Orticon: Leasing. Accounting

The configuration "Ortikon: Leasing. Accounting" is released on the basis of a typical configuration 1C: Accounting 8. Configuration options:

    accounting for several organizations in a single information base

    accounts can be configured by the user, while the added accounts will be used by standard system documents (you can change account numbers, set new types of subconto)

    filtering information by several conditions to generate reports, lists of directories and documents

The following functionality is supported in the accounting subsystem for leasing operations:

    leasing agreements both with the transfer of fixed assets to the balance of the lessee, and without transfer;

    schedules for the receipt of lease payments with the ability to load schedules from external files or using the built-in assistant;

    flexible change of schedules;

    introduction of additional agreements to leasing agreements ensures the storage of not only the current state of the leasing agreement, but also the entire history of the agreement;

    leasing calculator;


    ensuring the transfer of fixed assets to leasing, the return of fixed assets from leasing and the transfer of ownership of fixed assets to the lessee;

    settings for accounting accounts used in accounting for leasing transactions.

Under leasing agreements:

    leasing stores the entire history of the contract

    are included in the terms of the contract by additional agreements

    of the agreement, it is possible to see both the current data of the agreement and the status of any additional agreement

    accounting policy offers several options for generating postings for contracts with transfer to the balance of the lessee

Implemented Business Processes:

    leasing agreements (document "Leasing agreement")

    an unlimited number of additional agreements to the leasing agreement (document "Additional Agreement")

    fixed assets to the lessor (document "Receipt of goods and services")

    to the accounting of fixed assets transferred to leasing (document "Adoption for accounting of fixed assets")

    fixed assets to the lessee (document "Transfer of fixed assets to leasing")

    lease payments, automatic invoicing and execution of documents "Sale of goods and services" (document "Accrual of lease payments")

    depreciation on fixed assets on the balance sheet of the lessor (document "Regulated operation")

    deferred expenses (document "Regulatory transaction")

    deferred income (document "Write-off of deferred income")

    fixed assets from leasing (document "Return of fixed assets from leasing")

    fixed assets under a leasing agreement (document "Sale of fixed assets under a leasing agreement")

The following functionality is supported in the subsystem of accounting for loans and credits:

    information on a loan or loan, taking into account the history of its change;

    setting up accounts for loans and credits;

    receipt, repayment and accrual of interest on received loans or credits;

    issuance, repayment and accrual of interest on issued loans;

    transfer of issued loans (assignment of the right to claim) under an assignment agreement.

This application has built-in functionality for working with the 1C-Reporting service, which allows you to send regulated reporting to regulatory authorities: the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the FSS, Rosstat and Rosalkogolregulirovanie via the Internet directly from 1C: Enterprise programs without switching to other applications and re-filling forms . In addition to submitting electronic reporting, the 1C-Reporting service supports:

    Non-formalized correspondence with the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and Rosstat;

    Reconciliations with the tax (requests ION);

    Reconciliations with the FIU (requests for IOS);

    Sending registries sick leave in the FSS;

    Receipt of requirements and notifications;

    Sending electronic documents in response to the requirements of the Federal Tax Service;

    Obtaining extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP;

    Possibility of forming packages with reporting in the format for banks and other recipients;

    Retroconversion (the process of converting the PFR of a paper archive into electronic form);

    Sending notifications about controlled transactions;

    Online verification of regulated reports

Users of all versions, except for the basic ones, must have a valid 1C: ITS agreement to use "1C-Reporting". At no additional charge, connect the service for one legal entity or IP can be users who have concluded a 1C: ITS PROF level agreement. To connect to the 1C-Reporting service, contact your service organization (partner of 1C).

The configuration contains closed sections of code and is protected using the configuration protection and licensing system.

  • Developer: 1C
  • Delivery type: Box delivery
  • License type: Software protection
  • Language version of the product interface: Russian language
  • : Configuration license and 1 user
  • Delivery time: 1 to 2 days

Configuration " Orticon: Leasing. Accounting"is released on the basis of a typical configuration 1C: Accounting 2.0.

Configuration options:

  • Keeping records of several organizations in a single information base
  • The chart of accounts can be customized by the user, while the added accounts will be used by standard system documents (you can change account numbers, set new types of subconto)
  • The ability to filter information by several conditions to generate reports, lists of directories and documents

In subsystem accounting for leasing operations

  • Accounting for leasing agreements both with the transfer of fixed assets to the balance of the lessee, and without transfer;
  • Accounting for schedules of receipt of leasing payments with the ability to load schedules from external files or using the built-in assistant;
  • Support for flexible change of schedules;
  • The ability to enter additional agreements to leasing agreements provides storage of not only the current state of the leasing agreement, but also the entire history of the agreement;
  • Built-in leasing calculator;
  • Automated billing;
  • Document flow that ensures the transfer of fixed assets to leasing, the return of fixed assets from leasing and the transfer of ownership of fixed assets to the lessee;
  • Flexibility in setting up accounting accounts used in accounting for leasing transactions.

