the Eastern Zodiac is logic. However, it often becomes a problem, since it often does not coincide with reality. Hence the main problems of strong representatives of this sign. It is also important to say that these are active people, they love when their efforts notice. In the family, the rooster man tries to be a hero for his households. From them, praise and support in all endeavors are waiting. Also, men of this sign are very conservative and demanding.

Female cock

1981 - What kind of animal on the Eastern calendar? Rooster. What can it mean for wonderful ladies? So, in this embodiment, this is a symbol of permanent action. Such women will never sit still. They are characterized by movement. They fully fulfill their duties not only at home (in everyday life), but also at work. In addition, such women are often the leaders of a wide variety of public movements. Energies have enough of them. The female rooster loves the society of other ladies, so it will deal with the cases that require maximum contact with people.

However, this often becomes a problem. After all, to build a good relationship with a man girl, a representative of this sign, very hard. It will always try to participate in all, often molding important moments of close relationship with a partner. But still, Mom will be the best, she will give his children a maximum of material support and attention.

Weak places Petukhov

So, we have been understanding, 1981 - the year of which animal is horoscope? The characteristic of weak places of representatives of this sign is what else should be said about. This is often gullible people, sometimes even naive. Therefore, at the dawn of his career, they can fall into unpleasant situations. However, over time, this will change, and the life is challenging the metal rooster. The representative of this sign will be able to deal with the fact that someone else will command them. Well, of course, the weakest place of such people is to create a family. Often it becomes a huge problem for representatives of this sign of the Eastern Zodiac.

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