Under leasing agreements:

  • The leasing agreement stores the entire history of the maintenance of the agreement
  • Changes to the terms of the contract are made by additional agreements
  • From the contract, it is possible to see both the current data of the contract and the status of any additional agreement
  • Setting up an accounting policy offers several options for generating postings for contracts with transfer to the balance of the lessee

Implemented Business Processes:

  • Conclusion of a leasing agreement (document "Leasing agreement")
  • Registration of an unlimited number of additional agreements to the leasing agreement (document "Additional agreement")
  • Receipt of fixed assets to the lessor (document "Receipt of goods and services")
  • Acceptance for accounting of fixed assets transferred to leasing (document "Acceptance for accounting of fixed assets")
  • Transfer of fixed assets to the lessee (document "Transfer of fixed assets to leasing")
  • Accrual of lease payments, automatic invoicing and execution of documents "Sale of goods and services" (document "Account of lease payments")
  • Calculation of depreciation on fixed assets on the balance sheet of the lessor (document "Regulated operation")
  • Write-off of deferred expenses (document "Regulatory transaction")
  • Write-off of deferred income (document "Write-off of deferred income")
  • Return of fixed assets from leasing (document "Return of fixed assets from leasing")
  • Sale of fixed assets under a leasing agreement (document "Sale of fixed assets under a leasing agreement")

In subsystem accounting for loans and credits the following functionality is supported:

  • Storing information on a loan or loan, taking into account the history of its change;
  • Flexible setup of accounts for loans and credits;
  • Operations of receipt, repayment and accrual of interest on received loans or credits;
  • Operations of issuance, repayment and accrual of interest on issued loans;
  • Transactions of transfer of issued loans (assignment of the right to claim) under an assignment agreement.

The configuration "Ortikon: Leasing. Accounting" is not independent, for its operation it is necessary to have the standard configuration "Enterprise Accounting" installed on the "1C: Enterprise 8.2" platform.

The configuration contains closed sections of code and is protected using the configuration protection and licensing system.

The appearance of the goods, its equipment and main specifications may be changed by the manufacturer without prior notice. The description is for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a basis for claims. In order to avoid misunderstandings, check the full information on the product by phone with the manager.

Thanks to 1C-IzhTiSi for a software product that allows us to produce high-quality industry solutions

Company information

Name: Group of companies "ORTICON® Group"

City: Moscow

Line of business: development and implementation of industry solutions based on the 1C:Enterprise platform for financial and insurance companies

Company status: 1C: Franchisee

The ORTIKON® Group company specializes in the release and maintenance of industry solutions based on the standard "1C: Enterprise Accounting" (hereinafter - BP) for companies in the financial segment: insurance and investment organizations, non-state pension funds, etc. Our company is the official partner of 1C for the implementation of software products of the 1C:Enterprise system.

After the release of new releases of a typical PSU, we needed to perform additional scenario testing of the industry solutions we released. The tester manually went through all the main operations, which each time took more than 6 hours. He also needed time to correct the identified errors. New releases for BP come out quite often, and therefore we were faced with the task of reducing the costs of the regular testing process.

At one of the 1C partner seminars, we learned about the 1C: Automatic Configuration Testing software product. It met all our requirements, and in 2012 we acquired the program in order to simplify the process of testing released industry solutions.

We had concerns only about the complexity of launching the product into commercial operation and the fact that it could solve the testing problems incorrectly or not in full. In fact, the program meets our needs, tests the configurations fully automatically and generates reports upon completion of the work:

  • About errors found in the configuration.
  • About procedures and functions that could not be called automatically, indicating possible reasons.
  • About the events of the objects that were tested, with an indication of their execution time.

Benefits we have received:

  • Optimization of the update release process.
  • Minimization of costs for the testing process: thanks to the program, testing takes 1-2 hours.
  • Releasing specialists from manual testing: programmers only need to analyze the reports generated by the program and correct the identified errors.

Thanks to 1C-IzhTiSi for a software product that allows us to produce high-quality industry solutions.

Belanov Dmitry Vladimirovich,

The solution is designed to automate accounting, tax and management accounting in a leasing company.

Basic delivery includes: platform "1C:Enterprise 8". . a complete set of documentation, a license to use the configuration (hardware protection key), license to use the system "1C:Enterprise 8"(hardware protection key) per workstation.

Delivery includes configuration "Ortikon: Leasing. Accounting". configuration documentation, license to use configuration(hardware protection key) per workstation. The delivery is intended for users who have previously purchased 1C: Accounting 8 or other products of the 1C: Enterprise 8 system.

To expand the number of workplaces, users of Orticon: Leasing. Accounting can purchase the required number of additional single-user and multi-user configuration licenses, client licenses for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, as well as a license to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 server.

Product functionality

The configuration "Ortikon: Leasing. Accounting" is released on the basis of a typical configuration 1C: Accounting 2.0, for the complex automation of the activities of leasing companies: accounting, tax and operational accounting that apply the general taxation system.

  • Keeping records of several organizations in a single information base
  • The chart of accounts can be customized by the user, while the added accounts will be used by standard system documents (you can change account numbers, set new types of subconto)
  • The ability to filter information by several conditions to generate reports, lists of directories and documents

In subsystem accounting for leasing operations

  • Accounting for leasing agreements both with the transfer of fixed assets to the balance of the lessee, and without transfer;
  • Accounting for schedules of receipt of leasing payments with the ability to load schedules from external files or using the built-in assistant;
  • Support for flexible change of schedules;
  • The ability to enter additional agreements to leasing agreements provides storage of not only the current state of the leasing agreement, but also the entire history of the agreement;
  • Built-in leasing calculator;
  • Automated billing;
  • Document flow that ensures the transfer of fixed assets to leasing, the return of fixed assets from leasing and the transfer of ownership of fixed assets to the lessee;
  • Flexibility in setting up accounting accounts used in accounting for leasing transactions.

Under leasing agreements:

  • The leasing agreement stores the entire history of the maintenance of the agreement
  • Changes to the terms of the contract are made by additional agreements
  • From the contract, it is possible to see both the current data of the contract and the status of any additional agreement
  • Setting up an accounting policy offers several options for generating postings for contracts with transfer to the balance of the lessee
  • Conclusion of a leasing agreement (document "Leasing agreement")
  • Registration of an unlimited number of additional agreements to the leasing agreement (document "Additional agreement")
  • Receipt of fixed assets to the lessor (document "Receipt of goods and services")
  • Acceptance for accounting of fixed assets transferred to leasing (document "Acceptance for accounting of fixed assets")
  • Transfer of fixed assets to the lessee (document "Transfer of fixed assets to leasing")
  • Accrual of lease payments, automatic invoicing and execution of documents "Sale of goods and services" (document "Account of lease payments")
  • Calculation of depreciation on fixed assets on the balance sheet of the lessor (document "Regulated operation")
  • Write-off of deferred expenses (document "Regulatory transaction")
  • Write-off of deferred income (document "Write-off of deferred income")
  • Return of fixed assets from leasing (document "Return of fixed assets from leasing")
  • Sale of fixed assets under a leasing agreement (document "Sale of fixed assets under a leasing agreement")

In subsystem accounting for loans and credits the following functionality is supported:

  • Storing information on a loan or loan, taking into account the history of its change;
  • Flexible setup of accounts for loans and credits;
  • Operations of receipt, repayment and accrual of interest on received loans or credits;
  • Operations of issuance, repayment and accrual of interest on issued loans;
  • Transactions of transfer of issued loans (assignment of the right to claim) under an assignment agreement.

The configuration "Ortikon: Leasing. Accounting" is not independent, for its operation it is necessary to have the standard configuration "Enterprise Accounting" installed on the "1C: Enterprise 8.2" platform.

The configuration contains closed sections of code and is protected using the configuration protection and licensing system.

In 2015, a new regulator appeared on the market of financial organizations - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. He replaced the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has changed the accounting and reporting procedures for non-credit financial institutions in Russia. For companies in the industry, this means a change in the chart of accounts, a change in the procedure for accounting for business transactions and reporting forms from January 1, 2017. The list of non-credit financial enterprises (hereinafter referred to as NFOs) includes participants in the securities market (brokers, dealers, managers, registrars), investment fund managers, specialized depositories, joint-stock and non-state pension funds, insurance companies, etc.

Microfinance organizations and consumer cooperatives have been given a delay until the beginning of 2018. And “Day X” for pawnshops and agricultural credit cooperatives will come only in 2019.

The draft amendments are presented in Regulations No. 486-P "On the Chart of Accounts and the procedure for its application in non-bank financial organizations" and No. 487-P "Industry standard for accounting for income, expenses and other comprehensive income of non-bank financial organizations" and provides for the obligation to keep records according to the Unified Chart of Accounts (CAP), developed on the principles of IFRS and close to those used in banks.

The requirements affect specific procedures and tasks:

  • Maintenance of the Unified Chart of Accounts;
  • Organization of analytical accounting on personal accounts;
  • Automatic generation of personal accounts;
  • Control and transfer on paired accounts;
  • Formation of reporting;

For more details on changes in accounting and reporting of non-bank financial organizations, see, for example.

Failure to comply with the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation may lead to the loss of a license for the main activity.

Where to start and how to implement the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation?

Probably, it is possible (and in some cases, it is necessary) to attract relevant professionals to the company's staff - IFRS accountants or expert-level financial consultants. But now in the country almost no one does bookkeeping “on the knee”, everyone has long been using automation tools: accounting, financial computer programs. It is clear that the new requirements affect, first of all, the accounting software systems of the enterprise, as the main ones, and in small companies, the only means for keeping records and reporting. They, first of all, must comply with the new rules and requirements. They need to be improved and changed. And whether the attracted specialists and consultants, plus good programmers, will cope in less than six months is a question.

In order to help non-credit financial institutions modernize their accounting systems in a short time and with high quality, several IT companies have developed and launched special software products on the market. Most of of these solutions was created on the 1C 8 platform. And this is not surprising. After all, according to IDC 83% automated places in Russia, 1C software products are used.

To automate NFO accounting on the 1C platform, there are the following solutions:

Within the framework of this article, I offer a small critical review of the presented programs. Of course, there are other offers on the market from various vendors and companies. But, in my humble opinion, it will be difficult for them to compete with the programs below.

Currently, all software solutions are "raw" to a certain extent. The reason for this is not laziness or low qualification of developers, but the lack of clear detailed requirements of the financial regulator, which (requirements) are still being formed and will be refined. But this does not mean that it is necessary to postpone the introduction of programs for more late deadline. You just need to carefully choose systems that have the prospect of quality support and further updates, like any accounting program.

Companies that rely on significant sales volumes at affordable prices offer their programs and documentation for them in the well-known "yellow box" with the 1C logo. But this is not a boxed product, in the marketing sense of the word. Which is installed and can already be used. The program from 1C-Rarus, for example, provides for the option of transferring data from 1C: Accounting 8 PROF rev. 3, but not everyone has PROF. With other versions of accounting programs, you will already have to tinker a little to find the best way to transfer. In this case, you will need an experienced IT specialist. The transfer of securities accounting data is even more difficult - a specialist with relevant experience is definitely needed here.

The greatest difficulties in implementation will arise in the methodology of working with the product. Unfortunately, the reality is that not everyone, even those with experience in a bank or with IFRS, is able to quickly understand the new software functionality. In this case, he will also have to take the help of an experienced consultant.

In the work of each company there are features that will require improvements in a typical product. You can put up with something, some can be abandoned without compromising business processes. But some may be of fundamental importance for effective work and interaction within and outside the financial block of the company. In such cases, the invitation of an experienced IT consultant and programmer will also be the best choice.
Below I offer a description, in my opinion, of the above products.

1C-Rarus: Non-credit financial institution, edition 1

The developer, as the name implies, 1C-Rarus is one of the leading 1C franchisees, well known for its many industry solutions and product quality. The universal solution for non-credit financial companies has a very important extension, which is not noticeable in competitors - this is the presence of an additional module "Accounting for securities".

1C: Accounting of a non-credit financial organization CORP (1C:BNFO).

The developer, IT Capital, is a 1C partner in products for the financial sector, a provider of solutions based on the 1C platform for banks. The experience accumulated in this area allowed the company to make a strong, solid product that received the support of 1C. 1C:BNFO has the status "1C: Jointly" - the rights to it were transferred to the company "1C" for additional guarantees for development and support. Quality assurance from the largest Russian vendor. An obvious minus is that the basic BNFO has only general business accounting, there is no accounting for specialized tasks, for example, accounting for securities.

Orticon: EPS. Basic delivery rev.1

The developer, the Ortikon company, specializes in automating insurance, investment companies and funds, as well as other financial market organizations. But the presentation of the solution on the site leaves me a bit bewildered. There is a competent description of the functions of the product, a clear price list. But for some reason, their website states that "prices are valid until June 31, 2015." This marketing policy raises certain questions. It can be assumed that Orticon developed the product, but sales "did not go" and the product was forgotten.

Homnet: NFO

Developer, Homnet Consulting - 16 years of experience in automation of international companies. And it offers, judging by the description, a very worthy product. BUT, at a completely uncompetitive price - 1,500,000 rubles.

A summary analysis of the systems is presented in the table.

1C-Rarus: NFO


Orticon: EPS

Homnet: NFO


Any NFO.
For insurance companies and NPFs, further development is required.

Large and medium NFIs.
The program does not reflect the specifics of certain types of activities of NFOs (the securities market, insurance companies, etc.). Special solutions are required.

All types of NFO

All types of NFO

demo version

by request on the website

on the application on the site (but there was no answer)

Basic solution price (1 user), rub.

1,500,000 (Corporate delivery with methodological case "Financial (accounting) reporting for a non-credit financial organization"

Price of the module Accounting for securities (1 user), rub.


Requires 1C: Accounting 8 PROF, purchased additionally (if not).

1C:Accounting 8 CORP is included in the delivery

The development is an addition to Ortikon Group's industry solutions for the financial market, and can also be used with 1C: Accounting 8.

The software product can be used as a separate infobase or integrated into the current system enterprises: "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8" ed. 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, 3.0


For integration with other information systems standard mechanisms of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform are used and improvements on individual projects.

For integration with other information systems, standard mechanisms of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform are used


Maintenance of users of the basic version is carried out using technology support packages: KORP, PROF and Basic (135,000, 67,000 and 45,000 rubles). Support for users who have purchased the "Securities Accounting" add-on to the main supply is carried out using technology support packages: CORP, PROF and Basic (202,000, 100,000 and 67,000 rubles).

Maintenance and support of users is carried out under the contract 1C: ITS with the activated service 1C: ITS Industry 3rd Category - 48,000 rubles. per year, in addition to one of the main contracts 1C: ITS (ITS PROF - 35,592 rubles, ITS Techno - 15,036 rubles per year)

The cost of support is calculated individually based on the results of the analysis of the Customer's accounting system.

Optimized for greater performance and speed

Declared, but real - ?

No data

No data


The expansion of the number of automated workstations is carried out by purchasing client licenses for both the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and client licenses for the configuration "Accounting for a non-credit financial organization KORP".

To work in the client-server mode, you need to purchase a license to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 server.

Cons, disadvantages, comments

For insurance companies and NPFs, the program needs to be finalized.

The program does not reflect the specifics various kinds activities of NFIs (the market of the Central Bank, insurance companies, etc.). Special solutions are required at higher prices.

price - 1,500,000 rubles.

Prices are a separate issue. The minimum price of the program for non-credit financial institutions is 80,000 rubles. (for 1 user, without securities). Those who want to immediately see, evaluate, ask and buy - see. It cannot be said that the price is budget. For small companies and startups - high. But not prohibitive either, good software from well-known developers costs more. But here is a special case: non-credit financial institutions, of which there are about 3,000 in Russia, according to my calculations, are faced with a tough choice: implement the purchased program or close. It is possible that companies can invite programmers and write the program themselves. But good programmers are expensive, and the results of implementation can be quite questionable.


First. It is rather difficult to implement the task of full-fledged implementation of “boxed” products for non-bank financial institutions on our own, without the help of an external consultant, in a fairly short time frame. Companies - developers simply can not cope with such a flow of tasks in a short time. How to proceed in this case? It is not necessary to stand in a long line to the creators of the considered programs, but you can find a company with experience in implementing and adapting similar solutions for financial companies. It is desirable that the company has experience in developing IFRS accounting methodology and consulting in the accounting and financial field.

Second and Main: There is no fundamental difference between the software products for the transition to a new chart of accounts for non-credit financial institutions. And it cannot be, due to the uniqueness of the initial requirements and the same 1C platform on which they are developed. But in implementation and further development even of the same product, there may be a significant difference, which is due to “company features”. And the point here is not only in subtle industry specifics: for example, the difference in the business of an investment fund and an insurer. Different initial 1C options (platforms, configurations), staff skill levels, different business sizes, completely different management models (from a “family” business and a start-up to a corporation), perhaps regional differences, and, finally, different financial capabilities can determine very different approaches to the implementation and adaptation of the solution. My advice is not WHAT to implement and develop, but HOW. Look for a consultant with good real-world experience in a flexible individual approach to the client. Which in the first place is not money, but the result that brings them. So that the costs of such “forced” automation bring you income, in the long run.

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